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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50919150 No.50919150 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did some western vtuber fans become so fanatical that every interaction between females and males is seen as a complete disaster? I watched vtubers since hololives gen 4 debute (I know, not a long time), and I never felt that type of animosity from JP fans. They cared ONLY if a vtuber has a boyfriend, but never if some girls sometimes collabed with stars for example. You could see a few posts here and there on 2ch about it but nothing major.
Did vtubing just become a new refuge for /r9k/ mongoloids that sperg out over every little thing?

>> No.50919208

Because it keeps on happening, before vtubers I thought a woman not dealing with males would an easy thing and the easiest job in the world, now I see that it's almost impossible, women can't live without sucking dicks.

>> No.50919209
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Fuck you Taiga!!! Stop cockblocking my Mion

>> No.50919226


>> No.50919289

>and I never felt that type of animosity from JP fans
Do you hang out in JP forums? Can you?

>> No.50919339

>You could see a few posts here and there on 2ch about it but nothing major
Can you fucking read?

>> No.50919480

>gen 4
That's your problem. Nips went much harder against homos when they got announced and debuted. At point you joined things already mostly settled down.

>> No.50919540

You don't speak Japanese of course you wouldn't know

>> No.50919560

Yeah it stings when you find out that women actually put out, but not for you

>> No.50919621

I don't believe you.

>> No.50920159

Did it take things this fucking long to settle down?

>> No.50920182

go back

>> No.50920194

Miyabi got legit death threats and people banging on his door

>> No.50920200

Were JP homos as bad as EN ones?

>> No.50920217

No, but western fans are known to timeloop.
Just look how stale our memes are. They were made 2years ago and people still pretend they are the hot new shit.

>> No.50920333

Why? The answer is simple. Almost every male vtuber is a genunely insufferable fuckhead that ruins every stream they're a part of.
Yet some companies insist on forcing them into the things we enjoy.
There, that's your answer why most of us hate them and shit on them.

Any and all truly talented charismatic males in the west go on to either be flesh streamers or faceless streamers, the losers trying to carve a niche are the ones who try to become vtubers. This is a stark contrast to the jp scene where being a vtuber is the standardised format so you have plenty of choice for talented and charismatic entertaining males to watch.

>> No.50921594

I'd say there are a variety of issues, one of them being that Mori poisoned the well with those anitubers - I wouldn't want anybody to get involved with people like that, male or female.
Another is the cultural difference, like how when a JP streamer has a sponsored stream you'll see the viewers bend over backwards to proclare their love for "product" and how they'll buy a couple dozen. Don't think everything that's being said (or not said) is genuinely felt.
An important aspect is professionalism, which is sorely lacking in the EN sphere in general. I'd say the majority of EN streamers can't be trusted to keep interactions professional or take their job serious.

>> No.50922265

Don't use Mio for your shitpost nigger, not even worth a (You)

>> No.50922633

No. But Cover also didn't have "brilliant" idea back then to replace girls gen with homos...
The biggest damage in EN weren't collabs. It was Tempus 2 announcement.
It's taking so long in EN sphere because we don't have EN3 that could took attention.

>> No.50922688

I've been watching longer than you have and the JP Homos weren't pushed nearly as hard/didn't ruin the girls like they did EN. The only one that sucked homo dick hard was Matsuri and she has a whole host of other issues besides that.

>> No.50922774

>4th gen
The one with super idol fan Amane "Unicorn Queen" Kanata?
Whose oshi was Hololives' "Generation Wide Promise From Near-Debut To Never Collab With Men" 3rd Generations' Uruha "Won't Acknowledge Homostars Even Exist" Rushia?

>> No.50922845
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because they don't actually care about vtubers, they care about drama. observe the catalog for any amount of time and you'll start to see cycles
>bitching about the homos
>bitching about mori, gura, kiara, etc
>bitching about numbers, stocks
>bitching about twitter faggots
>bitching about small corpos, idol, pc, etc
it's like the fucking weather, they never get bored and as soon as people stop responding to one drama they'll start up another one

>> No.50923059

>homo seethe threads
>gura seethe threads
these two examples will always shit up the board. So yeah sounds about right

>> No.50923274

Lonely men don't want to see other men score.

>> No.50923623

Trust me, everyone believes you.

>> No.50923682

Roberu literally said no more Hololive collabs for about two years due to antis because he was collabing with Fubuki and Matsuri.

>> No.50923692

I say that people in general tend to be jealous and bitter and dont like seeing couples together.

>> No.50923845

>Did vtubing just become a new refuge for /r9k/ mongoloids that sperg out over every little thing?
That's an element of it. Another is that /a/'s casuals who exclusively watch cgdct decided to get into watching vtubers and you can always trust casuals to act retarded and think retarded.

>> No.50923906

This is a drama shitposter board for Southeast Asian underaged bans and feigning idol schizo shit is an easy way to make even the slightest thing seem like some huge faux pas

>> No.50923934

I don't care if she has a boyfriend but I do care if she collabs with males on stream
It breaks the pact between the idol and the viewer

>> No.50923964

>and I never felt that type of animosity from JP fans.
Lol. Lmao. The western homos are lucky they didn't have to deal with the open harassment and rejection of the first holostars gen. Now they just get largely ignored.

>> No.50924045

I'm giving (You) the (You)

Fuck you for shitposting with my wolf, OP

>> No.50925166

>and I never felt that type of animosity from JP fans
Of course. The fact that 95% of holo jps are extremely reluctant when not refusing to appear with a man is pure coincidence.

>> No.50925667

>if some girls sometimes collabed with stars for example.
I only start caring when the starfags came polluting our general every few times she collabs with homostars and every time we told them to fuck off they'll parrot 'INCEL INCEL' even though we told the same thing to the girl shippers. No one in the general make noises when she collabs with opposite sex from Nijisanji or with IRL celebs

>> No.50925715

JP online entertainers as a whole are actually pretty careful about not antagonizing their audience. It's not so black-and-white, the devil is in the details.
You need to understand that when nips really set their sights on someone online, they don't fuck around. Look up the Hasekara Calamity.

>This is a story of Mr. Karasawa, a self proclaimed “Expert of the internet”, belonging to Koushin Law Firm located in Tokyo. He and his surroundings ended up becoming the main victim of Japan’s most notorious internet incident to ever happen. His case, which was thought to be nothing more then a minor internet bullying case, developed into one involving over one million death threat cases against him as well as some of his clients, widespread indiscriminate ransom-ware attacks, cyber attacks on multiple organizations (including Google Japan), vandalism of his property plus other related individuals, including the relative’s graveyard, as well as multiple bombing threats, including that of the U.S. embassy.

How did all of this start? A single fucking namefag. His crime? Just pissing people off with inflammatory posts.
It doesn't matter if it 'doesn't happen often'. Because when it does it goes so far not just you but everyone you know can wind up fucked. Japanese are fucking insane if you set them off.

>> No.50926146

>You need to understand that when nips really set their sights on someone online, they don't fuck around
You literally overestimate how much it takes to set them off. Yeah they can go far but most of the time its just your usual internet trolls. That namefag you mentioned is also a literal retard, hiring an equally retarded person as his lawyer that threatened literally the whole site, not just the board the namefag trolled, of fucking course they get pissed off. This will literally never happen if the namefag just stops browsing the site as soon as he got doxxed. Gaijins have equally sick people who sent SWAT team to raid someone's house that actually causes death

>> No.50927700

Western vtuber fans are retarded

more at 11

>> No.50927787

>Did vtubing just become a new refuge for /r9k/ mongoloids that sperg out over every little thing?

>> No.50927960

>Did vtubing just become a new refuge for /r9k/ mongoloids that sperg out over every little thing?
Pretty much, yeah.
It's like they were raised under Sharia law. No normal person could equivocate interacting with the opposite gender to sex, but as far as the newfags are concerned simply breathing the same air as a male will get their oshi pregnant.

>> No.50928487

Because it gets really fucking weird when they interact at LEAST in the west.
They get very flirtatious and weird and the DYNAMIC of interaction changes away from CUTE GIRLS DOING CUTE THINGS compared to normal or collabs with their own gender and if they do GFE which generally they do since we're talking about GFE streamers or IDOLS not just some random slut with a vtuber model. It feels very unpleasant and the most important factor is that the main audience base DOES NOT ENJOY this type of content.

imagine wanting a steak dinner and paying for it, with often a LOT of money and they come to you and say tonights dinner is a gourmet burger, but it has a guys cum in it. You dont want it, its not what you came there for.
If you wanted a cum burger you would have gone to a gaybar.
I hope this analogy helps you friend.

>> No.50928584
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>> No.50929699

Korone said how she would love to get treated roughly by a man, but NOT the listener san!
I can't take her seriously after that.

>> No.50930077

35 members, 6 Collab with males, only 2 of them do it regularly
I don't know why homobeggars think JP is some sort of cuck safe heaven, the majority doesn't want male collabs the girls themselves know this, some of them have even voiced it and yet retards like you refuse to accept it.
>Inb4 they are scared of their fans bro
kys delusional cuck.

>> No.50930422

Damn, it's literally all over for yubi-yubi-bros

>> No.50930700

So when JP does it, it's cucking but when EN does it it's the fault of the homos and management.

>> No.50931372
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Partly because we westerners already have a streaming culture that's mixed, and what has that shown us? Women will literally jump from e-dick to e-dick to try and get famous, they'll sell nudes or porn they make with her boyfriends to their simps, and they'll get into relationship drama all the while.
Ecelebs proved that segregating men and women might actually be a good thing in some situations.

>> No.50931537

>You could see a few posts here and there on 2ch about it but nothing major.
You can say the same thing about the West, though. "You could see a few posts here and there on 4ch and Twitter about it but nothing major"
(Assume by "nothing major", you meant the drama. JP male collabers usually suffer the similar drops in viewership compared to their peak as ENs unless they are able to convince their fans the collab was purely business with minimal chance of romance)

>> No.50931649

If they want easy simp money then there will be backlash if they don't have the decency to keep maleshit behind the scenes.
This is the deal, and it is that simple.

>> No.50931653

NTA, but the difference is that StarsJP actually know their place and respect the line most of the time. They don't spam collabs with the girls in any sort of frequent basis so you can assume to some extents that the collabs were mostly initiated by the girls. JP management doesn't spend more time pushing them over JP girls either.
Wish I could say the same for Tempus / HoloEN management, but no.

>> No.50931720

Prior to HoloFes being a thing, no one saw Hololive members as serious idols. It was only after Cover starting hard shilling idol outfits and singing/dancing reps. Which was right around Gen 4 and didn't really get bad until Gen 5's era.
No idea what crack people are smoking to think Nijis or small corpos ever had or should follow the same guidelines.

>> No.50931770

sea is counted as west now?

>> No.50931867

>Fubuki x Oga hate arc
>Matsuri za hando arc
>Towa's male voices on stream arc
It's like you never watched JP

>> No.50932090

These chimps want to emulate what they think the average JP chuuba fan is like when it's also just a few schizos over there as well. 5ch actually makes fun of unicorns more than we do, that's how pathetic this place is. Seriously, none of these chimps that sperg out at the mention of a male collab know a lick of Japanese, and the vast majority of them just see it as an opportunity to go apeshit here like a bunch of excited monkeys throwing their shit around an enclosure, they don't actually care at all.

>> No.50932132


>> No.50932208
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>> No.50932317

t. Seething incel

>> No.50932354

your oshi guzzles cum and you bankroll it

>> No.50932372
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It's an attempt at emulating JP fans that is honestly embarrassing
Like I'd understand it being an unpopular decision if they're your literal e-girlfriend like the Kawaii girls or Rushia or whatever but sperging out over basically anyone in Hololive or especially HoloEN interacting with men is fucking ridiculous, it's the kind of behavior even actual Japanese unicorns would mock
That said most Male/Female collabs are awkward and bad and most male Vtubers are fucking shit so I don't want them to interact on that basis alone

>> No.50932393

it's a thing in jp too unless you want to act like kanata's behavior during that collab was normal

>> No.50932414

If you give money thinking you have a chance to get with an anime girl you have mental illness

>> No.50932436

Why do YOU keep randomly CAPITALIZING every other word in YOUR POST

>> No.50932480

Why are you so scared of m*les. Seems like you have some serious insecurities anon.

>> No.50932491

that's why I watch for free

>> No.50932521

Same but if I did donate it would just be to get them to read my message and to support them. Not because im so delusional I think im gonna get anime pussy.

>> No.50932552

Korone collabs with men though...

>> No.50932600

So if your not GFE and interact with males then your a slut? GFE is the sluttiest thing you can do, your whoring yourself out to thousands of people.

>> No.50932616

Are you not?
You know where we are right?
If you want the literal reason, its for emphasis

>> No.50932665

>I donate because i want them to read my message and to support them
Literal parasocial behaviour

>> No.50932739

>anon just assumes everyone is mentally ill
I see... explains a lot about this board

>> No.50932741

you know anon I like your approach, too many people are hyper obsessed with the "purity" of their streamers.

>> No.50932788

Nothing wrong with being a little parasocial as long as you can control yourself and dont act like a freak. Like demanding a vtuber never interacts with males because you gave them 5 bucks.

>> No.50932890

I’m not lonely or single and I still don’t want a to listen to a girl I don’t know and watch for entertainment drop character and spend the whole stream flirting with a guy I have no interest in.

>> No.50932937

tfw you have to honor kill your oshi because she checked out with a male cashier at the grocery store...

>> No.50932989

/hlg/ conditioned us to try too hard and it stayed after the split. we're overcompensating.

>> No.50933039


>> No.50933102

female only utopias like amazonia stay fictional because of that

>> No.50933176

I actually completely agree with you on that, that's why I generally avoid NijiEN and certain /lig/ chuubas. If they play a game with a guy once a month and keep it civil I don't really give a shit.

>> No.50933527

You know that "Pretend to be retarded, and real retards will think they're in good company" thing? Similar thing. People /here/ saw 5ch pretending to be schizo, thought it was serious, and started acting like that, but WITHOUT the irony. Combine that with the US' hatred of anything even slightly sexual, and add a dash of 'faggots who really want to inject their cuckolding fetish into literally everything', and you get an absolute hot mess. When Kanata was having her menhera meltdown before that Minecraft collab, JPs were laughing at her for how pathetic she sounded, and they laughed even more because of how she acted during it. Meanwhile, people here were praising her, calling her based, and shitting on other holos for not going to that level of 'batshit insane'.

>> No.50933590
File: 107 KB, 473x627, An+island+of+men+and+an+island+of+women+full_65a133_5822844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A female only society would collapse in literal days

>> No.50933788

Do your JP reps right now. JP unicorns are always 5000x more insane than EN unicorns. In fact, the EN side looks more like unicorn larpers in comparison.

>> No.50934247

Well it's the actual normal state. While you do your job you mind the PTO and don't full public display of affection in the face of your client, it's just plain anoying to have to hold the lantern when you come for a service. And on top of that, you can say anything you want male Vtuber give and extreme gay feeling to the viewers so there are ton of people who want to pass that like they would pass on gay porn.

>> No.50934344

>i cared only if a vtuber has a boyfr-

>> No.50934680

Watching women at all is something only losers do, so having some standards for who you watch doesn't really make you any more pathetic.

>> No.50934953

>They don't spam collabs with the girls in any sort of frequent basis so you can assume to some extents that the collabs were mostly initiated by the girls.
So what you're saying here is that most of JP would definitely be collabing with holostars if the guys started spamming invites at them.
Sorry, ENfag, but that's not how it works.

>> No.50935053

Hololive is about cute girls doing cute things. Men don't belong there. Get with the program or get the fuck out.

>> No.50935259

A miracle happened and a female dominated, non-porn streaming space opened up organically. And the first two things women do is porn, and try and make it a co-ed space. I suppose that's why it was a miracle in the first place.

>> No.50935273

Completely untrue. Most unicorns will just silently drop their oshi. The actually insane ones are worse, but they're a small minority.
The EN side are indeed LARPers even in comparison to the silent unicorns since they have no standards and will unironically forgive male collabs and even boyfriends.

>> No.50936454

JP unicorns are a shunned minority. The current fastest growing JP vtuber group is entirely made up of FPS groupies who flirt with male vtubers, fleshtubers and esports players on stream everyday.

>> No.50936710

I blame the Js for this

>> No.50936788

Mio is an old hag she can be used for anything

>> No.50937068

Vtubers are the my little bronies of the current year. Autists will literally cry when their oshi is interacting with a male.

>> No.50937194

>literal cuckold
>doesn't like car crashes
checks out

>> No.50937292

Fuck off Lanced jack. You stood me up one too many times.

>> No.50937319

Im not trying to force anyone to collab with males, you retarded sperg. Im asking why is ANY interaction with males such a big deal.
>Okayu on that comedians tv show with other guests
>Suisei collabing with a male musician strictly professionally
>Hypnotist doing his act on gen 3
are all examples of "cucking" according to some subhumans from this board. Unironically get help or neck yourself.

>> No.50937478

you didn't even read what you're replying to fuck off retard

>> No.50937544

Unicorns are so undesirable and pathetic that they know any interaction at all with a man would be more pleasant than interaction with them, so they lash out
You must understand that above all else, the unicorn mentality comes from a place of deep insecurity and self loathing. Appealing to rationality just doesn't work on fundamentally broken men

>> No.50937609

Here's the difference between 5ch and /vt/ & /jp/ in a nutshell - when a situation comes up which involves a male collab or interaction or whatever, 5ch shitposters will reach with the unicorn emoji or with sardonic comments most of the time, whereas this place will use it as an oppurtunity to larp as the most insane schizos imaginable. In adition, most people here who get pissed off do so more because they feel like their oshi or corpo has lost face in some kind of imaginary shitposting war because they've given antis and schizos "more ammo", and less because they actually think they're being cuckolded. Search your heart, you know it to be true. These people think the narrative they want to portray on this board is more important than the wellbeing of their preferred vtubers. You have the kiwifags here for just the drama who are pathetic enough, but it's another kind of low.

>> No.50938506

So falseflaggers larping as unicorns is your example? Then you need common sense to realize not everything you read online is honest. No one is serious about any of that. If someone is really bothered they just quietly leave like most people if a streamer does something they don't care for. See Vox losing over half his viewers. Except women are a lot less quiet and don't restrict grievances to /vt/.

>> No.50941492
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>Lanced Jack
Thanks for reminding me that I've been on this shithole of a website for more than a decade.

>> No.50941628
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>homoshit using Mio to push narrative
Anyways, unlike nijis like Belmond and others, western vtubers are always either trannies or sex pests, or both.
>m-muh japanese
2ch is their reddit it's mainly cucks and females

>> No.50941785

Well all I got from your post is that you seem obsessed with cum, so that says something about you I guess.
>food analogy.

>> No.50942460

A lot of it is just falseflaggers trying to bait mentally weak people into losing their shit or anti-unicorns gloating/twisting the knife.

>> No.50947480


>> No.50950327
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When in doubt, It’s the nijiniggers. Complaining about male collab? Nijinigger. Unicorns? Yup nijiniggers. anyone and everyone in hololive? Nijiniggers. Their thought process is probably, since our girl collab with male, holos should too so that we’re in same playing field. Tldr want to pull holo down to incline. Picrel

>> No.50950502

He already knew that, but he assumed if it was the choice of sucking dick or making a lot of money women would choose money. Instead women exist in a weird state where they want to gaslight people into giving them money, but also monkeybranch over to the dick.

>> No.50950537


>> No.50950622

A while I think. There were some Nips sperging out on Twitter when Watame replied to one of the Homo's tweet (I can't remember if it was Rikka or Kaoru), and Watame asked those guys why can't she talk to her coworkers in a professional manner.
The Homo did face a lot of backlash when they debuted, but since they don't grow very big it's mostly a out of sight out of mind thing. If there was a Homostar who can reach 5k reliably there will be a lot of drama I think.

>> No.50950751

Homos didn't replace jack shit you idiot. Stop pretending like that's the case

>> No.50950758
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Yeah bro you guys are overreacting, just look at NijiEN. Healthy friendships

>> No.50951038

Indisputably has been the case, they passed En3 for homos

>> No.50951050

What a silly cope. Clearly the people who eternally seethe over a woman that they'll never date or fuck collabing with a male coworker(whom will also never fuck the girl) are worse off than the people who just don't give a shit

>> No.50951109

Imagining bs in your own head and then believing it wholeheartedly is not only clear signs of insanity, it's also bitch woman behavior. Unironically get help

>> No.50951121

Nice false flag faggot now back to lereddit

>> No.50951273

So what if it keeps happening? Don't watch it if you don't like it and watch whatever you do like instead. How is this so difficult for (You) to understand?

>> No.50951348


>> No.50951459

>What a silly cope.
It's not a cope, go and tell normalfag dudes that you watch female streamers and they'll immediately think you're a pathetic simp who donates money to them.
Guys who watch female streamers are already seen as the lowest of the low.

>> No.50951940

Meanwhile, nobody cares when women watch male streamers.
Where did society go wrong?

>> No.50952236

>Source: a fucking "reality" tv show

>> No.50952710

You're posting on a containment board and you're shocked that the majority of posters are retarded?

There's a joke to be made here about shark-infested waters, but there's apparently unironic sharkunny enjoyers here.

>> No.50953655

>Giving a shit about what others think of you because of your inoffensive hobbies
Pathetic strawman and projection. have fun never making it

>> No.50953872

Who is and isn't a loser is something the majority decides, retard.
And your inbred ass doesn't even know what the fuck a strawman or projection is so shut the fuck up.

>> No.50954635

Okay sheep, or as the kids call it now, NPC.

>> No.50954856

The unicorn shit is overblown. The real reason why we don't like collabs with men is because men in the anime/vtuber sphere are the lowest garbage on planet Earth. We know this from firsthand experience.

>> No.50957366

when the ethot community came to vtubing
