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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.6116115 [Reply] [Original]

Which Gen1 member will suffer the most in terms of lost audience/revenue?
Or instead, what if Gen2 will never be able to top the quality/numbers of the first one?

>> No.6116137


>> No.6116148

i hope so

>> No.6116166

Depends on the talents themselves, of course. But considering the success of 1st gen, they most likely set the bar high enough with this one. It's gonna be surprising to see legit actors/singers to join in. So yeah it's not impossible for them to steal the spotloght, especially if they can give in much better contents.

>> No.6116187

fuck meant *not gonna be surprising

>> No.6116194

Who cares about HoloEN?

>> No.6116203

Who do you watch?

>> No.6116207

Literally everyone aside from /jp/ schizos

>> No.6116230

kiara will suffer
ina will get a smaller hit
rest should be good

>> No.6116238

I doubt it

>> No.6116260

I can't imagine anyone who would top current Holo Myth. They are simply too perfect as generation

>> No.6116265
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>Which Gen1 member will suffer the most in terms of lost audience/revenue?
Probably Amelia

The others all have their specific niche but Ame is honestly just a variety streamer you can find anywhere, with a top tier design.
Ina got a very specific and dedicated audience (cult) and is really set apart from the others in both style and stream timezone
Kiara also feels like a cult and most of her audience is also her core audience, while she's small I doubt it will shrink much
Gura is gura, hard to lose that much when you're basically the face of Hololive, numbers bring numbers
Mori is more controversial, but what she does is so unique (wether you think it's a good thing) that I can't think of a Gen2 that would steal her spot.

Then you have Ame, you can find basic white girls like her streaming in the hundreds, she doesn't have a specific talent, her best ability is to help her genmates but that doesn't make viewers stay, she's very replacable, and started not caring about her schedule to a point I expect many to switch boat when Gen2 comes.

>> No.6116274


>> No.6116290

i doubt it will be such a big drop, if anything they will try to fill out the dead air when the rest of EN isn't streaming with the coming gen

>> No.6116297

Gen 2 won't make any splashes. They will be lucky to bear NijiEN.

>> No.6116329

>Will Gen2 take the spotlight away from Gen1?
Yes. Ina and Ame will die pretty fast since they are the worst of them and have nothing special to them. Gura is fine, Kiara is fine and as long as gen 2 is not more talented than Calli, she's also fine.

>> No.6116352

>what if Gen2 will never be able to top the quality/numbers of the first one?

that's fine

>> No.6116366

Those are the 2 the least likely to lose fans actually
Both cultivate a very dedicated fanbase, they're the smallest but also have the least casual viewers. Ina is cult like and have so many devotees regulars it's scary. Bigger audiences are much more volatile.
It's no wonder Ina got by far the most builds and fans on /vt/craft too.

>> No.6116394
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>what if Gen2 will never be able to top the quality/numbers of the first one?
'Ate numbers.
Love borger.
Love me shark.
Simple as.

>> No.6116410

Wouldn't care the best drawing artist of Hololive "nothing special". Also she's the only one of EN with that chill vibe, so she definitely have her own niche.

>> No.6116434

What if gen 2 brings in even more people into the fandom?

>> No.6116505

That's not an if, that's a when.

>> No.6116511
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Fags who think that drawing is good content

>> No.6116608

that's a pretty tall order they need to have an already solid fanbase like gura or a talent to make one.

>> No.6116676

Kiara will gain
Ame will definitely gain
Mori may taper
Ina will only gain if its from her artist circle
Gura will not give a fuck

>> No.6116772

The actual answer is "none" because the Gen 2 reveals will bring in more new fans who will subscribe to and start watching other Holos. Remember that even JP got a significant bump from EN.

"Variety streamer without a special talent" describes the vast majority of HoloJP. Ame's popularity is entirely from her personality and creativity.

>> No.6116808
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>Gura basically the face of Hololive

>> No.6116901

>describes the vast majority of HoloJP.
Cope more, this is not about HoloJP.
I'm a teamate and even I agree that Ame's incredibly generic. She's the one to most likely suffer from Gen 2 and she might have to change some things up to gain new viewers.

>> No.6116977

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.6117028
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>I'm a teamate and *spouts the exact same things that every Ame anti whines about*
Hang yourself KFP

>> No.6117033

I'm teamate and kfp, don't you dare to call me a fan of this tranny.

>> No.6117052
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cringe cope

>> No.6117080

I have learnt a nice trick or two from Ina. As for non artists watching I'm not too sure. Curiosity maybe?

>> No.6117097

Ame has GFE going for her

>> No.6117118
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>> No.6117124

>spouts the exact same things that every Ame anti whines about
Maybe because it's the truth copefag

>> No.6117206

It'll probably hit Ame the most. second's gonna be Calli.

>> No.6117228

I think it would be Ame too. If the next gen is especially talented it might start making her stick out more.

>> No.6117244

imagine joining a black company with shitty management

>> No.6117285

Sure, but when you have little to no chance on your own 500k guaranteed subs and a minimum of 5k viewers is not something to sneeze at.

>> No.6117420

Depends on what type of streamers they get and in what timezone.

Kiara- might be hurt a little by someone streaming over her but a lot of streams are already so low there's not a lot of fat to cut, everyone watching her is already dedicated KFP, don't think she'll be hurt much. Worse case scenario is another fluent JP speaker that kind of steals her thunder on the collab-with-JPs niche.

Mori- I think she's almost immune. With her unappealing and erratic streaming times I don't see anyone, unless they perhaps live in Japan, rushing to stream at the same time as her. And even if they do, her thing is really her music and her event streams, if she loses 1-2k off her game streams I doubt she would care at all.

Gura- People are gonna avoid streaming over her because they'll be the ones taking the viewer hit, she's probably pretty secure in her late-bordering-on-too-late NA timeslot. If that one loli streamer rumored to be part of EN2 turns out to be true it might cut into her fanbase a little bit.

Ina- Anyone streaming in her timezone is gonna hurt because right now she's often the only person in the entire company streaming. Another art Holo might hurt a bit too, but art is so niche I doubt they want to double up on it with one of the Gen 2 spots unless there's just some fantastic artist that applied and they can't pass up.

Ame- Probably the one in the most danger. Her timezone is prime NA especially if people don't have the guts to try to stream over Gura at 8 EST. She doesn't really have a niche and doesn't really fill the spot she seemed assigned to, of being the "gamer/FPS player". A dedicated FPS streamer that's really good at their game of choice could steal some views as could any variety streamer. In addition Niji EN seems posed to dump more EN streamers onto the market and if they all keep piling up in the NA evening timezone it's gonna further dilute viewership.

>> No.6117468

>what if Gen2 will never be able to top the quality/numbers of the first one?

Well Gen 1 would have to actually stream

>> No.6117564

Kiara is slowly becoming the next Coco and habing juniors under her will help that

Ames is the never #1 go to by chumfags whenever Gura is too being too lazy to stream so she'll thrive

Inna is probably graduating soon to focus on her art

Gura cannot handle her popularity and will continue to just coast off her newfag and lolifag fans

>> No.6117579

It's a niche for sure but Ina's art content is top tier. You can learn so many tricks just from listening to her ramble. I don't know how to explain it but watching her draw is similar to watching a pro player play and commentate at the same time.

>> No.6117645
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What are you doing on /vt/ Bobo?

>> No.6117830

I know that her art is great but it's still not really good content for most. HololiveEN is not a niche anymore, you won't find any success with this type of content. Ina has ~250k views per art stream which is a lot obviously but how many of them are artists? Maybe 1%? Those views come from people who watch for Ina, not for her art. She got most of her subscribers from gaming streams and of course from EN boost. But how does she want to get new viewers? She will fall in the back when Gen 2 comes and it will be hard for her to grow. The fact that she doesn't fully focus on streaming will make it even harder for her.

>> No.6117875

Unless Ame learns to speak JP she's gonna get fucked by me.

Gura is practically unkillable at this point and when she releases her rap song she's gonna be immortal.

The other 3 have their niches. But they have to watch out if Gen2 has a brit or a flip.

>> No.6118032

Kiara could have a lively conversation with a brick wall, I'm sure Gen2 will just increase her collab opportunities. I'm hoping she gets a new collab partner because Takamori is awful

>> No.6118092

Gen2 will definitely have a SEA member, there are a few with an okay following that hasn't been streaming for months

>> No.6118138

Ina's art streams consistently get as many or more views than her buff games, and they absolutely annihilate her debuff games.
I notice a lot of people that don't like numberfagging really underestimate Ina, she's generally second best in the gen after Gura in terms of views.

>> No.6118325

The talent pool in SEA is super shallow. Anya somehow made the cut for ID2. I don't see them finding anyone with the qualifications for EN2 in the SEA streaming/vtubing scene. Also the connection/tiemzone issue Mori has now would be amplified for a SEA member, without the benefit of offcollab stuff with the JPs.

>> No.6118760

That's what I mean, it's a specific content, people who already watch that and are into that niche are less likely to move to something else. Compared to more generic content like basic gameplay.

>> No.6118890

This is the only good response ITT. Anyone who genuinely thinks Kiara or Ina are gonna lose out from EN 2 is deranged and knows nothing about what their audiences are like outside just having the lowest subs.

>> No.6119017

Are you blind? Both Minecraft streams have more views than her latest art streams. The games she played in the past few months are considered to be omega niche and don't have many views on YouTube in general, that's not a Ina thing. It was different in the past for her gaming stuff.

>> No.6119023

I watch every Ina art while not being an drawing artist, I just like seeing someone create something, and it's also very relaxing, almost like having a roommate drawing on the desk next to you while you browse internet, talking every now and then. I think people who watch those are not likely to find something similar in Gen2.

>> No.6119071

> Kiara
bitch gonna throw one hell of a pity party once her numbers get mogged on debut and you know it

>> No.6119106

Gura is Gura so she's insured. Calli is too different from whatever Gen 2 brings and her audience seems to reach outside of typical Idol fans so she's safe as well.

Ina: Could get overshadowed is Gen2 has another artist of comparable skill level but a stronger personality.
Ame: Apart from her once a quarter creative streams her content is really the most "normal". She could suffer just because people will decide that other people are more interesting. Then again her connection to Gura could help her prevail.
Kiara: She gets buffed by her ability to collab with anyone, anywhere. Her solo content is weak however so if there is another multilingual Gen2 she would definitely be under threat.

>> No.6119115

It's been 10 months. You really think anyone who's stuck around through her giga-filters is gonna leave for the shiny new thing?

>> No.6119248

They’ll all lose a good bit because of it. Hard to say who will lose the most. I’d guess it will be whoever tends to stream during American prime time.

>> No.6119264

People who are still watching her now are unlikely to leave really. Many Gen2 will probably get better numbers than her, but she won't lose much if any at all.

>> No.6119346

Round 3 of Kiara saviourfagging? Count me in! This (my) mentaloty along with KFP/Chimkin love is why her viewer count/VoD numbers won't see decline.

>> No.6119455

Hollywood in my hororaibu? Yeah seems possible. I just hope they don't bring their politics into this space.

>> No.6119502

They won't lose you retard. They just won't gain anymore.

>> No.6119708

Considering who the potential candidates are? No Gen 2 will not. We MAY get 1 decent of the bunch.

>> No.6119983

Any good singer that is actually motivated to stream tons of hours can take some of Gura's viewers

>> No.6120224

It’s fun watching someone do something creative well. Making a mud hut, forging a sword, painting a mountain with trees, as long as the person doing it skillful and has some charisma a lot of people will watch. I never get tired of Ina’s cloth shading. Still blows my mind every time.

>> No.6120307

Keep in mind some of them might not go dark until the last possible moment because if they did it would be obvious where they were headed.

>> No.6120433

Jesus numberfagging Ina of all people. She’s plays random ass games because she likes them she doesn’t give a shit about numbers. Literally. She had a lot of goals to achieve when she started and getting recognition for her art, making connections in the art world, inspiring other artists, and making friends are all most important to her than her peak viewers. She already the top drawing streamer anyway. If she wants more money she could open commissions and be drowning in money tomorrow. I wonder what one of her full color signed custom illustration would go for, actually.

>> No.6120490

>Worse case scenario is another fluent JP speaker that kind of steals her thunder on the collab-with-JPs niche
I think this much is inevitable, at least. While Ina manages to be conversational, it's kind of awkward how only Kiara is actually fluent out of the current group. I could see Cover going out of their way to make sure at least one person out of the Vsinger or EN2 is another fluent Japanese speaker.

>> No.6120971
File: 135 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's good content to you, watching video game streams? I find that terribly boring. I'd 1000x rather just play the game myself. I like drawing streams because I like seeing an expert do something I can't do. Pic super fucking related.

>> No.6121123

The problem is that narrows the pool down hugely. There's only so many people in the world that can speak Japanese as a second language, half of those are men. Out of that pool, how many want to be a vtuber? How many would even be good at it? They could always go with an ethnic Jap that's ESL but almost all Japanese have horrific EN pronunciation that make Moona/Iofi/Risu seem articulate. I think it's more likely we get some more people with Ina or Reine's level of Japanese.

>> No.6121194

On this, do we have any confirmation on who is going to be part of Gen two yet? Or at least any likely speculations

>> No.6121799

Definitely not kiara. She'll latched in to gen2 momentum, playing the senpai role at hardcore level

>> No.6122889

t. Amelia
Stop self-deprecating. You're a wonderful vtuber.

>> No.6123054
File: 23 KB, 500x293, 587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sir, you dropped this

>> No.6123071

>There people in this thread who believe the cult that is KFP will ever leave their oshi
Ame is sadly in the most likely person to suffer the most loss but she also she is also the most likely to gain new viewers as well if EN2 girls bring in a new waves of viewers.

>> No.6123276

>new chuuba will gain 1 million subs immediately upon debut
I'd love to see the day, honestly.

>> No.6123819

No confirmation yet. Out of the relatively high profile indie chuubas who have gone on indefinite hiatus or graduated in the past several months, I'm personally betting everything on Namirin partly as a coping mechanism because I want her to come back, but still. Other major speculative candidates seem to include Fuzuki Miki and Shachimu.

This is purely on the vtuber side of things, though. I'd also expect Cover to throw a few curveballs when it comes to the rest of the talent pool that they end up recruiting from.

>> No.6124088

Thanks for the hydration check, anon

>> No.6129610

En1 literally streamed up until debut

>> No.6134064

I don't see how Gen 2 can have another Gura. She was a big factor in their success. Can't be replicated

>> No.6134787

>Aqua and Shion get their shit together
>Ayame decides to dedicate herself to streaming some more
>Choco goes full ASMR streamer
There you go, 2nd gen is now the strongest gen.

>> No.6134844

Exactly fuck holoshit.

>> No.6135383

Filipinos are natural singers and lots of them are already used to working the midnight shift in call centers. Wouldn't be surprised if a Filipina actress becomes an actual vtuber.

>> No.6135663

fuck off back to /v/ or /tv/ mentally ill retard

>> No.6136287

well yeah that and the view botting

>> No.6144219

The spotlight? Maybe. I don't think they'll do any serious damage though, by the time EN2 drops the EN girls will have had a whole year to get comfy because of how long this and Vsinger are taking.

>> No.6148802

I appreciate the optimism, but I doubt it'll happen. While the rest of SEA (or at least Thai, Viet and Flip) is relatively untouched and has a lot of talent to plunder, I think they still run into the issue of being too shallow.

The issue isn't that SEA doesn't have enough talents, its that the talents aren't strong enough to meet covers rising standards. Yes there are plenty of Fillipino girls who can sing well, but how many have the X factor that will allow them to compete with the girls who can not only also play an instrument, but who also have a pre-existing portfolio that proves their competence.
Hololive has a history of hiring talented nobodies, but they're big enough now that they can be picky with which nobodies they choose to hire. Kiara for example (and I say this as a KFP) probably wouldn't have even made to the interview stages for HoloEN2 if she'd applied now.

>> No.6148912

Just put a talented SEA hire or whatever in HoloEN2. It's not HoloNorthAmerica, it's HoloENglish.

>> No.6149008

I am really hoping for anyone but more burgers and leafs. There must be good talent in europe comping at the bits to be in hololive.

>> No.6149513

That's what I'm arguing anon. unless cover is deliberately going to try and pander to SEA (not impossible, but also not likely) what reason is there for them to hire a talented girl from SEA over another more talented girl from, for example, Australia?

>> No.6150978

>Or instead, what if Gen2 will never be able to top the quality/numbers of the first one?
^ this all holomemEN were a fluke

>> No.6151123

Amelia will be fine. She's creative, she's innovative, she's very good at interacting with her audience, she's kinda weird, and her and Gura have a great chemistry so she'll continue to benefit from that.

>> No.6151519

I just want one of the new girls to have Noel levels of cow tits and Polka tier crazy. Nothing will remove me from Ina or Gura otherwise.

>> No.6156254

Deleting the garbage image in OP is the one good thing the mods do here, unfortunately.
