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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50878063 No.50878063 [Reply] [Original]

For discussions, pictures, everything about /k/'s Dutch Tactical Gun Idol Whiskey Project and her squadron

ᗐWhiskey Projectᗐ

ᗐSleepy Projectᗐ

ᗐUmari Tomoeᗐ


ᗐArianna Foxtonᗐ

previous threads

>> No.50878329
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>> No.50878624
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For me it's Sleepy

>> No.50879350
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>Literally leaves the Netherlands to Czechia solely for the gun laws.
Marry me, my gun loving, alcoholic, Dutch Amazonian queen and you will live in America and you will never worry about gun laws ever again.

>> No.50879715 [DELETED] 

eepy love

>> No.50879794
File: 163 KB, 525x482, SleepyVT_rollingirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eepy LOVE

>> No.50880267

Going to regret this, but are any of these girls, actually /k/? Like, do they own guns and know how to use them, or is this just a gimmick with them just wearing tactical uniform.

>> No.50881295

Anon...Whiskey serves in the military, loves guns, owns guns, and can go on for hours about the navy.

>> No.50881317

sleepy is literally doing a gun cleaning handicam stream this week

>> No.50883020
File: 134 KB, 317x262, Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joke that whiskey is flat on her stream
>she takes off the vest and shows shows off her massive but still hoodie covered tits
A good sense of humor and confident in her looks.

>> No.50883943

Whiskey literally is from /k/. Confirmed.

>> No.50884033

>Gun Idols
Oh lord, there’s more of these far-right vtubers? Why don’t you faggots go back to /pol/ and /k/ instead of coming here. Guns should be ban and people shouldn’t have them. End of discussion

>> No.50884635

She is military, has military friends... And Tomoe is active US Army.

>> No.50884896

This is a cool concept for a thread but it might be hard to keep alive.

>> No.50885200

The last thread was alive for ages. But maybe we should include their friends? Like Saruei, Leaflit etc.?

>> No.50885290

Saruei is a military larper but she is very dumb and there's no way she can pretend to know about /k/ things because she doesn't seem to have an interest in that beyond her aesthetics. Leaflit is definitely a friend of Whiskey.

>> No.50885535

we can add leaflit and koopa for the next op since both of them own guns and have made gun content in the past

also, whiskey is in ninas chat now

>> No.50885568

Dutch love

>> No.50885583

Whiskey is fucking awesome. Sleepy is cool too. I haven't checked out the others yet but I will.

>> No.50885903
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Nice feet, though

>> No.50887139
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imagine that ass in the palm of your hands

>> No.50887149

in a few minutes sleepy is going to continue playing majora's mask on youtube https://www.youtube.com/@SleepyProject/featured
she streams more chill or multi episode games there and multi player on twitch

>> No.50887207

i imagine my head using it as a pillow

>> No.50887440
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Where is it, Whiskey!? WHERE IS IT!?

>> No.50887586
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>> No.50889526

Thanks for the heads up

>> No.50889549

Sleepy is very cozy streamer I watch her with asmr in the background. It's kind of nice

>> No.50889784

Great thread would support

>> No.50890007
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I can contribute with some picture

>> No.50890017

>Leaflit is definitely a friend of Whiskey.
Post her links so that the next thread will have them

>> No.50890466

Leaf is a gun nerd too. Streamed with Whiskey too.

>> No.50890533

sleepy has never played mgs, we might get another convert

>> No.50890913

That jacket screams 80s

>> No.50892495

Gun idols shows how easy it is for any woman to milk losers and simps for cash and attention but putting a surface level interest into their hobby

>> No.50892556

appearently whiskey has a patreon now. weird she hasn't advertised that on her discord. might be a fake? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=69717016

>> No.50893022

wow you figured out why vtubers play videogames

>> No.50893165

looks very recent, maybe she'll mention it on the next stream?

>> No.50893678

is that a RWBY character on the right

>> No.50893692

Anybody wanna play Tarkov?

>> No.50893764

the one with the bunny ears?

>> No.50893960


pipkin pippa /pcg

>> No.50894739

Is there a list which one is more /k/?

>> No.50895831

We should add Pippa, Lumi and Saruei as some others. We should list them as friends in this threat.

>> No.50896015

they all have different k topics anon, both whiskey and tomoe are active military, sleepy has done gun cleaning videos, coincidentally she is doing another one this thursday cleaning a spanish mauser

>> No.50896080

lumi wolf or lumi star?

>> No.50896159

Kaneko Lumi - https://twitter.com/lumikaneko

>> No.50896269

Not really a gun nut, but she does play a lot of RTS games so I guess it fits

>> No.50897082

Keeps the thread alive either way.. And I bet that in a month or so Whiskey will indoctrinate her.

>> No.50897143

MSF grows ever bigger

>> No.50897671

sleepy stream is over, no stream tomorrow, thursday gun cleaning

>> No.50897874

Yeah, okay, so they’re /k/. What I want to know if they actually play war games, tactical shooters, rts, and MilSims. If it’s just the aesthetic, why would I watch them?

>> No.50898009

I don't know I just watch sleepy and whiskey play tarkov. Whiske has done RTS.

>> No.50898241

like the other anon said whiskey, sleepy, and wishy play fps, mostly known for tarkov but they play other fps as well, on top of that whiskey and arianna dabble on rts games, sleepy irl guns, everyone else is mostly variety gaming

>> No.50898295

Was hoping for Arma and others games close to that.

>> No.50898352

i see what you mean, maybe we can ask them in the future?

>> No.50898485
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>> No.50898643

ARMA's one of those things thats fun to play but boring to watch. And for a streamer, if you catch a bullet too early in an op, you don't have a lot of opportunity to entertain viewers.

>> No.50898709

yeeeh boi, i really enjoyed that gun cleaning stream, hopefully there's another one in the future

>> No.50898832

I hope sleepy does more gun asmr streams.

>> No.50898845

leaflit started her anniversary stream she added a garand alert for subs

>> No.50899025

That's not a good thing.

>> No.50899162

This is what I was afraid of. /k/ vtubers are problematic with with their love of guns. They do know children watches them, right? They should have use their platform to advocate for gun ban for civilian use. All they are doing is encouraging kids to like guns.

>> No.50899237

I remember when Koopa was doing a gun related stream when she was first starting out. A guy like you showed up. She called him a faggot.

>> No.50899480

anon talking about gun and teaching is a good thing, you have to learn that firearms are inanimate objects, if you panic when near them it's more likely you'll get hurt, you have to understand they are no different from a car. and this comes from someone who lives in a 3rd world country with very limited access to firearms

>> No.50899574

Probably a troll post, but either way, i hope you get shot to death with a 3d-printed ghost gun in a gun-free zone in a locality where guns are banned

>> No.50899809

Good faggot.

>> No.50900467

Good lord, you actually find the thought of women enjoying a conservative/right hobby incomprehensible. Turn off the computer, phone and actually go outside.

>> No.50902862
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Do any of them actually come here to ego-search? If so say something nice

>> No.50904466

You guys have excellent taste

>> No.50905532
File: 73 KB, 771x1024, IMG_20230527_155841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gun idols
What’s their Tactical Gear? Do they have a preference towards pistols, semi or auto rifles? And are they single?

>> No.50907415

because they have guns, when the sharia state is set up, their rights will be taken last.

>> No.50909867

>ᗐWhiskey Projectᗐ
>ᗐSleepy Projectᗐ
>ᗐUmari Tomoeᗐ
>ᗐArianna Foxtonᗐ
do you guys have any recommended streams for newcomers to get a feel for them? Then loving guns is great and all, but that doesn’t really sell me.

>> No.50910141
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Sleepy I would marry and impregnate you in a heartbeat
I can already picture our families getting along great and our kids coming running into the backyard in their rolled up overalls covered in a full day's worth of playing in the woods by the creek as the sun starts to set

>> No.50912273
File: 950 KB, 1600x1200, 1673395941902387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of them wehraboo by any chance? Would love me a female wehraboo

>> No.50912413

>Any of them wehraboo by any chance?
No, and thank God, we don't need more retardation in this world.

>> No.50912753

Please fuck off from /k/, thanks

>> No.50913014

>check her youtube
>50% of it is covers
Damn that girl really likes to sing. Pretty good voice too

>> No.50913274
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I for one welcome a thread like this.

>> No.50913432
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>> No.50913532

They are all just larping like /k/, because they have nothing else in life

>> No.50913536

awesome to see a pro mass murder thread here, keep it up
hopefully youtube keeps going and strike these shitters away completely

>> No.50913565
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>> No.50913648

>/k/fags are murderous

>> No.50913677


>> No.50913732

Sleepy admitted to defending Pippa /here/ which then resulted in Pippa laughing at her when she told Pippa about it.

>> No.50914748
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>> No.50915149

In the nicest way possible, is English your third language?

>> No.50915262

Froot is /k/ too

>> No.50915484

That cheating whore is not /k/

>> No.50916105
File: 467 KB, 988x1300, 1685762875848762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is a cute (preferably JP) vtuber who just autistically streams Arma ops all day. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.50916835

>Is that too much to ask?
Yes since Arma is boring to watch

>> No.50917267

I thought you guys were just lying to shill your oshis. I’ll start watching them. Do any other have vods about their guns and cleaning them?

>> No.50917941

I know that Koopa has a gun cleaning asmr on her channel. I think its just audio though. Her latest one she had to take down because a serial number on one of her guns got exposed.

>> No.50918066

Care to link it? And shame about the serial being exposed

>> No.50918164

At work so cant but just look up koopa gun asmr and its easy to find on youtube. Its an older vid so it doesnt use modern koopa.

>> No.50918172

Good lord you left-leaning basedboi. I highly doubt they're telling kids in which I doubt are watching their streams to pull the next Columbine shooting you fuck.

>> No.50918395

Whiskey talks about her guns and gear quite often, sadly we have yet to convince her that YouTube won't torch her for showing people how to clean a gun.

>> No.50918424

Whiskey literally set her stream to 18+

Which as you could expect hurts her numbers.

>> No.50918454

Whiskey put her gear in her character art.
All the difference, as far as I know, is the fact she is even taller than that in reality and her CZ BREN 2 is in 5,56.

>> No.50918479

Also yes, pretty sure that Whiskey, Tomoe and Arianna are all single. Wishy has a boyfriend. Not so sure about sleepy.

>> No.50918516

Whiskey has military experience and shoots guns IRL and is certified /k/. Tomoe is in active service. Sleepy does have a gun, as does Leaf.

>> No.50918778

Whiskey did a bunch of Arma ops before. Sadly as anon said - it just doesn't bring in the numbers.

Other than that she did a lot of RTS actually.

>> No.50919144
File: 182 KB, 327x327, 1680753858550836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wishy is playing Stalker: Anomaly

>> No.50919768

Why does being single matter they aren't gfe streamers?

>> No.50921804


>> No.50922162

Whiskey's giant chest bumps...

>> No.50922649

thank you anon!

>> No.50923961

Which tactical chuuba has the most guns?

>> No.50924263

my guess is between whiskey and sleepy, dunno about the others

>> No.50924970

Most definitely Whiskey. I know she has a CZ BREN 2, some sort of AR, 545 AK and multiple handguns. And also at least two bolt actions, MP5 and an antique shotgun.

>> No.50925643

I always thought that whiskey was a tranny.

>> No.50927301

do we have another stream coming today?

>> No.50928607

But does she own a musket for home defense?

>> No.50929189

Has she shown them on stream?

>> No.50929760

i don't think so, no

>> No.50930892


>> No.50932683

does she actually own them or is she larping her character? she should do a stream with them

>> No.50933180

>does she actually own them
She owns them. She's basically /k/'s queen

>> No.50934747

Nta but you say she’s American? Where can I meet her and marry her?

>> No.50934783

I've only seen Onolumi play this and she's bad at fps, didn't do justice to it.

>> No.50935161

She does own them. Others who know her also confirmed it.

>> No.50935426

Is there a reason why they are all disgusting furries?

>> No.50935567

Furries? What? Who?

>> No.50935848

I recognize Pippa, Sleepy, and Whiskey. Who are the other vtubers in this pic?

>> No.50936104

black hair is wishy, green hair is rye project, and silver with the red stripe is arianna foxton

>> No.50936480

Thank you anon!

>> No.50937481

>Nta but you say she’s American?
She's Dutch, not American

>> No.50939597

She’s wasted on the Europeans.

>> No.50941899

Pippa, Rye and Whiskey are the ones I know for sure are disgusting furries.
Like the ones that get passed around at furcons.

>> No.50942639

Why the fuck would Pippa, Rye and Whiskey be furries? I am pretty sure that Whiskey said that she hates furries before.

>> No.50943004

Whiskey is definitely not a furry

>> No.50946638

Whiskey is not a furry. She’s too conservative for that.

>> No.50948915

Any of them streaming soon? I want to see how they are.

>> No.50950354

Pippa literally had a fursona

>> No.50953138

Post proof.

>> No.50953333

Watch streams.

>> No.50953626

The numbers

>> No.50954473

Which streams.

>> No.50955185
File: 88 KB, 594x698, Twitter ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiskey Project is ban from twitter.

>> No.50956043

She got it reversed already.

>> No.50956062

Good fuck her. Far-right piece of shit.

>> No.50956725

i'm glad she got it lifted, she said all it took was appeal and for friends to boost the signal so i'm happy she has enough connections to do that, on top of that she helped someone else in the replies with a similar problem

>> No.50957900

Any reason why she was ban in the first place?

>> No.50959923

Probably a Twitter fuck up.

>> No.50961349
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Why Arma? State of Decay 2 would be pretty Kino and STALKER with mods as well.

>> No.50962182

STALKER anomaly would be a good game, never played State of Decay 2 so I don’t know how fun that would be.

>> No.50963766
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Cute Eepy hands tomorrow

>> No.50963821

What will she be doing?

>> No.50963911

cleaning a gun with camera

>> No.50964003

Link the stream so I can remember.

>> No.50964081

Is it true about what they say about women in the military? Does it also apply to women that are into guns?

>> No.50964092

on her twitch channel at around 1800 east us time

>> No.50964315
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Whiskey would never do such a thing. She’s waiting until she gets married.

>> No.50964439

kys retard whores don't belong in /k/

>> No.50965926


>> No.50967974

Yes >>50964092

>> No.50968863

>I know she has a CZ BREN 2, some sort of AR, 545 AK and multiple handguns. And also at least two bolt actions, MP5 and an antique shotgun.
God damn, what I would give to go to a gun range with her. She seems like fun to be with.

>> No.50970111

>not a furry
>goes to a furry con
Or I am mistaken her for sleepy. I honestly don't know with these grifters.

>> No.50970138


>> No.50971257
File: 910 KB, 1920x1106, Not Dutch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen a vtuber wanting to commit more crimes than a murderer. I just don't know how to describe it, Whiskey was happy to know that she wasn't killing Dutch criminal and proud that she was killing Spaniards instead. She then proceeded to commit horrific crimes on their person. I think I'm in love with her. Is she usually this psycho? Is she single? Do I have a chance?

>> No.50972172

That’s how Whiskey usually acts and no you don’t have a chance.

>> No.50973420

He doesnt but i do! Im tied up in her closet. RIGHT NOW!

>> No.50973501

Do they know anything about guns?

>> No.50973567

Pippas a literal fed lol ofc she'll know about guns.

>> No.50973578

Sleepy is

>> No.50973607

How is Saruei /k/ if she is from Fr*nce

>> No.50974444

I think she shows interest m, don’t know if it’s due to actual love of guns of if it’s just the aesthetics

>> No.50975528

Whiskey was never to a furry con. Never even heard about a furry con in Europe to begin with.

>> No.50975971

That's probably Sleepy then.

>> No.50976825

Is Sleepy, sleepy?

>> No.50977095

>Active US army
> As a woman
Damn shame she's a whore, had an interesting design too.

>> No.50977833

How do you think you came to be? Your mother is a whore as well. At the very least at least these ones are fun to watch. While yours couldn't keep your father around.

>> No.50977843

Tomoe never claimed to be pure, she just isnt a whore.

>> No.50980387

sleepy today

>> No.50981814

It is.

>> No.50983849

We need more lewds!

>> No.50984770

Sleepy is not supportive of degenerate behavior. The other I don't know

>> No.50985308

All women wanna fug. Its how they be.

>> No.50985407

There are some lies which Sleepy said which I do not appreciate. As far as I know though, Wishy commissioned porn of herself before. Whiskey does a lot of commissions and seems supportive of degeneracy, hell she might have even commissioned some NSFW art of herself. Arianna and Tomoe I don't know.

>> No.50985533

I want to comission art of me and whiskey having a fun time at the shooting range. Then we get back to her apartment and she rapes me until she is pregnant!

>> No.50986128


>> No.50986223

What she commissions is up to her. But I think she should be more open about it. Especially considering her stance on certain things.

>> No.50986289

What? Explain yourself. Everytime I've been in her streams when people tried to make lewd comments or jokes when she realizes "it's ew I don't like that it makes me feel gross" and then tells them she'll ban them or stop.

>> No.50987224

The coomer audience is as fickle as it is powerful. Best to avoid it sometimes or she is doing a bit.

>> No.50988083

Sleepy would never sell out

>> No.50988381

Well there is NSFW art of her that was commissioned. Not to mentioned it was animated by a 'secret' rigger.

>> No.50988479

found the newfag, sleepy acts like she doesn't get lewd jokes and asks chat to explain them

>> No.50988838

>There are some lies which Sleepy said which I do not appreciate.

name em or stfu

>> No.50989057

She isn't as non lewd as she claims let's say.

And this.

>> No.50989993

Faggots post proof or just kill yourselves.

>> No.50990099

Literally just look at the NSFW art of her that someone commissioned and animated.

>> No.50990328

"Hurr durr, who else could do it?"
That's not proof, retard, that's more vagueposting circumstance bullshit. Go fuck a rusty toenail clipper.

>> No.50991038
File: 75 KB, 1200x1200, rs22xwtgm4ta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of this. I wonder if Whiskey has access to Knob Creek.

>> No.50991375

>She isn't as non lewd as she claims let's say.

Literally who cares. "I don't mind it, just don't put it in the tags" is what she's said on stream, that's pretty standard.

> just look at the NSFW art of her that someone commissioned

You know chuubas do get fanart, and fans who commission art, right?

>> No.50992010

I'm a fan but not an artist myself, so I've commissioned fan art. I must be an anon alt commissioner lmao

That anon is legit schizo, making up conspiracy theories. Bring back loonie bins

>> No.50994077
File: 1.15 MB, 913x1691, image_2023-06-08_152745024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know she's starting to get numbers when the schizos show up


>> No.50994419

Do you guys miss Rye or is that just me? How many krewtons are in here anyway?

>> No.50994457

Anon I have no idea who that is

>> No.50994587
File: 103 KB, 850x1314, rp90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so fucking over man

>> No.50994797

If you ever miss Rye, you could always become a boobro

>> No.50994964

i like her content, and she seems happy doing her thing now so i'm a fan of that, the soul is still there just using a different skin

>> No.50995315

I'm gonna be very honest and say that after her SCP secret lab stream I just stopped watching vtubers altogether, so I didn't even realize that Rye's soul was in another skin kek. Can I please get a link?

>> No.50995371

Where vtubers who actually took part in operation in actual warzones?

>> No.50995503
File: 977 KB, 1410x1628, 1685854266377154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiskey Project

>> No.50995575


>> No.50995630

My bedroom

>> No.50995680

Syrian civil war.

>> No.50995929

I call bullshit on that

>> No.50996609

Whiskey is a Dutch Nationalist that believes in the concept of Heel-Nederland. So I don’t know why you’re so surprised she would be offended when people try make Netherlands into some criminal shithole.

>> No.50997007

Almost spit out my fuckin tea
Good one

>> No.50998083

I miss Rye. She was taken from us too soon.

>> No.50999310
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>> No.51000851

poor sleepy running into a lot of troubles, send her your energy for a good stream!

>> No.51001139

Good luck Sleepy!

>> No.51002183


>> No.51002335

Post the link.

>> No.51002414


>> No.51002785

She has really cute hands

>> No.51002842

I want to hold them, if you catch my drift

>> No.51003397

Sweaty Sleepy..

>> No.51003791
File: 93 KB, 653x675, Narcolepsy_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellas, is it gay to get funny feelings for your brotuber, especially when they put on a nice dress?

>> No.51003799 [DELETED] 
File: 488 KB, 970x619, image_2023-06-08_184754219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The first rule of gun safety is get out of my house"

>> No.51003877

>/Tacticool/ chud idols

>> No.51003970

||Check /jidf/||

>> No.51004004
File: 359 KB, 960x546, IMG_0814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mosin Nagant.
She really is just as retarded as /k/.

>> No.51004040

anon that's a spanish mouser from the civil war

>> No.51004047
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>Discord spoilers

>> No.51004485
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Every unit I've been too,every deployment I've been on, female soldiers have done nothing for us but bitch and cause hassle. . They literally cant pull their own weight in a real infantry unit so they have to have their own entire company of female riflemen. Also if you think cancel culture is bad, the SHARP program makes it so a female soldier can throw ANY accusation at someone and it'll ruin some dudes career. They also get favoritism wherever they go, and are often able to sit on their asses during ANY kind of work.Army women make any vshojo/twitch thot vtuber look like pristine idols in compassion. They are beyond whores.

Like I said, she had a great design too,but she's a whore, dropped.

>> No.51004905

Enough about the U.S Marines.

>> No.51005228

None of us care faggot. You retards and your purity bullshit can fuck off. We're watching fucking Vtubers who happen to like guns and military stuff. Unironically kys

>> No.51005916

I can’t believe she supports Francoist Spain

>> No.51005963

i know, she's so based

>> No.51007743

That was a good sleepy stream.

>> No.51007870

yes, very comfy chat stream. she said she would try to do it again next week, hope everything goes well

>> No.51009372

"Tonight, I'm Pekora."

>> No.51009534

>every deployment I've been on
So you're a professional AND casual retard. Go seek professional 9mm help for your shit personality.
She's a desk jockey in homeland.

>> No.51010256

Is it me or does Sleepy have similar vocal inflections to Ame?

>> No.51010406

This could be the juciest rrat in a while

>> No.51010579

There's definitely something of that nature, yeah
I used to be a Teamate and the biggest draw to Ame for me was her voice and Sleepy's voice hits my brain in the same addictive way Ame's did

>> No.51013656
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>> No.51015164
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Can someone explain what this Anon was talking about? And is any of it real?

>> No.51015466

Who is this even a reference to here?

>> No.51015609


>> No.51016399

Go ask pcg? Sounds like typical bullshit you'd find here.

>> No.51017180

fake. yw

>> No.51017786

Boot licking niglet

>> No.51019441

There’s nothing wrong with having gun laws, Anon. The common people shouldn’t have guns in the first place.

>> No.51019692

fags like you make me want to support guntubers even more.

>> No.51021030

>Start loving guns after cleaning one with her dad
I want her as my wife.

>> No.51021375


>> No.51021800

Cute hands. She should wear gloves to not be doxxed.

>> No.51023927
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>> No.51024323

Tell us about this army woman.

>> No.51024740


>> No.51025530

Any upcoming stream for Umari Tomoe, Wishyvt, or Arianna Foxton

>> No.51025573


>> No.51025684

>I'm brown and I fucked her after talking for ten minutes.
>also I don't know if she's a troon, despite me fucking her.
Weak bait.

>> No.51025716

picture the torrent as it hits the back of your throat

>> No.51025991

Don't forget that she hunted with her dad and brother.

>> No.51026686

Ah, she’s a brocon.

>> No.51028230

Sleepy diverges from many vtubers in that she appears to have had a healthy relationship with her father growing up, and it really shows in the way she carries herself

>> No.51029788

A lot of vtubers have healthy relationship with their parents

>> No.51030097

I should drop some cursed horse facts on tomoe's next stream.

>> No.51030198

When’s her next stream.

>> No.51030223

Today i think?

>> No.51030273

Hopefully, I’m awake when that happens.

>> No.51031386

I will most likely get banned for it but the truth must be known!

>> No.51033764

sex on a gun range with sleepy

>> No.51033882

Sleepy would never do that.

>> No.51035229

She did do that with a gun! She is now gun pregnant!

>> No.51037998

lucky frog

>> No.51040399

wishy has a 12 hour stream this saturday playing dead space, nothing on the docket for tomoe and arianna, but they did stream yesterday so maybe we get one today

>> No.51043409

When will whiskey do a gun safety stream!?

>> No.51045088


>> No.51045624

>gun pregnant
No choice but to have a shotgun wedding now!

>> No.51045976

"A lot" is an overstatement...

>> No.51047644

Not really.

>> No.51048016

I love eepy so much it hurts
I have to hold back really hard not to gosling for her because I know she would hate it... She is just so fucking sweet and kind and adorable and caring, it makes my heart flutter

>> No.51049228

today, in about 50 mins sleepy stream on twitch https://www.twitch.tv/sleepy_project trolling koroks in zelda

>> No.51049449

Small %, big number because there are so many Vtubers.

>> No.51051028

I get it, anon, I really do

>> No.51052109

We need to include more girls.

>> No.51053327

Eepy live with Tears of the Kingdom: Korok Execution Jury

>> No.51054324


>> No.51054524
File: 1.59 MB, 1342x855, It's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for Sleepy. She's barely getting 150+ views

>> No.51054783

everyone runs away from jury duty

>> No.51056324

I hate numberfags so much.

>> No.51057903

sleepy really pushing the limits of hylian tech

>> No.51059320

sleepy over, and raid arianna foxton the same one in the op, playing war thunder

>> No.51059559

tomoe will stream in 30 mins playing project wingman

>> No.51059940

You guys need to start linking their streams instead of just announcing them.

>> No.51060128

Eepy drawing stream

>> No.51060265

sorry sorry, it's in the op so i keep forgetting

>> No.51060479

I know, it’ll just help easier.

>> No.51060581

sleepy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4FLcpcazB8
tomoe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzj9FV9qUEA

>> No.51061410
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Some faggot is spamming the girls from the OP in /#/, so if shitposters show up don't be surprised

>> No.51061495

ugh, it was bound to happen i guess, thanks for the heads up anon

>> No.51061952

Cursed horse facts might have to wait. Game is too intense for Tomoe to read them!

>> No.51062519

You sure Tomoe is a soldier? She sounds like a POG. And hasn’t gone to the gym for 2 months.

>> No.51062579

Tomoe is muscle girl confirm!

>> No.51064221

Is Tomoe audio cutting out?

>> No.51064403

She streams from her military barracks. She is lucky that she can stream at all.

>> No.51064719

I thought she bunked with others.

>> No.51064884

since we're getting close to bump limit, for the next op we have whiskey, sleepy, wishy, tomoe, and arianna, anyone else we might add? i saw people suggest leaflit, koopa, kaneko lumi, and saruei, do we have other suggestions?

>> No.51065264

Doesn’t koopa have her own general? Same with Lumi?

>> No.51065326

>Tomoe already had her first divorce
And dropped.

>> No.51065346

Koopa does but nothing wrong with crossing. Plus it isnt up all the time despite my efforts

>> No.51065749

right technically they all belong to lig, pcg, or have their own general, maybe we can discuss them when it's related to k topics? like >>51065346
anon said i don't want to make the koopa thread even harder to survive

>> No.51067246

What's the argument for Lumi being in the OP?
I know of her but I don't recall anything about her warranting it

>> No.51067369
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Western idol who plays with Whiskey project and some other gun vtubers.

>> No.51068876 [DELETED] 

But does she like own guns or something or even praising them? I thought this general was support gun vtubers in the first place.

>> No.51070651
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>> No.51070713

Why delete?

>> No.51070788

So are we adding new people to the OP or not?

>> No.51070854

lets keep it like this for now

>> No.51071035

i'll make a new one and link it

>> No.51071126

Wait until page ten

>> No.51071182

fuckk i just made it

>> No.51071251

Why would you make it when we're page 4?

>> No.51071318

because this shit flies by in an instant sometimes

>> No.51071327

Dude why make one this early? Either make it on page 10 or when the thread dies.

>> No.51071371

We have like an hour or so.

>> No.51071894

Wow, our second thread and we already have a fuck up.

>> No.51072173

Don't worry about it, it happens to a lot of guys!

>> No.51072595

i may be a dork, but where is lumi in that picture?
