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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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66648739 No.66648739 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone noticed that there's a direct correlation between how hard-working a chuuba is, and how sociable they are? (Interactions with genmates, treatment of fans, etc.)
Like there's no EN chuuba who collabs a lot but hardly streams, or streams a lot but always stays in their corner.
Also chuubas hated by /vt/ end up working harder.

>> No.66648810

I realized that I dont really like any of the sociable EN girls on this list

>> No.66648886

Same, that's the crazy part.
All the girls on the bottom left except Ina have magnetic personalities (to me, anyway) but seem fully incompatible with vtubers. Top right girls are great vtubers but none of them do it for me.
It's like we're cursed with shit taste.

>> No.66649208
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Has anyone noticed that the deeper I plunge my python cock inside OP's anus, the harder he screams? Another weird trend to think about.

>> No.66649448

>Like there's no EN chuuba who collabs a lot but hardly streams
Literally Kronii

>> No.66649758

We just relate to losers better I think

>> No.66649899

>there's no EN chuuba who collabs a lot but hardly streams
>streams a lot but always stays in their corner.

There are plenty that buck the trend you just have to suppress your urge to vomit when looking for them

>> No.66649951

I don't hate fuwamoco, bijou or even kiara

>> No.66650027

He said EN chuuba, not your random twitch 2views

>> No.66650043

Mental illness

>> No.66650062

Could you please not. I'm trying to sleep here and this motherfucker is screaming so hard the entire block can hear him

>> No.66650261

I’m not a teakek in the slightest but why put Gura as more hardworking than Ame?

>> No.66650276

Primal motivation (outside of survival) comes from community. People that are engaged with other people are going to be more motivated, to build, and to help out the team.
When you disconnect from people there's not a lot of motivation to do anything if your personal needs are met.

>> No.66650384 [DELETED] 
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>half of these girls “asocial”
>fuck their bfs everyday

>> No.66650421

so it means...
you like Mococo!!!

>> No.66650467

It must have been an accident
An interesting theory with a grain of truth for sure
People assume some Holos are destined for hard work and others for failure, but it's equally likely the ones who put more work in are getting more enjoyment out.

>> No.66650487


>> No.66650518

>"fuck their bfs everyday"
>posts the only EN I would genuinely trust not to have a bf
nigga what

>> No.66650612
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Did I ever mention picrel? No? Fuck off illiterate retard

>> No.66650650 [DELETED] 

She has multiple

>> No.66650696

Bruh you posted her

>> No.66650824

Goth woman needs to be moved down to be with irys.

>> No.66650932

Anti social vtubers are more fun to watch. I can relate with them better

>> No.66650978

FuwaMoco belong on the far left

>> No.66651006

What’s funny is the ones closer to asocial are the only entertaining ones Kek

>> No.66651153

Might be time to drop Mumei to the bottom of the chart

>> No.66651173

I wouldn't call Ame lazy. She's less talkative about her 3D stuff but she definitely shows more initiative than anyone in the bottom left section. My oshis are IRyS and Kiara and I agree with this for the most part though.

>> No.66651221

Educate yourself

>> No.66651295


>> No.66651302

swap fuwawa and moco-chan, un

>> No.66651315

If you mean doxx shit, no.
If it's on stream attitudes, I don't think I'm wrong. Ame streams a lot less than she used to but she's done a lot for myth in the past.

>> No.66651348

She should show some initiative and not take brakes constantly

>> No.66651545

yes me and the guy below

>> No.66651653


>> No.66651711

Let her go, orc

>> No.66651895

going to be honest when I saw this on the catalog I though it was going to be a fart chart

>> No.66652066
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>> No.66652121

>Rissa is a bottom

>> No.66652435

>Gura getting support from management

>> No.66652788

Moronic chart.

>> No.66652849

Put JP in there and the graph becomes meaningless. It really only works for HoloEN. Also, Mumei should be much lower on the graph

>> No.66653061

I would move Mori along with Biboo between the doggos and the rat, swap Nerissa with Fauna and put Mumei with IRyS.

>> No.66653116

There's some absolute fucking truth to this but Ina speaks japanese

>> No.66653318

The reason I dropped her membership is because tummy hort all the fucking time and she was 6 months in.

>> No.66653437
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firmly top left

>> No.66654419

>Also chuubas hated by /vt/ end up working harder.

>> No.66655137

I personally love all of the Holo EN especially rock.

>> No.66655165

In what universe is Kiara below Mori in speaking Japanese? Also the Koreans can speak it kinda.

>> No.66655214

Mumei is one of the most social girls in holoEN retard, she does collabs with pretty much anyone and everyone. Fuwamoco on the other hand are pretty asocial, on the EN side, they have only done one on one collabs with bijou and mori

>> No.66655249

there is also a direct relation between how social a chuuba is and how annoying /disliked she is.
examples: Mori, Kiara, Matsuri, Ollie

>> No.66655282
File: 753 KB, 2328x1792, japanese company.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better.

>> No.66655351

you're gonna have problems doing a serious axis of japanese fluency as long as mori is at the top

>> No.66655395

Mori barely speaks japanese my dude

>> No.66655399

>Fuwamoco on the other hand are pretty asocial, on the EN side, they have only done one on one collabs with bijou and mori
Don't forget Mori. And Mori. And Mori, and also Mori.

>> No.66655448

>great vtubers
>mori and kiara
Lmao, good one anon

>> No.66655506

How the hell is Ame lazier than anyone under the middle line, there has to be some insane mental gymnastics to reach that conclusion.

>> No.66655521

This makes sense if you think about it. Streaming is an overtly social act so people who are introverted or get a lot of social anxiety are going to have a harder time streaming all the time.

There's more at play here, because if someone like Gura wasn't making enough money with her current stream schedule (i.e. none at all), she would be forced to overcome the social aversion and actually stream so that she has money for food etc.

So, if the chuuba is making "enough" money regardless of effort, they are going to take the path of least resistance, which in an introvert's case is to stream infrequently as long as they can get away with it. This isn't to say they don't like streaming, it's just that not streaming is less stress/anxiety and more time for other hobbies, chores, etc.

>> No.66655592

let me remind you all
>if the world hates you remember that it hated me first

>> No.66655675

Ame used to stream more than anyone in EN and she used to organize and set up big branchwide, so I don't think it's fair to call her the laziest.

>> No.66655745

*branchwide collabs
Also it's not weird that asocial people want to be alone sometimes and not constantly talk with a bunch of people online.

>> No.66655866

IRyS is way too far to the right, she should be off the chart to the left.

>> No.66655909

>mori above kiara
>more above the half way point at all
lol wut?

>> No.66656122

Mumei is absolute bottom left.

>> No.66656546

Ina speaks as good if not better than pink woman. Kiara is probably tied with the baus. Kronii probably goes where you put Ina.

>> No.66656596

She's literally autistic nigga

>> No.66656624
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>> No.66656940

>3rd worlders on 4chan will dislike you more!
Unironically PLEASE give me 1 good reason as to why that matters

>> No.66656952
File: 752 KB, 2328x1792, japanese company.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the point was that the ones that are treated better by management work more, and the ones that are treated better by management are the ones that speak Japanese. I could make adjustments but it about the top right box vs the bottom left box. This is the last one I'm making. Compare this chart to OPs chart.

>> No.66656998

>Takamori Chads won the CGDCT lottery
Holy based, I kneel OP

>> No.66657369

Stuff like side projects requires contacting a bunch of strangers on your own initiative, maybe even traveling

>> No.66657428

You don't even watch clips.

>> No.66657486

It's an observation. Why do you instantly feel attacked?

>> No.66657543

>You can tell people's feelings through a monitor
Based retard

>> No.66657625

I accept your concession.

>> No.66657646

NTA, but it's just an opinion based on the catalog.

>> No.66658187

>Lazy+asocial = instant popularity
Checks out, great meme

>> No.66658610

IRyS has 3 different EPs and she's compared to Kronii and Mumei? Suck my fat cock you retard

>> No.66658691

Ina should be in the top half, and Mori is nowhere close to the level of Kiara's Japanese brother. Also, I don't even know how you think that IRyS isn't being helped by the management when she literally lives in Japan and started off as an individual project with all the funds in the world.

>> No.66658746

>the closer to top right the closer to homocollabing

>> No.66659261

oh no, he forgot irys is the vsinger

>> No.66659319

Kronii was the real outlier all along

>> No.66662289


>> No.66662511

Of course we like our fellow losers best.

>> No.66662629
File: 206 KB, 1120x600, my-image(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think I finally got it right this time

>> No.66664075

He was talking about Irys the streamer as opposed to Mumei the vtweeter

>> No.66664101

What fucking timeline are you living in? Kronii is def above most EN but right below Ina, in Jap proficiency.

>> No.66664321

Kiara is better at Japanese than pink woman, as well as Bae. Shiori, Moom, Fauna and Ame should be at the bottom, while Kronii and Gura somewhat higher, then Ina and then Nerissa closer to the middle

>> No.66664345

only good chart. Now plot the JPs and IDs on it.

>> No.66665100

Anon your dyscalculia

>> No.66665649
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>> No.66666066

matsuri is smooth confirmed. fix your graph

>> No.66666490

i'm impressed you went to the trouble of making a whole graph for this - good bait, well-crafted, and it looks like you got a lot of engagement. nice work!

>> No.66672345

bare cheekbones

>> No.66679636
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>> No.66679945

ok we need to do an actual ranking for japanese fluency cause this ain't working

IRyS > FWMC = Bae = Kiara >>> Mori >>> Ina >>>>>> Ame, Nerissa, whoever did (their) reps >>> Everyone else

>> No.66680777

I agree with your order.

>> No.66681367

Kronii has improved significantly and is easily better than Ame. Shiori is also underrated, she keeps her proficiency quiet but she’s definitely better than Nerissa.

>> No.66681696

Shiori isn't better than Nerissa, no fucking way. Did you listen to her latest cover? It's literally caricature American Japanese. it's cute sure, but she's not proficient

>> No.66681838

while Ame is that low on lazy-hard working scale, Gura IS the laziness itself. That's why she's not in the box unlike others
