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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 65 KB, 1061x838, Screenshot_20240304-210926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70630576 No.70630576 [Reply] [Original]

>Mori is declining!!!
Explain this then

>> No.70630631


>> No.70630764

There is a retard who's been botting her from time to time

>> No.70630798

Is she... ok?

>> No.70630882

> Low number = Actual view and that chuuba is a failure
> High number = Bots and it does not mean the chuuba is a success

Number monkeys don't love the members. They only use them to tribalfag with other monkeys

>> No.70630893

Botter-kun is desperate because both Fauna and IRyS are streaming tonight and his usual botting targets aren't

>> No.70630955

What’s this about?

>> No.70630970

This is pretty obviously botted, she struggles to get 3k nowadays, she is not getting 30k without bots

>> No.70630985

t. Ennaschizo aka the botter

>> No.70631035
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>> No.70631048

I don't watch Mori at all and she hit my recommendeds, this stream is just getting pushed really well because it has lots of activity

>> No.70631057

The chat is going too fast to be bots.

>> No.70631123

This is pretty obviously botted anon, mori is unironically gonna be the first 3view in holoEN, she’s had streams with less then 2k viewers

>> No.70631183

It is botted. She herself just said that she knew
>Stop viewbotting me. I know when you do it
The other the usual victims (i.e: Nerissa, FWMC) have implied that they knew, too. Nothing much they can do, though

>> No.70631248

>i don’t watch mori at all
you’re full of shit deadbrap

>> No.70631260

Mori literally just said "stop botting me" on stream
The girls know when they're being botted, they're not retards

>> No.70631283

Mori just called you out, botter kun

>> No.70631289

kill youself faunaschizo

>> No.70631379
File: 1.17 MB, 988x696, 342024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my most recent stream from her and it was on a multistream

>> No.70631442
File: 1003 KB, 1246x698, bottedgraph_20240304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a botted graph

>> No.70631502

>she called the botfags out
my sides
liked and subscribed

>> No.70631709

Her model is hot straight Jorkin it

>> No.70631740
File: 117 KB, 680x680, GH30wygbQAATf0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deflection thread btw

>> No.70631806

Niji is gone and dusted, we can focus on cleaning house now

>> No.70631923

While there maybe someone botting, there is also an influx of gray names coming through recommendations and staying since the stream is so unusual. It looks like the botter's effort are backfiring. He's just boosting her in the algorithm.

>> No.70631997

This is true, for the most part. But when girls I like (FWMC) get high numbers it's not bots, and when they get low numbers it's actually just because it's too kino for normies.

>> No.70632145

>struggles to get 3k nowadays
Okay, Mori is reclining hard but this is a massive lie.

>> No.70632154

>enter raids
>raid victims leave

>> No.70632200

Holy shit the offkai announcement is real.

>> No.70632226

Nerissa actually talked about it on members once too like a month or two ago
But yeah to think they wouldn’t notice at this point is absurd.

>> No.70632319
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>> No.70632341

No it really isn’t deadbrap, we’ve all seen the numbers, unless she’s playing a fotm month game or collabing with someone, she gets like 2k

>> No.70632376
File: 66 KB, 577x680, 3768baae4c8c2001fc8ad931c610bfe4eefa3fdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so fucking mindbroken by her decline you decide to bot her and make this thread.
Unless you want me to believe 6k people keep leaving and coming back.
She even mentioned the botter. Wonder how deadbeats will spin this.

>> No.70632390

>While there maybe someone botting, there is also an influx of gray names coming through recommendations and staying since the stream is so unusual.
The stream is probably get a natural 10k or somewhere in that range since weird ass streams like this popular with casuals
The extra 25~ish K most likely the bot shitter

>> No.70632474

Fuwamoco even when you adjust for bots are doing well.

>> No.70632478
File: 380 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she said "STOP VIEWBOTTING ME, I CAN SEE IT" and then called it spiky views lel
the amount of fucks that mori gives sometimes is a bless

>> No.70632591

Nijisanji big yab deflection thread.

>> No.70632616 [DELETED] 

she's pregnant

>> No.70632705

t. the botter

>> No.70632735

Literally had 3k for most of the duration of her last 2 streams befire this one.

>> No.70632738

>No it really isn’t deadbrap
> she gets like 2k
Your hatred of pink women has wrapped your brain so bad that you're fighting shadows and lying about shit that's verifiably false
Her last stream literally had 4k at the most dogshit timeslot possible lol

>> No.70632750

so the actual amount of viewers is 20k, right?

>> No.70632921

1) Botter bots a girl
2) Shit on her for being botted
2a) Shit on other girls for having low numbers while pretending to be a fan of the botted girl
3) Claim all her numbers are botted and that she's a shitter without bots
4) Blame her fanbase for botting
The botter follows this script pretty much every time

>> No.70632953

on long running series that seems pretty normal, yeah
the poppy playtime streams and nippon learning streams look to have had good views since they're more relevant to the algorithm than long series and novel enough to click on
not all things are macro trends anon, sometimes it's streamer choices

>> No.70633008

Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope.

>> No.70633109

>6k bots
Common unforced Mori-Anti self-own. I literally don't understand how you guys still live in 2021. Have you even watched a single Advent stream yet?

>> No.70633118

I'm genuinely just asking

>> No.70633214

Why aren't you posting the numbers then? Even a shitty cherry picked screenshot of her recent streams will be fine. I'm not expecting an actual median or anything.

>> No.70633296

Yeah, the chat is definitely more active than usual.

>> No.70633545 [DELETED] 

>Fuwamoco even when you adjust for bots are doing well.


What is this double standards

>> No.70633581

alright, thanks for confirming

>> No.70633846

because it's the truth, fuwamoco have consistently good viewership, just because one of mori's streams hit the algo doesn't automatically make her not a shitter nobody wants to watch

>> No.70633893

Fuwamoco can pull 10k on random playthroughs.
Mori can't unless she's first EN to play some flavor of the month shit JPs are playing, simple as.
Deadbeats really believe she's pulling pekora numbers out of nowhere right now.

>> No.70633951

Alright, whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.70634000

>on long running series that seems pretty normal, yeah
>not all things are macro trends anon, sometimes it's streamer choices
Yeah but that doesn't fit the narrative, so he's not allowed to use logic like that

>> No.70634002

I can't wait for ruffians to get tired of their shiny new toy and leave this fandom as quickly as they joined it.

>> No.70634053

Alright, whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.70634181

I'm not even a ruffian, nigger. I respect them but they're not my cup of tea

>> No.70634237

I like Mori. I don’t know what the problem is. Lots of whining and other faggotry on this board.

>> No.70634655

So you don't even watch streams and just make conjectures based on what you read on /#/? Gotcha.

>> No.70634678
File: 1.09 MB, 773x879, Screenshot 2024-03-04 185646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwamoco can pull 10k on random playthroughs
This is such baffling thing to say when one of their favorite things to stream is VNs lmao
Out of this list I think the only gaming stream that pulled 10k+ here without bots is *MAYBE* the Suika game stream

>> No.70634685

bots. i only stopped watching takotori because unarchived FOMO and i thought it was going to be karaoke, stream has been verbal diarrhea just killing time for the sake of killing time

>> No.70634708
File: 956 KB, 1244x696, fwmc_bots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so the actual amount of viewers is 20k, right?
No, it's not.
There are way more than 6k bots. There is just no way to figure out how many bots there are based on the waves.
Case in point: picrel. There were way more bots than the sizes of the "waves"

>> No.70634897

No way mori is totally pulling Gura numbers outnog nowhere.

>> No.70635067

Botted by that Fauna anti in numbers thread

>> No.70635083

I guess those numbers make sense if considering her announcement of what will be her next song about, which is related to the current drama.

>> No.70635125

if vtuber.isGood:
if vtuber.CCV >= 10000:
if vtuber.CCV >= 10000:

>> No.70635197

based and true

>> No.70635295

She fucking mentioned the botting.

>> No.70635418

she also mentioned brazil macacos wya

>> No.70635437

this stream is actually pretty good ngl

>> No.70635649

Why is this fucking retard acting so fucking cute today?? Is she trying to lure me in??

>> No.70635784

>get called out for botting
>change strategy to shilling the stream
never change brapbeats lmao

>> No.70635939

>*MAYBE* the Suika game stream
There is no maybe.

>> No.70636093

i didn't need my ears anyways

>> No.70636192


>> No.70636281 [DELETED] 

Anon when Mumei gets botted FuwawaMoco gets botted, Bijou gets botted, and even Nerissa gets botted
>"Grrr fucking bot schizo!!!"
Anon when Mori gets botted but calls the schizos
>"Ha B-brapbeat se-seething lm-lmao!"
??? Mindbroken lol

>> No.70636319

this woman is based

>> No.70636516

You forget the fact that the others are not usually borderline 3 views

>> No.70636569

Difference is, they don't need bots.to have decent ccv.

>> No.70636681 [DELETED] 

what drives brown people to do this?

>> No.70636711

It's the botter shitposting, he does the same when he blames hoomans or ruffians or pebbles, he usually does it in /#/ though and there are more Mori antis om the catalog

>> No.70636758

campeão do mundo!!!!

>> No.70636787

you're a retard. Mori's getting botted because Fauna and IRyS are streaming and theres no Biboo/fwmc stream tor IMschizo to bot. The fact that you dont know this after half a year of it happening probably means you're the botter

>> No.70636788

she would have gotten more bots a couple years ago. grim

>> No.70636820

My wife is so based

>> No.70636840

Wow, she's gone from struggling to hit 3k to actually being a 3 view in this thread alone. She fucking finished by the end of this stream, I reckon.

>> No.70636877

>You forget the fact that the others are not usually borderline 3 views
Neither is Mori? Unless you're going to go full retard and pretend like Part 16 of [Long ass RPG] is representative of her normal viewership

>> No.70636959

>Watching weird but entertaining stream
>I’m sure /vt/ hates this, let’s find out
>Petty bickering and mutual loathing
>Crying over who is and is not getting botted
This place sure is predictable

>> No.70637174

If I like the vtuber, their average CCV is always over 10k even when it's not, and if the views are declining, it means she's too kino.

If I hate the vtuber, their average CCV is always below 10k even when it's not, and if the views are inclining, it means it's botted.

>> No.70637199


>> No.70637276

Finally, someone who gets it.

>> No.70637443
File: 472 KB, 836x399, c4e56b13c3260fa6fa5708a061a629a965074143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh jrpg cope

>> No.70637607

>posting Ina who had 9k-10k avg before playing FF16

>> No.70637917

>>Muh jrpg cope
>Post a streamer who normally averages 10k struggling to hit 5-4k to hit because shit like FF16 and Pikmin 3
What did he mean by this?

>> No.70637958

>Actual ccv 3-5k
botter really go all out LOL

>> No.70638296 [DELETED] 

I guess Mori saw how suicide posting worked for Doki and decided to try it out herself. Faggots are so fucking gullible.

>> No.70638643

>makes his opponent's point for them
What tactic is this?

>> No.70638889
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>> No.70641772

Called this very well given what her new MV's like, good job.

>> No.70641844

Pretty edgy looking background there chief

>> No.70641939

Yikes, Ina fell off.

>> No.70643273
File: 361 KB, 786x588, 1693981253356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her median peak for February was 8k, you dishonest little shit.

>> No.70643382

She even acknowledge it

>> No.70643481

You cant even curve the edges retard!

>> No.70644908


>> No.70645534

>Botting Mori and Advent

Retards really have the worst taste rumao.

>> No.70648415

no more bots

>> No.70651975

10 Finanas
6.66 Finanas

>> No.70652134

This code wouldn't run, since for a given vtuber that .isGood it simultaneously states that a CCV of >= 10000 is Real and Bots at the same time.

>> No.70654242

I genuinely don't understand why would the botter would choose mori to bot

>> No.70654793

It's actually extremely predictable if you know the the botter is a mentally ill schizo at war with the /#/ thread. Whenever IRyS or Fauna looks like they'll have the highest CCV EN stream of the day, the botter will bot someone else to "steal" the gold or push them off the podium.
The usual targets are people with high CCV who stream frequently and predictably, aka Fuwamoco and Biboo. But today there were zero Advent streams so the botter was forced to target either Ina or Mori, neither of whom are their usual botting targets.
They probably picked Mori for the shitposting potential since Mori has her own antis as you see on this thread, whereas /vt/ mostly ignores Ina.

>> No.70657467 [DELETED] 

no offense, you can like mori, but FYI calling her your wife makes you a cuck

>> No.70657494

>Explain this then
Its not her average number, cuckbeat.

>> No.70657726

If you listen to her haters Mori has been declining for years yet she still keeps consistently getting big sponsorships and releasing absolute bangers.

>> No.70659514

Fake news

>> No.70661454

It was just a matter of time

>> No.70665379
File: 501 KB, 1080x1923, Whori Cuckbeats bots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice bots you got there, ENshart.

>> No.70665849

>hourly bumps

>> No.70666860

Why would someone waste their money like this?

>> No.70669040 [DELETED] 


>> No.70671332

Shut up falseflag sister. Go back watching enna or Millie and stop spreading lies.

>> No.70671581

The number of people who were redirected to the live premier of her song was about 8.5k. If you account for the people that YouTube failed to redirect because that happens all the time, I wouldn't be surprised if she was actually around 10k for that stream.

>> No.70671843

Nobody was streaming. Biboo took a break fwmc still setting in japan shiori and nerissa didnt stream bae didnt stream kiara sucks and nobody watches her and ina sadly had to collab with her and nobody but sea gives a fuck about kaela of course mori got some views from people who normally would be watching their oshi streams instead. Its called being at the right place at the right time. Come back to me and peddle numbers when there more talent streaming.

>> No.70672461

8k people got redirected to her own raid of her own song and she acknowledged the botting onstream. She had 22k bots if you compare the difference.
Inb4 mental gymnastics to explain all of this.

>> No.70673110

I'm not a cuck as long as I'm the last one to penetrate her.

>> No.70673706

Hi botschizo. Mori called out your botting so you can't really play this game anymore.
