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17037444 No.17037444 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have any actual clip of Mori saying she doesn't like what she does, streaming, or hololive in general? All the threads about her say as much but I can't find a single clip

>> No.17037537

Obviously she never said it out loud but 1+ years of her actions speak louder than her words.

>> No.17037544

Why are you trying to apply logic to all this? That's not how it works here.

>> No.17037598

There is a moment where she talks about how she felt so out of place that she thought about just Ayame-ing it while collecting her paycheck.
Honestly baffled nobody ever clipped it. Not sure what stream its from but was within the last fee months

>> No.17037613

Thats what her cuckbeats has been saying actually, as if somehow that would exuse her.

>> No.17037616

Does she need to say it explicitly?

>> No.17037663

No. I just have her entire career as an example.

>> No.17037684

No, but people are saying a clip potentially exists, see

>> No.17037738

She dont need to say it, her actions suggests that.

>> No.17037782


>> No.17037803

never said she disliked hololive in general (on the contrary has only said she loves all the girls)
has in the early stages said that she was bad at streaming (not flat out hating it), but recently had stated to having found good pace and content (jk, talking, etc) to enjoy her time streaming

>> No.17037828
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it came to me in a dream.

>> No.17037840

I guarantee that when I see this it'll be completely misconstrued like the 5% shit.

>> No.17037877

if you need to get smashed before noon to do your job, you don't like your job.

>> No.17037925 [DELETED] 

>autists can't infer
She's still punishing he own audience even right now
>no schedule you'll get a stream when I feel like it

>> No.17037965

Good enough

>> No.17038035

? She has said that she loves what she does. She wouldn't be the hardest working vtuber in the industry if she didn't have passion for her job you fuckwit.

>> No.17038062

What's this 5% shit?

>> No.17038069

Over a year of Mori having fun with her viewers, her genmates, making mistakes but immediately bouncing back from them, openly talking about how thankful she is for this job, laid-back zatsudans, openly praising her genmates and senpais, and doing 3+ hour-long endurance streams for the past several months.

Yeah, she clearly hates Hololive.

>> No.17038107

Is that why she gets drunk in the middle of the day just to stream?

>> No.17038149

>Vtubers aren't people with lives
Touch grass, fuckwit

>> No.17038216

>hardest working
And deadbeats wonder why they're not liked.

>> No.17038223 [DELETED] 

>I can't keep my personal life seperate from my stream
It's one hour a day. Do you talk about the fucked up shit you jacked off to in your 9-5?

>> No.17038275 [DELETED] 

She said that's how much effort she put into hololive.

>> No.17038352

She has never said anything remotely like that.

Because it never happened.

>> No.17038365

Deadbeats really live in an alternate reality

>> No.17038376

Still not a single clip posted to prove OP wrong

>> No.17038656

clip of her talking about how the actual stream and what people see is only 5% of the work she puts in to hololive

she has a terrible way with words so clipped out of context you can construe it as hololive is only 5% of her life, which antis have been running with ever since she said it

>> No.17038848

Man she must be really thankful of the job and her genmates by
>missed Ame's birthday
>almost missed her 2nd birthday
>don't even know whether Kiara already sang King or not
>the legendary meme review with Coco
>cuphead with Gura
and so on and so forth

>> No.17038959

>b-b-but her behavior

What about her behavior? The only concrete thing I've seen people say is she forgot a genmate's birthday. My friend and I forget each other's birthdays every year even though we hang out all the time. Do we hate each other?

Unless you have a clip, this is literally hearsay.

Based. At least you admit it.

>> No.17038991

No they are not, they are workers, they have audience to appease and money to make.
Its her own lose anyway, less views, less streams less money.

>> No.17039043

post the infamous 5% clip

>> No.17039086

Post the clip where she says she's an alcoholic. You can't because it doesn't exist.

>> No.17039094

this is the closest on my personal opinion

>> No.17039153

>What about her behavior?
>gets high on drug and talk with male
>says its all because its all stressful
Thats what her cucks has been saying as a line of defense, if she wants cocks then go get cocks off stream, i dont watch animay girls being animay girls so they can talk how much they want some cock.
And yes, its her JOB, she gets paid for it, if she cant get do it then fuck off.

>> No.17039172

I don't know any of that from clips, I learned it from watching her streams. Sorry you have such a short attention span but you can't really just reduce everything down to an out-of-context clip. To capture people's problems with Mori you have to take her work as a whole, not just some random clip. She's more like Kiara in that way rather than Ina.

>> No.17039183

I’m not even a Calli fan, but this reminds me of the claim that someone insulted Kiara in a superchat and she said nothing. If true, that’s trashy, but at least show me the clip

>> No.17039201


>> No.17039254

Morí Calliope 5%

>> No.17039262

had a lethal league "collab" with Ina and ina was just watching calli play with deadbeats

>> No.17039289

>newfags don't know about 5%

>> No.17039336
File: 68 KB, 634x356, 1642928783292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but did Calli already graduate? Oh, that's right. Her career isn't over yet. In fact, it's only just began. Does having a few yabs and taking a break count as graduating? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you post this when she's still employed by Cover? Calli is writing more hit songs right now and she's been one of the top subscribed Holos for how many months now? She's fighting one of the lamest antis in the fandom who just happens to have a caught her on a bad week. But you know what? He's still just an obsessed incel. Calli is one of the best streamers in history, she's topping the music charts and would be top of her game if Coronavirus hadn't kept her from her family. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Calli is celebrating her Charlie collab and someone brings up this topic. Oh look at that, American viewers just woke up and don't give a shit about the latest rrats, as usual. Are you a guzzling lean? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Mori topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the reaper because she's cool. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll deadbeats on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

>> No.17039338

Go back to your subreddit.

>> No.17039347

If it's the recent thing, it's possibly Mori had no idea who it was about since it didn't call out Kiara by name and was meant more for the fans but her response just shows where her head is at. She took a chat that was calling her genmate an escort and decided it was about Connor's sidepiece because she's so used to reflexively defending them the word genmate didn't stand out to her. It's the same thing as how when Connor's comments were criticized she leapt to defending his comments and not her co-workers.

>> No.17039391

You forgot Be a Man.

>> No.17039414
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KEK i missed this pasta so much

>> No.17039452
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>> No.17039487

5% of a day is a little over an hour which is about how long she was streaming back then
that clip was nothing and this drama was nothing, she just ate the bait this time

>> No.17039550

just trying to understand what's going on, ignore

>> No.17039615

She's very obviously referring to actual stream time when she says 5% of her day, not 'sum total of all effort she puts into her job both in front of the camera and behind the scenes'

>> No.17039623

>just watch her streams bro
Can't give a definitive answer. Cope.

>acknowledges she has a life outside of streaming

I don't even like Calli, but you fags are schizos if you think this is all means she despises her job.

>> No.17039682

>you must spoonfeed so I can have an informed on this topic I have no interest in
Don't you have better ways to waste your time?

>> No.17039813

>Posting this on the Ugandan basket weaving forum

Don't you?

>> No.17039847

She doesn't hate Hololive but she, at least subconsciously, begrudges her position.
She already called Hololive her "bubble" that she needs to break out of. Somebody out here has footage of this exact line, I'm certain of it.
But the thing is she hasn't even interacted meaningfully with any of her senpais - she's still this great enigma to the JPs despite being over a year in. IRyS is in the fucking neighborhood and yet she doesn't hang out with her.
Whether she hates the entire thing or just feels she doesn't belong, it's safe to assume her heart isn't all in.

>> No.17039876

Oh what a difference that actually watching the clip makes, and not just parroting hearsay out of context like a threadwatching fag.

>> No.17039919

>she hasn't even interacted meaningfully with any of her senpais
>IRyS is in the fucking neighborhood and yet she doesn't hang out with her

