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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 285 KB, 498x498, Takanashi_Kiara_Portrait(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
72070176 No.72070176 [Reply] [Original]

Why did she do it?

>> No.72070248


>> No.72071395

Probably just didn't know.

>> No.72071640


>> No.72072044

Kiara's self-esteem is so low that she'll take validation from anyone.
Yes, anyone. Even the "clique".
But I trust that she's not dumb enough to take it any further. At least, I hope not, for her sake.

>> No.72072046

People have real lives out of /vt conspiracy theories.

Life is more complicated than black and white, and not all people are skizos that wish the death of people over drama.

>> No.72072835

im out of the loop

>> No.72072879


>> No.72073001

She knows something we don't.

>> No.72073040

for real what did she do

>> No.72073106

She wants to "start over" in Nijisanji, so she's getting close to active members since Pomu left.

>> No.72073176

>moving to n*j*
Kiara's dumb, but not THAT dumb.

>> No.72073198

kiarasanji should graduate

>> No.72073280

she is an envious, petty bitch; it isn't anymore complicated than that.

>> No.72073521

Because she can tell Selen is a liar

>> No.72073579

she needs the attention to stay relevant

>> No.72073583


>> No.72073774

She's an impulsive, emotional doofus who's flighty and easily flattered.

>> No.72074206

Hi Enna

>> No.72074472

Because she a retard so forgive her. Please please let this be the actual reason....

>> No.72074666
File: 318 KB, 626x417, takalouette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijisanji and hololive has been collabing since 2020 bros, this is just a normality by now and its enna. enna is not a male vtuber, she poses no threat to your gf kiara. enna is also a successful vtuber and kiara are also successful, two successful vtubers of the same gender befriending each other is a good thing.

>> No.72074784

Fuck off NDF

>> No.72074871
File: 85 KB, 463x453, 1710255866358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All out war? Tbh pomu probably grabbed her phone to stir the catalog after wawa passed out from being fingerblasted for hours

>> No.72074995

Anyone planning on explaining what the fuck it was she actually did?

>> No.72075017

Shut your whore mouth Nijisister

>> No.72075144

No mercy.

>> No.72075212
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x1024, 1710399498165828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>successful vtuber
>gets mogged by a piece of paper
lmao even

>> No.72076698

Probably complimented her teeth and her nose so Enna is the best person in the world to her right now.

>> No.72077299

she raped me

>> No.72077314
File: 302 KB, 960x1614, Do you like Doki and Sayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.72077668


>> No.72078031

oh fuck no
kiara, please, this is too low even for you

>> No.72078271

this is the most likely explanation

>> No.72078353

Irys clique slowly winning

>> No.72078582

you faggots are still acting like lighting your money on fire for nothing to virtue signal is somehow some kind of mogging? the only thing it shows is how fucking stupid you are

>> No.72078667

she's breaking bad

>> No.72078833

Because everyone that even has the slightest clue about what's happening behind the scenes knows that Sayu and Doki are menhera grifters that launched a smear campaign against Nijisanji?

>> No.72079117


Braindead mongoloid retards who HATE hololive desperately clinging onto Grifterbird (Enna) Sucking off kiara's clit and glazing her with ego stroking as a sign that kiara will burn her career to the ground for their dying black company and retarded clique LEL

>> No.72079183

I sincerely doubt you believe this lmao

>> No.72079206
File: 49 KB, 537x130, 1711159538278092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let this baitthread distract you from the fact that rosemi's 3d was a failure that BARELY averaged 5view and had less than HALF the supas of petra's 3d

>> No.72079266
File: 25 KB, 1355x573, Screenshot 2024-03-22 195934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also it got copyright struck by sony too.. goodbye wilted wose

>> No.72079516

once a WHORE always a WHORE

>> No.72079594

>offtopic numbermonkeys
do KFP really?

>> No.72079688

This image got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.72079816 [DELETED] 

It is pretty on topic cause all of this nothingburger bullshit about kiara killing her career for inbred retards like enna millie and elira are DELIBERATELY done as doxxsite brigades by pagpag SEAsters who get paid in giftcards

>> No.72079858

numbers are never on topic, there are better ways to fight than joining the people you hate.

>> No.72080143

All is fair in this shitflinging frenzy of a dramathread

>> No.72082952

birds of the same feather flock together

>> No.72083025

pretty much this, kiara's a bimbo whose brain thinks

people i like socializing with = good person

>> No.72083075

Self-hate, insecurities, lack of a father figure, etc.

>> No.72085474

You’re too sane for the catalog.

>> No.72085736

To make you seethe.

>> No.72086530

idk why does any woman moment happen?

>> No.72086732

The 'she didn't know' shit is absolutely retarded. Niji shit has blown up in the EN vtuber sphere as a whole and there's no way someone who is a large player (yes, even as low numbers Holo she is) wouldn't know what replying to someone who is heavily under fire right now would do for her 'optics'. It was stupid and gained her nothing but possible shitposting like you're seeing here or if you want to dig into the replies to her reply, it's filled with people from her community asking 'Why?' and quite a few negative comments towards her for it. Are those negative comments justified?
Maybe, maybe not, but that doesn't change the fact that shit has fully calmed down for her almost everywhere and she just attempted to open a can of worms.

>> No.72088593

The most coherent explanation is that they are looking to de-escalate and kiara doesn't see nijisanji's talents as evil villains.

>> No.72088685

I'll say this again.. she wants attention. she wants to increase her reach.. She clearly knows theres still a large portion of NDFs that can be her new fans

>> No.72088723

same could be said of the niggersanji fags saying they're glad to pay a retarded amount of money to see a shitty l2d karaoke stream.
Assuming it's not cancelled No refunds

>> No.72088852

Guilt by association is one of the more retarded concepts in this era. Remember how eat cake at Starbucks means you're supporting Israel? Well this is just the same thing. Tweeting with Enna means you're guilty of some moral crime. Faq that. If Kiara wants to reach out to Enna leave it be. She's not guilty by association and she never will be. Try to cancel Kiara and you'll find she has a loyal fanbase that won't just roll over.

>> No.72088894

Damn......how many Finanas lost forever....

>> No.72088977

Met Enna then publicly praised her

>> No.72089016

lmao, your analogy is wrong
Enna ≠ starbucks
Enna & clique = Israel / Doki = Palestine
so kiara is interacting with oppressor themselves

>> No.72089141

It doesn't matter who u analogise them to. The issue is guilt by association. Kiara can tweet anyone she wants to. Its not a crime. Its not a moral or ethical issue. Trying to make it into one is the exact same philosophy behind the starbucks cake. You don't like starbucks for whatever reason and want to associate anyone that eats their cake as guilty people. You don't like Enna, you want to associate anyone that tweets with her as guilty people. Its a form of shizo menhera. The sooner you realise it, the sooner you have a chance to make that sanity check.

>> No.72089232

actually not, palestine attacked first (niji) and doki is just defending herself (israel) stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.72089360

Its the same thing! Is it so hard to just interact PRIVATELY so that none of these threads exist at the first place?!

>> No.72089405

This. What makes it worse is that she knows shit like this gets to her.

>> No.72089427

she cant stand against juicy tights

>> No.72089436

Enabling the menheras is the worst way to handle it. Take a step back and ask yourself why you want to punish or consider anyone who interacts positively with vtuber Enna as somehow evil or guilty. You might yet regain your sanity.

>> No.72089469

nah i just really hate kiara along with the clique its more convenient for me to just lump em both at the same group and shit on 2 birds with one poop

>> No.72089544

No self respecting KFP runs defense for Enna as much as the snivelling bitches in this thread have.
We see you Nijishistains!

>> No.72089560
File: 118 KB, 1080x1053, 5a90klcitis71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh clique
Meds now. Once the branch dissolves and Elira and Dokibird collab you'll bend the knee and kneel before them.

>> No.72089844

How about you do your reps nigger?

>> No.72089883

>Is it so hard to just interact PRIVATELY
That's even worse. I'd rather Kiara hang out with them and say something about it rather than lying about it never happening.

>> No.72090130

Now THIS is podracing

>> No.72091106

Even if the clique rrat ends up being false or severely over exaggerating (which I find more plausible than it being wrong), do you really think Doki would after the black stream?

>> No.72091174

If KFP had self-respect they wouldn't be KFP

>> No.72091606

If notElira collabs with Doki in the future, more than anything it will mean that Elira has completely dropped all association with Enna and Millie. Which would be based as fuck. Fuck those two irredeemable bitches. And fuck Reimu too, for that matter.
Enna was the first suspect of Selen's bullying before the black screen stream, almost no one even considered Elira.

>> No.72092546

Regardless of whether or not these chuubas like to keep up with the latest drama doesn't matter, they are supposed to have manager whose entire job is to advice against doing stuff like this.

>> No.72093229

Just about this radical idea for a minute. Kiara and her manager, and probably hololive as a whole by extension, do not agree with the idea that the niji talents are evil.

>> No.72093340

Reminder that Millie kissed up to the black corpo and praised the local NDF Uncle Biff.
Mille followed up Enna's Kiara tweet with her own.

>> No.72093560

It'd be a funny bit

>> No.72093616

nova wouldnt even be a 2 view if she reincarnates and given doki is such a numbermetafag i dont think shes gonna bother wasting her time doing collabs with scraps

>> No.72093725

that would mean hololive is in the shitter, so I highly doubt it

>> No.72093728

Hololive is Palestine
Niji is Israel

>> No.72093758

She's from a German speaking country. They're control freaks.

>> No.72093830

It just means they don't assume nijisanji are villains without proof like sane people. Hololive didn't go all out war when niji harassed aloe. The idea of labelling an entire group of talents as evil and wanting them to all be purged is the behavior of a shizo anon. Especially when we have no proof of the claim that they are evil.
Sane people know that if they do this to other vtubers, one day someone will do it to them.

>> No.72093936

Nijisanji is Syria
Hololive is Saudi Arabia

>> No.72094010

> nijisanji are villains without proof like sane people

how to tell me your a sister without telling me your a sister
imagine all this drama because there was no proof i guess doki wasn't in the hospital then

>> No.72094094

The claim is not that doki went to hospital.
The claim is not that niji did not make a black video
The claim is specifically that some niji talents bullied doki to suicide. This claim has had no credible proof beyond reasonable doubt.

>> No.72094096

Millie alone already ruins the Nijisister plot.
Since Enna has never denounced her little bootlicker pal, there can be no possible sane take where the Ethyria girls are clean.

>> No.72094272

Man now I get to dunk on kfpiss and nijisisters at the same time, what a dream

>> No.72094446

Won't be the first time holofans hid who their oshi was and attacked KFP. Take off the mask, there's still holo unity. You don't have to agree with kiara but there's no need to attack her. Unless you're a shizo who believes in guilt by association. The sort of shizo that thinks if u eat a cake at starbucks you support their political views.

>> No.72094477

I just believe kiara is a shitty person who only deserves hate, it's not that deep, this only adds to the pile of reasons to hate her.

>> No.72094550

If you have a hololive oshi, she probably praised kiara before. Would that change your mind? Why do you want to hate someone that your oshi likes.

>> No.72094577

Thankfully nobody in hololive likes kiara

>> No.72094603

Name your oshi. Someone will dig out an on stream quote of her praising Kiara.

>> No.72094675

Why would I send the NDF/KFPiss alliance after my oshi lmao, I'm not retarded like you

>> No.72094789

Doki being considered of her content doesn't make her a numbermetafag, if she was she'd have dropped Apex and Gumiho a long time ago. If she doesn't want notElira career damaged, she'll do a stream or two with her (not saying she doesn't or she will, just that numbers aren't going to be prioritized).

>> No.72097116

Well my opinion of Kiara definitely went down when she chose to hang out with Enna.

>> No.72097737

just when I thought public opinion of her couldn't go any lower

>> No.72099107

>>72070176 (OP)
attention simple as

>> No.72101286

Man, you Cuckbeats really think we'll stop shitting on you because you jangle keys in Kiara's direction, huh?

>> No.72101311

shitting on both has always been the meta

>> No.72102784

same. i don't get it

>> No.72103860

This. It's obvious to anyone who has been paying attention to her since debut, maybe even before that if you followed her PL. Remember her menhera outburts early on for being Myth's runt before she was tardwrangled?

>> No.72103896

She has such a low self-esteem that she is willing to run to kurosanji in the midst of a PR disaster with no care in the world because MEMEME!!!!

>> No.72104350

My reaction yesterday. I've been softening my opinion on kiara (the gura wrangler aproach was cure), but with this all my good faith is gone. Kiara, hope you're happy. When even kfp only defense is "she didn't know!!!", things are bad.

>> No.72105462

Where do you troons even come from?

>> No.72105656

She wants to try all the flavors of Asian pussy. She's had, Japanese, she's had Korean, she's had Indonesian. Now she wants to try Chinese and Filipino. She's a girl on a mission.

>> No.72105788

Because Enna never murdered Millie for defending Nijisanji, the whole wave are bullies? Sane take

>> No.72105829
File: 40 KB, 258x239, 1624757521684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as usual Kiara did nothing wrong.

>> No.72105894
File: 54 KB, 297x328, 1231235676544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a good run kfpchamas, looks like the deadbeats won, get ready for orange board once again

>> No.72106497

>No one
>Absolutely no one
>Leaps straight to the murder angle
You're clearly the picture of /vt/'s mental health, ESL Aloupeepster.

>> No.72106814


>> No.72107260

One 39iq moment from her and I'm gone.

>> No.72108591

I fear that she might be bird-brained enough to pull a mel maneuver...

>> No.72108835

I pray it happens, getting rid of one of the black marks of holoEN would be great

>> No.72108886

Part of why she is so open is that she knows where the boundary is so I doubt it

>> No.72111002


>> No.72111146


>> No.72111215


>> No.72111259

She showed her cunt on stream
