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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 557 KB, 448x490, 1590166539631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
804171 No.804171 [Reply] [Original]

>fat and ugly
>grating voice
>can't sing
>sucks at minecraft
>spreads r*ddit cancer
Can someone explain the appeal to me?

>> No.804235


>> No.804374 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 581x443, 1611931160149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't. You bugs don't posses the higher brain functions needed to be able to process the arguments we would make.

>> No.804409

We need another Yellow Turban Rebellion

>> No.804427

None of us can because we're not japanese

>> No.804437

Can she be credited for spreading the word "meme" to Japan?

>> No.804473
File: 135 KB, 700x394, 1594306354060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forgive the chinks

>> No.804487


>> No.804513

>Can someone explain the appeal to me?

Impossible. You're a communist bugman. You're mentally incapable of understanding such an explanation.

>> No.804532

LITERALLY everyone of your points is wrong.

>> No.804537

I'm not communist or chinese

>> No.804603

fat tits for sure

>> No.804695

She fought off the red menace when no one else could.

>> No.804715

Definitely not fat

>> No.804795

fuck off chang

>> No.804918

she's sexy

>> No.804934

>sucks at minecraft
I love that bitch!

>> No.804960

>fat and ugly

>> No.805097
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>> No.805100

>fat and ugly
>he doesn’t know

>> No.805346
File: 43 KB, 400x400, COOOOOOOOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny anime girl say bad word and funny word reddit meme hahahahahdfagfhafh

>> No.805364

>fat and ugly

>> No.805390

I love how any Coco anti gets called a chang now.

>> No.805420

Japanese people want to fuck big titty dragons? That would be my guess.

>> No.805428

Hey she's NOT ugly. All those other points, more than true.

>> No.805454

Even if she had zero redeeming features she's still based just for shoving it to degenerate ching chong subhumans

>> No.805482

>>fat and ugly
nah nigga nah

>> No.805493

Reddit is based

>> No.805639

Coco is solely responsible for spreading american culture in japan.

>> No.805643

>sucks at minecraft
but i liked how scared she acted

>> No.805661


>> No.805765

She's not and her roommate is hot as hell regardless of whatever unflattering pics you chink faggots cherrypick.
True but nobody cares about that.
I used to think it was annoying but now I just think her shitty sense of humor is endearing.

>> No.805787

makes the chinkies completly seethe, thats enough for me

>> No.805971

Wrong thread

>> No.805979
File: 13 KB, 480x360, not a chance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> be OP
> be fat basement dwelling incel chink (as opposed to being a half starved peasant povertyfag chink )
> can't make any sounds out of his mouth that don't sound like " HO XING XAO MING BING GONG"
> can't feel empathy due to his insectoid nature
> sucks at life
> spreads c*mmunist cancer


> gets wheels of justice slowly ground over his bug body in the form of tiddydragon reaching 1mil, doxxfags going Starship Troopers on his kind, and tiddydragon modding her tatsunokos and your efforts instantly going up in a cloud of bug spray
> can't harass Coco
> can't even shitpost in her chat as your social credit is too low for you to afford an additional device
> can only come to an anonymous Taiwanese jelqing symposium to fish for (you)s
> didn't even get that from this post

>> No.806008

OP, you only watch clips, watch some live streams and see how the other girls love and respect Coco and you'll love her too

>> No.806047
File: 74 KB, 960x538, 1597769686695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretty cute.
God I fucking wished.

>> No.806049

Based Frakesposter.

>> No.806060

I really don't see her appeal, and cocofags never can properly explain it either (that's why they often resort to insults)

>> No.806116

Ok son, you can watch someone else instead.

>> No.806138
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>> No.806160

It's like trying to explain jazz. You either like it or you don't.

>> No.806165

take your meds, zhang.

>> No.806200

I don't follow Coco, but I've been seeing that she upset the bugmen. What did she do? Anything major?

>> No.806213


>> No.806239

She gravely insulted chinese viewers by mentioning what percentage of views she gets from Taiwan

>> No.806254


Those are a few reason why, Coco is so amazing: 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.806256
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>> No.806279

Singlehandedly killed Hololive China

>> No.806280

Mentioned Taiwan which was based, but other than that she is really cringy and unfunny holo

>> No.806303

Note that she didn't say anything about Taiwan being an independent country or whether such a thing was good or bad, she literally just read the name from a list provided by Google. That's it.

>> No.806306



>> No.806307

>cute and pretty
>pleasant voice
>does her best
>rules at arc
>filters chinks

>> No.806324

she mentioned that she had taiwan viewers, since google separates countries. this made the west taiwanese very angry

>> No.806329

nope. The chinks killed hololive china.
Coco simply showed her youtube stats on stream and that made chinese retards angry

>> No.806330

>Can someone explain the appeal to me?

>> No.806351

>Marine talking about Omegaverse

I'm afraid there was contamination even before the Reddit Doragon anon.

>> No.806361 [DELETED] 
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>> No.806375
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>> No.806399
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>> No.806412

Are we all looking forward to the Ark 2 arc? Shit's gonna drag on longer than Namek...

>> No.806424

Stfu shartia discord fag.

>> No.806454

>Prays for my oshi to play something else
>Ark 2 gets announced

>> No.806459

Make it red with yellow stars, give it bug pincers, and it's perfect.

>> No.806517
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>> No.806568

She set in motion the chain of events that led to hololive cn getting axed by acknowledging the existence of Taiwan on her stream

>> No.806572

looking at cocofags responses I think it's other way around

>> No.806583
File: 15 KB, 200x198, 1613863135933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.806739

No? The whole "Coco out of Cover, or Cover out of China" thing was entirely created by the Zhangs. They have no-one to blame for CN getting axed but themselves, which is why nobody has any sympathy for them.

>> No.806807
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1606829598073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks people getting upset over an entertainer's harassment over showing a country is more NPC like than the chinks harassing her for showing a country

>> No.806809

There you go, that"s her audience. Notice how they start seething when you say anything bad about reddit.

>> No.807057

Sure thing zhan

>> No.807104

I notice how cocofags have little to no care about Plebbit

>> No.807157
File: 517 KB, 605x559, 1613785354177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat and ugly

>> No.807161

This is literally the only ammunition Coco antis have. Everything is Reddit. Reddit, Reddit, Reddit.

>> No.807182

Literally none.

The only appeal pre holo-en was that she spoke english and leaned into the shitposting crowd harder than the others, but now both of those roles are fulfilled better by other girls.

>> No.807185

Artia's discordfags are actually more western than you'd expect. Western in that faggy homo (actually homo) twitch-zoomer kinda way.

>> No.807233

>fat and ugly
Provably untrue.
>grating voice
>can't sing
Opinions. I enjoy her mickey mouse JOI sessions.
>sucks at minecraft
Not being autistic isn't a flaw.
>spreads r*ddit cancer
Says the chink censoring words like a redditor.

>> No.807261

Yes. Saying she set it in motion isn't blaming her for it. She mentioned Taiwan, which triggered the bugs. The bugs in turn flipped their shit and tried to strongarm Cover. Cover sprayed some mortein, killing the CN branch.

It's the bug's fault though, because reacting like retards to the mere mention of Taiwan is entirely their own retardation.

>> No.807270

None of you speak Japanese... /vt/ was mistake
Hope Chinese die

>> No.807297

Not true, Coco-antis have difficulty pronouncing "R"

>> No.807302

yes this is an english imageboard you retard

>> No.807308


>> No.807318

Ok, so
>Everything is Leddit. Leddit, Leddit, Leddit.

>> No.807327
File: 136 KB, 1163x1162, cocosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one.

>> No.807341

i only have 1 roommate pic of her but she doesnt look fat at all

>> No.807353

Non ESL learn Japanese
Go back to sri lanka

>> No.807448

I find her pretty based, merely by existing, doing her thing, she is able to trigger so many insectoids and human garbage

>> No.807478

What? I want to see.

>> No.807534 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.807575 [DELETED] 
File: 295 KB, 555x2003, incomplete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will delete this after 2 min so you better dont miss it newfren

>> No.807619

How are they all so cute? WTF. You'd think they'd all be hambeasts in real life.

>> No.807625

t. mutt goblin from the USA

>> No.807660

Do we still really not know Comet and Tenshi or is this just very dated?

>> No.807672

holoEN is even better

>> No.807708


lolcow is closed. so its very hard to farm new milk

>> No.807715
File: 1007 KB, 906x642, 1612306634725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

button looks like a shoe but i still would

>> No.807719

I saved a picture of calli somewhere I haven't seen the rest.

>> No.807739


>> No.807745

Kinda outdated, I know at least the face of 3 that are hidden in that pic

>> No.807753

>Everything is reddit
>says the redditor

>> No.807761

oh yeah i totally forgot about her lol
yeah well, everyone is hot except ina then. whatever.

>> No.807763
File: 3.21 MB, 2480x3508, 1611114025154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big Money Mori is amazing looking and I love her.

>> No.807783


>> No.807853

I know your bugman brain is too small to comprehend anything else but "CCP good", but please understand rope is always an option.

>> No.807903

i heard she was fat once and after she lost weight all of her fat remained in the milkers. she has the biggest natural tits i have ever seen for a girl in her age atleast

>> No.807976

You haven't seen Noel

>> No.807993

>Laughs in Dragon yeeting knight

>> No.808008

That's not appealing though

>> No.808056
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>> No.808176

Cocofags can not defend their reddit dragon without mentioning China or Chinese at least once. Truly rent free.

>> No.808188

i hate chinks but i hate coco even more
fuck that stupid bitch

>> No.808241

>Call him reddit
>He starts seething
See? Proof her audience is just redditors >>806809

>> No.808390
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x900, commiescum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macarthur should have glassed you chinks when he had the chance. I swear to god if world war 3 ever breaks out I'm fucking enlisting so I can build an effigy to coco using your bones and entrails zhang. You'd WISH that Macarthur had ended your subhuman insect race once I'm done with you and your kind. Would a redditor ever say this you yellow nigger?

>> No.808416

Shes not fat tho

Although everytime i see her, i cannot stop thinking about her rancid farts

She also likes nigger so its a no no

>> No.808476

Your seething at Chinese makes me laugh

>> No.808519

What proof, retard? Actual Redditors don't hate being called one though. They take pride in that shit. You chinks need to do better with your bantz.

>> No.808546

Coco is BBC aficionado. Truly an Atlantan whore

>> No.808553 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 800x733, 1605317377673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cannot stop thinking about her rancid farts
go on...

>> No.808570

false sadly

>> No.808633

Anon. It's not Opposite day today.

>> No.808642

I see you are a typical 4chan hater.

>> No.808654

chinese rat found

>> No.808683
File: 61 KB, 741x720, Gun Pikmin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't want to suck Coco's fat titties

>> No.808731

So this is what will defend her majesty reddit dragon. A literal child.

>> No.808745

Ollie, Roboco, and Nyanners collab

>> No.808761
File: 133 KB, 329x896, 1613425233739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posts vs IPs in this thread
Can mod fucking permaban chinks from this board already? It's just 1 bug responding to everyone.

>> No.808773
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 805203285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her sitting on you in dragon form.

>> No.808792
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>banning VPN users
If it were that easy, the Australians would have been banned long ago during moot's reign.

>> No.808809


>> No.808812

Why does OP speak about himself but post a Coco pic? schizos are weird af

>> No.808847

At her debut a unique sense of humor within hololive, wanting to give Japanese viewers a glimpse of American internet culture (like hololive gave the world a taste of Japan's, even if her format for doing so can be bland and she picked a site many here understandably dislike), has dance moves, one of those who pushed for holoEN, very supportive to her friends. Coco is supposed to be pure fun and happy feelings. It's a shame she was dropped into the middle of something she never should have been but despite that she's continued to be strong.
I do not like all of her content but I have a lot of admiration for Coco.

>> No.808852

>fat and ugly
As a disgusting 5'1" bugman anti posting from Shenzhen, let me just say this is wrong and I would take any opportunity to pump the orange whore full of my diseased yellow rancid ball juice in her mouth, ass and ESPECIALLY her vagina.

>> No.808868
File: 35 KB, 866x872, 1515437807127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how this edited post has essentially turned itself into a true quote. I don't even remember what moot actually said.

>> No.808933

At the very least, mootykins was benevolent though it was also a sign that he was starting to not give a fuck during '12 to passing the torch.

>> No.809096

She triggers the Chinese harder than anyone else. That's good enough for me.

>> No.809317


>> No.809358

fucking kek

>> No.809752

funny picture of man with big arm and funny meme word hahahahahdfagfhafh

>> No.809827

Ching chang hanji thread is 3 boards down friend.

>> No.809851

Tiddies full of nutritious milk. Futa cock as massive as her tail. Fought the zhangs with 0 support from her company. In fact, they put a stick in her wheel. Also
>fat and ugly
He doesn't know...

>> No.809920

based beyond belief

>> No.810114

Fluent English and Japanese and sounds like Mickey Mouse. She's not my favorite but she has a charm.

>> No.810138
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>> No.810230

Coco has a FAT chest and a FAT ass and FAT thighs!

>> No.810270

god I just want her to plant her ASS on my face and squeeze me with her thighs while mocking me in her stupid mickey mouse-southern hybrid voice while translating between english and Japanese

>> No.810269

She's kinda cute though.

>> No.810289

Oh, is this /chink/ ?

>> No.810412
File: 513 KB, 719x636, 1603407350866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is baiting you's, and he is doing a great job.

>> No.810637

You forgot

>> No.810980

She can trigger faggots like you

>> No.811967

kill yourself chang china should be nuked

>> No.812002

because thats what they are

>> No.812157


>> No.812239
File: 401 KB, 788x762, 1613582210435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a thread insulting coco
>faggots get baited

>> No.812238
File: 1 KB, 327x218, fuck china.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked chang

>> No.812392

not as rent free as she is in your head chang china should be nuked

>> No.812428

nah that you who is

>> No.813410

You humongous dumbass, the word meme is much older than that and has an academic meaning.

>> No.813582

this post is severely underrated. Asacoco has always been pretty fucking great regardless of the reddit shit.

>> No.813583

Being an extreme hard-worker with that ever-positive attitude and strong will of her is enough to gain unhinged respect from me.

>> No.813647

I think she's hot but she is annoying because she's too americanised

>> No.813692

I fucking wish

>> No.813715

Coco makes Terraria watchable somehow.
I don't watch any of her other content.

>> No.813978

Here's another (you) FAG OP

>> No.814032

I still remember when she defended aqua from smash bro faggots and help kanata's merch. That time coco defended haachama from the zhangs.

As a cocofag I think shes not as entertaining as the other hololive members, but i respect her soo much after what she does to her fellow vtubers. Shes not the perfect vtuber unfortunately but ill keep supporting her

>> No.814275
File: 3.47 MB, 2048x1536, 79CD150F-CBC5-4EFC-9AF5-C63AC6875AB1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello zhang how much social credit did you earn by posting this?

>> No.814563

Now she knows not to mess with China Power China number 1 the latest coco breakdown on stream should be broadcasted to all western peoples as a demonstration of our China Power

>> No.814633

Cool story chang.

>> No.814701

>fat and ugly
I've seen the videos and she looks good enough to ignore the grating voice, and her voice is super annoying.

>> No.814721

Riveting tale, Ping.

>> No.814790
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>> No.814847

Coco should really stream an EDF game

>> No.815002

A hafu Japanese who is kinda fluent in English so she can flaunt and flex it to her other Japanese Holo colleagues. Also, the reason why she never collab with HoloEN. Because if she don't have that one specialty, she has nothing else.

>> No.815041

Chinese IP's need to be a bannable offense

>> No.815193
File: 137 KB, 300x200, 1613199024305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat and ugly
she's a top 5
>grating voice
that's her streaming voice
>can't sing
Neither can half of Hololive or more
>sucks at minecraft
Are you 13?
>Spreads r*ddit cancer
So do most people in their 30s

>> No.815318

>>fat and ugly
She is one of rare cases where her roommate is more hot and sex

>> No.815800

ITT China live rent free in her and the minds of her fans

>> No.815841

Yes that is totally why she wanted to collabed with melody in the past. Why don’t you remove your dicklet chink ass from her chat and if she still doesn’t collab with the en then you would be correct but until you do, you are full of shit. Also her asacoco are fun so I don’t know what the fuck you are on about.

>> No.815916

>still butthurt over one word for over 5 months
>still spamming her
>rent free
Nigga, learn what rent free mean first before using it.

>> No.816132


>> No.816197

accidentally forced cover to choose the rest of their audience over chink money. Next question?

>> No.816241

I'm not Chinese.

>> No.816276

Her fans also pull an USA and act as if she can never do anything wrong and when there proof she did do anything wrong they say something else did it

>> No.816400

Stop LARPing as a zhang you retard

>> No.816419
File: 51 KB, 720x720, 1613813760787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example?

>> No.816441

What's the appeal of being brainwashed by the CCP?
Oh wait, there isn't one and you become a mindless bug you can't think for themselves

>> No.816556

She makes shrimpdicks seethe. I dislike her in almost every other aspect, but her mere presence in the Hololive roster just proves how unorganized the CCP trolls are.

>> No.816618

She started it herself by being a fucked up yet her fans act as if she never fucked up

>> No.816639

Most people who hate her haven't watched her since she debuted and just dislike the fact she dragged the western side of the internet into Hololive because muh r*ddit boogeyman (this entire board stinks of cross website visitors).

>> No.816673

I'm gonna ask you one more time, stop LARPing as a retarded bug for (you)s, your bait sucks

>> No.816696

You're zhang because you're not brainwashed into think she is a god who can never do anything wrong

>> No.816761

ching chong ching chong spooky little island off the coast of mainland china scare me, i am fragile zhang pls handle with care

>> No.818305

Are her roommate’s tits really that big? I remember seeing her roommate and she didn’t seem like she had an above average chest.

>> No.818359

No, she has reasonable size boobs. Marine and Noel have actually gigantic tits in real life

>> No.818424

know VPN IPs literally are banned though
t. Has tried to use 4chan on tor

>> No.818474

I know Noel but Marine?
Never heard that before

>> No.818595

She had problems fitting her chest into her clothes and has said that she's missing buttons because her bust popped them off some shirts

>> No.818647

>Taiwanese jelqing symposium

You beautiful bastard.

>> No.818786

It didn't help the the CN holos were egging on the trolls. I'd consider them victims if they were two-faced insectoids

>> No.818968

Second only to the knight, herself.

>> No.819023 [DELETED] 

Noel is an L
Marine is an H
Coco is close to neither of them

>> No.819053

Imagine picking "sucking at minecraft" as a reason to hate someone. Does anyone actually care about this?

>> No.819063

Marine mentioned that her boob size is half of Noel's so it is in the E-F cup range which is big for a small japanese woman like her

>> No.819112

OP is a 15 year old who just heard of the communist manifesto, forgive him

>> No.819205

1/10, no ye olde timey Engrish about gangsters or karma

>> No.819325

probably just started watching her after discovering HoloEN

>> No.819367

We're talking about Calli, m80

>> No.819641

Shes not entertaining by herself, but shes the best bridge hololiveJP has to connect to the english audience. (especially before holoEN)

Her collab streams especially with the most entertaining members shines the most and gives her the most growth especially in comparison with the other 4th gen members.

I skip reddit meme review when its a collab with a boring hololive member. The pekora one was good imo.

>> No.819928
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>> No.821574
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> implying she did anything wrong

And that's where you always slip up yellow rrat.

>> No.821679
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> she do wong by fuckin up she start it by acting fuck up an then not

As if all the ESL spaghetti being spilt everywhere wasn't obvious enough. Just admit it was that she said one of the two T-words and you decided to go full shutitdown.jpg. Shoo shoo, yellow jew.

>> No.821715 [DELETED] 

>Say something retarded
>People call you retarded
>B-but I baited you!

>> No.822086
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>> No.822585

Nah, Marine knows about that because A/B/O BL works became really popular over the past few years.

>> No.822709

This board is the mlp of this generation

>> No.823154

She makes the chinks mad and that turns me on.

>> No.823175

If thats the case then the bronnies were patricians all along and pedophiles

>> No.823187

holy zhang moly

>> No.824529

So stop acting like it

>> No.826522
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At first when I heard her "oh shit, I know this woman", and it did bother me a little she went from 50/50 english Japanese to 80% in terms of on stream languages but I respect what she's done.

Thing is much like EN's Kiara while she is entertaining on her own she REALLY needs someone there to back her up, someone to show the top dragon the ropes, the recent meetings with the ID crew was endearing (I'm talking more about Moona's interactions than Ollie's although she's much the same as Coco but in a different way)

This is why I want more Coco collabs, she's great, but her BEST is when she's with someone else, be it showing off, being "the badass" pushing boundaries, or being a newb.

And you know what, fuck everything, I WANTED her and Artia to Collab, because other than the "FAT" comment OP said (don't know Artia irl and I don't want to know for her own safety because I'm not a nutjob and we all know Coco) all of these things can apply to Artia as well.

But the potential for galaxy brain memes was right there, the Ark madness that could have happened (Moona's collab with Artia just fell flat honestly), seemed like a great idea for these two to do something together.

But alas, it was never meant to be, I'm just happy Coco is still going despite all of the shit happening and just awaiting for Artia to come back to twitch, yes I do plan to drop a fat wad of cash under an alt just to ask her about Coco and I'll respect even if she ended up hating her, we don't have to like everyone you know?

That said Coco's anti's are a strange bunch, I hate that they made Coco more but I hate them more for killing off their own comrades, I mean the Japanese used Kamikaze tactics in the war and look where that got them, they basically did the same thing except by strapping TNT around them and blamed Coco for making them go to such extremes.

I've always tried to rationalize every action in life but I still never understood the Coco anti's, I've become more understanding of mass murderers and anti vaxxers than Coco's anti's, the rational way of of thinking stopped the moment they drop the CN branch, "money talks" didn't happen there even with the constant dropping of sponsors that's on going.

Even so, this is all so sad, and I would rather a peaceful end to this, frankly with how ugly this all is I'd rather 4chan hate Coco for being a redditor than CCP drones pestering her, no one's cried over a 4chan comment, well, no one that's mentally stable anyways

>> No.826897

You realize she is the best looking IRL out of all Hololive girls?

>> No.827045

you expect more from OP when top of his complaints is minecraft?

>> No.827061

she really isn't, that would be matsuri or towa

>> No.827128

Have you seen her without makeup?

>> No.827198
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>Can someone explain the appeal to me?
Most likely holo to demand anal sex. You underestimate how rare that is as a chincel. Usually you have to pay for fun stuff like that.

>> No.827202

Who cares?

>> No.827244

For every anti Coco thread you discordians make that's one more Shartia thread I will shit up.

>> No.827299
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>> No.827317
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You're just going to push her face into the pillows anyway. As long as you can still hear her muffled filthy mouth your dick isn't going to care even if she looks like as bad as a typical chinese girl in the cold light of day.

>> No.827549

Her singing has improved significantly. another 6 months and she might actually be good

>> No.828173

a friendly tip to actual coco antis: say shit about china in the worst way possible first and then say whatever you want to coco

>> No.828309

Have you seen most girls without makeup? Any pretty girl can look ugly in the wrong lighting and without makeup. But I suppose you probably haven't been intimate with any pretty women enough for them to be around you without makeup

>> No.828580

right now there's chinks reading and interacting with this thread, what do you have to say to them?

>> No.828693

Even my sisters and cousins look marginally better, and I consider them ugly, but they are not Asians of course. Her having professional cosplayer makeup artist skills doesn't make her the best looking IRL. You can make Botan look the same or better if you spend enough time. IIRC, all holos, including her, agreed that Subaru is the best looking.

>> No.828726


>> No.828746

That just makes them a well diciplined chink

>> No.828872
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>insulting his own sisters
>then comparing them to potential sexual partners
China supapowa when?

>> No.828931

She has 1 mil subs and probably earns millions of shekels by literally just existing and playing games while talking to strangers, meanwhile you OP have to wake up 7 am everyday and scoop hundreds of liters of gutter oil and use it to make fried dead dog meat that you harvested 5 years ago during that Dog eating festival.

>> No.829014

Chinks have a one-child policy, retard.

>> No.829268

She did a stream without makeup several times. You gotta respect her alphaness.

>> No.829711

it's a troll

>> No.829812


>> No.830766

Kill yourself chink nigger

>> No.832232

>Coco moves to left
>"haha she should had move to the right, is that your golden shield?"
>Coco moves to the right
>"haha, should had move the left, is this the power of 1M subscribers?"
What the fuck is wrong with you NGA insects?

>> No.833267

not anymore moron

>> No.833460

sure chang

>> No.833518

ping pong jing jong

>> No.833644

the irony is that most of the chinks were using taiwan proxies to watch youtube in the first place, so the main reason it ranked was because of them

>> No.834043

Glory to taiwan, coco a best

>> No.837489
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>doesn't want to lick the sweat off Coco's roommates abs
Get off this board

>> No.838720

At least she's not chinese

>> No.839144

>Ryan Gosling

>> No.839190

>he doesn't know she has done several streams without makeup
At the very least try a little yellow nigger

>> No.839267

Have you seen Iofi's antis yet?

>> No.839444

Right, you are a western Taiwanese

>> No.839569

>fat and ugly
>grating voice
>can't sing
stop projecting

>> No.839786

>coco can't sing

>> No.839793

Making people like you seethe

>> No.839805

Never liked anything she ever made except for standing up against the soulless bugmen.
I believe the only reason she is liked in Japan is because of westaboos and people who get their laughs off western culture, other than that her content was always garbage.

>> No.840057

>Believing on rrats

>> No.840231

It's really this easy to farm (You)s from Cocofags huh

>> No.840286


>> No.841607

Thank you, the sickly yellow colour is because in china blue skies are like freedom of thought.

>> No.841703
File: 399 KB, 2210x1719, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco plays Fallout 4
>makes husband a black guy by accident
>"oh he's handsome"
>leaves husband as a black guy
People start losing their shit

>> No.843605

And what makes you think I haven't seen it?
Yeah, and how can chink have multiple siblings in their 30s when they allowed having TWO children 5 years ago? Can your mutt brain even count?

>> No.843993

Because an absolute shitload of people had more children than policy allowed and didn't register them officially, and once the policy was abolished no longer needed to continue hiding them

It was something 16 million people, basically appearing overnight

>> No.844095

She is the second weakest singer in all of Hololive and doesn't even try to learn the words of the songs she sings. While it may be a bit subjective, saying she can't sing isn't inherently wrong.

>> No.844288

All those reasons you list

>> No.847110

>Press random buttom
>Husband is now white with his skin burn
>Doesnt have any of negro facial features
>She says "he's handsome" ironicaly without giving it attention
People lose their shit

>> No.848257

>I believe the only reason she is liked in Japan is because of westaboos
Good job outting yourself as a worthless EOP retard, her being a foreigner has never been a big part of her character, hell go to futaba and you'll see people saying they often forget she's a foreigner.
Learn japanese and stop pretending to know what you're talking about.
