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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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53731288 No.53731288 [Reply] [Original]

>I won't stream until you fire Omega and the homo sex pests
What did she mean by this?!

>> No.53731372

She just mean "hello i'm based, deal with it"

>> No.53731485

Why do chumbuds keep willingly associating everything Gura does with Omega and Tempiss? Did all the shitposting traumatize them that much?

>> No.53731798

Afraid of her being forgotten or not streaming

>> No.53731816

she didn't say that

>> No.53731846

Reminds me of aqua and her crew in bilibili

>> No.53731859

Tempus have more dumbasses that defend them than they do that watch streams.

>> No.53731934

imagine never associating with holostars and you still get people using you for bait threads

>> No.53732029


>> No.53732058

t. NPC

>> No.53732201

nigger use your common sense. why on earth would they want to do that when its more satisfying if the truth is that the beggar scums sabotaged themselves

this thread reeks of beggar cope

>> No.53732935

>why on earth would they want to do that
Because they're desperate to go "actually Gura not streaming was BASED and it was to shit on the tempiss boys!" after all the shitposting they've had to endure? Especially since chumbuds have been in the middle of this retarded culture war because of her never acknowledging their existence at all? I'm not even trying to say this is the actual reason, but you're acting like coming up with a reason this simple is unfathomable.

>> No.53735219

they need an excuse for gura not to stream

>> No.53735290

can we banish chumtards to their own board, please...

>> No.53735403

I would agree with you, honestly, but seeing how tempus might die..... fuck you sister.

>> No.53735489

Cute shark makes schizo rage

>> No.53735529

It's hilarious, honestly.
All those likes on twitter and upvotes on reddit to 'owned' unicorn, yet tempus only have 3 views at average.

>> No.53735544


>> No.53735552
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Can anyone explain to me who the fuck is Omega and what the fuck happened to Tempus?
I'm out of the loop.

>> No.53736017

Because this person is not a chumbud you fucking gullible retard. It's a falseflagger and they rely on retards like you to believe them.

>> No.53736130
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Vesper and Magni have had a "stop of activities" as in, no social media, no streams, nothing. Getting on two weeks now? Been awhile
People like shitposting that there's a relation to Omega, a community manager from early in Holo EN's history who became less relevant over time until mostly disappearing. An old video on the Holo EN main channel showcasing Omega was privated at some point, and now people bring it up together with Vesper and Magni as an amusing rrat explaining why Gura has suddenly gotten more active again.

>> No.53736403

Thanks anon.
So basically the rrat is: Homos did a fuckup + an irrelevant Twitter handle getting forgotten = Gwombus is back.
Got it.
Thanks anon.

>> No.53736753

She is a goddamn super hero. You retards will never know and appreciate to what degree she has saved the future of Vtubing by going on her extended strike, in order to force the EN branch to get their shit together.

Gura, some of us notice and appreciate it, and we fucking love you sharky!!!

>> No.53736799

Vesper and Magni has been sidelined so they can teach EN3s mixed gender gen how to.

>> No.53736857

Don't worry, she'll be gone after few streams, like always.

>> No.53738852

I believe it

>> No.53739105

I will now watch your shark.

>> No.53739156

This is true.

>> No.53739214

They're just excited for a certain couple of Swedish DBD streamers to be announced as their replacements

>> No.53741670

The replies to this showing you made the sisters seethe really prove your point kek.

>> No.53741799

the voices in your walls aren't real anon

>> No.53743196

Yup. It's the exact same prophecy as, "Get woke go broke." The loudest people clamoring for a change are the least likely to support the change once it's the new status quo.

>> No.53743371

based tribal chief goomba big leaguing the corpo
I acknowledge her.

>> No.53743446

Gura is too based
Thank you shark for saving us from the homo menace

>> No.53743553

it's a projection. Deep down, they want her to 3 people collab with Vesper and Magni, also they want Omega to be her personal manager

>> No.53744720

Is this what a mindbroken beggar looks like staring down the gun of grundgeposting and 2 graduations?

>> No.53746313

Based Queen

>> No.53746777

I really doubt she cares enough about Tempus to do that. It's much more likely the Japan/Concert workload was overwhelming her.

>> No.53747332

I said back in September I would rather Gura didn't stream than her even mentioning Tempus. And I stand by that opinion even now.

>> No.53747559

Yet, here we are. They were vindicated.

>> No.53748168

>Get woke go broke
What a fucking idiot. Stupidest post itt but you're probably from /pol/ so it makes sense. That phrase has no concrete evidence of actually having happened.

>> No.53748368

THEY THE TWOS....AND SHE. THE. ONE! I also acknowledge my based tribal chief Gwombus.

>> No.53751490

Disney CEO is literally considering selling the company as we speak. So, yeah, you have solid evidence. You're just a cocksucker.

>> No.53754816

>That phrase has no concrete evidence of actually having happened
Already memory holed Bud Light eh?

>> No.53755088
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>> No.53755537

So why didn't you watch?

>> No.53755852

it probably has to do with contract negotiations recently. Gura is now being forced to stream, and Vesper/Magni are on the outs.

>> No.53758688

Don't forget the Ghostbusters reboot.

>> No.53761644


>> No.53762286
File: 449 KB, 612x496, 1680567244876350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omegatroon suspended gura for too many innocent loli jokes, Gura ghosted the company until they got rid of the mouthbreathing managers and now she is back, easy.

>> No.53764939


>> No.53765305


>> No.53765348

Fucking retard honestly.
Too new to know about how /pol/ is always right. Even if they are infested with cringe shills now

>> No.53765465

Take your meds, shitforbrains, you're hallucination again.

>> No.53767295

You know EXACTLY what she meant by t

>> No.53767390
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>> No.53768215


>> No.53769480


>> No.53769526

Based, Cunny I Kneel

>> No.53770251
File: 165 KB, 720x508, boguranoff twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tanigo. This so-called Holo "stars" branch of yours? Dump it.

>> No.53772223


>> No.53773159

Because it makes (you) seethe sister

>> No.53773181

why do you care, you don't even watch vtuber

>> No.53774269

If you for a second think catalog/SEAs gives a shit about Gura and you are somehow falling for this after months of Gura seethe threads and bot buying I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.53774513

>They were vindicated.
In their schizo minds

>> No.53775355

There is no evidence for that.

>> No.53775748

"I own this place now. Do what I want or I leave."

>> No.53775751

It was chumbuddies themselves the ones that posted passive aggressive comments under Gura'd VODs and the ones that made the Reddit threads complaining about her.

>> No.53775958

Gura was caught watching Vesper and Magni on repeat, neglecting her streaming duties, so they had to temporarily their activities and put them on paid vacation until she actually got back to work. Her higher ups are going to try to rid her of her behind-the-scenes homocock lust by making her quit cold turkey, promising that she'll get another hit once she returns to streaming at their minimum standards. That's why there's no return date set for the boys. It's win/win/win/win/win for Gura, her fans, the boys, investors, and the corpo. :)
