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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 3.23 MB, 1368x1824, CatholicVtubers_Nerissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
65268508 No.65268508 [Reply] [Original]

A Christian thread brought back just for Christmas to discuss Christian vtubers and not just religious discourse.

Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvjL6mJicsY

>Traditional Catholics (The one true faith)
Lia https://www.youtube.com/@RinkouAshelia

>Confirmed Catholics (Likely Vatican II novus ordo counterfeit church)
Gura https://www.youtube.com/@GawrGura
Marine https://www.youtube.com/@HoushouMarine
Pekora https://www.youtube.com/@usadapekora
Mori https://www.youtube.com/@MoriCalliope
Kobo https://www.youtube.com/@KoboKanaeru
Ironmouse https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Lamy https://www.youtube.com/@YukihanaLamy
Sora https://www.youtube.com/@TokinoSora
Luna https://www.youtube.com/@HimemoriLuna
Irys https://www.youtube.com/@IRyS
Kronii https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii
Risu https://www.youtube.com/@AyundaRisu
Millie https://www.youtube.com/@MillieParfait
Rosemi https://www.youtube.com/@Rosemi_Lovelock
Shiori https://www.youtube.com/@ShioriNovella
Reimu https://www.youtube.com/@ReimuEndou
Zentreya https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya
Kuro https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro
Aethel https://www.twitch.tv/lordaethelstan
Ayamy https://www.youtube.com/@ayamy0610
Geega https://www.twitch.tv/geega
Purin https://www.youtube.com/@inukaipuwin
Remilia https://www.youtube.com/@RemiliaNephys
Kaori https://www.twitch.tv/kaorilupine
Lisa https://www.youtube.com/@chikafujilisa
Nina http://twitch.tv/ninaninin
Clio https://www.twitch.tv/clioaite
Bessie https://www.twitch.tv/cowgirlcowgirl
Hana https://www.twitch.tv/peachhana
Kiki (Orthodox) https://www.youtube.com/@KikiCh-
Athena https://www.youtube.com/@AthenaBambina
Minna https://www.youtube.com/@BakedFreshFlaVR
Laponkotsu https://www.youtube.com/@Laponkotsu

> Major evidence but unconfirmed if Catholic
Filian https://www.twitch.tv/filian
Suisei https://www.youtube.com/@HoshimachiSuisei
Miko https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko
Ina https://www.youtube.com/@NinomaeInanis
Kiara https://www.youtube.com/@TakanashiKiara
Punkalopi https://www.youtube.com/@Punkalopi
Nerissa https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Rion https://www.youtube.com/@TakamiyaRion
Miori https://www.youtube.com/@MioriCelesta
Pippa https://www.youtube.com/@PipkinPippa
Ver https://www.youtube.com/@VerVermillion
Pina https://www.youtube.com/@PinaPengin
Kirsche https://www.twitch.tv/kirsche
Sawa https://www.youtube.com/@SourGrapeVA

>Minor evidence
Noel https://www.youtube.com/@ShiroganeNoel
Haachama https://www.youtube.com/@AkaiHaato
Kanata https://www.youtube.com/@AmaneKanata
Bae https://www.youtube.com/@HakosBaelz
Selen https://www.youtube.com/@SelenTatsuki
Sonny https://www.youtube.com/@SonnyBrisko
Lucy https://www.youtube.com/@LucyPyre
Fuyo https://www.youtube.com/@FuyoCloverfield
Tenma https://www.twitch.tv/tenma
Airi https://www.youtube.com/@ChisakaAiri
Olivia https://www.twitch.tv/oliviamonroe
Jelly https://www.youtube.com/@JellyHoshiumi
Kitanya https://www.twitch.tv/kitanya_is_here
Cherii https://www.twitch.tv/verycherrii

Apostates and Heretics are not Christian but are permitted in this thread so that we may pray for them that they may convert into Traditional Catholicism the one true faith. Pagans are not permitted in this thread but we shall still pray for their conversion into Traditional Catholicism.

This outdated and unkept list is compiled through evidence from official accounts, roomate evidence is not taken into account. Feel free to suggest additions or changes to the list.

>Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven. But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.
- Matthew 10:32-33

>> No.65268631
File: 449 KB, 1024x767, MarianModesty_CatholicLia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is Traditional Catholicism?
The one true faith Christianity as it has been practiced largely the same since it was formally established by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in ~33 AD until 1955 AD when the freemasons, a jewish luciferian cult, who had infiltrated the Vatican created a number of anti-Christian innovations beginning with the 1955 changes to Holy Week, the 1962 missal, and the 1969 novus ordo missae. Traditional Catholics seek the restoration of Christianity as it has always been practiced since the beginning. The same true faith that evangelized all of Europe, the entirety of South America and North America, and other significant portions of the world.
>What is the difference between Traditional Catholicism and novus ordo Catholicism?
Another look
More in depth
>What is the difference between Catholic and Christian?
Catholic and Christian are interchangeable. Though there are those that would call themselves Christian but are not (protestants, mormons, etc).
>Why are protestants not Christian?
>How can I become a Traditional Catholic?
>What is the difference between Traditional Latin Mass and novus ordo mass?
At a glance
In depth
>Where can I attend Traditional Latin Mass?
Find your local mass here (disclaimer: the majority of the churches listed follow the 1962 missal) https://www.latinmassdir.org
>What if I was already baptised as a novus ordo Catholic?
Simply learn about our traditional rites, reject the novus ordo and vatican II, begin attending traditional latin masses, and live as a traditional Catholic.
>How do I dress modestly according to Traditional Catholic Tradition?
Wear your best every day not just Sunday, your clothes reflect the man or woman you are, so dress with dignity, piety, and modesty in mind.
-Men wear a suit and tie everyday unless you cannot afford it, then wear your best. Also acceptable is traditional clothing provided it aligns with traditional Catholic modesty. No shorts, no denim, no sleeveless shirts, nor anything deemed "casual" like graphic design t-shirts.
-Women you must follow the Marian Modesty decree of Pope Pius XI at a minimum every day no exception. Which you can read about more in depth here: https://padreperegrino.org/2021/11/fatimamodesty To summarize you must wear a skirt or dress every day with the hem falling below the knee at a minimum plus stockings or pantyhose must be worn, exposed skin from your legs is unacceptable. Pants (trousers) or shorts are never acceptable. The neckline must be no lower than two fingers from the neck and sleeves must reach the elbow but concession is given to mid bicep. However, Our Lady the Virgin Mary would never dress like this and I find that such a lax dress code to be unacceptable, women should strive to dress with immitation to Our Lady and wear dresses that reach their ankles and sleeves that extend to the wrists. Find fashion inspiration here https://www.pinterest.com/ebethpadilla/marian-modesty
Traditional Clothing is also acceptable provided it aligns with Traditional Catholic modesty like sverigedräkten, dirndl, kimono, etc. Do not dress for the world, dress for God above.
>What can I do to help convert others into Traditional Catholicism?
-Pray the rosary (all 15 mysteries) everyday for the conversion of souls into the one true faith Traditional Catholicism (better if done publically).
-Wear your crucifix outside of your shirt at all times especially in public spaces.
-Pray publically including prayers before meals.
-Maintain your appearance according to Catholic modesty at all times. Including clothing and physical fitness, no fatties permitted (women are afforded higher body fat percentage than men).
-Refrain from sinning and go to confession.
-Educate others about Traditional Catholicism, the one true faith, especially to novus ordo Catholics.
-Advocate for a return of the pre-1955 Traditional Latin Mass at your parish by talking to your fellow parishioners, your priest, and sending a paper letter to your bishop.
>Since Vtubing is a Japanese medium I request that you all become aware of Our Lady of Akita, a Vatican approved Marian apparition in Akita, Japan. Pray the rosary every day.

Secondary thread theme

Ave Christus Rex et Ave Maria.

>> No.65268685

more than half of them are most likely protestant though
>t. actual catholic

>> No.65268711

Why did Nerissa's sister sing like a black lady. She can't be black, can she? Nerissa is white, and Christians hate niggers. So she can't be black, right?

>> No.65269031
File: 20 KB, 1513x1031, Religions_of_the_US_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christians hate niggers
I dont know where you got this from. The one true faith is for everyone regardless of skin color. Our Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed His perfect life for everyone. Blacks in the US are mainly protestant though which means they are heretics and thus not Christian. They should convert to Catholicism. The whites are smart enough to figure out that protestanism is a heretical meme and that Catholicism is true Christianity so they have begun to convert to Catholicism.

>> No.65269145

>just a list without evidence

>> No.65269182
File: 103 KB, 759x307, SaintThomasAquinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may be the case and if so the list would be updated. Either way we should pray for them.

>> No.65269259

But CNN said otherwise...

>> No.65269299

I like Lia

>> No.65269605
File: 457 KB, 997x816, LargestReligion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres another map. The Reconquista is coming, convert to Traditional Catholicism for the salvation of your souls. The end time prophesies are unironically being fulfilled.
>GREAT FRENCH MONARCH of the End Times: Who is he? 14 Prophecies

>> No.65269778

Btw op, what's your problem with current Latin Mass? I've no idea what it's all about since my church follows Byzantine rite

>> No.65270048
File: 854 KB, 768x960, Queen_Isabel_I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway I'm kinda hungover and I still have partying to do and I just wanted to spread some Christmas cheer with my anon friends here especially for those who dont have any loved ones. When the thread dies it dies. Ill post some Christmas information and then I'll leave. In the meantime check out these webms
And check pic related. This is Venerable Queen Isabella who led the Reconquista of Spain and is the woman who commissioned the discovery of the new world and subsequent spread of Catholicism to the pagans living there. If you are a new world Hispanic you have her to thank for your existance. Without her you do not exist.
Based I like Lia too

>> No.65270383

If she were she wouldn't be collabing with a troon in two days

>> No.65270577

Nigga Catholics are THE most pozzed denomination. The pope has been preaching nonstop fag love for the last month

>> No.65270589
File: 79 KB, 850x400, PopePiousIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your problem with current Latin Mass?
There are three Holy Languages since they were nailed to the cross with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Since the beginning mass has always been said in Latin or Greek depending on your rite. We have kept the same rubric largely the same since the beginning. Until 1955 when a known freemason anibale bugnini changed Holy Week, then in 1962 change the actual rubric (the missal) while still keeping it latin, and finally in 1969 he authored the "novus ordo" which did away with nearly all the original missal and on top of that removed the latin. My issue with using the current missal but in latin (novus ordo in latin) is that although it uses the Holy language of latin the framework is erroneous. I have a link im trying to dig up to show you the differences one sec. People like me want a return to the same Catholicism that my ancestors practiced and the same Catholicism that built and civilized Europe, North and South America

>> No.65270634

>OP is just a list of vtubers to feign being a vtuber thread
>entire rest of thread isn't vtubing at all

>> No.65270714
File: 526 KB, 2560x1440, PopeSaintCelestineI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The pope has been preaching nonstop fag love for the last month
He is a jesuit we know he is not Catholic he is a crypto jew, he is a heretic which is why I advocate for the return of Traditional Catholicism
>Father James Altman - Bergoglio is Not the Pope

>> No.65270999

I'm curious what vtubers are confirmed non-Christian or atheist? I'd like to pray for them tonight, thanks for the list in the OP too.

>> No.65271330
File: 149 KB, 1200x640, Quotation-Thomas-Aquinas-He-who-is-not-angry-when-there-is-just-cause-124-9-0907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was unable to find the link but I found this video which is fantastic
>Why the New Mass and New Rite of Ordination are Invalid

>> No.65271681
File: 827 KB, 1000x749, OurLadyTheVirginMary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome friend. I only know of a few atheists, I have heard Panko say on stream she does not believe in God, allegedly Fauna grew up Catholic and has since apostasized, and the same for Vei another alleged Catholic turned apostate. I blame the "Novus Ordo." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o4BMMQ2kGI
We shall pray for them and their return as Traditional Catholics.

>> No.65271825

I do not agree with many of the opinions you have voiced in the thread, but there is one Church of Christ, and I pray that, one day, all will be reconciled to Him and our Heavenly Father, on that, we agree. Let us pray that those who have not known His perfect grace should come to know Him, as we have known Him.

>> No.65271919

you should just call this Roman catholic general if you're going to be like this
millions of Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Christians vehemently disagree with your Roman beliefs

>> No.65272068
File: 1.68 MB, 2024x1614, Nativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent too much time here and running late now I have to go but Merry Christmas I love you all. Go out and party with loved ones and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
>Silent Night

>> No.65272301

RIP which one?

>> No.65272355

The United States was founded by majority Protestants, the tactical genius George Washington was Protestant, and we kicked the greatest empire on earth's ass and proceeded to rule the world for two centuries, culminating in us sending a nigga to the moon. Your church's greatest hits are, let's see...oppression, torture, anti-intellectualism, illiteracy and pedophilia I think

>> No.65272387

Despite this being a schizo sede thread, I want to remind Catholics that the 25th is most likely a day of obligation for you and that you couldn't double dip the 24ths Sunday obligation to cover it.

>> No.65272680

This is genuinely the saddest larp I have ever seen.
What the fuck went wring in your life that pretending egirls are trad christians to further your own larp became an acceptable thing for you to do?
What do you hope to achieve?
>my religion has anime girls shake their tiddies for money - isn't that so epic?
Is that realy preferable to critical self relflection and fixing your sad existence?

>> No.65272746

Those. Off topic.
