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12733068 No.12733068 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she like this?

>> No.12733108

She wants a faceless man to plunder her booty.

>> No.12733140

They call it "the dirty thirties". This is when a woman's body is telling her that she should go get laid cause she wont be able to breed pretty soon.

>> No.12733148

Because she is our sex starved senchou and we love her suffering.

>> No.12733309

That seems reasonable. Thanks anon

>> No.12733384

Back from your ban marineschizo?

>> No.12733382
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1611227300562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12733429

huh? I just wanted an explanation and an anon gave it to me

>> No.12733579

that's hot

>> No.12733750

Someone please make a /hag/ thread. It has been too long.

>> No.12733854

Clipfags are like that. You Amerimutt monkeys are easy targets of Chink and SEA clippers

>> No.12733893

Terminal case of being female.

>> No.12733898

>likes muscular men
>literally almost became a child predator
well which one is ACTUALLY your preference, marine?

>> No.12733903

Seeth more. Marine wants to be dominated by big strong men, thats why she follows porn artists who draw that happening.

>> No.12734016

She was a groomer, it's just that she realized her wrongdoings and learned to appreciate older men

>> No.12734320

> Woman has a fetish that lots of other women have

>> No.12734424

Should I?

>> No.12735496

Can't believe they're calling haachama a whore...

>> No.12735984

It's easy money pandering to coomers

>> No.12736518

Is it worth it in the end though?

>> No.12736792

ripped alpha shotas are the pinnacle of humanity and you know it

>> No.12736856

no, don't do it anon! haggotry is incurable!

>> No.12736870
File: 1.00 MB, 793x1070, __lilith_and_jahy_saikin_yatotta_maid_ga_ayashii_and_1_more_drawn_by_konbu_wakame__39085f90aa12042ca96a386a0c14efc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her eggs are screaming at her brain for semen

>> No.12737214

I laughed how Marine felt genuinely annoyed how she's always masturbating alone in doujins

Cucked even in porn

>> No.12737567
File: 625 KB, 720x900, Hey_look_a_corner_shall_i_carry_you_there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12737704

Anything that breathes (and breeds)

>> No.12738099

Had a good laugh, thank you anon

>> No.12738450
File: 215 KB, 1448x2048, _houshou_marine_hololive_by_haho_133599201_217341833284174_755698170883072324_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's the problem.
You can't rape the willing, dumb broad.
And this.

>> No.12738652

I hate you Marineschizo but I like how Marine being Marine is always a good counter to shitposters who called every non-Holo chuubas whores.

>> No.12738673

She's not 30 yet.

>> No.12738738

what's the point of translating if you barely even understand the language you're translating to

>> No.12738755

Obviously it's both.

>> No.12738813


>> No.12738854

Asian men are stereotyped as herbivores for a reason, that's why Asian women will get wet instantly if you compliment or pamper them as a gentleman.

>> No.12738933

Exactly which is why the pressure is ramping up. Even guys feel the social pressure from nearing 30 and not having kids yet but for women their bodies go into hyperdrive to warn them about their limited time

>> No.12738937
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>> No.12738978

"Please actually rape me in your rape doujins about me" is a very based statement and I love her for it
>You can't rape the willing, dumb broad.
I mean, her doujins in that vein (at least from what I've seen) have her initiating by basically going "WOW it sure would be a SHAME if someone TOOK ADVANTAGE of me right now" and then being clearly enthusiastic for the actual sex, which I think is more that she's referring to. There's a difference between that and "girl is forced but is secretly into it".
They could even have her go in for rape play, decide it's too much and she's done, and then have the guy go "too bad" and continue on. Subvert expectations.

>> No.12738996
File: 161 KB, 740x1035, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_red_rum__b5743a154c5d44749f3c1c424f894af6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna revitalize her barren womb

>> No.12739121

Marine really is the straightest Holo

>> No.12739476


Caption: RPYPJ

>> No.12739730

For women that arent hot, the dirty 30s come earlier because they have fewer chances overall, and it's really about how many chances they have left, psychologically, more than a physical urge.

>> No.12740166

It's fucking crazy to me that she almost did that shit. Is that the power of being THAT horny? You lose self-awareness?

>> No.12741299

kek this. Clips are such a bad representation of what they're saying. Half the time they totally misinterpret/deform the original message.

>> No.12741360

Which is exactly why she's going to graduate soon. She doesn't have a whole lot of time left to start a family.

>> No.12741377

unironically you cant rape the willing

>> No.12741428

Someone pls draw Marine getting violated by BBCs.

>> No.12741467

Yeah, to be honest she didn't really even "try", she said she enjoyed children's company but never did anything that could be considered over the line since she obviously knew it was wrong. Still fucking weird that she did it, but nobody got harmed in the process. Quite a telling story about Marine as a person though.

>> No.12741582

In EN, it's between IRyS and Mori and for ID, I'd say none of them really. Maybe Anya but she's almost asexual. They others act like lesbians and Reine is probably gay leaning bisexual IRL.

>> No.12741657

Christian All-girls School almost made her lesbian but alas the power of wanting the cock always prevails to this bitch, no matter the age.

>> No.12742264 [DELETED] 

You have a to be a fucking retard to marry soemone like Marine, crazy 30+ year 9lf women dont make good wifes or mothers. Also she wouldn't go for the type of guy that post here, the type if guy that ends up posting here is mostly an undesirable.

>> No.12743828

Because thats the state she likes to be in: sex starved. Just like her fans.
Its a way of life most cannot understand.

>> No.12744074

I would say Iofi. She tries to yuribait with Moona but she just reeks of straightness

>> No.12745182

"it's still being compelled if it comes from within, cap'n."

>> No.12748349

It's even weirder that she told it herself

>> No.12750042

Pekora and Rushia are tied there
I think regardless though we can say with 100% certainty that sankisei is the most heterosexual gen in Hololive. No wonder Homolive died not long after they debuted.
