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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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54534916 No.54534916 [Reply] [Original]

>EN homocollabs are almost zero
>JP homocollabs becoming more common and more JPs collabing with them (mel, laplus, akirose)
>the only holoEN collab with a homo in the past couple months was bae with oga, a JP homo

What's going on?

>> No.54535016

Oh boy we definitely need the 50th thread about this in an hour

>> No.54535080

JPstars are really no different from the JP girls. There's nothing wrong with holoJP and starsJP collabing. They all understand their boundaries and idol culture.

>> No.54535125

Amelia will do a Worms Tournament stream with Tempus again soon.
Calm down shitter

>> No.54535142
File: 321 KB, 680x899, i miss that nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss old man Aruran...

>> No.54535205 [DELETED] 

So which do you prefer? “This post is extremely low quality” or “spamming/flooding”?

>> No.54535215


>> No.54535221
File: 210 KB, 406x518, 1690648511877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'know, for how small the homos and their fanbases are, this board sure has an unhealthy obsession with them...

>> No.54535262

They are fucking their oshis, obviously they will seethe.

>> No.54535275

Cover should stop giving them a disproportionate amount of support then.

>> No.54535339

I'm quite partial to "trolling outside of /b/"

>> No.54535391

This all could've been resolved if cover wasn't retarded and debuted en3 before going all in on the boys

>> No.54535525
File: 193 KB, 1003x1080, qc9y09lohdz61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive antis latched on to this to divide and conquer
holos vs stars
holos vs tempus
holos vs holos
all of this holo vs holo shitposting begun with the proliferation of small corpos abd nijiEN
there are probably literal paid shills here

>> No.54535570

The antagonism towards male collabs is generated purely by 4chan incels, but they will pretend that Japanese otaku are on their side because "muh idol culture" when in actuality the Japanese otaku love male collabs.

>> No.54535727

I do love the "state blatant lies as fact" strategy these guys employ. A nice soviet flavour to the shitposting.

>> No.54535766

This is why only a third of Hololive collabs with them and why every HoloJP x Stars collab generates far more dislikes than the average HoloEN x Tempus collab

>> No.54535814
File: 160 KB, 1188x267, NY countdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. JP fans love the homos.

>> No.54535913

That's not a male collab.

>> No.54535934

Interesting train of thought. Is every dude fucking your mother if she talks with them?

>> No.54535940

Reminder that only 1 person is spamming the mel shit on the board and he was retarded enough to dox himself

>> No.54536127

men are the jews of vtubing

>> No.54536310

Potential to become the new meta maybe? It also helps that hardly anyone here watches streams.

>> No.54537718

y'know, for how small the homos and their fanbases are, COVER and its retarded CEO sure have an unhealthy obsession with giving them better treatment...

>> No.54537804

How can you typo "holo" so many times? Phone poster? Low IQ?

>> No.54538241

Anon, don't bring that up, it opens old wounds for him.

>> No.54538507

Quite based. There's a reason this board's catalog is completely filled with bait threads and shit stirring and its not just (just) because vtubers attract schizos.
I think people get paid to come here and intentionally ruin discussion and fun with organized "talking" points.

>> No.54538531


>> No.54538595
File: 118 KB, 480x640, 4baa6419fc8db2e626410fac54f9acd5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's fine when HoloStars JP do it. Accept that and move on, tempig.

>> No.54538788

This poster is underaged

>> No.54538795


>> No.54538838

You really don't want to know. My mother cheated on my dad

>> No.54540120

...that might be true actually. How many times have you seen someone suggest that you "take the indie/small corpo pill" in the middle of these shit flinging catalog threads? I think there's an organised effort to get holo fans to leave holopro and watch other chuubas to "escape the drama."

>> No.54540214

a gayboy or plus size sister typed this.

>> No.54540302

See now it makes sense why you here shitting up the board

>> No.54540447

Thing Japan :) syndrome you hate to see it.

>> No.54540871

I'm just wary of women

>> No.54541003

>How do you do, fellow kids?

>> No.54542317

During her new year stream, Suisei surprise called Roberu then vowed to make 2023 the year of collaboration between hololive and holostars.

>> No.54542452


>> No.54542546

And that's why I'm unsubscribed

>> No.54542800

False, jp homofans need to stop pushing this narrative

>> No.54542953

reminder that starsJP play valorant together with holoJP privately off-stream in their free time

>> No.54543032


>> No.54543046

>EN homocollabs are almost zero
Good, now if the boys can just stop mentioning the dykes every other stream too that would be perfect.

>> No.54543116

It's almost as if these "homobeggars" aren't actually Tempus or Stars fans. Hmmmm.....

>> No.54543153

yes, Roberu is a whore

>> No.54543169

You mean when idiots send them superchats begging for them to talk about the girls, right? Because I almost never hear them come up in any other way. Tempus doesn’t give a fuck about them (minus the two currently suspended or whatever).

>> No.54543218

suityan is a whore too!

>> No.54543260

the homos live rent free in your head huh

>> No.54543466

>t. a homo sympathizer
go back

>> No.54543700

Holostars have to used the rope

>> No.54543769


Even a small bit of cancer needs to be taken seriously and eradicated anon.

>> No.54543892

stop trying to sound deep and cool for your shitposting.

>> No.54543949

there's no proof of this.

>> No.54544206

it's funny that she stopped inviting holos to her 3D live at around the same time. it's almost like suisei is distancing herself from hololive. she isn't even part of this sumemr relay despite being THE singing holo.

>> No.54544568

I don't think they are ok and I wouldn't oshi someone that did it but most JP holos are unicorn friendly and it makes sense to grandfather in the early gens before avoiding male collabs became the norm. If there were an actual realistic threat to normalize the stars collabs in JP I would care but I don't think they are stupid enough to try that.

>> No.54544665

oh yes there is

>> No.54545205

Did she managed to do that thogh?

>> No.54545811

We are almost into August and they are citing Meru and Aki Rose (gen 1) so probably not. Laplus fell from grace last year and alienated her unicorns anyway so it's not a big surprise she went the FPS slut route.
