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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68687297 No.68687297 [Reply] [Original]

It's actually kind of sad. I was thinking just the other day how these girls have a job that's 95% playing video games and goofing off, and it's still too much for them to handle. They require literally months of vacation time just to survive. What happens when they lose this gig? There's no way they could make it in an actual workplace.

I hope they're saving their money or have husbands lined up or something.

>> No.68687364

They laugh at you Anon

>> No.68687389

This is what they realize when they become hags, at which point they refuse to take even a day off. The girls that take advantage of all these breaks don't know how rough life outside of Hololive actually is.

>> No.68687462

It's worse than that, they genuinely believe the shitposts that streaming is the hardest job in the world. See, pic related and her friend.

>> No.68687499

>95% playing video games
I bet they wish this was true, but most of their job is meetings and idol training. When Advent gets their 3D, their stream times will drop too, and EN4 will pick up the slack. This process will repeat until EN has enough talents to fill the gaps all the time, even with people streaming less, which is the situation JP is in.

>> No.68687685

>most of their job is meetings and idol training
When they're lazy shits, then yes, the 2-3 hours of work they do outside grind times before a big event is mostly meetings and trying to polish the turd that is their singing and dancing.

>> No.68687769

This is why hags are always a good hire. They're more settled and they realize how good a job this is.

>> No.68687793

>95% playing video games and goofing off
and yet sexpest like Vesper and Magni still cant do it

Male Vtuber was a fucking mistake

>> No.68687916

Holos actually need to take dancing, singing classes, do rehearsals, recordings and have meetings. Not all streamers only play videogames. That is why some people really give up(Sana, Magni, vesper) vs just taking breaks.

>> No.68688056

Nah, 90% of the job is dealing with retards.

>> No.68688072

This is headcanon, what “idol training” do you think they are doing anon?

>> No.68688145

all of that combined would take a maximum of 10 hours a week, you are coping, imagine if your job required 10 hours of actual work a week and then you just played video games the rest of the time?

>> No.68688495

People with a consistent work ethic that are mentally stable do not become vtubers.

>> No.68688597

More like 30 to 40 hours a week retard

>> No.68688728

ah, so you're just here to shitpost and have never watched a single en stream. Gotcha

>> No.68688727

If the girls actually spent 40 hours a week doing dance practice, you wouldn't have half of them being in horrible physical shape

>> No.68688923

>Nah, 90% of the job is dealing with retards.
Imagine you have a super sexy voice and a modicum of talk skill, and have to talk to a million of menhera Goblinas as if you're their sweetheart.
You have to rack your brain 24/7 on how to butter up them. It'd be stressful as hell.

>> No.68688936

This is just a bait thread where OP is looking to get into an argument about vtubers being people who do nothing but play video games all day. You can point out all the ways in which this is wrong and he'll just write it off as being irrelevant. This is despite the fact that the existence of vtubers in the same companies with wildly different numbers as well as variety of content makes this line of thinking incredibly stupid, but OP isn't capable of critical thinking, he just wants to hate on women.

There, I saved you from having to waste time posting in this thread.

>> No.68688955

I used to work in a food mixing and processing factory that required a lot of manual labour. I was heading to work before the sun rose and getting home after sunset every day physically exhausted and stinking like shit. Every weekend was spent doing as little as possible and hoping that I'm not still aching on Monday because if I was the week would be excruciating. Despite all of this, the idea of streaming in front of thousands of people seems so much more mentally exhausting and stressful. Perhaps it's because I'm just not cut out for social, perfomative stuff like this but still, I'd rather work in a stinking factory again than do what these girls do.

>> No.68688989

>Implying I can do this but better
Sad part… is that I am a guy…

>> No.68688997

Because 90% of it isn't goofing off and having lesbian sex sessions, most of the job is filing paperwork and negotiating with management over which games ar approved, mandated collabs, sponsored games, going to meetings at 3 AM burgrtime and othr shit.

>> No.68689039

t. /stg/ frequenter

>> No.68689046

>and it's still too much for them to handle
Almost like not letting women work was for their own benefit...

>> No.68689231

Probably not because of the streaming part but more of the numbers part my friend always stressed out regarding that stuff kinda similar with my day trading friend whenever we go out on lunch he's usually on his phone lol

>> No.68689309

>meetings are work

Regardless of what your job is, meetings are not "work." They're what you do instead of work. They exist because middle management needs to fill up their timesheets.

>> No.68689356

I had to work customer service when I was young and believe me when I say, whenever I was sent to the back to do manual labor was a blessing. Having to deal with hundreds of people yelling at you for hours on end for things you have no control over, or having to repeat the same things over and over again breaks your fucking mind. At least when I’m at the back stacking shit I could put on my headphones and my manager won’t bother me, but having to deal with people in the register.
Its awful. No matter how social you are. I was lucky I got out of there before I’ve fully come to hate humankind. Now, I’m only half hating, which is progess.

>> No.68689388

if they aren't dumb with their money they are already set for life so who cares

>> No.68689436
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it is pretty hard to take women seriously when the deck is stacked so heavily in their favor and they still complain

>> No.68689487

they are so busy that they cant afford 3-4 hours a week

>> No.68689549

>t. anon who has never worked a white collar job
Verification not required.

>> No.68689570

Vesper is still doing the same job. He just became his own boss.

>> No.68689675

at least as a streamer you have the choice to ignore and ban retards

>> No.68689762

He couldn't handle the work and deadlines that game with it when it was a job.

>> No.68689770

Yeah I did a bit of retail work when I was a teenager. I had a bit more tolerance for people back then but even still I couldn't hack it for long so I know where you're coming from. Had to leave because I was worried I'd blow my top and cause a scene. Maybe what people here need to keep in mind is that short bouts of mental stress can be equally as tough on a person as long days of hard graft can be, and from my perspective streaming with big numbers seems like peak mental stress.

>> No.68689816
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>letting your brain damaged sister do all silly things she comes up with
>all you need to do is backseating her and occasionally scolding her in public
>people throw money to you saying
>"What a caretaking sister she is! Incredibly hard working! Like Anne Sullivan for Helen Keller!"
>putting 98% of the gross earnings into your pocket.

>> No.68689946


>> No.68690017

>thinking manual labor is why people hate working
Almost no one hates manual labor. Its PEOPLE that we hate. Retail and food service don't suck because you have to stock shelves or flip burgers, they suck because your coworkers, bosses, and especially customers suck.

Imagine getting to work at mcdonalds except theres no coworkers, no bosses, and no customers. You just get paid to flip some burgers and thats it. It would suddenly go from a shit job to a god tier one.

>> No.68690111

rent free

>> No.68690206

If 95% of your content as a vtuber was just playing video-games, you'd lose viewers fast. As much as autists on this board like to think otherwise, most people get bored of games quickly. Being a vtuber or a content creator of any kind isn't as easy as you think it is. You have to predict what other people want, and predicting human behavior is notoriously difficult.

>> No.68690236

It’ll get boring from the monotony however and you might start thinking you want to do more or get more money, unless you’re getting a lot. But yes, it would be an improvement and all you have to do is count the hours, if you’re getting paid by hour and not the owner.

>> No.68690249

The issue from how he's talked about it as Randon was mostly that he couldn't stand jap perms autism, and he had only really thought he'd be game streaming instead of all the singing and dancing shit

>> No.68690272

Is this a woman thing? I hardly see men complain so much about customers.

>> No.68690324

Men probably customer service jobs more than women though. Lots of women in sales for instance.

>> No.68690356

People are the entire reason no one wants to work shit jobs, not the labor. Retail and food service are the worst jobs because they have the worst people. The labor itself is piss easy.

>> No.68690411

No , but it is the women customer that are the worst. Male customer dont tend to talk as much, rather they just take a swing at you after the third time you repeat something for them for being retarded. Women drag on cause they want attention.

>> No.68690446

That could be because men more often have technical skills than women. Rather than men hating customers.
As a man myself, I like customers. They keep things unpredictable.

>> No.68690527

No, it's an introvert thing. Are you an extrovert? Why are you here? Don't you have some party to go to or something?

>> No.68690533

The quality of customers is dependent on the job, same as coworkers and bosses. Shit jobs have shit people, good jobs have good people, including customers. If you're a retail or food service worker and you say you like customers, you're a massive outlier.

>> No.68690576

>rather they just take a swing at you
As a man, that just sounds cool. Free excuse to fight. Nothing like a good old fight to keep things fresh.

>> No.68690600

I think it's just you because you sound like an asshole.

>> No.68690624

And bringing this back on topic, "customers" are much different from a mass of one-line chat messages that scroll by so fast you can only read 1 out of every 50 anyway.

>> No.68690685

Are you 12?

>> No.68690741

I think we can all agree that the quality of vtubing "customers" is way higher than that of retail and food service, but I still wouldn't want to deal with entertaining vtuber fans either.

>> No.68690797

I guess I'm a socially-retarded extrovert.

Really? I always felt I could do retail forever, and always thought that other people couldn't because they needed more money.

>> No.68690834

How many male coworkers did you have that genuinely enjoyed their retail job?

>> No.68690861

That's very rude, and isn't being rude part of being an asshole?

>> No.68690876

If you hit back you end u being the one in hot water.If they hit you, its assault and therefore you get pay for suing the person, the company, etc. If you fight back, you better have good lawyers to back you up (you won’t). And if the customer is a minority and you’re not? You’re fucked 6 ways to sunday.

>> No.68690963

Doesn't everybody hate their job regardless? My sister quit retail because she hated it. Her new job pays much more but she's STILL complaining about hating her job.

>> No.68691103

All men like fighting. Just look at the games we play.
I'm just not afraid to admit it.

>> No.68691133

>Doesn't everybody hate their job regardless?
No, not at all.
>good pay
>good working conditions
>good people (or no people)
Its hard, but if you get a job that meets all three conditions, you'll like your job. Or at least not hate it.

>> No.68691147

Yeah, but that was just for a moment. You sound like you act unintentionally rude on a daily basis.

>> No.68691193

>All men like *
No, not all men are the same, just like not all women are the same.

>> No.68691303

I'm not 'fighting back', I'm 'proactively defending myself'.
Besides, all stores have cameras (unless you're a thirdie), they'll clearly see who started it.

>> No.68691383
File: 307 KB, 2048x1365, 24xp-tate-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck invited this asshole into this thread?

>> No.68691414

Oh, for you it's only a moment but for me it's all the time? How convenient for you. Surely there's no bias involved here.

>> No.68691538

'All' almost never means literally all.
My point was: from Dark Souls to Call off Duty, men like games of violence. It's our nature.

>> No.68692038

Why join the Idol Company if you can’t stomach the job? I hope Cover learned from that and is more careful with their future recruits

>> No.68692357
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kek was thinking exactly the same thing. Must be one of his little acolytes

>> No.68692541

Post the cooking one.

>> No.68692676

I read though. In fact, reading what I'm reading now is part of why I easily admit to enjoying violence (Human, All Too Human).

>> No.68692683
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This one?

>> No.68692801
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>95% playing video games and goofing off, and it's still too much for them to handle
21st century women.
>but most of their job is meetings and idol training
Oh no team discussions about upcoming events and...occasionally training for said event!
The absolute fucking horror holy shit!
Most western vtubers dont even do any idol shit at most they cover some anime song.
>Like Anne Sullivan for Helen Keller!

>> No.68693144

>21st century women
To be fair, women in the past didn't work. Maybe this was why, maybe we knew they'd be like this.
60s to 90s was still the honeymoon period, since they just got to working en masse.

>> No.68693151

According to Kaela, being on hololive is the easiest job in the world. I remember that once, in a collab with Calli and Kiara, they mentioned that were tired and Kaela made fun of how that could be. I felt like they didn't really like Kaela's comment...

>> No.68693211


>> No.68693225

If you look at the kinds of men in their fanbase, it's not hard to figure out.

>> No.68693235

Did Connor fuck IM again? Did it hurt watching?

>> No.68693437

He’s also trying to twist Mumei trying to tackle her health problems as “she thinks streaming is too hard and doesn’t want to do it.”

>> No.68693509

>jap perms autism
Understandable coming from an indie
>only game streaming instead of singing and dancing
Holy shit is he retarded? He must have only seen dollar signs because anyone with half a brain would know that singing and dancing are half the job at Hololive, that’s why they’re an idol company or at least pretend to be depending on who you ask. That’s like getting a job at McDonalds and being shocked you have to cook hamburgers

>> No.68693561 [DELETED] 

well she has a confirmed bf so she's probably preggo or somesuch

>> No.68693652

I genuinely worry for some of them. Many have no skills outside of streaming to sad, lonley men. At least Mumei is in college, for hopefully not a worthless degree.

>> No.68693770

>I was thinking

>> No.68693831
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Don't use my owl for your shitposts

>> No.68693858

Thats what I mean
Women always cry about being held back but when it comes down to it they just dont have what it takes

>> No.68693875

This is incorrect for the most part. Girls that will be hags become hardworking hags. Before that they're ignored and don't exist to the kind of man that posts about vtubers. These other girls become dependents for their family or house wives, but don't get excited just yet. There are many broken and awful households that are not a fun existence and with way too little space with clothes piled up everywhere.

>> No.68693909

From what the homostars leaked about, it's actually 95% japanese corpo paperwork autism and 5% playing games. To the point just doing the stream itself was the 'relax' moment and everything else behind the scenes is mentally straining. You need to send a thesis in order to do a zatsu and so on.
So I can imagine how it must be tiresome sometimes

>> No.68693929

Literally the most lazy EN chuuba.

>> No.68693987

I didn't ask for a sister's opinion on this matter.

>> No.68694092


>> No.68694104

Bros imagine... Mumei but HAG power!

>> No.68694108

Being a vtuber seems to require more time off, more frequently, for "health problems" than jobs like, oh, trauma surgeon for example. Really makes you think.

>> No.68694189

I will never forget Marine's streams questioning if this could even be considered a real job since she was just doing what she did in high school just playing games and going to karaoke with friends, and really thanking the ichimin for allowing her to buy expensive beauty products, toilet paper, and underwear.

>> No.68694204

If she's taking time off and in college then her prospects aren't good. Either she's messing up her degree or she's in one of those vanity degree colleges. I've seen people take some time off for family things before and fuck up a whole year or two. Most quit and others graduate much older than the rest of the students.

>> No.68694260

If you don't like the reply then you better do something about it. Unless you're just seething and impotent.

>> No.68694536

People who become vtubers tend to have preexisting issues that they’ve let fester for years, whereas a trauma surgeon usually doesn’t.
Considering she said that she’d have quit if her job was anything less than Hololive to do what she’s doing, I don’t think she’s taking classes this semester.

>> No.68694559

I do find it funny that most streamers would say streaming is tiring, and then there's Kaela telling her viewers to throw their sympathy into the trash because she would never get tired from streaming.

>> No.68694596

Can confirm, I don't mind moving 15k boxes for 10 hours. But supervisor dumbfuck who's getting paid $120k bored out his mind because he only got the job because he went to the same high school as the next higher up spends all day looking for reasons to fire people he don't like while baiting female employees to fuck him before firing them too, I've spent hundreds of hours imagining ways to take him out without getting caught while working. He got into a car accident we bought pizza to celebrate.

>> No.68694666


>> No.68694681

Nah, they're all pretty much the same. Slight differences maybe but the majority are very predictable.

>> No.68694716

Which means she's delaying her degree like I suggested and going to cause herself more problems if she tries to pick it back up later. It's not impossible but the chances aren't usually good.

>> No.68694724
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Being consistently entertaining for thousands of people, especially behind a persona through which you're unable to show most of your real feelings and worries, is genuinely one of the hardest things to do. Streaming takes a toll on mental health, most people can't even comprehend how difficult it is to be constantly judged by a gigantic audience, because they don't just lack empathy, but life experience as well. And that's just regular streamers, vtubers are even worse because they have to deal with parasocial followers too. They have to constantly keep up a facade while being afraid of getting hard-doxed or recognized irl, which makes building relationships and making friends insanely difficult due to the inherent trust issues that come with quasi secret identities. And that is only the vtubing part of the job, it's probably even more harsher and mentally draining when it comes to idol activities. Most people in this thread would shit themselves if they had to talk before a small audience, let alone sing and dance in a stadium and even though it's prerecorded, the pressure itself is still there. You actually have to have below average in terms of both IQ and EQ to not be able to comprehend that. Your 9-5 shitty low-end office job can't even compare in terms of stress, no matter how many pajeets you have to get on a call with. Grow up.

>> No.68694772

I'm quite sure it's also because the type of people to pursue this as a career (ESPECIALLY North Americans) are typically weak in several mental aspects.

>> No.68694801

NTA but in the sense that men and women are basically the same, and humans are predictable, sure.

>> No.68694812

This, see: FuwaMoco. They actually know how tough the grindset is given that they're 30 year old hags who have been trying to make it as idols for over a decade. They are genuinely incredibly thankful for finally making it and are putting all their effort into Hololive, unlike some of these lazy whores who were given a golden ticket and pissed it away.

>> No.68694860

>given a golden ticket and pissed it away
List 'em? I'll start

>> No.68694868

Under a constant barrage of criticism and fanaticism akin to a public figure saved only for politicians and athletes, no wonder right dumbass?

>> No.68694882

>her suicidal friend back to streaming
Mumei revise that again please.

>> No.68695098

It really isn't and that's really not what they're doing. Point me to any stream that is consistently entertaining even for ever 10 minute segment. You probably can't find any, or you can find one stream out there among a million stream recordings. When people are fans they look over the fact that a stream is boring, the bigger the fan the more tolerance for phoned in garbage. This isn't a dig at any streamer or vtuber specifically, but that is just how it is. You can't tell me or anyone else otherwise without appealing to how much of a fan of someone you are.

>> No.68695108

McDonalds doesn't suck because any of that, it sucks because the pay is shit. Make McDonalds pay 100 usd/hour and you'll have people fighting over those jobs.

>> No.68695213

they don't what they want and if people want to support them whatever, then good for them. no one care about your tantrum.

>> No.68695249

Saying their job is playing video games is like saying an office job is typing on a keyboard. Yes, it's what they do when they're doing their job, but their actual job is entertaining retards.

>> No.68695287

I care. I'm sick of these ungrateful lazy cunts

>> No.68695387

I disagree and have to talk to a large audience frequently. With real actual people, and criticisms and questions from the audience. That's the easy part, the stressful part is the long hard hours trying to get something finished alone without support, until I can taste blood in my mouth. It might be different for other people but then they look a job that doesn't suit them due to, as you put it, low IQ and EQ.

>> No.68695402
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>EN girls can't stream because "muh idol activities"
>meanwhile JP juggernauts like Miko, Suisei, Pekora and Aqua still have regular streaming hours despite having the same idol activities and even MORE off-stream work to do because they have more sponsorship obligations and shit due to being literal celebrities in Japan

Can someone make it make sense?

>> No.68695436

All the hololive girls make more in a month than most people make in a year. Hell, Gura probably rakes in multi millions a year while streaming once a month. None of them pissed away anything, they won at life. They get to make absurd amounts of money chasing their dreams and having fun

>> No.68695535

Right, because you know what that feels like. Literally none of them will quit their jobs if it's profitable enough despite the stress you're implying. People quit or get fired all the time at my factory where stagnation and increasing injury is unavoidable (Yeah, you don't have to deal with people but you will want to because everyday is more boring; not talking about uselss shit with other people when you run out of topics to think to yourself about).
Nearly all vtubers don't make make their own products and simply hire companies, composers, dance instructors to do that for them while they take the spotlight for most of the credit.
You're the one that needs to grow up.

>> No.68695626

What is this cope? Just admit that you’re full of shit and looking for excuses

>> No.68695812

>Point me to any stream that is consistently entertaining even for ever 10 minute segment.
They entertain an audience of thousands for many hours without taking a break. Sure, there are slower parts in every stream, as keeping up daily 5 hours of stand-up comedy is quite literally impossible, but if the consistency of the entertainment value they provide is enough to satisfy their audience and hold their attention throughout the stream, then they're objectively being entertaining. Most people can't even hold a proper conversation for an hour straight, let alone a zatsudan with thousands of viewers, and commentating a game/reacting to it real time is a skill very difficult to acquire.
That's okay, but are you doing it every day? Do you have a topic to talk about or your only purpose is to just be entertaining? Are you in character? Sure, there are many people who enjoy this job and can handle it mentally, usually the ones who are great method actors, but expecting everyone to have the same affinity is just unrealistic. They might think they have it, when they apply, as post people in this thread do, but two years of constant stress and anxiety can absolutely destroy someone's enthusiasm.
>Right, because you know what that feels like.
I do.
>People quit or get fired all the time at my factory
The reason they got into the factory is because they have absolutely zero value to provide besides their physical attributes. They're just robots, therefore, they do robot jobs. Menial work is physically exhausting, sure, but it has nearly no relation to the workers mental state considering most of them just go home after their shift, beat up their wife and drink beer watching soccer anyway.
It's a low risk low reward environment for low value people.

>> No.68695909

Everyone can be a fan, but you're building up a tolerance for low quality content for that specific person. They're not like standup comedians that pull off an hour long set that is at least mildly entertaining to the general public throughout the show. Streaming is the absolute lowest effort of content slop that has come out of the modern internet. Things related to maintaining their character's persona and seperating it from their real life isn't new or specific to this industry either. But we're not talking about the likes of Kizuna Ai that actually maintained her character for hours at a time. That's because the person behind Kizuna Ai was an actor, a trained professional, and these current entertainers are not and don't even try.

>> No.68696043

I genuinely don't think I'd be able to feign gratitude after reading the autistic flirty donations vtubers get. Easy to point and say 'hurr play game for living' but it must be seriously mentally taxing to act as a sexy children's entertainer 5 days a week.

>> No.68696087

There's not a single argument in your post, it's just mere cope about them being le bad and having le easy and their audience being le retarded for watching le slop. It's really low effort, much lower than the streams at least.

>> No.68696183

>5 hours
Mumei usually streams for 3 hours your point becomes meaningless when you have to lie.
>every day
Mumei does not stream daily or anywhere close to it, again if you have to lie about the situation anything you say mean nothing.
>Most people can't even hold a proper conversation for an hour straight, let alone a zatsudan with thousands of viewers.
A "zatsudan" is far easier than a 1 on 1 conversation.

>> No.68696265

>That's okay, but are you doing it every day?
No holidays, no weekends, 12+ hours every day. I present frequently and have very little time to prepare, research a topic, and then go for 2-3 hours. The other stuff is the difficult stuff. When we're just having discussion groups it's EVEN EASIER, you just go with your stream of consciousness and it's like a jam session versus practicing your ass off for a concert. Work is work whatever you do, even for them. But you can't say that the time they spend streaming is the hardest thing about it, not for those that have an average of 3 streams a week with an average time of 2-4 hours. Then you're really pushing the argument in a weird direction unless they have social problems that makes it more difficult.

>> No.68696351

Nobody said they're bad. That's a cope reply calling an explanation cope.
>I don't have a response to your argument so I will just say you're being a meanie

>> No.68696407

>Menial work is physically exhausting, sure, but it has nearly no relation to the workers mental state
Nah, you never worked.

>> No.68696415

>What happens when they lose this gig?
It would put things into perspective, say whatever you want of the chimken, she at least knows the struggle well enough to understand she's in a position many would kill to be in.

>> No.68696555

>They're just robots, therefore, they do robot jobs.
I brought up the factory job because of posts like >>68688955 but being 'low value people' does not separate from general human psychology. You wrote the entire demographic of factory workers off with a stereotype with a lack of foundation. Anyone who has an inkling of knowledge of the human sciences will disagree with you; there is a definite relation to anyone's mental state doing exhausting menial work.

>> No.68696615

EN branch was a mistake, both Holo and Niji would be better without ENsharts pestering the companies

>> No.68696771

The opposite thinking is why I tried to get into sales instead of a factory and now if I had my deepest wish I would nuke an entire towns. Manual labor really isn't anywhere near this bad even if it physically hurts more

>> No.68696826

>REEEE you all have low IQ and EQ fkn sociopaths
Also anon:
>People are just robots and have no value.

Really can't make this up, can you?

>> No.68697034

>Manual labor really isn't anywhere near this bad even if it physically hurts more
Try saying that when you're 15 years in and taking pain meds everyday to even.be able to show up for work. Back in older days you just got slightly drunk before the shift to take the edge off but you get fired for that now so you overdose on pain meds instead and die from liver failure.

>> No.68697134

I did work experience at a factory when I was in school. It was awful, the people were the worst, the drama, the boss having a tantrum because I didn't arrive 7:00 sharp (it went until 17:00), and being around depressing people that had been there for decades. Never again.

>> No.68697249

They're actually in their late 30s

>> No.68697421

What's more interesting is that most of the veterans will tell you to get out while you can. Nobody wants to work in a factory but they do so because it may simple seem like their best option.
Comparing that to vtubing (especially when addressing people from the most successful vtuber company) is always hilarious because of how ridiculous it is

>> No.68697487

All men grow up are aware that a fight can happen at any moment. Just because they're a fag or a twink or w/e doesn't mean that they stop becoming aware that conflict can happen at any moment.

>> No.68697513

Promise was a mistake. Bunch of lazy entitled whores who hate their fans.

>> No.68697521

That sounds like a diet issue

>> No.68697533

>95% playing video games and goofing off
you are either actually retarded or this is a bait thread
im thinking that its actually both

>> No.68697589
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Maybe it's the simple matter of me not being in her position, but yeah I don't get it either. Everyone's got their own takes on different jobs and there's no way to really know what someone's going through until you do it yourself.

That said, I really don't have patience for that kind of mentality when it comes to successful streamers. They make more money than almost anyone else in the world, never forget that.

>> No.68697594

Prove him wrong reddit simp

>> No.68697604

I thought Hoshimatic Project answered this question
Guess not

>> No.68697679

No they aren't you retard.

>> No.68697684
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>> No.68697699

Maybe it’s the simple matter that that’s not what she said at all.

>> No.68697786

I agree that all work is actual work, but there are some jobs that are absolutely horrendous. I don't know why supposed vtuber fans are trying to argue that vtubing is the worst or most taxing work there is.

>> No.68697836

If the Ina shopping cart routine and Ame forgetting the choreography mid-song during Holofes can’t dispel the skinwalker rrat, nothing will.

>> No.68697922

>streamers are the only ones that have to deal with other people's bullshit on a daily basis
And yet I post here but nobody pays me.

>> No.68697952

The skinwalker rrat was created because of that retarded tranny bandkid Kanaeru doing exactly that to holoEN and holoID
I have no fucking idea how that moron got access to official models
Faggot thinks he's hot shit for knowing how to use blender and having a mocap suit

>> No.68697996

ITT: NEETs talking about labor/work.

>> No.68698079

No, that happens because your joints deteriorate from effectively putting 70+lbs of pressure on your joints for 8+ hrs a day.

>> No.68698130

Factory workers are not humans. They just exist to serve. Why would I take their feelings into consideration? If they even have any.

>> No.68698141

Early 30's back in 2016. I went to their live concerts back then.

>> No.68698176

My man it's been three years of low impact retail and I'm sore every day anyway. Hell, twice in the last 6 months I've had to go get pain meds from the doctor because of how sedentary it is. Physical labor your body attunes to at least somewhat, this is just a neverending stream of mental abuse as it slowly saps your physical health as well

>> No.68698199

I used to bust my ass working in restaurants and in the trades. I appreciate when people are able to make money doing nothing. I do not value hard work but smart work

>> No.68698224

Kind of a low bar because being an actual NEET is not feasible for most people. You out yourself though by believing otherwise.

>> No.68698249

Good point anon, be sure to share it in irl to the people you know

>> No.68698263

Telling someone to get a real job is the polite version of telling them to kill themselves.

>> No.68698313

Okay famalia calm down. Hope you're exciting for the 2024 debut they were planning since the end of July.

>> No.68698327

t. subhuman

>> No.68698331
File: 74 KB, 433x408, soda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>95% playing video games and goofing off

Even if your 95% claim were remotely true, how much fun would something be --even something you would normally enjoy-- if you were compelled to do it according to someone else's schedule? What if what you had to do WASN'T what you'd normally enjoy?

It's a job, and unless they treat it as a regular job, they will risk resenting it and burning out.

>> No.68698349

Yeah, you never worked manual labor, probably did a gig at most. There's a reason why healthcare coverage is one of the top priorities for labor unions.

>> No.68698399

At least you can get healthcare.

>> No.68698429

Don't bother
This is a bait thread probably made by a /lig/ger
Half of the replies are shitposters and the other half are Andrew Tate worshippers

>> No.68698431

I blame Doki for corrupting her

>> No.68698435

There's a reason educate/improve yourself you parasocial fucks

>> No.68698455

Idk dude having a achy joint beats letting 14000 people constantly use you as a cumrag

>> No.68698509

>Give more to the college Jew goyim

>> No.68698527

You misunderstand, they need healthcare because the factory workforce literally can't exist without it, they'd all be going on disability after 5 to 10 years. Many of them do. That's how brutal the job is.

>> No.68698578

Training and experience.
The difference between a newb and someone with even a few years' experience is immense. That's why companies have starting wages.

>> No.68698604

>I have no fucking idea how that moron got access to official models
Hololive releases them publicly on their niconico page, but at the chuubas own discretion.

>> No.68698611

You really don't get it. Your injuries become increasingly worse to a potential point where it simply doesn't function.
You might have a case if people physically used the talents as cumrags.
He's right though; you never worked manual labor

>> No.68698677

>You might have a case if people physically used the talents as cumrags.

>> No.68698707

>Dumb fuck retard thinks the only thing they do is what anon sees on his screen.

>> No.68698762

It takes a special kind of cuck to feel threatened by magni and vesper

>> No.68698787

But I did have breakfast this morning

>> No.68698810

Nobody is seriously arguing it's not a job but fools are arguing it's the hardest job. Meanwhile other losers are out here as 2views doing it as a hobby for 5-8+ hour streams every day and getting pocket change, ontop of working full-time.

>> No.68698954

Its not necessarily a hard job, but it is a highly skilled job. Yes, being cute and entertaining in front of a camera is a skill. That's why the 2views you mentioned are 2views.

>> No.68698978

The point was never "Vtubing isn't a real job," it was "Vtubing is substantially less demanding and offers an unparalleled level of work benefits, to the point that anyone who finds it very difficult would likely be physically and mentally incapable of doing any other job. And it's not a job with long-term career prospects, so for their sake, Vtubers had best be preparing for the future now."

>> No.68699005

No one’s arguing it’s the hardest either. This is all just an excuse to rehash stale bait and attack strawmen over something the person in OP image didn’t actually say.

>> No.68699018

You retards who think of all the girls as billionaires seem to forget that making money when you're young doesn't mean you'll be rich when you die. Especially in the line of work they are in, their work expenses are massive. At least for JP's, you could make an argument the EN's probably do get away without spending much for work things given they don't give a fuck and Cover actually covers most of their costs in a way they don't with JP due to the whole abroad thing.

But even so, they won't be making their peak earnings every year for the rest of their life. That's definitionally not how it works. So unless they are prepared for that and saving up knowing they have failed at life, there's no reason they'll be doing well in a decade or two even, let alone at the end of their lives. Their actions already prove they don't think want the best future possible for themselves, so why assume they are at least trying for a good one? Most likely they don't think long-term at all.

>> No.68699035

Everything you said is correct but if you think OP was trying to make that argument you're very mistaken.

>> No.68699133

>but it is a highly skilled job
lol no

>> No.68699179

If being a cute and entertaining woman wasn't a skill then literally every woman who gets in front of a camera and plays video games would all be successful, but it doesn't work like that in reality now does it?

>> No.68699222

>That's why the 2views you mentioned are 2views.
But most of them were also 2views before, so what are you saying exactly? That it's a skilled job but they're not skilled until they're magically skilled at debut? You're delusion if you think so.

>> No.68699282

You think corpo vtubers are bad?

>> No.68699317

NTA. You come off as being the stereotypical entitled woman with a very stereotypical woman-take

>> No.68699322

>That it's a skilled job but they're not skilled until they're magically skilled at debut?
No its the complete opposite. Skills are developed. Everyone starts as a 2view shitter. Some of them git gud, and their increase in skill causes them to be successful. Others do not, and they see no success.

>> No.68699325
File: 282 KB, 501x443, 1642014637704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't know what actually goes on behind content creation
>Can't fathom his schizo rrats actually make it to them
>Doesn't understand that a job is a job
>Getting up day after day to keep up the grind is still physically draining
>Doesn't understand that schizo stalkers literally exist
Senpai, even if you aren't a wagie you should be able to understand how draining doing the same shit for retard schizos day in and day out is draining. Not taking a break from ANY kind of work, no matter how low impact(physically) it might seem, will leave you feeling like utter dog shit.

>> No.68699366

Just because they couldn't do better before the blue dorito unlike sex joke indies that doesn't make them bad.

>> No.68699382

Not even the girls you think will notice you by saying this believe that bullshit. Literally every streamer acknowledges one of the biggest factors is luck and/or an outside factor completely outside their streaming ability to get reasonable success. Maintaing the success could be said to be a talent but in the case of Hololive, it's Hololive itself that maintains the success. Many of the individual girls would fall off like crazy if they simply became indie but otherwise remained the same.

>> No.68699467

The work and deadlines shit was magni. He has absolutely horrid work ethic that comes from his autism fueled perfectionism.
Altare basically does the same content as magni except no art. Axel is the type of man that jumps into it and gets it done no bullshit.
The only thing that keeps altare from having a high idol level is his self depreciation and his temper. He's great at hiding his temper, I'll give him that, but I've dealt with enough with that kind of people.

>> No.68699465

ITT: talentless, degreeless, low-end third worlders venting and seething about others' success due to their anxiety of living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.68699494

>cant refute the point
>"well i hate women so youre wrong"
I didn't say anything about that. Getting into a big corpo is an opportunity for a skilled vtuber, nothing more or less.
>Literally every streamer acknowledges one of the biggest factors is luck
No shit. And it arguably is the biggest factor. But only skilled vtubers are the ones in the running in the first place. You don't have a shot at getting in if you don't have anything to offer.

>> No.68699598

This world you live in where it's all skill or no skill doesn't make any sense. When in reality it's going to be many factors, and skill is more about having the minimal amount.
It's like you're arguing that being literate is or is not a required skill, but it's just expected. then technically literacy is a required skill, it's just not the deciding factor in most cases.

>> No.68699674

>When in reality it's going to be many factors
No one said it wasn't. You're arguing with a strawman.

There are literally zero examples of successful vtubers who didn't have some kind of objective talent before they made it, even if that talent was as simple as drawing a crowd.

>> No.68699719


>> No.68699783

Anon you can’t just say “It’s not entertainment because I don’t acknowledge it as entertainment.”

>> No.68699833

Not even the talents believed what you're saying. That's why they auditioned in the first place. Your theory is so wack you have no way to relate pre-Corpo success to Corpo success, except somehow they secretly leveled up or denying that they were a dime a dozen.

>> No.68699866

You'd think with all the "Highly skilled VTubers" in Hololive they would have a single EN member that's an entertaining streamer.

>> No.68699881

which hololive vtuber are you, o wise saint? care to elaborate on how you know exactly what their schedules look like?

>> No.68699895

You're right, but nobody in the thread said that.

>> No.68699912

Do you honestly believe corpos just throw a dart at a dart board when they choose a vtuber to hire? Being a successful vtuber is a lottery, but buying a ticket has a price and is not free.

>> No.68699914

If your job leaves you with a sense of self you have lost this argument no matter how broken your body is. At least you're allowed to believe you're human.

>> No.68700007

Who said that? You did. Literacy isn't dart throwing either.

>> No.68700010

The fact that Selen had 200k to spend in a year and she's a fucking Niji who gets a 2% cut of far less money than Holos make convinced me that all of EN is at least multi millionaires.

>> No.68700033

you are just autistic anon. don't try and speak for us well normal and rounded people.

>> No.68700080

You really do have this tunnel vision that can only accept one world and one alternative. You completely miss the point of everything.

>> No.68700102

>enjoys working at mcdonalds
>well normal and rounded people

>> No.68700110

>Do you honestly believe corpos just throw a dart at a dart board when they choose a vtuber to hire?
Absolutely, hololive fans will literally watch anyone with a blue dorito, hololive fans also constantly complained about the old EN management being incompetent and the talents have also hinted at that but at the same time the fans believe that the same management are gods at picking out the objectively best and skilled talent.

>> No.68700133

If someone is watching the otter rescue center stream all day, but the otter isn't being an entertainer, does that make it (A) le bad, (B) great content at the expense of the hard working otter's health, or (C) it's just an otter living life bruh.

>> No.68700136

>But only skilled vtubers are the ones
Let's assume skills and hard work are important here. Objectively, none of the top streamers have skills in any capacity that would measure to a fraction of the people who are genuinely talented (considering their talent, I would relate that to the hard work they have endured to reach that level).
Think of all the streamers. They don't conduct proper research to any of their opinions, they can't compare to real artists (song, dance, art, etc), they aren't particularly well-educated, an overwhelmingly amount of them aren't good at anything.

>> No.68700188

>hardest thing to do
Is this bait? I don’t agree with people who entirely dismiss difficulty of being an entertainer, but it’s hard to take the rest of your post seriously.

>> No.68700298

Ok then, let's fuck.

>> No.68700337

If you want to make an actual argument, I’m listening.

>> No.68700462

anonchama, being entertainer/content creator is fucking hard. Dont believe me? Go and try to stream, assuming you wont have 2 views (and I mean literally 2 viewers) you still would be feel miserable and drained, I guarantee

>> No.68700464

What's the otter's pl

>> No.68700505

If I'm wrong then by all means provide an example of a vtuber who proves this wrong. Even nepotism hires like Sana only got in because she was a professional artist beforehand. Nepotism is just another lottery and it has a price for entry all the same.
Drawing and keeping a crowd is a skill. Making people laugh (or cum) is a skill. Keeping them entertained is a skill.

Maybe you think these aren't particularly valuable skills, compared to other professions or industries. Maybe you think they're easy or unimpressive skills. I don't argue against either of these points. But if you think they don't play any factor in a vtuber's success, you're very wrong. You don't get hired by a big corpo by sitting on your ass and doing nothing. First you show them what you're capable of. And then AFTER that, you can enter the lottery and pray you get lucky enough to get hired.

>> No.68700656


>> No.68700691

>It's a job, and unless they treat it as a regular job, they will risk resenting it and burning out.
then....treat it like a normal job????????? the rate that myth+council are late to their own streams THAT THEY SCHEDULE THEMSELVES is astonishing considering they are probably already sitting at their computer
its not like they have to struggle with morning rush hour traffic -they are just unprofessional and take the money they get from lonely weebs for granted

>> No.68700744

Won't be hard for them to find a husband to mantain them.

>> No.68700889


>> No.68701038

Family life, Most of them are in serious relationship, you are really deluded if you think otherwise.

They just for some reason have to give image of single virgin young idol-type what I have never understood because none of them are that.

Family life adds stress and if you have to hide it even more so.

>> No.68701088
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>Unparalleled work benefits
Did this nibba live under a rock for the past month plus?

>> No.68701151

That probably depends on how fat they are irl.
Kronii's probably safe on that front, but she also doesn't seem like the type who could stand actually being married. To a man, at least.

>> No.68701288

What sort of loser would be in a serious relationship with them? None of EN gives off an image of single virgin young idol-type.

>> No.68701347

My issue is that you initially argued the idea that being cute/entertaining is a highly skilled job when it really isn't compared to activities that require genuine skill.
There is just a bigger market for the salesman rather than the product. And being the salesman is a massively easier decision than
being the artisan that created an incredible product

>> No.68701387

You do need enough talent to be a 2view. After that point when you debut scuff is cute, pon is cute, not staying on topic is cute tangents, not being able to sing or dance is cute, talking about smoking and drinking is cute, talking about period blood is cute and quirky, shilling is cute, being a nerd is cute. Like damn they couldn't do anything that is not cute except tell their audience to improve themselves.

>> No.68701470

>If I'm wrong then by all means provide an example of a vtuber who proves this wrong.
All of them. Your issue is tunnel vision and only looking at one small factor then assuming that's everything. Like it was already posted.

>> No.68701497
File: 960 KB, 2897x4096, __shiori_novella_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_otapic__8976a674a5901f67b32183a9b0eb9e2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not single virgin idol
I want a woman who can give me a throatjob, not some incompetent retard who can't fucking work and wants to mooch off me for the rest of her life.

>> No.68701537

>one of the

>> No.68701583

>I want a woman who can give me an STD and is even worse than me at keeping our home clean
Enjoy eating mold and insects.

>> No.68701680

damn, we're just spit roasting this bitch at this point. It's like our dicks touched while fucking this woman

>> No.68701739

>Being gay
Stop being gay anon.

>> No.68701762

Buddy, they're basically talking to a giant conglomerate called "chat", they're not really interacting with those people. Secondly, this chat is basically a bunch of simps who don't care what they do. They could sleep on stream and chat would be okay with it.

>> No.68701850

I wish a cute girl would stalk me, so jelly

>> No.68701874

Its highly skilled in the sense that there's a lot of variance in it, not that its comparable to being a surgeon or astronaut or something. Like for example two vtubers in the same big corpo with wildly different levels of success. Luck is still a factor (it always is), but once you've gotten into the big corpo the ratio of importance between luck and skill starts to shift. Its more about how many people are capable of doing it and doing well rather than how respectable it is or how much brainpower it requires.

>> No.68701883

Yeah they're all praised for literally anything omg shes breathing what a pon dork gap moe cutie. She stopped talking and sat in silence for 5 minutes while playing a game shes so autistic!

>> No.68702008

>It's not real unless you kill your ego

>> No.68702016
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1705024965102825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish Doki would sleep on stream. At least then we'd know she was getting sleep. I'm glad she's back and all, but she's pushing herself way too hard, isn't she?

>> No.68702059

Not all, but probably the top 5 earners are. Others probably raking in $100k+

>> No.68702069
File: 260 KB, 418x484, 1677573934431135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are you here if you hate vtubers you dumb fucking filthy nigger

>> No.68702097
File: 79 KB, 876x999, 1707150308481085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Enna

>> No.68702223

>This process will repeat until EN has enough talents to fill the gaps all the time
LMAOOO there's no fucking way you actually believe this

>> No.68702244

Got a laugh reading that in Bae's voice.

>> No.68702769

tl;dr but MOOM SOON

>> No.68703218

"idol training" lmao. half of the girls can't sing, nor do they even try to sing better. the dancing is so rudimentary anyone could do it, shake your hips and wave your arms. its pre-recorded so it doesnt matter how much they fuck up. I bet they spend maybe 5% of their time on this shit, the rest is, as op said, goofing off and playing games and taking breaks

>> No.68703307

Working both manual labor and customer service jobs, I can say that dealing with people is a lot harder for introverts and most vtubers seem to be the introvert type. Also women in general don't handle stress the same men do. That's why it's always female coworkers complaining or taking vacations for "mental health" meanwhile guys out here are just drinking every night or loading a gun when they feel they had enough.

>> No.68703386

Mocap is probably recorded so the bones can be adjusted in post-production too. If it's not that way then it's very inefficient, if it is that way then the worst dancing can be made to look like the best dancing.

>> No.68703464

Man I would take vacations every 2 months too if I was a doctor.

>> No.68703531

yep. there's no way most of those gremlins are even half as coordinated as it seems, its very clearly edited in post

>> No.68703561

Kiara seems the most dedicated to the idol stuff in the EN side and she's not even in Japan doing that shit half the time. I'm not saying being a streamer, especially a good streamer is hard but I think a lot of this stuff burning these girls out is personal and less related to the job than people think. If the girls did a normal 40hr a week job, I think they might be better off though.

>> No.68703579

>implying people here watch streams

>> No.68703868

>Others probably raking in $100k
$100k per year is too low of a guess for any full HoloEN. The better Holostars probably make that.
HoloEN probably has a floor somewhere above $250k I'd imagine.

>> No.68704282

Yes, I will press her button iykwim

>> No.68704575

That's because you're a socially retarded manchild who can't do anything right.

>> No.68704680

some girls actual had jobs before, which is why they have better work ethics cause they appreciate what they have

>> No.68704738

>If they spent a lot of money, that means they are responsible with their money!

>> No.68704745

> unless they treat it as a regular job
Utterly worthless statement. All jobs are treaded as jobs, but there are plenty of people who enjoy their work.

>> No.68705035

Being an otter probably

>> No.68705112

It's really difficult being an otter and getting streamed being an otter. Please understand #OtterMentalHealth

>> No.68705211

You could've used the Truman show instead of the crap you're spouting. Also entertaining someone requires the entertainer being aware of what they are supposed to do.

>> No.68705317

The otter isn't aware. Viewers still watch. It's nonsense to you and entertaining to others.

>> No.68705353

It's always amazing how out of touch and retarded young women are, even ones like Mumei who seemed like they might have some self-awareness.

"If this was a regular job, I would have quit". No you would have been fired. If this were the exact same job except they retired inactive members, you'd do your job. The reason nobody in Cover ever graduates is because they are all extremely open about the fact that Cover will just keep financing them to exist until the money runs out.

>> No.68705403

You can't say that. It renders any argument that all derived entertainment was intentionally entertaining useless.

>> No.68705480

Honest question here. How much does Cover have to pay Youtube every month to keep their channels up?

>> No.68705538

cover isnt financing them
the people who dont cancel memberships, SC their 1 stream per month, and buy merch are the ones financing lazy members

>> No.68705653
File: 1.94 MB, 1878x955, 1704272378858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have regular streaming hours
Nice bait /jp/ faggot

>> No.68705694

YouTube isn't like Twitch where the channel gets taken down if there hasn't been any activity on it, if that's what you meant.

>> No.68705837

Just confirming we're on the same page. So you are saying there is very little infrastructure overhead for any one talent in particular? Then why would they ever need to graduate anyone?

>> No.68705898

True. Kaela, Biboo and FuwaMoco really showed me the contrast between the members who treats Hololive as a side gig and those who are really into streaming.

>> No.68705932

>honest question
If you want to pretend to be retarded, don't admit your trolling right from the start. Just because Cover is paying them doesn't mean that Cover isn't stealing that money from the hard-working members and mentally ill enablers. The point is the whole thing would be impossible if not for the few members who work hard enough for the rest to leech off of. If anyone should be appreciating the hard work of the stars of Hololive, it should be the scum who do nothing but if they had that respect, they wouldn't do the shit they do in the first place.

>> No.68705947

Damn some of them actually only work three 40 hour weeks a year?

>> No.68706006

You need to take your medication.

>> No.68706099

Doesn't Kaela live in a third world country where they have actual poverty and struggle?

>> No.68706137

You literally pay women money to indulge their mental illness because you don't care about their future.

>> No.68706164

Not to burst your bubble but one of those actually treat hololive like a side gig compared to other activities.

>> No.68706231

I don't pay them anything. I guess you're projecting right? It's that or you really do need your meds because you're hallucinating.

>> No.68706265

which one anon? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.68706266

You're giving them your time and energy (the only thing of value you possess) for free.

>> No.68706399

Now you're grasping for straws. I put on noise in the background. I have 2k in the bank and expensive equipment. Meds, now.

>> No.68706508

A lot of talents do shit behind the scenes hence the homework people talk about. Everyone in this thread is mega retarded.

>> No.68706630

>I think we can all agree that the quality of vtubing "customers" is way higher than that of retail and food service
I don't agree with that at all. In fact, I was going to agree with OP's sentiment, but (You) actually made me sympathize with her by saying that. Unironically the troops ain't got shit on her. All the troops have to do is kill third worlders, while she has to interact with them and keep them entertained.

>> No.68706685

The one that never stopped indie vtuber/idol activities and just moved it behind patreon for a couple of thousand $$ a month.[\spoiler]

>> No.68706760

>2 weeks of vacation
>3 weeks of streams
>47 weeks of behind the scenes "homework"

>> No.68706774

All the crying you're doing makes that even more pathetic if true.

>> No.68706873

Not even you believe I'm pathetic for your fumbling. I got nothing to do with it, you did that to yourself.

>> No.68706970

FuwaMoco got fired and Kaela has no time outside of gaming. Is it Biboo? I'd be sad if its true. Pretty scummy even Magni and Vesper were decent enough to not monetize their fame THAT much. well, thanks for the heads up anon.

>> No.68706992

And yet their singing and dancing is still shit rumao

>> No.68707087


>> No.68707249

If you know you know but it's not hard to find some of the stuff still open. Even though it's not PL since it's current (and future) planned activities.

>> No.68707320

All these girls should be placed in a large water tank and forced to live as otters so they realize how good they have it

>> No.68707434

You say that as a joke, but early on people would just tune in to watch a woman go about her life in her apartment.

>> No.68707443

It's also a job where you have to watch everything you say because retarded autists will hyper analyze your speech pattern to make drama content out of you.
I mean shit, every time Gura said anything about her personal life some fags would scramble to try and see if they can doxx her based off that info.

>> No.68707671

I agree
but you have to understand this "job" is completely unnatural and it eats the soul of a person
theyre not nurturing or building anything theyre just acting to get simpbux, the jig can only last so much even in their heads, unless their autism is so far gone, so terminally online, they dont even realize there's an outside world like pekora, and become like Lain (90s anime reference), or are psychopathic enough to separate themselves from the character just for a bit while they're streaming but I don't think this ever happened

>> No.68707749

>muh stealing other hardwork
Their 1 birthday merch alone sustained an entire branch and they have 15 of them.

>> No.68707758

it'd be interesting to hear a big corpo vtuber talk about what the job is actually like behind the scenes, I'm guessing NDA prevents them from saying anything meaningful thoughever

>> No.68708185

Not to burst your bubble, but hololive is the side gig. People doesn't understand how this is a multi-million dollar company and the talents have too much freedom to make it as a part time job.
All they can cope is by calling them lazy because the fanbase rather watch hologirl than their indie and small corpo.

>> No.68708636

>Gura at 50
>Aki in top10 despite she didn't hit the milly yet in 5 years
It's actually INSANE how much the subscriber count doesn't reflect the relevance and brain damaged chumbuds kept pushing the narrative Gura is the almighty queen of vtubing despite being literally a no name part timer.
Consolidate my narrative the most popular and important Hololive members in history will still remain a battle between Fubuki, Korone and Pekora.

>> No.68708861
File: 219 KB, 510x508, 1703747102665419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Kill yourself"

>> No.68709477

>kill yourself
weird name

>> No.68709511

I personally stop stupporting anyone with this behavior. I can tolerate a few days or 2-3 weeks for regular vacations like everyone else has this in their jobs or if they actually have to to stuff behind the scenes that takes them 8 hours. But what some Vtubers are doing is abolutely bullshit. Not gonna lie, im salty as fuck, i want to have a job that lets me do the same. These girls are so shamelessly lazy its crazy.

>> No.68709752

it's not kaela or biboo, dumbass, neither of those were ever idols anyway

>> No.68709764

Maybe what he meant was stress caused by the language barrier?
Traveling to Japan (foreign country) just for recording can be stressful both physically and mentally.

>> No.68709814

also forgot to add, it should be obvious who the answer is when you think about who has been getting the closest to mori

>> No.68710255
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She explicitly said she wished most people had this option but that the world doesn't work that way, so she's grateful that she can take it
>If this were the exact same job except they retired inactive members, you'd do your job.
No, she's saying she would have quit because she couldn't have continued. Don't make up people's motivations when she explicitly laid it out for people.

>> No.68710396

>They require literally months of vacation time just to survive
Are you stupid or something? Almost all of their health related breaks are just an excuse to go do something because they know their simps won't question a break over a medical reason.

>> No.68710470

fuck nene

>> No.68710509

t. retarded threadreader

>> No.68710540

Hate being a numberfag but I have to correct people here
Those are just watch hours which is average ccv multiplied by stream hours
Of course Gura is going to rank low if she doesn't stream as much

>> No.68710686

forgot to add that if you only look at watched hours you come to the conclusion that kaela is more relevant than kobo which is never the case since kobo actually went mainsttream

>> No.68710709

Anon, this is a bait thread where schizos either twist her words or make shit up to make her look bad, he isn’t interested in the truth.

>> No.68710763

Oh I know, I was just getting this to bump limit since we ere close. Also helpful in case people were actually reading and believing the bullshit. Thanks for the assist!

>> No.68710879
File: 406 KB, 498x463, 1691456832547878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what OP at the very least they actually play the video games, sign their own merch and do all of their own stuff instead of having a mod do it all of them for free like Nijiisan does.
What do they do at Nijisan if they don't actually do anything themselves?

>> No.68711063

At least you’re self aware of your jealousy

>> No.68711103

Yeah, I googled really really hard and only found their IRL idol stuff. to be real with you, don't really care as long as its not V-tubing. Hag work ethic is thru the roof on their V-tubing stuff and that's what matters to me, not these "My dog died" and "streaming too hard" posers.

>> No.68711105

Do you really think everyone else in the world is a better person than Mumei and that's why they can do this crazy thing she can't called being responsible? You're literally saying she couldn't hold a job if there were consequences for her actions.

>> No.68711151

oh yeah i don't think anything is wrong with them i just hated seeing biboo slander since biboo did nothing wrong

>> No.68711258

Reading comprehension for people is lacking a lot more than I thought

>> No.68711361

He's being extremely disingenuous on purpose. He's framing their Patreon like its their main focus when it's about as dead as most HoloEN's Hololive channels. Obviously they aren't putting more work into their Patreon than they are Hololive (if they were, that would be impressive) and the small amount of subscribers means it's a very small portion of their income. The only argument against it is the same argument against like half of the Holos which is that they are preying on mentally ill males who genuinely believe they are doing a good thing being obsessed with "supporting" some girl on the Internet.

>> No.68711394

Mumei has flunked out of college multiple times and never held a real job, I'm not sure why you're thinking she's more competent than she is.
Plenty of people in real life also can't hold jobs, they turn into people who bum off their parents and friends.

>> No.68711493

I'm sorry about that, my bad. She is the best EN to be fair with you.

>> No.68711512

Thanks, glad I could help.

>> No.68711536

I'm sorry I went for the best faith interpretation of your nonsense because the other interpretation is a lot more disgusting. That you actually believe she's so much holier-than-thou that she would give up everything she has and work a regular job if she was expected to work a minimum amount at her current job.

>> No.68711580

nah no worries

>> No.68711649

Do you really think lying about what she said is going to convince anyone?

>> No.68711664

The keyfabe balances it out though. I don't picture them as people who'd promise chastity and make wedding ring merch.

>> No.68711694
File: 14 KB, 310x310, moom super happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to beat you up into a pile of meat and blood! :D

>> No.68711840

Honestly I think after the Rushia fiasco, very few Holos are going to go all out like Rushia did. They might tease and be suggestive but no one wants to be associated with...that.

>> No.68711876

Kurosanji shouldn't considered a "normal" work environment in the vtubing sphere.

>> No.68712093

they get mind broken with all the secret identity bullshit

>> No.68712343

They're THAT old? Wow...
They're going to die without any heirs or children of their own at all aren't they?

>> No.68712382

>I don't picture them as people who'd promise chastity and make wedding ring merch.
Those sorts of things can only be tested with time and success. Hololive has plenty of both examples, girls who used their success to profit only themselves and abuse their supporters and those who came to really love their audience because doing so gave them success after years of failure. It doesn't matter if you're grateful after month six, it matters if you're grateful after year six.

>> No.68712458

You're literally describing 90% of young white and Asian women living in first-world countries.

>> No.68713078

I mean I'm just saying. When you're that up in the age bracket, you're kinda throwing in the towel on having a family.
But hey, at least they'll have eachother.
They might be up as complete virgin losers once they're elderly, but it's not like people really judge females on that sort of stuff anyway.
