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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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51664754 No.51664754 [Reply] [Original]

is this good kayfabe or her being duplicitous?

>> No.51664950 [DELETED] 

>>51664754 (me)
I'm a huge faggot btw and I LOVE sucking dicks

>> No.51665070

Excellent keyfabe

Shondo is unironically better at keyfabe than everyone in HoloEN

HoloEN is fucking bad ,even the new idol gen chuuba keyfabe better than them

>> No.51665202


>> No.51666460

this is actually true, and I don't really like her enough to use twit.ch. she enjoys the character she is playing.

>> No.51666657

My general rule of thumb is that if it's some obvious bs then it's just kayfabe. Like nobody thinks an adult woman has never masturbated before. It's if it's something believable that would be slightly bending the truth then it's duplicitous. She didn't bullshit and say she's never been in a relationship before even though that'd probably be a lot more believable, for example.

>> No.51666709

That's a good word anon.

>> No.51666775

thanks anon I learned it yesterday :^)

>> No.51666801

In 99% of cases this is true but Shondo is disgusted by pretty much anything genuinely lewd in real life. She's lamented on alt accounts with almost no followers how depressed she was when she found out she was missing something. She tried masturbating and hurt herself and thought it was horrible. She's just a fucked up weirdo.

>> No.51666970

If she was keyfabing I don't think she'd admit she's been in a relationship, smoked weed as a kid, and was drugged without her consent.
Shondo is simply one of the strangest girls on the internet. There's been people documenting her every move online since she was 12, she's like the Chris chan of vtubing.

>> No.51667072

The absolute state of liggers. Embarrassing.

>> No.51667109

Really not unbelievable she has never had the urge to masturbate considering she's on 5 medications, two of which are anti psychotics, and she's been on them way before puberty. It's pretty obvious she's being honest when she admits shit other vtubers wouldn't. She's just an unusual being.

>> No.51667339

iirc there are a number of anti-depressants that absolutely nuke your sex drive. idk what kind of med salad she is on though. also not sure how one would hurt themselves masturbating unless she just shoved her fingers straight in there

>> No.51667362

Ahh Shondo. Shondo Shondo Shondo.
I had to back off because I was too obsessed with her. Went from an anti dedicated to finding lies and villainizing her to realizing she's the real deal and becoming unhealthily obsessed.
There's no keyfabe with her, and she isn't manipulative, which is to her own detriment. She overshares details of her life in such meticulous detail most obsessed fans have been able to locate her address. There's no room for keyfabe with her, she's been sharing every little thing about her life online since 12-13. The concerning part is people keep track of it all, and that she seems to have no concern over her safety whatsoever.

>> No.51667492

She's on olanzapine, clozapine, lamotrigine, sertraline and pregabalin, at maxxed out doses, and has been medicated on different shit for the majority of her life. She's a chronic oversharer to the point of actually causing herself issues.

>> No.51667574

good lord imagine what it would be like to look in this girl's mind

>> No.51667647
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A heaping mess, and that's part of why we love her!
From what little she said (she talked about it for all of five seconds) that's exactly what she did

>> No.51667693

The hell was she diagnosed with?!

>> No.51667857
File: 130 KB, 1856x1855, 1666596635938413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizoaffective disorder (bipolar variant) when she was 5, she's been medicated since then and her meds have been switched around a lot over the years.
She also has OCD, ADHD, developed PTSD, and is a "recovering" anorexic

>> No.51667877

>no concern over her safety whatsoever
Pretty sure that despite the constant rape/kidnapping banter, a good 101% of her followers wish nothing but the best for her. I don't see anybody actually harming the Shondo ever.
She just like me fr fr!

>> No.51667954

There are constant wars in /shon/ over who is going to kidnap her and who is going to be waiting in the shadows if she ever leaves her house to defend her from harm

>> No.51667978

>a "recovering" anorexic
I thought she was morbidly obese and weighted like 200 lbs as a kid.

>> No.51668056

That is exactly how most anorexics begin.
If you've been fat your entire life and been treated as such, it's hard to believe you are thin when you are.

>> No.51668117

>nobody thinks an adult woman has never masturbated before
By her own admission she's been sexually active since her age was in the single digits, why would she need to masturbate at all

>> No.51668160

That's hot, source?

>> No.51668411

Low dosage olanzapine alone is enough to kill your sex drive
t. I was on that

>> No.51668701

She has been doxxed ages ago and nobody did anything nefarious with the info. Nobody showed up at her doorstep unannounced, nobody sold her info to the Twitter troons when they were trying to cancel her. Shondophrenics are largely a bunch of harmless sad sacks.

>> No.51668708

Been on 200mg sertraline, went from jerking off three times a day to twice in 3 years, and miserably. For a girl that's been on it at a high dose of a jumble of different meds constantly being changed around since she was extremely young, it's not at all unbelievable she never had the urge to masturbate and thought it was an in-joke and only a small minority of people actually did regularly until she was made aware that really wasn't the case and became saddened she was really missing out.

>> No.51668849

Shadow is 50/50 there's some things about her that I believe because there's proof she is a very broken person, while there's others I don't but I appreciate that she keeps the kayfabe (that can be actually real)

>> No.51669165

Shondo's kinda weird when it comes to keyfabe. Most of the time she'll insist that there's no character, and what you see on stream is the actual her, but other times (much more rarely) she'll pull the curtain aside and do a Fauna ("if you want me to be real, I'll be real").
I'm not sure which one to believe, so I guess the keyfabe is working?

>> No.51669309

>she's like the Chris chan of vtubing
This, if Shondo wasn't a cute girl IRL she'd 100% be a lolcow.

>> No.51669577

I know literally no one will believe this but I was in her discord server years ago and her rice purity back then was like 39, there was very little she hadn't done. She had a delinquent phase around the time she dropped out of school. When people in the server made fun of her score she defended herself saying this was all years ago. I know she's very open now but there's some things she will never allude to again because she wants to seem "pure enough".

>> No.51669653
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>the 200lb schizophrenic 12 year old fucked everyone

>> No.51669751

I wish masturbation was a joke.

>> No.51669823

She also posted a picture of her (then chubby) thighs in that server full of older guys when she was 15.

>> No.51669932

Believing this is the funniest shit imaginable because if true you believed that a schizophrenic, obese 14 year old who isn't allowed to use the oven fucked dozens of people when she was under 12

>> No.51670000

Anon whatever effects she may be getting from antidepressants are far outweighed by her taking TWO (2) fucking antipsychotics. Those things turn you into a zombie in record time

I wonder what the hell she has that made her start taking them as a kid

>> No.51670043

Her thighs are still chubby btw. It's like a solid 100% of her body fat ends up there, nothing on her arms, absolutely nothing on her ass, it's like she was genetically engineered to have the biggest thighs possible.

>> No.51670051

I mean yeah, she could have been lying about her purity score back then to impress people and fit in or some weird shit.

>> No.51670133

North england is a pretty crazy place. She already got fucked way before that though.

>> No.51670169

Been following Shadow since the double suicide video and was in the discord through the entire Bean era. This bait is so funny because she made a virgin club (it was just a discord role) you had to message her to get a role for because she was so tired of being bullied for being a virgin and got embarrassed and then people encouraged her by saying she wasn’t the only one.
Looking back it’s pretty sad she was mocked for being a virgin at 14.
There are actual oldfags here

>> No.51670191

>I wonder what the hell she has that made her start taking them as a kid
You mean aside from trying to kill family members with a knife at the age of 7? Everybody talks shit about Shondo's mum but having a literal schizo child couldn't have been easy for a woman in her 20s.

>> No.51670268

Read my post again. I was asking about what condition she has. It's EXTREMELY rare for kids that young to develop schizophrenia

>> No.51670335

Really? That must have been later though. Because what I'm talking about is from really, really early on. Were you around when she went to her uncle's wedding and posted photos from there? Or when she posted selfies with "raccoon makeup"?

>> No.51670377

I used to know 14-15 year old fujos who claimed to have been in orgies

>> No.51670405

There was also a time she vaguely talked about a sexual experience when she was younger and people reacted saying "wait you were fucking when you were 13" to which she replied with "stfu I've been fucking since I was 7" and well, you know what she means.

>> No.51670416

Was there since September 2017. I think you’re delusional.

>> No.51670481

Delusional? So you're saying you saw the photos she posted of herself or you haven't?

>> No.51670565

Aaah I get it now.
Strange bait approach but very interesting, nice work.

>> No.51670657

>"stfu I've been fucking since I was 7" and well, you know what she means.
Considering that, it's pretty fucked up that she seems to enjoy calling her fans "daddy".

>> No.51670671
File: 396 KB, 1458x1152, 1670749733020604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her father is a paranoid schizophrenic who beat her mom and pushed her down the stairs, threw Shondo into a wall (this is her earliest memory) and disowned her and her mom a little after her brother was born because he just wanted a son.
She has bipolar schizoaffective disorder herself but thinks it developed so early because of the trauma he caused.

She's told a few pre-diagnosis stories before, earliest symptoms started when she was around 3. She was living with her mom and her baby brother and slept in the bed with her mom because she couldn't sleep otherwise. Her mom woke up one night to her just standing on the bed and pointing at the corner silently. Her mom was so scared she fully believed there was ghosts since they'd just moved there and she's superstituous that she broke the letting agreement and moved out immediately.

>> No.51670768

This vtuber has the weirdest antis on the board and nobody really seems to know why

>> No.51670812

nobody let them listen to it...

>> No.51670915

I think you're the one who's lying buddy. If you weren't there when she posted actual selfies then you don't really know her. You didn't even know what I meant when I was talking about the wedding she went to.

>> No.51671077

Her only antis i know are different kinds of twittards & sisters...

>> No.51671146

vtubers that promote GFE attract weird sisters is always a battle of trying to break people's loyalty to the vtuber

>> No.51673578

schizoaffective. Yeah schizophrenia usually develops later in life (around the second neuron synapse culling) but also keep in mind his biological father is also superschizo so it runs on a genetic level.

>> No.51673826

She's far too high functioning to really be that heavily medicated. Most likely she's just another big fat liar making up sob stories for cash and attention.

>> No.51674138

Why is her mascot vinsauce joel

>> No.51674252

this is one of fauna's "friends"

>> No.51674465

Most likely this

>> No.51674525

Shondo is strange. Like just a very, very strange and possibly disturbed individual that found her comfort in vtubing. She's been on multiple medications ever since she was young like the other anons mentioned, often overshares because she doesn't quite get social cues all that well, as for masturbation, she has tried it. Like once or twice according to her, but she hated it. Shondo unironically thought that people touching themselves was some kind of inside joke, and was very disheartened to find out that it wasn't. She genuinely does not find lewd things attractive. It's perplexing.

>> No.51674662
File: 695 KB, 702x721, 1678301459316163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is the strangest fucking case I have ever heard, Jesus christ. I honestly feel bad for her, and that's saying something considering I'm usually just a fucking asshole. I hope she uh, stays sane?

>> No.51674687

wtf Fauna won't be friends with me but she will kiss Shondo on the lips while fondling her coochie? that's hot

>> No.51674831

>hope she uh, stays sane?
Lmao, she's been saying for a while that her anti-schizo meds are less effective by the day. And she already maxed out the dosage.

>> No.51675109

She 100% plays it up
She might have used some of these meds at some point but there's no way she's on the simultaneously

>> No.51675174

and now she wants a man who will treat her like her father did

>> No.51675281

I am ready to take on that responsibility

>> No.51675572

Kayfabe is assuming your role, not talking about what happened behind the scenes.

>> No.51676771

if you read this horrible thread shondo and if by some miracle you are playing it up or putting on an act, know that you dont have to do that. we would rather know the real you. it doesnt make sense to fake stuff like this because she'd still have an audience of devotees. all the whoretubers who openly announce their relationships still have people following them and paying them. lying is the worst thing you can do as a vtuber even if the truth is bad and shondo knows this, which is why these anti rrats dont make sense

>> No.51677303

this is the worst thread I ever saw holy shit somehow /shon/ isn't this full of bait

>> No.51677490

Shondo is a sweet and pure virgin maiden and I'm in a committed relationship with her.

>> No.51678750

My imouto wife is so pure uuu when she pandered to guys in her old server by saying nigger, posted thigh pics in general and talked about hooking up with guys. I get she's a changed person now but you guys are hilarious.

>> No.51678983

I know these are all shitposts but still...she's never been sexual AT ALL GUYS.
Her voice has gotten a lot better though.

>> No.51679039

jesus christ

>> No.51679205

She doesn't even know what sex is, right? She didn't think people masturbated either, she's so pure.

>> No.51679227

Totally not, no way in hell

>> No.51679385

It's kind of weird that none of this was posted before. I guess there's not really that many oldfags that still keep up with her. She did say everyone leaves though.

>> No.51679402

Big deal. Her mom stopped working after having cancer and she's literally the only person in her whole extended family who is not on welfare, don't judge her for doing some sussy ASMR stuff to raise some cash.

>> No.51679530

What's wrong with saying nigger?

>> No.51679539

..She did this years before her mom got cancer anon. I'm making fun of her fans that insist she's so pure.

>> No.51679546

>Shondo antis are nigger lovers

>> No.51679697

She was lucky the twitter troons didn't find this one back when they were trying to cancel her.

>> No.51679715

>all that work lying and still got an 87
Women are a meme

>> No.51679887

wow I like her more now

>> No.51680114

she has a shitty psychiatrist. olanzapine and clozapine == i'm just drugging you because i'm too lazy to find the right med. things i know.

>> No.51680335

I will always like Fallenshadow for her mental health ASMR videos, she's the only streamer who manages to sound remotely credible when she says she can understand the hardships you are going through, she's the only one who seems like she means it when she wishes her random, faceless listener to get better and see happier days. I don't know what she scored on her purity tests in the past and I don't really care to find out.

>> No.51680668

So she is obviously putting on a voice, right?

>> No.51680765

brb getting sertraline to overcome my cripping porn addiction

>> No.51681290

google retrograde ejaculation

>> No.51681714
File: 159 KB, 891x891, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your proof is?

>> No.51682219

man she has worked hard on her backstory to lure saviors in, could make it into a hallmark channel movie of the week

>> No.51682698

The purest wifey ever! Top one is her making fun of herself.

>> No.51682871

what would compell you to take screenshots of these specific things from an at the time unknown random 16 year old who was not a vtuber, and keep it for 5 years?

>> No.51682938

They’re not mine, just screenshots that were shared around.

>> No.51682972

post moar

>> No.51683030

Her and most vtuber girls put on an entire fake life

>> No.51683060

why are you mad asian andy

>> No.51683119

Can confirm that ever since I started taking them I barely feel the urge to do it.

>> No.51683155

this is so fucking pathetic that people believe her

>> No.51683250

Shondo fags will say “well she wasn’t even allowed to use the oven there’s no way she did anything bad ever”. Yeah so the girl who admitted to getting into physical fights with her mom as a delinquent child wouldn’t just sneak out at night?

>> No.51683315


>> No.51683455

Yeah, she has those issues. But on terminal velocity.

>> No.51683480

I'm very regretful I didn't find her earlier. I do think I would've kept up with her on and off like I have these two years I've known her, but at the same time I dont think I could have found her earlier anyway due to being of similar age and not know what asmr was until 2020 which is both comforting and depressing.

>> No.51683517

Are we gonna gloss over this one…Wtf is even going on in this.

>> No.51683639

How new
She used to have dozens of clips like that on her channel until YT started demonetizing them

>> No.51683708

I barely understand what she's saying.
t. ESL

>> No.51683953

It's a waste of time hating on Shondo
If all of this isn't kayfabe then Shondo's brain is going to crash and burn her psyche eventually and she's going to get thrown into an asylum or will do some extra violent or turbo illegal ultra ascended schizo stuff (that she could already be doing) and get shot to death by police or commit sudoku in a creepypasta-tier menhera ritual.
If it is true, this is one of the few VTubers who truly CAN'T be saved.
If you truly hate her, just watch her wick consume itself, then observe her explode. Inevitability taken form.
Now the "Shondopilled individuals" channel takes the fall by uploading them itself. Shondo congratulated the channel not long ago.

>> No.51683959

Before she started doing GFE vtubing she openly admitted to dating a guy before and realizing that she was not attracted to men. That's not exactly uncommon among girls who have been sexually abused during childhood so I don't really have a hard time believing it.

>> No.51684174


>> No.51684217

LMAO she naturally sounds like what Calli tries to emulate when rapping.

>> No.51684231

I don’t hate her. She’s a good entertainer but I don’t see why she has to lie to her fans when she could be successful without doing that.

>> No.51684288

Proud Marks and Smarks ITT

>> No.51684323

She's deep into the lies anon, there's no turning back from Shondo to any other character. She has to die on this hill.
Also, even if she lacks all of those actual mental illnesses, she would still have the pathological liar part.
Her fate is sealed.

>> No.51684324

So did Pyro drown in her cum? Or did she realize she was all talk when they met in person.

>> No.51684452

She can keep doing what she’s doing as long as people overlook her past, which they always will.

>> No.51685032


>> No.51685090

>there are people retarded enough to believe this whore

>> No.51685114

Damn brat..

>> No.51685192

So why are you giving your opinion if you don't watch her? Fuck off retard.

>> No.51685265

I hate off stream threads

>> No.51685698

The absolute state of shadow cucks.

>> No.51685788

The only reasons I can think to hate shondo is that youre a transtrender, youre jealous of attention you dont get, youre a misguided anti-pedo crusader, youre an ugly envious woman, or youre mad that she wont have sex with you. So which is it?

>> No.51685990

Why can’t I shitpost for its own sake? I don’t particularly care about Fallen Shadow, but making fun of random women on the internet is always fun.

>> No.51686191

you say this yet pictures of her thighs are still up on her twitter and they are fucking twigs compared to anyone elses

>> No.51686213

The last one

>> No.51686680

>The only reasons I can think
You are not very imaginative, which is to be expected of a cuck. Much more simply she's a cock-loving slut who pretends to be a virgin so that suckers like you will throw money at her. In other words, she's a lying grifter taking advantage of the retards in her community, just like every other GFE vtuber.

>> No.51686807

She’s talked about how she used to be extremely edgy to fit into her racist discord server and she’s not proud but owns up to it. I don’t get what antichama is trying to prove.

>> No.51686923

Nooo anon she acted edgy and made jokes when she was 15 that means she’s a grifter

>> No.51686984

>to fit into her racist discord server and she’s not proud
Yeah she kinda has to say that unless she wants fags and trannies chasing her off the internet. By vtubing standards I'm going to say she's still pretty based and probably has no love for POCs.

>> No.51687062

Or she was just exceedingly edgy for the sake of it like she said many times? She was a kid.

>> No.51687106

Ya she's still a kid, still hates the nignogs.

>> No.51687121

>cock-loving slut who pretends to be a virgin so that suckers like you will throw money at her.
Whether true or false, you wouldnt care unless one of the aforementioned applies to you. No matter how you try to spin it or whether its true or false every other vtuber is worse in that regard.
>just like every other GFE vtuber.
Why are you even on this board?

>> No.51687275

She was a kid making
"dick sucking videos"
and you've been following her since she was 15. I smell a pedo.

>> No.51687333

Speak of the devil, she just claimed she's going to watch movies with someone today

>> No.51687351

She was a kid making a joke about how earlicking mouth sounds sound like dick sucking mouth sounds, as any 15 year old would

>> No.51687353

Cue the simps saying "yeah me"

>> No.51687392

>clipfag shill thread at 100+ posts
>0 results for "buy an ad"

>> No.51687460

So let me get this straight, pedos that hung out with her when she was 15 and baited her into acting edgy are now here, 5 years later, trying to insist she’s a liar and a whore because she used to make funny sex jokes and say nigger, which are things she’s already admitted she used to do several times? She grew up and doesn’t hang out with that crowd anymore, but she owns up to it.
You can’t try this secret knowledge shit with Shondo, she owns up to everything. Anything you don’t like, ask her on stream, she’ll address it.

>> No.51687516

>young teenager acts edgy
That means she had 10,000 sex IRL. How will we recover bros

>> No.51687567

>How will we recover bros
She's a western woman over the age of 12 so you kind of expected it already? No need to recover.

>> No.51687684
File: 513 KB, 1915x2912, 1687173539892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, unless mods are asleep that questions getting deleted and you're quietly getting banned for asking it.

>> No.51687773

>western woman
you seanigs arent exempt

>> No.51687797

Did she own up to posting pictures of her vagina to the 200+ followers of her supersecret alt account, only to delete the alt when the news of her whorishness reached her most prized unicorn, who then left the community prompting the bitch to have a total meltdown and cancel her stream the next day?

>> No.51687816

yeah me

>> No.51687827

You are so retarded it hurts.

>> No.51687878

Sorry, no. It's not really normal for 15 year old girls around here to "joke" about sucking dick to grown men on discord. Or anywhere else. We got plenty of problems, women being massive skanks on par with western bitches isn't one.

>> No.51687904

Finally, a decent bait

>> No.51687922

Finally good bait

>> No.51687933

wow in one post all your credibility about le secret oldfag discord stuff is gone, amazing threadreader

>> No.51687953

why bait with something that shows that you are baiting? oh well made me reply

>> No.51687976

Imagine being your oshis biggest simp and not even being inn her secret club lmao. The absolute state

>> No.51687977

Except that’s not true at all, that mp3 about her talking about Pyro happened because it was prompted by someone in chat who was probably an anti trying to stir up trouble and she just answered transparently.

>> No.51688026

Yes it is, seanigger.
You will always be a dog.

>> No.51688150


>> No.51688186

>she wasn’t making shit up when she talked about how there’s a small group of failed groomers from her first discord who were upset when she eventually got tired of the way they acted and nuked the server and have been following her around for 6 years trying to stir up shit and harm her by posting screenshots of her edgy phase out of context

>> No.51688220
File: 267 KB, 1161x2000, 1683943348489731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to violently disrespect her consent.

>> No.51688238

Why doesn't she just be honest? My oshi openly taka about how she had a 21 yo bf when she was 16 and that they has sex and no one cares. Shadow can tell people her past and only the worst people will leave

>> No.51688257

But she did? She addressed it many times.

>> No.51688271

>meanwhile SEAnig women, even in hololive:

>> No.51688309

Indies don't even compare to EN. I don't know who you've been watching, retard.

>> No.51688386

Why don't you learn English, you disgusting SEAnigger shitskin monkey?

>> No.51688387

Both shondo and Saruei are on an entire different level than EN

>> No.51688779

>Shadow can tell people her past and only the worst people will leave
So why doesn't she? Because the latest news is that she's back to telling her followers she's a "technical virgin" which is patently false and contradicts stuff she said already.

>> No.51688831

because she only cares about me and I obviously know that I took her virginity so no need to tell me

>> No.51688920

Are you the genius who convinced her to stick a finger in her vagina to prove she still had her hymen?

>> No.51688979

I wish, but I commend the guy who did

>> No.51689010

>patently false and contradicts stuff she said already
No it doesnt youre just a retarded ESL

>> No.51689012

Retards. That's not what happened.

>> No.51689043

How is making edgy jokes when she was 15 proof she’s not a virgin

>> No.51689113

Camila is a whore and fat

>> No.51689115

sorry, I didn't fully consider what that other anon said, but my comment stands

>> No.51689177

agreed (highly derogatively)

>> No.51689226

If you put 3 Shondos and 1 Camila on opposite scales Camila would still weigh more because of all the cum up her vagina

>> No.51689238

Westoids live in places where it's totally normal for 15 year olds to talk about swallowing cock to strangers and not only that, you're so far gone that you collectively refuse to even entertain the idea that women in other countries might not be such massive whores.
How the fuck are any of you still virgins then? It sounds like you have to fend off bitches all day over there to avoid getting your dick sucked by some random teen slut.

>> No.51689349
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>173 replies
>67 posters
>first reply mentions holoen
I love when liggers get threads

>> No.51689356

Because they're not just whores, they're shallow as well. Even a 3/10 women won't have sex with anyone who's not an 8 men, usualy by social standing or money not looks, so you have all the women getting stds from 3 douchebags

>> No.51689420

Sorry, I didn't fully consider what that other anon said, but that's totally what happened and there are screenshots of her alt to prove it.

>> No.51689439

Is she firneds with vie?

>> No.51689451

I wish

>> No.51689537

A man could make a killing selling civil infrastructure to the posters ITT

>> No.51689575

Yeah, me.

>> No.51689623

honestly we need to upgrade our streets here, the old ones dont have enough space for shitting

>> No.51689776
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>> No.51689856

Inb4 they start damage controlling

>> No.51689893

Wow she showed her hymen on stream? That’s crazy.

>> No.51689902

>I'm not in that screenshot
Scroll up/down/I don't remember where

>> No.51689912

smartest SEAnigger

>> No.51689916

Fuck off retards. It never happened.

>> No.51689963

How has she not been banned for CP yet?

>> No.51689995

Most literate Sea

>> No.51690011

That doesn't even make sense. How do you even see a hymen with a webcam? Hint for the virgins/fags: you don't.

>> No.51690022

All this coping is increasingly convincing me it happened.

>> No.51690082

You can call me SEAnigger all you want, or you can get off your morbidly obese burger asses and check the archive for yourself.

>> No.51690111

>>51689902 (me)
I actually checked and can't remember which was mine, other than that these ones aren't and I'm probably down

>> No.51690186

speculum; 14th account only to me

>> No.51690200

They all say truths jokingly to mock their marks.

>> No.51690218

>is illiterate
Kill yourself shitskin.

>> No.51690256

Post pics if you have them. Prove to the entire /vt/ board that your oshi is a pure untouched maiden.

>> No.51690269

>Shondo is simply one of the strangest girls on the internet.
Shondo is a very typical white trash weirdo girl

>> No.51690295

> you cant just dislike people that do shitty things

>> No.51690355

why even take the medication if you can't even enjoy life on it

>> No.51690416

Ok but really though, did anybody post the pics or not?

>> No.51690438

Stfu you weak ass up and keep sucking HoloEN you faggot

>> No.51690482

Because she's 20 years old bruh
The cunny is a lie

>> No.51690484

Yeah a 4view showed her vagina on stream and nobody screenshotted or recorded it

>> No.51690512

>it is impossible to enjoy life without sex
Whore. Kill yourself.

>> No.51690556

there's other good things about life, but sex is the best

>> No.51690605

The shondo-loving faggots here kept insisting that she had never been facedoxxed before when I now know for a fact that this is not the case. I suspect the same applies to the pussycam photo set.

>> No.51690721

stop baiting for the photos of her face, I won't post them

>> No.51690755

Have never heard of a chuuba livestreaming a virginity check before - if it happened at all.

>> No.51690793

shondo reminds me of all the girls I knew as a teenager that I'd rather forget

>> No.51690859

Nobody is baiting you you paranoid fuck. I don't care to see her face again I want pictures of her pussy examination stream.

>> No.51690875
File: 481 KB, 686x805, Shonmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is low effort at this point

>> No.51690924

There's zero proof that it was her and that she didn't force one of her little sisters to show theirs considiring the size.

>> No.51690931

Jesus christ.. not even my schitzo gf took that many meds..

>> No.51691030

She's weird anon, not evil. She takes better care of her siblings than their mother does.

>> No.51691185

Pretty sure she didn't post pics, just described it.

>> No.51691207

>Nobody is baiting
yes you are
>you paranoid fuck
yes I am
>I want pictures of her pussy examination stream
she did it personally for me, you can't get them unless you pay a million dollars to her first

>> No.51691268

So she proved being a virgin to her followers by talking about having a hymen?

>> No.51691315

So you don't have pics either, you could have just said that instead of being a faggot.

>> No.51691357


>> No.51691377

In any case, I didn't see the pic, I just remember her describing that she tried to look in a mirror or something. Maybe she did post it later, but when I checked she already deleted the account.

>> No.51691379

Yeah you got baited there's no pics the context of the original thread was about something else

>> No.51691384

I can see them in my mind, therefore they are real

>> No.51691435

there was "only" a description :(

>> No.51691481

No women would ever lie about being a virgin, anon.

>> No.51691521

I think you're lying, but I respect your devotion to your oshi.

>> No.51691597

thank you, but I was there till the very end

>> No.51692057

There's no fucking way someone is this insane to do something like this.
I choose not to believe. No shot.

>> No.51692206

I prefer Inis.

>> No.51692213

She is insane (despite the many many meds listed previously), but she didn't actually do that.

>> No.51692345

you lot are too fucking easy

>> No.51692408

Eh. At least there are no rrats about Shondo having an abortion.

>> No.51694513

I got a 17 on mine. How the fuck am I a bigger whore than her?

>> No.51694551

You're old.

>> No.51696096

>Shut the fuck up you weak ass up

>> No.51696193

Shondo livestreamed a virginity check?

>> No.51696247

This entire thread is hilarious, thanks for the laughs

>> No.51696811

No she didn't stop giving people saying she did attention

>> No.51697553

I'd probably get a heart attack if my oshi did this test.

>> No.51697738

this entire thread is just one schizophrenic nigger talking to himself aint it?

>> No.51697829

Schizo punching bag anon...

>> No.51697935

Run-of-the-mill bait thread

>> No.51697938

if rindo were a little more crazy and lonely we could have turned her into a shondo with gura voice

>> No.51697982

Lying for financial gain is duplicitous. She is under no contract or other circumstance forcing her to lie, but she still does, it's as clearcut as it gets.

>> No.51698021

schizo-punching-bag-anon had more than enough clues and hints, but I salute his persistence in the face of absolutely retarded failure o7

>> No.51698115

Yes, me.

>> No.51698185

That's one of the consequences of autism. Probably he has tunnel vision syndrome and he was unable to see the whole forest, only the trees.

>> No.51698198

Stop pretending to be me, shogger.

>> No.51698212

Who's baiting who now? I have her whole menhera alt backed up but I don't feel like taking a 3-day holiday on a Monday.

>> No.51698291

Sorry anons these are all me.

>> No.51698293

DM me please

>> No.51698386

Must be.
I wasn't baiting anything, just lamenting that one anon who's probably not even in this thread. I only saved the responses to my mashmallows.

>> No.51699525

I haven't seen a more schizo thread in a week.

>> No.51699952
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I genuinely dont believe any woman that claims to be a virgin.

>> No.51700395

Probably the most sane approach. It's why I don't date anyone.

>> No.51700596

Me neither, but I did get married to someone relevant.

>> No.51700674


>> No.51704823
File: 278 KB, 465x721, 1667282212019453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

northerners are fucking insane

>> No.51705802

I've never watched a shondo clip before this, why does she sound like she's actually 9yo?

>> No.51705837

voice acting

>> No.51706042

genetics (her grandmother supposedly has an even higher voice and her mother has demonstrably a relatively high too) + lived experience (conjecture)

>> No.51706781

Anyway so I'm not big into women these days but is this normal behavior for a young woman in today's society?

>> No.51708627

it is extremely suspicious that this thread has not been deleted

>> No.51708766

>She tried masturbating and hurt herself and thought it was horrible.
Doesn't that imply she's super tight? I mean, it shouldn't be unexpected in any way, but still.

>> No.51708768

Is Shondo for mating press or nah?

>> No.51708846

Nah she is for rape only

>> No.51708867

Sometimes there's people who need to be spoonfeed or they don't stay 24/7 waiting for the Schizo punching bag ribbon-tan to reappear.

>> No.51708917

Likely yeah but also dry since she doesn't get aroused. She probably just tried to stick a finger in there, met resistance and it hurt her. Girls need to be wet to enjoy that and if she never gets horny and was just doing it to try and figure out if she enjoyed it, this is a predictable response.

>> No.51708950

why are coddled pussies like you on this website to begin with

>> No.51709007

He's right though, if a thread was made full of failed Gura groomers spreading rrats about her behavior when she was 14 and otherwise discussing her sex life and purity it would be taken down in an instinct.

>> No.51709064

Or GOD FORBID the topic was ironmouse. Bans would be flying left and right

>> No.51709210

Threads get deleted for daring to suggest a Holo is lazy, a Niji is a whore, or a Vshojo has a boyfriend, but a thread full of actual pedophiles lamenting they couldn't groom a severely mentally ill minor and how sooo edgy she acted when she was 14 and a bunch of other anons discussing her personal life and what lewd things she has and hasn't done when she's not a lewdchuuba in the slightest stays up while a samefag bumps it from page 9 over and over for 12 hours replying to himself. I'd understand if she was a nobody but Shondo's a 4view, anyone who even occasionally watches indies knows who she is.

>> No.51709296

If you can't discuss this type of shit on 4chan, where are you supposed to. This entire board is ridden with reddit-addled newfags who think all vtuber related discussion has to be uniformly positive and supportive or it deserves to be deleted by the heckin' modderinos.

>> No.51709306

high functioning are some strong words

>> No.51709356

Go back to /b/ you loser

>> No.51709428
File: 236 KB, 498x443, 1666287107982681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anti-anons, this thread has only strengthened my resolve of being a die hard shondo fan forever

>> No.51709429

>mention Ironmouse's family members = ban, thread instantly nuked
>talk for hours about attempting to groom a chuuba 5 years ago when she was a child = fine
It's not about whether it should be allowed to be discussed or not, it's about the double standards on this board when it comes to rules. Personal life discussion is pretty much the only thing banned on this board and this entire thread is antis spreading the wildest rrats about some schizophrenic indie and discussing her pre-vtuber days and her sex life

>> No.51709464

so that is kinda what she sounds like

>> No.51709501

I think this is the thing they don't understand
If the worst things you can dig up on someone are them being racist and making crude jokes when they were 14, you've kind of failed at being an anti

>> No.51709532


>> No.51709605
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>> No.51709624 [SPOILER] 


>> No.51709636

Imagine if shadow was the antiposter, would explain all the screenshots etc

>> No.51709650
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>> No.51709679

the point of this thread is to upset shondo, not her fans, fucking retard

>> No.51709703
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>> No.51709740

Is this real???

>> No.51709743
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>> No.51709760

She was told to kill herself 100,000 times on twitter and laughed it off
She has said many times she doesn't visit this board for her own mental health, and if you do, she doesn't care but doesn't want to know. Do tell me how exactly this is going to upset her?

>> No.51709766


>> No.51709785
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>> No.51709802
File: 3.77 MB, 448x252, 1681567042506208.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's that soundpost where she laughs and says "oh noooo, I care so much about what schizophrenic Indonesians have to say about me"

>> No.51709822

You would know if you were there retard

>> No.51709832
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>> No.51709895

>Personal life discussion is pretty much the only thing banned on this board

Is it though? Plenty of 'roommate' comments stay around just fine. Plenty of discussions about mental state, income, etc.; all shit that's not about the character, but the person. I'm not saying I want those to be banned, just that the rule is already unclear.

desu I never understood why a 4chan board of all things would moderate in favor of vtubers so hard instead of just allowing any and all discussion as long as it's related to vtubers, like others blue boards do with their topics. The absolute worst that could happen is someone posting a dox as opposed to directing someone to the archive to find it anyway. It's not like it's illegal or that advertisers give a shit. Bit of a tangent.

>> No.51709898

>teehee I'm going to spread rrats on 4chan about how hard I failed at grooming a schizophrenic 14 year old
Wow I'm sure she'll cry herself to sleep tonight

>> No.51709900
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>> No.51709904


>> No.51709936


>> No.51709941
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>> No.51709951


>> No.51709961

Because money changes hands between hiro and vtuber corps

>> No.51709988
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>> No.51710015

Has anyone ever drawn muscleloli shondo?

>> No.51710019
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>> No.51710032


>> No.51710048
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>> No.51710096
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>> No.51710105


>> No.51710110

that collar will be good for choking her

>> No.51710122

She has a high pitched voice, but she's also putting on a specific speaking pattern. You can compare with a video on her own Youtube channel (not a PL, not roommate anything, literally her public Youtube channel right now) what it was like before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQBFvob26QY

>> No.51710133


>> No.51710144
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>> No.51710165


>> No.51710184
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>> No.51710192

because this is, at least in theory, supposed to be a board for vtubing and not /incel/ e-drama. Unfortunately the janny team is compromised by dramafag discords so it's open season on everyone that isn't their oshi/corpo of choice

>> No.51710207


>> No.51710232
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>> No.51710252

because there was worry of this shit board becoming /ecelebs/, and also raids are sitewide banned.

>> No.51710268


>> No.51710281
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>> No.51710293
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He's too nigger... how can we stop him

>> No.51710298
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>> No.51710319

wrong its because money that dox is banned

>> No.51710323
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>> No.51710377
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>> No.51710381


>> No.51710421
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>> No.51710488
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>> No.51710491


>> No.51710559
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>> No.51710567

Hide! Brack! Hide!

>> No.51710598


>> No.51710612
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>> No.51710646

doxx is sitewide banned, it's one of the report options. Goes all the way back to /b/ being schizos though I guess you could count moot being tired of being sued as a money reason.

>> No.51710665


>> No.51710669
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>> No.51710712
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>> No.51710728


>> No.51710763
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>> No.51710815
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>> No.51710819

I feel there's a difference between doxxing someone's real name and address and merely connecting a vtuber to another commercial online identity (e.g. a Fansly alias where that person posts photos of themselves). Just doesn't really feel like doxxing in the second case, no more than connecting a vtuber to a previous vtuber job at another agency, which is allowed here (I think). Tough distinction to make for moderation purposes, I guess.

>> No.51710820

My shadow folder just got bigger

>> No.51710835


>> No.51710866
File: 269 KB, 613x565, 1467994048396943363_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all on her main twitter, shame on you for not having any of these.

>> No.51710910


>> No.51710930
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>> No.51710934

that's an historical reason inherited from /jp/, concretely sharkmeido's legacy of anti-HER zealotry

>> No.51710989
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>> No.51711079
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>> No.51711129
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>> No.51711184
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>> No.51711229
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>> No.51711281
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>> No.51711300

Thanks for the cute wife-faces.

>> No.51711336
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>> No.51711398
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>> No.51711454
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>> No.51711497
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>> No.51711517

vtuber to past vtuber life is generally ok, it's an intentional slippery slope when people start going to non-vtubing personas hoping to get away with doxxposting because "it's publicly available information lol"

>> No.51711554
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>> No.51711595
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>> No.51711665
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>> No.51711711
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>> No.51711766
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>> No.51711822
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>> No.51711870
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>> No.51711888

keyfabe is on itself duplicitous retard, it's supposed to be an act/character

>> No.51711922
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>> No.51711985
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>> No.51712030
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>> No.51712077

If you save and use an image from this shit thread I'll know you were here and so will shadow

>> No.51712078

>doing this shit on stream
Oh yeah, she is not doing this for obvious reasons at all

>> No.51712094
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>> No.51712154
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>> No.51712199

I knew that tweet from kippy was about shondo look at all these anti loli transtrenders spreading rumors lmao. Ywnbaw.

>> No.51712205

For me doxxing always has the element that the information exposed is something that the person does not want to be out there. If a vtuber also has a second twitter account where they talk about their personal life, that content is also made to be out there in a sense. It's not publicly available information in the same way that requesting government documents where the person was required to fill out their real name is. The distinction does seem slippery, but I think you could draw a line somewhere about public online identities on social media sites at least.

>> No.51712214
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>> No.51712250

I doubt it? She was interacting with Shondo just today

>> No.51712264


>> No.51712276
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>> No.51712325
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>> No.51712377
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>> No.51712436
File: 372 KB, 700x678, 1526984082315411460_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.51712477
File: 133 KB, 905x851, 1534345329323155457_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for pudding, bye.

>> No.51712607
File: 23 KB, 112x112, 1685819909310873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you and good bye.

>> No.51712740
File: 5 KB, 112x112, Fq6dLRpX0AAGMiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the wifey pics, anon

>> No.51712765

What the fuck, is that really her voice?
How old is this hag

>> No.51712811

13-14 in this retardchama

>> No.51713062

>sounds like a hag as a 13yo

>> No.51713063

what the fuck am i reading

>> No.51713113

As someone who was there, the top image wasn't made by her. You can tell by the name being white, it wasn't her account that sent it, it was a new account in the server that was promptly banned. It was an anti that appeared after she started banning the shitty edgelords once she grew up a little.

>> No.51713124

If Shondocucks dont like being made fun of, why they keep making Shondo threads?

>> No.51713164

You think this thread was made by a fan?

>> No.51713262

