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53790613 No.53790613 [Reply] [Original]

Is she really mad at Gura?

>> No.53790689

You are one lazy bitch of a catalogbaiter
anyone can do better

>> No.53791159


>> No.53791182


>> No.53792440

calli is barely a vtuber
cover should have in their TOS that their talents are not allowed to doxx themselves.

>> No.53792527

Tempiss deflection thread

>> No.53793237

can confirm

>> No.53793865
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>> No.53796610


>> No.53798770

No just deeply insecure about herself but it’s okay since she will release the next album dunking on the antis (this time it will work)

>> No.53801091

Why is she insecure?

>> No.53801223


>> No.53802744

That doesn't really explain why.

>> No.53804541

>cover should have in their TOS that their talents are not allowed to doxx themselves.
Anon, I don't think you know what a "Terms of Service" is.

>> No.53806767

yes, yes she is.

>> No.53809147

Gura stole her thunder

>> No.53809272

Mori is the face of EN, she has nothing to fear from the do nothing shart.

>> No.53809479

Do you NDA?

>> No.53809542


>> No.53809593

She's mad at the world but Gura is her world

>> No.53809604

>cuckbeats unironically believe this

>> No.53809627


>> No.53809688

Gura won Mori lost, what do you think?

>> No.53809917
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Calli is cute when she's mad

>> No.53809954

lol, before Myth debuted, Mori probably thought she was gonna be the most popular member because of her wigger music. Kiara thought the same thing because she spoke Japanese. They both got jealous of Gura

>> No.53810015

who really knows what's on the mind of mori?

>> No.53810283 [DELETED] 
File: 504 KB, 845x1200, 1688153895650743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rrat: calli thought she could bully gura into presenting a unified front concerning boyz and got sent to the ego shadow realm when shark shut her down, this probably turned into group shunning followed by Gura bunkering with JPs, since the star is following the party line the idol culture resistance movement is singlehandedly doomed

this is largely stupid because just not telling us you have a boyfriend isn't that hard, a standard Glomar response covers all yabs if done correctly. oh, and it's actually nice to hear Gura is probably still with Barbie, a girl who can have the same BF for 5 years is probably tradwife material so no help there.

idk i love shark and i hope calli gets into the rap world somehow even if it's not through hololive, i know that's what she actually wants

>> No.53810341

Sure you do doxxbeat

>> No.53813635

Her mind is on me.

>> No.53815065

I didn’t make this post.

>> No.53816408


>> No.53816522

imagine not being able to walk and being indian and having a micropenis

>> No.53816527

i randomly clicked on a mori stream the other day thinking "hey maybe she's not so bad now" and the whole time i was watching she was talking in this exaggerated forced "i'm trying to sound cute heehee" voice and it was embarrassing. do deadbeats really like listening to a girl sounding so fake? it's annoying for me.

>> No.53817442

I would be mad

>> No.53819837


>> No.53820584

Almost everyone is petite except her

>> No.53822914

Anon, at this point that is just how she talks. That is how her entire family talks.

>> No.53823012

Only myth that doesn’t and never did make passive aggressive remarks towards gura at any point is ina

That’s honestly sad.

>> No.53823055

Who ISN'T mad at Gura?

>> No.53823176

t. chumbud with zero self awareness

>> No.53824686

>Is she really mad at Gura?

>> No.53824825

kiara dragged her to the surface again so she earned her right to talk shit. never forget that, cumchuds.

>> No.53825302
File: 132 KB, 305x340, asami wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori never grew past the insecure 16 year old she once was, desperate for a place on the cool kids table and willing to live a lie to make sure she got and stayed there. Fleeing to Japan was her worst mistake ever because instead of making friends and growing she hid herself in bubble and stagnated.

>> No.53825516

>Fleeing to Japan was her worst mistake ever because instead of making friends and growing she hid herself in bubble and stagnated
Interesting point. I personally always though it was a good move just because her life before Japan seemed like she had nothing in US.

>> No.53825760

Careerwise, sure. She went from 0 to 3 before Hololive shot her to 50, but as a person she's still that 0. It's a shame, if she had been a better person Kiara could have helped her, but the voice in her head (bolstered by the words of 'friends' hoping to use her as a gateway into Hololive) told her that yurishipping was CRINGE and PROBLEMATIC BRUH and so she pushed Kiara away, cutting the one tie that wasn't adding to her natural self-destructive tendencies.

>> No.53827025


>> No.53827031


>> No.53827089

This AI written post is almost convincing. Just needs a little more refinement, still sounds a little subhuman.

>> No.53827244

What has Mori done now? I don't watch her and so have no idea what this thread is deflecting from.

>> No.53827319
File: 624 KB, 1006x984, keeeeeeeek_090316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was butthurt that Gura was about to overlap her. Then got numbermogged by Gura's waiting room after moving her stream.

>> No.53827337

lmao imagine getting mogged by someone's waiting room. Mori on suicide watch.

>> No.53827355

Why do people care about this so much?
I keep seeing spam of this in every thread.

>> No.53827378
File: 341 KB, 552x552, 1631494731332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she was jealous or mad Gura is stealing her views then she would've gotten that out of her system a long time ago getting constantly mogged by Gura for 2+ years.

>> No.53827384

'cause it's funny. Duh.

>> No.53827389

it's a dbz powerscaling brain thing

>> No.53827414

You have been bumping this trash fucking bait thread for 12 hours.

>> No.53827460

Mori numberfagging and still failing is hilarious.

>> No.53827479 [DELETED] 
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she was at least hot, v-tubing made her chubby.

>> No.53827500

Was it alcohol or rice that made her so fat after she moved there?

>> No.53827503

This. at some point Mori will start actual lewdstreaming and still get mogged by Gura.

>> No.53827532

Alcohol + holing up in her apartment and never going out.

>> No.53827592

>holing up in her apartment and never going out
Why move to another country when you have a high paying job that doesn't take all your free time if you're not going to use this as an opportunity to visit every fucking place you can?
Might as well have stayed home and got fat in a place where being fat is normal

>> No.53827624
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big bob

>> No.53827670
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>Why do people care about this so much?
>People it's one ESL
ESL numberfag retard trying too to hard latch on to something shitpost about despite the image literally contradicting the narritaive he's trying to push
He's even started lying about her getting """mogged""" by the waiting

>> No.53827720

yea getting one of the best jobs in the entire world and achieving all her dreams was so awful for her

>> No.53827731

>Why move to another country when you have a high paying job that doesn't take all your free time if you're not going to use this as an opportunity to visit every fucking place you can?
She already has, retard watch streams

>> No.53827756

Because she moved there before hololive.

>> No.53827855

>Those people that left died of a heart attack in front of their computer
>There's no way they left for Gura
>There's no way Gura had more than 1.5k people in her waiting room right before 1.5k people left Mori's stream for hers
Anon. Everyone and their dog knows Gura's waiting rooms are 6k or more. Just check her next stream. You'd have to live in an alternate reality to think she had less than 3k people in the waiting room on an announcement stream. And the graph clearly shows the exodus happened before the hour mark.
Post more cope please. It's extremely funny.

>> No.53827936


>> No.53828122
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Is catalog's new thing trying to start a war between Deadbeats and Shrimps and are people ACTUALLY falling for this?

>> No.53828139

fpbp and everyone past this point including me is retarded

>> No.53828155
File: 28 KB, 48x517, Screenshot 2023-07-20 015554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Those people that left died of a heart attack in front of their computer
>>There's no way they left for Gura
>>There's no way Gura had more than 1.5k people in her waiting room right before 1.5k people left Mori's stream for hers
Who are you quoting?
>Post more cope please. It's extremely funny.
Ironic considering you literally got caught trying to edit Gura's waiting room numbers
It's such a weird and pathetic thing to try add on top, considering Gura always "beats" most of EN anyways, you're just lying for no fucking reason lol
>And the graph clearly shows the exodus happened before the hour mark.
Your graph literally shows that she hit another peak at the hour mark
I don't what's more embarrassing, the fact that you've posted this incorrect shit a handful times already or the fact you're purposely tried to misinterpreted Mori despite the fact her comments quit literally explains her logic

>> No.53828194

>Nigga is coping this hard that people would rather watch Gura

>> No.53828198

Yes and yes

>> No.53828348

You are literally coping because your gay ass narratives aren't true
>Mori was numberfaging
>Gura's waiting room had more viewers
>Your mother loved you
All of this stuff is just straight up not true lol

>> No.53828516

Alternate reality-kun. Just stop. This is getting sad.

>> No.53828622

Just stop. Let her be in peace. Why can't you just LET HER BE?

>> No.53828900

because (You) kept responding deadbeat. (You) kept replying to shitty catalog threads. Just like your oshi, you can't take things lying down. You had to have the last word.

>> No.53829263

Who are you quoting retard?
You seem to be too mentally impaired to understand my issue is that your retarded ass keeps trying to lie about the waiting room
>Bu-but it her stream got more CEECEEVEEE
Yeah no shit retard, of course Gura doing a solo twice in the same month for first time in 3 months was going to "beat" out literally any other EN stream
Why add an extra lie and try to imply Mori moved her stream for numberfag reasons even though it makes no logically sense?

>> No.53829834

