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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 135 KB, 850x1202, __shiori_novella_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_pupi_rain_prophet__sample-108a0088a3cc36168ab747d49f85b9e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54747259 No.54747259 [Reply] [Original]

>supposed leader
>is a bitch in the collab
>well known homobegger
she'll be dead last, and it's not even close

>> No.54747441

Why are leaders always the worst?

>> No.54747463

the Baelz of EN3

>> No.54747543

how is she a bitch in the collab

>> No.54747721

Right now Nerissa is the runt in subs, we'll see how that turns out. Shiori doesn't have the /vt/ hype, but may I remind you that Kronii is still the most subbed Council.

>> No.54747764

>Mori + Ame combined.

>> No.54747820
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Let me guess, another astroturfing thread by /cbdct/ sisters?

>> No.54747928

Nah Ame is actually good, especially her first year

>> No.54748000

stream watcher get out

>> No.54748061

she's been condescending the entire time. low key calls the other girls out when they make odd nervous comments. admittedly she stopped doing it right now but why don't you go watch the fucking stream?

>> No.54748280

Anon has never seen banter before in his life, please andastando

>> No.54748307

who you calling sister, fagchama? Only vtubers I watch is holos.
get a different line

>> No.54748347

the Watson of EN3

>> No.54748501

a bit worse because male collabs outside of holo

>> No.54748573

half-checked, Kronii is objectively the worse

>> No.54748651
File: 149 KB, 1040x1200, 1656315120666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's crazy but sorry, I'm too busy sayin' Bau Bau!

Bau Bau!! Bau Bau!!

>> No.54748704

yea, she's playing her role a little too much -- she's gotta tone it down or it'll truly be over

>> No.54748738

Holox is also checked

>> No.54748836

holox leader is luinee, lapwhore is just a figurehead

>> No.54748878

this is why you'll never even hold a girl's hand in your entire life. because you misinterpret their behavior. women don't banter like men do,

>> No.54748895

Go back to /cbdct/

>> No.54749082

You guys said this about Watson and she because LA CREATIVIDAD, Shiori has 4 years of experience you're literally expecting her to go full Marine off debut

>> No.54749145

It's not even banter, she's just doing a good job of leading the collab so far

>> No.54749310

nah, she'll catch up. she hits all the cute cues and her singing will carry her while she settles into her job

>> No.54752742

>>well known homobegger
stfu virgin, nobody cares.

>> No.54753776

Not anymore. Mumei will be the most subbed Council member, any day now

>> No.54753901

go be a cuckold elsewhere

>> No.54754107

Ehh mori is pretty fucking bad, other then that i agree, they’ve been fucking up with the leaders lately

>> No.54754143

says the virgin

>> No.54754179

She must be doing something right to already have antis.

>> No.54754423

You will never date a hololive. No hololive will ever know or care about your existence.

>> No.54754532

>she hits all the cute cues
Shiori is cuter than Nerissa, setting aside the substance of what she says.

>> No.54754601

not really because bae is a nice person, she just has the unfortunate tendency to be too much of a unityfag which kind of comes with the territory of being nice.
she's the kronii of the gen if anything. overrated model, terribly miscast, kind of a jerk to the others. just waiting for the inevitable part where she turns on the fans to complete the parallels.

>> No.54754597

reminds me of zeta ngl

>> No.54754694

nerissa will succeed simply because she has an amazing voice and a clear desire to be a real vsinger. she's going to go hard on covers and originals.

>> No.54754697

the vtuber that mindbroke /vt/ in only one stream

>> No.54754753

>well known homobeggar
The inside of your empty head doesn't make anything well known

>> No.54754796

>Be cute dorky goth
>be assigned leader of your group
>actual lead by putting direction during your collab instead of it being an esl mess of esls talking over each other
I shat on her day 1 but I kneel day 2

>> No.54754882

nah dont see what you're seeing at all. Shiori cute and her voice is hot as hell

>> No.54754884

anon, she's a nyanners type. You might want to be careful before you start simping.

>> No.54754887

Actually Altare is only leader of gen 1 of Tempus. Bettel is leader of Vanguard

>> No.54754945

Eh, don't know how much just singing can carry a HoloEN

>> No.54755075

Gura became the leader of the vtubing industry because of her singing

>> No.54755080

Stfu already

>> No.54755203

hating on shiori is just a meme at this point

>> No.54755256

I mean other than Rissa acting more of the leader during the collab I don't see your points at all.

>> No.54755297

Too bad everything went downhill for her last year

>> No.54755366

Her debut was shit compared to the rest

>> No.54755373

it's... just different this time. even mori got big and she's a really mid singer. nerissa is clearly just as devoted to her career, but unlike mori is probably not so autistic that all her songs are gonna be the same chip on her shoulder song, and she doesn't have the debuff of... well being mori

>> No.54755375

>doesn't have the /vt/ hype
Sad considering Shiori is literally one of us.

>> No.54755480

Its amazing to me that having over 200k subs is still not good enough for /vt/

>> No.54755554

You like Shiori because her character appeals to you for whatever reason
I like Shiori simply because /vt/ hates her
We are not the same.

>> No.54755591

Kek, good one anon

>> No.54755753

Nah, it was a handy bonus, but she didn't get carried to 4 million views just because of unarchived karaokes and one original song

>> No.54755763

will have to wait and see how her karaoke goes

>> No.54755946

Only according to /vt/ unicons, smol Ame was all the rage at the last two Holofests. She's an icon like it or not

>> No.54756048

/vt/ is just like every other board on 4chan, they claim everything and everyone is garbage, but obsess over them non-stop, if a little worse.

>> No.54756365

If she didnt have the best singing voice in the english vtubing sphere she would've just been another loli in the market

>> No.54756412

Glad we get dictate your taste in chuubas. Good job anon

>> No.54756428

Gura was carried by her model

>> No.54756517

>whore vocaroos

>> No.54756668

Except that is not her, you get dabbed on every single thread you post this why do you bother?

>> No.54757261

All the points listed by OP don't really matter. What matters is that she is not entertaining. The only thing she has going for her is a good design, however, she cannot live up to it.

>> No.54757645

I really don't give a shit I have my doggos and I'm happy with them.

>> No.54757781

She sure did sister. Her rm was the unknown of the bunch and couldn't get anyone to watch her vids, oh wait

>> No.54758612

I didn't think she was a bitch in the collab, just a bit autistic
Also how are you making this comparison? Bae is an incredibly sweet girl to her genmates at all times and she's also a good leader who has organized kino collabs like the GOI trials or Host club
Shiori reminds me more of Ame because she's kinda autistic

>> No.54759012


>> No.54759135
File: 587 KB, 1045x794, 1652678549166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>is a bitch in the collab

>> No.54759132

/vt/ doesn't even watch chuubas

>> No.54759192

Where's Mumei's 4M subs?

>> No.54759558

How the fuck was Rissa acting like a leader? Shiori clearly was leading the quiz thing and it was obvious that during the merch reveals different people would be revealing different items. I can't think of a single instance that Rissa wrangled the others and kept them on track.

>> No.54759720

>Shiori doesn't have the /vt/ hype
She had it, most than anyone, she threw it away.

>> No.54760214

>Muh cuckold
Listen you fucking brain addled troglodyte, I don't replace the need for a gf through streams made to extract money.

>> No.54760507

She was the one who kept bringing up the announcements and dictated whose turn was whose. Like anytime there was a lull it was Rissa who spoke up keeping things going.

>> No.54760605

And as well all know /vt/ hype is the most important thing in the world

>> No.54760734

It's obviously Rissa wanted to be a leader but she has to deal with fucking Moe getting that role

>> No.54760912

Probably talking about the horn thing.

>> No.54761234

Neither do homobeggars

>> No.54761617

Rissa has been interacting so much with her Senpais and going really above and beyond with the interactions. The only thing I'd criticize her for is that she needs to understand the dogs to really be a leader, which she doesn't seem to have a real dynamic with them, though she'll grow into her Straight-manning of them I imagine.
Oh also she needs to squash Shiori and put her in her place. Probably by getting her to simp for her, but Shiori is a faker so the two of them will probably have little to talk about.

>> No.54762032

>is a bitch in the collab
Did we watch the same collab? She was successfully the tardwrangler in the collab just now
