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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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71957360 No.71957360 [Reply] [Original]

>Eat the Rich
>"Hey guys, do you know about the Dead Internet theory?"
OOHH! Finally something based!
>"It's how Elon Musk made all these bots to sell twitter accounts"
I think I underestimated how important a no-politics rule is for me to enjoy watching a vtuber. Still will support her vs. Niji, cause no one deserves that shit, but I'm just unable to enjoy watching her streams anymore, so I'll stop. Best of luck and success to her.

>> No.71957412

She's right though.

>> No.71957520

imagine getting this mindbroken by a vtuber

>> No.71957546

You're surprised a piece of shit is a piece of shit?

>inb4 seethe nijisisternigger

I automatically consider any vtuber that has a PL or a RM a piece of shit, because it literally means that the only reason they're wearing the skin is to make money, meaning they're literally just an ad.

>> No.71957550

Nijisanji's no politics rule doesn't apply to anti white racism and purple man tweeting about abortions.
If you really want women to shut the fuck up about shit they're too stupid to understand your only option is hololive. Women are unwatchable without a no politics rule.

>> No.71957560


>> No.71957590

Elon is a retarded, autistic ket junkie redditor. Kys.

>> No.71957626

No she's not
You're dumb as shit

>> No.71957676

Vtuber political opinions are the most retarded shit to ever exist. That's why agencies need managers to heavily discourage political speech. Just look at Mumei, Kiara, etc. Politics on stream only works when it's part of the character acting like in Pippa's case.

>> No.71957693

I was really referring to Hololive's no-politics rule, but didn't want to put that in the OP to not trigger tribalfags.

>> No.71957782

Ok what did Niji do today? Or this is pre-assault for friday?
The falseflagging is becoming obnoxious.

>> No.71957783

By default every chuuba has an RM piloting it so wtf are you on lmao

>> No.71957843

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, anon.

>> No.71957895

Why? It's true. Hololive is popular because they can't go full Ethot streamer and talk about how awesome communism is and how they want Hasan Piker to fuck them up the ass.

>> No.71957957

you know what sane people do when they stop enjoying something? they stop watching, not whine like a little bitch and write a parting letter

>> No.71957963

For non-pieces of shit, RM and the vtuber are one and the same person. They shitpost under the same name, they can't "graduate". Fleshposters can fuck off tho, but at least they're not pieces of shit.

>> No.71958008

So what you're saying is she's -actually- retarded. Good to know.

>> No.71958123

>I automatically consider any vtuber that has a PL or a RM a piece of shit
as opposed to what, Neuro-sama?

>> No.71958143
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>"Eat the rich" - cries the rentseeker
You know, at least Enna is honest about being a shitty flawed person. Your oshi pretends to be good and confident (lmao).

>> No.71958191

Elon might let you fondle his balls if you subscribe to twitter blue for $8

>> No.71958277

Not an airport.

>> No.71958301

>retarded take
like pottery

>> No.71958324

Chat reflects streamer though so me liking enna means i'm as bad as her
At least the hololive illusion validates my character lol

>> No.71958327

imagine being this retarded

>> No.71958381

so you hate all vtubers? I think you should leave vt

>> No.71958687

>go to white country
>complain about it incessantly
It's so tiresome.

>> No.71958950


Dokibird HATE

>> No.71959068

tweet "crypto" and say hello to all the robots

>> No.71959220

THIS is the shit that triggers your "reeeee politicksss!!!" autism?

>> No.71959238

The problem is that she equated the dead internet theory to elon musk, not that twitter isn't filled with bots. The theory has been around long before elon bought twitter. But idk if she actually said that, OP might be full of shit.

>> No.71959388

You can literally summon bots on command if you say any combination of the words "lost my account trust wallet help with essay scammed crypto netflix 1p1u dong got hacked metamask suggar daddy need this on a shirt".

>> No.71959467

Women have smaller brains than men
They also take what the babyraping cannibals from their respective country's regime tell them at face value and 100% believe them, since they think they are not expendable like men are, and that these small oligarchies would never betray them.

>> No.71959492


>> No.71959605

I guess the point is that before that it was just a theory with little evidence to back it up so it was just treated as a joke and it wasn't very popular, and that the current state of twitter is looking like it's turning that into a reality.

>> No.71959674

I'd gladly listen to Pippa talk politics. She gives politics the reverence it deserves. (none)

>> No.71959678

I don't even want to watch a vtuber that subscribes to my own politics. Politics just makes me stressed and angry, I get enough of that at work.

>> No.71959700

Isn't dead Internet theory just Internet solipsism? You're the only real person, everything else is bots?

>> No.71959701


>> No.71959742
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>my oshi is dumb
Many such cases.

>> No.71959803
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she already said all that shit as Selen though, she's very obviously in the Tumblr crowd, her colleagues in Niji just made her look like a chud in comparison

>> No.71959811

Except loving niggers. That shit is to die for, literally. Pippa sucks, I'd rather hear no politics at all than listen to "ironic" politics and someone pretending to be a shitty person.

>> No.71959838

Haven't watched her and probably won't. Is she a retarded anti-capitalist?

>> No.71959879
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>"It's okay when doki does it"

>> No.71959945

lmao. She's not pretending to be a shitty person. If anything, engaging with politics seriously makes you a shitty person.

>> No.71959974

She's a ching chong what do you expect.

>> No.71959980

>I'd gladly listen to Pippa talk politics.
Lol no. Pippa's real political opinions are braindead.

>> No.71960017

She tweeted on her alt in support of BLM and also about respecting traniggers. She is a dogshit grifter on the same tier as Nina/Matara, but since her brownskinned fans are low info she can just coast through.

>> No.71960055

She's Canadian, what do you expect?

>> No.71960099

She also said she doesn't know anything and is completely clueless. Checks out.

>> No.71960126

She just got fucked over by an evil corporation, bots are filling the internet to the point we don't know if any info is real or generated slop, and Elon is retarded and has 2 successful companies in spite of him being there instead of because he is there. Also how is shitting on a multi billionaire politics?

>> No.71960150

>wealthy streamer
>hates wealth
Many such cases. Eat the left.

>> No.71960154

So that tweet about her being like Uki were true then.

>> No.71960168

Pippa has always called herself liberal. She can't be a grifter because she never claimed to be right wing in the first place.

>> No.71960182

I don't know about you, but I don't think I've seen Matara pretend to talk about GLOWIES and being an epic gun toting redneck type. What pippa does is shittier.

>> No.71960187

And since when did 4chan simp for billionaires, fuck the rich!

>> No.71960203

The vtubing kayfabe is all these women pretending they aren't massive libtards.

>> No.71960232

If any vtuber girl talks politics im tuning out, i already get enough of that shit every morning by listening to fucking NPR while working out. I dont want it in my vtubing.
>why do you listen to NPR if you dont like it?
Because i tried listening to conservative talk radio and that shit was schizophrenia tier, at least NPR has news and also some interesting local news shows. (Shoutout to The Florida Roundup show)

>> No.71960281

Just listen to devon stack on bitchute

>> No.71960300

Half my ads are crypto scams, the other half are fags droshipping chinese trash

>> No.71960309

>Conservatives are schizophrenic and crazy
>But I still don't want to listen to liberals

>> No.71960311

Anyone who anti's Musk is retarded.

>> No.71960312

Maybe you should get a music player and listen to some classical music instead. I think I'd fly off the highway if I had to listen to the NPR voice on every commute lol

>> No.71960361

Have you not heard of music before?

>> No.71960386

Lol retard
I can't see shit in twitter without retarded niggerfaggot bots spamming Nudes In Bio or other NFT/crypto garbage

>> No.71960392

Yeah, guy says he doesn't want conservative schizo shit so instead you recommend him the black pilled "Holy shit this is so fucking depressing and boring, it's actually making me want to blow my brains out" TRS adjacent crank shit. Nice job.

>> No.71960402

I wouldn’t mind this shit if she wasn’t obscenely wealthy. Like this basic onions-communist philosophy is typical of western e-girls, and I wouldn’t give a shit except she earns more a year than I do in a decade. It’s like if Jeff Bezos was crying about wealth inequality. If le capitalism bothers you so much turn off membership and donations.

>> No.71960449

I didn't know Doki streams were like that, how often does she talk.about politics.

>> No.71960461

I hate commies but I wish a commie revolution happened in the indian province of Canada. These wealthy streamers would be the first ones to get lined up against a wall. All the actual billionaires would flee months before they start murdering people.

>> No.71960511

Ok twatter bot
Kill yourself

Have fun with your forced twatter subscription just so Muskrat doesn't shadowban your retarded ass or filter your search bar (he does it anyway and suspends you for no reason)

>> No.71960540

>conservative talk radio is too schizo
>why dont you try bitchute instead
Anon bitchute is like schizo central, makes conservative talk radio sound progressive by comparison

>> No.71960541

>it's le boring
Not my fault that your goldfish-tier attention span can't handle an insomnia stream

>> No.71960601
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If I was a West Coast midwit who spent 2 and a half years being exploited by an evil corporation whose contracts literally stipulate that they own my means to production as a worker, yeah, I could imagine being as salty about what I would imagine capitalism to be in that position too.

>> No.71960607


>> No.71960612

Me and NPR have a love hate relationship, its all i listen to while i drive. Its been like 10 years now that i listen to NPR, i can't move, we been through too much together.

>> No.71960638

Devon stack makes fun of schizos all the time. Particularly flat earth and Qtard nonsense

>> No.71960675

Why's that? He lies way too much and he's involved in a lot of US government corruption. I wouldn't say I particularly care about him, but I don't like him either. I don't like liars.

>> No.71960699

All these years and they still haven't released how many twitter accounts are actually bots despite the request to do so
Fucking disingenuous lying people. How can we trust that these predebuts aren't paying retarded botters for views

>> No.71960724

You mean the US government that is trying to prosecute him right now?

>> No.71960758

Yeah, ironic name because it cures insomnia. You should listen to the guest show he was on, the FTN one. Another boring movie review. Also all these guys are frauds, happens every time they get doxed. Like Jazzhands being a pajeet tier horndog that's half a million dollars in debt because he spent all his cash like a nigger.

Seriously, you're better of reading a political book or two every once in a while. Instead of listening to people fleecing you for cash by feeding you a nice black pill suppository with every 2 hour show. All this garbage is about teaching you to be helpless and wait for a foreign saviour like Putin or idk Xi in the case of the Daily Stormer.

>> No.71960766

She'll make a passing joke about capitalism like once every other stream at the most.

>> No.71960786

Nta but is he an asshole? Yes, absolutely. But the guy is the only one who has genuinely pushed for space exploration and is making it a reality. At this point i dont care if he is an asshole or not, space exploration is too important a topic.

>> No.71960946

The US government isn't a monolith. Some of the people involved in the corruption who previously worked for the government literally work for Musk now lol.
Previous corruption doesn't mean the government isn't gonna come for it's pound of flesh when it doesn't like the consequences.

If only he pursued space exploration in a realistic and honest way instead of being a vapid snake oil salesman constantly hyping up poorly formed ideas that he can't deliver on.

>> No.71961023

That's drama tourists for you. Literally just discovered VTubers a month ago and started posting here for the first time too

>> No.71961148

I've watched every insomnia stream since January 2021 and he has never fleeced anyone for cash or begged for donations. If you consider shirts and hyperchats as "fleecing" then what the fuck are you doing watching vtubers

>> No.71961158

Stop being a faggot instead

>> No.71961320

>I don't care if he's an asshole
>because space
I honestly hope you fap to exploding rockets

>> No.71961364

Not much
She however thanks for sub's and donos instantly instead of doing them all at the end, so I eventually dropped her for equally annoying reasons. It's so bad, nonstop micro interruptions, I wish everyone did them all at the end

>> No.71961421

Kill yourself first, twattard

>> No.71961422

D-do you consider people who have worked previous jobs inherently bad employees??

Like holy shit this place continues to impress me with how naive and stupid it is

>> No.71961543
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You should watch Brandon Martinez instead. He's based and red pilled.

>> No.71961614

Mad the anime lady in your computer made fun of the rich pedophile who talks like Reddit circa 2012?

>> No.71961639

Dont let perfect be the enemy of good. He gets results.

>dont advance humanity because rocket man is mean online

>> No.71961707

Why the fuck would I watch this fag? Even the retard felon gypsy wasn't as bad as him

>> No.71961768

Funny that when she brought up Dead Internet theory, her mod immediately linked the wikipedia page in the chat before she even started explaining, but since her take on it is so retarded, he basically fact-checked her live, on accident lmao

>> No.71961820

I simply cannot believe that my millennial/gen z female streamer is a modern leftist

How could this have happened?

>> No.71961842

polcels are such snowflakes

>> No.71961887
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Wow, spergnat detected. Sounds like your 2IQ wignat brain can't handle the based takes of the Spaniard chad alpha king.


>> No.71962029
File: 232 KB, 1262x1035, ina kys[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxum3f2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of you ITT need to seriously reconsider what you're doing here on this board if this is what you want to talk about when instead you could talk about cute anime girls playing video games

>> No.71962050

See, if your job is to be an ad, then that makes you a piece of shit. It's not exactly rocket surgery buddy.

>> No.71962172

what the fuck is a polcel
is that another stereotype people use to argue with imaginary boogeymen?

>> No.71962206

Can't deny Elon gets things done. While others act like Riku; money doko?
Don't care which political belief, but don't enjoy getting bent over.
14 more Billion to Isreal, 76 Billion to Ukraine. While promising student aid forgiveness again, but never had the ability to do.

>> No.71962255

I consider everyone that has a job a piece of shit.

>> No.71962257

what does poland have to do with it retard? fuck off

>> No.71962261

That is literally the problem with him, he does not get results. I am not saying he is never successful, but the success of spacex is in spite of him not because of him. Other private corps doing similar things, like Blue Origin, get results with fraction of the investment because they don't spend billions chasing the white whale.

>> No.71962307

> 76 Billion to Ukraine
Based, take away Israel's 14 billion and make it 90 billion.

>> No.71962348

I wish I couldn't get results like him...

>> No.71962387

Don't say that, the Palestinians deserve as much paddling as the Russians do.

>> No.71962472

None of the girls I'm subscribed to are live so I'm here in my off time to troll retards like OP.

>> No.71962684

>this loser subs to people
Why not go and make a facebook post about it you fucking homo?

>> No.71962690

It must be in response to their $180 karaoke relay selling like absolute shit.

>> No.71962746

Concert selling so bad that they let people buy as many tickets as they want and it is still, not enough.

>> No.71962756

Vtubers that join Hololive or Nijisanji are doing that to earn money so they can make vtubing into a career. The indie vtubers that only do it occasionally to relax would never even think of signing up with a Japanese company. Doki put up with garbage management for years so is obliviously still angry with her previous employer.

>> No.71962837

Why mention facebook all of a sudden? Are you longing for the warm embrace of your Filipino facebook group?

>> No.71963470

Correct. This is why the no politics rule is so important. Cute anime girls who ree about capitalism cease being cute anime girls.

>> No.71963504

damn, are all females just inherently leftist

>> No.71963553

>she said thing
just dont bring it here, retard and if its such a problem for you just stop watching or to have a healthier life, stop thinking that you need to share all the same values with people that are there to entertain you

>> No.71963656

I don't need them to share the same values, I'd have a problem with it if they reed about communism too. The point is, I'm not the one bringing it here. This is a board about vtubers, if the vtubers can't restrain themselves from talking about politics then don't get angry when politics start becoming a topic of discussion.

>> No.71963726

>then don't get angry when politics start becoming a topic of discussion.
you are a retarded monkey

>> No.71963791

The US twittersphere believes liberals are left wing. It's refuge in audacity for politics.

>> No.71963818

They are very accepting and extremely generous with other people's money... until it starts affecting them. They are further encouraged by subhuman manginas and cucks that not only sacrifice themselves for them but even deride real men for not doing the same as them, even though they aren't worth shit because they are ran-throughs and backstabbers for the most part.
This is why women don't deserve any rights, and wars are necessary to cull the number of these dysgenic manginas and cucks.

>> No.71964032

>Elon Musk is using bots to sell twitter accounts!
>don't mind the fact that the previous administration of twitter let massive botnets operate with absolutely no regulation or oversight
smooth brained take

>> No.71964115

>yeah I almost killed a guy, but compared to mass murderers I'm pretty much an angel
Not a good defense.

>> No.71964198
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>> No.71964209

Just the ones that have a constant need to virtue signal and be constantly praised for agreeing with whatever assbackward political philosophy that privileged first worlders blather on about all the time. There's a reason Chinese people call them Baizuo.
Soldiers kill people. Deal with it.

>> No.71964438

>Takes away the left's number one tool of censorship
Yep, sounds about right.

>> No.71964588

1) Dead internet theory has nothing to do with Elon Musk
2) Elon Musk has nothing to do with the bots on Twitter

>> No.71964699

Damn, she already started? Buckle up buckaroos, from now on you're gonna watch chat and twitter try and encourage more "intellectual" takes from the Apex addict.

>> No.71964748

Correct. Bots were rampant before he took over. However he promised to fight the bot epidemic and never surrender to it. This he hasnt delivered on yet.

>> No.71965056

I'd argue he's made it worse since Twitter bots are more visible now due to his policies.

>> No.71965200
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Pussy in bio

>> No.71965467

Elon Musk has everything to do with monetized tweets. That's what started that whole tangent, and it was mostly about account sellers. OP is a faggot.

>> No.71965642
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>> No.71965704

The bot problem has never been worse than it is now especially after he monetized tweets.

>> No.71966781

>Takes away
What takes away? The only thing that site is taking away are people's IQ and sanity
Censorship is still at an all time high, especially with new restrictions affecting JP artists and accounts that have done nothing wrong. It's even shittier than before.

>Soldiers kill people. Deal with it.
Yeah I bet you'd defend them when they kill innocent civilians too, especially your family.

>> No.71966913

Censoring is not at an all time high. That's disingenuous. However I would agree that its still higher than a decade plus ago which is still too much

>> No.71966967

>put new irreversible policies in place
>not an all time high

>> No.71967064

You really don't. He will spend the rest of his days fighting legal issues from all sides, he scammed too many people.

>> No.71967065

Hey bro we're not paying X just to get our accounts not Shadowbanned
Twitter's literally blackmailing people to get checkmarks just for people to see you

>> No.71967208

Bro, no one is even close to doing what his company is doing. Hes an asshole yes but that doesn't mran his company is not doing amazing things

>> No.71967251

>Censoring is not at an all time high
I fail to see this when accounts that have done nothing wrong get suspended for no reason. And especially when those accounts have survived almost a decade or longer.

>> No.71967318

this, and yet the bots still run rampant and muskrat does nothing about it but silently encourage it since it brings him money
he's not a different crook from the former management, in fact he's worse

>> No.71967485

She should play Yakuza 0

>> No.71968288

>eat the rich
>is rich
>"but I'm only a hecking wholesome millionaire"
I kinda want the commie revolution to happen just to see how shocked these people would be when they are the first to be sent to the killing fields

>> No.71968313

There's no substance to any of your claims. As I said its still bad but its not as bad as the all time high (Covid era)

>> No.71968433

Retard we could link you thousands of suspended JP artists, but no, even a retard can do that
Stop lying in front of our faces and fuck off X bootlicking shill

>> No.71968539

Shadowbans literally exist only to oppress and censor people, meanwhile dramaniggers don't get shadowbanned because they've got a checkmark on. And bots use them to promote their garbage.

>> No.71968556

But most chuubas have PL/RM accounts, get off this board faggot. Stick to wumao like the rest of your sisterhood.

>> No.71968768

You have no idea what shadowbans are. Checkmarks showing up higher up in threads doesnt make the other comments shadowbanned, they still exist. Shadowban would be something like a comment showing up in the comment counter on a post but noone can actually see it (because the account is shadowbanned)
>It cant be just bad, it has to be the worst ever because I say so or you are a shill
Disingenuous retard, learn to think critically

>> No.71968780

kill yourself

>> No.71968858

>doesnt make the other comments shadowbanned
Tf you on about now. Blatantly lying and putting words in people's mouths now? He never said that at all
Fuck off and off yourself X shill.

>> No.71969033

i couldn't imagine any value for a life of someone unironically shilling for twatter bots
someone should dox and slit twitter niggers throats like yours

>> No.71969163

>X shill
Who would shill X anyway. Dude wanted twitter for the base for his own wechat. And only went with that when they threatened to sue him after he changed his mind.

>> No.71969240

none of these retards watch streams
especially not OP, or he'd realize that doki mainly just yells at games and rants about things like pandas not fucking each other

>> No.71969263

nobody cares, kill yourself

>> No.71969308

I wanna see a clip LMAO, everytime I see this "capitalism, eat the rich" is always the most onions malnourished faggot, or a fat whale that was never liked, kek.

>> No.71969464

>I wanna see a clip
unfortunately for you, OP was completely making shit up

>> No.71969465

For some reason you did, must be tough living as nobody

>> No.71969532

nobody cares, kill yourself

>> No.71969568

>Yeah I bet you'd defend them when they kill innocent civilians too, especially your family.
No I would kill them. That's the difference between people like you and people like me: You bitch and cry. I pull the trigger.

>> No.71969590
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She's bitching about company jewery the same way anyone does, she's just coopting buzzword used by actual anti-cap retards to summarize it because they're loud and obnoxious. That's why she puts on a voice when she says it, she's mocking them. You're as bad as politicspergs if you let the words and not the context filter you.

>> No.71969604

If "nobody" really did care, that nobody would've put a bullet in your head right now, whether you're a seanigger or a mutt

>> No.71969817

>very little evidence

>> No.71970003

Elon musk being bad doesn’t make twitter before him suddenly good

>> No.71970315

>I automatically consider any vtuber that has a PL or a RM a piece of shit
So literally 99% of vtubers? Retarded Nijinig

>> No.71970314
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The AUDACITY!!!! To make money in this world??
The ONE I currently reside?!?!?!?
Next thing you gonna tell me she also wants to eat food to survive?!?!?!
Augh, How Dare She!
Unlike all of you, I only watch streamers that rarely stream, so I know for sure that he is not a greedy slimy person but only here for me!

>> No.71970395

OP is a retard

>> No.71970560



suck my dick

>> No.71970658

Well doki is fat, or at least used to be.

>> No.71970679

well if anyone knows anything about eating it's definitely her

>> No.71970730

I’m not rich but I hope Doki eats me

>> No.71970793

>I projected my /pol/tard cringe onto someone else and now they've expressed an independent opinion!?!?!

>> No.71970811

found another one lol


Thank God for the transcript feature, makes it even easier and faster to dunk on lying faggots like you

>> No.71970845

>Unable to use your brains still
I already conceded that its bad but no matter how much you cunts cope it will not make you right in the claim that censorship is at an all time high or that shadowbanning is rampant

>> No.71970883

>joking along the "Supacha" in game joke
Do Nijinigs REALLY?

>> No.71970885

>I automatically consider any vtuber that has a PL or a RM a piece of shit
Sis, your newfag is showing.

>> No.71970914

Nijinogs are retarded, what else is new?.

>> No.71970922
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>> No.71970990


>> No.71971076

>It's only a joke, bro
aaaaand we've finally reached the end of the argument. Thank you for admitting defeat, have a nice day.

>> No.71971103

>I hate every vtuber
Then why are you here, retard?

>> No.71971117

I'm going to bet your favourite film is 'The Big Labowski', faggot.
You are a living example of 'panem et circenses'.

>Juvenal originally used it to decry the "selfishness" of common people and their neglect of wider concerns.[2][3][4] The phrase implies a population's erosion or ignorance of civic duty as a priority.

>> No.71971132

>retard have no context
Nijinigs are literally sub humans lmao

>> No.71971166
File: 25 KB, 433x380, 1687539784303813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the young people being commies?

>> No.71971182

>independent opinion
>parrots the most popular and astroturfed opinion that damaging property, killing other people, and buying mansions to the sheboon leaders of the grift movement is fine
Mudface retard that doesn't know his father detected

>> No.71971189

>shoving obvious issues under the rug
Twitter shills aren't sending their best

>> No.71971223

Allowing and abiding PL/RM is PEAK woman behaviour.
No different to 'my body my rights' shit.

>> No.71971250

Amerimutts brainwashed an entire generation.
I wish they get nuked into oblivion along with China.

>> No.71971263

kill yourself niggerfaggot

>> No.71971283

So... all the vtubers? You need to go back then and find another hobby lmao

>> No.71971288

They don't do their history, economic, or basic logic reps, but that's fine since mortality for young people (specially women) is rising, let's just hope more of them keep dropping dead since they deserve it

>> No.71971290

Yep. Because leftism is a degenerate form of Christianity.

Women define morality solely as whatever benefits them.
Exempli gratia:
Does it benefit them?
Yes? Banning it is immoral (abortion et cetera).
No? Banning it is not immoral (executions of gangsters et cetera).

>> No.71971339

Prove that it's all.
Most? Yeah, and I do hate most of them. But prove that it's all.

>> No.71971342

You basically can’t get into a company without having a PL or RM because you’d have no streaming experience to put on a resume

>> No.71971343


>> No.71971355

I'm not commenting what she thinks I'm commenting on you actually feeling betrayal because someone doesn't think exactly like yourself. It's retarded and delusional.

>> No.71971409

Literally all of them have previous life accounts? are you a newfag larping?

>> No.71971419

Read the actual conversation from the start
Your poor composure reeks of swarthy complexity

>> No.71971452

Look at this newfag, go back to your shithole.

>> No.71971471

>Read the gaslighting from the start
No thanks sister, we've already done that

>> No.71971488

They don't really understand how complicated society is.
When I was a child I asked my father what communism is and I wondered 'why is that a bad thing'.

Now, of course, I realise why it's a bad thing:
at least, foresaw what was going to happen: "Modern socialism tends to create a form of secular
Jesuitism, to make instruments of all men"; and again: "What we desire is well-being. ... As a result we
march toward a spiritual slavery such as has never been seen. . . . Intellectual Caesarism hovers over
every activity of the businessman and the philosopher." Placed in the crucible of Nietzschean philosophy,
rebellion, in the intoxication of freedom, ends in biological or historical Caesarism. The absolute negative had driven Stirner to deify crime simultaneously with the individual. But the absolute affirmative leads to
universalizing murder and mankind simultaneously. Marxism-Leninism has really accepted the burden
of Nietzsche's freewill by means of ignoring several Nietzschean virtues. The great rebel thus creates with
his own hands, and for his own imprisonment, the implacable reign of necessity. Once he had escaped
from God's prison, his first care was to construct the prison of history and of reason, thus putting the
finishing touch to the camouflage and consecration of the nihilism whose conquest he claimed'.

>> No.71971557

The meaning was obviously a continued use of another account whilst in the midst of having a vtuber account.

You said all.

>> No.71971593

>You said all.
Yes? are you retarded?

>> No.71971610
File: 169 KB, 500x376, Argument-triangle-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman argument.

>> No.71971623

Your poor reasoning and obvious lying reeks of kikery

Don't think we'll just let you get away with your lies. >>71968768

>> No.71971665

The meaning was obviously a continued use of another account whilst in the midst of having a vtuber account.
Are you retarded?

>> No.71971726
File: 419 KB, 575x706, 1691158668108202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worshipping musk when he's literally just a retarded grifter
Not a good look, sister.
Also, weren't lefties supposed to be the snowflakes? Funny how easily triggered you are by something as innocuous as just saying "capitalism" when she's being greedy in a game where you're supposed to be greedy.

>> No.71971745

So... every vtuber that have a past life? They all have an account, are you retarded?

>> No.71971750

>tranny projecting
>tranny wants people to spoonfeed him

>> No.71971825

comrade doki is invited to the cookout

>> No.71971936

fuck off and hang yourself niggerfaggot shill

>> No.71971963

Yeah yeah, I forgot what PL stood for.
'A trap is for fish: when you've got the fish, you can forget the trap. A snare is for rabbits: when you've got the rabbit, you can forget the snare. Words are for meaning: when you've got the meaning, you can forget the words. Where can I find someone who's forgotten words so I can have a word with him?'

Now, you know what I mean.

>> No.71971974

Nice try, sister

>> No.71972043

>arguing in favour of restricting women's liberties
>'you must be a woman!'
lol, women really are pathetic at arguments, gotta lie and obfuscate to win.

>> No.71972090
File: 835 KB, 149x181, 1699991289179518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijifag refute with unironic deep quotes
lmao? Woman behavior

>> No.71972127

>tranny newfag still doesn't get it

>> No.71972143

You can tell who's a had a gf in this thread. You learn to let the dumb shit she says slide because who cares. And even if you're RW, fuck the rich they're a bunch of tiny hats.

>> No.71972174


Every time I give a chink a chance, they prove they are still a dust-eating commie bug at heart. Fucking dropped.

>> No.71972202

Unlike master morality, which is sentiment, slave morality is based on ressentiment—devaluing what the master values and what the slave does not have.

>> No.71972254

'women really are pathetic at arguments, gotta lie and obfuscate to win'.

>> No.71972281
File: 11 KB, 232x217, 1680805517620009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello fellow White Supremacists, let me shill you Twitter!

>> No.71972312


>> No.71972376

I wasn't the person who made the original comment; I just especially hate almost literal TWO-FACED women (id est: women using two accounts).

>> No.71972471

>hates two-faced women
>watches vtubers

>> No.71972506

You don't let a woman get away with having retarded opinions unless she's actively giving you pussy you dumb little cuck.

The last thing we need is her influencing her turbo autist audience into becoming a bunch of insufferable tankies, more than they already are. That shit is going to spill over.

>> No.71972513

>he is on the vtuber board

>> No.71972535
File: 74 KB, 663x885, a9f6fb46ddc3fbd3efcd7572ab478b6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71972552

Are you one of those people who goes to a board he hates just to get mad? kek

>> No.71972606

Okay sister

>> No.71972642

>ESL can't understand the nuance of my words
The internet needs borders, I'm sick of thirdies and their low-IQs.

>> No.71972717

>He gets mad at vtubers
>is on the vtuber board
Based retard

>> No.71972780


>> No.71972857

Oh, it's you again. Adopt a trip already so I can filter you.

>> No.71972912

I get mad at normalfags who get into vtubers, yes. Is that most of them? Then I hate most of them, as I have already said. But if you say it's all of them, I ask for proof.

Thirdie is too retarded to understand this obvious concept, since all thirdies are subhuman scum.

>> No.71972934

It reminds of anti-gachafags going to... gacha generals on /vg/, absolute fucking retards
At least they have mods there to kill them on sight

>> No.71972970

>I wish you had a username so I could block you
PEAK plebbit behaviour.
Get the fuck out faggot.

>> No.71973001

That started happening on YouTube at the exact same time, or did you conveniently not notice all the butt pfo accounts with their ChatGPT comments?
Anons that pretend twitter got worse are troons buttmad because we are allowed to post ACK now without being banned.

>> No.71973017

>Yeah I hate every vtuber with 2 accounts!
>>>> literally every vtuber has one
Retarded newfag subhuman should go back to plebbit and lurk more.

>> No.71973069

Reading comprehension definitely is at an all time low however

>> No.71973141

How do we educate glowies to learn how to read better? The control the narrative program they employ are backfiring on them

>> No.71973207

Says the retard who spams 2deep4you quotes every post while avatarfagging with the same 3 images.

>> No.71973250

>Anons that pretend twitter got worse are troons buttmad because we are allowed to post ACK now without being banned.
Lefty modus operandi has always been to lie, assuming the general public will be too lazy to check themselves.

'These are the Grand Inquisitors [communists] who imprison Christ and come to tell Him that His method is not correct, that universal happiness cannot be achieved by the immediate freedom of choosing between good and evil, but by the domination and unification of the world. The first step is to conquer and rule. The kingdom of heaven will, in fact, appear on earth, but it will be ruled over by men — a mere handful to begin with, who will be the Caesars, because they were the first to understand — and later, with time, by all men. The unity of all creation will be achieved by every possible means, since everything is permitted. The Grand Inquisitor is old and tired, for the knowledge he possesses is bitter. He knows that men are lazy rather than cowardly and that they prefer peace and death to the liberty of discerning between good and evil. He has pity, a cold pity, for the silent prisoner whom history endlessly deceives. He urges him to speak, to recognize his misdeeds, and, in one sense, to approve the actions of the Inquisitors and of the Caesars. But the prisoner does not speak. The enterprise will continue, therefore, without him: he will be killed'.

>> No.71973305

>literally every
'The burden of proof lies with someone who is making a claim, and is not upon anyone else to disprove'.

>> No.71973332

Some shit is supposed to be read between the lines. You know, "the meaning behind the words".

>> No.71973403

>The control the narrative program they employ are backfiring on them
Look at how ESL this sentence is.

>> No.71973427

you forgot to post that girl with the glasses and the baseball cap

>> No.71973451

I mean if you're shilling for Twitter you're already guaranteed to be a retard, no wonder the glowie shills here are all retarded. Nobody in their sane mind would ever do that.

>> No.71973493

>asking for doxx
Kys Nijinig

>> No.71973504
File: 219 KB, 1251x1415, 1652718355443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right.

>> No.71973517
File: 4 KB, 859x1002, IMG_3138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.71973518

>Focus on the "ESL sentence" bro and ignore the fact that WE glowies are coping really hard

>> No.71973521

1. I don't watch YouTube videos to read the comments
2. Those bots aren't paying YouTube to get pinned underneath every video

>> No.71973536


>> No.71973562

>I can't prove it bro but you just have to believe me bro
baka desu senpai

>> No.71973575

Jesus fucking christ, just kill yourself already.

>> No.71973654

>literally every known vtuber gets doxxed by schizos a week before debut
Warosu and palanq are there or you are incapable of doing that, r*dditnigger?.

>> No.71973731

I don't look up doxx shit because I ain't a normalfag.

'There is no virtue in curiosity. In fact, it might be the most immoral desire a man can possess'.
- 仮面の告白

>literally every

>> No.71973808

Its funny how all it takes to be called a Fed and a Shill is to say that you think "subject of discussion" is bad but not the worst its ever been

>> No.71973814
File: 272 KB, 640x772, 1669224169630247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me.
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but maybe knowing you live in poverty brings me more amusement.

>> No.71973823

>asking for other account
>"its not doxx"
Off yourself subhuman.

>> No.71973829

Wow, who would have guessed the woman notorious for starting a hate campaign against her old company after she was fired for not following rules was a seething communist. All the other commies just want to own the "heckin evil corpo" so now they're supporting her to stick it to "big chubba". I fucking hate communists

>> No.71973837

>ITT: schizo asking for doxx

>> No.71973932

It's a cheap way for retards to shut down an argument without actually discussing it. It's a 'ad hominem'.

>> No.71973980

Non sequitur.

>> No.71974023

Doesn't matter, the point is that the bot problem has nothing to do with musk or twitter, it's an internet-wide problem at the moment. At least on twitter they are almost immediately hidden by the OP.
The only reason to try and make it an Adolf Musk thing is if you have a particular bone to pick...

Too much chud content now, huh?

>> No.71974044
File: 228 KB, 512x512, 1669296056118033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> knowing you live in poverty brings me more amusement.
>post a Holol

>> No.71974103
File: 1.96 MB, 640x360, 1651866179644(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a thirdie
>supports Russia
Yep, it all checks out.

>> No.71974110

Yep. Shows a lack of nuanced and/or critical thinking. Glad those cunts are spending their time getting mad in the catalogue instead of impacting anything serious in society

>> No.71974117

You keep using these words yet you clearly don't know what they mean, then you deflect with >woman argument when called out. What are you even trying to say? I assume you mean you dislike vtubers who show their faces, but instead of clarifying you're just flinging shit like the monkey you are.

>> No.71974159

>yesterday a grifting bird
>today a seething commie
do sisters really
I guess that stream disproved the "dying numbers" narration a bit too hard

>> No.71974185 [DELETED] 

>is a tranny
>support NATO
>leh nazi flag
Is the Hitler was alive he would gas all those larpers lmao

>> No.71974239

yeah, and not enough porn

>> No.71974272

Nigga, you got chased out of /MANS/ for posting your shitty quotes. Fucking /MANS/isters told you to fuck off. If there's anyone bringing amusement, it's you.

>> No.71974337

The fuck is that?
Regardless, I don't really care what Slaves think of me. A thousand rats is not equal to one human.

>> No.71974365

Just when I thought Doki couldn't get any more based.

Cope and seethe, chuds

>> No.71974390

She's streaming right now to less than 5k and commies are the biggest grifters online, they talk about how evil capitalism is and profit off it like Hasan. Strangely enough, Sayu is a big fan of Hasan. Communists need to be eradicated

>> No.71974398

All you've shown is that you say blatant lies and gaslight people. Not even worth engaging, so well deserved your bullshit gets shut down. You're like a retard who keeps harping that 1+1=69

>> No.71974462

>feigning ignorance

>> No.71974464

>they talk about how evil capitalism is and profit off it like Hasan.
Based Nijinig outing himself

>> No.71974496

Nice try, you did the same shit calling people ESL, but people against you actually had substance and you don't
Nobody willingly shills for twitter but glowies and retards, and you seem to be a bit of both

>> No.71974501

Nice fan fic, sister.

>> No.71974576

she's always been a retarded spoiled zoomer with mouthbreather twittard takes

>> No.71974577

Considering she's a hasanabi head, the commie part seems believable.

>> No.71974657

No idea what's happening in this thread, but it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.71974674

>Pot calling the kettle a nigger
And what of you, you get paid to shill twitter here? Sounds like you're admitting you're a glownigger who should be shot to death

>> No.71974754

To this very day I do not understand how the fuck does that retard have an audience.

>> No.71974777

She's a Twitch streamer who's got clout, of course she's gonna have those opinions. You need to bow before Caliph Hassan to get any relevance or favor.

>> No.71974798

How's things looking for jewkraine right now? Not so bright. Everyone is busy sucking jewish cock to pay attention to a pathetic country that forces it's disabled and women to fight.

>> No.71974908

She wouldn't have gotten nearly as much support as she did without the chud vote. Now that the numbers are drying up, and her far leftism is starting to show, she's gonna have a hard time justifying all that investment in the payroll. Who knows, she might need another attempt to get some more sympathy bucks....an attempt... lmao.

>> No.71974914

When they drop the guillotine on you, do you think you'll be able to burp your name before you lose consciousness?

>> No.71974960

>eat the rich
Does she not realize that she's rich?

>> No.71974988


Did you read >>71974390 and see the words Hasan and Doki together? Holy fuck Sisters are deceitful illiterate.

>> No.71975030

She still lives with her parents, anon

>> No.71975072

Its blatantly worse now though, at least half those checkmark accounts are obvious bots

>> No.71975119

>Nijinigger headcanon

>> No.71975123

>the nijisisters are actually nijipol

>> No.71975155

Trump is gonna win on November, and now that you don't have your narrative machine at your disposal, you can't do nothing to stop it.

>> No.71975156

Communism has already lost. It's already been beaten down after the US won the cold war and now only dumb Zoomers online buy into that shit as they give all their evil money to more famous communists so they can continue to grift. Your guillotine is an illusion you'll have to hold onto until you die

>> No.71975176

>Streaming to less than 5000
I'll take Debuff Hours for 100 alex, Also tell me the last time a EN organ got 5k on a regular ass gaming stream that wasn't some branch wide off collab, I'll wait

>> No.71975212

>Shows a lack of nuanced and/or critical thinking.
but enough about yourself
too obvious you're projecting bruh

>> No.71975218

>half of verified users are le Russian bots
Post any evidence at all you seething troon

>> No.71975288

Her money has been made, so it no longer matters. When you become as big of a streamer as Doki, the only thing you want anymore is clout. Fuck the money, fuck the fans, the real prize is networking with bigger and bigger people so you have a security net and can do whatever you want. So long as she doesn't do some Vaush level shit, Doki will be fine because breadtube will support her when the chuds leave (so long as she tows the line)

>> No.71975291

>Commies lost
>most of Europe and America are under leftoid control
Least unaware brainwashed retard

>> No.71975335

The Nijisister rrats were right in assuming she could only hold around 5k without drama buffs. 6 PM EST and 3 PM PST are not debuff hours in any way shape or form

>> No.71975356

>t.sister who never watcher Selen/Doki

>> No.71975389

That guy unironically sounds like a massive retard kek
It's funny how he tries so hard and yet fails at shilling

Whoever hired him needs to slit his throat for being an obvious failure

>> No.71975426

Are you in this video?

>> No.71975468

She started at fucking 1pm PST not 3 and It would have been noon but amerifatts still run on daylightsavings time for some stupid reason, Those are basically EU hours and have always been weak AND it's a fucking debuff game with an annoying ass collab partner, going (OHH SHE HAS 5K NOW SO NOW ALL HER STREAMS WILL BE 5K OR LESS KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKEK) is just retarded

>> No.71975477

The farthest left politician in the USA is considered right wing in other countries and nearly all of Europe has adopted a capitalist economy with capitalist policies. Commies have lost and now the only commies left are delusional wannabes standing on a soapbox.

>> No.71975574 [DELETED] 

>>t.mindbroken by businessmen
Nigger, she doesn't care about you anymore because you don't have fame or influence.

>> No.71975581

>whites are being replaced
>gender and racial shit getting pushed everywhere
>you get cancelled for having the "wrong opinion"
Yeah, nice (((capitalism))) you have there.

>> No.71975593

5k is still better than any NijiEN streamer will ever get again for a non outfit/model/3d Reveal or some big offcollab KEK, Not to mention somebody always gives like 50 to 200 memberships a stream on top of supas that ennacucks can only dream of

>> No.71975636

Sure sister!
You already outed yourself, remember that your company EN branch is falling apart while you are here seething about the "traitor" lmao

>> No.71975648

NDF cucks will literally throw any and all contradictory insults at this one bird because of how much they seethe when they think about their dead branch and it will never stop being funny

>> No.71975840

Capitalism has nothing to do with progressive bullshit and neither does communist since those faggots would have been hung in the Soviet Union.

>> No.71975954

How does that change the fact that the sisters were right and the majority of Doki's audience were just dramafags that leave when the drama well is dry?

>> No.71976073

Because they aren't?, She was averaging 2k-3k in niji and this is a debuff game at debuff hours, She averages 7-12k depending on the stream at her regular fucking hours, and dips to 5-6k when most of her audience is either at work or school at the moment

>> No.71976124

>Why can't they shut up about politics
>Talks about politics in thread
lot of retards in here

>> No.71976127

That would imply her being at 2k on peak hours with a good game.
Guess you sisters will cry again when she gets +9k on the other streams.
Funnily enough, this thread is a Nijinig seething at her for having good numbers on the Holocure stream.

>> No.71976203

>sisters where right
>check her streams
>all of them with healthy viewership

>> No.71976213

I was willing to put my Unichud proclivities aside to watch a male collaber, that's how far I was willing to go to burn down niji (and I was enjoying watching her, she's been pretty funny so far), but she had to pull leftism out of her ass, fuck....

>> No.71976212

For the last fucking time you insufferable inbred troglodytes it's been WELL over a month since she has said a single god damn thing relating to the termination, You wanna talk about dramafags go shit on sayu or matara or kuro or their new fucktoy quinn who've made "niji sucks it was so horrible man i can't believe they treated me like that" their whole god damn personality

>> No.71976273

>Debuff hours
>Middle of the afternoon
Debuff hours are in the morning, someone not streaming at night doesn't mean it's a debuff time, you retard. Everyone is out of work or school and eating lunch at this time
>Debuff game
>GOTY co-op game with a collab partner
Dokifags continue seething and getting BTFO'D.

>> No.71976321

You all just got (You) Farmed you fucking morons can't stop falling for god damn bait if your lives depended on it

>> No.71976344

>GOTY co-op game with a collab partner
Based braindead retard, I bet this faggot likes Tendie shit lmao

>> No.71976414

>n-not a debuff game
A wait out is the one you are thinking.

>> No.71976435

The closer it gets to her normal hours the more she will incline simple as that, And frankly It Takes Two is just fucking trash, No where near as good as A Way Out in terms of either writing or gameplay, If i wanted to see shit like this i'd rewatch fuwamoco's Cookie and Cream playthrough

>> No.71976494

In the next socialist state, they'll be the ones standing side by side with their cishet comrades pulling the gallows levers on you chuds.

>> No.71976516

>but she had to pull leftism out of her ass, fuck....
>a single joke for a augment in the game
>less than 3 segs, not even a full tangent

>> No.71976628

>Doki: "Finally, I get to play Holocure now that I'm not in Niji anymore ( they wouldn't let me play the game). I was always a big fan of Hololive and now I'm free from my shackles"
>Grifts views from dramafags and Holonigs
>A day later has her views get cut down to a fourth of what she had on the Holocure stream

I sure do wonder where the views went.

>> No.71976682

This nigga thinks she read the Commie manifesto on stream lmao

>> No.71976691

She made a joke about capitalism is almost every single stream I've watched of her, eat the rich was just the most recent, and already said it twice. inb4 she will say trans rights and BLM, screencap the fuck out of this.

>> No.71976755

>Grifts views from dramafags and Holonigs
Nijinig, don't use words you don't know
>I sure do wonder where the views went.
No one is gonna watch that kusoge, if this were Halo or an actual good game things would be normal

>> No.71976874

Man she never said or alluded to any of that shit you quoted her as saying.. Methinks you're just a shit eating retard who doesn't even watch her.. also she streamed at her regular times and not EU cuck hours with her annoying bitch of a "friend" gumiHOE who legitimately is ear grating to listen to, And why would holochads watch doki when there were ACTUAL holo streams going on that day, God you fucks are just pathetic in your seethe

>> No.71976892

>inb4 she will say trans rights and BLM, screencap the fuck out of this.
Based retard, this is Doki not Enna
>he is mad at jokes about Capitalism
Its not like she is doing it constantly, I think you are just larping

>> No.71976937

>Ennacuck projecting

>> No.71977029

That is one of the quotes I use, but I've never been to that website. It seems to be one of those doxx sites you mentioned.
As I said, I detest doxx shit as subhuman behaviour.

'There is no virtue in curiosity. In fact, it might be the most immoral desire a man can possess'.
- 仮面の告白

>> No.71977169

I guess her tweeting about "finally getting" to play Holocure and her hyping up Holofes was an illusion . The middle of the afternoon aren't debuff times by any stretch of the imagination and if you wouldn't watch her if there are Hololive streams going on, you're just proving you're a Holonig that was only there for Holocure or to tear down Niji. The Nijisisters just keep getting it right

>> No.71977208

I didn't know who this was since she didn't have her hat on.

>> No.71977271

>>doxx sites
>le 2012 """"oldfag""""
>doesn't know about warosu or other foolfuuka archivers

>> No.71977371

Based Reimu.

>> No.71977379

>Nijinig writing on 3er person

>> No.71977397

No, I don't follow your stupid nerd shit.
I just watch anime and post on 4chan. Anything more is for losers. Archives go against the ethos of channel culture.

>> No.71977546

So not on stream
>Hyping up holofes
NotPomu was doing that too, It's a good show and better than anything your shit eating company can pull out of it's ass
>the middle of the afternoon aren't debuff times
They are historically debuff hours by vtuber standards, Fuwamoco will get fucking 2k on their sunday streams at 1pm where they'd get 6-10k at their normal 6pm times as an example
>And if you wouldn't watch her if there are hololive streams going on
That means i am just a casual viewer and not a dragoon, Yep you caught me!

>> No.71977682

>outs himself as a tourist
You are free to go back to plebbit

>> No.71978217
File: 368 KB, 1280x1728, 1681673699960009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is NOT using other websites tourist? YOU prove you're a tourist by using them. I only use 4chan. Nothing else. Simple as.

You're also quite obsessed with me personally lol. I'm proud my existence is so strong it transcends anonimity. I am Ubermensch after all; my presence irritates the Untermensch.

>> No.71978401

>newfag larping as an oldfag

>> No.71978593

If I pick a random vod of hers and watch the whole thing, how much of this will I actually see?

>> No.71978699

I tried watching her for a bit (when she was in Niji) and it came up after about 3 streams.

>> No.71978736

> I only use 4chan
Get some help. It's never too late.

>> No.71978895

From 3 to 8 seconds on the entire VOD.
Sometimes 0 mentions. Only Nijinigs trying to make a joke to pass as a yab.

>> No.71979128

>white are refusing to have children, so they can have a longer extended childhood
>white luxury beliefs are somehow the fault of da Joos
>pretending the right wing never cancelled people back in the day
God I hate political zoomers so much, you're like commies but less intelligent.

>> No.71979480


>> No.71979520

>enter Goldstein

>> No.71979821

>it's da joos fault I prefer marvel movies to having children

>> No.71979864

Acting as if tweeting doesn't bring in viewers. NotPomu isn't streaming , is notorious for being the queen of "totally owning le heckin evil corpo", and isn't saying anything about not being allowed to play Holocure in Niji.
>Fuwamoco will get fucking 2k on their sunday streams at 1pm where they'd get 6-10k at their normal 6pm times as an example
>Fuwamoco doesn't get views on a day where school is out and barely anyone works because it's the afternoon. They usually get more views on 6PM which is still the afternoon
Holy retard. Is being a "casual viewer" code for being a dramafag?

>> No.71979966

>>>>> this is why I will bring 6 gorrilion inmigrants
Good goy, I hope you get cultural enrichment so you can be happy before they stab you.

>> No.71980006

>Chuds still watch cape shit
Ok commie

>> No.71980170

I think maybe just lighten up

>> No.71980629

Doesn't matter if they do or not, enough white prefer marvel movies to having families, that there's a population decline
And who are the ones making this decision? Hint: who follows stupid fashion trends that come back to haunt them

>> No.71980782

>he thinks jews are white

>> No.71980858

>he thinks women make rational decisions

>> No.71980962

Yes, I'm sure it's the right leaning whites that are the cause of the population decline, not the left leaning niggers and faggots that are pushed by their own party to castrate themselves and to kill their babies still in the womb.
