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75438426 No.75438426 [Reply] [Original]

Have there been any catfights between chuubas on stream? And I’m not talking bantz, but full on bitchfests.

>> No.75438607

No, unfortunately. I really wish we had some but all the drama has been pretty subdued. I always wanted to see a chuuba lose patience with another and actually just call her a bitch on stream. For hololive it probably would lead to a suspension at least, so they probably would just end the stream before losing their cool.

>> No.75438897

The closes was Ame losing her shit on Gura, for killing her in rust. Maybe Miko telling Pekora not to fuck with her, when Pekora killed Miko on a long ass group expedition in Minecraft.

>> No.75439028

Havent seen the miko/pekora thing. Ame/gura was like a 10 second thing, it went nowhere.

>> No.75439149

yeah the rust one was the first thing I thought of. only other one was when myth were playing uno and kiara wouldn't stop doing baby talk, so gura told her she wished she'd died in the womb.

>> No.75439209

>so gura told her she wished she'd died in the womb.
clip pls

>> No.75439274

That was peak myth, Kiara was fucking hilarious back then. Man good times.

>> No.75439426

OP here. Doesn’t necessarily have to be in Hololive; hell, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened with Indies more often.

>> No.75439683

Iofi and Ollie, with Moona gassing them up

>> No.75440114

That stream was fun until Kiara got mad and started whining because she lost the game. Prime Kiara moment

>> No.75440464

This literally happened just the other day with Pippa and Marimari, but they made up.

"Chat, what is this BITCH being so mean to me for?"

>> No.75440477

That shit was funny too, all of it was funny.

>> No.75440539

Oh shit, i haven't watched their latets collab yet, redbull me senpai.

>> No.75440702

I don't know if you'd call it a catfight, but there was actual beef between Matsuri and Haachama a while back, in 2021? They ended up making up on stream, but I believe Matsuri actually acknowledged there was bad blood there, which is definitely a surprise.

>> No.75441048

>Menhera found out that other menheras exist
Matsuri lost out on a lot of friendships because she’s too loose and moves on to other girls fast. She shouldn’t have been surprised when someone cut her off cause of this

>> No.75441260

You're thinking of Matsuri and Luna.
The Matsuri and Haachama beef was because Haachama showed up to Rushia's thing and not Matsuri's, but that's because Haachama was going on hiatus. I'm sure the full explanation is in the archives

>> No.75442403

It was something like that. Also I’m guessing Haachama’s friendship with HSKW didn’t help.

>> No.75444440

Not on stream but Matsuri pissed Luna off so badly that Luna went back and deleted every collab stream and PoV of a joint stream they ever had together on her channel and has refused to do anything with her since.

>> No.75444998

Over what

>> No.75445744

We'll never know
But it was bad enough that Luna has still never commented on Matsuri's apology song vod

>> No.75446037

I wonder if she was caught making fun of her behind her back. I feel like Luna used to get a lot of bullying from other Holomems that found her annoying

>> No.75446744
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moments before disaster

>> No.75446895

Shion was getting teased way too hard by Marine and Coco and flipped out. Coco tries to calm the situation down after. I'm on mobile, so you can look it up yourself. The argument was something about Shion being offended about being called an Instagram girl or something.

>> No.75447041


>> No.75447494

There was also that MC stream where Ame referenced Gura's PL and Gura doxxed Ame in retaliation

>> No.75447578

They were clearly joking around and not bothered. You could even see Gura mute herself but from her model she was obviously laughing.

>> No.75447847

that was pretty funny tho

>> No.75451198

Yeah I think this is by far the worst. At least for stuff that we can publicly see

>> No.75451720

I think your mixing it with her past vtuber life, where she got bullied alot

>> No.75452274

Gura was never the same after that...

>> No.75452348

Women never fight. You only see that in the movies.

>> No.75452404

The Miko/Peko thing was legit an accident that could've been prevented if Pekora wasn't just fucking around and playing serious. The Ame/Gura thing tho, there is no excuse. Playing fucking Rust for godsake and they're not even allied, wtf did she expect.

>> No.75452560

I feel like the myth collab where they played twister came close. There's sometimes a vibe where you can feel several of them wanting to tell Kiara to stfu

>> No.75452596
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It's been a few years but one of the early myth collabs, where Kiara was rambling something and Mori snapped back with "I dont care", only to immediately play it off as kayfabe when kiara seemed hurt.

It was like a skit in a sitcom, but real so even funnier.

>> No.75452918
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I remember at the end of the Kiara/Pekora Minecraft collab where Kiara was being a pouty bitch, but in English so Pekora wouldn't catch on.
Pekora: "This was fun. Let's play again!"
Orange: "Yeah, sure, in another 9 months. Whatever..."
Or someting along those lines.

>> No.75453943

>not faking smile during time for confrontation while being quiet like a pussy and then making twitlonger or talk behind someone's back

>> No.75454335

For me, it's Kiara asking if Mori heard her cover and Mori said yes, but she never actually had a cover of that song and was testing Mori.

>> No.75454611

>The closest catfight is a half a second whisper of Ame calling gura a bitch
The desperation of this board to make this some big crazy moment is really funny. This moment probably doesn't even crack the top 20 in En let alone chubas

>> No.75455798

Kiara was SUPPOSED to be doing baby talk. It was her punishment for losing the Uno round.

>> No.75456565

Pippa or Marimari?
Pippa is always a cunt in collabs so i would understand if Marimari reacted like that.

>> No.75456739

I hate Kiara so much, such a histrionic narcissist.
Literally all the worst typical female traits rolled into one simpmagnet.

>> No.75456789

Based shark

>> No.75456849

>Kiara got mad and started whining
When isn’t she?

>> No.75456960

>ctrl f kiara
>14 results
expected but still funny

>> No.75457487

>OP asks for examples in the chuuba world
>examples are only coming from hololive
Are you people really THAT desperate for drama to happen?

>> No.75457945
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things are too stable now

>> No.75458081

I think it's more that the board is filled to the brim with casuals, so it's not like they're going to know about anybody else.

>> No.75458563

There was a pippa one, calm down.
Also westerners prefer to tweet about it after.

>> No.75458687

I have no interest in eating shit just to get the approval of shit connoisseurs.

>> No.75458929

And not a single one has been mentioned yet. I don't think one exists. Every one of these (minus Pippa) ended quickly or was off stream.

>> No.75459013

I miss FestivaLuna...

>> No.75459077

>I'm on mobile

>> No.75459130

Kiara has the real idol mentality and that's what makes her the best.

>> No.75459156

Here you go

>> No.75459175

I was on the pooper, anon. I had to be on my phone. If you want the clip so badly, you could have just asked. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or29XGdM1mU

>> No.75459200

>Do you have any nicknames, like Rebecca

>> No.75459253

one of the 2 views from /choc/ had a menhara breakdown about someone canceling a collab because she wasn't very PC or something like that. Cried about it for like an hour on an unlisted stream, but I'm not sure if anyone found out who it was that canceled.

>> No.75459276

>but in English so Pekora wouldn't catch on.
She said basically the same thing in Japanese first.

>> No.75459302

getting genuinely mad at Pippa should be considered a free action

>> No.75459358

We're not all at home terminally online. Some of us are grabbing a beer at the bar after work shit posting.

>> No.75459413

Yeah, that sucked. Basically all of OG Takamori was Kiara trying to play her part and Mori shutting her down because Mori thought she was 'too cool' for kayfabe.

>> No.75459502

Be careful, Deadbeats don't like us to remember how Mori used to be.

>> No.75459659

Not really a fight but when Kiara was still insisting on Takamori she was doing a sponsored collab, in that card game EN got paid to shill, with Mori and she was absolutely beating Mori in all the matches and Mori got salty and stopped talking for all the stream

>> No.75459716

It’s equally as bad. They’re not supposed to fuck up like this, and saying it’s “not as bad” as other things dignifies it and encourages them to keep doing it.

>> No.75459809

That's just normal sibling interaction though so I don't think that counts

>> No.75459865

birds of a feather flock together

>> No.75459882

why was she mad again?

>> No.75460559

I didn't see that stream so I'll have to take your word on it, but that's so incredibly on brand. Reminds me of when she got actually upset Fauna used war elephants against her in Age of Empires. Immediately started talking about changing the rules for next match and killed the collab mood. She's such a shitty sport.

>> No.75460689

Kiara took Mori on a ski trip and then they stopped being friend. Kiara probably molested Mori. Let's be real.

>> No.75460752

To be fair Reine was being a poor loser as well during that stream - whereas Kronii and Moona just accepted death, kek.

>> No.75460762


>> No.75460905

I don't know if I'd call it a huge fight, but I can say that's the highest level of uncomfortable I've ever been from any vtuber content.

>> No.75461230

It's not "professional" by vtuber standards I guess but it's par for the course between siblings

>> No.75461264

It's genuinly not even slightly a fight.

>> No.75461278


>> No.75461351

Are FUWAMOCO the Bella Twins of Hololive?

>> No.75461360

>it's PekoMiko all over again

>> No.75462322

Pekora has a grudge against Miko for years
seriously she should get a doc

>> No.75465370


>> No.75465465

Ladies and Gentlemen, Deadbeat creativity, yay!

>> No.75468084

People tend to be aware they're on stream and will resist. Someone may go too far talking about someone else or something, but never with one another in anything I've seen or heard of.

>> No.75469832

Sora went full John Wick on Chloe's clique and they haven't interacted since then.

>> No.75470431


>> No.75471369

Really? Two girls tickling eachother is enough to make you uncomfortable?

>> No.75471615

Irys called Sana a nigger while they were playing among us

>> No.75471793

Ina was shitting on the Attack on Titan mangaka for being a cuck and Gura snaps back with something like "you're one to talk gook".

>> No.75471912

gura and ame on that rust stream

>> No.75472365

One time during a collab Kiara was sick of Mori not playing along with her takamori schtick that she vaguely hinted on that time Mori farted on stream.

>> No.75472991

You need to lose access to the internet.

>> No.75473046

Fubuki and Mio were pretty pissed at Korone on her debut stream because she gave absolutely zero fucks about it.

>> No.75473194

Gura is way too sensitive and overthinking and petty of a person not to have had this bother her a lot

>> No.75473242

tell me you're an only child without telling me

>> No.75473276

Anon, you’re probably confused from all the Kiara mentions, but that’s not even remotely close to what OP was asking about. Hell, aside from Pippa and the Matsuri-Luna mention, none of you in this thread have any idea what you’re talking about. Fucking gurame rust, really? Do any of you even know what a catfight is supposed to be like? Are you fags even trying?

>> No.75473510

Or that one where Mori lied about watching Kiara’s cover song that was actually a Rick roll and Kiara realized that Mori lied in her face and didn’t give two shits about her

>> No.75473557

all the good catfights happen off-stream

>> No.75473637

>Korone gave zero fucks
I heard she was just inexperienced, at least with Hololive's setup.

>> No.75473696

Just close your eyes and imagine...

>> No.75473718

Ame called Gura a bitch completely non-jokingly on stream

>> No.75474025

The saddest and funniest part is that Ame was forced to act like everything was normal for the rest of the stream as she stewed on having her opsec violated like that. Bet she was shell shocked and wanted to end that stream as soon as possible lmao

>> No.75474435


>> No.75474827

>op asks for catfights
>thread turns into gossipping sisters central, citing the most mundane inoffensive shit
>95% discussions centered around hololive anyway, the company that’s really good at keeping shit like this under wraps
Each and every one of you should post your armpits right now

>> No.75474940

Sora went full John Wick on Chloe's clique and they haven't interacted since then.

>> No.75474948

She definitely got bullied, but not by holo.

>> No.75475030 [DELETED] 

This is a holoboard.
Nobody gives a shit about a dying company.

>> No.75475205

link to that moment?

>> No.75475216

Dude, if you couldn't pick up on the "this isn't going as intended" family situation unpleasantness there, you might just be actually autistic. That was worse than "dinner at a friend's house and their parents getting into a fight just before the divorce" levels of discomfort.

>> No.75475507

The word you're looking for is 'shoot'

>> No.75475537

>Not supposed to Fuck up like this
Literally nothing happened afterwards

>> No.75475706

I kinda wonder if there has been an offcollab that ended with a "get the fuck out of my house" moment caught of stream

>> No.75475762

are you the autistic one? this is normal sibling playfighting.

>> No.75475910

Did you really think drama tourist would know anything besides Holo "drama" threads?

>> No.75475925

You're either an only child or a literal fucking autist

>> No.75477666
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>> No.75477823
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Anon, are you okay? They've done that several times recently too.

>> No.75478016

>I didn't see that stream so I'll have to take your word on it
VERY bad advice on here.
>Reminds me of when she got actually upset Fauna used war elephants
Oh, you're replying to yourself and that didn't happen

>> No.75483431

Doppio and Zaion destroyed Kyo on stream so badly he had to mute to control his manlet rage.

>> No.75487202

That's such a werid way to interpret that.

>> No.75489996
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Literally every single full Myth collab

>> No.75490323

Korone and Miko had a fight
