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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 783 KB, 623x488, 1684063277949161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
73670775 No.73670775 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/? (embed)
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>73644686

>> No.73670858

some of you aspies are weird as fuck for the images you choose to op

>> No.73670907

same question as always:
how do i start being a vtuber when:
>i have no money
>i will never have money
>i have negative drawing skills
>i have no talent to learn anything
>no one watches or will watch me to get donations from

>> No.73670971
File: 113 KB, 1024x986, 1709198389160679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll take shit like this over pictures of actual wasps any day of the week. just pretend its like vtuber conversion therapy or something

anyway i hope you're all having a swell day like i am and that you receive much love from your viewers. it is an incredible feeling

>> No.73671015

exposed. I got you now, anon!

>> No.73671019
File: 148 KB, 1200x850, BUNNYCUNNY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go give me credit if you use it or anyone else


The crab will literally be offered free art and not even try to take it, this is the mentality of the schizo

>> No.73671107



please shut the fuck up now

>> No.73671109

my headcanon is that this is patchery

>> No.73671116

>The crab will literally be offered free art and not even try to take it, this is the mentality of the schizo
you draw like shit desu, i could draw basically closely the same thing, not worth

>> No.73671159

Complaining about crabs and schizos while feeding them constant attention is pretty stupid

>> No.73671177
File: 2.80 MB, 2046x1138, TheOptions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So here's my basic overview of 3D vtubing software
Who am I? A vtuber who has tried all the 3D options

First things first. You need a model.
You have numerous options for making these. The most accessible being vroid studio which will let you make a 3D human avatar with minimal effort.
For the most part you're not making anything amazing without extra effort but you can get something you can use for free with no artistic or technical skills required.
There are other options though such as Zoo Studio which can be used to make chibi furry models.
The other approach though is to make or commission a custom 3D model. This is the most technically demanding or expensive approach. But the potential outcomes are amazing.

Now once you've navigated this mess you will have a VRM file and its time to figure out what software you're going to put it in
Which we will cover in subsequent posts

The first option is Vseeface

Realistically? Vseeface is a tech demo. It's not suited to streaming. It has extremely limited functionality. But it's good for testing a model quickly and can send tracking data to other applications if needed.


Vnyan is a fully functional piece of 3D vtuber software with all the platform integrations and extra functionality you'd expect.
However its UI and UX are pretty bad. The software is a passion project by a single dev and it shows. But its got a community discord that is very helpful and informative and is receiving frequent updates from someone with direct real world experience as a vtuber. It also supports modding if you have that skillset.
You have a full range of tracking solutions supported from things like ifacial mocap, leapmotion and even rokoko. You can even add VR trackers to items in the real world and use that to control elements in your environment for maximum VR immersion.

All in all I'd say the main thing holding back Vnyan is that user interface and user experience. Its pretty poor.


Warudo is in my opinion the current gold standard for the average vtuber. Some people like to joke that its basically Vnyan with a better UI/UX. And thats not entirely inaccurate.
Out of the box Warudo will provide a more intuitive experience than Vnyan and will look prettier too.
Where Warudo falls short right now is its lack of ability to organise elements in the editor and its still somewhat patchy documentation and tutorial situation.
But like Vnyan it has a "resource browser" full of environments and props for you to download and make use of.

The real problem with Warudo is that they lock functionality behind a paywall. This isn't functionality that is relevant to the majority of users, being things such as specific graphical options such as Nilotoons and Universal RP. As well as the ability to hook in certain optical motion tracking systems.
These features are directed more at the higher end professional crowd and aren't relevant to anyone here.

Mtion Studio

This one is hard to recommend. For the average user in fact I'd say give this a hard pass.
Where Mtion studio shines though is interactivity. You have native support for massive levels of interactivity not just for you but also your chat. Talking chat avatars, controlling things in the world and your ability to shape/configure the stream environment are second to none. But this comes with the expected degree of complexity.
It also has no native support for tracking. Meaning it must be provided with VMC data by an external application such as Vseeface

If you are able to grapple with the complexity of this software then you have the potential to make something very impressive with a lot for your chat to do such as mess with you, play games, manipulate the stream environment and more.


Mikoverse is not real. Yet. It's currently a closed tech demo that is not widely available.
That being said it's got massive potential being supposedly something that is a mix between an online game and Mtion Studio. All done in Unreal Engine 5.
This is a project being led by CodeMiko who does stream themselves so theres real world experience being fed into this.
It's a project to keep an eye on but for now you're unlikely to ever touch it. Could wind up being kickstarter vaporware, could wind up completely redefining how streaming works

I originally wanted to include links to them all. But the filters decided this was spam

>> No.73671182

OP doesn't care about using relevant images, just getting the discord out of the it.

>> No.73671236

im not gonna read any of this but it seems helpful so thanks for actually contributing something

>> No.73671277
File: 9 KB, 112x112, EMOTE.OGEY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it then

>> No.73671278
File: 25 KB, 506x206, asdfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have numerous options for making these. The most accessible being vroid studio which will let you make a 3D human avatar with minimal effort.
>minimal effort
in which universe do you live?
>For the most part you're not making anything amazing without extra effort but you can get something you can use for free with no artistic or technical skills required.
pure copium

i don't think anything in your post is worth reading if you just dump fake parroted facts like this

>> No.73671329

One of these days I want to try my hand at vroid/3d goblin. I follow a few on twitter but they never really hit right. Maybe I'll make a stream out of fucking around on vroid.

>> No.73671342


>> No.73671403

honestly you are the best troll this thread has seen in a while, even I am getting rused by it

>> No.73671517

Finally going to own the trolls with facts and logic

>> No.73671519

it's cause it's him selfposting

>> No.73671540

wait no i'm drunk i missed my mark you do it better you slut

>> No.73671555

Need that homomomo cock in my mouth.

>> No.73671561

there is nothing that suits me right now, still browsing, tho
why again with this?
i swear i am not trolling :(
i just want to be able to stream

>> No.73671582
File: 235 KB, 1062x874, IMG_9542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I plug a 3DIO into this, using the main plug and the instrument input plug, and the 3.5mm splitter cable, or do I need another audio interface? None of the stuff has arrived yet so I can’t just try. I didn’t expect anyone to get the 3DIO so I didn’t add an audio interface to it to my wishlist. What type of audio interface do I need for that?

>> No.73671612

just buy a webcam and stream your irl self instead. ez

>> No.73671651

i am ugly and that's not what i wanted

>> No.73671698


>> No.73671724
File: 514 KB, 789x673, ProvePoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the time since you said that I made this in vroid studio.
And I don't even use vroid studio for my 3D model

>> No.73671727

try getting a hair cut and wearing a nice shirt

>> No.73671731


>> No.73671780

this new schizo reminds me a lot of herahera. in case it is, we still hate you, you will never be welcome again, you will always alienate yourself until you get much better as a person

>> No.73671808

hera hera chan is loved and welcomed in the new asp cord

>> No.73671824

cool and?
as i said, i always have been the worst at everything from the people i have meet. i just lack talent to do anything
my face is ugly, there is nothing fixing that unless you are rich and can afford cosmetic surgery

>> No.73671849

until he fucking detonates again because he's an entitled bitch

>> No.73671884

Point is vroid studio is not hard. It's explicitly designed for people with no technical skills.
If you can't figure out how to use vroid studio you won't be able to actually use the vroid or stream anyways

>> No.73671897

>my face is ugly
ladies have been dealing with this for ages before virtual avatars. It's called "makeup"

>> No.73671924

they're not even new, they were here a few days ago(probably 3 to be exact) pretending to be a girl asking for 'advice' on chuuba design.
typical 'monetize my mental illness' retardation that slapped down every suggestion and kept answering questions with more questions.

>> No.73672075

>given an entire link of free l2d options
>but i don't wike these.. :c
motherfucker who gives a shit. you already said no one is going to watch you anyways, who cares if the model is 100% accurate to what you want. you want to stream, so stream.

>> No.73672082


>> No.73672109

i had stream in the past, is not that hard, just copy the funny number from twitch into the obs and hit "stream" button
>It's explicitly designed for people with no technical skills.
yeah, for no technical skills in modelling (hair still is impossible to understand without doing a college degree) but without actual talent or amazing drawing skills, you can't progress more than just opening the program
i have spent a lot of time editing the premade textures to try to repurpose stuff into making my own character but literally it led to nothing, there is no character, just a bunch of impossible to mix and match assets because i can't do anything of the core parts of the model
makeup can't fix everything

>> No.73672153

how could you say something like that about yukichi

>> No.73672182
File: 34 KB, 962x293, 53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after two days
I'm gonna make it, anon!

>> No.73672199

she used me and threw me out like trash bros

>> No.73672207

wow schizo posting is going crazy today! anyways, what are your plans this coming week, /asp/ies? anything exciting? any cool collabs?

>> No.73672242

So enough about the schizo poster, how is the Cody / Patchey / Pafu / Ineda collab? Any moments?

>> No.73672250

>open wip's stream for two seconds
>screaming retard
Again why I don't watch collabs with more than three people.

>> No.73672478
File: 29 KB, 207x215, chuchu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna stream more and claw my way into affiliate! I've even been working on some low quality emotes, it's fun
Also tentatively started joining discords so people know how to contact me for collabs.

>> No.73672552

Name her, sis!

>> No.73672581

that's what /wasp/s are like

>> No.73672684

okay guys, i am going to stream today, without a model since you didn't give me anything to work up with
i will tell you guys how it went after i am done and then i hope someone will be willingly to actually tell me what to do

>> No.73672709
File: 2.93 MB, 640x640, 1711570792487261.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link your stream idiot

>> No.73672767

does free actually have a praise kink? he's got a nice voice, I want to hear him get flustered

>> No.73672874

>I wish I could pet a dog
>"hey you can pet our dog"
>but how?
>"here just pet it"
>but like HOW? Like actually how?
>"huh? dude just pet the dog"
>"wtf get away from me"
>I guess I'm just not allowed to pet the dog in this world

>> No.73672896

hello fellow artist

>> No.73672927


Just had to spend the weekend catching up on a ton of backlog project stuff since I just started and there was a lot to edit/get set up to make it to a point where I have some breathing room. Gonna start collabs next week probably, maybe even this week, got a few people I don't want to keep waiting.

>> No.73672941

I remember that /ic/ comic

>> No.73673040
File: 2.01 MB, 1920x1080, DigbyDraws2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meowdy all!
Tonight Digby is gonna design, model and rig a character all in one stream

Its going to be pain


>> No.73673058

i wonder what brought this on

>> No.73673153

john fleshman is on call starting tomorrow so no streaming this week :(

might do a stepmania stream later today if it doesnt turn into a huge multi-hour pain to get set up again

>> No.73673255

i've seen that comic around a lot but never knew it was from /ic/, neat

>> No.73673336

If I see you streaming without even so much as a jpeg I swear I will crab you.

>> No.73673482
File: 255 KB, 1312x1312, IMG_4682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ for this feel

>> No.73673501


>> No.73673508


>> No.73673552

>send a horny message to someone
>they haven't responded in over 24 hours
I've fucked up I've fucked up I've fucked up I've fucked up they hate me they hate me they hate me they hate me

>> No.73673553

crane is just a vrc maladjust, not a gay

>> No.73673587

This is literally AlbertMorn
Crane is fake BFE, he's straight but went Manwha gay face to try to trick some fujo

>> No.73673593
File: 1.08 MB, 498x452, pepe-the-frog-driving-3234885643.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pepe

>> No.73673617

I wanna force that guy to rape me

>> No.73673625

tierlist of boys who are pattable, kissable or both

>> No.73673651

I need to check if albert has any harness or shibari art asap

>> No.73673708


I never get sent horny DMs, and I’d like to think some horny vagueposts are about my hag ass, but they never are.

>> No.73673723

>claw my way
Sis you alredy have all but seven days of streaming to be affiliate.

>> No.73673800

I've sent horny messages to several hags, who am I missing?

>> No.73673839

True! I’m excited and a little impatient that’s all. Pretend I posted the dancing skeleton gif again
Just hope my health stays good so I can steam, covid really fucked my ass up

>> No.73673865

There are no current hag /asp/ies besides mama.

>> No.73673887

sorry but I'm not calling anyone younger than me a "hag"

>> No.73673916

Thoughts/experiences on charity streams using built-in Twitch support?

>> No.73673952

not true!
t. mid thirties goblin

>> No.73674048


Then I guess I’ll have to call you daddy.

>> No.73674071

She's barely 30 and there are a ton of aspies older than her.

>> No.73674108

Mama Ubume will follow me back one day

>> No.73674149

you dont want me for a dad, I spend all my money on weed and synthesizer modules, you wouldn't even have an allowance

>> No.73674151

So only one hag /asp/ie who isn't in her early/mid 20s pretending to be older than they are.

>> No.73674176

That's a nice model, who's adopting it?

>> No.73674212

I mean that’s hardly different than real life, except it was cocaine
Any good at puns?

>> No.73674214

Bonni is a hag.

>> No.73674236


I’m not barely 30. I turn 31 in like 2 months.


Just DM me or join my Discord. I can’t tell if this is bait or not.

>> No.73674249

bonnie is a crab

>> No.73674274

There are a bunch of hags who pretend they are young by high pitching their voiced

>> No.73674346

Mama if you're reading this, I need to invite you to the Project Zomboid collab server.
Accept my friend invite pls lol

>> No.73674352
File: 100 KB, 1162x112, 036375670456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need more girls in glasses

>> No.73674353

Covid was such a lucky guy...

>> No.73674433

Andy and mumkey are the only exampled that come to mind. Would you name the rest?

>> No.73674450


I don’t see any friend requests on my Discord. Just join my Discord and post in the Project Momboid section.

>> No.73674481
File: 83 KB, 1126x1074, IMG_3496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laugh that escaped me nearly sent me into another coughing fit, I’m gonna kick your ass

>> No.73674572

I like hag, they are have a more approachable aura. We need more hag vtubers... or I need to just find them out of here

>> No.73674714


>> No.73674777

Good job.

>> No.73674784

>Join a vtuber's discord
Why do you hate people that much?

>> No.73674785

i'm turning 32

>> No.73674817

heres one shes rebranding from being a loli https://x.com/IrisFuwa

>> No.73674839


You don’t talk to women? You just like to hear us whisper sweet nothings in your ear, as you drift off to the dulcet tones of our voice? You just like to pretend your head is in our lap and we’re stroking your hair as you fall into the depths of peaceful slumber?

Ok, sugar pea. You don’t have to talk to us. We’ll do enough talking for the both of us.

>> No.73674844

why not

>> No.73674895

Is she doing that because people crabbed her for looking way too much like Kiki?

>> No.73674960
File: 615 KB, 740x740, 1429491967343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still going with the clover design in 2021+3

>> No.73674962

bro there's a squirting vagina on her page!!!!!!!!!

>> No.73674997

she said on stream today it is because she feels more comfortable having a mature model because her voice doesn't fit her loli model.

also might be because she is a landwhale irl.

>> No.73675055

cunnyfags really will watch anything huh

>> No.73675082


>> No.73675101

Ganbatte, Gobbcubus :]
One can only lead a horse to water, sadly.

>> No.73675139

>want to make a twitch group
>need to be partner

>> No.73675167

when will LCOLONQ start a group.

>> No.73675178

get rekt

>> No.73675244

Yeah. Life might not be ideal BUT I’ll always be glad that I’m not pathetic enough to be a cunnywatcher.

>> No.73675305

why THE FUCK are hags so horny? Second time I ask this.

>> No.73675328

NTA but Layla, Miu, Laine, Poppy/Rottie, Bonnie and other aspies

>> No.73675352

in desperate need of ovulation

>> No.73675410

layla, miu, bonni are cakes you fuckers, 30+ is hag, 25 or more isn't even close to hag.

>> No.73675436

Layla is in her 30's retard

>> No.73675456

she desperately wants to be /here/ but she admitted that she doesn't know how to post here

>> No.73675468

All insane Camui fans btw

>> No.73675478

is QB a hag too or a cake?

>> No.73675483

layla is 27yo, how many times do you need to get told that, you shitfuck?

>> No.73675536

To any vtuber here
How well do you feel you have to know someone before you're willing to tell someone
>your age
>your country
>a description of your body
>your profession
>cropped pics of yourself
>your face
>your name
>meet up

>> No.73675553

What kind of things should I have in my audition for corpos?

>> No.73675562

no one actually cares about camui that much except for chrii and layla. rottie is dead anyways.

>> No.73675613

Rottie clearly does since she came back as Poppy and is still obsessed with him

>> No.73675663

I thought my chuuba design was bland, why do they all insist on pandering this much and all use the same dark hair + green design / clover bullshit?

>> No.73675683

I keep seeing people mention Camui but it seems like he barely cracks 10 viewers on a good day. Why do people talk about him so much here?

>> No.73675748

Depends on where I meet them.
Internet? Three years
4chan specifically? Six years, if ever

>> No.73675758


In a small town circus
There was a clown named Camui
With his painted smile and ruffled hair
He was a sight to see
The ladies of the town would flock to the big top every night
He'd make them laugh
He'd make them dance
And their hearts took flight

But the men in town were getting jealous
With fury in their eyes
They couldn't stand the way the women fell for Camui's disguise
They formed a mob
They were determined to make him leave
"No more ladies in our arms
It's time to concede"

Don't let them catch you now
The women in the town
They've fallen for your charm somehow
Escape their angry stares
In the next town
They'll embrace you
They won't act like they don't care

>> No.73675780

>your age
just ask
>your country
just ask
>a description of your body
well known chatter
>your profession
i dont have, so nothing
>cropped pics of yourself
some dollaroos, or intimate relationship (lol)
>your face
intimate relationship (lol)
>your name
intimate relationship (lol)
>meet up

>> No.73675793

if we've been talking in dms and get along well as friends / i trust them to not spread it, i don't really mind sharing anything. i have shared a lot in the aspcord and met up with friends from the internet a lot before.

>> No.73675798

holy cringe. the inflated sense of self-importance this thread has given certain people is insane.

>> No.73675805

he has a chokable neck

>> No.73675809

Miu cant even drink legally

>> No.73675818


>> No.73675837

it's just an ai song bro

>> No.73675878

I'm not listening to this one do someone better

>> No.73675879
File: 124 KB, 879x950, Fd8JmOJXEAAxx9g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He leaves a trail

>> No.73675888

>listen to vod
Worse fake girl voice then coco and wip. Why do none of you fakers even try to do voice reps

>> No.73675912

I'd only mention most of these if we have any chance of meeting up and are also good friends.

>> No.73675917

Only when I've known you for at least a year and have proven you're trustworthy.

>> No.73675920

he's a narcissistic clown faggot that stepped on a lot of toes when he first arrived and never tried to make amends with most people.

>> No.73675998


>> No.73676023

what's your favorite thing about shania chan

>> No.73676060

how does that make it any less embarrassing?
i'm saying it's crazy that 1view male streamers get posted about 50 times a day here.

>> No.73676062

sometimes he shuts the fuck up long enough that i can imagine he died

>> No.73676107

He has one or two viewers that constantly talk about him. That's all.

>> No.73676136

One day he will finally taste the cold embrace of death.

>> No.73676192
File: 577 KB, 500x498, 1476766402321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all will...
we all will...

>> No.73676259

Nigger (camui) can't help but to bite bait like his life depends on it.
Someone help me find his very first post on /asp/ where he claimed he used to be a successful youtuber and a popular MMA trainer IRL or something like that.
I can't find it.

>> No.73676306

no, you need two cables and two xlr inputs (if you have the xlr model at least)

>> No.73676353

remember when he said that youtube was definitely better than twitch and the reason why no one was on youtube was because everyone else was too stupid to figure it out and he would show everyone because he was way smarter than the rest of us

>> No.73676432

holy shit holy shit holy shit ANON!! That fuckin rules dude thank you so much for even thinking of me! The hunched over posture and huge smile are wicked dude, I'd really love to see you continue it! You GOT this, bodies in general fuck me up bad too when I've tried drawan but I believe in you man!!
You're really nailing that creepy/villainous side I like to hint at too! I wanna be able to show that off more in the future, I designed my model to be malleable like that, y'know? a little /freak/ adjacent in some ways! You got my full support, and a boatload of gratitude!! ^^

>> No.73676536
File: 80 KB, 601x508, anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he makes me feel loved and understood. shania chan streams are comfy and chill but when he starts plays a video game he loves he becomes a total gremlin. I feel seen when shania chan reads my superchats

>> No.73676562

hi camui

>> No.73676588
File: 345 KB, 1071x910, 1687298530857783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asp for this feel?

>> No.73676618

>your age
I have to trust them, this depends person to person.
>your country
I say this on stream all the time, it's not a secret.
>a description of your body
I say this pretty regularly too.
>your profession
I'm a NEET, not a secret.
>cropped pics of yourself
I'd have to both trust them and it would need to come up naturally, I'm not showing that for no reason, I'm not weird!
>your face
I have to trust them and it has to come up somehow.
>your name
I have to trust someone for this as well but they're probably never getting my real name unless we meet up, they can have my non-vtubing name.
>meet up
I need to trust them, honestly these are all pretty simple because I'm a very trusting person and I love other people, I'm just kind of awkward and introverted so I keep to myself...

>> No.73676647



>> No.73676689

it hurts to hear other chuubas talk about their parents. I know it's wrong of me. It hurts that neither of my parents are alive. I can only tell myself that I know they would support me. I feel empty. I'm parasocial. I need praise, please.

>> No.73676759

I hope you don't feel too bad about it, my dad died when I was young and my mother and I don't have a good relationship. I feel you there, I wonder what my dad would think about the person I have become.

>> No.73676769


Want some platonic mom ASMR?

>> No.73676815
File: 154 KB, 480x644, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're in luck, I am a powerful sorcerer and can bring your parents back to life. In return, you must provide me with 2 sacrificial vtuber souls. Who do you choose to murder to bring your parents back to life?

>> No.73676875


MamaUbume, but twice, to make sure it sticks.

>> No.73676955

Ngl I’ll meet up with people in person before showing them my picture

>> No.73676965
File: 5 KB, 69x92, me 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes you want to bring your dead ghost mama back, but first you must CHOOSE

>> No.73677126

I ran from both my parents. One of them would definitely hate that I'm a vtuber, the other would probably tell me I'm doing a great job and then forget I'm doing it the next day because they just want me around as an accessory before getting mad when I tell them I have a schedule.
Because of the latter, I get really prickly when I receive compliments, but vtubing's helping me a little bit on that front.

>> No.73677271

Proof he said that?

>> No.73677381


>> No.73677409

this. put it in the comment below

>> No.73677445

johann calm down

>> No.73677491

chat is this real? twitter probably would

>> No.73677517

Also don't help.

>> No.73677651
File: 792 KB, 1920x1080, lockin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does help more than putting it in the OP
Yes, it's proven that twitter deboosts stuff with any type of link in the OP

>> No.73677674

lol Johann just straight up copy/pasted a tileman meme
understandable, he's probably super jealous of his jong harem and getting multiple pippa collabs

>> No.73677687

REMEMBER: all this crabbing towards one specific vtuber is made by Harg, Abigail and the rest of the band. They aren't only crabbing one person and the people in his circle, they tried to attack Kliff, Alpin, Cheen and any other Vtuber you see mentioned regularly in a very negative light or that are getting numberfaged. The truth isn't what the board says, check their streams or content they produce, interact with them and you will see that none of the vtubers harassed are as bad as the threads says. But do not trust the croc clique, they already lied about not checking the threads.

>> No.73677702

he has twitter blue of course he would do stupid shit on twitter

>> No.73677795

she replaced me with her new toys asp

>> No.73677828

I hope he gets so mad he sees your post and even reads it sis!

>> No.73677850

I show posts like these to her and we have a laugh together

>> No.73677898

do NOT get her to come the threads she will get crabbed for the tranny voice

>> No.73677942

How did you get a chuuba gf so easily?
Teach me your ways.

>> No.73677958
File: 147 KB, 1300x731, 1687096418468427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.73677975

eraxs also specifically hates kliffoth for reasons I'm not aware of

>> No.73677998
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, gwj_thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I'm still concerned if this jam idea works


>> No.73678020

I'm not meat. Its just pathetic that your baits can be recreated in madlib form.

>> No.73678032

True except Camui is actually as bad as they say

>> No.73678073

>Still replying
See >>73677958

>> No.73678093

I can promise you it's a pretty retarded reason.

>> No.73678125


>> No.73678147

no such thing as a retarded reason. if a reason exists, it's good enough.

>> No.73678151

He has a handful of schizos that have been posting for the last several months

>> No.73678194

Oh you poor thing you thought somebody would clap with your wojack meme

>> No.73678199

He's really not

>> No.73678220

t. the camui defense force that appears every time his name is mentioned

>> No.73678294

You can actually feel the butthurt from this one.

>> No.73678389

>name mentioned almost every thread
>"they just keep coming out of the wood work!"

>> No.73678409

I wish I could run away as pathetic as that sounds at my age

>> No.73678468

I wish you'd all go to therapy instead of blogposting in a vtuber thread.

>> No.73678471

that must hurt

>> No.73678500

Don't worry. Your valiant defense of his honor will pay off one of these days.

>> No.73678560

it always happen

>> No.73678564

I feel you

>> No.73678585

she got the Bad Dragon sponsorship?

>> No.73678588

Just got back from stream

And i dont, i dont get much fanart.

>> No.73678626

I wanna commission art of my asposhi and keep them for myself

>> No.73678633
File: 251 KB, 500x500, EmotesLurk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought that might end up being a problem, but it's my first time doing a bigger collab like this so I wanted to give it a shot-
It was really fun because of all the participants, but I think it's difficult to make enjoyable for the viewers. When I do my tabletop collabs I put alot of care into incorporating the viewers, but I think you need to have more experience than me to do that with Amongus-likes...
Hopefully the people who watched had fun regardless, and if not, I'll do my best to deliver things more to your taste in the future!

>> No.73678662

cute but i feel bad for them not knowing you're doing it

>> No.73678737

it would be nice if something like this made its way back to me

unless of course, its me getting fucked. i dont want that

>> No.73678777

Not lewd art. Just nice art of them. I'm too embarrassed to let them know how much I think about them

>> No.73678826

I’m going to bash my head in writing this ASMR script

>> No.73679010

Of course this is all on a case by case basis, but...
>age, country
I don't mind sharing :]
>body description, and profession
Only vaguely, unless we talk often, and even then only in private :]
>pics, face, name, meet up
I'd have to be pretty close or intimate with someone for any of that. I'm a little shy and worried about doxxing.

>> No.73679201

Add to OP
FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN's Auditions are open for the next gen of EN males until May 12th (Japan Time):

>> No.73679278

This is also one of the members of Abigail's group or Abigail himself. Agreeing with the reason while still defending their point. Unfortunately as the main poster you've responded to, I'll tell you to fuck off Abigail, you've been a cancer to this thread for way too long. Are you coping this hard about your numbers? After almost 3 years of streaming you're stuck at 25 viewers while your pears are soon going to hit the double of what you make? Need to feed your own ego while making fun of people smaller then you? You're disgusting, and so are your "friends".

>> No.73679314

meant for >>73678032

>> No.73679343

>abicord hating on meat
nigga is barely here

>> No.73679375

The issue with high population collabs isn't about audience participation. Smaller channel viewers typically like the option of having more direct contact with the streamer, but unless they're totally unhinged, they're not going to want or expect you to stay small population forever. The point of having an oshi is to literally push them after all. However, viewers get that a collab is not typically about talking directly to chat unless all of the participants to the collab are on that channel at the same time and are oriented towards the chat. They're not going to expect you to make asides or ignore your viewers to talk to chat. That would obviously be rude to your guest and a good viewer wants you to look good in front of the guest and any guest viewers they brought with them.

The problem with mass collabs are instead several problems:
- often, everyone thinks they need to steam their "POV" of the stream. Literally nobody cares about this. It also defeats the point of a collab. At that point there is no host or guest. You're just streaming a discord call on several channels at once. At low levels where most of you are just pulling viewers from /asp/ anyway and probably don't have dedicated viewers (I can tell because the ones who rush into collabs are usually the most new) you're just passing around the same single digit viewers in a circle (or worse, dividing them between you).

- the collabs lack structure: most of the time these collabs are just "we're all together with models on screen and we're playing a game while saying whatever words jump out of our mouths". When you have higher and lower energy streamers involved this typically means you have one who hardly talks, one who screams all the time, and 1-3 who play the middle where one or more of these just says "shocking" things to try to get reactions from the others. That just ends up being chaotic without being interesting for viewers. It interjects a lot of noise into the stream and can make the viewers there to see the less chatty participant feel alienated because they don't get to hear who they know and wanted to see in the first place.

- collabs are for the viewers even if they don't actually *involve* the viewers: Supposedly you brought this other person onto your channel (or they brought you onto theirs) to make something that you couldn't make on your own. That means you think that by bringing somebody else onto the channel you're going to be able to (together) produce something fun and interesting for the viewer(s). Entertaining yourself is something you can do off-stream. We all do it. You don't even need to schedule it or open OBS. If you want to play games with friends just play games with friends. If you're going to collab you have to remember that you are both two halves of a stage act entertaining viewers. You're not there just to have fun with friends because why would you need to stream that?

>> No.73679379
File: 19 KB, 300x300, distressed_hippie.png.rar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the point of quoting posts without linking them. please. why are you making me search through the thread to find it. obvious the person you are quoting will see your post anyway. you're only making it harder for me. wtf did i do to you to deserve this bro

>> No.73679401

I could not play any of these characters it's so over

>> No.73679425

nvm thank you

>> No.73679471

Running from home is really difficult without a support network and honestly, I think it might be harder to do it now than when I did it. It's not as easy to get a job or accommodation right out of home and you better hope that you actually have people willing to help you and let you crash at their place. I was extremely lucky to have two different families who were sympathetic to what I went through and were willing to keep my family away while just giving me space to sort out my feelings and needs and neither of them ever asked for anything in return other than that I try to get it all sorted before certain dates. Never had to sleep on the streets but that's a privilege very few people get to have in my situation.

I hope you can figure things out in your own way. Even getting therapy was a nuisance because I couldn't afford it myself at the time. No matter what though, you'll reach an age where it'll be much easier to cut off from them. Worst case scenario, just stay strong until that time comes, okay anon?

>> No.73679518

I'm sure this will finally be the thread where the orbiter squad finally convinces everyone to like him.

>> No.73679531
File: 70 KB, 892x900, 38971-6f31ff3f-c564-4359-9430-5dad07649fea-profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your pears are soon going to hit the double of what you make

>> No.73679530
File: 501 KB, 1324x739, ripp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.73679584

Anyone interested in playing Little Inferno tonight? It’s a super chill, cozy, comfy game with a dark plot. You burn things in a fireplace to make money. It’s very slow paced, making it perfect for backseat gaming.

>> No.73679591

asp - aspiring shitheads and prostitues

>> No.73679604

You can play any of them, comet. Just believe.

>> No.73679623

we need more 'asp' names

>> No.73679632

Holy shit this is actually insightful.
Please elaborate more.

>> No.73679640

Peers* my autocorrect wanted peers to be pears so I kept it.

>> No.73679656

I like him. He's funny and he's been nice to me.

>> No.73679678

Okay so it's like you do everything correctly, better than 90% of people here, but sometimes it's just luck bro, stream and inshallah

>> No.73679714


>> No.73679731

Would be super hot

>> No.73679732

You'll like him until he does something to you like he did everyone else.

>> No.73679754

I'm sorry but I'm not cometcrust

>> No.73679812

anon, like who? he still talks to all the girls he has 'wronged' in the thread's word

>> No.73679820 [DELETED] 

It's too late for me. I'm old. I'll never make up for lost time. My 20s are gone. I'll never be free or independent. I just snt to stop everything and get a new identity

>> No.73679891

He's a lolcow, anytime you mention him, he and/or his accompanying circus of sycophants will do anything and everything to defend his character which just end up making him look even worse which in turn makes him an even bigger lolcow

>> No.73679933

internet social dynamics sure are interesting!

>> No.73679957


>> No.73679964
File: 288 KB, 500x500, EmotesHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of this I sort of already figured might be the case, since I usually don't have much inclination to watch big collabs either for similar reasons.
The last point especially is what I mean, maybe I messed up my words a bit. I want to entertain the viewers, but I wanted to give this a shot once to see how it'd turned out. I'm still very grateful for having been invited and participated in it, but in the future large-scale collabs I probably won't stream my POV for, for reasons you already listed. I already knew this might be a problem in advance, but it is what it is.

Either way thank you anon! I'll try my best in the future, I'm usually very mindful about collabs and try not to do the multiPOV thing but oh well-

>> No.73679992


>> No.73679995


>> No.73680017

Using quotation marks as if he hasn't done anything wrong and its all a matter of relative perspective shows you're not arguing in good faith

>> No.73680021


>> No.73680041

I'm sad again, will streaming make me feel happier? Who knows!

>> No.73680073

Charley (Charleyfolds, for those who don't know) :]

>> No.73680088


>> No.73680100


>> No.73680099

Merlie (merlieazoth for those who don't know)
Mawg (Mawg_VT for those who don't know)
Izzard (7thSeatIzzard for those who don't know)
Basil (Archia_Basil for those who don't know)

>> No.73680114



>> No.73680126

I hope you feel better soon, anon.

>> No.73680131

asp shota collab when

>> No.73680168

The girl in ChaosFoundry needs to use this voice more.

Chaos, I know you're here. Tell your tulpa to use the deeper voice.

>> No.73680236


self reply bc I'm tistic.

>> No.73680262


A reminder

>> No.73680328

Basil with who? I would've said Tornkite but he just became an ikemen after coming back. I would say Mana but he doesn't exactly pass for a shota in terms of his personality.

>> No.73680343

ZephHaathun who is gonna be streaming some Granblue Fantasy Relink in a few minutes!

>> No.73680375

i hope im good enough

>> No.73680449

Fuck off. There is a good and verifiable reason why lots of guys here would hate Kliff in particular. You can suck a dick.

>> No.73680461

he will be pregnant by me
would (without consent)
young form would, old form would let myself get used
too cute, still would
please smear your dick all over my face
same as Charley, you're becoming my wife now
no im not an art fag, but I am gay
kill youself

>> No.73680489

you are good enough

>> No.73680512

im curious myself because i only know eraxs's reason and its pretty stupid, i highly doubt abicord has valid reasons

>> No.73680531

If there's something particular you want me to yap about I can but there's a couple things off hand I left out for length.

There's basically two kinds of collabs with a few exceptions. Collabs with a guest and host both occupying a shared streamer role and collabs with participants. The former are your typical collabs where two chuubas sit on screen and make a tier list or chat about a subject or whatever. Sometimes they may interact with chat because its basically just a zatsudan but with an extra person on screen. Both streamers share roles like an improv duo and play off the other to entertain chat with their dynamic and conversation. Chatters typically don't feel too alienated by this sort of collab as long as the overall vibe is good and doesn't turn them off in some particular way (i.e. flirting with a collab partner of the opposite sex is ALWAYS bad regardless of whether either chuuba is courting unicorns because NOBODY wants to watch two people sit around flirting with eachother. This doesn't seem to apply to same sex flirting unless your audience(s) just don't like gays. Humans are weird and I guess the homoerotic/homobaiting stuff just comes off as more shippable in a safe way for viewers. Don't overdo it or you'll still end up turning away viewers. Otherwise, if you intend to do 1 on 1 collabs, take the time to learn some basic improv and seek out partners who also get improv. That means picking up and following through on other people's jokes. Setting up open ended jokes and transitions. Learn the correct time to use "yes and" and how to avoid falling into "oh ok you're done? I get to talk now" without listening to your partner. Viewers will know when the vibe is off in a collab and they will be turned off by it.

Collabs with multiple participants are a totally different breed. You'll notice that large corpos do them only as very special events and they're very rehearsed in whose turn it is to speak and how to share the mic. Treating a collab as just a bunch of "friends" on a discord call are, as mentioned, usually very "noisy" in a bad chaotic way because you just have a whole room of different personalities trying to compete for mic time. This leads to ugly situations where there's not enough stream time for the half dozen or more people who are used to being the only voice on their stream suddenly shouting over each other to say whatever it is they want to say or react impulsively to whatever is going on in game/on stream/etc. You can manage some of this in games like Among Us because there are times where not everyone IS on stream and thus not everyone CAN be heard. The same applies to gameshows and stuff like that. Your audience craves a focal point and somebody has to be it.

>> No.73680541
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, 1383603828066.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a good and verifiable reason
>doesn't post it

>> No.73680580

>look through collab list
Is that a fucking 3view??

>> No.73680584

what is erxas' reason?

>> No.73680624


>> No.73680720


>> No.73680770

i personally dislike him because he acts like wearing a tumblr sexyman avatar makes him actually charming. watching him clumsily try to flirt with my friends pisses me off. a lot of them are too nice to tell him to fuck off too.

>> No.73680774

wouldn't (please refer to >>73680461 as to why)
feminine form wouldn't, male form would

>> No.73680778
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2024-04-14-14h56m22s049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullahan goes insane fighting Napoleon and Mussolini's grandson in a mask. Time for more Paper Mario Master Quest!

>> No.73680858

>posted thinking this was an art ask
>didn't read the replies first
I've been had, sasuga gayanon....

>> No.73680895


>> No.73680922

why did you delete your VOD...

>> No.73680941

i'm sure you're a very charming person yourself

>> No.73680966

Kliff is manipulative and fake behind the scenes. Cheen is alright but obviously unhinged and a danger mostly to himself. Alpin is a bro and I wish him all success. I'm not from abicord

>> No.73681014

okay wtf i dont know where I am but is this picture real? can they really do this now?

>> No.73681039


>> No.73681085

You do not want to know what I would let this man do to me

>> No.73681113

wtf why did obama allow this??

>> No.73681118

Play Inazuma Eleven?

>> No.73681166

The guy pretended to be some girl on /cbdct/ and spammed his link and pretended to be a super fan of his for at least year. He went so far as to make up some embarrassing copypasta about "How peggable the moth is" and ritual posted it regularly for months. The guy was posting himself in almost every single thread.

The worst thing is that he accidently leaked that the whole thing was himself doing it rather publicly on his own event stream. This basically burned any goodwill between the viewers on /cbdct/ and any aspies that might want to cater to them in the future. Even now, many months later, to post about an indie in cbdct they have to be high 3 view for people there not to yell at you and accuse you of trying to astroturf in the thread.

So fuck Kliff, (kliffothvt on twitch if you haven't heard of him). Hes not just a manipulative cunt, hes a retarded one that got caught being a manipulative cunt.

>> No.73681170

i dont know why people have to be mean to each other
just be nice, its easy

>> No.73681249

are you mad that you're not getting posted in /cbdct/

>> No.73681299

im streaming flight simulator, no link but if u find me, helo <3

>> No.73681335

The guy was posting himself there and he leaked it on his own stream retard.

>> No.73681336

They're not my audience but I do feel for anyone that may want to appeal to that crowd now or in the future. Getting punished by even the most vague association sucks.

>> No.73681350

I love you too anon

>> No.73681388

Reason I asked for further elaborating is because i got invited to a collab, so I don't really know what to expect, I never was a fan of collabs, even with big streamers because they just became noise, even when it was just 1 on 1.
I now understand why I didn't enjoy them, you've pretty much laid down all the downsides nicely, and it's kinda amazing how even big chuubas keep making these mistakes without realizing.

Are there any other traps one has to avoid during big collabs (anything above 3+ people)?

>> No.73681397

I did my first stream on my new acc and I got 4 viewers, 2 of them commenting and 1 follow
but I don't really want to play the same game I played again as I didn't have much fun, I am fucked?

>> No.73681495

Why not, if you don't want to do anything sexual then Inazuma Eleven it is

>> No.73681502

>Are there any other traps one has to avoid during big collabs (anything above 3+ people)?
Its no different than managing yourself 1 on 1 except there are more people to be aware of during the collab. That means you have to be listening to all of them, remember what they're saying and talking about. Do your best to carry their jokes etc. Improv with 4 people is going to be harder with 4 people because that's 4 people trying to share a stage without stepping on toes.

>> No.73681543

There you go croc man, I found you an in.

>> No.73681637

I guess there is RiceCake since he is a shota now

>> No.73681657

Tierlist of which character an aspie fits

>> No.73681667
File: 904 KB, 1000x1000, emote5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my....

>> No.73681726

Aintnoway someone would actually do that for me

>> No.73681765


>> No.73681789

Apparently he gaybaits hard but isn't actually gay.
He once complained that he hates being called a twink/femboy despite playing hard into that.
I kinda liked him before he let his ego take over his personality

>> No.73681835

ricecake not only looking at the threads but also spreading rrats?

>> No.73681853

What are the best expressions to add?
Stuff like heart eyes or grossed out faces or whatever.

>> No.73681887

joke ones
come up with a gag all on your own and implement it

>> No.73681942

He'd just have to DM me

>> No.73681947

Thank you for that, I needed to do my /asp/ reps. Any other /asp/ history I should be aware of?

>> No.73681952

wasnt there a tierlist with all the shotas

>> No.73681975


>> No.73681979
File: 65 KB, 1837x151, Kliff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hates being called gay
>writes a long erotic fanfic about himself getting pegged which he then spammed a thread for months with

>> No.73682061

I am going to lose my only follower?

>> No.73682138

yea me

>> No.73682143


>> No.73682538

So about those First Stage Production auditions...

I want to take a crack at it seems they want candidates to fit certain "archetypes". That's all well and good, but I have two issues.

1. I don't think I neatly fit into any of the archetypes. Not tryna say I'm a unique snowflake, just that none of them feel like "me" or my persona, not entirely anyway.

2. The one archetype that's closest to "me" is the one that will probably be the most filtered, since it's one that a lot of guys think they fit, either due to confidence or just not fitting any other archetype.

So my question is: Is this shit even worth it? My content/numbers aren't particularly impressive already, and I'm not keen on spending time making an audition video that'll likely drown in the sea of other mediocre applicants

>> No.73682812

It's a BFE audition.
If you wanna go BFE audition, you're gonna get filtered otherwise.

>> No.73682838

She knows her voice is unusual, don't worry.

I wish.
I just got lucky I met someone amazing.

>> No.73682868

The PLs of the guys that got picked were varied.
Some of them had pretty big channels, others had less than 100 followers.
They seem to give everyone a fair chance.

>> No.73683074

dangerous... i like it

>> No.73683078

damn and that was in the /wasp/ thread, with tons of deleted messages
apart from camui, anyone else i should be aware of? kliff, eraxs, abi and a couple of other names came up itt so im curious as to what they did

>> No.73683089


>> No.73683287

Gen 1 has nice subscriber counts ranging from 20k to 40k subs. I saw that they're usually 3views (about a finana - 300 or so ccv). They also scored collabs with some bigger corpos (nijis I believe, maybe a holostar but I could be wrong).

>> No.73683324

Luck and Rizz is how he did it I guess.
