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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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58509238 No.58509238 [Reply] [Original]

If you saw your oshi in public would you say anything

>> No.58509275


>> No.58509344

I'll supacha her irl(throw money at her and yell)

>> No.58509399

no, I would just kneel

>> No.58509422


>> No.58509440

I'd say hello then go about my business

>> No.58509444
File: 547 KB, 634x924, mor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say "think fast" and throw a beer can at them, if they don't catch it and shotgun it right in front of me right then and there, I will cancel my membership, block them on twitter and unsubscribe. If my oshi isn't someone i can hang with, why am i still following them?

>> No.58509468

No, my oshi is an anime girl how can she exist in the same world as me ?

>> No.58509501
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>> No.58509505

This except id only throw a dollar yell my name super fast and run away

>> No.58509516


>> No.58509522

>Turn on Iphone 15 maxpro

>> No.58509546

No are you crazy?? I'd duck behind a bush and follow her quietly to find out where she was staying like a normal fan

>> No.58509551

As genuine alcoholics I think only Mori and Gura would pass this test.

>> No.58509626

This but I'd throw money at her and traumadump loud enough for everyone to hear.

>> No.58509670

No, my oshi has been quite clear that she does not want to be perceived. I would respect that wish. Most I would do is give her a polite smile and pretend I don't know who she is.

>> No.58509721
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>> No.58509734

Follow them home like any sane people do

>> No.58509844
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>> No.58509946

Can someone explain why some anon is posting the community images from last year for a week straight now, does he hate thais or does he think it's some kind of attack to show kfp care about their oshi?

>> No.58509955


>> No.58510006

Literally just
>It's le cringe
As of vtubing in general isn't the cringiest hobby on the planet

>> No.58510173
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>> No.58510243

>Community images
Are you telling me most of KFP are from SEA??

>> No.58510296
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>only 1 car

>> No.58510323

I would take a photo of her with the boyfriend and upload here

>> No.58510340
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>> No.58510373

don't doxx me bro not cool

>> No.58510394
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>only 6 tuktuk

>> No.58510416

I'm going to convert fifty bucks to ARS specifically so I can SC her with a literal metric ton of money if the opportunity ever arises.

>> No.58510428

stare at her until she notices me and then I walk away

>> No.58510545

No, i'm telling you even the community in thailand celebrated their oshi, and I can't see how that is something bad.
which is why the guy spamming the images is confusing me.

>> No.58510546
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>Whole family

>> No.58510550
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>> No.58510639

Your typo reminded me of the word processor software I used in the late 80s.

>> No.58510669

I'm sure midtown financial and nasdaq were thankful for takos and kronies to spend thousands of $ on their billboards.

>> No.58510675

I'd be too retarded too pass getting attention from my oshi, I'd stare until I get noticed, make a surprised face then turbo walk in the other direction. Then I would wake up

>> No.58510804
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>Shitting on fans who do something nice for their oshi
IDK seems pretty low, even for /vt/ standards. These guys aren't hurting anyone

>> No.58510828 [DELETED] 

BrownVTM bots don't actually like vtubers, they're only here to leech off the culture for brownposting purposes

>> No.58510979

Say anything? No. I'd stalk her though. I would use the opportunity to find out as much personal information as I could. I wouldn't do anything with this information but I would be satisfied knowing I have it. Knowing where she sleeps. Where she bathes. What her morning hair looks like. Who she meets and what they do together. I would learn her routines and make a game for myself out of trying to predict what she will be doing on any given day. If I ever get bored of stalking her I would leave her a note detailing how long I have been doing it and showcasing every little thing I have learned about her and I'd thank her for unknowingly providing me so much entertainment while assuring her that the information is safe with me and that I'm done stalking her and will be moving on to whatever opportunity comes my way next.

>> No.58511063

Between the ladyboys and the gigantic hell houses this is the only wholesome thing I've seen come out of the country.

>> No.58511067

>t.SEA butthurt

>> No.58511075

>maxresdefault (28).jpg
So, do you make many thumbnail threads, OP?

>> No.58511097

If I saw Gura, I would kidnap her and force her to stream minecraft until she finishes building Atlantis.

>> No.58511193

>SEA thread
>SEA butthurt when got exposed

>> No.58511194

He makes a bunch of Mike seethe threads
27: >>55466988
26: >>54999394
25: >>54890198

>> No.58511792

George RR Martin still uses it. Not really relevent, but just felt like posting that information.

>> No.58512314

This dude was completely mindbroken by kfp calling him an egg. He tried to oneguy kfp are all mexicans for a while but no one cared and now he's doing kfp are all SEA because he found this pic i guess.

>> No.58512494

lmao, retard doesn't realize we are all albania..

>> No.58512735

what's an egg

>> No.58512993

Ask the Great O-Khan he's met a lot of his oshis in public. He probably already met your oshi too

>> No.58513123

A German bird vtuber having a German egg shaped anti is the funniest coincidence to ever exist

>> No.58513275

I would tell her she has nice tits

>> No.58513276

now hold on a sec there buddy
are you telling me you have an """oshi""" and don't even know where she lives?
how can you call her your oshi then? come on man

>> No.58513695
File: 247 KB, 1414x2000, 5F1013FF-3EE4-4F0F-8B46-BD6A934191F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. I might consider saying hello to somebody like Kiara or Mori if I saw them in public because they don’t care if people recognize them, but Fauna would definitely hate that shit.

>> No.58514100

I wouldn't know that I saw her because she isn't a desperate attention whore who plasters her face everywhere.

>> No.58516178

what makes you think that she would remember her passwords?

>> No.58517499
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I literally think about this shit 24/7 about how my interaction would be and yet i can never make up my mind. Would i try too hard to talk to her and gush about how much of a fan i am? Would i play it cool and just pay for her drink/meal without getting her attention so i look like a cool and suave mystery guy? Would i want to get a short word in about how i appreciate her and then just leave? I think ultimately disgretion is key and reading the room would be the best. If she's busy or hanging out with friends then probs best to leave her alone. But if she's solo i'd try to get her attention in a discrete manner like buying her a drink at a bar. If i looked attractive enough i'd try to get her attention by being flirty in some creative way relevant to the environment (note: i am not creative, flirty, nor attractive) but that's a schizo fantasy i'm happy to leave in my head. My favorite fantasy is actually the bar scenario where it's like a dimly-lit 1940's bar, she's sitting alone at the counter exhausted and looking for an escape from life. I rock up and say some cringe shit like "the wind is troubled today" and we slowly exchange phrases that when strung together appear to sound profound and meaningful. Through the interaction i hesitate but eventually proclaim my love for my oshi, but admit that it can never truly be requited. She is sad to hear my confession because she knows this to be the truth. I bid my fairwell on my way out stating that i'll look forward to when we meet again, thought it will like a drop in an ocean, lost to the wave of comments as the next stream goes by.

>> No.58517601


>> No.58517704

The Becoming has Begun.

>> No.58519488


>> No.58519532
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xhe crossdresses btw

>> No.58519595

Me too, but isn’t that awkward for both people?

>> No.58519688

I would have no idea because I've never seen an IRL photo of her, or any other Holo besides Mori and Kiara since people keep posting them /here/

>> No.58519746

I would seduce her

>> No.58519927

Ridin' in the tuk tuk, I don't give a cluck cluck!

>> No.58520752

I would UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU with the strength of a thousand suns

>> No.58521555


>> No.58521669

I'd tell them how cool it was to meet them in person but I don't want to be a douche and bother them and ask for photos or anything

>> No.58521979

Yes, I'd act really creepy and suspicious. Breathing heavily and staring intensely at her face and body I'd say "Hey beautiful, I know your voice, I'd recognize it anywhere, hehehe!" or something like that. I'd try to sweat profusely too. Obviously. Wouldn't you?

I thought about it. If you recognize your oshi's voice(or face, if you're that deep) on the street, passing by, it's better to left it as is, like nothing happened. There's no chance, not even slightest, that you won't come off as creepy if you actually turn around and try to talk to her. Even if it's Mori or Kiara, even if you use their other names and never mention vtubing, it'll still be very awkward. They know that you know, and you know that they know that you know. Better just... don't.
Also, props to Kiara for acting so chill, and being concerned that she didin't look her best when meeting a fan, instead of being afraid that some schizo anti might shank her.

>> No.58521996
File: 103 KB, 281x311, 1674904793738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, like you're doing now?

>> No.58522010

If you want a serious realistic answer. If I saw Kaela in public I'd deadass get as close as I can within sniffing distance and try to bump into her by "accident". I imagine she smells really good. I'd have my phone recording too and would take some pictures

>> No.58522045

Fuck yeah I would, what difference does it make if I don't?
I'm not a creep, and If I were, it would be more beneficial to not call her out and stalk her etc.

>> No.58522147


>> No.58522222

I would turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.58522309

At this point KFPs must all be ESLs, there's no way any native English speakers could tolerate her obnoxious voice.

>> No.58522383

...wait, I recognize this place.
It's one of the biggest tourist attractions in Bangkok, right?

>> No.58522461

This is really cute.

>> No.58522471

why are all kfp's brown?

>> No.58522662


>> No.58523282

If my oshi is not using her avatar then she is not my oshi

>> No.58524014
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>> No.58524051

no, because even tho I am autistic I'm not retarded

>> No.58524130

Tell her that i enjoy her streams and that she has a nice cock and then walk away without turning around.

>> No.58524203

Cool nit of trivia, if nothing else.

>> No.58524775

My oshi is supposedly a shutin so depending on how she's dressed i'd yell "LIAR!!!" or "LYING WHORE!!!"

>> No.58525402
File: 439 KB, 708x835, 1680756190269451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then i run away before she can open her mouth

>> No.58525777

Don't forget to yell how your dog and entire family died in a car crash.

>> No.58525849

Cum and pass out

>> No.58525873

Mumei wouldn't say a word. She's extremely shy in person even around most of Hololive and if she got found out in public she would just awkwardly drop her spaghetti all over the floor then run away.
