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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 264 KB, 824x1456, 1613409270526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6700950 No.6700950 [Reply] [Original]

>Nene having fun "Calli-chan, found you, come here!"
>Mori completely emotionless not even managing to conceal her boredom "No, no."
Why the fuck is she like this?

>> No.6701052

all of EN is like this, thats why they avoid jp collabs because they will be exposed

>> No.6701230

Utterly disgusting that they're almost a year into this shit and they still can't manage to fake enthusiasm like professionals. They're supposed to be entertainers how do they get away with phoning it in like this

>> No.6703019

>can't even be bothered to fake enthusiasm
with the rrat about her not caring about hololive and this, i don't know why but i somehow felt... disappointed...

>> No.6703210

>>with the rrat about her not caring about hololive
That's not really a narrative, it's just an observation of how she's acted since joining Hololive. Mori shows a lot more interest in vtubers outside of Hololive than inside it and that's just a simple fact.

>> No.6703426

Nobody can out-energy Super Nenechi, why even try

>> No.6703490

what do you expect from the five percenter?

>> No.6703502

Consumers just aren't discerning enough. When they barely stream as is you'd at least expect good quality when they do stream, yet half the time they show up tired, depressed, bored, etc. Yet fans continue to eat it up without a care.

>> No.6703655

They can do that in their own streams but it's just downright rude to be so blatantly unengaged with what you're doing in a collab.

>> No.6703734

Is there any other holomem; EN, ID or JP that manages to sound as unenthusiastic as Calli?
I don't know what's her deal, but I get this massive chris-chan vibe from her.

>> No.6703828

She's fine when she's by herself just talking to chat. Dunno what's up.

>> No.6703908

mori should stick to creating music

>> No.6703920 [DELETED] 

She's just really bad at being able to fake enthusiasm, so she's a wet towel on anything she isn't personally invested in,, which unfortunately is pretty much everything except making music and her Hunter RPG.

>> No.6704065

>calli hating every second
>kiara trying but it's so obvious shes trying too hard
>ina genuinely having fun
the trinity always wins

>> No.6704068

But JP and ID are all massive masochists and drench themselves hearing Mori calling their names. Actually, most ESL and JOP find Mori cool.

>> No.6704083

She's just really bad at being able to fake enthusiasm, so she's a wet blanket on anything she isn't personally invested in, which unfortunately is pretty much everything except making music and her Hunter RPG.

>> No.6704221

>But JP and ID are all massive masochists and drench themselves hearing Mori calling their names.
Imagine if Calli was actually gay. She'd be swimming in it.

>> No.6704244

even retards can pretend to be excited or fake laughter. even out of courtesy, like a fake chuckle at a friend’s joke even if it wasn’t *that* funny.
mori acts this way because she chooses to. she’s just a bitch.

>> No.6704303

she sounded pretty enthusiastic during gigguk collab tho.

>> No.6704369

They are friends.

>> No.6704378

Yeah... I like her music and her TTRPG series though, so she gets a pass

>> No.6704384

gigguk is like the biggest animetuber and the reason why anime became popular in the west so it's understandable.

>> No.6704397

Well yeah because she actually likes Gigguk and she was happy to collab with him. Which just makes it more obvious when she's counting down the minutes until she can fuck off in every other collab she does.

>> No.6704408

>gigguk is the reason why anime became popular in the west
you must be 12

>> No.6704444


>> No.6704459

This is just a Mori and Gura problem. The rest of EN is very enthusiastic and love their jobs

>> No.6704513

>the reason why anime became popular in the west so it's understandable.
????????????????????????????????? Is this some weird bait?

>> No.6704556
File: 6 KB, 202x250, 1605584472758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gigguk is the reason why anime became popular in the west

>> No.6704560


Are you retarded

>> No.6704582

What is Pokemon/Yugioh and Toonami as a whole? Robotech and Voltron in the 80's?

>> No.6704664
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>> No.6704674

>the reason why anime became popular in the west so it's understandable
mmmmm yummy bait
but if you're serious, are you perhaps retarded?

>> No.6704685

no, anime became popular in the west because of Naruto, Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon being broadcast on Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. Youtube wasn't even around when Anime was getting popular.

>> No.6704711

>Ame 'I just woke up 5 minutes before I started the stream lol' Watson
Not so fast teakek

>> No.6704794

She streams literally every day (sometimes multiple times a day). She also shows enthusiasm for every stream she does. Fuck off with that nonsense.


>> No.6704875

Okay, Gigguk.

>> No.6704894

>tummy hort

>> No.6704924

>I don't actually want to play this game so I'll just play minecraft instead

>> No.6704929

Calli is really fucking autistic. Unless the topic is something she's really interested in she shuts down. If she's not talking to someone she thinks is cool she shuts down. She can't fake enthusiasm or interest for shit.
Even spergs on here are probably more socially adept than her.

>> No.6704957

and her receptors are fried from whoring.

>> No.6704977

i know this is bait but i still got mad at it, good job

>> No.6704995

So she's based.

>> No.6705057
File: 200 KB, 700x550, 1617676233862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wakes up 5 minutes before the stream
>streams anyway
Anon, I'm not sure what your on because to me that's a sign of fucking dedication.

>> No.6705077

Forget all these losers Anon, very good post, made me laugh, I appreciate you.

>> No.6705166

>the reason why anime became popular in the west

how do i express my disdain without profanity

>> No.6705293

It's Calli's shtick at this point to shun all yuri interactions like a tsun bitch

>> No.6705336

good bait, you got a lot of (you)s

>> No.6705382

Just shoot yourself.

>> No.6705394

False, Ame is very emotive

>> No.6705416

i dont like her voice so im biased, I agree she is the best one though.

>> No.6705444

Seems like Ame just treats this as a job now instead of something she likes, Ina at least uses this to destress herself from doing gacha work for chinks.

>> No.6705481
File: 214 KB, 1356x1911, 8a365c5b4dab5c1f4d1b32f607ec3fbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sign of dedication
it is a sign of a person who is treated like a job.
>*the alarm is ringing* Oh shit, i have to go to

>> No.6705515

excellent work anon, have another (You) for the pile

>> No.6705584

Nice bait. I literally had no idea who gigguk was until a month ago and I regret finding out. That faggot didn't influence shit.

>> No.6705629

>someone actually suggested that Gura is unenthusiastic about streaming
lmfao. Do your reps faggots. Calli is also obviously happy for her position. The TTRPG streams alone prove that.

>> No.6705802

I think its more than obvious she is either autistic or cares so little about this Hololive shit that she is one foot out the door. I know the popular meme is that she will be the one to graduate because she thinks she is on a different level now (even though she isnt, its the character that is so, oops.) but, the more days that pass the more it seems she really will just go for some milk and never come back at this point. And yknow what let her, if she honestly thinks her roomates name has as much weight or as many die hard loyal followers as her Calli character then she should just shit or get off the pot. Because its gotten obnoxious to see her in collabs or streams where she just does not give a shit, she brings everyone around her down, hell even as much as I cant stand Kiara at least has the energy to TRY to be entertaining (fails but whatever). Calli just doesnt give a fuck, and yknow what thats fine, but leave.

>> No.6705885

She's just socially awkward around people she doesn't know very well. It's clear that she's trying to be friendly and stuff but simultaneously feels awkward. If you think back to the earlier collabs for HoloEN this is sort of how it felt.

>> No.6705950


I honestly feel like ame just misses the twitch days where she couldve fucked around and do random shit, and now she has a retarded corpo behind her back and holds her on a leash

>> No.6705962

I love this wigger

>> No.6705967

>It's clear that she's trying to be friendly
Is it? Because she seems very cold and disinterested to me. Far from being friendly

>> No.6706017

they hated him cause he told the truth

>> No.6706134

Gura almost always starts off her streams unenthusiastic and then usually warms up to streaming an hour or two in. She's straight up admitted to that before.

>> No.6706144

post more vtuber tummy

>> No.6706172

Damn, i was watching Nene's stream and didn't even notice how much of a bitch calli was being, i thought she was having fun.

>> No.6706231

I always knew Garnt trolled these boards

>> No.6706318

It's simple, she don't understand Japanese.

>> No.6706584 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 480x480, 1484205471362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>known turbo autist
>mori known to be one of the the biggest autist in hololive
>part of her appeal to her fans is how socially retarded she is
>super awkward even talking in English
>countless rrats complaining about her being autistic in colabs

pick one fagot. either her being a turbo autist is her appeal or it makes her unbearable, but don't' make rrats out of the fact she's a socially retarded autist when this has been known since her debut.

>> No.6706619

That's more of a "I don't want you to do what you're trying to do to me but I don't think you'd understand me if I gave a more clever English response so I'll stick to a simple "No"" type of response to Nene chasing Calli with a ball. I'd recommend watching a full vod to see how she behaves throughout, one clip in isolation can paint a polarizing picture of one particular outlook, but the whole event brings everything into perspective.

>> No.6706674

You made it sound like she was being a bitch but wow it's nothing. How did you manage to be even more autistic than Mori?

>> No.6706768

That's why he said "trying." I have some sympathy for her, it's tough trying to be friendly with people you barely know, nevermind doing it while maintaining a character in front of thousands of people.

>> No.6706790
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>> No.6707005

This is some gourmet bait, have a (you).

>> No.6707331

It's the classic retards, Mori lives rent free in his head everyday

>> No.6707354
File: 2.77 MB, 1543x1401, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6707361


>> No.6707377

You know most /vt/ don't watch streams so why even bother

>> No.6707396

I don't see any problems with this clip, though.

>> No.6707513

Thats usually how this works. Half of the anon on this board won't bother watching referenced content in question, hell half of them probably don't even watch hololive. Just retards squeezing out what little dopamine they can from shitposting and baiting

>> No.6707518

Nice job outing yourself

>> No.6707538

>No denial
It’s pretty pathetic that you care more about Mori than she does about streaming

>> No.6707588

Part of me still holds hope that one day people will just watch streams and enjoy what they want.

>> No.6707603

I'm not the anon you were talking about but okay

>> No.6707661

>1st world female
>makes cringy rap music
Idk what yall were expecting. Just know that yagoo signed off on this shit

>> No.6707688

Is not a ratt bro. She really doesn't care.
She applied as a joke and somehow got in. She said that herself. And then there's the famous 5% comment on top of it.

>> No.6707719

Westerners change jobs all the time, they can't commit. Idk why they thought HOLOEN was a good idea

>> No.6707742

That's what people who don't watch streams would say. Dare i say inferior to clipfags?

>> No.6707757

Mori has 3 collab modes.
Enthusiastic - this only occurs when she's hosting
Kindergarten substitute teacher - this occurs when she's collabing with someone she likes but doesn't really care for what they're doing
Texting her rapper friends - this occurs when she's collabing with HoloJP

>> No.6707797

What other people consoom in droves affect future products. That's why people hate.

>> No.6707944

What's funny is people who don't watch streams have the loudest to say when it comes to criticizing a chuuba. It doesn't bother me desu coz i know, i know more than them and is more superior.

>Part of me still holds hope that one day people will just watch streams and enjoy what they want

There are plenty of retards in the world for that to happen

>> No.6707964

Half the JPs oversleep their streams, as has Ina, what's your point?

>> No.6708872

isn’t it pretty stupid of deadbraps to not know what “rent-free” means? everyone on the internet knows what “rent-free” means except for deadbraps. it’s as if Mori made her fans forget what it means. deadbraps think it means “anytime someone criticizes someone else.”

>> No.6709594
File: 933 KB, 1608x733, hoes mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6709642

go back to twitter

>> No.6709688


>> No.6709892

I thought being a mundane bitch was her bit?

>> No.6709901
File: 319 KB, 628x480, 1542902930729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is some fucking bait. 10/10 gotta go to the store right now I'll give you more (You)s later>>6704384

>> No.6709916

guras like a car engine in the winter, you need to warm her up before she actually starts working and she stinks during the warm up period.

>> No.6710154

How you people don't find her rap cringe I'll never understand

>> No.6710317

I don't listen to her rap and only watch clips.

>> No.6710417

Mori is weird when she's doing streams that require minimiun effort she becomes this ultra hyped girl ''yeeeeaaaah deadbeats uruuuu'', when doing collabs she turns into this ''I'm to cool to express emotions'' person it's almost a split personality

>> No.6710498

This, JP vocal tone always feels happy and genki while EN vocal feels forced and depressed

>> No.6710585

>Gigguk makes anime popular

>> No.6710590

she's too lazy to even leave hololive at this point.

the girls that do care about streaming quality will be the ones to graduate.

>> No.6710594

well she really seems like she doesn't enjoy the streaming aspect. Maybe she has constant migraines or something? Whatever it is, it's preventing her from enjoying herself too often

>> No.6710613

I like it. It sounds like she hates her job or doing anything outside of rapping, and that's hilarious.
She's making a ton of money from a job that people would die for, and it's like she hates it.

>> No.6710635

This one actually made me mad, good job

>> No.6710791

>remove autism limiters
>run chaddestbait.exe
>(You) received: 8*10^53
sasuga anon

>> No.6710850

He definitely opened the door for more casuals and twitterfags

>> No.6710880

I genuinely don't know who he is.

>> No.6710974
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>> No.6710997

mods i know he didn't break any rules but can we ban this guy anyway?

>> No.6711063

I used his videos to summarize anime I didn't want to watch but not sure he actually got people to watch anime

>> No.6711087

I honestly do think she's autistic

>> No.6711169

I'm pretty sure Mori has aspergers. Liking Japanese rap of all things really seals the deal.

>> No.6711187

Because you're not his target audience

>> No.6712538

Easily the laziest en

>> No.6715837


>> No.6715965

She literally always sounds like that. The only way to squeeze any sort of excitement out of her is to talk about her actual friends, like TOPHAMHAT- KYO and whatnot.

>> No.6716050

Honestly I wouldn't have called it if you told me this was how Mori would be a year later after her debut. I thought after hitting it big she'd be super excited to dig in and make the most of her new job that let her escape from wageslaving but it seems like she really hates every moment she has to stream, she just cannot generate any enthusiasm at all.

>> No.6716415
File: 33 KB, 308x308, koro9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quad quads...

>> No.6716546
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>> No.6718446

just reading it pissed me off, you deserve all the (You)s you got. well done 10/10 bait.

>> No.6718998

holy shit you niggers will literally get upset over anything no wonder you fags suck nikodem's cokc

>> No.6719187

This is true

>> No.6719363
File: 554 KB, 782x790, 1613952483541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the reason why anime became popular in the west so it's understandable.
Literally the most retarded thing I've seen on this site in a long time. Bait or not, I'm convinced zoomers actually think like this.

>> No.6719379

She isnt bored or enthusiastic. She is simply socially incapable. She is autistic, and overthinks everything she says, she has a hard time talking to people normally before she gets to know them very well. Compare gura/calli stream lately vs early calli collabs.
Remember this adorable wierdo plays TRPGs and is interested in Japanese rap. Two things mostly autists like.

>> No.6719491

>If she's not talking to someone she thinks is cool she shuts down.
That's being a stacy for anitubter/twitch streamer clout, not autism lmao

>> No.6719544

And people say the TT collab didn't bring in newfags.

>> No.6719634

Gigguk has 3m subs u fucking idiot. He is literally unknown by zoomers in general. Anime has been mainstream for around 10 years. Most gigguk viewers are probably millenials (his age group, since he keeps talking about the kind of anime millenials care about).
Please talk to people outside this board who watch anime. 90% dont know gigguk

>> No.6719664

wat lol. Even JP streamers does this. Have you not watched Pekora streams? A lot of her streams she basically just woke up.

>> No.6719672

Mori is the last thing from a SJW she used to have tweets bigging up Trump. Faggot, die.

>> No.6719766

This is very good bait, I'm going to steal it for later.

>> No.6719803

Tasteful bait, anon. Quite deserving of all the (you)s you've gotten

>> No.6720682

she actually kinda seems like she doesn't want to embarass herself in front of the senpais
but just end up embarassing herself more because she's autistic
and not the good kind that nene has

>> No.6720917


>> No.6722012

Why did she join Hololive then? She very well must have known what she has signed up for. By the time the auditions have ended, Hololive was already on the incline, so she can't say that she didn't expect the exposure.

>> No.6722232
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1621959056869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I'm replying to this fucking bait?

>> No.6722482
File: 112 KB, 1264x726, E44TI41XIAIgrT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brilliant bait you pissed off the whole board

>> No.6722734

here, (You) earned it

>> No.6722780

you guys have autism and can't read emotions at all

>> No.6723043

>Join Vtuber brand to be big penis influencer
>Not realize that it is basically a kindergarten that is being broadcast live
>Sign up for a year long contract
Being EN is suffering, please andastan

>> No.6723320

You kids have no emotional awareness. You can here the fun in her voice as she goes No in that clip.

>> No.6723517


>> No.6723989

You need to be 18 to use this site.

>> No.6724255


>> No.6724301

wow i love nene

>> No.6724663

lol wut?
The reason anime became popular in the west was Toonami, Dragon Ball Z and Pokemon.

>> No.6724762


Hi gigguk!

>> No.6725536

Anime was popular in the Europe since the 70's, just became Gigguk made anime popular in the US doesn't mean he made it popular elsewhere in the west.

>> No.6725692

I've never heard of this faggot before t. crossboarder

>> No.6725883

Its 75% fat little weebs kids here. Cope

>> No.6725962

The jp girls will still suck her dick and love her.

>> No.6726080

Annon... this is her job. Are you retarded? Do you go to work because it's fun? Then kindly decline your pay check as your spread your cheeks and ask your boss to fuck in the ass because your an idiot who works without pay. Oh wait, you're probably a 14 year old who doesn't have bills to pay.

>> No.6726223

You need to be +18 to post in this site

>> No.6726231

they just don't give a shit, the money keeps rolling whatever they do
changing would not benefit them in any way

>> No.6726317

Don’t forget she reschedules a stream at least once a week.

If her schedule looks packed for a week you can assume 1-1 of those streams will be cancelled or rescheduled and she’ll say she’ll make it up later

>> No.6726376

here's your (you)

>> No.6726437

Ame streams the most next to Kiara. Between that, and the various Gurilla streams that aren't scheduled I don't know how people can pretend like she doesn't like streaming. She often forgets to even turn on superchats which shows that she isn't just in it for the money. At worst people can probably say she's not the most punctual or great at keeping schedules.

>> No.6726477

Most lazy? Couldn't be father from it...most insincere 100%

>> No.6726496

She’ll change when people stop giving her 1k minimum each stream just for showing up

>> No.6726517

The jp girls will just find her attitude cool and continue simping her. The power of the language barrier

>> No.6726590

Excellent bait, good sir!

>> No.6726698

Yeah, she’s just a big self conscious dork around people she doesn’t know that well

>> No.6726809

Had a good laugh, nice one Anon.

>> No.6726821

And that's why she's based. You don't get TTRPG kino without a little tism.
But she does try a lot more than she gets credit for and I find that aspect of her endearing. Sometimes it even seems like she overshoots and is too enthusiastic but it's fine, she's trying her best since it's not something she's naturally good at.

>> No.6726921

Holy shit.

>> No.6727357
File: 94 KB, 700x630, 1621140235141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you're never going to have a moment like this again in all of your posts on 4chan. Remember it, cherish it.

>> No.6727843
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, Ev9Oi2XVkAEaxtM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this new
anon, it's only 50 replies. you must really make low quality posts if you can't muster that many on a semi- frequent basis.

>> No.6727966

Towa is just as bad

>> No.6728058

Hence her shill streams where you can tell shes trying too hard until she hits something that genuinely gets her, like OUR BOY SHITTIN or the PSO2 character creation

>> No.6728443

ogey rretard

>> No.6729311

here's another (You)

>> No.6729408

Now the thread's been derailed by the newfags circle-jerking each other.

>> No.6730893

Good, it was a retard den anyway

>> No.6731294

>Compare gura/calli stream lately vs early calli collabs.
Calli occasionally mumbles something about how much fun they are having, then fucks off after an hour, leaving gura build the ferris wheel alone.
Yeah great progress was made.

>> No.6731361

Tired all the time

>> No.6731527

>expecting anything else from le 5% girl

Reminder that she spent 2 hours in a shadowverse collab literally not saying anything

>> No.6731916
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>> No.6732019
File: 53 KB, 622x814, 1593263001987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's afraid of another forced yuri pairing ruining chances to get that manlet asian cock.

>> No.6734213

>The TTRPG streams alone prove that.
The most boring streams ever. Almost as bad as apex and walking simulators.

>> No.6734315

>I know the popular meme is that she will be the one to graduate because she thinks she is on a different level now
Her recent twatter posts on her indie twatter show she's only in holo to get her solo project out there.

>> No.6734451

My cute autistic grim raper is so fucking devoid of any emotion jesus fucking christ what a qt3.14

>> No.6734671

Collabs with her really do tend to be quite bad to watch due to her energy. I like her music and her ASMR streams were surprisingly comfy, but that's all I watch.

I don't think it's a big issue, though. There are still a bunch of people willing to watch her do other stuff, so good for her, I'll keep checking when the relevant content to me comes out.

>> No.6734900

This is the mother of all baits kek

>> No.6735564
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>> No.6736044

Where are the lyrics from?

>> No.6736085

Found out, never-fucking-mind.

>> No.6736168

Hey Mori I know you're reading this, get over your hurt feelings and take the damn criticism when people tell you you're a boring fuck. Put some effort into your collabs, if you can't even pretend to give a shit, quit.

>> No.6736497

at least APEX can be entertaining with Korone/Noel/Marine

>> No.6736503
File: 144 KB, 915x455, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrrats anon, you're the #1 champion master baiter

>> No.6736509

Anyone got a link to Cali taking a big ol shit on stream?

>> No.6737321

Mori is trying to emulate her Idol cr1tikal.

>> No.6739131

This is the funniest shit I've seen all day, thank you anon

>> No.6739317

Calliope is really boring to watch and listen to.
Aside from her intro song, she's not done anything remotely interesting.
I dropped her months ago and not looking back.

>> No.6739409
File: 222 KB, 1079x1079, 1622874109675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell what's bait and what's actual reddit tourists anymore on this board. There's people stupid enough to say this unirronically on here.

>> No.6739657

don't like it? don't watch it :}

>> No.6740413

lol what? also why are there so many replies to this

>> No.6740884
File: 481 KB, 800x533, Tenth anniversary of Kanye saying Bush doesn't care about Black people 9-2-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbraps trying to defend Boring Mori are pathetic. Think back to the meme review stream with Coco. When I tuned in it took literally seconds to feel how off the vibes were with Mori. I could tell IMMEDIATELY that she doesn't care about this and doesn't want to be here, her voice deadpan and monotonous with no replies longer than a few words each, needing Coco to say some crazy shit just to get something interesting out of her, and with the end nearing Coco straight up bullying her to get something out of her was hilarious.

Calliope Mori doesn't care about hololive

>> No.6743224

Post Mori braps

>> No.6743232
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>> No.6743448

Except that she's loving Hololive and the 5% comment refers to the time she expends streaming, the time she expends working on Hololive stuff is way higher, right around the time she said the 5% comment, she was also working on GETCHA! with Suisei and Suisei was shocked at how little she did in the overall production next to Mori

>> No.6743503

>10 months in and somehow people don't understand it's her character

>> No.6743560
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>Boring Mori

>> No.6743704


>> No.6743927

"caring about hololive" is the stupidest and most pointless metric ever come up with

>> No.6744187
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>> No.6744750

Whats more damning is near the end of the stream, her mic was still on and you can hear her say "yeah, fuck them!" It may have been edited out but the evidence is in the archives

>> No.6744908
File: 656 KB, 175x169, bliss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I'm off my game, I need to be able to make more posts like this guy.

>> No.6744970

Yeah the ending convo with the mics left on is a huge yab.

>> No.6744998

I want Nene-oji to sexually harass me

>> No.6745030

>Its Moris character to sound like streaming is like ripping her fingernails off to her
This is the big cope

>> No.6745102

Best post on the board right now

>> No.6745147

It is a huge cope but what if she owns it and plays it out well enough that it passes plausible deniability?
It's her only choice. She can't keep pretending forever and even her fans will eventually realize she doesn't give a shit about this.
Playing it as a character trope is her only option to give people a way to cope with it once they notice it.

>> No.6745160

>Nene Oji! Yayyy! Ahhh you are very very beautiful! Yeahhhh. I look your bust? Yeah. Let me see your boobs. YEAHHH. I LOOK YOUR BUST, PLEASE. Uhhh, also hip. Also thick thick looking hip. Yeah your hip yeah.

>> No.6745249

HoloEn was a mistake

>> No.6745273

>even her fans will eventually realize she doesn't give a shit about his
you are criminally overestimating deadbraps

>> No.6745346

Give them time they will start to realize something is off eventually.

>> No.6745435

There are people genuinely blind to this sort of stuff, they will ignore negative posts that bring it up anyway, like in the global threads, reddit, or wherever holoEN is discussed

>> No.6745465
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1621604627337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best post on this board. Absolutely irrefutable

>> No.6745478

The amount of mental gymnastics you have to go through to justify why people like her is quite amusing. Never take your meds, friend

>> No.6745490

5% is probably on drugs. She sounds comatose half the time. Why do deadbeats waste their time on her?

>> No.6745658

Oh I know why people like her, she was quite cool on her debut and I've enjoyed a lot of her content.
This isn't about that.
The issue is that over time she has become jaded to this and it's really showing that it ain't her passion. Now people are slowly realizing it.
I was on the fence on this before but it's becoming harder to ignore as time goes by.

>> No.6745747

Not a cuckbeat but I really enjoy her tabletop streams, and watch those exclusively from her content. She'd definitely be one of my top favorites if even just her non-music stuff leaned in that direction.

>> No.6745775

Described it perfectly. I thought she was cool on debut but something about her I didn't like. I realized what you said pretty quick. She's not cool and is boring as hell. No passion.

>> No.6745863
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>and the reason why anime became popular in the west
holy shit is this what you zoomers actually believe lmao

>> No.6745877

Polka, bro. Poruka.

I'm not interested in tabletop games(I don't watch any of the ENs tabletop streams), her music career, or her collabs with non-vtubers. I want to watch an entertaining vtuber stream. Mori can't do that.

>> No.6745948
File: 153 KB, 1200x900, Never Give Up, Peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad to see all your failed baits finally paid off, anon!

>> No.6745981
File: 342 KB, 716x1200, 91264521_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boy is autistic, please understand.

>> No.6746050

Then just watch someone you like? No idea why people are so hung up on Mori when they can just ignore her. Plenty of people enjoy her content, as puzzling as that may seem to you.

>> No.6746131
File: 44 KB, 540x960, Korone Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wounder how many (you)s would be left on that post if the mods nuke the faggot samefagging it

>> No.6746318

Sounds like she's the most genuine holo by the sheer power of autism

>> No.6746559

I still think she’s cool but it shows she needs to be invested in whatever she’s working on. She’s the worst streamer in En content wise but I think best content creators when she actually has prep time. Now whether you like the music or what she works on is another matter, but the effort is there

>> No.6746917

I do. I can shit on her and not watch her streams at the same time. Mind your business.

>> No.6747253
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>> No.6747619

Nah, you can just choose to ignore me if you want. So why bother? Is this some kind of coping mechanism? Are you upset that people still like her and that she's as successful as she is? If that's the case then I still think it's weird as shit and a waste of time, but you do you.

>> No.6747640

Even if Mori isn't giving it her 100% when she streams I am still glad she's around.
I'm not gonna watch all of her streams anyway. But she helps out other girls with stuff like their tabletop game.
That's something I really enjoy and she feel legitimately passionate about it.

>> No.6747839

Maybe Mori should try speaking in Japanese! Oh wait.

>> No.6747946

naruhodo ne

>> No.6748209

so you deadbraps used to say “she was just nervous!” as your dumb excuse for Mori completely sucking in every collab including her appearance on Coco’s meme review, and now you’ve changed it to “it’s just her character!” what a convenient new excuse, because it implies that you deadbraps already know that Mori will act boring in more collabs in the future (except in her many many many collabs with men because she is always excited and having fun in those).

>> No.6748731

The only time 'muh collab autism' ever mattered and made her aware of the problem was in her Phasmo collab with Gura. No complaints from her fans ever since. So... why are you upset again lol

>> No.6749352

Shadowverse with Kiara? 2 hours of Mori silently seething. Great content.

>> No.6749479
File: 57 KB, 150x154, 1593956976888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put me in the screencap

>> No.6749499

get the fuck off my board

>> No.6749583

That happened over a month before the Gura Phasmo collab. Again, no complaints from her fans ever since. Already out of ammo, huh?

>> No.6749790


>> No.6749939

Mori's fans wouldn't complain even if she gave Gigguk a blowjib live on stream so I don't see what pointing out those cucks will tolerate anything is supposed to prove.

>> No.6750025

>holy shit its real

>> No.6750440

Exactly the kind of low IQ response I would expect from dramafags that hang around these threads. Seethe, cope, dilate, etc.

>> No.6750777
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>> No.6751381


>> No.6751427

So she was designed to be unlikeable?

>> No.6751973

Why isn't anyone talking about how Nene is desperately trying to elicit a response from Mori in the OP clip and Mori just stonewalls her and refuses to roll with it. Must be so frustrating for the JP girls.

>> No.6752024

Because of paypigs and yes-men showering them with money and affection unconditionally there's zero incentive for them to improve or do things better.

>> No.6752272

Probably just used hololive to prop up her failing rap career.

>> No.6752507

Post link bro

>> No.6752608

Fuck Mori for doing that to my oshi

>> No.6752610

cuckbeats used the "calli is just a nervous and shy baby" as their excuse for calli's bored behavior on Coco's reddit meme review. lots of deadbeats were so embarrassed about their queen being that pathetic on a highly anticipated collab that they went so far as to get mad at Coco, BLAMING COCO for Mori's acting like a wet blanket, and they called Coco an overrated unfunny redditor who ruined her own collab, when really it was Calli's fault for sucking. calli couldn't even *pretend* to have fun apparently.

>> No.6752835

Nice fanfic, bro. How much?

>> No.6752977

Hating on things is fun, don't be a baby.

>> No.6753123

Responding to these kinds of posts can be fun too, don't worry.

>> No.6753271

the doxxbrap cope response would be "She was extremely nervous around her JP senpais just like the Coco meme review collab"

>> No.6754047

I remember it happening exactly as that anon said. Coco was blamed for bullying Mori when Coco just wanted her to not sound like she was in a coma for an hour.

>> No.6754522

Didn't ask. I just wanna buy that anon's fanfic

>> No.6754680

>Cuckbeats are now going to pretend Mori's meme review wasn't a complete fucking disaster and they weren't coping for weeks over it
Holy shit lmao

>> No.6754985

You sound upset lmao

>> No.6755171

you must be new because this is the discussion that went down in the mori threads. they said it was Coco's fault for acting "awkward" and making mori feel nervous.

>> No.6755726

so i guess DBZ did shit huh, man these kids dont know shit, anime was big before gicuck was even a thing

>> No.6756015

its incredible how many dumbass hot takes can fit into one thread

>> No.6759718

You should see the Mori thread

>> No.6759825

western women are cancerous vacuous cunts. there is literally no reason for english vtube.

>> No.6761900

g8t b8 8 out of 8

>> No.6764761

>you guys have autism
and so does Mori

>> No.6765098

why is calli so uninteresting

>> No.6765153

based. He actually recommended some good shit, so it got me more into anime.

>> No.6765313

No, that's just HoloEN.

>> No.6765461


>> No.6765880

This bitch has to be one of the worst Vtubers PERIOD.
Hell, even the fucking Vshojos (save for Hime, who is fittingly Mori's best friend) care more about streaming than this narcoleptic cunt.

>> No.6766006

She literally supports BLM - still in her roommate persona.

All of the ENs roommates have tons of BLM/SJW support shit found out

>> No.6766038

I think you got your ENs mixed up

>> No.6766646

These anti threads seem pretty slow nowadays. Running out of rrats to run into the ground?

>> No.6766694
File: 68 KB, 980x661, kanyespeaksthetruth4dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'll say it.


>> No.6766838

You sir....you sir are god tier

>> No.6767472

Based Kanye poster

>> No.6767683


Your love for a 3D model has done damage to your brain!
her old persona referenced „the wall“ and how she was afraid of the man in charge and his hateful rhetoric…

>> No.6767810


>> No.6767902

Gigguk watchers don't watch anime.

>> No.6768055

She literally publically supported lgbbqia+++ up til becoming mori

>> No.6770035
File: 38 KB, 132x131, 1626520772713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being boring on top of shitting and farting on stream bc you forgot to mute is top tier laugh material

>> No.6770085

Pretty much the reason I'm not sub to any of them except Kiara and Ina. As cringe as Kiara is at least she's enthusiastic

>> No.6770123

the whole EN vtuber market is infested.

>> No.6770140


>> No.6770362

Or maybe it's just that your kind never amounts to anything.
You can't produce culture. There is no right wing media that's worth anything and there's a reason for that.

>> No.6770463
File: 75 KB, 544x475, HSLogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ollie- 5:07:51
>Reine- 5:11:27
>Gura- 4:54:36
>Risu- 3:25:44
>Korone- 5:55:00
>Fubuki- 6:30:43
>Pekora- 2:15:48
>Miko- 5:31:16
>Subaru- 2:29:15
>Kanata- 3:07:00
>Marine- 3:24:58

>Calli- 1:23:44

>> No.6770491

Had to go give top hat man his nightly balls massage, please understand

>> No.6770534

You do know the whole lgbt thing is pushed for population control?

>> No.6770608

Then why can't you control the narrative by using culture as a tool for population control? Are right wingers just too incompetent to produce successful media?

>> No.6770627

Pls no politics in my mori shit thread

>> No.6770674

I'm just pointing out culture is a product of population and lgbt being anti-population means it's actually anti-culture

>> No.6770771

You're more autistic than here

>> No.6770891

hope she gets fired from her other job so she can finally draw coco

>> No.6770919

HOLY mother of (you)'s

looks like you triggered the iedditers.

>> No.6770922

Include me in the video jap 4chab clickbait clipper shitter

>> No.6770953

Culture is a commodity.

>> No.6770997

t. retards who don't watch ina and ame

>> No.6771029

Jesus Christ, cuckbeats don't even fight it anymore lmao. Got to the point you're actively hoping someone can creampie your oshi for you.

>> No.6771054

swish, man. really, congrats on this

>> No.6771094

btfo after the dance stream, idiot

ame loves doing this

>> No.6771113

I get the impression this is just kind of her brand.
And it seems to work for her fans.

>> No.6771150

not having children is also anti-population, therefore if you don't plan on having children like most young adults are you anti-culture?

>> No.6771254
File: 440 KB, 902x593, 1626008157147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of (you's)
Exquisite opinion Anon.

>> No.6771763
File: 84 KB, 460x346, 1625578332054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfectly crafted

>> No.6771799

Unironically yes. Stop being a bugman. Get married, go to church, raise a family.

>> No.6772009

what has population ever done for me?

>> No.6772044

this. other people only make my life worse, the less of them the better.

>> No.6774001

I literally went to school with Joey the anime man before he become an e-celeb and I can promise you that anime was already HUGE by that time

>> No.6775053

Im guessing Arin Hanson suffers from bouts of extreme depression, shes probably blitzed after a heavy drinking session while batting it to some depraved hentai with a rope around her neck wondering if tonight will be her night

>> No.6775505
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>produce successful media?

>> No.6776470

Ya boy is on the clock. Done the bare minimum and put the wrench down, so she can spend time on something she actually enjoys.

>> No.6776891

A fitting way to end this pointless thread. Cope :}

>> No.6777042

This is a problem for HoloEN as a whole except for Kiara who is used to the pace of japanese variety shows and to some extend Ina.

>> No.6777082


>> No.6777183

Doxxbeats jerk it now!
