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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 362 KB, 638x359, Advent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57317875 No.57317875 [Reply] [Original]

And who was your previous oshi?

Admit it. Some of you have switched.

>> No.57318013

I watched their debuts with my Discord buddies, but nothing else. I'll never betray my oshi asshole

>> No.57318076
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If you switched yoy didn't have an oshi in the first place.
If your oshi is an EN you're a faggot anyway

>> No.57318122

Anyone but Nerissa

>> No.57318199

Sixth member of Advent coming this month

>> No.57318547

My oshi before Advent was Ina. My oshi after Advent is Ina. Biboo and Shiori are cute but I'm not switching any day.

>> No.57318612


>> No.57318625

oshi != kamioshi.
My kamioshi is the same, but now I also oshi Bijou.

>> No.57318634
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i drop fauna


>> No.57318865

I reserve judgment until they boot up Holocraft

>> No.57318914


It's nice to have an oshi that actually tries hard and doesn't hide behind "being nervous" to be lazy and uninspired.

>> No.57318989

They haven't been out long enough for me to consider any of them oshi, leaning towards Nerissa though.
Bijou is great, the dogs are great, I don't even dislike Shiori. Great gen so far.

>> No.57319047

In IRyS I believe. Nerissa was tempting, but her favoritism towards Kiara was a turn off.

>> No.57319089

I went from Vesper and Kronii to Fuwamoco. I am very happy with my choice. So this is what joy is huh? CGDCT...I remember this. Feels good

>> No.57319148

>ever choosing a Homo as an oshi
At least you jumped that ship

>> No.57319389

They don't resonate with me, but I think they're a good gen overall. They prove that a lot of talented women are just waiting to join Hololive.

>> No.57320002

Didn’t have an oshi. IRyS… papa Redjuice got me into vtubing. Still watch her from time to time. Suisei nendoroid is the only merch I own.

Advent girls are nice, but more of a fan of Shiori and Bijou. Never watched enough Nerissa, but her covers are amazing. Fuwamoco is too mushy for me, I like the CGDCT in bite size clips, but can’t bring myself to sit through an entire stream like that.

>> No.57320655

The LGBT faggotry was what pushed me off Nerissa. Great way to really pump your numbers up after a debut, it worked out great for Kiara. Nerissa's currently getting half the viewership of any of the other girls. No wonder they get along.

>> No.57320737

The what?!

>> No.57320811

Bijou, too much of a mori fan
red flag faggot.

>> No.57320839

But Mori is great.

>> No.57320857

dropped myth for advent

>> No.57320874

man do deadbeats lurk in every thread.
how much are they paying u to do this

>> No.57320939

i didn't switch cause i was always for the kamioshi + several oshi model
added Biboo and Nerissa, first time i like two from the same gen sp much

>> No.57320983

I haven't watched more than three Advent streams.

>> No.57320993
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We're everywhere.

>> No.57321052

Kamioshi = Fuwamoco
I also like Biboo and Shiori

My JP oshis are Miko, Lamy and Koyori if you want to know my "type"

>> No.57321106

Kamioshi : Pero
Oshi :

>> No.57321186

Nerissa has more subs that Shiori what mental illness is this?

>> No.57321228

Poor Biboo.... She doesn't deserve that

>> No.57321324

Holo oshi used to be gura but when she died last year and got replaced by AI I searched for a new EN oshi. Nerissa is my oshi in Advent but Biboo gets a strong mention because she's just great.

>> No.57321574

usually is the new hires gain help from the old fags
funny how it's mori trying her best to leech from Bijou
i saw how desperate she paid to get a PS5 just to farm AC6 views.

>> No.57321643

Did he fucking stutter?

>> No.57321775
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>streamer gets a console to play a game she wants to play
>*angry noises*
Mori schizos are getting pretty funny.

>> No.57321806

She hasn't had a proper yab in a while so they have to sustain themselves with scraps.

>> No.57322338

I dropped HoloEN last December and told myself I wouldn’t consider watching a stream or clips until EN3 debuted. Then, I would reconsider.
I unironically expected to stop caring by then and never watch EN again. I’m actually starting to watch streams again.
>who’s your oshi then?
Right now I’m just happy to be back in full hako mode. Still too thrilled to feel that unity again.
That said, I think I like Shiori’s content the best. I’m not big on gaming, and I prefer her digressions to actual gameplay.
Her general gives me slight infinity vibes though. My favorite general so far is /baubau/. The degeneracy, lusting over breaking sexual taboos, unhinged shitposting, and deification of their oshi reminds me of the small corpo generals. It feels like home

>> No.57326156

just watch Fauna
kek homobeggers saying this after their 2 heroes just died LMFAO

>> No.57326323

Who mentioned homos anon? Why do you have males on the mind?

>> No.57326463

The Bau Baus won me over. They're hilarious and I love their dynamic.

Gura was and still is my oshi though. Unfortunately, she streams so infrequently that i've found myself wandering.

>> No.57326571

hahahahahaha trying to memoryhole it
it's only been a week sister!

>> No.57326729

Sorry, I don't keep up with the homos, unlike you.

>> No.57327029
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and ain't it the truth the faggot sisters never watch the streams or support them in reality

>> No.57327132

Watched all their debuts and one-three more streams of each, but I unsubbed all of them already except the gem and haven't switched oshis. By now I'm certain I will never have another oshi.

>> No.57327504

Previous: Ame
New one: Fuwamoco

>> No.57328066

Gave them all a try. Was thinking maybe I could find an oshi replacement but I realized that it's not that easy to oshihen after all, some people just click with you more. It just confirmed that I still love my oshi the most after all, and if I ever drop my oshi I probably just drop vtubing.
My initial thoughts on Advent:
Nerissa is boring and a bad streamer, disappointing since I had the most hope for her after her debut. I'll come back to her in a few months to see if she's improved. Hopefully she puts out more English covers too, the jap ones have been mid.
Bijou is close to the perfect vtuber for me but I can't stand her voice. So I'll have to get used to it. It means she'll never be my oshi but she's someone I'll definitely watch and prioritize.
I love Fuwamoco's drive and ambition but I don't find their streams very entertaining. They're someone I'll always support and respect but there's no emotional connection that makes me want to oshi them.
I watched a few Shiori streams and could barely retain anything because of her rambling train of thought. Not for me.

>> No.57330227

Kamioshi, JP indie that you'll never find
Oshi, Shiori.

>> No.57330389

None but I do watch Biboo if Fauna or IRyS isn't streaming.

>> No.57330403
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Dropped Kronii in late 2021 and have been in limbo until FuwaMoco came along.

>> No.57333256


>> No.57333955

Stockholm much?

>> No.57334167
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never had an oshi, never donated, never paid for memberships, pirated all music and concerts, but fuwamoco is making me reconsider.

>> No.57334365
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> Which Advent became your new oshi?
>And who was your previous oshi?
Never had an EN oshi but I watch Fauna and Mumei a lot (and Gura I guess)
My JP oshi is taking a break and I really don't know when she's coming back

>> No.57335788

>having only one oshi
no wonder why there's so many holo vs holo retards

>> No.57335940

Tbf I'm old, so I related heavily to Vesper. The doggos scratch the same itch but with cute

>> No.57335942

Nah, went back when it turns out they were boring overall. They played all their cards the first month. Won't watch until they collab with other people that isn't just doing Mori, Kiara and Bae. It doesn't even feel like the collab ban really lifted at all.

>> No.57336204

Bijou is my favorite from EN3, she is just the right combo of cute,bubbly and positive - plus she is pretty decent at games.

The others are just if you want a GFE or kayfabe. Narissa and Fuwamoco can be alright, especially horror-games with FuwaMoco for timed reactions. Shiori got kind of boring pretty fast for me.

>> No.57339320
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>> No.57340436
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After my last Oshi betrayed me I was oshi less for a while and watched random streams from every hololive girl. I didn’t even know it but I ended up gravitating towards Shiori since I really like zatsu streamers. I think she’s my Oshi now and have already watched all of her streams. Plus her model is great

>> No.57340552
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>> No.57340697

the rock is cool and cute

>> No.57340759


>> No.57343033

Nerissa was the only one I tried to stick around but I feel myself slowly getting filtered. Guess I'm going back to watching other small corpo girls.
I know Hololive can work as some sort of seal of approval when you can't be bothered to screen through thousands of literal whos, but I accidently stumbled upon some cute girls, and found them actually enjoyable.
I don't need to be subservient to Holo approval when I've witnessed the quality with my own eyes outside the box.

>> No.57343131

I was going to switch to Nerissa but she's way too open about sexual stuff for my taste. I wanted a refined lady not a hag in heat

>> No.57344228

>yuri baiting is 'LGBT faggotry'

>> No.57344641

Tried getting back into HoloEN for the first time in two years and Advent was alright, but much of it reminded me of why I dropped most of EN in the first place.
Keeping an eye on Shiori at the very least, because I always have to respect vtuber OGs.

>> No.57344696

The only EN that made me consider switching Oshis has been Fauna. Biboo seems cool and I bet I will like her a lot when she is a few months in and settled.

>> No.57344945

I like Bibou the most, but it's a shame she wants to be attach to Mori.

>> No.57345051

>EN oshi
we get it, you shit your pants in public.

>> No.57345226

FWMC. Never really watched EN before except for jp collabs

>> No.57345295

Didn't switch because she reminded me of a certain raven manor vtuber

>> No.57345352

My former oshi was Pomu. Still like her but I dropped because I don’t want to give even a single number to the vantablack company starting with the AR cancellation.
Now Fuwamoco are my oshis.

>> No.57345405

found the unironic homobeggar lol, be more subtle next time sis

>> No.57345474

previous: Rushia
current: Biboo
i dropped rushia after she graduated, but finally found an oshi in biboo that brings me comfort

>> No.57349817

Shittiest taste in the thread

>> No.57351368

Personally, I genuinely cannot stay interested in a vtuber or corpo for long if they don’t have cool events or big concerts and other exciting stuff like that. I watch small corpos and indies occasionally, but Hololive is my mainstay because it comes closest to preserving that sense of excitement from back when vtubing was still a novelty.

>> No.57351702

kamioshi was and still is fauna
added biboo and fwmc to my oshi list but i enjoy watching biboo a lot more

>> No.57351873
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I have no oshi, I hate women and the only reason I'm in this board is to spread lies, hatred and discord. I do like watching Luna though, she's cute.

>> No.57352178
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previous: Fauna
new: Still Fauna.
Nothing against the new girls but I'm a sapling through and through.

>> No.57352398

i smell fear.

>> No.57352473

>the alphabet mafia made them do it

>> No.57352570

I'm never leaving Miko.
Idgaf who it is.
Bijou is who I watch the most from them by far though.

>> No.57352846
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>> No.57352985

I'd be a pebblephile if IRyS wasn't already my oshi.

>> No.57353250

Bijou's growing on me

>> No.57353455

Cringe post desu. Switching oshis usually happens when your current oshi turns into a shitty chuuba.

>> No.57353515

Why would you oshi a chuuba who would turn into a shitty chuuba? My oshi would never do that.

>> No.57353676
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>Why would you oshi a chuuba who would turn into a shitty chuuba?
We all make mistakes, Anon. My new oshi(s) will never disappoint me.

>> No.57353727

Advent is boring, I’m still sticking with Council.

>> No.57353753

Is /vt/ the most retarded board? It definitely has to be up there.

>> No.57353791

NTA but for Hololive, they focus on the idol journey. The whole point is you start out with a shitty chuuba and watch them as they develop and get better. However with EN, many have just started out shitty and stayed the same or gotten worse. Suisei was a fucking terrible singer when she started.

>> No.57353813

With the exception of Nerissa, Advent is too ESL for my liking. I can understand the appeal of listening to a woman who sounds low IQ, but it's just not for me.

>> No.57353899
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I wrote this post

>> No.57354936

My memberships before and after advent.

Previous : Korone and Hachi.
Current : Korone, Hachi, FWMC and Bijou.

Make of that what you will.

>> No.57357783


Do I look like have time to check on other's streams?

>> No.57358653
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I'm never switching, you fag!

>> No.57360620


>> No.57360926

Didn't make me switch but FWMC > Bijou > Rissa > Shiori
Bijou might take the lead eventually, FWMC are super cute but I'm not sure if they have enough substance to keep me coming forever, it's all sugar.

>> No.57362124

You don't need ps5 to play Armoured core 6, what the hell

>> No.57362592


>> No.57363481

Im waiting on ID4

>> No.57365216

the dogs

>> No.57367075

Based and same

>> No.57369163


>> No.57369242
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Stuck with Fauna. I'm sorry, but none of the new hires can really compete with her yet in terms of sheer stream quality. I'll have another look in 6 months time.

>> No.57372332

well said

>> No.57372435

Fauna -> Shiori

I like wholesome dorks that care for people, and Shiori is a more interesting and relatable character. And I like it when she laughs inappropriately like myself

>> No.57372721
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>> No.57373508

>homocollaber watcher to Fuwamoco
Fine with more diverse ruffians, just don't start shit with homobegging, you know their stance with homocollabs.

>> No.57373856

I am not some weak faggot who changes oshi.

>> No.57374104

you know homocollaber doesn't watch stream right?

>> No.57374198

My oshi is Gura, i know she is a lazy ghosting idiot, but still love her.
That said i enjoy a lot Fuwamoco and Bijou, and Shiori is warming my heart.
I have switched a lot of non-oshi holos like Ame, Fauna, Mumei but still too son to change oshis

>> No.57375464

Glad you have a more sane oshi now and don't followed that menhera RM
Dodged a bullet there

>> No.57377155


>> No.57379115

>Some of you have switched.
I didn't
Not because these new vtubers are shit or something, but I just don't care about them - there are only 24 hours in a day, and some of my free time is already taken by vtubers I enjoy watching. There's no point for me to switch (if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and I don't have extra free time to watch more, especially since Hololive still suffers from permission hell (and EN branch has it even worse than JP - sometimes stuff like Hogwarts happens and they can't play the game because of social media, dunno if similar case will happen in the future).
Good for those who enjoy watching them, but this post is the only attention I'll give them.

>> No.57381524

I didn't switch my oshi, but if I would, it'd probably be an Advent member since they meet a lot of criteria I have for good Hololive talents. Big fans of Hololive (Nerissa, FWMC), ambitious (Nerissa, FWMC), can talk about whatever for a long time (Shiori, Nerissa), fan of skinship (Shiori, Nerissa), eager to interact with fans (Shiori, Bijou) and their senpais (Bijou, Nerissa). What they lack is some time to estabilish their personalities and get into the groove of streaming, but they are very good hires all around.

>> No.57383953

Fauna, she's kamioshi and I'm not switching. I love all of Advent but the ones I watched the most are Shiori and Biboo.

>> No.57384268

Holy based

>> No.57389308
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There was no Oshi, until Bijou debuted.

>> No.57394722
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>> No.57394724


>> No.57394951

It's fair to not have a choice after some time, but a Hololive viewer for a year or more without an oshi is in limbo. For fuck sake, choose one already.

>> No.57395225

Gura is and always will be, but Fuwamoco have become an excellent stand in when she's not around, along with Lottie and Fuyo for variety.

>> No.57395655

Any retard who says Nerissa is their oshi is just self-reporting as a hypocrite, her shit is literally the same as any random twitch whore complete with yuribaiting, coombrain and hahaha le bottom xd.

The other girls are pretty cool tho.

>> No.57395738


>> No.57395802

Nerissa turned me off with her constant coom baiting. Every few seconds it's something sexual. Everything has to be sexual.

>> No.57395929

She's not my oshii from the group--but I think you're being a bit harsh. Nerissa is clearly the least experienced of the bunch in terms of what it is that she is doing. I think she's one you need to judge in 6 months to see what she's actually going to be like.

>> No.57395936

How would you guys rank the Advent members based on how much you want them to step on you? For me it’s
FUWAMOCO (together)

>> No.57396229

>Every few seconds it's something sexual. Everything has to be sexual.
Yea, very forced. By contrast, IRyS who randomly ends up tossing innuendo as smoothly as Ina's puns.

>> No.57396941

>Dropped Kronii in late 2021
What happened? Did Kronii not abuse you enough?

>> No.57401217


>> No.57406262

No one, I don't like them

>> No.57406393

Yep. I watched my old low 3view oshi get raided by a big twitch streamer and immediately go menhera for the numbers. I hope for the best for her but her new shit is just unwatchable for me.

>> No.57406778

For me, it's Shiorin.
It's becoming pathological at this point, I can't go a full day without listening to her voice.

>> No.57406794

Sana was my last one
New one with Advent is Fuwamoco

>> No.57410223

Lol dead subs. Look at the CCV.

>> No.57410707
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still stuck with my current lazy oshi, but I DID drop some memberships from girls I watch to use for biboo and FWMC

>> No.57416354

I allow myself multiple oshis

JP = Sora. Sora is my kamioshi and my identity as Soratomo is the most precious to me.
EN = Nerissa
Vsinger = HACHI
Bilingual(JP/EN) = Nanamona
