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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 131 KB, 1652x868, Lucy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
75351348 No.75351348 [Reply] [Original]

actual femcel lol

>> No.75352680

Won't stop her from plapping chatty's (me) bussy

>> No.75352795


>> No.75352804

>he doesn't know

>> No.75352825

plz pick me /vt/ chuds

>> No.75352860
File: 998 KB, 448x600, What a pickme[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbfbl88.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75352877

Femcels are not a thing

>> No.75353052

>Is horny all the time
>hangs out with other horny streamers(male) at events/cons
kek, yeah and Numi and Filian are virgins right anon?
And Onigiri lives with her Brother and Yuzu with her Roommate. Oh and Boeska is just Lily's manager.

>> No.75353423

You are a fucking retard anon.

>> No.75354528

>nooooo bro, they are totally extremely attractive and charming virgins!! Sure they know a lot of men and some of them are even travelling to Korea with men right now but they would NEVER fuck them! Lucy is totally a femcel! She isn't getting her holes stuffed every weekend!

>> No.75354914
File: 12 KB, 220x230, pope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah and I'm the catholic pope, retard

>> No.75355186

>know a lot of men
The only guy she's relatively close to is a tranny
I've dmed with her and seen her talk to others, she's extremely socialy inept, so inept that other vtubers have said they don't want to collab with her anymore

>> No.75357688

You calling him a liar?

>> No.75357820

>actual femcel
There is no such thing "femcel" is only the latest aesthetic femoids latch onto because it's trendy and brings them attention

>> No.75358023
File: 756 KB, 1080x1080, 1620427424739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga actually believes his twitch whores are chaste

>> No.75358236

If you’re trying to shill your indie calling her a “femcel” is the worst way to do it, just fyi

>> No.75358346

There is not one sane person alive who would make a /vt/ catalog thread expecting it to result in something positive for the vtuber in the OP
These waters are filled with bait all the way down

>> No.75358479

Yes, some women are so gross and inept at talking to poeple that they are virgins in their 20, lucy, saruei, shondo, to name some

>> No.75358525
File: 991 KB, 250x250, 1707101091808706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny man, anon.

>> No.75358592

I believe shondo because she actually have some big mental issues ever since she started (Like actually big. This girl was suicidal.) but Saruei and lucy? Yeah nah....

>> No.75358657

>french artist
>a virgin
roru roru rumao

>> No.75359018

yeah look i can believe lucy and shondo but i think saruei is a bit of a stretch desu

>> No.75360092

Bro Saruei is literally a whore selling porn of herself
Shondo had a bf yab
Lucy is a twitch thot

Saruei and Lucy definitely fuck around. Shondo probably doesn't have many partners but she definitely isn't a virgin either

>> No.75360408

>but she definitely isn't a virgin either
It's funny you need to state this. None of them are. People need to get out more, maybe have a job where women work and talk to one another as if no men were present. Spoiler alert, no women struggle to get dates, all of them have either boyfriends or tinder hookups even the obese ones. So no, your qt girl with shared intersts to you and many other guys, who may be cute and or charismatic will have no chance at being any sort of femcel unless she's an actual lesbian. It's just the idea of being a virgin not only helps lure in unicorns, but it makes them more relatable as they also struggle with relationships just like you (they don't).

>> No.75360614

Smells like stank pus in here, go wash yourselves, sisters

>> No.75360685

Every vtuber is a virgin.... Until they aren't. It's schrodinger's vtuber.

>> No.75360749

They won't know unless they look inside.

>> No.75360756

why does she have no porn

>> No.75360879

Sure they are, they can't get chad that's basically the same thing!

>> No.75360910

>but it makes them more relatable as they also struggle with relationships just like you (they don't).
They don't struggle settling with dorks like you, they struggle getting with Henry Cavill or other chad figures.

>> No.75361141

i choose to believe, you can't stop me

>> No.75361222
File: 285 KB, 1077x2000, 8d756b68fdf92e067b34b6e380c886b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a mistery

>> No.75361430

well she might have just left her talent agency, MSM, which has a history of it's owner playing games with people in /lig/ and spreading rumors, so probably related to that.

MSM fucking sucks.

>> No.75362024

I trust Lucy

>> No.75362488

I'm sorry you're retarded with Downs and Ligma.

>> No.75363744

Thinking lucy isn't a virgin is cope
>she spends all her time on 4chan and can get laid, that means I can too one day!
No, just like everyone here she's a virgin

>> No.75364296

how many times does it have to be said woman can't be incels, they just larp to get attention

>> No.75364381
File: 480 KB, 1264x1080, 1684928835741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone you listed is confirmed to not be virgins.
You had one job anon FFS

>> No.75364460

Lucy is as much of a femcel as Enna is a virgin.

>> No.75364850
File: 144 KB, 1764x927, 1712407263046778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me one reason to believe this woman isn't a femcel

>> No.75365069

On one hand suckers like this deserve to get milked dry by e-whores but on the other they also benefit e-whores monetarily

I love it when they lose everything and become antis though, there's no stronger will than a terminally online scorned parasocial lover

>> No.75365128

Saruei lived together with some Algerian dude for 4 years, you think he didn't fuck her?! The breakup is what started her whole fleshmen are evil arc.

>> No.75365148

The vaat, vaat majority of people here aren't virgins. Is it a higher ratio than general population? Maybe, but with my experience of talking to /vt/ users both here and offline maybe max 10% of 25+ year old posters here are virgins.

>> No.75365191

Didn't Shondo say on stream she had sex and a bf/fwb in the past? The only one I might be able to believe would be Chibi.

>> No.75365261

>thinks saruei is in her 20s
Holy newfaggotry. Some anons are retards

>> No.75365282

femcel = virgin

>> No.75365293

Is there a clip?

>> No.75365364

the only Vtuber I would believe to be a virgin(this is a stretch btw) or at the very least to only have had 1 partner ever is Mori Calliope after that diary stream

>> No.75365503
File: 58 KB, 208x246, 1714228324536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have yet to see a single vtuber who really feels just like me, a complete NEET loser who spergs over anime and vidya.
Maybe that's a good thing in hinesight, but I still wanna find a chuuba like that...

>> No.75365661


>> No.75365680

>sigh i wish there was an loser vtuber with autistic obsessions just like me
You want to watch a man, with a man's upbringing and a man's mental illnesses. Women aren't like this.

>> No.75365730

No, she flew to America to meet her mod/bf but she specificly said they didn't fuck or even kiss. The most they did was held hands on the date to Disneyland or some shit while both their mothers were also there

>> No.75365830

Oh wow. That's trust worthy of hee. Was there any clip?

>> No.75365859

>He really thinks some girl would go across the sea to meet a BF and not fuck
Cmon dude

>> No.75365943

>go to offkai with a group of people I met here and chatted with on discord
>3 of them brought their girlfriends (they literally never mentioned them before for some reason)
>the only woman of the group brought her boyfriend (at least she talked about him before hand)
>the only other person without a partner fucks off to flirt with a kiara cosplay girl at the after party after the first day, we never see him again after that
>i'm clearly the only permavirgin in the group
I'm never joining a /vt/ meetup again

>> No.75366068

Nta, but it happened back when sge streamed in yt. She deleted alot of stuff including the "dog girl marks you" asmr so i havent been back to her channel in a while. I mostly listened to her for her asmr.

>> No.75366158

she just like me fr...

>> No.75366161

All women are whores.
And guess what vtubers are?

>> No.75366178

Go to the male vtuber threads

>> No.75366210

The "cel" stands for celibate, not fat or mentally ill.

>> No.75366334

I unironically believe numi is a (dick-in-pussy) virgin.

>> No.75366390


>> No.75366411


>> No.75366437

Any archived link?

>> No.75366445

Your still a virgin unless one of you cum

>> No.75366498

I only watch femcel vtubers.
What are some femcel vtubers I should watch?

>> No.75366507

Cmon bro stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.75366513

>Hi Luffy i've been accepted to Hololive! Finally free from R-chan and her whorish manners

>> No.75366543

that shit was even grimmer

>> No.75366617

>so i havent been back to her channel in a while.
You care about this more than i do so you can look it up.
You must really want to get off to knowing your oshi has a bf or you know or think its true, but are in denial. Like i said i havent been to her channel after she deleted alot of stuff. You dont have to believe me, but just know that your oshi has been streaming before she went to twitch and she hated her old audience.

>> No.75366661

Pillowdear Asmr

>> No.75366799

I'm sure there's some women like that in this world, theres billions of them afterall

>> No.75366801

She's not my Oshi. But I was a fan. I'm just genuinely curious as to what's the full picture cause many are also saying that she's a hypocrite and is currently lying out of her ass about her "schizophrenia".

>> No.75367142

Its not video proof, but search fallenshadow bf in the archives. Theres posts going all the way back to 2021. Its just on one page too. Its up to you if you think its real or not

>> No.75367157

Dude she is hot af, toned, can sing, is funny and groomable. You have to be joking.

>> No.75367210

The mental illness is real. But so is her fucking her old mod/bf

>> No.75368020

Is he still a mod?

>> No.75368083

I love my femcel girlfriend wife Lucy Pyre!

>> No.75368179

i know of a chuuba who is 100% a virgin but none of you fucks deserve to know

>> No.75368218

>after that diary stream
What did she talk about that ould make you think she's more of a femcel than any others? Because Miko exists.

>> No.75368251

Filian and Lucy are virgins.
You can tell when a woman is legitimately a virgin when they know NOTHING about the male body when even a single hookup would make them understand.
Onigiri is in a relationship and is not a virgin.
Yuzu has talked about being Eiffel towered you fucking retard, of course she's not a virgin.
Lily and boeska are fucking. This is known, she just doesn't mention it.

>> No.75368348

not sure why giri was brought up when the whole onibro thing is chat calling him their bro

>> No.75368402

Idk, i never cared enough about him because i dont remember it being obvious she was dating someone in chat/a mod, but i do remeber her telling chat that was was going to america to see someone and she talked about how he was taller than her. Her yt chat was alot different than her twitch chat. Yt chat didnt mind her having a bf or maybe she didnt have enough viewers for people to care.

>> No.75368570

Probably because she doesn't openly call him her boyfriend/husband and some people think it's her actual brother. It's an open secret that the majority of her chat know.
But the lesser knowing viewers think he's her brother which I guess he's implying that people "lack information."

>> No.75368648

>You can tell when a woman is legitimately a virgin when they know NOTHING about the male body
This is easy to lie about. Im not a virgin, but i still cant find the hole my dick goes in to save my life.

>> No.75368828

Hmmm. I don't know what to do with all this info. Welp time to forget everything by jacking off.

>> No.75368929

>You can tell when a woman is legitimately a virgin when they know NOTHING about the male body when even a single hookup would make them understand.
nigga alot of woman don't even know where their urethra is
women think a erect dick they see in porn is the default appearance of a penis no matter what, so when they see a uncut dick they freak out

>> No.75369055 [DELETED] 
File: 3.37 MB, 1920x1080, lucy3d[sound=https2F2Fqrcv53.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she makes it

>> No.75369121
File: 3.37 MB, 1920x1080, lucy3d[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqrcv53.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she makes it

>> No.75369130

If she admitted to having sex and a boyfriend she couldn't do the whole horny virgin femcel thing.
>Know anatomy
>Say something other than the correct answer to give illusion of ignorance

>> No.75369984

Imagine thinking femcels actually exist.
It's the same sales gimmick that every other shitty romcom manga does where the popular girl is actually in love with the nerd who never talks to anyone and is always on their phone.

>> No.75370026

It's Mori, isn't it?

>> No.75370029


>> No.75370081

she's bold

>> No.75371005

no its a small corpo

>> No.75371671

Watch this and tell me again she's not a virgin

>> No.75371962

What's so virgin about that short

>> No.75372509
File: 784 KB, 828x831, 1684470631001595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watched a little bit of Lucy and she was very close and affectionate with her chat but she isn't exactly GFE from what I know, so what do you call someone like her, GFE-adjacent?

>> No.75374410
File: 681 KB, 1280x661, The only Truth that matters by Norm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only watched a little bit of Lucy and she was very close and affectionate with her chat but she isn't exactly GFE from what I know, so what do you call someone like her, GFE-adjacent?
This is called “Woman”. They come in many shapes, forms, personalities, and skills.

Unrelated pic.

>> No.75374505

>This is called “Woman”
sounds gross

>> No.75374579

In anons defense at least none of them have doujins detailing their actual real life sexual relations like your pic does.

>> No.75374919


>> No.75376244

Being clinically retarded is not common anon.

>> No.75376345

>literally everyone

>> No.75377998

I legitimately feel bad for anyone who actually believes this

>> No.75378114

anon, nobody actually believes this

>> No.75378275

Are you telling me her main appeal of being a based femcel who loves chatty is a lie?
You're full of shit

>> No.75378341

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.75378388

There are women who have not had sex that watch male vtubers. What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.75378409

they are but they usually dont have popular personalities

>> No.75378561

Guys, GUYS! The only vtuber virgin is Onigiri, there's no way another guy could get in there when OniBro is always next to her, traveling and living together even across countries
There's just no way she can have a boyfriend in that situation

>> No.75378781
File: 56 KB, 1000x500, american-psycho-bale-e1560539531621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You /vt/ faggs are so funny to laugh at. Arguing, bitching and moaning weather your whores are not whores is peak entertainment.
But here's some advice for you, all women are whores, no exception the sooner you accept that the easier your life will be. Good luck retards.

>> No.75379352

Femcels do exist, but it's only because they refuse to back down on their unreasonable standards and become bitter about it. The same way there are guys that could get laid if they stopped chasing girls that are way out of their league.
That said, any woman can easily get laid no matter how socially inept and unattractive (unless she's grotesquely disfigured) if she's desperate enough and willing to throw out any semblance of standards. There's plenty of guys that will gladly take advantage of that desperation and just be happy to get their dick wet.
For desperate guys, on the other hand, if they're unattractive/losers, a woman will sus out that desperation and be immediately turned off by it regardless of her own status.

>> No.75380177

femcels don’t exist

>> No.75381151

>There are women who have not had sex that watch male vtubers.
No there aren't.
Male vtuber fans are as follows
>Women who had sex but never got committment/relationships (aka the femcel)
>Gay men

Notice how Vox was huge in China during lockdown when women couldn't go out, then lockdown lifted and his numbers tanked.

>> No.75381466

Not him, but any woman, no matter what she looks like, or smells like, can get laid, so they’re never __involuntarily__ celibate

>> No.75381744

I want to cum inside Lucy and sniff her braps

>> No.75382000
File: 226 KB, 496x471, 1697738772069695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I downloaded the femcel dating app out of curiosity. First girl's profile I see openly admits her daddy issues, and lack of gag reflex. Why are women like that?

>> No.75382198

Daddy issues anon, you answered it yourself

>> No.75383203
File: 198 KB, 376x376, 1700853844444454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason for me not believing femcels exist has nothing to do with me thinking all women are whores, it's just that from my own personal experience even the ugliest, fattest bitches I've talked to had boyfriends/husbands, it's literally impossible for women to be alone unless they actively try really hard
But then again, some vtubers never leave their houses so who knows

>> No.75384218



>> No.75384965
File: 66 KB, 810x810, 1713231001001624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>femcel dating app
Let me guess, it's 80% men?

>> No.75385068

>This entire post
vtubing truly is a mistake

>> No.75385122

black and destitute women always had to work. the whole womens' fight to work thing was largely a white middle class issue

>> No.75385255

Femcels don't even see themselves as virgins, unless they are the ultra retarded breed that believes in "reclaiming your virginity".
Women become femcels because of shitty relationships, they have threads for this on this site.

>> No.75385289

shondo is a virgin and shes waiting for the right man who is obviously me

>> No.75385420
File: 457 KB, 600x800, 1708810077101324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black and destitute women
Yeah, those don't matter.

>> No.75385519 [DELETED] 

Imagine believing a single word of this post. People like you deserve to get suckered and flipped in to obsessed antis

>> No.75385797

do we tell him?

>> No.75386407

Wasn't she the whore that got passed around at the back of some party bus at the last Offkai? Or was that some other twitch whore?

>> No.75387523

that was a girl called rainhoe

>> No.75387571

why does this guys name sound familar

>> No.75391918

>no proofs

>> No.75392055

kill yourself for bumping your dogshit thread that was 5 minutes away from dying

>> No.75392264

Ui takes it up the ass

>> No.75392316

yeah, mine

>> No.75392650


>> No.75395878

And they could easily have sex if they don't have high expectations.

>> No.75396787

I bet you could fuck an ugly gay guy too if you wanted. Does that mean male incels don't exist?

>> No.75397140

nice brain damage you have

>> No.75397228

so you admit you're wrong, got it

>> No.75397376

go back to lig faggot

>> No.75397590

who the hell is lig?

>> No.75397627


>> No.75397659

/lig/ newfag

>> No.75397838

troons don't care about male vtubers they're the second biggest consumers of cgdct

>> No.75397972

She fucked that misshapen chair guy didn’t she? They were dating back when my friends gf played in chairs static

>> No.75398070

no she only fucked me

>> No.75399907

troons are less than 1% of the total population
they arent the biggest consumers of anything you retarded nigger

>> No.75400388

>he belevs

>> No.75403172

u reely beleeb

>> No.75405801


>> No.75406553

That one vtuber that keeps swapping models and scamming people.

>> No.75406787

she is not blatantly femcel-like and she is just depressed and incredibly sheltered, also a bit young

>> No.75409437

Etymology doesn't dexide how the word ends up being used anon. Like incel doesn't even kean involuntary celibate anymore, it just means misogynistic weirdo. Same way femcel just means weird female shut in otaku girl.

>> No.75410138

But it does still mean thst
Misogynistic weirdos get called incels because it is assumed that they are involuntary celibate

>> No.75410142

>femcel just means weird female shut in otaku girl.
No, it means loser whore

>> No.75411289

>actual femcel chuuba #1,000,000,000
>no but for real this time
yeah sure buddy

>> No.75414831


>> No.75415018

Incels in general don't exist. It's all a choice. If you are a virgin, it's by choice.

>> No.75415310

>anons say female whores are everywhere
>i never get laid
Ok clearly someone is lying here

>> No.75415389

Its perfectly possible for a male to be desired by literally nobody. Common even,

>> No.75417323
File: 27 KB, 221x123, 1622361189700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


femcel != involuntarily + celibate

femcel = female + celibate

It describes its own unique set of problems exclusive to mental illness and not inability to get laid

>> No.75417366

But none of them are celibate.

>> No.75417454

Lucy is a kissless virgin, she said so

>> No.75417602
File: 223 KB, 482x573, 1715233247095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that one's just straight up insane.

>> No.75417743

>lucy itt using semantics to explain how shes still a femcel even with a high body count

>> No.75419939

i dont care if she is or isnt a femcel, im still gonna pound her to dust tonight

>> No.75420105

Someone wrote gullible on the ceiling

>> No.75420478
File: 233 KB, 1108x910, 1704130965766908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as a femcel. Even the most average looking girl can get a guy, even a chad, if she tries. A chad could pity fuck her to feel powerful and dominant. It's because men are wired to be indiscriminate with who they fuck and spread their seed to as many women as possible. Women are the opposite, because they're supposed to do the quality control of who gets to impregnate them, since they'd be taking mortal risk, so the baby better be worth the 9 months of trouble and risk to her life during birth. So if a woman is still an incel, it's entirely on her. Men on the other hand have to jump through a 100 hoops before even getting a chance with an average looking girl, unless of course if he's a chad.

>> No.75420873

the left side can be summarized as don't be an NPC, have a job and be relatively fit. Everything a man should strive for, even without chasing a pussy

>> No.75421072

Meanwhile a woman doesn't have to do anything, especially these days. That's the point. Just be a woman and you'll find a man, even an orgy. At least in the past women needed to have values and be able to cook and do other household chores. Even have skills like sewing and knitting. They also had to be pious, or else be seen as a whore with promiscuous tendencies. But now, a woman just existing is enough for her to get a boyfriend/husband.

>> No.75421835

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa!! Fool fool!!

>> No.75422414
File: 93 KB, 827x1226, 1715242346136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggas post shit like this and then wonder why they get no pussy. You emanate an aura of anger and spite that repels any female around you. Not even the most chiseled abs or a 6-figure salary could dispel it.

>> No.75422564

If you're a girl and want a gay guy, that's the reason you aren't having sex.

>> No.75422773

Even /lig/ cant contain these shitters anymore, actually bleeding out, no one cares about Lucy, she became a pick me after some fame from Asmon, she used to be a small xiv streamer and meme maker, back then you could argue her being "pure" now i bet shes used up so much that nothing will fit anymore, please stfu and get a thread to contain your shitty chatty woman in, im sure that would please her more for her ego search, btw i know youre here Lucy, i still havent forgiven you for what happened, hope it comes back to bite you.

>> No.75422820

Insane isn't the right word, I think mentally and ethically ill is a better description.

>> No.75422964
File: 31 KB, 303x442, 1715244184846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I guess.

>> No.75423046

Shutup Mel

>> No.75423235

I'm not Mel. The real Mel were the braaps we smelled along the way.

>> No.75423593

Imagine being a Lucy anti.
Are you numi?

>> No.75423612


>> No.75423640

Hi banned oiler
Stop lying retard.

>> No.75423762

Is that Iron Moose?

>> No.75423879

>Not even the most chiseled abs or a 6-figure salary could dispel it.
This is an absolute lie, lmao. You can literally be gay and a misogynist like Andrew Tate and he still gets piles of women.

>> No.75423945

Lol what did Kronii do?
The thing about Vtubers idols is that you're supposed to be able to pretend that they aren't all turbo disgusting mega whores the way that a real woman is
Why would they ruin this? Lmao

>> No.75424066

Kek, I guess that just leaves mental illness then

>> No.75424386

>Lol what did Kronii do?
She had a crush on a childhood friend who ended up getting married and pregnant.

>> No.75424796

if anyone thinks she isnt an incel, you havent heard her fall out of the chair and her obese ass hitting the floor, not to mention it takes her like a minute or two to get out of her chair

now dont get me wrong, more cushion for the pushin' but americans have this weird double standard shit going on like
>be fat
>dont want to fuck fat people
which means she doesnt want to fuck other fat people and other fat people dont wanna fuck her, she romanticizes the idea of her chatters being muscular chad gods that will gang bang her

this isnt a rushia moment where shes actually passable, this is a short fat smelly asian chick

>> No.75424932

He is long gone.
His modship is long gone too.

>> No.75424968

By that logic, neither are men
There aren't male incels either because there are always ugly/fat/mentally ill/retarded women for the ugly or average male to date/fuck.
The average anon could go on tinder and fuck/date/marry a fat chick but they won't, but the fact that the choice is present would inherently imply that men can't be incels either because they always have a choice but choose not to, meaning it's not "involuntary" according to your logic.

It would mean technically no one is an incel

>> No.75425087

Kronii is a lesbian or bi and has massive crush on her female friend for long time

>> No.75425279

wtf are you smoking? She posted her thin RTX previously

>> No.75425376

>ugly or average male to date/fuck
t. never used any dating apps

Even landwhales have standards there. Now, on the other hand an average male relative to an average female is your 6'5 roid head, so rape is always on the table.

>> No.75425392
File: 671 KB, 576x1024, afwm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>short fat smelly asian chick
You're so right anon!
No guy would ever go for that!

>> No.75425448

>t. never used any dating apps
What does this have to do with anything?
You act as if every female is on dating apps and the stats don't reflect that.
Simply approach tubbos and ask them out, cold approach/at work/parties/etc.

Once again, if you're point is that you have to put in even the slightest bit of IRL effort, then it's not involuntary

>> No.75425453

I didnt say I wouldnt fuck her

>> No.75425499

>I didnt say I wouldnt fuck her
Then she's not an incel
Holy fuck what do you think the term "involuntary celibate" means?
Even if you were the only person who wanted to fuck her, that by default means she's not an incel/femcel you retard

>> No.75425608

By this logic I'm not an incel because olivia wants to fuck me

>> No.75425613

*I* anon, am not taking a plane to go fuck her, my cock only reaches so far and circumstances you absolute cumsock, can leave one in such a predicament so you cant use theoretical sex as an argument against her involuntary celibacy

>> No.75425738

Then use a different term
You're using involuntary incorrectly
>Even if you were the only person who wanted to fuck her
I did say this, but the fact of the matter is you aren't the only one there are thousands if we're being realistic
She is not an incel/femcel and that is fact, ugly and fat women will always have tons(lol) of choices and moreso if they're asian too

>> No.75425756

Yes, and?

>> No.75425831

I personally know 2 femcels. The only reason they are, is cause they are literal bottom of the barrel in terms of looks. a 3 in a good day. And I would still fuck one of them if there were no consequences or strings attached. The other one no cause she's also fat.

So No, Anon, there is no way those attractive vtubers are femcels.

>> No.75425907

that implies that due to the possibility of someone wanting to fuck anyone at any given time means the concept of incel/femcel does not exist

>> No.75425957

An incel is still an incel if they pay for hookers to fuck.

>> No.75425981

it's all in your head, ugly men can get pussy if they are confident, cels are cels because they think low of themselves

>> No.75425993

Exactly the point, that's why inceldom isn't actually real
The fact of the matter is ugly men/average men don't want to fuck fat/ugly women and ugly women/fat women/average women don't want to fuck ugly/fat men
That doesn't make either of them incel, because the entire point of why incel term was created was about the implication of "involuntary celibate" meaning no matter how hard you tried you weren't able to overcome your celibacy, not that you couldn't find the one you wanted but that you couldn't find ANY willing participants

>> No.75426051

You have a good point, mate. damn.

>> No.75426137

if there are no vagaries in use of the term the term itself if taken by a literal definition cannot exist as a term to be used, the term here is often utilized in jest and not a definitive classification of the individual, especially not as if its some form scientific name (Vtuberus Incelidae)

>> No.75426272

>Incel(Involuntary Celibate) doesn't actually mean someone who is celibate due to involuntary means
>It actually just means someone who can't get sex as easy as a chad or stacy
If incel was a term existing 200 years ago then maybe you'd be right, but the term was created for a specific reason 25 years ago and to just say fuck that reason here's a new one that reinforces my other beliefs is retarded and utterly makes the point of the terms genesis meaningless

>> No.75426275

they are. but just not the one you had in mind or whatever fantasy you had about them. reality is often dissapointing

>> No.75426344

>doesn't address a single point
>strawmans and lashes out like a woman
You know the rules.

>> No.75426447
File: 300 KB, 1152x648, 1715253322465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really wanna see my moobs that bad? Boohoo, the whamen have it easy, why can't I get pussy for free, boohoo!

>> No.75426540

the issue is everyone can get laid, the person in reference just might not want to fuck the person that wants to fuck them though if they even know that each other exists

made up term
>chad and stacy
also made up terms and none of which can actually abide by their original definitions without excluding literally everyone from falling under them and so they are either expanded upon or they are no longer used

>> No.75426889

Moron, we're talking about why a femcel is a bullshit idea. Women can't be incels because they can easily get sex even from a chad, despite having average looks. Whereas men have to work their asses off even to get a date. If a woman can't get a man, then it's all on her for not even trying to put in the bare minimum effort. All she has to do is make herself visible, and she will have men lining up in front of her.

>> No.75426929

you can get sex too anon, you just gotta lower your standards

>> No.75427017

Not to mention, there's such thing as rape. Women can have access to sex so easily that they'll literally get forced into it, whether they want it or not. Ever heard of a male rape epidemic? How many men are getting ganged up by women in back allies? So the idea of femcels in a world where "rape culture" exists (according to women themselves), is bullshit.

>> No.75427073
File: 753 KB, 498x498, 4chan-bury-pink-gril.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oli is such a nise girl, saving us from inceldom like that.

>> No.75427098

And women don't have to lower their standards. That's the difference and the entire point. They can get sex from any man of any looks, even the chaddest chad, because men don't discriminate. They just want to pump and dump, which most women have no problem with.

>> No.75427419

>Ever heard of a male rape epidemic?
Yeah, in fucking prisons.

>> No.75428538

>asian chick
thought she was white

>> No.75428662

I don't know about her but quite a few of these horny vtubers have femcel energy.

>> No.75428773


>> No.75428958

As an Otaku woman in her late 20s and a virgin, yes, we do exist. I'm not fat or ugly and could get laid if that was really what I wanted, I've had the opportunity and no interest in it. And not because my "standards are too high." I've not been single all my life and have just started to date again. That is not what I and probably most women want. That's only appealing to men. The idea of having sex is gross and unpleasant and scary to me and I can't imagine it would be anything but painful and boring. Women definitely get the short end of the stick where it comes to sex; no wonder we don't want to be laid by any random guy when we bear the sexual risk of the natural consequences due to our biology. I've read similar concerns from other women commenting on the topic on other platforms. It's not wholly unusual for us to feel this way.

>> No.75429326


>> No.75429449
File: 352 KB, 338x338, 1715259512613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They can get sex from any man of any looks, even the chaddest chad
"Chads" don't even bother hitting on uggo women, let alone fuggin them. If you know a "Chad" who fucks uggos, then he's not really a "Chad"

>> No.75429671

Chad will fuck them just to try something different every now and then, and like I said, to feel powerful. Unlike Stacys, uggos will let them do anything because they feel lucky just to get a shot with a Chad. They treat these uggos like cum dumpsters and they gladly take it.

>> No.75429732
File: 422 KB, 2470x1333, 1715260079977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75429743

Sorry anon, Mori has/had a confirmed boyfriend, those repaer holes have been filled already

>> No.75429769 [DELETED] 

Then that doesn't make you an "incel". An incel is an involuntary celibate. Incels WANT TO have sex, but can't. Whereas women like you have no interest in sex. So you fall more into the asexual category than incel.

>> No.75429823

I read that as repeat holes and now I'm imagining calli with two shitters.

>> No.75429828

that's why femcel is its own word

>> No.75429873

Double the braaps...

>> No.75430380

>That's only appealing to men.
This. Women stay virgins because they have no good men in their lives to form meaningful relationships with. It's different from men, who stay virgins mostly because there's something wrong with them.

>> No.75430408

>be taller than her
Scratch that, it's: be taller than most men

>> No.75430610
File: 95 KB, 600x824, Sakura.Miko.full.3684037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, what about Miko?

>> No.75430651

>miko laugh.webm

>> No.75430656

As opposed to women, who as we all know, are incapable of having flaws.

>> No.75430894

Femcel = low functioning autist AND hideously ugly cave troll, likely a downie
Incel = Average-looking introvert

>> No.75431232

I honestly thought this was the woman in >>75422639 for some dumb reason.

>> No.75431800

I found the original tweet and it's "breeded" not "blacked" fuck you.

>> No.75431942

It was blacked, then she deleted it and said she didn't know what it meant, she thought it meant you black out, and found out that blacked is actualy racist because it dehumanized black people but she actualy prefers to date blacks so she changed it to breeded.

>> No.75431947

But who's more likely to be a femcel, a horny girl who talks about sex and porn all the time or a seiso girl who (supposedly) knows nothing about porn?

>> No.75432072


>> No.75432155
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1692673418838540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75432206

I believe you, Anonymous.

>> No.75432246
File: 152 KB, 1600x900, sakura-miko-hiatus-due-to-covid-19-positive-min-2027781484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who defiled her?

>> No.75432300

That image is weirdly cute

>> No.75432415

Kek, this.
>I'm a fat useless fuck. No man around me is a millionaire. It's their fault!

>> No.75432536

FFS I'm talking about a female on male rape epidemic. Show me ONE country where that happens.

>> No.75432719

This post ain't about the real world, this shit is about Vtubers, male vtuebrs are all sexpests willing to fuck a landwhale witha a hot Vtuebr model, that's why a mid-high success Vtuber has already been fucked, if they were a femcel it becomes easier because of the attention they get.

>> No.75432780

>As an Otaku woman in her late 20s and a virgin,
Cool, and how big is your penis?

>> No.75435055


>> No.75435090

me, I did

>> No.75435441

there is no such thing as a virgin woman

>> No.75435504

This thread reeks of frustrated virgin men

>> No.75435549

my mom is a virgin, fuck you

>> No.75435818

Caring about sex this much is pathetic. It does nothing to improve your life and it's time better spent making you and/or your family's life more worthwhile.

>> No.75436968

Shut up, Jesus.

>> No.75437789

Smoothbrain here. I thought Numi and Lucy tolerated each other? What happened?

>> No.75441918

She just like me frfr

>> No.75443454


>> No.75443879

>sex is not that big of a dealwhy do you care so much about it
But then

>> No.75445277

>I've had the opportunity and no interest in it. And not because my "standards are too high." I've not been single all my life and have just started to date again. That is not what I and probably most women want. That's only appealing to men. The idea of having sex is gross and unpleasant and scary to me and I can't imagine it would be anything but painful and boring. Women definitely get the short end of the stick where it comes to sex; no wonder we don't want to be laid by any random guy when we bear the sexual risk of the natural consequences due to our biology. I've read similar concerns from other women commenting on the topic on other platforms. It's not wholly unusual for us to feel this way.
That's a fascinating post on the internet. Meanwhile I work with women of various ages in my workplace and they discuss anyhting raning from
>Keeping a roster to "keep him on his toes"
>Tinder hookups and ONSs
>Actively chasing guys they like instead of just being passive (contrary to the idea women are passive in relationships)
>Casual sex
>Having lots of casual sex to ""get over" your "shitty ex".
>Talking about dick size and sex quality of various partners they had over the years
>Starting a fucking onlyfans

But you're trying to tell me women aren't into, and don't engage in casual sex? LMAO. Youtube videos didn't bother me becuase I kenw they can be cherry picked, IRL interactions are what made me realize I don't care for dating anymore.

>> No.75445663

who said they're attractive?

>> No.75445726

>he believed all those women

>> No.75445772

I do, because they speak to one another and forget that most of the guys there even exist.

>> No.75446112

women can and do also lie to each other.

>> No.75446263

most pathetic thread I've seen in a while and that's saying something

>> No.75446371

99% of the whole mgtow/redpill/etc. is genuinely just risk-adverse men trying to justify why they are risk adverse.

>> No.75446393

I hate myself more than I hate women

>> No.75446406

You can like or dislike Kronii, but if you can't relate to this you are not a man.

>> No.75446553
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>> No.75447178

Aren’t femcels men haters why is she catering to sex appeal? Is femcel a forgotten word that in modern day just means twitch slut camgirl sexslave dor nerds?

>> No.75447352

Remember when /lig/ caught Lucy selfposting? She’s going the Pippa route and trying to sell herself for 4chan appeal but with added parasocial sex baiting, the lowest of low.

>> No.75447496

After she couldn’t quit Twitter I hope she ends up killing herself for her next menhera stunt.

>> No.75447839

The nisest

>> No.75448070

I don't have friends (let alone female ones) so I can't relate

>> No.75448789

>Lucy thread almost hitting bump limit
What went right?

>> No.75449162

Lucy is cute

>> No.75449266

This thread is godawful and should have been deleted long ago as it's more of an angry debate about women's sex lives than about any vtuber.

>> No.75451509

they fixed the middle class issue by getting rid of the middle class

>> No.75451718

nah, ur just retarded if you can't figure that one out

>> No.75451995

I consider a massive stretch considering it took me a few seconds to realize you're talking about divorse/std stuff.

>> No.75453057

Let's talk about how awful VShoujo is

>> No.75453458

How is this thread still alive? Who keeps necrobumping it?

>> No.75453534

Funny enough, it was like 80% women until the twittards flooded in this week.

>> No.75454159

That's because modern women don't consider average men as human beings so they don't care how crass they look in front of them.

This is also true, they don't care about average men but they do care about their social circle, hopping on a different chad's dick every few weeks/months (or lying about it) is how they try to impress each other and show that they are "high value" on the dating market, they keep playing that game until they their age catches up and they become too unatractive for the type of men they want.

Women hate you more than you hate yourself, they literally want non-chads to die if they dare talking to them, this is their mindset after getting dicked by a chad once.

>> No.75455254

u beleeb?

>> No.75455315

her cuckhold fans bumping it every time it hits page 11

>> No.75459841

