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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49282187 No.49282187 [Reply] [Original]

How will /vt/ react when Pikamee shows up in vshojo on Saturday?

>> No.49282289

good for her, but she will in shit tier like nazuna, or even worse

>> No.49282306

I will finally have to kneel one knee as I slowly touch myself, but no more than that.

>> No.49282332

Non-stop "Everyone Makes Mistakes" posting until either one of them graduates.

>> No.49282382

Retarded decision if tru

>> No.49282393

Laugh uncontrollably at keksharts, since she's not joining

>> No.49282445

she'll get a better experience than nazuna since she can actually interact with the other vshitshows, but given they've given purplemee membership stuff already and monetisation the likelihood is she will be twitch restricted too

>> No.49282486

Nonstop shitposting, though in fairness this will also be the reaction if it isn't pikamee, as well as the reaction to basically everything

>> No.49282511
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>> No.49282516

I'd be happy for pika if it is her but I'm still not convinced it is.

>> No.49282527


>> No.49282563
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>> No.49282575
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>gets harassed by the alphabet people
>gets gaslighted into joining the company ran by the alphabet people
I like Pikamee, but I just don't get it. If it's true, that is.
Surely she'll get some hate, but certainly much less than kson got for joining vshojo, and definitely MUCH LESS for trying to play the wizard game (which she won't be allowed to play in vshojo anyway).
I'd be less surprised if it was actually Haachama joining in.

>> No.49282620

Wish her good luck in her endeavour in VSJ+ but I ain't gonna support her for being a sell out

>> No.49282629

Holospy here
VOMScord believe she really is Pikamee.

>> No.49282877

One more reason for me to avoid that V company altogether

>> No.49282960

the vshojo antis are gonna be pissed but the wizard game trains are the worst ones, when they figure out they never pushed her away for good they will go ballistic

>> No.49282962

It’s obviously Haachama

>> No.49282969

I never watched that whore so I don't care.

>> No.49283146

Honestly I already feel sorry for her if she turns out to be not Pika and people drop her as hot pockets as she reveals her voice when in actuatility it is Pikamee but she changed her voice so much that Noone recognizes her anymore but she can't say it because vtuber stuff
At least that's what the voices in my head tell me

>> No.49283334

Nah, trains have damaged frontal lobe, their attention span is comparable to a fruit fly. They just hate whatever's popular right now.

>> No.49283367

cover never announced her termination, if it was her vshitshow would get sued

>> No.49283418

she's gonna say dayo and it will all be over

>> No.49283881

Imagine being in her shoes right now. Vshojo just had 3 people up and leave, saying the contract wasn't good and you just signed it last month. Your "friend" that convinced you to join is doing mental gymnastics on twitter to justify her decision and shittalks one of the groups that have your friends, which results in collabs being banned between you.

>> No.49283997

I'd feel extremely bad for VOMS

>> No.49284013

If it's her, she'll probably say otsupika on her first stream

>> No.49284097

It’s really funny how people will say “she should have joined holo” or “should have stayed indie” or “nooo not vshitshow”
but no one, not even the falseflaggers will say “she should have joined Niji”

>> No.49284157


>> No.49284337

did you ever try to consider that different people with different goals living in different countries with different laws who signed different contracts with a different company might feel differently about their contracts?

>> No.49284360


>> No.49284585

You don't give a shit about VOMS

>> No.49284787

it still sucks regardless, Pikamee was a pillar of the EN vtubers and to leave and get her content nuked just to join a controversial vtuber group full of drama and people that hate wizard game because she really believed in kson's lies, it's really sad

I wish gyari would have just let her go with the model and it wouldn't hurt so much. I feel pika doesn't realise what she's truly got herself into and thinks everyone will love her in vshojo when there's gonna be people who won't accept it.

>> No.49284855

there were people who did until they got exposed

>> No.49284905

>joining le bad company is bad because she's gonna be harassed by me for joining le bad company

>> No.49285004

It was dead the moment Magnet got killed

>> No.49285063

>anon discovers the mindset of antis on /vt/
Protip: They don't actually care about Pikamee or what she wants.

>> No.49285079

You never watched pika a day in your life

>> No.49285155

you did?

>> No.49285183

you don't need to watch someone to make bait about them

>> No.49285237

At least she'll get to do something with her again.
Nah I used to watch them a lot, I felt bad she got hate over the isekai model and the wizard game stuff denying us of a few more months left was sickening. I just hate vshojo as a company and what they did to damage the western vtubing scene.

>> No.49285277

This is going to be the funniest part, I saw some people celebrating that they killed the "transphobic" silver and now they will have Pikamee that had the same type of drama

>> No.49285393

I wonder if that will ever happen, would be very kino. Pikamee and TMSK were very sad when it happened and it killed their motivation for a good while.

>> No.49285398

I'm just going to laugh seeing globalfags and /vt/ in general start to hate on her just because she decided to join the "bad" company.

Just like with Kson two years ago, all those threads full of sad tears and defending her against shitposting will be for nothing as /vt/ turns on her and treats her just like they do to Kson, Nazuna, or any niji.

>> No.49285812

wizard game tourism was the fucking worst i dont want to see any of that shit again

>> No.49285943

I will anti her if it the rumors are true. She would have abandoned her friends for Kson, on top of making a retarded business decision; absolutely deplorable behaviour,

>> No.49286020

Literally only because Kson is there, thats all she has reason to join for

>> No.49286043
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>They collab
>They barely can contain themselves and try to mask it by saying "This is the first we're meeting but I'm very glad to see you" before almost crying
I would not care if she was in vshitshow if this happens

>> No.49286165

Believe whatever the voices want you to believe, schizochama

>> No.49286304

Des montagnes s'écrouleront, des nations se fissureront,
Les maisons se briseront, les peuples crieront,
Car c'est le temps qui a été prédit par de nombreuses générations, mais le présent révélera la vérité.

>> No.49286332
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lmao, you retards.
The one joining is...

>> No.49286451

I can’t believe Haachama is joining the whores tomorrow

>> No.49286510

She finished streaming two hours ago, anon.

>> No.49286934

>She would have abandoned her friends for Kson
You are making up scenarios in your mind. None of them felt betrayed or abandoned.

>on top of making a retarded business decision
that's yet to be seen but is hardly a reason to become an anti.

>> No.49287186

>You are making up scenarios in your mind
I’m not.
>that's yet to be seen but is hardly a reason to become an anti.
It’s not rocket science; why go to vshojo where she’ll be just another vtuber that speaks both English and Japanese, when she was the big fish at VOMS. It makes zero sense.

>> No.49287669

>I’m not.
Ok then show real evidence.

>It’s not rocket science; why go to vshojo where she’ll be just another vtuber that speaks both English and Japanese, when she was the big fish at VOMS. It makes zero sense.
Well first it's actual deplorable behavior to anti a vtuber you liked because they made a bad business decision. This is something that can always happen no matter how well you educate yourself on the subject at hand.

There are many possible reasons why Pika may join Vshojo, for example they are able to hold concerts provide more sponsorships etc.
We'll never know her situation as good as herself so don't pretend like you are fully aware of all the variables.

>> No.49289224

Vaguely hope that she gets worse numbers than when she was in VOMS.

>> No.49291160

The boards gonna burn alright

>> No.49291267

She went from a place that did something for her to a place that will do nothing for her under the guise of Ksharts vision for vtubing that has been proven to be a literal joke anyways

>> No.49291384

If it ends up being her, /vt/ will have lost all credibility after that Hogwarts fiasco. Spamming threads everyday about how Pikamee was harassed nonstop that turned out to be a nothingburger.

>> No.49291563

she would have to be the most retarded human of all times to join them after the Silver thing

>> No.49291596

I will laugh so fucking hard lol

>> No.49291664

she would have signed the contract before the whole Vshojo thing came to light and multiple people left

>> No.49291696

Wash your wound, troon, you're "having your period" again

>> No.49291891
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Take your pick.

>> No.49291934

What's her average in VOMS?

>> No.49292001

>Bringing up Niji for no reason
I guess I know who made this card.

>> No.49292007

How about not trying to gaslight me into believing le"troon wars". Next time u better have hard proof before I believe anything ever again after claiming Hogwarts forced Pikamee to graduate.

>> No.49292012

Depends. On YT it was in the high hundreds, sometimes broke 1k. Idk what Twitch numbers were.

>> No.49292195

>gets harassed by the alphabet people
I don't know to what degree she was harassed, but it was definitely not the reason for her graduation. It had been decided in advance.
>gets gaslighted into joining the company ran by the alphabet people
Pikamee has never given two shits about the US cultural civil war. Lately she was doing almost only react content on Twitch, so it makes sense for her to go there. Unless she wants to quit vtubing (unlikely, because she likes it and can't do shit else) or go indie (unlikely, because of Japan's "mah company mah life") then Vshit is the best choice. Not to mention it's where her most valued sempai Kson works.
I think there's a good chance we'll see her tomorrow with a new persona, in which case I'll definitely cheer for her and watch her.

>> No.49292231

No hate, I would simply be impressed. That would mean they negotiated a contract, commissioned a new design and model, created a whole lore video, prepped assets and artwork, (presumably) designed debut merch and did all the other behind the scenes work prepping for a corporate debut in just two months.

>> No.49292283
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>Pikamee has never given two shits about the US cultural civil war
She hasn't, yet she was dragged into this shit. Either way, I wish her all the best, be it in vshojo, or anywhere else.

>> No.49292348

It was a natural assumption, retard, and her Twitter likes at the time confirmed that she was harassed by people over HL. Just because it wasn't the main reason she graduated doesn't mean those shitters were justified in fucking with her in her last days.

>> No.49292519

Again, her graduation and new contract were finalized months ago. The HP drama had nothing to do with it. As a Japanese, she would never quit VOMS before having secured a place in another company.

>> No.49293003

>get her content nuked
This sucks. We have archive bros, but most people don't. Why would she pay the price of having her entire career erased from the public face of the Internet? That's a hefty price to pay, so she must be getting something hefty in exchange. Maybe a raise in her share of donations from puny% to 100% and the assurance she will never get her content erased and her model taken away again?

>> No.49293379
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Just because she didn't quit because of the harassement doesn't mean that there was no harassement. There was an entire month between her cancelling her stream and announcing her graduation. That's an entire month of her fans being upset about her being attacked before there was any speculation about why she was graduating. (Twitter people are still seething now.)

>> No.49293490

>I like Pikamee, but I just don't get it.
Kson managed to somehow manage to get Michaelangelo Feline in there despite her being quite literally the exact opposite of everything that whole company wanted to go for with literally connections to anyone in the Japanese side of vtubing.

Shit on Kson all you want, but clearly she's blessed with a silver tongue to get people into deals that fucking shit.

>> No.49293527

She has always wanted to go further beyond what she had. She wanted to do stuff like 3d streams, but GYARI is a slowpoke who wanted to learn 3d himself before she could do it.

>> No.49293859

Of course this faggot has his account protected now. It's funny how they like to talk so much shit, but can't handle it when people bite back.

>> No.49294044

I didnt make any mistakes, Im just surrounded by retards

>> No.49294169

/vt/? Probably mild annoyance from those who don't watch her anyway, happiness from most of those who do
/pol/ posters pretending to be from here will have a nuclear meltdown that I am indescribably eager to enjoy.

>> No.49294244

pikamee fans will mostly be happy she's returning
vshojo fans will be happy to have a solid new hire
the catalog will be spammed for days with bait and shitposts
nothing more, nothing less

>> No.49294277

>Sorry for being silent for almost a month.
>Thank you so much for all your support and the kind words you guys gave me while I was gone.
>I am a lucky kettle to have people like you

I remember that during her first mengen she talked about how a lot of other vtubers gave her support but that she was afraid to acknowledge them publically because she didn't want them to get hate. IIRC her second-to-last or last mengen she said that she spent most of her break at her parents' place and didn't check her Pikamee accounts.

>> No.49294481

I just want the best for Pikamee after all that happened

>> No.49294529


>> No.49294582

>Ok then show real evidence.
he can't get the evidence out of his head

>> No.49294611

>Lately she was doing almost only react content on Twitch
I feel like everyone that parrots this dropped her during the react content arc and just assumed that’s all she did afterwards.

>> No.49294762
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Looking forward to our lovable little dolphin's signoff phrase "otsuya" and hearing stories about her cat Tebukuro, her friend Agoya and her parents Mamaya and Papaya!

>> No.49294854

>Don't NTR me with Papaya!

>> No.49295388

>Papapa with Papaya!

>> No.49295661

Honestly Im ok with it as long as she creates a YouTube account, I will not watch twitch.

>> No.49295887


>> No.49296038

There was almost 0 interaction between Nazuna and VhoujoEN and if this continues with the Pikame, I'll be fine with her debut there

>> No.49296286
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If it is Pikamee, will she collab with magnet?

>> No.49296331

I doubt it is but if Pikamee really did join, I'd feel bad for her fans.
This would mean she just lost interest in what she cultivated and not in streaming itself.

>> No.49296399

kinda like your picture coincidentally

>> No.49296582

Considering Vshojo took in Nazuna after all factors, maybe.

>> No.49296630

Fine really.
Dramafags are going to try to pull blood from a stone though.
Epexct threads like
>I thought /vt/ said it wasnt going to be pikamee?
>People cried for her
>trannies won
>Is VOMS dead now?
typical shit

>> No.49297511

I for one am very happy that she continued streaming

>> No.49297675


>> No.49297728
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shame it had to be for the whore company with froot in it though, if it was somewhere like idol or phase the roof would explode in happiness

>> No.49297778

Noticed his halo

>> No.49297871

I will continue to not care. Next question.

>> No.49298195

it's inevitable, just compare Rushia before and after joining VSJ

>> No.49298251

I'm glad she's not being controlled by kikes tho

>> No.49298321

Oi vey nobody gives a shit about your penny pincher corpo

>> No.49298344

Anon stop being obtuse
You know that was because of the ayy lmao fiasco and not because she joined vshojo

>> No.49298695

explain KSon, then

>> No.49298848

NTA but she had lke 3-3.5k on her zatsus before chinks happened.
You ca subtract like 1k of the Holo brand watchers and numbers fits

>> No.49298893

I'll just feel bad for her. A bullied girl being forced to join the bully gang.

>> No.49298948
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wrong corpo

>> No.49298986

Did you forget that Kson was an indie for a good while before joining vshojo?
Numbers are still consistent from that period of time
Not much growth tho

>> No.49302452

I say all of these things and they're true

>> No.49302560


>> No.49304609

So you are the same with Henri schizo then.

>> No.49304709

What if they collab with TMSK in the future?

>> No.49304811

You can hate vshojo and not be like Henri.
If kson never got blacklisted from collabbing with VOMS as seen recently then TMSK will likely have something in the future, same with the magnet.

>> No.49304932

No clue if it applies to you personally or not but anybody who antis Pika over joining Vshojo is definitely a Henri

>> No.49305000

You think like Henri. You are the same level with Henri

She just collabed with Gyari and VOMs recently. Watch stream retard

>> No.49305090

Somehow Henri hates Vshojo and Not-Pika joining Vshojo.

Hello Henri

>> No.49305106

I literally just said she never got blacklisted, retard.
It's sad that people seriously think if you don't like vshojo, you are like Henri.

>> No.49305168
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Every time I see Henya I keep on reading it as Henri, damnit.

>> No.49305443

She's not pikamee now what..

>> No.49305617

Love her
I like her Shirogaki vibe ftom her.

>> No.49305726

Leaving aside how fucking dumb you have to be to think she will leave an upcoming billion doller franchise, since she hasn't graduated or been terminated it's not possible

>> No.49305760

doesn't change a thing
mating press

>> No.49306386

Really? How do you know that?

>> No.49309617

People will still get mad because of the scam auditions that went nowhere.

>> No.49313550

falseflagging dramafaggotry
same as nazuna

>> No.49313666

will you kneel when she's revealed to be pikamee?

>> No.49314316

>I will anti her
You are as mentally ill as the people you are angry about. Seek help.

>> No.49314417

auditions have nothing to do with JP

>> No.49316638

Neck yourself kiwifarms holotrannie.

>> No.49316986

Disappointed the same way when Kson joined. Even more so because she's in the same company as Froot. But it's also whatever.
If twitter freaks haven't started shitflinging yet, they're gonna make as big a ruckus as they can over Vshojo hiring "a known pedophile" (their words).

>> No.49317053

Oh the cops paid him a visit too. He's on a watchlist for sure.

>> No.49318562

Basedshark is a mod

>> No.49319178

Her Twitch streams were regularly 1500 or more

>> No.49319288

Oh yeah Pika would have a great time being colleagues with Pipkin fucking Pippa
Surely nothing bad would happen as a result

>> No.49319379

>If kson never got blacklisted
The problem is "if" which presents the statement as a hypothetical. You are implying that she did get blacklisted.
The more appropriate word would be "since" or "because."

There's your English lesson for the day.

>> No.49319506

Would people really care? Her last popular era was 2020.

>> No.49319893
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How come all the vtuber corpos are ran by devious orientals?

>> No.49320072

I'll be back tomorrow to check up on you

>> No.49320152

Why people are saying Haachama? I'm out of the JP loop.

>> No.49320823

She's been MIA and incommunicado for 2+months. Last official word was that she was very, very ill (covid, then the flu).
Considering it's now early academic year and she's failed everything in the years up till now it wouldn't be surprising if her parents didn't give her the ultimatum: uNeil you fix your shit, no more streaming.

>> No.49322205
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Which one is that?

>> No.49324533

he's not a mod
but he was spamming emotes in her offline chat earlier >>49282547
he also has been doing henya art in discord according to some voms anons
