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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69436780 No.69436780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How should I judge this information?

>> No.69436824

>he would unironically get into a relationship with a vtuber

>> No.69436883

That's honestly pretty hot

>> No.69436917


>> No.69436934

Why do women resort to just jumping off a ship instead of trying to save it? What if Kiara was the problem?

>> No.69436943

What a fucking bitch!

>> No.69437018

All women think this way, it's just that her germanic brain has no filter and can't stop her from saying the honest brutal truth.

>> No.69437032

reminder that if she finds something she wants/thinks is attractive she would simply find things to get upset/angry/unhappy over, and therefore justify her cheating post-fact.

>> No.69437126

>All women think this way
Like unhappy men don't cheat, what is it with you sex warriors always having to make it into a men good women bad point, you're literally the male equivalent of feminists always going "men bad" "women good"

>> No.69437173

Wasn't there a rrat that she cheated on her now-ex back in /jp/ days?

>> No.69437224

You didn’t read it properly it said she wouldn’t mind getting cucked bro

>> No.69437272

No retard, she clearly says if she's not happy she would consider cheating
Are you ESL?

>> No.69437372

Men do cheat often, but I believe it comes from a different place. Men cheat when things are good, women cheat when things are bad.
Men will cheat when they feel like top dog, they are in control, or when they allow themselves to give in to their impulses as a reward for doing so well.
Women will cheat when they feel like there's something better, when someone impresses them, or to get back at someone.
It is not the same.

>> No.69437492

Neither are good

>> No.69437500

that is horrible, if relationship reach that point, break up first, cheating while in one is absolutely evil.

>> No.69437559

>t. Cheater

>> No.69437566

What an astute and noteworthy observation. I'm so glad you could contribute to the conversation.

>> No.69437578


>> No.69437581

that's even worse. Like you have 0 problems and you suddenly create one.
Wanting to get the fuck away from a bad relationship is not only expected, but also the ideal course of action.

>> No.69437622

Well, that fits the "me me me" narration.

>> No.69437649

That's funny because her wife (Nerissa) cheats on her constantly

>> No.69437712

the "me me me" video was about a porn addict who ditched his relationship to drown in a life of cheap pleasures and excesses.

>> No.69437765
File: 54 KB, 540x430, 1584641432640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wut? There is no moral judgement in my post. It's simply an application of evolutionary mechanics. One is progressive, the other protective.
>Verification not required.

>> No.69437770

Yeah, this is this and that is that.
Be human with principle, don't be whore

>> No.69437793

Niji faggot looking for any distraction he can claw together.

>> No.69437885

Mikeneko behaviour detected

>> No.69437903

>creator of this would cheat
how surprising

>> No.69437952

>kiara is NOT wife material
yeah no shit her roommate is pushing 30 and still single

>> No.69438013

CucKFP, lol.
Isn’t a big part of her persona doing GFE?

>> No.69438017

Why is it so hard to break up first

>> No.69438165

testing the waters before decision

>> No.69438178

She means emotionally cheating you retards
Like saying wow nerissa is really hot today

>> No.69438216

No she didn't, what the fuck, what kind of cope is that?

>> No.69438248

Female things they are instinctual cheaters. That’s one reason religion was created.

>> No.69438278

Gonna believe this rrat
I remember when a buddy found out his dad was cheating on his mom, they were long-time married and seemed completely happy. Dad claimed he didn't even know why he started cheating.
Absolute brainrot.

>> No.69438356

Progressive? Look at it this way
>Man A has Girlfriend B
>Relationship is going well
>Man A decides to reward himself with some pussy on the side
>Starts ignoring Girlfriend B for pussy on the side
>Girlfriend B notices Man A has behaved coldly towards her and finds out Man A is cheating with pussy on the side
>Relationship is suddenly not going well
>Girlfriend B reaches out and begins to cheat with the next best option
>Man A finds out

Like, in all honesty if you are trying to say that it's ok for guys to cheat and that only women should be chastised for it then... then that pretty much tells how your relationship will end.

>> No.69438359

Is it common for a cheater to regret it and go back to their original partner? I thought they always found the new person more exciting so it never ends well. Even if they go back also doesn't mean they won't try with someone else too.

>> No.69438412

Then they get less drama out of it.
Dramaqueens love being the center of attention, for better or for worse.
Kiara obviously meant this as a joke but she without a doubt has that type of dramaqueen personality.

>> No.69438417

I honestly can't believe this off-hand comment a vtuber made! How could this have happened to me and to everyone else that has been wounded here?

>> No.69438517


>> No.69438540

These are just stereotypes that you'd find in romance stories. Both genders are capable of being in both of these situations.

>> No.69438581

That's what makes me so mad at cheaters. Just fucking break up first. No sympathy if you're in an unhappy relationship that you'd rather cheat than break.

>> No.69438590


>> No.69438644

Cheating isn't the equivalent of jumping off a ship. It's more like staying on and saying you're going to a different part of the ship with a massive hole to fix it only to not do anything and letting things get worse.
Jumping would be just breaking up.

>> No.69438665

she is never the problem

>> No.69438691

It’s funny because the KFP promote her as being peak GFE.

>> No.69438716

In a rush to call people retarded, you forgot that "emotionally cheating" contains the word cheating. Dumb fucking ass.

>> No.69438797

Kiara is a narcissist, she would never admit to being wrong.

>> No.69438891

I have dated a vtuber and it's hell.

>> No.69438961

Some of the stuff she was saying during this part of the stream genuinely affected my opinion of her
Feels like a lot of the unhappiness she's had throughout her life was likely her fault if this is how she views things

>> No.69438963

What is with you people... I suppose I'm on /vt/.

In your example I'd say the only thing you got wrong is:
>Starts ignoring Girlfriend B for pussy on the side
This is not ALWAYS how it works. Historically, the concept behind a man having multiple lovers (other than simply an expression of power) is that he has the resources to support that many women. You can see this in many parts of Africa in the modern day. The efficacy of this method is of course debatable but it is undeniably pursued with evident success.

You seem to understand the concept behind women cheating well enough, surprise surprise.

>> No.69439071
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I was wondering when a thread about this would show up. I've been considering canceling my membership ever since she said that

>> No.69439072

Sasuga anon

>> No.69439140

The vast majority of women in a relationship are cheaters, so this is actually accurate GFE

>> No.69439171

cuz if you get away with it you have a safety net to fall back on

>> No.69439230
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>Reel back the video a bit because I'm 100% sure anon cut it off so its just her answer, and not the context

>> No.69439245

Makes me glad to know that my oshi would never cheat on me

>> No.69439252

Kiara would never cheat on me because, being a lesbian, she'd never date me.
Checkmate, nijitards.

>> No.69439282

>Isn’t a big part of her persona doing GFE?
Where did you get this from, this is not even catalog reader level.
She is parasocial as fuck, but it was never the GFE type of parasocial.

>> No.69439292

Either they're a 1view (and barely count as a vtuber) or they're menhera. No idea what you expected there

>> No.69439320

The full context is there
Chat asks if she would cheat on them and she answers that

>> No.69439371

Sometimes it's just personality (which is why people who are too nice to say 'no' are a problem), other times it's just resistance to change, especially when one person believes they're in a better status because of the relationship.

>> No.69439393

As you might guess from the remainder of the post, I now know.

>> No.69439426

KFP promote her as "peak GFE" as a joke, in the sense that it's realistic for your gf to talk your ears bloody with mundane shit. In that sense it would also be realistic that she would cheat on you.

>> No.69439433

KFPiss… it’s over…

>> No.69439438
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Stereotypes... for a reason... statistical average... often... sometimes... exceptions!
>Verification not required.

>> No.69439456

Wow! I am not that surprised!

>> No.69439499

all humans think this way, even if they wont admit it

>> No.69439523

I dated a girl that tried to become one, she was a low 2view and every minute of the day off work was about her channel. We broke up when I told her she would have way more followers on onlyfans on accident.

>> No.69439590

Just keep her happy loser.

>> No.69439591

cheating is just normal
every person cheats

>> No.69439611

Hollywood spews out a constant river of mind poison which has convinced a lot of women that adultery is okay if they aren't happy enough. The moral decay that was aimed at men was degenerate sexual acts which have turned a lot of men into coomers. Both groups were poisoned but in different ways.

>> No.69439626

cheaters tell themselves this

>> No.69439649

A woman justifying her habits wrote this post.

>> No.69439771

Gotta get a little bit /pol/ with you here.
Imagine the outrage if a dude was asked "would you cheat on a girl?" and he just point-blank replied
>Well, if I feel like she's not sucking my dick enough, sure.

>> No.69439779

Kiara watches Netflix slop constantly, it's no wonder she's been infected by it

>> No.69439808

I have never cheated on anyone. Been cheated on 3 times and beat all 3 girls in response. To this day I despise white woman. Currently dating a Hispanic.

>> No.69439828

Kiara is just brutally honest, german brain

>> No.69439837

>This is what NDF is resorting to to deflect

>> No.69439880

Kiara is a basic bitch valley girl, yes, everyone knows this

>> No.69439910

>Been cheated on 3 times and beat all 3 girls in response
I wonder why they cheated, truly a mystery

>> No.69439952
File: 1.09 MB, 2500x1628, eggGOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggman was right
I kneel

>> No.69439958

Because women don't want to have responsibility for anything, because it's easier to to their sexual market value behing high while in their formative years, and because with strangers you can imagine/project whatever you want in the mysteriously unknown bits. Meanwhile you already know everything about the partner you've been with for years

>> No.69439974


>> No.69439991

>get hit
>justify your cheating post-fact
ah yes

>> No.69440020

kiara really did not need to answer this question
this was a more obvious setup than the "do you think of every single viewers of yours as your friend"

>> No.69440032

Don't know, don't care. Learned my lesson to never date snobby white girls and go for poor latinas that will rely on you. Keeps them in check.

>> No.69440053

That's honestly kind of hot. Imagine revenge raping her.

>> No.69440067

nah, they are just better at hiding it.

>> No.69440098

Unfortunately not really because let's be real, Kiara's female viewers probably went
>Yaaaasss queen, preach!
And her male viewers probably went
>God, I wish she'd cheat on me.

>> No.69440108

she wouldn't cheat on me
I'm special

>> No.69440111

Latina menheras (aka all of them) are a whole can of worms themselves.

>> No.69440150

I'm pretty glad I was filtered pretty early on.

>> No.69440155

I have her phone tracked. If she does anything I'll know about it.

>> No.69440167

The problem here isn't that she thinks like this. This is basic narcisistic woman 101, like half of them are like this, if not more.

The problem is that she feels confortable enough to say this kind of shit in front of thousands. Fear of social ostracism is what tends to make women not do retarded shit and she has none apparently. Utterly mindbroken.

>> No.69440200

Kiara unironicallt flirts with a different girl every single time she gets the occasion to, I don't even know who she wants to fuck at this point. Ame even called her "Grossling" for making too many Gosling jokes kek, she doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.69440274


>> No.69440289
File: 9 KB, 204x192, 1707059054431920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is a very flawed woman.
When my dad married my mom he said if she ever cheated, he'd kill her, and I knew that from a young age.
So when I was a child in that shopping cart when my mom took me shopping I'd tell men that started conversations with my mom that she's married.
Still married for almost 40 years. You just have to set the record straight at the start.

>> No.69440301

>low value males complaining why women don't stick with a crappy partner
>it's the woman's fault
>refuses to do anything to change themselves or improve their status like getting a better paying job or promotions
>losing to a literal pool boy

>> No.69440304

she does not unironically flirt with anyone though. If you want to know what unironic flirting is, watch how Nerissa talks to Kiara or Shiori and compare. THAT is actual unironic flirting, which is why it makes Kiara and Shiori so uncomfortable when she does it

>> No.69440332

The way men cheat is borne of the fact that any guy who can attract one woman can attract others. In fact, the majority of women will find a taken man more attractive than someone who is unattached.

>> No.69440365

sorry for your loss chickens

>> No.69440383

Actually, this is kinda great. I always felt bad about not watching Kiara when she was one of the ones that actually seem to be hardworking when the rest of the EN branch was dying. This is at least something I can grab onto as a justification for that. Cheaters are scum, and if you "don't know what you'd do in that situation" that's pretty fucked.

>> No.69440391

For somebody who is so extroverted, Kiara’s social intelligence is painly low. Is it a German thing?

>> No.69440397
File: 188 KB, 286x350, the faq book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the liberal eurofag
>would cheat
no wai

>> No.69440405

I hope your wife's boyfriend lets you hit one of these days.

>> No.69440408

I will save her.
Just kidding, I'd pump and dump.

>> No.69440432

She's a female and the most normalfag of holoEN, it's normal for her

>> No.69440439

>immediately resorts to childish insults
i can see why you've never gotten laid

>> No.69440470

>Read the story of Pygmalion
>He's a sculpture that's disgusted by how whorish the women around him are
>He creates the perfect woman in the form of a sculpture
>He kisses and worships her
>Eventually she comes to life and becomes his perfect waifu
>Even ancient men thought most women were unpleasant whores back then
>The ancient greeks also had a sort of proto-concept of robots
Even men in ancient times recognised how naturally whorish and treacherous foids are.

>> No.69440515

Wrestling can fuck up a brain

>> No.69440520
File: 47 KB, 680x672, btra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low value males complaining why women don't stick with a crappy partner
Just break up, don't cheat, that's all we asked

>> No.69440522

It's okay brother. It's 2024. The cuck chair is socially accepted. CLM

>> No.69440604

>Just break up
>needing the woman to take initiative
if you can't even tell the signs that the relationship has died already what good are you as a partner?

>> No.69440692

two phones holding hands typed this post

>> No.69440705

KFP was trying their best to hide this when she said it

>> No.69440729

>he doesn't know about her 2nd phone
amateur mistakes.

>> No.69440871

She is Austrian, please don't put this on us.

>> No.69440879

Retard. Nobody is saying you should be forced to stay with a crappy partner. But if you cheat on them instead of breaking up with them, you are a coward and a snake.

>> No.69440907

Reiにゃあ approves getting cucked

>> No.69440982

>needing the woman to take initiative
We men ain't mind reader.
>if you can't even tell the signs that the relationship has died already what good are you as a partner?
Even if the signs were all there, a man will still find any reason to cope because they don't want to lose the women they love, just tell them sister, have some pity for them

>> No.69441017


>> No.69441031

>Be a guy
>Be in a relationship
>Get cheated on
>It's completely your fault, she just did the logical thing, you should be better.
This is literally the most toxic mentality imaginable, by the way. If you get cheated on that just means the girl doesn't have the willpower to turn down cock. Should you ask if you did anything wrong? Of course, but at the end of the day the cheater is a horrible person. That needs to be clear.

>> No.69441041

Stop posting in this thread Pippa, it's unhealthy for you to lurk here.

>> No.69441078

Arr rook same

>> No.69441082

When she responded this she probably thought of that ugly bastard that was selling her merch

>> No.69441093
File: 57 KB, 640x852, Andrew_Tate_on_'Anything_Goes_With_James_English'_in_2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd become a based right wing icon and gain millions of 13yo boy followers

>> No.69441102

>a man will still find any reason to cope because they don't want to lose the women they love
if you really do love them then how did you lose them to a pool boy?
>not enough gifts
>not enough money
>not enough affection
>only using them for sex
>can't cook
>spends hours on 4chan bitching and crying
do you really love them or are you just looking for a fleshlight that talks?

>> No.69441169

>why women don't stick with a crappy partner
No that seems to be the problem. Just break up instead of cheating.

>> No.69441354

>relationship is rocky but you aren't simply giving up on it
>woman would sooner cheat than break it off
>actually it's the mans' fault for not breaking up with her and you deserve it

>> No.69441369
File: 7 KB, 300x168, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not enough gifts
>>not enough money
>>not enough affection
>>only using them for sex
>>can't cook
>>spends hours on 4chan bitching and crying
What ?

>> No.69441381

once a cheater always a cheater
as soon as they find out it's an option they will never settle for one person. if you find out a girl has ever cheated in her life, you need to cut her off. it's too late

>> No.69441415

Keep fighting the good fight to defend cheating. It will never be morally be justifiable but you're doing the Lord's work trying.

>> No.69441437

Oh my lord, you went all the way back to sticks and stones tribes in africa to reach a footing for your ass backward arguments.
No, we are not a 2000 BC muslim community where 13 year old girls were traded as brides for cattle. You live in a modern society where you are expected to be held to egalitarian human standards.

Look, if what you want is to live out your harem hentai fantasy where you get to have 5 girlfriends where you fuck all of them and they're all magically happy with it, don't be surprised that dates with your hand is all you're ever going to get.

>You seem to understand the concept behind women cheating well enough, surprise surprise.
yes, I understand how humans function. A woman's mind isn't some kind of crazy insolvable puzzle if you have a functional frontal lobe, Something you clearly lack.

>> No.69441446

>actually it's the mans' fault for not breaking up with her and you deserve it
Kiara literally said so? how much of a fuck up do you have to be to make a woman so unhappy that she'd rather cheat?

>> No.69441464

Mere seconds before this comment about cheating in that stream, she was openly talking about her previous relationships and said "hmmm I don't think I've ever been cheated on"

>> No.69441469

At least she's honest. Every woman who says they wouldn't is simply lying.

>> No.69441476

To be honest this is why I don’t date.
I don’t trust women to make good decisions that benefit the relationship.
I know I’m not rich but why would I try to get a girlfriend if she can’t be faithful or will always be looking for someone else?

>> No.69441550

>she has a dream you cheated on her
>cheats on you IRL because of this
>this is your fault
A woman (or man) who thinks because they're unhappy they're justified in their cheating deserves the rope.

>> No.69441652

So what does this imply about the hags?

>> No.69441654

I love Kiara and her fans.
We need them in Holo. It's functioning diversity.

>> No.69441703

>>she has a dream you cheated on her
>making shit up to justify hating a woman you claim you "love"
>instead of reassuring her and working together to rekindle confidence you use it to blame the woman
yeah i can see why women would cheat to get away from you

>> No.69441752

Just find a girl who genuinely loves you (easier to say than to do). If you can't find one though, just adopt a cat and watch your oshi, you'll be happier.

>> No.69441754

Sorry your mother was a whore, but that’s not true for some of us.

>> No.69441788

>making up shit
you've never been in a relationship where a woman was mad at you because of something you did in a dream? Oh wait, you're a woman, so naturally the idea of self-responsibility doesn't exist.

>> No.69441866

>Oh wait, you're a woman, so naturally the idea of self-responsibility doesn't exist.
if your lack of self awareness for me

>> No.69441869

I get the feeling and the horror stories are horrifying but having a partner in life is a wonderful thing. Sucks it's such a crapshoot

>> No.69441898

Men throughtout all ages have know that women are whores, it's why they've been restricted since time immemorial.
It's kind of funny how people will sperg out if you say it irl though, even when it's been the rule of man for thousands of years.

>> No.69441941
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Actually the whole talking thing is usually a negative, not a positive.

>> No.69441958

All I'm going to say is, /vt/ the next time you see some people shitting on a guy for cheating on his girlfriend, ask yourself what she did to deserve it. Cause, clearly, cheating only happens when the person being cheated on fucks up and for no other reason.

>> No.69441970

>using "foids" unironically
talk about shooting yourself in the foot before you even start

>> No.69442051


>> No.69442057

>that’s not true
you know even better than me that this is true.

>> No.69442080

They're just a troll, man or woman.

>> No.69442093

Why are Kiara antis so pathetic?

>> No.69442107

Greeks also thought that fucking men in the ass wasn’t gay so I wouldn’t necessarily take everyone they say as a concrete fact.

>> No.69442116

Look I’m just going to use my 30’s to get ripped and make money. I also have a dog I love to death. I’m just jaded and bitter about women I just don’t give them the time of day to even know if they are interested. I tried to get a good Christian woman when I was younger but she abandoned me and it just made me harbor a lot of resentment.

>> No.69442125

Someone post that chart of "What spousal abuse is" for women, which includes everything under the sun and several contradictory things.

>> No.69442138


>> No.69442147

How is this anti? Its literally something she said on stream

>> No.69442163
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I still find it mental that there are so many women posting on this website.

>> No.69442178

It literally isn't gay if you're the one on top

>> No.69442200
File: 53 KB, 1114x258, rDvEj0qkPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okabe nigtaro still mad that he got banned from the BVTM discord

>> No.69442202

>Getting into a relationship with a European chick
You get what you pay for.

>> No.69442208

Based, Islam is right about women

>> No.69442230

A hole is a hole, it's only gay if you're the one getting fucked in the ass.

>> No.69442264

Again, sorry your mom couldn’t stop sticking hundreds of cocks in her hole, but like I said bro, some of us don’t come from a broken household.

>> No.69442267

who's this guy?

>> No.69442317

NTR-FP stay winning

>> No.69442341

t. homos in denial

>> No.69442376

We are discussing about thing she said on stream

>> No.69442383

Why is Kiara always in the center of gossip?
Truely she's a /vt/ celebrity.

>> No.69442395

An interesting fellow I met in bvtm discord because he was a slavic doxbeat that hates all myth members and unicorns/cgdct fans and holo members. Used to quote tweet and reply with such bait directly to the Myth members' tweets.

>> No.69442399

Yeah I understand that I have been single for a decade and my parents are concerned about my mental health but I can’t afford another betrayal because I don’t think I can survive it.

>> No.69442433

the loudest kiara schizo in the BVTM discord
one day, BVTM himself(?) got annoyed at him and banned him forever

>> No.69442452

Any guy who works with women, especially in an office will tell you how fucked everything is. Redpill bullshit you ignore, women openly talking with other women, forgetting people outside their clique are present will do more to put you off relationships than any RP bullshit ever will.

>> No.69442633

If you take antis into account of "fans", probably Kiara's popularity surpasses Gura's one digit more.

>> No.69442732

>Modern day
I have a friend/coworker from Uganda who has two wives back home and one in the States. He owns some hectares of land and is in the process of funding some major construction projects back home for his family and paying off his house here. What about this is backwards? Will your philosophy lead to such success?

>> No.69442763

I guess you tried to speak English there

>> No.69442798

because those are low tier women. I’ve worked multiple jobs and had multiple female coworkers and some of them were whores and some weren’t. Your having your perspective clouded by working alongside a concentration of whores.

>> No.69442807

That there is a reason why they are single. Women have a point when they desire taken men more because another woman have already done the research and testing on him. Men just don't have that luxury if they care about purity.

>> No.69442843

He was also one of the people spamming insults directly under gura's VODs during her absence last year/Jan.

>> No.69442850
File: 184 KB, 500x447, 1708283735478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This heretical harlot needs to be slain in the name of the Lord.

>> No.69442918

>making up shit about anon just to make a poor argument
>getting so upset you embarass yourself within your own post
well done sister

>> No.69442998

Yes. It's fun to see my fellow ESL Kiara always riling up Anglophone posters here. She's my idol.

>> No.69443053

But japs are one of the most frequently cheating demographics. They don’t even view prostitution as cheating.

>> No.69443060

yeah he's an all-around piece of shit
he was sending bullshit superchats to suisei during her "yab" last year

>> No.69443069

She's the special type of woman that manages to make both men and women dislike her by exhibiting both stacy and roastie behaviors.

>> No.69443141

the worst part is that she'll be cheating with your sister or something.

>> No.69443174

But that's when she shines.

>> No.69443176

the first woman literally caused the first man to get kicked out of paradise

>> No.69443195

I wouldn't really compare someone who gained an audience speaking English to your average /vt/ ESL

>> No.69443202

Breaking news: women who have overinflated egos because of the internet admits to wanting to cheat

In other breaking news: the sky is blue

>> No.69443290

nothing is ever the woman's problem, ever.

>> No.69443311

And she draws in ojisans like me that want to correct her.
I swear, with how good she is at time management, punctuality and housekeeping, she'd make the perfect wife. She just needs to be brought to heel.

>> No.69443386

>She just needs to be brought to heel.
Sounds like that would make her unhappy, which...you know.

>> No.69443404

You can't compare me with my idol.
She's my north star, always high up in the center of the sky.

>> No.69443467

Cheating is a moral wrong but not illegal
Beating your partner is morally wrong AND illegal

Nigger behavior

>> No.69443521
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>getting a membership to her in the first place
The warning signs were always there. Including the annoying shit she did in the past. Including the JAV shit she did in the past.
You'd be better off buying stocks if you want to burn your money away that badly.

>> No.69443527

is beating them for being a whore/disloyal morally or ethically wrong?

>> No.69443581

Oh, I mostly agree. I just wanted to say why I believed it was the case.

>> No.69443673

>beating them in response
>not cutting off their ring finger
Man your mistake is she can cover up her bruises. Break and cut their ring fingers off. They're not marriage material, so they don't need that finger anyways.
>plus makes it difficult for them to masturbate anyways so it's a double insult

>> No.69443680
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wasn’t even me you fucking retard

>> No.69443698

Post passport 3rd worlder.

>> No.69443757


>> No.69443763

lose weight

>> No.69443884

women cant understand the concept of loyalty, honor or even logic, they only follow the flow of their own hormones and urges, whatever you have or not a successful marriage will depend on your ability to handle those urges, try to go for religious women if possible, they were already socially trained to keep a successful family.

>> No.69443905

Legality matters because otherwise you're no better than a law breaking nigger
>is beating them for being a whore/disloyal morally or ethically wrong?
Yes, making a situation physical shows you didn't do your job correctly and you weren't a real man
Even if I was from a backwards country where women are property like an animal, I don't beat a dog I train it, so why would I then go further and beat a woman?
All it shows is that you're low iq and couldn't handle a situation without resorting to violence
Usage of violence is only justifiable in self defense, if you can't see that then you're no different from a nigger/sandnigger/caveman retard

I could never even fathom a man being so emotional he resorts to violence against a woman, that's just feminine behavior to lose your rationality

>> No.69443933

>Thinly veiled Kiara anti thread turns into third worlders discussing various medieval methods of hurting women
Sure makes me think.

>> No.69443954

dogs aren't sentient, women are (or are they?). Violence is a language they understand though.

>> No.69443977

Cool bait thread.

>> No.69444007

>cutting off their ring finger
and how would you do that when she's flailing about?

>> No.69444028

Yeah she'd cheat on me. With me.

>> No.69444047

Are you gonna post your hand or not?

>> No.69444105

To no one's surprise she's a sociopath

>> No.69444238

>not a real subreddit
I'm disappointed

>> No.69444301

Wait until you find out about how often conservative tradwives cheat on their husbands.

>> No.69444325

I respected her for being one of the few HoloENs to give a fuck about streaming and I don't pay attention to dox because it's usually schizos making shit up.

>> No.69444327

Can you be valley girl as a European?

>> No.69444333

She's a goddess, so she can do whatever she wants.

>> No.69444384

I am waiting

>> No.69444389

>Mori NTR fanart was real

>> No.69444394

>disfiguring them in a purposeful and malicious way that leaves obvious evidence
Do you wanna go to jail for life or something? No judge or jury is gonna look at a cut off ring finger and let you out in free society again. Just emotionally destroy and abuse them with plausible deniability like a logical person would. That’s what I did to my boyfriend after he cheated.

>> No.69444408
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yeah that was retarded and I regret doing it, anyways stop breaking containment you absolute troglodyte
glad to know that I live rent free in (You)r head >tho

>> No.69444425

You don't understand dogs or women if that's what you had to say

>> No.69444542

What's the correct treatment for cheating lesbians

>> No.69444581

>VTuber teases her fanbase
Why is this news?

>> No.69444625

Same thing lolcows like Cuckeita, Chris chan, cyrax says to their detractors...

>> No.69444633

Haha instead of fixing her marriage she would cheat. KFPbros not like this

>> No.69444666

I didn't know the chance of
being cucked is a "tease"
Not bait if it's just literally what she said

>> No.69444801

member when Kiara was constantly hanging out with her best friend's BF?
It was pretty sus not gonna lie. But if you don't want to be with someone then you break up, you don't cheat and make your partner waste even more of his time on you. This is one of those things that should get a reduced sentence if someone gets killed for cheating. In fact, you shouldn't even get prison time for killing a cheater.

>> No.69444807

lose weight

>> No.69444825

KFP here. There is some context missing in that right before, she says that open relationships are a no-go and that the ideal scenario would be to break up before even considering another relationship. It was also a no-brainer for her to click "Will not press the button" to the question of "Marry your dream girl, but get cheated on constantly?"

That being said, her comment being referenced does open the door to the interpretation that she believes cheating may be acceptable in certain, limited circumstances, which, if I'm being honest, is rather disappointing. I don't believe there is any excuse for cheating. "Depends on how the relationship is going" is not a valid excuse. Even if you catch or suspect your partner is cheating, that doesn't give you license to retaliate by cheating in return. Even if the relationship is shitty or abusive, you simply confront the person and/or end the relationship on the spot. Perhaps she's imagining some obscure or bizarre scenario to lead her to make that statement and still finds cheating in general repulsive. Still, she should understand that any sort of cheating demonstrates cowardness to confront issues in the relationship, resist impulsive tendencies, and make potentially relationship-defining decisions.

>> No.69444878

>I didn't know the chance of
>being cucked is a "tease"
Are you retarded?

>> No.69444909

it's nice to see that even in these trying times, orange woman bad threads can still reach the bump limit.

>> No.69444970

Anon, everytime her life in JAV work would get posted, it would be immediately nuked. There was a period where 8+ kiara threads were allowed to exist. So much of this shit it was obvious there was a KFP plant. She's an annoying retard for sure. She's an attention whore in the annoying obnoxious way

>> No.69445059

you mean gravure work?
gravure and JAV aren't the same thing

>> No.69445062

Holy cope.

>> No.69445111

He tried to warn us...

>> No.69445134
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>> No.69445181

>disfiguring them
Don't you mean disfingering them?

>> No.69445197

Ehh. My dad started cheating while on a social drug bender and while spending lots of time away from home for work anyways, but I think being incredibly bipolar and retarded is a different issue

>> No.69445218

Are you? I guess you like being cheated on like the cuck you are

>> No.69445313

Imagine getting banned from a HoloAnti discord. Most likely the same guy that samefagged 30+ times in every Kiara bait threads.

>> No.69445350

I understand enough to know that chuubas aren't serious when they say they plan to vore her fanbase.

>> No.69445503

based and truthpilled.
Getting women is even easier when you already are in a relationship.

>> No.69445508

Having a vore fetish better than having a cuck one

>> No.69445535

It was just that one thread no?

>> No.69445582

Both are disgusting though.

>> No.69445614

the admin gets really upset when you point out that he’s brown and a phase shill

>> No.69445647


>> No.69445666

One is a degenerate fantasy that doesn't happen in reality and the other one does happen so it's much worse

>> No.69445751

if was Nijisanji liver saying that there would be 10 threads

>> No.69445792
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>> No.69445830

Why are women like this? Just break up with the guy first and then go be a whore

>> No.69445841

cheating is not jumping off the ship, that would be breaking up.

>> No.69446044

If women were capable of thought, there would already be a matriarchy that made it past the stone age.

>> No.69446072
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but anons told me she is wife material ...

>> No.69446187

>the perfect wife, but she will cheat on you only if you fuck up
>a shitty wife who will neglect your marriage and children and needs to be babied
yeah i know which one i'd pick. i'm confident i can keep a woman. can you?

>> No.69446195

Kiara antis have so much they can use but instead resort to lying.

>> No.69446274

Hell why don't they actually jump off ship and break up

>> No.69446534 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.69446565

economically speaking its because theres 10 thirsty guys for every mid woman so she can afford to be entitled. she wouldnt say that if the guy was a Captain America though

>> No.69446745

>Cunt is a cunt
Wow. Shocked.

>> No.69446773

This is the truth, anons will debate it without even realizing that the entire concept of this hobby is thousands of thirsty guys orbiting around mid women

>> No.69446821

Feminist hands typed this.
>I could never even fathom a man being so emotional
Men have emotions too. If a girl breaks my heart then I break her arms.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. Gods golden rule.

>> No.69446929

That's why you go after the poor ones. Go after the ones working min wage and no hope in life. My girl was amazed at something as simple as fucking Christmas lights.

>> No.69446957

I'd let Kiara cheat on me, but only if it's with someone who meets my standards (not fat, not ugly, well-educated, has a vagina, loves dogs, etc.)

>> No.69446981

Post hand.

>> No.69447026
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Lol no. Even ITT some of the replies feel like samefagging
