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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69158752 No.69158752 [Reply] [Original]

>huge Niji fan
>applies and gets in Lazulight
>Obsydia debut
>more people, more fun
>things on track
>50% EN management fucks off to NFT
>management severely understaffed
>Ethyria debut, nepohires
>things slowing down to a grind
>numbers falling
>remaining EN managers burned out, stops gaf
>girls discuss what to do
>half choose to pick up mane slack and pitch in, no extra pay
>other half wants no part of it, just wants to stream
>split causes clique formation
>girls helping manager work stream less, more stressed, numbers suffer
>girls not helping stream like nothing changed
>helping manager starts getting perks
>clique starts getting favorable treatment for helping, dibs on sponsors, content ideas, 3D models, etc.
>nonclique girls see the favoritism
>complains to management it's unfair
>start being more demanding about projects
>clique sees this
>resentment builds for the nonclique for just bitching and whining when they could've been helping the entire time
>decide it's better to just get along
>Males debut
>numbers to the moon
>NijiJP tells NijiEN what a great job they're doing, keep it up!
>clique girls can't maintain streaming schedule and help with all the new livers
>sitdown with Males, has the talk, join the clique or be on their own?
>clique grows noticeably bigger and stronger
>feeling cocky with males on their side
>start doing passive aggressive things to nonclique, hoping they get the hint and join on board
>they refuse
>nepohires see their friend be dejected
>take it on themselves to help her out
>helping her somehow means bullying the others
>blue dragon thinks it's just banter and laughs along
>ILuna debut
>staffing problem near breaking point
>everyone seems to be having fun but management is near nonexistent
>instead of helping they just keep critisizing
>frustration reaching unsustainable levels
>don't let any of it show on stream, they aren't at fault so shouldn't see the ugly behind the scenes stuff
>Xsoleil debuts
>seem like a fun bunch
>Zaion going around "schooling" others about streaming and metrics because she's been and indie
>very demanding
>Yugo quits
>that was weird...
>constantly messaging for stuff
>has the spirit but keeps fucking up
>wonder if she's doing it on purpose
>get management to throw her under the bus
>works like a charm
>Nina wants out
>try to stop her, she's refuses to listen
>Wtf you bitch we let you in the clique
>Mysta wants out
>try to stop him, he refuses to listen
>Wtf you retard we let you in the clique
>Pomu wants out
>try to stop her
>Pomu explains she can't stand what the clique has become and all the shit she had to endure because of them
>You fairy bitch what little you got was because we helped you out, if not for us you'd be getting nothing
>Pomu set to leave later
>Selen happens, fails sudoku
>get got bitch, should've waited for all the perms. Maybe if you had joined the clique you would've known that
>Pomu wants out NOW
>Fine, then leave
>Selen ghosts management and clique for whole month
>try to Zaion her ass, that ungrateful cunt
>Selen goes scorched earth
>look around
>suddenly notice everything on fire
>just wanted to stream and have fun
>just wanted to help everyone
>how did it get like this?

>> No.69158821

Sounds like more nijideflection though.

>> No.69159056

Make a public apology then.

>> No.69159140

Damn I'm not reading all that
Congrats though, or sorry it happened.

>> No.69159252

Apologize while doing a naked dogeza on stream, and maybe you'll be forgiven

>> No.69159320
File: 1.05 MB, 750x1000, hail to the coming of the rrat god[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz8pus6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hail to the coming of the great Rrat God brothers

>> No.69159446

Nice attempt at whitewashing Elira but nope. She's always been a manipulative bitch.

>> No.69159532

This literally reads "I'm the reason for burning NijiEN to the ground, but I thought I was helping tehee~"

>> No.69159571
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Cool fic, anon.

>> No.69159615

That was fucking lie. Nova was never Niji fan. That was Petra and Reimu.

>> No.69159685

>>half choose to pick up mane slack and pitch in, no extra pay
>>other half wants no part of it, just wants to stream
Not everyone knows Japanese, sweety.

>> No.69159749

ok Elira
make sure to stream when you jump off a bridge

>> No.69159861
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Now I need a niggersanji version of this pic with Elira on the roof and all the former livers in the second panel.

>> No.69159892

I for one welcome our new rrat overlords

>> No.69159899

And this is why the GURRAT still works. Elira could be Satan incarnate or a leader who thought she was doing right by her people, and the core pillars of the rrat still stand.

>> No.69159977
File: 436 KB, 1824x1980, 1678440519807954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop. Liking. Evil. Women.

>> No.69160036

calm down ewiwa youre letting the mask slip

>> No.69160070

Even Helen of Troy had more morality than this bitch.

>> No.69160093

We don't, fuck off Elira.

>> No.69160226

It truly is the rrat to end all rrats.

>> No.69160414

Gotta admit it's really funny to imagine Elira is the actual OP

>> No.69160589

make an apology stream, surrender your career so you can save the entire branch
become a martyr

>> No.69160773

I only like them if they have sex with me

>> No.69160822

What I find funny about all this is that at the end of the day, NijiJP allowed this to happen. Whether or not 50% of management fucked off or Elira presented herself as a translator between EN and JP, the clique would've never formed and this whole shitshow wouldn't have happened if NijiJP just gave more of a damn. They were being cheapskates, and look at where it brought them.

>> No.69160826

Funny, I almost believed you. Which lines are true, and which are outright lies?

>> No.69161276

Sounds like you're blaming Nijisanji for not providing support.

>> No.69161927

>branch is neglected
>clique is formed to help keep it standing
>clique grows in power, starts abusing it because power corrupts
>clique takes out whoever threatens their power or people they just don't like
>abuse pushes someone to breaking point
>clique does a kneejerk defensive reaction. this turns out to be a mistake
>they are completely, irrevocably fucked
Truly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.69163920

Make Selen be the one to say "Do a Flip!" as well

>> No.69164081

I have a serious question. If the clique were the one who managed all shit, who wrote that Selen tweet about her hospitalization? One of the livers?

>> No.69164553

Either one of the clique members, or one of the actual staff that's still in NijiEN

>> No.69165013

They still had 'management' but it was just so transient, underpaid, uninvolved and powerless it just functioned as a rubber stamp

>> No.69165260
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Most people right now would point to Elira, but honestly we do not know. All the awful shit aside, I gotta give Riku some credit for letting people hide under the Niji brand. They are actually protecting their employees for once.

>> No.69165709

If evil, why hot?

>> No.69167110


>> No.69167399

You sound like an insider. I believe it.

>> No.69167940

How's that even possible elmao

Also, >males included as a negative


>> No.69168078

Nice fanfic faggot.

>> No.69168099
File: 21 KB, 478x253, Lord_Humungus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here is what I realized... Elira will probably get away with everything because all they have to do is blame EN management.

"Oh we all thought we were doing the right thing and management was so overstretched because of uhm Covid and the unexpected growth of NijiEN. Boohoo we were doing our best and it turned into a situation where we didn't realize what was going on and we thought we were helping but oh boo hoo I am such a fool can you ever forgive us we are just poor talents doing our best and Nijisanji has given us this opportunity. We love Nijisanji so much boohoo if I could go back I'd have been more tactful knowing what I know now boohoo do you forgive me chat I know you will you are all good people you just couldn't believe someone you look up to like me could fail like this. I'm an inexperienced girls chat please understand I'm sorry so just forgive me okay."

Hint hints Nijisisters I am giving you an out here. Take it and walk away and we can bring an end to this horror.

>> No.69168277

Nah, no sympathy for someone who bullied someone to the point of suicide, she was always a bitch.

>> No.69168455

They Will bitch and moan and cry and suck and fuck to get away scott free. But if they were truly pocketing funds, misrepresenting expenses and lying to JP management and Riku digs deep enough to see it, they're fucked. And I don't believe that pussy good enough to save them from that.

>> No.69168510

Nope, I still prefer her dead.

>> No.69168529

You forgot the part where is literally a bad human with a shit character.

>> No.69168614

Cool story. Any proof (not conjecture) or at least quotes?
If any of this rrat was real, do you really believe that none of it was ever leaked?

>> No.69168844


Alright you made me read that wall of text

I can see it, but it still doesn't make the clique members look good, they were basically unpaid scabs that let nijiJP keep on ignoring the lack of proper management of the en branch and sabotaging other talents that refused to work the overtime

>> No.69168941
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>> No.69169070

Im not reading all that, qrd?

>> No.69169492

the same as before but making it seem like she didn't mean to

>> No.69169749

>management fucks off
>some members pick up the slack and form a clique
>those who don't work the unpaid overtime are shun
>clique feels entitled to preferential treatment and receives it
>hoes outside the clique mad they are treated as second class employees and start to leave one by one
>clique hoes are mad that the people who didn't step up are entitled fucks who should be grateful they still have a job
>Selen does a sick ass kick flip and ghosts the clique(managment) for a month
>gets terminated
>the rapture happens

>> No.69170023

Her actually ghosting managment for an entire month would be based

>> No.69171075

Protecting employees my ass Doki basically just said "someone" in Niji bullied her while the official statement throws Livers under the bus by going "uhh deeerg Seren sayd Rivers burried her" Riku can eat my whole ass at this point the entire agency is spilling spaghetti all over the floor because they never thought their actions could have consequences

>> No.69171433

basically "what do you mean gaijins have spines and we can't shame them into staying quiet no matter what we do to them???". The JP attitude of work perfectly explains why they're so useless at this kind of situation, because it's just not something that happens over there.

>> No.69171915
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>And I don't believe that pussy good enough to save them from that.
I wouldn't take that bet if I were you.

>> No.69172160

>huge Niji fan
Starting with a lie is a pretty bad way to make a rrat, Nova never showed interest for Niji.

>> No.69172322
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Elira bad though

>> No.69172353

I'm sure this is real in your mind, sister, but it's time to accept the truth.

>> No.69172765

"We dindu nuffin it's all everyone else's fault"

>> No.69172790

lmao, no
>makes a hitpiece on selen

>> No.69172854

>that bush trail peeking out from the waistband



>> No.69172860
File: 166 KB, 765x1000, sample-f33ba27bab0c25767b9e54e06ad84936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fictional evil women are sexy because power and compitence is sexy. Real evil women are boring and annoying. In fiction an evil woman can be competant, scary, cool, etc. In reality, it's just constant bitching, crying, dramafagging, and stacy/karen behavior.

>> No.69172976

Does this work on nips? Like a cultural hack? Walk into the office, strip to your underwear, dogeza to get out of what would be jailtime in the West?

>> No.69173458

>Wasn't obliged to form "the clique"
>Could have got out just as the others and let the ship sink as it was inevitable
>Could have not be a bitch about it
>Could have tried to fix things with managment instead of tackling something she can't handle
>Could have publicly apologize
>Instead chooses to side with the one doing the wrong things
>Chooses not only to not apoligize, but antagonize the victim

"Guys it's not her fault!"

Yeah, right
If you like the yacht so much then sink with it.

>> No.69173568
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>just wanted to help everyone

>> No.69173698

Elira's big, soft ass on my face

>> No.69173955

Its the honest truth though. Hololive has fucking tard wranglers, which is why you don't see Kiara pullling that mean girls crap over there. Hell, when the homos at cover have THREE fucking managers and get their 3D before their supposedly more popular counterparts at Niji, you'd be wondering what the fuck is Riku doing with his profits.

>> No.69174124

I really wanna think what happened was that Niji JP had absolutely no idea Elira was fucking up so much in basic management stuff and shes getting the dressing down and humbling of her life the past few days.

>> No.69174233
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I fucking love how much of a disaster this is looking to be

>> No.69174934
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Where does all that NFT chapter come from? I didnt hear about it at the time

>> No.69175161

it was revealed by a video editor for them that half the management fucked off to form an NFT bro company early last year, name was given but I don't have the screenshot on me

>> No.69175190

still evil, selen yourself elira

>> No.69175210

Double blowjob with Ewiwa and my dumb imouto Finana

>> No.69175298

with how bad this has gotten?
she's getting gangraped and then thrown off the yacht in the middle of the ocean

>> No.69175302

>50% EN management fucks off to NFT

>> No.69175418

Cant hold all this delusion. Someone re write this but with everything she did as malicious

>> No.69175486

Also they joined so that someone else could manage the back end. Why the fuck would they do the work they joined specifically for someone else to do.

Are they fucking retarded.

>> No.69175827


>> No.69175947

Extremely good point

>> No.69176276


>> No.69177858

right-click go brrrrr

>> No.69178442

I actually unironically believe this, it sounds a lot more believable than the retarded embezzlement shit. These things are never the result of an insane conspiracy it's always people who think they're doing the right thing leading to a situation gradually deteriorating until it's unsalvageably fucked

>> No.69179301

what makes fictional evil women hot is that they are written as genderflipped men, without any of the terrible female mental gymnastic traits.

>> No.69179383

I was there for the thread, isreal, it was so pitiful I didn't bother remembering the twitter link to the dead failed nft twitter page.

>> No.69181461


>> No.69182879

Corruption and power abuse is a slippery slope, one they themselves dont realize falling into until too late most of the time

>> No.69183206

The fans MIGHT give her an out but Nijisanji definitely won't. Riku had to publicly bow, only to be sabotaged by their own group. Doki already sent them the court documents, this is far beyond the point of forgiving. I bet Riku is thinking of suing Elira, Vox and Ike for revealing NDA in such a public, embarrassing manner
And if even a part of GURRAT is real, then Riku will make Elira disappear from the web and 10 years later you will see the leak of her naked dogeza + punishment rape video that you might see in hentai doujins.
I get a half-chub just thinking about it to be honest

>> No.69183667

Fight fire with fire and kill yourself.

>> No.69183995
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>huge Niji fan
Already wrong from the start, she's a fucking nousagi

>> No.69184661


>> No.69184768

I do wonder when exactly it went out of control, I sincerely doubt she was a malicious bitch from the start and was just slowly corrupted as she realized she could do whatever she wanted, pushing boundaries more and more.
Also, I wonder when she realized that things will are starting to get weirder and weirder

>> No.69184921

nice ewiwa fanfic, I belieb

>> No.69185058

OP here, I was just trying to make it from her POV, that she probably didn't start doing this shit out of maliciousness or spite but with good intentions and got way out of control before she even noticed, like a vtuber version of Tony Montana.

>> No.69185312

I'm pretty sure Millie was the Nijifan, cause she introduced Niji to Elira and Millie really likes Maimoto

>> No.69185494

Fuck no, Millie also only liked holo in her pl. There's a reason she got close to HoloID and not NijiID. The only one that liked Nijisanji from that whole group before getting into NijiEN was Pomu.

>> No.69186013

NijiEN didn’t do as well as expected

>> No.69186025
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>> No.69186073

I remember vividly that Elira told us it was Millie who bought to vtuber world at first and they watched Maimoto together. I can't find the actual stream but it's real.

>> No.69186126

Mint did find out. Then they became friends and went to Antarctica. Maybe that guy was a schizo.

>> No.69186136

Good try. Could use more context, and some parts are too drastic of a mood change, but decent rrat overall. Keep it up anon.

>> No.69186168

Honestly if they actually revealed the whole story and if it was like this it would be better than most anime. The drama, development, and motivations are all there. Reality truly is stranger than fiction

>Selen's character development from lmao funny dragon to completely jaded, suicidal dragon, culminating her arc in standing up to corporations and her bullies
>Ewiwa's slow corruption from a happy, well meaning streamer, to shadow of her former self, someone who would gladly throw someone under the bus to push her managerial power.
>Finana's retard behavior, trying to make sense of the events while not exactly understanding why Selen and Elira is growing further apart from each other. Comic relief character who blows all her earnings on Gacha.
>Riku as representation of the corporate world, a glimpse into how Elira learned from the black company management style.

The good, the bad, the ugly dynamic.

>> No.69186293

>believing those lying whores
Based retard

>> No.69186337

The fact that Elira released a statement that completely fucking undermines the groveling Riku to do on camera is wild. If I were him I would be fucking seething.

>> No.69186383

May have just made up some niji oshi's for her debut. I like her picking Noraneko as one of them though, because it led to some stupid interactions between NijiEN and Noraneko.

>> No.69186398

Finana is the sad character that understands she's growing further from her friends and cannot solve it by herself, no happy ending
The divide between Elira and Pomu behind the scenes and everything
I would watch that

>> No.69186496
File: 280 KB, 539x455, Whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cjqd1GZIhjU&t=90s
Elira you corporate whore. Bitch you were so desperate for fame that you sucked and fucked your way to the top of Nijisanji EN, offering your body to gain favor with and manipulate management. This explains why you are the Queen of the Clique ordering Millie and Enna to bully those you don't like and to fuck the management that you don’t want to. It also explains why you get away with bullying inside the company. Fuck off evil slut.

>> No.69186497

>3 girl factions having heated argument over interpersonal dynamic bullshit
>hard cut to Riku waking up on a yacht without a care in the world and his 10/10 sex maid feeds him mouth to mouth
I would pay top dollars to watch this anime

>> No.69186658

It's a sad story, but reckless negligence is still reckless negligence. Fact is... someone nearly died. And if they had, more would follow.
It can't go on like this anymore. It has to end, one way or another.

>> No.69186722

>if they actually revealed the whole story
Isn't that just a question of time? Lawsuit is happening. Wouldn't that generate records and other publicly available docs?

>> No.69186919

>Dislikes: Tomato
So that's why she didn't like Selen/Doki.

>> No.69186952

Nah, in the anime Selen would've 100% succeeded in killing herself and its the detectives that uncover all this shit as they dig deeper and deeper.

>> No.69187013

Not for a long ass fucking time. So long that 90% of people interested would have forgotten by then.

>> No.69187014

>someone nearly died
I legit don't believe BPD women that claim this unless at least 2 other people corroborate it.

>> No.69187019

If this was an anime, they'd bring Elira back as an ally of the MC, and she'd either be the dark, moody character everyone loves, or a "Noble Red is actually just misunderstood"-tier fuck up that completely crashes the anime.

>> No.69187066

Mint got 'cold feet' and couldn't push Nova off the iceberg

>> No.69187065

>Likes: Whaling and buying merch/wasting money
>Dislikes: Tomato
If I was a writer looking at this shit I'd redo it bdcause the foreshadowing is too obvious

>> No.69187111

That's not an anime that's a BBC original

>> No.69187232

Dt. Anon and Ogie

>> No.69187303

>Reimu's "attempt" tweet
>Elira's family emergency tweet

>> No.69187413

>You wasted my yatch money for what?! Pngs of boys?

>> No.69187536

Someone has to follow the money in Anykara.
Because it doesn't make sense. What are they spending most of their money on and, what do they do with all that quarterly revenue they never reinvest?

>> No.69187657
File: 56 KB, 188x389, mspaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this was an anime, and Elira isn't just killed off like a disposable S1 villain, you know this is exactly how things would go.

>> No.69187761
File: 549 KB, 680x1040, The narrative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would not only give her fans a reasonable, sympathetic view of Elira, but also function as a cautionary tale against corporate power corruption and greed, emphasizing that to be a true vtuber, someone's oshi, you must remember what drawn you into the scene in first place; wanting to have fun and brighten people's days

>> No.69188021

Where does the idea that Pomu and Elira had a falling out come from? Just going through both their channels, they seemed to collab fairly regularly.

>> No.69188404

It spawned from the king rrat as Pomu was "denied the collab of a lifetime", surely if she was perfectly part of and complicit with the clique she wouldn't have seen enough reason to leave Nijisanji so suddenly, especially when all of this shit broke loose, and she's also still friends with Nina

>> No.69189408

Do we know that her decision to leave was sudden? By that same logic, Kyo is best friends with Enna and he also decided to leave. Also, pretty much all of Ethyria is still friends with Nina. I'm pretty sure they still hung out after she graduated.

>> No.69190300

turns out she watched doki's re-debut where doki came in as the vtuber tomato and was seething because she thought doki was mocking her for hating tomatoes, when in reality doki just wanted to do a funny tomato meme going she did back in her 2view days.

>> No.69190571

and that's how elira got fucked up and started planning the revenge stream. she thought doki was mocking her by saying to not treat it like high school, and then immediately goes around flaunting this vtuber tomato when doki KNOWS elira hates tomatoes. she's TRYING to get on her nerves.

meanwhile in doki's head: hehe, tomato vtuber funny

>> No.69190629

Elira is done, no matter what she does. I think you're underestimating what a loss 30k+ of active subs is. But her numbers of views will boost for some time from drama and all the spam she'll get.
Was she known for comfy RPG streams? Guess what will happen to those streams now that comfy is dead. Her first stream after this will be a disaster which all remaining members using their monthly message to shit on her.

>> No.69190894

>her numbers of views will boost for some time from drama and all the spam she'll get
This. Like, I'll come to her next stream myself (if there's gonna be one) to witness the shitstorm.

>> No.69191004

I'll just wait for the clips.

>> No.69191739

Anons will be clipping every potentially relevant think Elira says in real time, you won't need to wait or give her ccv

>> No.69192099

hey anon, thats some great creativity there, ever considered joining in with /vtwbg/

>> No.69192190


>> No.69192244


>> No.69192497

Nice fanfiction, just admit you are sorry and kys Nova - you are halfway there already

>> No.69193988

This shit reads like the Oppenheimer plot.

>> No.69195467

Dumbfucks, Selen should be the one jumping while Elira says jump.

>> No.69195517

So just because work is stressful it's okay to bully a coworker to the point they try to take their life twice is what you're saying?

Tell me where you work so I can check in on all of your coworkers.

>> No.69195626

>Thinking that a single member of NDF has ever held a job more complicated than part-time trash skimmer at the local docks during monsoon season.

>> No.69197767

Nope; the narrative shows that they eventually abused their power and bullying Doki screwed them over.

>> No.69199290


>> No.69201736


>> No.69205966

