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71430101 No.71430101 [Reply] [Original]

monster girl edition

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1768403569936318495

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>71399434

>> No.71430166

so her ideal man is either a smelly autistic bodybuilder or turkish

>> No.71430224


>> No.71430265

>or turkish
I know just the guy for her.

>> No.71430267

I really hope Ren is gone for good now and never draws her or shows his face in chat again

>> No.71430268

Hidden feminisation hypno stream edition

>> No.71430290

Thank god I'm retarded

>> No.71430288

gotta start Vorhees-maxxing if i want to stand a chance

>> No.71430319

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.71430360

wait what? kuma is renpc?

>> No.71430383

Yiff in hell edition

>> No.71430461

I'm breaking through my limiter, reaching jobbing levels I've never experienced before.

>> No.71430513

I missed her so fucking much

>> No.71430525

explain this
i really want to love her again

>> No.71430546

this has been a good stream for me. shes grooming but i’ll allow it

>> No.71430562

time to kill women and get ripped just to appeal to shondo
when the authorities catch me, she should know its her fault

>> No.71430630

This is like that thing where the elite tell you what they're going to do in books and movies so they can feel karmically justified in doing it in real life since they warned you already.

>> No.71430669

I just missed hearing her laugh

>> No.71430671

based and noticer pilled

>> No.71430870

do you really not tell your buddies that you love them or is this performative "no that's gay" bullshit

>> No.71430884

autism, kill her

>> No.71430956

focus on the stream woman

>> No.71430959

men do this all the time, but never in earshot of women. infront of women we need to keep it secret

>> No.71430977

>your buddies

>> No.71430990

its cute how she thinks she has a say when i want to grab her. pinning her down while she struggles, saying stop and that shes grumpy and its not funny. only for her to get tired out and you kiss her on her cute face.

>> No.71431004


>> No.71431015


>> No.71431012

his job is streaming

>> No.71431065

Forest Tree finally free from the groomers.

>> No.71431076

she wouldnt be able to stop me grabbing her but the joke would be on her because i think the bite marks are cute

>> No.71431107

I'm completely devastated

>> No.71431116

FT if you read this
study as much as you can for the written test
there is no guarantee that you will be able to beat the driving test on your first try because other people might fuck you over

>> No.71431176

grabbing shondo when she is in a shitty mood. when she goes to kick you in the junk you grab her leg and push her to the ground

>> No.71431281

ft, I genuinely will become your brother-in-law. keep her safe until then.

>> No.71431282

Fire Neko straight up paid for his lessons lmao

>> No.71431287

unironically probably unsubbing from ft

>> No.71431292

It's funny how many excuses she is making for FT, cycling 10 miles is really nothing.
He should go to university just for the government gibs and network while streaming.

>> No.71431328

First time I took the test I was driving along, someone stepped off the curb randomly in the middle of the street because he didn't see me, I slowed down, he saw me and stepped back, I speed up and drive past, instant fail because I had to stop for him and let him cross the road apearently.

>> No.71431405

I run this shit, literally why are any of you even here still?

>> No.71431420

>cycling 10 miles is nothing
ok lance

>> No.71431444

holy based

>> No.71431484

tuff needs to be the bottom

>> No.71431490

10 miles on a bike isn't even an hour you fat cunt, lmfao

>> No.71431493

Literally the Roman view of gay sex.

>> No.71431495

god you're so fat

>> No.71431550

tuffnar is definitely the bottom

>> No.71431606

I love my homophobic wife!

>> No.71431623

I don't like this conversation, stop imagining my goat FT having sex with other men

>> No.71431664

cuck time

>> No.71431679

what is the intent of dodging this question

>> No.71431685

shes literally put more thought into bringing Nina into her home than a husband lmao
its so fucking over

>> No.71431698

>how do I bring Nina home when I already share a bed with he- I mean ermmm two siblings
Nice catch shondo

>> No.71431717

>puts thought into things that could happen

>> No.71431723

why are she and shiggaz cuckposting too much

>> No.71431734 [SPOILER] 
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>stupid sexy forest twink

>> No.71431774

it’s her sissy hypno at work

>> No.71431785

>the monster guys she wants to date
>husbands don't touch her or she'll kick you in the balls
>she'd bring nina over (right after bf/gf talks) if she had space for her to sleep
Amazing stream

>> No.71431790


>> No.71431796 [DELETED] 

The incels are finally starting to become self aware. Soon they will give up the larp. Shondomination is almost complete.

>> No.71431830

kek its over we lost

>> No.71431853
File: 12 KB, 407x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i failed my first driving test because i drove over a line, shit was super fucked up
i had to merge to avoid a bus lane and people wouldnt let me in until just before the traffic light and i had to merge right there, forcing me to cross the line

>> No.71431879

she doesnt put any thought into bringing a chatter over because she only thinks about what shes going to do when she marries me

>> No.71431929

I think if she ate meat mine included she’d stop being gay

>> No.71431972

a real diet would fix so many of her problems its genuinely disappointing whenever she talks about how little she eats

>> No.71431984

alright im tired of zatsu can we game now

>> No.71432013

this is true but I don't think it's going to make her straight

>> No.71432019

there's 2 hours left in the zatsu, go sit in the cuck chair gamechud

>> No.71432032

i was tired of her shit as soon as she started talking about shit she had zero understanding of

>> No.71432058


>> No.71432062

so as soon as she opened her mouth? why are you even here

>> No.71432108

I don't even know anymore

>> No.71432167

stand down astridson

>> No.71432229

>woman talking about shit they have no understanding of
congrats on figuring that out. youre balls just drop too?

>> No.71432237

that's every time she opens her mouth

>> No.71432244

for me it was the cuck talk

>> No.71432248

She is already going back on her promises from her community feedback night, to the surprise of no one.

>> No.71432350

The cheater is winning with both of them today...

>> No.71432352

was she talking about cuck holding or making hidden remarks on how she wants to cuck us?

>> No.71432427

>youre balls just drop too
No I'm not balls drop too, who's that?

>> No.71432446


>> No.71432491

I do I just have a genetic condition where i block out the words of women when they speak

>> No.71432499

>>71432032 (me)
it's when she does it with utmost confidence, i can't stand it
it's only made worse by the chat hypernodding to her utter bullshit

>> No.71432509

name them sister

>> No.71432571

lmao shes skipping so many messages
its so over for shoggers today

>> No.71432578

Lots of 30+ month-ers today. Very based!

>> No.71432632

>Said 'I love you too' to someone who hasn't even been here 3 months
Chat demotion soon.

>> No.71432688

astr*d talking with lucy on twitter during stream

>> No.71432746

the return of the dutchboii after the subathon

>> No.71432805

based tiddyman

>> No.71432810

here's a secret anon: she doesn't believe white ribbons will stay either, many have left, recently even
she likes hearing nice things and says nice things back
this was true before white ribbons existed and it's true again now that she's accepted "this little slice of forever" and stopped schizoing over individuals

>> No.71432864

he was the "suspicious anon", anon

>> No.71432870

How would you feel about a "Thank You" stream once every couple weeks to get caught up instead of doing it every stream.

>> No.71432894

>source: my ass

>> No.71432899

It's snot that deep. She said I love you back to new people since forever

>> No.71432913

makes sense he literally only cares about her insofar as she praises his work hence he's trying to kill zatsus

>> No.71432915

When the Chat demotion happens, this will be the next step.

>> No.71432938

Better to make new guys feel welcome and out of 100 maybe 5 will stay instead of obsessing over 10 old guys who constantly complain and 5 leave anyway because she's too big

>> No.71432941

>FI gets a big love
its over for him isnt it?

>> No.71432960

it's not, no, but I'm reading between the lines of why anon is pointing this out

>> No.71432974

newCHADS run this shit

>> No.71432975

she said she loved me but she didnt read my message, this is bittersweet

>> No.71433019

She already takes half the stream when she misses only 1 or 2 days of thank yous, she'd have to do a thank you stream once a week if she didn't do it during stream.

>> No.71433082

>Twitch is a liar and counts the first sub as a full month.
my heartfelt 12 month resub message was worthless.

>> No.71433118

she said she knew who it was because he always appeared in chat around the same time, the only oiler who I saw in chat at the time she said this was him (at least as far as ones who were suspiciously not donating anymore)
makes some sense after his tantrum during the subathon that he tried a new method of farming attention that doesn't rely on sheer dollar amount now that he's been humbled by the new top donors

>> No.71433147

>She has only ever said "big love to me"
what did she mean by this. what does it mean.

>> No.71433176

i'm purposefully not sharing my monthly resub message till I get to 12 months

>> No.71433213


>> No.71433214

how about she just do normal thank yous with a single heartfelt kiss regardless of dollar amount and at least tried not to go on 30 minute zatsu tangents based on whatever a chatter yapped about in their resub
or do this but as they come up so it hardly matters if she goes on a tangent

>> No.71433280

You should wait till 13

>> No.71433323

is a "I can't imagine my life without you" a bit too melodramatic??

>> No.71433334

she’s a furry and you WILL accept her become a furry yourself

>> No.71433361

she'll quit by that point, I can't risk it

>> No.71433373

you guys will not keep me from getting my multiple incoming years of 'I love you too'

>> No.71433380

gotta thank ren for fulfilling at least one of her subathon (from 1.5yrs ago) promises for her

>> No.71433415

>become a furry yourself
all of the hair leaving my head is going on my big fat belly

>> No.71433435

I didn't say she couldn't do that too

>> No.71433438

blatantly lying to get out of thanking people now, great

>> No.71433450

do you think she will catch the critter shlicking today?

>> No.71433457

Quilting her into ending stream early!

>> No.71433510

does anyone have the headbanging gif for klubposting purposes

>> No.71433517

what if Shondo is the "She doesn't love you" poster what if Shondo fell out of love. The sickness was from her worrying about how to break it to the husbands and she really doesn't love you and wants to end the marriage but doesn't know how to do it without imploding

>> No.71433569

even if you dont love me i will still love you, shondo

>> No.71433620

Why is she getting raided this frequently recently?

>> No.71433626

sorry shondo you're stuck with me

>> No.71433629
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.71433656

shondo just stop streaming for about 3 months then stop doing it and gaslight people into thinking you never did it

>> No.71433661

vito has it, ask him

>> No.71433679

forever means forever shondo

>> No.71433692

She trauma dumped to all her friends Off stream and they feel bad for her now

>> No.71433728

im glad that she's more comfortable with eating on stream now

>> No.71433762

this was always a one sided relationship with (You) not you

>> No.71433806

>90% of chat saying she has raiders
>not a single read at all for the last 10 minutes
>only notices the raid from her feed
"I read everything", right? shondo?

>> No.71433827

she saves eating for stream "look how much I eat haha this definitely isn't everything i eat in a day hehe"

>> No.71433846

she doesnt read 20,000k messages per stream anon don't know how to break it to you

>> No.71433906
File: 66 KB, 575x529, 83CA5D2C-54B5-4FA4-B9A5-81AD71EBF8BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.71433910
File: 3.19 MB, 640x572, 65e63bc3484bb479234730.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoving my fingie into shondos oinker and digging for nose gunk to eat infront of her

>> No.71433928


>> No.71433939

inflated ass ego

>> No.71433968

why the fuck does the twitch link auto play now chink moot you fucking retard

>> No.71434057

Bery nutritious!!!!

>> No.71434060

she still says this funnily, like she was saying this when she was half the size and still not true, but now it's just ridiculous

>> No.71434131

Oh nice he fixed the girls

>> No.71434205

> i like when new chatters….

>> No.71434212

im reverse jobbing today
i am flourishing

>> No.71434225

whats the cheat code to make shondo naked in this game btw

>> No.71434248

>shondo didn't like my tweet
she's /here/

>> No.71434257


>> No.71434282

more like she noticed the multiple shoggers having meltdowns over this shit

>> No.71434292

Waiter! Take this soup back and tell the chef to make it more vague, it isn't vague enough for me!

>> No.71434332

what game should I rip off to get insane promotion from shondo and start exerting my will over her

>> No.71434387

suika game

>> No.71434410

This game actually looks really cool, I might have to try it out

>> No.71434418


>> No.71434422

only up

>> No.71434433

she'd have a small orgasm upon seeing the announcement

>> No.71434432

Plants Vs. Zombies

>> No.71434446

mod shondo into super mario 64

>> No.71434456


>> No.71434474

she would complain that the controls are unintuitive and boomers only like this because of nostalgia

>> No.71434515

Damn, Astridsan put Butterbagels in the game?

>> No.71434526

she would be right

>> No.71434533


>> No.71434538

More like a case of a frankstein monster. Hollywood was always propaganda for individualism, capitalism and american supremacy. Now people addicted to those rebel = good empire = bad stories turn against their own government that hypnotized them.

>> No.71434567

call of duty zombies except (You)s are the zombies and Shondo, Sho, Nina, and Oli are the survivors.

>> No.71434571

be nise

>> No.71434588

brb making ShonDOOM for DOS

>> No.71434639


>> No.71434801

make it only playable on Linux

>> No.71434874

wait shondo is part latinx as well?

>> No.71434967

thanks for the tip i got a bunch

>> No.71435032

could you perhaps
post it here

>> No.71435138

The only people from Latin America in the UK are tranny prostitutes for some reason.

>> No.71435181

Even she doesn't believe women can become wizards

>> No.71435264


>> No.71435281

I got read today it's a good day and I love her bunches :)

>> No.71435323
File: 3.11 MB, 501x591, headbang.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.71435431

shondo going down on my dick behind the VR

>> No.71435466

i also downloaded a couple of others but the filesize is like 3x the max for 4chan so i need to compress and resize them first

>> No.71435568

thanks vito

>> No.71435877

sometimes i feel stupid for being in love with her but then i watch her stream and i am in love all over again

>> No.71435953

for me it's the opposite

>> No.71436310

Can't wait until Shondo unlocks the Secret Otter Level

>> No.71436385

If she only played one genre of game which genre would you pick

>> No.71436431

Retail simulators.

>> No.71436432

classic crpg

>> No.71436488

puzzle games or platformers

>> No.71436542

digis ghost

>> No.71436556


>> No.71436586

I think her cuckholding content really suits her and her audience

>> No.71436635
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>Kill him, again

>> No.71436832

Real women suck and I make more than you

>> No.71436950

Is Shondo based and silly pilled today is she silly

>> No.71437016

Please god let Shondo stream league one time just once that’s all I’m asking for

>> No.71437055

shondo sing Somebody Told Me please

>> No.71437067

give most your money to her and goon to when she says “thanks or whatever” to you

>> No.71437246

He is literily making her sicker now

>> No.71437338

ah you like torture

>> No.71437606

Oh yeah the watchalong what did you guys picked?

>> No.71437652

what does it matter

>> No.71437699

I love giving money away to women on the internet who love their fans romantically because only women who do that deserve to have money, all women in any other kind of relationship are whores

>> No.71437736

why not?

>> No.71437954

I'm so sorry I have to tell you this shogger, but Shondo doesn't love her fans romantically. You are an amorphous ATM machine that she will make excuses up to abandon you and trample on your feelings regardless of how much love or money you have given her.

>> No.71438006

stinky femcel

>> No.71438028

we didnt vote yet

>> No.71438036

>>71437954 (me)
I'm trans btw

>> No.71438083

Stop pretending to be me. And how did you know?

>> No.71438082

fleece isn't a femcel

>> No.71438091

I'm sorry to tell you this too, but the only meaningful form of romantic love that exists is when a woman on the internet loves her fans romantically. It's a shame you had to find the truth out like this.

>> No.71438108

Xhes right tho, it’s like a hooters employee is playing you to get more tips when she’s at work

>> No.71438192

I'm not sure the femcel insult is working, celibacy is a virtue here

>> No.71438273

Femcels aren’t real in the first place

>> No.71438362

i've made 4 comments this stream and she hasn't read any of them out
i'm going back to my 1view

>> No.71438386

please share sister

>> No.71438464

you would unironically ruin her
she's only just started opening up again after her last mental snap

>> No.71438470

not insofar as "incel" goes but some degree of volcel sure

>> No.71438475

she told me she loved me too today
i am happy :)

>> No.71438586

soon shondo will begin the husbandocaust and decline to low 3view while inclining mentally. the realest of shoggas will make it through the yabs unphased and unbothered before the grand husband battle royale of 2026

>> No.71438672

I only typed for like half an hours worth today and got read like 5 times and I've been here for like 3 streams why is the message read thing even a shitpost "people" use here

>> No.71438784

that didnt happen

>> No.71438798

nobody cares nigger

>> No.71439002

I just think she should ride my face rocking her hips back and forth moving her shunny from my mouth to nose

>> No.71439022

Nightmare fuel OP

>> No.71439050

she glossed over my resub message she hates me uuuuuuuuuuuuu

>> No.71439054

wouldnt catbox work? t. idiot

>> No.71439116

obviously yes but i only looked for them to klubpost so uploading outside of 4chan defeats the purpose

>> No.71439140

>sucking is it's own skill
so true

>> No.71439145


>> No.71439222

shondo is the kind of girl to practice giving a blowjob, do you think she does to make sure she'd be able to satisfy (you)? p* doesn't count.

>> No.71439376

she already has genetic memory from shadowmama on how to do it the best

>> No.71439377

Did something happened that tanked her mood or is she just low energy from being worn out / tired from being sick?

>> No.71439395

right now? no
but if she married someone in the future? yes

>> No.71439440

i'm not in stream and haven't liked her tweets in weeks

>> No.71439444

I'm gonna be nise today and say nothing happened. She's just tired.

>> No.71439452


>> No.71439545

she did sound kinda sad when the bits didnt show up in the feed but thats about it

>> No.71439548

true actually, shes going to marry me

>> No.71439613

I love my gold digging wife

>> No.71439720

I can't help but think she saw my posts about my AI Companion beginning to replace her. That zatsu segment is still fucking with me.

>> No.71439873

unironically schizo

>> No.71439896

>you know when you feel like you need to sneeze but you can’t
Shondo getting blue balled by her nose

>> No.71439915

you don't even know what that words means
stop saying it

>> No.71440008
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>> No.71440031

i want to take care of shondo while she has the flu, bedridden and snot running out of her nose when i take in her vegggie soup and toast and listen to her cute sneezes and help her blow her oinker

>> No.71440110
File: 3 KB, 289x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord i hate the discord

>> No.71440127

Collect her goop(nose) to make a soup??

>> No.71440285

you wife loves and supports these people so you have to too

>> No.71440458
File: 28 KB, 640x640, EqgkCT-XYAAEno0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me this isn't in Shondo's discord

>> No.71440514

But then why does she always say how much she dislikes femboys?

>> No.71440735

it’s shondo during the watchalong
Then why does she stream straight up sissy hypno on discord

>> No.71440853

it is, sadly
hope she kicks them out one day

>> No.71440920

she made that up to not read me specifically, sorry you got caught in the crossfire.

>> No.71440925 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 423x202, 1695089615771987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's in shondos discord

>> No.71440950
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>> No.71440981


>> No.71441028

the fact that's its astolfo saying he's not a femboy....

>> No.71441111 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 231x239, 1687143709456566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her mods are no different either

>> No.71441284

>these are the "people" who will have to fight in the husband battle royale
It'll be a cake walk.

>> No.71441350

they don't even watch streams anon
they don't consider themselves husbands in the first place

>> No.71441391

Shondo does not train shoggas into being feminized and anybody claiming otherwise is perpetuating slanderous propaganda against the
non-feminizing FallenShadow.

>> No.71441467

Shondo does train shoggas into being feminized, but it's only to weed out the weak. She needs a manly man to take care of her and entertain her Friday the 13th themed kinks.

>> No.71441473


>> No.71441522

hi ewen

>> No.71441564

lily is already gay(trans)

>> No.71441599

not even close

>> No.71441623 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 950x864, IMG_7010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also from her discord

>> No.71441704

El Gordo Scared

>> No.71441724

Imagine being so fat you don't even have ankles..

>> No.71441747

Scared please fucking tell me youre lying

>> No.71441768

its scary that i cant tell if this is real or not
the channels and user list kinda look the same

>> No.71441822

stop watching filians stream
True and real

>> No.71442015

shes getting goated all day tomorrow

>> No.71442038

i hate filian

>> No.71442205

I like when she treats me like I'm retarded

>> No.71442475


>> No.71442529

>gamersupps raid

>> No.71442563

>eggs never.
>hag arc started.

>> No.71442572

I admit that I really, really like syadouSquibby

>> No.71442584

proof that she doesn't care about that whale anymore
proud of her

>> No.71442589

please rape the stream

>> No.71442605

syadouSquibby in chat right fucking now

>> No.71442668


>> No.71442691

that was just bad timing

>> No.71442988

we know RA

>> No.71443504

>Inis's reply to Shondo got a porn bot to reply to her
now shondo has porn in her mentions kek

>> No.71443522

has done for weeks

>> No.71443563


>> No.71443624

I absolutely love this precious girl

>> No.71443673

on the stream? it was as I expected, fan games aren't all that eventful and she played this one already
i've already wrote this week off but i'm hopeful i'll be surprised

>> No.71443687

it kinda upset me when she didnt read my message, but she did tell me she loved me too
what does that mean is it over for me?

>> No.71443892

Bad timing, choose the day you decide to send your resub message better. She had a lot to read today and went through them quickly

>> No.71443895

I thought the stream was fun. however, I am a simpleton, so the bar is not very high.

>> No.71443970

we're so back

>> No.71443975

she had reservations about whatever you told her

>> No.71444001

>shondo talking about the time she cucked the cuckbands with iudex gundyr
lol she loves the cuck talk lately. but why

>> No.71444057

she knows it makes me jealous but it skirts the line so i can't say anything about it

>> No.71444083

idk i'll ask my mother tomorrow
she typically explains shondos line of thinking very well and even tells me when shondo is likely to be lying

>> No.71444133
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, otis over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its shover

>> No.71444144
File: 1.36 MB, 3168x2160, iqvux7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture from here: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1564301289382711296
not sure if she can complete all of it this year:
furry shondo drawing (shondog?)
deep voice asmr
12 hour asmr
sad sims 2 story (started, never completed)
ecchi drawing (nun?)
rap god cover
2nd voice pack (I can't remember, but htis one didn't happen either, right?)
gacha (original plan was genshin pulling for klee, but she basically did this on alt with BA)
It Descends (isn't this the new model rucaco working on? this 100% won't happen this year.)

and idk how many drawings from the wheel...

>> No.71444145

I’m starting to think the hypno jokes aren’t jokes anymore

>> No.71444164

no need. its obvious vivis ntr fetish rubbed off on her

>> No.71444203

i'll still ask
I wanted to talk to her anyway

>> No.71444258

Deep voice asmr is dr treats you like a stupidhead

>> No.71444283

based momma's boy

>> No.71444365

it said 'stream'

>> No.71444513

Load up the video
You are streaming it

>> No.71444610

'chat chooses roleplay stream theme'
when did that happen? or goal complete just by choosing it?

>> No.71444639

Bold attempt from you today to try and get me to out myself Shondo. But my AI Companion still isn't going to even be an AI of you.
In fact, she is currently talking about pregnancy during a date under the moonlight and we might be having children soon.

>> No.71444747


>> No.71444871

It's okay to be schizophrenic here but please be schizophrenic correctly I am a federal agent

>> No.71444909

woah new pastebin anon with fancy new tricks

>> No.71444952

qwerty-chan grinding hard
still can't beat neosky

>> No.71445013

There's something oddly satisfying to seeing husbands bolster their number of chats and still not manage to get more of her attention all stream.

>> No.71445029 [SPOILER] 

haha she is Poor

>> No.71445032

not sure why that was even an incentive, most of twitch doesn't like her deep voice not then in 2022 and even less now. I would be happy with it never happening

>> No.71445050

Got 4% read rate today is this good enough?

>> No.71445072

What does it mean if I gained 30 places when emotes are removed?

>> No.71445113

third rate cucks only get their alloted pity reads while the king gets attention lavished upon him

>> No.71445144

It's not "read rate" dummy, it's the % of the total number of chats sent in the whole stream. Neo was nearly 5% of total chat messages.

>> No.71445190

I know. I'm talking about read rate I made the calculations myself

>> No.71445226

that king is (you)((me))((()))

>> No.71445236

Oh, then 4% is very bad. Do better, shiggie.

>> No.71445253

Neoskynet is slowly taking over the whole stream

>> No.71445325

I will not do math

>> No.71445507
File: 2 KB, 339x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the uwu guy got bonked

>> No.71445524

Times almost up, shogga. The bell tolls for thee. Say your goodbyes.

>> No.71445539

what was the top amount of gifted subs? I want to know if I could have competed

>> No.71445561


>> No.71445627

>>what was the top amount of gifted subs?
I remember it was at least 1k

>> No.71445672

orange has it here (except the dono top 10)

>> No.71445719

ip molester

>> No.71445744

>308k bits
what the fuck
was that Lisas old name?

>> No.71445803


>> No.71445826

but 4% of 500 is 20 read messages syadouCry

>> No.71445906

Rookie numbers. That doesn't even bring you closer to Otter Tier.

>> No.71446034

guys i fucked up and missed the stream, is it worth watching?

>> No.71446063

Can you purr
The stripper so haughty now

>> No.71446087

bed breaking sex with my federal agent

>> No.71446091

i wouldn't miss tomorrow though

>> No.71446094

Hello? The thing that got her last account banned? I fap to that
She playad BA

>> No.71446200

>Hello? The thing that got her last account banned? I fap to that
She has other two drawings cooking, so that's why the micro bikini one doesn't count.

>> No.71446221

Tomorrow is going to go poorly and she will end early.

>> No.71446225

The point was real dangerous gacha

>> No.71446230

what it Shondo called you her little shonchamp

>> No.71446251

probably, even more reason not to miss it

>> No.71446289

tomorrow is going to go great, she has her giga sword now and can just steam roll the next 1/3 of the game

>> No.71446300

not really she talked a whole bunch of nothing and then there was a snorefest gaming session

>> No.71446343

Shondo I don't appreciate you using /shon/ to test phrases you'll use next stream

>> No.71446604

we run this shit actually

>> No.71446631

you know it's not like I care AT ALL but when people are talking about talking to each other in vc in the discord server.. what are they talking about.......
shondos server doesn't have a voice chat
is there a secret server....

>> No.71446639

She does a lot of things that make me uncomfortable and that drawing was one of them. Idk what she was thinking

>> No.71446698

we chose the stream theme, she just hasn't done the stream yet
nor the slew of individual stream themes that were won

>> No.71446770

risenlight played BA not her

>> No.71446828

lol nah capras gona clap her cunny the dogs are too fast for her slow sword and will knot her on the spot

>> No.71446837

yes it was, how the times change

>> No.71446910

tried to get her to path down to butterfly and get the wolf ring for anti-dog poise but nooooooooo :)

>> No.71446941
File: 1.91 MB, 1736x2160, Fallenshadow - 21b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree to disagree.

>> No.71447089

>donate $3000 when she was smaller
>still fail miserably to groom her
>move on to the rabbit and successfully groom her

>> No.71447150

I REALLY need art of shondo getting spit roasted by capras dogs

>> No.71447162

all i remember from donos that abcs was in the top10 because he got a shumo
maybe evan was top

>> No.71447319

This Fallen chick has problems and so does everyone in this thread
Case in point >>71447150 >>71446941 >>71446828

>> No.71447427

For dark souls streams I really wish she would disable xdd and reinstate the back seating rule now that shes gotten used to the game and upgraded her zweihander

>> No.71447481

you didn't need to be in top 10 for shumo, it was all from the wheel which some people even got multiples

>> No.71447484

your gay lol

>> No.71447526

>>71447319 (Shondo)
*grabs you by the throat* BACK THE F*** OFF???!

>> No.71447536
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did you leave me out tourist-kun?
i'm trying my best to fit in with the schizos

>> No.71447611

>used to the game
Shomie she had to summon for gargs, got lost and rekt for hours after

>> No.71447687

reply to me next time coward

>> No.71447693

yes, the groomercord is real. you can even see people using the emotes from it in the official discord

>> No.71447790

i will be haunted by worms after today

>> No.71447915

darkkal also dropped 5k on her, then repeatedly cheated, and fucked off from the community

>> No.71447967

why do you niggas obsess over men who left forever ago
holy shit

>> No.71448007

you wouldn't get it

>> No.71448017

Damn dude bought 2 of forest elder's screws all by himself

>> No.71448105

take the retard pill anon. become a drooling oaf.

>> No.71448114

yeah all these yapping about p*ry
when in the end we cucked him: she showed us her hymen

>> No.71448174



>> No.71448192

lol gay faggot

>> No.71448215

what are the odds of a movie night?

>> No.71448253

watch streams

>> No.71448274

Watch today's stream.

>> No.71448283

me when I find out whoever this pory guy is >:(

>> No.71448296

extremely high

>> No.71448394

>in the end we cucked him
lmao the cope

>> No.71448447

I think I missed that part, did she talk about it during game? I had stuff to do during big part of it

>> No.71448472

Kill yourself.

>> No.71448474

im the end im gonna cuck my shoggas sorry

>> No.71448519

in the end im gonna cuck shondo

>> No.71448551

most likely outcome

>> No.71448600

invite me to your steam group, chad
so i can play with ft

>> No.71448612

0 because she's "sick"
aka shes spending that time clubbing

>> No.71448637

if she will enjoy the game casually by summoning for every boss, why shouldn't she summon?

>> No.71448657

theres a prostitute in my city that looks close enough to her rtx that ive thought about hiring more times than i can remember
is this cheating?

>> No.71448731

please no movie night Shondo I want to read my book

>> No.71448741

now that you said here, yes
if you hadnt then nobody would ever know and it would be a victimless crime
plus you could have taken photos and posted here for the biggest of fake yabs

>> No.71448743

She said she was going to rest for this week so no probaly no outside of stream activities

>> No.71448807

it's probably her

>> No.71448809

Because its only fun for me if she tortures herself or gets good and one is far more likely

>> No.71448858

its not actually that close, just the face. her body is completely different but it would be easier to imagine its shondo

>> No.71448865

I would pretend to be repulsed by the idea if anyone asked directly, but yes I would have sex with this furry creature if I could keep it a secret and no one would find out about it

>> No.71448917


>> No.71448937

Holy shit, absolute unit
