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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69818226 No.69818226 [Reply] [Original]

All her drama aside
>What do we name this one?
>How about "Supporter of Israel" + "Last name of a shooter who killed several elementary schoolers in cold blood"?
Who the fuck is naming vtubers at Nijisanji??

>> No.69818338
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>Supporter of Israel + Last name of a shooter who killed several elementary schoolers in cold blood
EN means "mostly Am*rican" and this sounds stereotypically Am*rican to me

>> No.69818431

the vtubers come up with the names themselves

>> No.69818659

There's no way a human could name their talent "Devil Voice," "Fungus Covid" or "Vuvuzela Barrage."
Unless this company is literally ran by edgy 20yo college dropouts.

>> No.69818711

Bet the clique destroyed her not for any of the sane reasons the rrats came up with, but because they were pro-palestine

>> No.69818802

>"Supporter of Israel" + "Last name of a shooter who killed several elementary schoolers in cold blood"
Extremely based.

>> No.69818847

You do know they don't pick those names right? Is the companies that chooses the names.

>> No.69818879

Ook ook read the last line of the OP, ESL faggot.

>> No.69818941
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Nope I will not. Suck my dick cunt.

>> No.69818970

>Who the fuck is naming vtubers at Nijisanji??
>the companies chooses the names

that anon answered OPs question. maybe youre the one who should pay atention to what you read?

>> No.69818980

point me where in the OP I suggested that the talent chooses the names

>> No.69819001
File: 949 KB, 849x1200, 1708201805725008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion just means heaven dear anon.
I donno about that last name but don't let people bastardise the word just because Zaionists are genuinely evil fuck wits that wanna end the world.
Also you should morn her design, rarely is a character so perfectly tied to the energy the streamer generates.
Zaion had perfect big bratty energy.

>> No.69819054

You asked who in Nijisanji came up with those name and you were replied with the company basically fucking Nijisanji. You answered your own stupid question in the op you fucking cock sucker but your brain is so wired to starve you for drama that you didn't even realized you did.

>> No.69819093

Read the reply again you drooling chimp.
>You do know they don't pick those names right?
Now, once again, point me where in the OP I imply that talent chooses the names.

>> No.69819133

This is why people hate ESLs. You're not just bad at English - you're also arrogant and unintelligent. Bad English tends to be forgiven when the post isn't completely retarded, but you "people" are dead set on making your shortcomings everyone else's problem.

>> No.69819182

OP is in the right on this one, first reply was being an ESL dumbass and answered implying OP claimed talents chose their names

>> No.69819183

You asked who came up with these name I mentioned nothing about the talents choosing their names. You stupid fuck. Holyshit is this the average American? Fucking stupid ass people.

>> No.69819194
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I just know that anons would like to fuck Zaion, before her untimely death.

>> No.69819214

Then explain this line
>You do know they don't pick those names right?
Who is "they"? Enlighten me.

>> No.69819228

>You do know they don't pick those names right?
If you seriously don't get how this makes it look like you're implying OP thought the talents did you're truly ESL beyond saving, stop trying to defend your dumb reply

>> No.69819266

I would use her body like a used for 3 years tenga

>> No.69819379

Lanza is spear. That's it. Her name literally just meant "heaven's spear".

>> No.69819384

>Triggered retard trailer park mouthbeathing neckbeards seething they were told the company chooses the talents name.
Get fucked retard. And good luck with your upcoming election you will need it. American public education failed you.

>> No.69819414
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I accept your surrender

>> No.69819417

I wonder if they originally meant to reply to me >>69818431 and just doubled down afterwards. Which they're wrong anyways, we know for sure that NijiEN members come up with their own names

>> No.69819454

Sisters have been at it for a year? How good is Zaion if these fuckers keep butthurt.

>> No.69819471
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We love Zaion here

>> No.69819472

next debutee Azov Rodger

>> No.69819498

>Azov Rodger
sounds better than Vagina Bandage

>> No.69819556

Zaion means something like "obligated by guilt" (not a real word but close enough for her character lore) and Lanza implies the "lancer" personality from that one anime I can't remember the name of where King Arthur is a blonde chick. It's also got a vaguely western-esotericism sound to it and is sort of sideways alliterative, which japs love.

>> No.69819586

Oh... 0 days without misunderstanding, hehe

>> No.69819598

So the Fate servant based on the Sandy Hook shooter will be a lancer, got it

>> No.69819623

That's a cool name.

>> No.69819681

Too bad western "people" are short-sighted and close-minded

>> No.69819735

"western people"... no one in europe had any issues with this. So I'm pretty sure you just mean "people from the usa".

>> No.69819747

Why are menhera girls so appealing thoughie

>> No.69819818

>Last name of a shooter who killed several elementary schoolers in cold blood"
haven't burgers worked their way through every possible last name for this already?

>> No.69819825

No, the prejudice against Israel is quite rampant in Europe as well.

>> No.69819854


>> No.69819887

>Thinks euros don't have strong dividing opinions about Israel too

>> No.69819938

It's a fucking cool name. Sayu is chuuni as fuck and couldn't help herself from using the coolest name she came up with.

>> No.69819953 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 205x226, 1707873987154546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You country will surrender to Joe Biden again. Have fun having your tax dollars and resources funneled to Ukraine and Israel for another 4 years.

>> No.69819967

Is your country even on the map lmao

>> No.69820001

Up until recently the members named themselves. Kunai and Vivi talked about how odd their names were, but found out people like Ver and Doppio named themselves.

>> No.69820041

that nigga really named himself Bandage lmaooooo

>> No.69820043


Please keep believing everyone you disagree with online is American and insult the US to try and get to them, I love it

>> No.69820114

Wash her thoroughly?

>> No.69820176

My country doesn't allow Mexicans or Sand people from the middle east in. Our resources go straight to us the public. But please continue

>> No.69820211

Usually the ones gone full racist and calling everyone sea or esl are American. Cry more burger.

>> No.69820284

adding to anon here, the term used for israel supporters comes from Zion (zionists), not Zaion, the spelling is different

>> No.69820405

I love this chuuni hag.

>> No.69820423
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Man, I love Sayu's design, but Zaion was just peak. Fucking bratty lolibaba, I want to correct her so much.

>> No.69820471

That explains why she liked Doppio so much...

>> No.69820545
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>Zaion LanZa
>both Z's capitalized

she sure was a fan of Z

>> No.69820641
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I fucking loved Zaion

>> No.69820764

The spelling may be slightly different, but they're pronounced the same.

>> No.69820875

They are homophones

>> No.69820973

Dreaming of Zaion, awake~
Sleeping AWAKE!

>> No.69821042
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>I bought the Valve VR headset a couple of months ago but I haven't been using it because it's just too heavy
>Like, it won't fit
>My head is just too small...

>> No.69821130

She is sub 5'.

>> No.69821264
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>Imagine size (real)

>> No.69821275

won't link it directly but there's pics on her Twitter

>> No.69821342

For Zaion specifically, no. She said she had nothing to do with her name.

>> No.69821390

>tfw giant head
Do they not make them usable for children?

>> No.69821483
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>Bratty loli hag
>Lonely loli hag
I can't choose.

>> No.69821682

If you make Sayu feel not-lonely you can turn her bratty once more.
She will become the ultimate form of Zaion and will become three times as powerful.

>> No.69821859

I like Zaion. It's catchy and unique without being lame as hell like other niji names.

>> No.69821871

I still love her and miss her every day, at this point Zaion has transcended even Sayu, she's an ideal a religion. The one that became the light that pierced the darkness and brought us the fall of Nijisanji. SIEG ZAION

>> No.69821943
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>> No.69822090

Zaion has staying power because she was the first shot from Niji and a glimpse into what fuckery was going on behind the scenes.
Sayu's situation before going corpo was pretty bad so she became badly menhera after getting jettisoned from the corp.
Regardless there is a reason we constantly meme about her being on the cross.

Though I like her as an indie because I have a seething hatred of all corporations anyway.

>> No.69822128

Ngl I miss how moody and snarly Zaion was, watching Sayu I don't know if she was never like Zaion in the first place and was just too damn good at her Kayfabe or if Nijisanji broke her soo much that she's still afraid to be herself again in front of the camera.

>> No.69822352

I refuse to believe someone would willingly name themselves VANTAFUCKINGCROW BRINGER

>> No.69822481

Somebody overcome with sheer fucking chuuni absolutely would.
But then again we all know if Fulgur had gotten his way he would've been a wuxia character with chi power shit and not a cyberpunk deliverybody/rescue worker.

>> No.69822631

only an american sees Zaion Lanza and immediately thinks of "greatest ally" and some other unrelated dumb shit. Zion doesnt just have meaning to jews, but also to various christian groups. One of the meanings is Utopia. Lorewise, shes from the future, and lanza means spear, its spanish, but the german word for it is Lanze as well, and obviously lance in english.
now explain to me again why you think she was named after some retarded american popculture thing. The only mistake that they evidently made when naming her is underestimating american arrogance.

also, in retrospect, I feel like her name tracks wonderfully with what happened over the last year. she came from the future to tell us, but we werent ready to listen yet. Now we get it though, she truly ended up being the tip of utopia's spear from the future.

>> No.69822636

Whenever i hear his name i assume it's Vanta Crowbringer. Because that sounds more like a normal fucking name

>> No.69822807

I could make a cult out of this.

>> No.69822852

Sayu explained that Zaion was mostly kayfabe, but she was already a little unhinged before joining Niji. They just broke her, man.

>> No.69822901
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Haven't we already?

>> No.69822996

people here don't like israel but that doesn't mean they care about a vtuber whose name may or may not be zionist if you think about it but probably isn't because it's just chuunism and the vtuber has no actual link to politics

>> No.69823042

>only an American sees
Yeah, and every fucking problem Nijisanji has suffered over the last year has been because they're not bothering to consider how their statements will look to a western audience. None of this zion or selen shit would have gone down if they had just had the sense to write up nice, boring neutral sounding termination letters instead doing full slash and burn "the company dindu nuttin, the company is a good boi, it's all the talent's fault!" jp style letters.

>> No.69823049

i refuse to believe a nigga would actually name himself bandage

>> No.69823085

>Supporter of Israel
Death to palestinian shitskins

>> No.69823088

To be fair, JP companies don't do stuff like that either. NijiEN went absolutely retard.

>> No.69823140

>Have fun having your tax dollars and resources funneled to Ukraine and Israel for another 4 years.
Based and civilisation pilled.

>> No.69823177

Management definitely names them.

>> No.69823243

Management probably give them a few ideas and they can choose between them or suggest close enough alternatives. Pomu named herself after that one idol she likes so much, for example.

>> No.69823260

She's too nice and pickme in her streams now. The brat character was fun.

>> No.69823327

No way somebody willingly named themself DOPPIO DROPSCYTHE or Seraph Dazzlegarden

>> No.69823371

In the case of Doppio, I can believe it. He is as chuuni as Zaion.

>> No.69823381

They really named this nigga Fungus Covid

>> No.69823382

But most of them are Canadian.

>> No.69823470

Seriously, a lot of the Niji vtuber names post-Luxiem were getting pretty silly. I mean, look at it.
>Hex Haywire
>Doppio Dropscythe
>Fulgur Ovid (this ones especially funny considering when he debuted)
>Claude Clawmark
>Vezalius Bandage
>Yu Q. Wilson
>Vantacrow Bringer
These all just give off "middle school first anime OC" vibes.

>> No.69823511

we should immediately form a military wing. I dont think this war is over yet

zeig means show, so this is confusing. you want me to point?

there is no upside pandering to dumbfucks with lore, its bad enough that retardculture is all over the world now and Im glad whenever anyone decides to not just make entertainment for people with an iq south of 80.

I also have no idea why you think those two letters were written by the japs. They seem to clearly be personal and clearly be part of the cliques efforts to terminate their targets through relentless bullying and abuse of power. None of this has anything to do with "not pandering to burgers enough" and everything with them being too stingy about money to hire actual managers that make more than minimum wage. if they had a few experienced japs in EN management, the cliques shit would never have gone through. This was never really about PR anyway, its about the internal corruption, and making the argument that "it wouldve been better if they were better at hiding the rot from westerners" makes me wonder what the fuck your motivation is here.

>> No.69823515

She has been specially nice since her redemption arc started, in january you could still see her telling people to fuck off when they tried to backseat her

>> No.69823635

>Hex Haywire
>Fulgur Ovid
>Yu Q. Wilson

These three seem fine to me. Hex is edgy, but it's edgy in the way that works a lot better than the others. What's wrong with Fulgur's?

>> No.69823910

>Zion doesnt just have meaning to jews, but also to various christian groups.
No bro it's literally just the jews and groups that appropriated jewish mythology (rastafarians, ethiopians) because they related to the slave narrative. Zion is being in the presence of god's grace. It refers to the pact made between the exodites and god and physical objects which are meant to be symbolic of that pact--specifically the cradle that carries the commandments and 'mana' from heaven. That cradle was held in a temple in Jerusalem, hence the Cradle, the temple, and Jerusalem, were Zion. The term is literally coined in the section of the Torah that described the construction of the cradle. Islam has an identical concept.

"Zionism" is just a term coopted by groups that hate the existence of an Israeli state for various reasons. I'd wager the only reason it's even in the vocabulary of anyone itt is because they spend too much time on twitter uncritically consuming astroturfed political garbage.

>> No.69824027

It works as a name BECAUSE it isn't so obvious in its meaning to become cheesy. The fact that even people /here/ couldn't decipher it right away is testament to how good it is.

>> No.69824295

As people keep saying it is very memeable into Fungus Covid and his debut was around the pandemic.
But its a "cyberpunk" name so he could've been called Edward Triggerhands and it would've been about the same.

>> No.69824656

Fulgur literally just means "Lightning" and Ovid is a roman poet.
Imagine naming your vtuber persona "Electric Shakespeare" or "Frosty Virgil" and then just trying to conceal how silly it is by throwing it into google translate -> latin or german like every edgy 14 year old every. Yeah bro my Vtuber name is Fuhrer Arseficken no don't ask what it means.

>> No.69824674

>and groups that appropriated jewish

yes, christian groups, thats what I said?

>It refers to
Im not an expert, but that sounds like an extremely religious interpretation. I thought its name came from a certain hill (and the stronghold on it that david captured), yes they did built that temple there and I dont doubt they did a lot of jewish yadda yadda around it, they always do that in religions, Id still assume the japs based their choice on the wider definition instead of the specifically religious one, unless theres a lot more jewish in zaions lore that I didnt notice, but Idk, Im not a theologist.

what the fuck are you talking about, zionism was a political movement in the first half of the 20th century, and goes back to the 19th century or so at least. Maybe longer.

>I'd wager the only reason it's even in the vocabulary of anyone itt is because they spend too much time on twitter
no, Im a historian. I dont even have a twatter, I never did.

>> No.69824787

>Fulgur literally just means "Lightning" and Ovid is a roman poet.
>Imagine naming your vtuber persona "Electric Shakespeare"
That's a fucking baller name, but entirely misaligned to Fulgur and his style of streaming.

>> No.69824848

>but that sounds like an extremely religious interpretation
The term is fucking coined in a religious text, Nimrod. Why would you LARP as a historian and then immediately out yourself?

>> No.69825110

All names mean something, you just don't want to use the normal nouns of the languages it's being used in. Jacob Lawrence means 'To follow the shining one'. It's also a normal and acceptable, if boring, name.

>> No.69825702

Ovid can be derived to refer to sheep. Electric sheep.

>> No.69825731

what? you think you need to learn hebrew to be a historian and read fantasy books? what the fuck man, are you trolling me, lmao. I dont specialize in jews. Im a historian, not a banker or a theologian.

you could make the argument that I couldve phrased that differently, what I meant with extremely religious interpretation was a reference to the subject matter (ie. how its used in popular culture nowadays) more than an argument about the actual origin of the word, thats why I said "I am not an expert", cause Im not.

Its almost as if certain words have more than one meaning, and you ll find more than one in the vast majority of dictionaries, someone further up said Heaven, but it can also mean utopia, and I felt that fits better considering her lore, hell, its more likely that the japs got the name originally from watching matrix than reading the fucking torah, but sure, tell me more about how historians need to read theological literature to become historians.

>> No.69825765

Fulgur sounds cool if you're a viking and sound like the dragonborn. Just saying the name casually does not sound cool.

>> No.69825976

Its more the idea than anything.
Electric Shakespeare sounds like the name a indie rapper would use and in context of a cyberpunk theme its perfectly fine.
I just find the name doesn't fit Fulgur or his content as a whole, cool name but a mediocre talent.

>> No.69826049

"I'm a historian" has the same weight as "I read the wikipedia article". It's the weakest appeal to authority possible.

>> No.69826593

I agree. The standard for any profession is just not that high and historians arent different from any other subject, this is even more true in the anglo world.
I was however not trying to appeal to authority, just pointing out that not everyone on this board gets their vocabulary from twatter when I was specifically being accused of that. Youd have noticed if you could actually understand what you read.

>> No.69828198

>I dont specialize in jews
No but see, if you were a historian you would probably have realized at some point while studying for your MA that 'knowing' history is worthless, because there's no ephemeral idea of 'history' beyond what laymen pick up from popular media. You know what you read and study from historical sources. And if you're a historian and not an anthropologist, that means you're reading a lot of texts.
So to just start running your mouth about history you're obviously not familiar with, proudly ignorant to any primary or even secondary texts on the subject, makes it absolutely silly that you'd then bookend it with "I'm a historian(who doesn't fucking read)" and expect anyone to take you seriously.

>> No.69828817

youre a dumbfuck, just like the other guy. refer to >>69826593
you will never ever catch me discussing my subject on this board, or in general, with anyone unless they have a degree in the field, pay me, or Ive some other reason to care about their opinion, because anything less is a waste of time.
this discussion had practically nothing to do with history though, and its really embarassing that you cant tell.

>> No.69828955

stop posting this off-topic anime gif, avatarfaggot

>> No.69829742

Burger Morbid

>> No.69830226

Doppio's name is very very fitting for the way he acts on stream and I respect it because there's like 3 en mantubers that feel like they have any keyfabe at all and doppio is the only one of those in niji.

>> No.69833807

>western audience
burger and western aren't synonyms, only you burgers are this dense.

>> No.69833980
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Seraph Dazzlegarden specifically changed his name to that. His VTA name was Misono Satoshi. All his wavemates kept their VTA names. He did not.

>> No.69835996

She's too powerful... That's why the clique had to get rid of her

>> No.69837432

"Hi viewers, it's me, Chickenius Nuggetson from Nijisanji's wave Urethra! Nice to meet you!"

>> No.69838594


>> No.69840467

You've gotta understand Anon, he's a historian. They're all really desperate for their degree to matter.

>> No.69841843


>> No.69842043

>Last name of a shooter
everyone focuses on zaion but the sandy hook incident and this gen's debut were almost exactly 10 years apart

>> No.69842173

It's clearly a Matrix Reloaded reference, stop overthinking things

>> No.69842514

It's just clever CN/JP word play based on syllables.
>Za-i-On La-n-Za
Pretty sure there's more. Has nothing to do with Israel or whatever, that's something EN audience imposed on it because their poltards.

>> No.69846225


>> No.69849014

Its pretty wild what happened was over a year ago now

>> No.69850254


>> No.69850545

you have a dick cunt? ewww

>> No.69852834

All forgotten. Time moves on.

>> No.69854715

Well, it was forgotten, until February 5th. (Actually there was some grumbling about it when Pomu graduated as well.)

Time may heal all wounds, but sometimes those same wounds get reopened.

>> No.69856144

Do you have any proof

>> No.69856259
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