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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 26 KB, 175x499, Nakiri_Ayame_-_Full_Illustration_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11732536 No.11732536 [Reply] [Original]

>streams once or twice a month
>makes up some excuse to explain her absence, plays the trending game of the month then fucks off again
>was the only one to say nothing about coco's graduation announcement, instead tweeting about airpods or some shit and playing League of Legends during her graduation stream
>was the only one who didn't join Miko's return stream
>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her, even Ayame's mama replied
>never collabs with other holos
>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores all non members
>likes to ban people whose comments she doesn't like in other channels
>fans excuse her with "oh she's just sick" "oh she's moving" "but she's cute" "listen to her cute noises"
Why is this lazy fake bitch still in hololive? She has no business being there. Her dumb simps will go any length to defend her behavior and will enable her to continue it.

>> No.11732592

haha, oni cute

>> No.11732713

I can't believe Ayame singlehandedly caused an increase in prostitution in her town.

>> No.11732725

Hololive fanbase is too retarded to graduate her.

The fact she's within the top quartile of hololive in terms of superchats and sub growth just shows that the fanbase is not only ok with her behavior, it is encouraged.

>> No.11732728
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>haha, oni cute

>> No.11732757
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>>ignored Ina's birthday drawing of her
that's not true

>> No.11732889

I fucking love the dog hands meme

>> No.11732914

>Ayame knew Ina will ghost Coco during her graduation and avoid drawing her
>decides to ignore the korean dog in advance


>> No.11733036

VTubers owe you nothing.

Try to be less entitled.

>> No.11733135

This is like the gamers argument 10 years ago.

>> No.11733149

Members pay her 5$ a month. She should at least stream more than once a fucking month.

>> No.11733205

Sir, this is /vt/ they are gonna get entitled.

>> No.11733240

>Hey Bioware the ending to your multimillion dollar trilogy sucks.
Wow, why do GAMERS think they're ENTITLED to good endings?

>> No.11733268

It's her fucking job anon. Did you forget hololive is a company? Lazy bitch needs to be kicked out.

>> No.11733298

Who's to say those members aren't satisfied with their purchase?

There is a way to communicate they aren't..

And it isn't complaining on 4chan

>> No.11733338

>was the only one to say nothing about coco's graduation announcement, instead tweeting about airpods or some shit and playing League of Legends during her graduation stream
>was the only one who didn't join Miko's return stream

>> No.11733466

Now and days its more like a talent agency than an actual company. Especially with every other company have Cover literally live rent free in their heads.

>> No.11733477
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What a terrible argument. I can't imagine anyone who would be satisfied with one stream a month, unless they're desperate and genuinely retarded. Which they are.

>> No.11733523

Like clockwork, ayame cucks show up and use any excuse possible to defend her.

>> No.11733568

keep seething, Ayame will keep laughing all the way to the bank why you sit there making these threads every day

>> No.11733692

Hey look, it's the same thread we've seen a million times already. Fantastic.

>> No.11733698

Why do you like to pretend she's on your side?

>> No.11733778

Wow, you insult a fanbase and get backlash!? How could anyone have forseen it?

>> No.11733901

like an abused puppy who loves his neglectful owner

>> No.11733940
File: 53 KB, 606x565, 0D1XALSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute oni makes more money than you by doing less.

>> No.11733958

>rigging the system is only cool when men do it

>> No.11733964

We're talking about Ayame not your relationship with your parents, anon.

>> No.11734038

This is the 6th thread you made about ayame this week
I hope she keeps on doing 1 stream a month and still making more money than you pathetic 3rd worldler will ever make in a year

>> No.11734102

Damn, shes even exploiting the mentally handicap. What a bitch.

>> No.11734131

I probably would have forgotten she exists if anon allowed less than 3 fucking threads about her at any one time
you are doing better job at pushing her than Cover, congratulations

>> No.11734155

While Rushia leads in GFE, Ayame is the ultimate NTR experience.

She's providing exactly what her audience wants.

>> No.11734158

>this week

>> No.11734194

Ame shut up and stream you lazy bitch

>> No.11734217

>states true facts about the Oni
>”nyooooo you can’t insult her. Nyooo im not seething, you are
Baiting has never been easier

>> No.11734258
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>she only reads member comments and ignores all non members

Kronii does the opposite of this and it's hilarious

>> No.11734319

Then why are you complaining about it? Either own it or fuck off.

>> No.11734348
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>> No.11734997

He's an idiot, please understand.
He throws out the word cuck freely like all other fellow idiots, even though they don't know the meaning of the word.

>> No.11735252

>playing League of Legends during her graduation stream

>> No.11735599
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I don't watch Oni but I respect the hell out of her grind. She has mastered the art of neglect play, and earns more than the average high-skill professional while spending most of the month shopping, fucking her BF, or stuck on the toilet.

Say what you will but this is peak VTubing. This kind of freedom is what all the rest of them strive for.

>> No.11736002
File: 1.10 MB, 1063x566, chrome_JpB9pq81qy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco graduation
>oni talks being invited to asacoco
>this happened

They all just laugh it off. So cuuute!

>> No.11736518

What the fuck is wrong with this cunt? She basically admitted to ghosting Coco for a year. Ayame's spot in hololive should to someone who deserves it.

>> No.11736605
File: 544 KB, 500x500, 1632417550001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue balling customers makes them give you more money.

>> No.11736625

Don't care, her giggles are cute. She could genocide the entirety of Korea, while fucking each and every male in Japan, and I'd still forgive her.

>> No.11736629

This. Supply and demand.

>> No.11736637

JP co workers don't "lolcow" their own friends... I noticed only Americans do this for the most part. hell it even happened to me in real life with people I lived with and knew since childhood.

Ayame will never get called out, because people in Japan have a honor system to stay silent

>> No.11736684

There's not a chance in hell your weight is less than 300 lbs

>> No.11736811

And that is why they lost the war.

>> No.11736852

what's up with that anyway?

>> No.11737152

>one of the biggest draws on Hololive
>ever being scolded

>> No.11737167

Ayame must be the most hated member in Hololive, I can't imagine any other member besides Mio not hating her for putting in less than the minimum amount of work

>> No.11737318

Staying in touch isn't that easy!

>> No.11737356

>was the only one to say nothing about coco's graduation announcement

WTF I love Ayame now

>> No.11737378

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.11737471

KEK i fucking love this meme. Always gets me

>> No.11737536

Just unsubscribe and forget about her nigger, that's what I did

>> No.11737566

Ayame is anything but zhang.
>Inb4 implying
No you dont know shit.

>> No.11737761

"That is why they lost the war" because people in Japan respect people and don't lolcow anyone?

But I'm serious. You won't see Ayame or any JP holos getting called out. they're not retards like Americans are

>> No.11738328

>said in a members stream she only reads member comments and ignores all non members
More people should follow this rule

>> No.11739114
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to be honest why do you care?
She is a whore and goes away with it because cute oni giggles, but the only losers are retards that are paying her money. It is not like she will influence your oshi to be lazy bitch, because she doesn't care about her coworkers enough to talk to them.
Just let her be and let her retarded fanbase slowly wake up. Heartbroken autists will bully her into graduation without your help

>> No.11739216

are you seriously thinking that they are not calling out eachother because japanese samurai honor and katanas?
They are fucking company and they would be munched and shitted by management if they would create a drama in perfect anime world that they are creating.

>> No.11739238

there are utaites who record and release more covers than she streams in 2021

>> No.11740316

Yep, there are screenshots floating around with her LoL match history

>> No.11740550

You know about part-time jobs? You can even do some freelance stuff in-between the stuff you usually do to earn some bucks. That's streaming for most of people. Maybe she just does not care that much, because she does not need to.
As some anons already said, she does not get any backlash from her fans so it's ok.

>> No.11740661

She participates in so little that it's tough for me to even get angry about it, if it weren't for these threads I'd barely even know she exists.

>> No.11740766

As an individual person okay, I give you the point, but she owes something to her fanbase who is waiting for her, without them there is not money
>B-but her ''cuteness'' will carry her forever
Someday her fans will be tired of having 1 stream per 2 months and will move on to a cuter chuuba

>> No.11741079

They are not affected by Ayame behaviour, why should they call her out for something who don't affect them and would bring more problems than solutions?

>> No.11741341

>he doesn't know

>> No.11741708

stop it anon! If the /vt/ sisters can't complain about ewhores there is no reason for them to live!

>> No.11742030

>>was the only one to say nothing about coco's graduation announcement, instead tweeting about airpods or some shit and playing League of Legends during her graduation stream
Unfathomably based, I love Ayame now thanks op!

>> No.11742686

stop outing all the newfags

>> No.11742745

>because people in Japan respect people and don't lolcow anyone
were you not here for the snail threads?

>> No.11743311
File: 865 KB, 1299x1154, EpJ-FS5UUAEnm6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But seriously did Ayame really not react to Ina's birthday art of her in any way? Not on stream, like, rt, etc?

>> No.11743465
File: 686 KB, 712x431, Hachikō.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Ayame is streaming today.

>> No.11743717

I didn't say anything about Japan being a perfect anime world.

"Lolcow" is a English word. Most lolcows are American. Japan doesn't do the lolcow bullshit and that's why all her co workers haven't said anything. don't shit where you eat

>> No.11744050

>I sure am unhappy with the job the person I'm paying $5 a month is doing
>Shame there is literally nothing I can do about it except cry on the internet

>> No.11744128

Don't forget cucks she care more about fucking old men and not streaming

>> No.11744328

yo dayo

>> No.11744748

>Japan doesn't do the lolcow bullshit
you're 100% an EOP, there's no way someone is this stupid

>> No.11744914

It's not like any of you is going to watch her either when she stream, why do you even complain?

>> No.11746399

I refuse to believe that she doesn't have some hidden influence over Cover that makes her untouchable.

>> No.11747100

She isn't on his side, but it doesn't mean she isn't doing just that. You're seething over something you can't do anything about. You can't do anything about Cover actually booting her since she isn't doing a minimum of 3 streams a week. You can't control how much money others give her.

>> No.11747170
File: 654 KB, 805x805, ayamecucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she just noticed the day of Coco graduation

>> No.11747487

>Japan respect people and don't lolcow
sure, and in the US nobody is fat, everybody's fit

>> No.11747904
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> i "knew" a few nips (they never open to gaijins) and now i can judge a country of 126 millions as the same, nobody lies, there are no crime, everything is good

>> No.11748878

>VTubers owe you nothing.
Hololive is an entertainment company, you fucking retard

>> No.11750299
File: 877 KB, 220x124, hkgtdfhkf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got news for you anon, all japanese are humans, and as long as they are, they are capable of being jealous, envious, treacherous and as ill spirited as any other human being can be, do you think only schizos exist here in this board? they have plenty in theirs, and they are way worst, they don't stop at shitposting and rrats, they stalk them, harass , doxx, threaten persistently, sometimes even stab or makes their victims suicide, have their own version of cancel culture, and even Coco that is more or less forgotten by the zhangs, ask Aya Hirano if she is not harrased even now after ten years.
> because people in Japan...
shut up faggot you know shit

>> No.11750518

I admire her, she literally doesn't give a fuck, just stream the barely minimum, lie through her teeth to get her out of any bad situation and just collect he paycheck by the end of the month.

That's the kinda of worker I aim to be, work the less amount of time and just enjoy my free time.

I don't watch her, but she is based as fuck.

You can bitch all you want about her, but she will still be in hololive and will still get paid for giggling for 1 hour each month

>> No.11750822
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>>was the only one to say nothing about coco's graduation announcement,

>> No.11751954
File: 26 KB, 556x551, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faq ayame dont ever stream again

>> No.11752333

Nothing for birthday art, playing LoL during Coco's graduation (roommate), the only streams she doesn't miss are big payout days like birthday or anniversary.

I bet she couldn't even name or recognize the new EN members. If Mori cares about 5%, Ayame is closer to 1%

>> No.11752467

Eh, probably suck some high management's dicks

>> No.11752667

For someone who does literally nothing you guys sure seem obsessed with her.

>> No.11753470
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She's busy having toilet problems.
How has Cover not taken this down yet?

>> No.11753544

Anon, I... it's good to be so full of hope

>> No.11753753

Anon, in Japan almost everyone talks shit about each other, but they are not saying this on their faces, that's the only difference, in the reality is very easy to get criticized in Japan due to the amount of norms there, that's why you have to keep a low profile

>> No.11758394
File: 15 KB, 992x89, 1634771610195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mogging Subaru as well, one of the harder working Holo's.
Its great.

>> No.11758553

>Wanting nothing to do with Coco's bullshit
I'm gonna member her right now for this.

>> No.11758590

So Ayame is basically putting on a cute facade for the easy $$ but a total scummy person

>> No.11758695

>negrosagis are zhangs
Color me shocked.

>> No.11758845

Shes obviously mentally ill
t. mentally ill person

>> No.11759579

Can someone explain to me how she milks her viewers when she doesn’t stream? You literally can’t milk anything with no stream.
>her once a month stream is the milking
She doesn’t even earn as much as you think with those rare streams. That 700k you see is because she’s been in Hololive for three years you dumb fucking retards.
>she keeps getting subs even without doing anything
Yeah because her genmates especially Noel who’s oshi is Ayame by the way keep shilling and talking about how kind she is even though she’s on the quiet side.
>but her memberships…
Are fantastic because she really opens up to her chat and says what’s on her mind. Like how she said most of her antis are probably always angry about something and no matter what she does they probably wouldn’t watch her anyway so they don’t bother her. The only things that bother her is when you say some truly horrendous, slanderous shit. You all talk a big game and ask why is she in Hololive, why don’t you ask the holos who are close to her? Those holos by the way are Korone, Okayu, Mio, Noel, Fubuki, Marine, Subaru, Kanata and Rushia. You won’t of course though because you’re an eternally seething faggot just looking to get your kicks from shitposting about a holo who is one of the most inoffensive holos in the world.

>> No.11760731


>> No.11760841

>He's dumb enough to fall for anon's tricks

>> No.11761146

>Hes dumbe enough to fall for ayames tricks

>> No.11761659
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Is this supposed to make me hate her? Just shows how much of a sigma she is. If I was her, I also wouldn't give a fuck about you fags if I still made money doing the bare minimum. She's enjoying her life than most Chuubas and yours by doing nothing.

>> No.11763245

why do you need confirmation anon, see it for yourself

>> No.11763364
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>plays the trending game of the month then fucks off again
Stopped reading there because she barely even plays games
It's just signing, zatsudan, singing, zatsudan, maybe some random collab that someone else dragged her into

>> No.11763398

That's their problem if they want to pay her no reason.
Are you one of those people giving her money or something?

>> No.11763811

They lost war because of an midway, not because of lolcows, retard.

>> No.11765110

You STINK of copium.

>> No.11766262

Honestly, I'd love to learn how to do neglect play shit like her, but I'm also a 250 pound boring man. Time to groom some 2views

>> No.11766288

has ayame even colabed with holoEN before?

>> No.11766567

Now this just makes me feel sad. Subaru is genuinely hard working and someone I would easily put all my trust into

>> No.11766637

You sound really upset, why are you upset about something you have no control over? You sound exactly like the anons you're trying to dunk on.

>> No.11766652

>muh nakirium
