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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63272647 No.63272647 [Reply] [Original]

The most uncomfortable moment of 2023 just dropped

>> No.63272682

This but Kroni with Roboco or Advent instead.

>> No.63272701

Always study your co-workers. Its not hard. Getting along is part of the role.

>> No.63272725 [DELETED] 

Meanwhile you shit on the new homo when he said he's a huge fan of Pekora.

>> No.63272751

Don't even know Stellar Stellar? went viral for a bit.

>> No.63272797

Homobeggar, did you know people can lie? shocking i know. Only time will tell whether he is a real fan or a leech, even antis know superficial stuff.

>> No.63272809

I'm not gonna blame her, being put on the spot makes the brain do weird things. I've on more than one occasion gotten movies and actors mixed up or forgot the names entirely just because I was put in the spot and my retard brain couldn't shift gears.

>> No.63272817

Retard. He's been a fan of Pekora for more than 2 years and made several videos about her (disturbing ones).

>> No.63272826

hey for a dollar name a woman

>> No.63272831

The Homos deserve to be shit on for existing.

>> No.63272837

OP how fucking hard is it to link the fucking clip if your going to make a post about it?

https://youtu.be/ah79ZoxsuL8?si=RCKVKhZ0bYUo7_F7 and after watching said clip i dont think you know what the word uncomfortable means

>> No.63272850

Niji deflection thread.

>> No.63272852

>The most uncomfortable moment of 2023
That's not every FWMC stream.

>> No.63272873

Homobeggar is a doxfag, why am i not surprised.
Go back to your doxsite faggot.

>> No.63272889
File: 1.10 MB, 3839x2160, 43d920df-722f-4f82-b2aa-b38a8f1f53c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God anyone else want to bend Polka over a sink and FUCK her brains down the drain?

>> No.63272899

your seething bring me joy.

>> No.63272905
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look at this duuude

>> No.63272963

Nice dude

>> No.63273004

This is a thumbreader thread.

>> No.63273045

oh my bad

omg guys ao couldnt name a single song by suisei she must have immediately regreted that for some reason and made a weird face

>> No.63273098

Isn't this just her playing into the "I have a harem and can't remember basic info about each girl" shtick.

>> No.63273131

>>63273098 (Me)
Nvm I just checked the catalogue and saw what this is deflecting from kek

>> No.63273152
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Hello, don't use my wife for your shitpost, thanks

>> No.63273478

Don't worry, it's just nijiseethe trying desperately to use out of context clips made in a Jakarta mudhut to distract from their newest art-thief yab.

>> No.63273501

Quick rundown? We're in a bait thread anyway, so.

>> No.63273508

Why would an EN chad know anything about the unimportant moon-speaking nip branch members. Who the fuck is roboco? Maybe she should learn English if she wants Kronii to care.

>> No.63273531



>> No.63273590

Designing a mascot is more of a hassle than I thought.

>> No.63273681

I'd fucking pay to see Ao suck on Suityan's clit.

>> No.63273726

Is this worse than Shiori or nah?

>> No.63273731


>> No.63273779

You too?

>> No.63273809

Ouro 'Oh hey I love that One Piece song!' Kronii

>> No.63273883

She was obviously being ironic. Meanwhile Shiori doesn't even know the names of half the JP's.

>> No.63274044

tell your wife to stop screaming like a crow
nah seriously it's annoying

>> No.63274068


>> No.63274100

Why does everything about Regloss feel so wrong? Like they don't belong in Holo but are still there? Shit is awkward as fuck.

>> No.63274204

Sign me up

>> No.63274411

Because Cover investors keep trying to expand into new directions for the sake of it and end up discovering that the most profitable choice is simply the one you were already making
investors fail at incorporating "if it ain't broke don't fix it" into their business decisions as a general rule

>> No.63274480

An actual fan would of course know more, but given that she's been chuubing as long as Hololive in it's entirety has existed, I'm willing to give her some leeway here.

>> No.63274504

>Because Cover investors keep blah blah blah
is this somewhere i can read because i see this talked about the investors wanting to do this and that but i never see any proof of it?

>> No.63274561

You are completely right. At first I saw Regloss as a branch from women for woman, but now I realize that most of their fans are still the same male holobros. So they haven't changed anything and maybe adding a usual Gen for Hololive would have been the better step in the right direction.

>> No.63274574

And here we see a good example of someone that shitposts without knowing wtf they are saying because they don't watch streams

>> No.63274581

This but unironically

>> No.63274613

You so right nijisister

>> No.63274691

it's conjecture, like how some people believe they're not in the main branch because there's a foreigner in regloss (coco...)
what's your pet theory as to why device was created?

>> No.63274735

anyway, I thought it was really funny. I'm sure suisei can't imagine anyone not knowing all her songs, and she seems like the type to not forget this.

>> No.63274759

Blue on blue crime

>> No.63274775

Holy based. A pity she's at the bottom in viewership due to a few factors.

>> No.63274813

Thanks holosisters

>> No.63274867

is this some zoomer fashion statement
why isn't this suit at least form fitting

>> No.63274902

Wow, this was genuinely cringe, but at the same time extremely hilarious.
Ao tried to butter up Suisei and Polka caught Ao red-handed.
I mean, I don't know any songs from Suisei either. I don't think it's a problem if Ao doesn't know.
Unless the translation was incorrect, I guess Ao didn't know how to answer Suisei's prior question:
> you all tell me something you respect about me?
So, she had to answer something generic Suisei is known for. Can't say you don't know, I guess?
Honestly, I feel bad for Ao. It's possible she just got put on the spot and blanked out.

But I'm reading too into it. Makes for a hilarious clip.

>> No.63275480

You've never heard stellar stellar?

>> No.63275528

I heard this style is making a come back

>> No.63275620
File: 169 KB, 2048x1365, 08A9D5ED-F937-419A-BA7F-37CDF8EE8EC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no… ao-kun..

>> No.63275707

I don't really listen to vtuber songs in general. Suisei is no exception. Only song I liked enough was Sora's Alien Alien cover. Sora's voice sounds smoother compared to the vocaloid original.
But I went to listen Stellar Stellar.
It's not bad, but not my style. I skipped around for the good parts....but it's still not really interesting to me.

>> No.63275731

This is why no one likes Kronies

>> No.63275951

Holy fucking retard, just remember one word, "Ghost", it's better to know more but at least try the basic, that's like working on coke and not knowing what soda means

>> No.63276010

Fuck them slant-eyed nips

>> No.63276023

>skipping a 3 minute song

>> No.63276340

Alright! I submit to peer pressure! I'll watch the song till the credits!
Also it looks more around four minutes.
Hmm...it's okay. I mean, her singing is impressive. Otherwise, meh.

>> No.63276462

anon that's way to dangerous. Haven't you heard? Fennecs can use their powerful vagina muscles to put you in what's called a copulation tie! They keep your dick firmly planted inside for up to two hours straight so they can milk you to the very last drop of semen and ensure pregnancy! Doesn't that sound terrible?

>> No.63276471

Search and fap to Sussex porn. Song appears on my feed. Click don't recommend channel.

>> No.63276485

Fellow architects

>> No.63276486

your wife looks like a boy

>> No.63276527

You guys don't understand ao using the classic rizz is technique of not caring about the girl or her accomplishments too deeply. It triggers her want to get noticed reaction while simps are just a given

>> No.63276691

Wow Ao really don’t give a fuck about no idol shit. I wonder how she felt after this, she seemed to deflect hard back to the game in this clip. I guess no more Ao and suisei collabs

>> No.63276699

i really want rizz,chad and based to die as words

>> No.63276814

But Suisei is really prideful when it comes to her singer career, it could backfire really hard

>> No.63276942

Sorry that you spent 6 years of your life as a fail-son to learn how to speak nipplish as well as a child. There's no reason for the EN talents to pretend to engage with the fake "senpai uwu" culture outside of what benefits them.

>> No.63276982

It's a risky gamble for that reason but a huge pay off if it works
You should like you're from Ohio

>> No.63277180
File: 180 KB, 512x512, 1700647669912976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should like you're from Ohio

>> No.63278145

>le cold attitude to get le pussy
Pretending to not care about a girl to get her attention is more pathetic than being a simp

>> No.63278327

Ao-kun doesn't deserve the leader position. Leader should has good relationship with senpai. Raden or Ririkal has to take that position soon

>> No.63278346

If you think so but it actually works

>> No.63278686

if i had to guess what he meant it would be
*you sound like you're from Ohio

>> No.63278689

>why isn't this suit at least form fitting
Because she is a dork.

>> No.63278757

I need more examples of Holos not knowing about other Holos. I can only think of that one time with Mori not actually listening to Kiara's song but saying she did and Kiara kept pushing her more.

>> No.63279139

Hey anon, just want to say that your wife is pretty cute. I don't understand why she isn't more popular even months after debut, though.

>> No.63279384

>investors fail at incorporating "if it ain't broke don't fix it" into their business decisions as a general rule
In what world do you live? This is true as a general rule almost always. What they do is try to expand their market with side products and Regloss is exactly just that. Instead of trying to push the new Hololove gen in a slightly new direction they made a whole separate branch for it and kept the main one untouched.

>> No.63279519

>Shiori doesn't even know the names of half the JP's
She was obviously being ironic. Silly anon.

>> No.63279537


>> No.63279620

Ao is so cringe, i dont know what her appeal is.

>hey you know what hololive needs, a butch dyke. Yes remember the annoying butch dyke at the bar that no one likes, well here she is in vtuber form
What the fuck cover

>> No.63279634

NTA but half of the threads on this very website were filled with screenshots of the retard's rm the first few days after his debut.

>> No.63279696


>> No.63279720

Because if wasn't for HoloJP your whore oshi would be working as a full-time prostitute right now, especially that gonorrhea infested gook called Kronii.

>> No.63279723

Why does cover push Ao so hard, literally one of the worst holos. What the fuck is up with that

>> No.63279865
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>> No.63280040

it's funnier than that, Kiara made a song for her fans and got Mamaloni to animate the MV
since Mamaloni was a huge Takamori stan, she instead made it about Kiara's crush on Mori
Mori didn't listen to it and when inquired about it she said plainly that she did not and got a ton of shit for it (despite the song being originally meant specifically for KFP)
then when Kiara made a prank about making a KING cover and sprung it on Mori, she overcompensated in other direction and said she listened to it a ton, making herself look like a dumbass
it was the perfect lose-lose situation and since she had a lot of people out for her and chronicling her sins against Hololive, it had a long tail since then

>> No.63280107


>> No.63280261

it also came shortly after Mori had another yab where they had a QnA session with Kiara, with a question "Which one of your senpai you want to collab with the most?"
Mori got all quiet about it and when pushed by Kiara she was dodgy about her answer, making it look like there wasn't anyone in Holo she wanted to collab with (this was on the back of her talking a lot about trying to make collabs outside of the company happen)

only months later we learned that before Coco started planning her graduation for real, the talents were strongly incentivized not to even mention her on stream

>> No.63280289

Exactly and that's why Kiara will never get her 3D concert ever because JP management will never give a fuck about an irrelevant shitter like her.

>> No.63280627


>> No.63281681
File: 585 KB, 938x748, 16 year old boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63281742

>ENsharts thinking they have any value on the market
Mighty kek.

>> No.63281846

whatever you say, tranny.

>> No.63282132

He's literally your average catalogfag clipfaggot for popular holos. Sisters are really defending people they'd hate otherwise now kek.

>> No.63282362

Kiara is such a Stacy. Literally dominating every woman.

>> No.63282519

>Why does cover push Ao so hard

>> No.63282584

Does she even watch holos these days, much less takamori?

>> No.63282599

God I hope she doesn't try to hold my hands and tongue wrestle me the entire 2 hours that would be awful.

>> No.63282639

>why isn't this suit at least form fitting
That's the style

>> No.63282733

Regloss is a perfect example of higher ups wanting to justify their salary and trying some retarded empty new concept

>> No.63282793

Why you gay

>> No.63282799

It seems that illustrator failed to dress her up properly. Checked random article about this shit.

>> No.63282872

I felt sorry for Hajime and Ririka. They deserved better than being some retarded higherup's side project. They got into hololive but only received 1/4th of the benefits.

>> No.63283002

No one cares

>> No.63283056

I seriously hope you guys don't listen to vtuber "music." Holy fucking cringe.

>> No.63283187

Okay but seriously this was like a joke right? She was doing a bit? Playing into some playboy kayfabe of her being so popular with girls yet not knowing anything about them?

>> No.63283222

Why are you on the virtual youtuber board if you hate virtual youtubers?
Or are you one of those retarded ironic weebs that thinks vtubing is just anime girls playing videogames?

>> No.63283269

I would say shit bait but you still got 7 (You)s

>> No.63283335

Just a typical western "fan" who is insecure about everything they like and have to enjoy everything "ironically" because society has taught them being genuine is a bad thing. They constantly feel the need to feel like they are "above" the real fans of whatever thing "oh yeah I watch vtubers LOL but isnt all vtuber musc trash!?!?! HAha see I have taste and am better than a regular vtuber fan haha...."
Truly pathetic and disgusting individuals. Its not even their fault though, just a result of a fucked up scoiety they grew up in.

>> No.63283404

Very true, anon.
I shall go listen to Shiny Smily Story now!

>> No.63283499

>complaining about hiring people who aren't full holo fans for years
see this is a smart move. Hiring nothing but fans creates this stupid incest loop of ideas which leads to eventual death of any interest. Outsiders are willing to try new ideas based on what they like that isn't just a bad copy of a copy of their favorite holo.

>> No.63283575

If I were her I'd say "...brue crapper?" is that one of her songs? Or... Uhh... Yeah I don't know what else. I know Mumei released a cover of one of her songs but I dunno what it was called. Idol music is pretty bad.

>> No.63283608

>They deserved better than being some retarded higherup's side project.
The whole gen seems pretty solid talent-wise, but who the fuck can actually explain what's the difference between ReGloss and the other girls? They will merge with them anyway soon or later.

>> No.63283676

what did kiara even do to get dragged?

>> No.63283722

you reminded me how shit was calli in the past

>> No.63283924

Ao hasn't done anything new or original since she debuted.

>> No.63283929

This. They are someone's project they can take credit for. So they can talk about how great the launch was, how great they're doing, and leech off of anything they do. They write it into their little reports to fluff them up. They'll get a raise at least.

>> No.63283967

Reminder that this thread only exists as deflection for a nijiyab and you retards have been falling for seanigger bait.

Yes this is the joke. No one else here seems to get that, or are ignoring it just to shit on Ao in this thread

>> No.63284020

a little bit, she worked on a couple recent Kiara MVs

>> No.63284167

>he doesnt know ao coins will skyrocket once her sex outfit comes out
buy low anons you wont regret it

>> No.63284201


>> No.63284689

I would argue that 4 out of 5 Regloss members are far more talented and endearing than holox but they're utterly kneecapped hard by their branding. It's a shame.

>> No.63285349
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>> No.63285638

>prodding to expose someone for not knowing as much as you
this is some Kiara shit.

>> No.63285719

Based Ao-kun

>> No.63286063

She's had a turn around hasn't she?

>> No.63287908

I'm afraid to tell you anon that that's a man, sorry

>> No.63288029

guaranteed replies, sasuga baitmaker

>> No.63288077

The amount of (You)s with serious responses to this obvious bait makes me lose hope of finding intelligent life in these parts.

>> No.63288099

This but unironically

>> No.63288107


>> No.63288291

Wasn’t there a Mori Karaoke stream where she broke down crying saying she was sorry? She didn’t say any names but it was obvious she talking about Kiara. I think it happened a little after they stopped talking for a while. Hopefully someone knows why I’m talking about.

>> No.63288631
File: 358 KB, 840x750, 4D405D52-3607-44E2-97EE-537F75B5A5FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cope retards, Ao is a dyke bitch who couldn’t care to google her senpai’s songs even right before collabing with her. She just justified her low numbers with a shit personality. Even I am personally cringing at her bullshit

>> No.63290027

I mean there all shit so it fair she doesn't know any

>> No.63290926

I assume it's basically this scenario. Besides, if she really never listened to Suisei's songs, that's an extremely easy fix. Like an hour at most browsing through her catalog on youtube, etc.

>> No.63292978


>> No.63292991

Nice new members you got there Holokeks

>> No.63293326

we don't sign our posts here

>> No.63293974

Qrd on this?

>> No.63294133


>> No.63294153

What the fuck kek

>> No.63294199

Who the fuck asked for this?

>> No.63294246

Don't forget who won the war japs

>> No.63294271

What the fuck happened here lol is this seriously the material they're using for nijiyab deflection?

>> No.63294325

That and the usual “gura no stream” kek

>> No.63295947

Niji yabs are the distraction from gura though. It would be one thing if it were pomu or rosemi yabbing out, but do you think anyone here actually watches yu q wilson to care about his mistakes? Its just thousands of people digging through twitter for interesting dirt because they have too much free time due to a hole in their schedule where the gura stream is supposed to go.

>> No.63296285

same idea but completely different
Did Michelangelo plagiarized Da Vinci when he painted some realistic people?

>> No.63296906

This is most cope-fueled statement ever, and it doesn't line up with the "thousand gura threads popping up to cover up nijiyab" pattern. History is just not on your side my nigga.

Not the anon. Also not a chumbud.

>> No.63297058

It doesn't have to be a sink, but yeah

>> No.63297337

reverse sex appeal

>> No.63297410

It's amazing how a good chunk of anons can't pick up on a obvious bit holy shit

>> No.63297525

This but UNIRONICALLY unironically
Maybe show some gratitude to the people who saved you from being conquered by fuckin russians
something tells me it would not have been pleasant

>> No.63297587

but I would literally just fuck all of gen 5 like that

>> No.63297646

she wishes she actually looked that good

>> No.63297768

every the fucking rabbit scum stream?

>> No.63298369
File: 3.60 MB, 704x528, 1700944955963673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63298445

I refuse to believe people are getting this mad over an obvious joke plus even if she was serious why the fuck are you signaling Ao out when a couple of members weren't even familiar with vtubers before joining

>> No.63298487

But that's not literally all of the Vtuber Drama Leeches sitting in awkward silence or outright quitting after Vesper and Magni got graduated.

>> No.63298516

Pls no. '90s suiting was horrific and should stay in the past where it belongs.

>> No.63298718

Oh shit, you are right, looks alike. What the fuck was cover thinking choosing this dyke bar reject for a fucking idol company

>> No.63298952

Based. JP should know about JP. An english V-tuber fan won't be able to consume JP stuff without assistances. Fillain knew and admitted she was unintendedly influenced by Gura and Fillain is not even apart of Cover.

>> No.63301305

it reminds of those guys who buy an expensive suit without realizing a fitted one looks way better

>> No.63301373

but hadn't you heard the name?

>> No.63303841

he's definitely a nepo hire.. this is sad

>> No.63304046

The other thing is how those other instances are directing hate and those clips are either not uploaded or taken down, yet this is ok. Im fine with shitting on Ao, but the double standards does raise an eyebrow.

>> No.63304190

She still chose Pekora as the best Vtuber this year, Cuckbud.

>> No.63304335

>polka asks her to name a suisei song
>notices she ignores the questions and switches topic
>asks again
what a bitch

>> No.63304526

After actually watching the clip then the stream itself, does everyone here have autism or is everyone here in on the joke? Like she was clearly playing off of miko and polka there...

>> No.63306027


>> No.63310979

This is literally as close to straight up disrespecting your senpai as you can get. Stop pretending like Ao made a joke, this is an obvious fuck up on her part. No one in any new generation in JP, ID or EN would make such a bad taste joke either.

>> No.63311286

If you look at the clip you would obviously see Suisei doesn't take it to heart and knows she's joking

>> No.63312293
File: 41 KB, 800x450, ARCMAJOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the real her even more

>> No.63312306


>> No.63312520

Based shitposting king
Cringe butthurt subhuman faggots getting mad at this post lole

>> No.63312571

You are socially retarded I watched the clip. Polka had to ask the question twice to get an answer and suisei was obviously annoyed with Ao but playing along anyways

>> No.63312862

Anon...I think you are the one that's socially retarded

>> No.63312941

Suisei‘s music is mediocre as fuck and nobody would listen to it if she wasn‘t a popular vtuber
