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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17665356 No.17665356 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, Merise, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

VSpo previous projects (watch them if you haven't):
VSpo Autumn Sudden Test

VSpo Remote Bistro Queen Showdown
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VJcvKJvaWs (MC only, no cooking process)
https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv334451629 (main stream, but you need to be a member to watch the whole thing)

VSpo Ideal Christmas Date Show

VSpo Game Queen


Remote VSpo Hot Spring Trip リモート温泉 見学旅

Upcoming events:
RIGCUP #4 - 2/5 (Sat) 17:00 JST

NsL CUP #2 - 2/6 (Sun) 20:00 JST

Previous thread: >>17513703

>> No.17665406

THEY ARE edition

>> No.17666901
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>> No.17666938

So close, this could've been my 5th vspo thread in consecutive row.
Was debating on either Beni or Selly for OP.
Well, I guess i'm glad someone else made thread.
Also, op forgot to title the thread.

>> No.17667435

I'm voting for Selly OP next.

>> No.17667796

she's getting a new outfit tomorrow incidentally https://twitter.com/Naraka_2434/status/1489157708746223619

>> No.17668085

her last outfit reveal (whole 1 year already) was how i got to know nyaraka

>> No.17668192

It will undoubtedly be complete sex.

>> No.17668226

Bora op would be nice too.
Oh, I acutally didn't know. I really like her original outfit, it's so fucking sex.

>> No.17668479

sex with nyaraka and selly

>> No.17669157
File: 1.23 MB, 1920x1080, youtu.be-dIIbltnAcHs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gibby mains, DON'T LOOK!

>> No.17669211


>> No.17669240

Imagine spending all your time learning Gibby and then getting double fucked in one season.
Single fucked if you play in pro lobbies.

>> No.17669735

I'm not sure whether she would be happy or sad if the gib meta gets fucked. She says she hates playing him but the only reason she gets picked for teams is to be a gib slave.

>> No.17669832

>She says she hates playing him
She's had chances when doing collabs just in random ass casual lobbies to play a different character and 9/10 just ends back on the gib there as well.

>> No.17671018

27 minutes to page 10

>> No.17671468

what happened this time? the mori raid seemed to have quietened down this morning

>> No.17672007

>>17671468 (me)
nevermind, i gave in and looked at the catalog. holy luna bait threads..

>> No.17672410

Luna bait threads, a supposed Matsuri doxx thread, although I didn’t think it really even looked like her and if it was it was an older picture someone had probably stumbled upon for the first time. Also something about once in a lifetime chuubas. Oh well, regardless of that shit they definitely are.

>> No.17674911


>> No.17674964
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It doesn't seem really impressive as the flame jet is not wide enough to cover more than what seems to be 1/4 of the dome, 1/2 of a Rampart wall. It definitely stops revives but if they're just healing up they can still play edge of the dome or wherever the flame jet isn't covering.

Repost from previous thread, give Lifeline her shield back so Toto can have fun again.

Gib power creep is addicting though. Strong ult, great tact, extra HP. Eventually Gib slaves realize that it's "fun" to play a character with straight up advantages.

>> No.17676511
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>> No.17677503

Wish they'd do a sex collab next

>> No.17677782

Let me have one thing that's pure and wholesome.

>> No.17679949
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>> No.17681087
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>> No.17681203

uhhh... new uruca vid I guess

>> No.17686340
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>> No.17687223

I love ema

>> No.17688493
File: 348 KB, 2000x1125, kafuji_fa-1488894871037382657-FKmd_KNVkAk_1It.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I just calibrated at the same rank as BIG in 【VALORANT】, what should I tell them in case I ever match into them?

I wanna tell them that Yufie is my favorite.

>> No.17689096

Recommend me some good Valo chuba

>> No.17689703

Uruca ch

>> No.17689943

If you like super super cute chubas and very sex chubas that play Valo check out Uruca Ch

>> No.17690425


>> No.17690738

Why are Urucasisters so horny for him lately, what changed?

>> No.17694066

First I hear Naraka is an avid KUN and selly watcher.
Next I hear that Met and Chigusa watch vodka a lot.
Snapped me out of my usual image that vtubing is the overwhelming majority of JP streaming culture.

>> No.17695682

kamito strim

>> No.17695683

It's hardly news, a good portion of big JP streamers play with vtubers who are fans of them
Japan has been streaming since before vtubing as well.

>> No.17696328

I've just been in a vtubing bubble for so long that I forgot that not only do other streamers exist, they're also still being watched by a huge amount of people.

>> No.17696459

Some are on twitch like Stanu, Shaka, Jun, etc. Remember vtubers are still niche even now.

>> No.17696809

I get u bro, same here. Same reason I'm always surprised with the numbers Daruma gets whenever he streams

>> No.17698227

4 days and Reid is already at D2...

>> No.17699386

you're a retard if you think she got invite because of her gib skill when there's other people that play gib better than her but rarely got invite.

>> No.17699484


>> No.17699668

It's the combination of playing Gib at an acceptable level and being worth basically nothing in terms of points. You can have 2 good players and a halfway decent gib slave. Most other that can play gib on a similar level as her are at least ranked as D2+.

>> No.17699811

Gotta wait to see how large it is, maybe this will be watson meta now.

I know shaka before vtuber because that clip he watching forsen get snipe in pubg.

>> No.17699839

He's not the best, I know...

>> No.17700467
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*slaps your vtuber wife*

>> No.17700478

Does Noah not know shes doing it wrong if shes the last alive and is Jett or not getting first kill?

>> No.17700769

Stark contrast with Met who is the first one to enter site on retake.
As Skye...

>> No.17700938

are they going to have a cr valorant scrim, where are the team?

>> No.17701018

Towa will be in it.

>> No.17702808

Watched some BIG valo.
It's interesting to see them flounder a bit in a 5v5 game. Bad crosshair placement, bad recoil control, unnecessarily wide peeks, crouching on every engagement, sometimes even forgetting to stop while shooting (Reid...)

But they have the right mindset. They're not afraid to fight when they have to. Their aim from other FPS commutes well to valo. Met especially makes some smart plays sometimes. If APEX seriously dies and they consider moving to this game then it would be fun to see them grow from here.

>> No.17703019

I just noticed something... i've never seen Noah do combos in Smash.

>> No.17703038
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It's really more of "who is the weakest link and which character will cover the most weaknesses". If Gib had his gunshield and ult changed/removed, they would most likely shift the usual Gib assignment to someone with easier abilities to manage like BH or Caustic.

Both vids showed how wide(not very, doesn't even cover the whole Rampart wall or even 2/3 of it) and long it goes but I understand the sentiment. Would like to test on the range to see how large the actual hitbox goes but it's not a good thing if the actual hitbox is wider than the animation.
Other concern is if it just breaks doors or attaches to it since if it sticks, you can't use that door either and breaking it likely nulls the ability. not like you would since it';s thick enough to hit the person behind a door by sticking it partially onto the wall next to the door..

>> No.17703147

She comboed Kamito to death multiple times. He's a complete beginner, to be fair.

>> No.17703245

Kamito literally suicided a few times lol.

>> No.17704058

Noah bullied the shit out of this K Rool with his own crown.

>> No.17705573

she's one of the worst players in the scene that regularly participates in tournaments, the only reason she gets invited is because she's well connected and popular.

>> No.17705626

>the only reason she gets invited is because she's well connected and popular.
It's almost like people consider her their friend, and they want to play games with their friend. What a shocker.

>> No.17705675

>well connected and popular.
The concept of any of these tournaments we watch being based around friend groups is a novel concept, we have to investigate further. Thank you for your valuable input.

>> No.17705678

yes, they want to play games with her friend, that's fine, these are casual tournaments. its not because she is good value in terms of points like that anon was implying.

>> No.17705699

And that's a good thing.
If I want tighter gameplay I'll watch FFL instead.
Poor Sakusan. Every other pro team gets a master/pred and her team gets her. But she's cute so it balances out.

>> No.17705857

noah is pretty much a beginner too, i remember hendy teaching her the basics like maybe a month ago on stream

>> No.17705894

It's both, but her points vs ability also absolutely plays a role in it. Nobody would have her in their team if she was D2 or Master point level no matter how good friends they are, and she could almost certainly hit that if she actually cared about playing rank.
There are a ton of shitters that get put on teams just to fill the point limit while having 2 master+ players as the others. Towa fills the same slot point-wise while also being able to play gib at a somewhat competent level.

>> No.17705988

bro she's six points, you cannot be telling me that she's good enough at gib to be worth 6 points. And i have severe doubts she could reach masters or high diamond even if she tried,

>> No.17706026

>good value in terms of points
you mean those point cheater people like nose setomiya chronoir naraka hinano and many more lol ?

>> No.17706052

She can solo to D4 without even trying hard, if she actually put in more than like 10 hours of rank a season she could easily climb to D2 as well. I doubt she could solo master, but she could obviously make it if she was with a team, pretty much anyone can.

>> No.17706215

I disagree. Aside from my own experiences in the rank, have you been watching how sumire and aqua have been doing in that rank belt? It's not easy to climb in that rank, and even if she parties up, if the other two members aren't significantly better than masters level, she's going to feed in the 3 stack lobbies, since those lobbies are significantly harder than solo lobbies.

>> No.17706221

Don't bring points into this we all know the council fucks everything up, she is not exempt

>> No.17706264

didn't crackhead got similar teammate roster like other too, wokka is a great 14pt player unlike uruca and the other guy was master too i think?

>> No.17706507

Uruca is 14pt in sex.

>> No.17706567

>Whole Towa conversation dies because everything that needs to be said has been said
>New IP comes in to call her bad
>Argument about her skill and value to a team ensues
A story as old as time. We're just missing the people getting triggered and telling others to go back.

>> No.17706723

The reason why everyone wants Towa is because of her moral support is top notch. Her teams wouldn't be able to have wins in every tournament if it was for that. She's that important.

>> No.17706730

Ojiji should just make Towa worth 0 points and she can join a team as a 4th member offering only moral support

>> No.17706876

>Her teams wouldn't be able to have wins in every tournament if it was for that
maybe the cr members in every single one of her teams has something to do with it

>> No.17706875

scrim start on 8 i think so probably the next couple day.

>> No.17706886

That would be broken because her moral support alone is worth the 6pts.

>> No.17707001

>Complain VTuber tournament point systems are absolutely dogshit and do not represent the players in any reliable way
>Use them anyway in arguments

>> No.17707020

Any guess who will do premas rank with Noah?


>> No.17707050

Ojiji should hurry up and kick CR Valo into motion

>> No.17707067
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Things will be better once she's back

>> No.17707081

Definitely not anyone from vspo.

>> No.17707100

Every team was a pro team with one guy cycled out and a CC.
Every other CC was a master/pred.
They got like 3 points over 5 games... The only one worse than them was the team that didn't show up.

>> No.17707119

It'd have to be someone who doesn't hate her, so nobody.

>> No.17707173

well she only needs 1 more person, so she at least has one participating.

>> No.17707213

ah that one, i was watching when she practice domefight with that johnydep guy and qu with temp, she was pretty good in domefight.

>> No.17707223

I still can't believe such a sex design is now dead. Her new one will have to be something special to outdo it.

>> No.17707244

Sure didn't help the myriad other teams with CR members.
A good thing I've heard about having your rating only go up depending on wins is that the one constant in your games is you. Same would apply here.

>> No.17707301

most teams with cr members have managed to get at least a win in cr cups, and most have done better than with her.

>> No.17707448
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This thread is seriously lacking in Senasex, and it's beginning to take its toll.

>> No.17707556

I bet Hendy and Kamito would go up to Master in this round and Hinano is going to be soo mad at them.

>> No.17707659

I hope Aqua and Reid end up on a team together in their rank grind

>> No.17707738

I hope Ema has a nice day.

>> No.17707793

A nice day, full of sex with me.

>> No.17707845

anyone know what happen to chihiro rig cup vods? why did she private it.

>> No.17708430

Barely safe lmao

>> No.17708886
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>> No.17709041


>> No.17709107

Oh. She finally hit D1.

>> No.17709204

go back to watching streams, get off this hellhole

>> No.17709598
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>> No.17710494

I always see them teaching domefights.
Can't help but wonder if that's really the best thing to be teaching them, or if it's the limitation of the firing range terrain.

Time to fire up the alts.

>> No.17710988

Noah is in CR Valorant, i hope she invites Towa.


>> No.17711109

I didn't watch the last Valorant CR cup, was there any absolute beginners in that one? Towa literally doesn't even know the map layouts.

>> No.17711136

Why the fuck is Aquas stream so damn grainy? Did she boost the sharpness beyond 1.5?

>> No.17711153

gamer vision

>> No.17711172

shouldnt matter with her op moral support.

>> No.17712094

Aqua makes solomaster look so easy. If she didnt take a 3 month break from apex, she should be done long ago.

>> No.17712336

Huh? I heard people said she was practicing on an alt.
Or does that include the 3 month break?

>> No.17712378

>ctrl + f moral support
>4 result

>> No.17712621

> peek at aqua's chat
i fucking hate eops

>> No.17712651

Reading any Holo's chat is a sure way to lose braincells.

>> No.17712912

is it lots of cracked and pog?

>> No.17712924

hate her fanbase, not the person kind of feeling

>> No.17713269


>> No.17713280

>Aqua took off her red armour and it instantly got taken by a black market

>> No.17713332
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Naw, we will trade one master for another. The shitposters will swap to "Why isn't nu-Bora playing with Towa/Noah".

Besides Dome being the deciding factor between a push or stall + most common character encountered in their scene, there's some merit in practicing as it's applicable to cover peeking and shooting.

>> No.17713410
File: 523 KB, 1116x628, Aqua Ch. 湊あくあ - 【APEX】ソロマスターいくまで耐久!!!!!!【湊あくあホロライブ】 [aGlY6Ueaco0 - 1116x628 - 2h58m52s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soo stronk, she carried that team.

>> No.17713469

to be fair, she stopped playing with Noah.

>> No.17713496
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>> No.17713569

I cant watch Akutans Apex much because that over sharpness bothers me. Shit looks so retarded.

>> No.17713587

rpr's is even more

>> No.17713638

Damn ghosting team got Aqua.

>> No.17713720
File: 278 KB, 580x521, Qu 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


IDK Qu... Maggie's kit doesn't look stable AKA likely bugged interactions with drill, enough bitching will nerf the passive and I hope the ball causes friendly fire and can bounce back into the team.

>> No.17713751

That ball thing is absolutely going to be glitchy as fuck, I can't wait.

>> No.17713760

Why they gotta make Maggie so damn ugly? One thing i hate about western character design is the females all look like lesbian feminist.

>> No.17713785

and even that is quite a bit slower than the last time he did it

>> No.17713821

Or koreans like Valk and Watson

>> No.17713864

Su-chan...don't look Aqua...

>> No.17713871

Damn, my money is on Nazuna's team, whoever they are. https://twitter.com/nazuna_kaga/status/1489534278832889857

>> No.17713887

kek, reverse point fraud maybe

>> No.17713984
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>first female solo-master is not vspo or nijisanji

>> No.17713985

hmm yostar hired mafuyu for blue archive art book. She drew shiriko.

>> No.17714005

they should release more ojisan chara

>> No.17714007

at the beginning of the 1st stream she said she'd been practising "in secret" over the last year. "3 months" guy is probably baiting but she may have said something in one of the other streams i haven't been watching that much

>> No.17714063

probably best female vtuber apexer. imagine if she had coaching from pros like Qu did.

>> No.17714321

>not the first post made by the /#/ avatarfag in here pitting vspo against other companies

>> No.17714342

what a shame...
hinano is already master?

>> No.17714349

Eh, i thought noah already did?

>> No.17714358

What is this bait?

>> No.17714373

>identify a post as bait
>reply anyways

>> No.17714504

Aqua getting carried to master by hackers

>> No.17714566

not solo

>> No.17714613

> hackers
you don't even understand the definition of a hacker nor how to identify what that pathfinder is. Can't wait for aqua to get her masters so yall can fuck off

>> No.17714640

Are you retarded?

>> No.17714672
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>> No.17714698


>> No.17714713
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>> No.17714726


>> No.17714762

anyone counting aqua rp?

>> No.17714771
File: 41 KB, 463x662, onyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how far is aqutan from master? And how you faggots feel getting your oshi mogged by the true gamer girl?

>> No.17714791

what you might be thinking of is her going from high d2 to master solo about a year ago

>> No.17714800



>> No.17714863

Anons in here can't deal with baits at all.

>> No.17714945

one autistic maid vs whole fps girl gamer corpo

>> No.17714967

Hello number thread

>> No.17714988

i want to fuck selly

>> No.17715113
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Sumire, wake up and beat Aqua

>> No.17715165

why is she so blurry

>> No.17715191
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>> No.17715490

shes terrible

>> No.17715509
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>> No.17715551

I think it's because this thread has never had to deal with it until recently lol

>> No.17715632

easy gold either way. something vspo will never get

>> No.17715656
File: 975 KB, 3000x4049, FIF6pZ5aUAEIOMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would normally just post Totos or Qus, but I will just post Totos and Qus.

>> No.17715666

Look at this cute clip

>> No.17715921

Maid. It's gamer maid.

Same difference imo.
Like bronze to masters. Who the fuck cares about you smurfing and fucking with bronzies. Unless it's a time attack I guess.

>> No.17716002

>Same difference imo.
agree, but if you really wanna bait aqua has just done the same thing in less time

>> No.17716029

Huh. The Onion made it.

>> No.17716084
File: 55 KB, 298x188, 1638615008394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solo Master get
Fps bros, we get mogged by Idol vtuber not named towa...

>> No.17716113

Updating my Tier list for Aqua

S: Shibuya Hal, VGorilla, Pakael
A: Bora, Noah, Qpi, Astel, Kamito, Lauren, Aqua
B: Naraka, Kanae, Kuzuha, Chihiro, Met, Reid, Qu, Leona, Uge, Selen, Bobon, Ichinose, Sumire, Hinano, Izuru, Runa
C: Ibrahim, Ratna Petit, Nazuna, Matsuri, Towa, Hoshikawa, Seto Miyako, Ema, Sena, Fuwa, Lisa, Elu, Miru, Kohaku
D: Beni, Ren, Ex Albio, Ran, Akina, Deron, Kanda, Roboco
E: Kanon, Ichika, Aruran, Ars, Ichika, Kuku, Iori, Shiina, Chigusa

>> No.17716143


>> No.17716146
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>> No.17716148
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>> No.17716155

>D: Beni,
Is this a mixed epe and valo tier list or something? She can't apex to save her life.

>> No.17716167
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>> No.17716177

The autistic onion actually fucking did it.

>> No.17716193

I put her in D already. Do you think she's literal Chigusa tier?

>> No.17716196

Ganbare getting out of D2 sumire!

>> No.17716214
File: 1.17 MB, 2560x1440, image_2022-02-04_224633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sumire, don't look...

>> No.17716217

Can she aim?

>> No.17716241
File: 496 KB, 1080x927, Onyonmasterpog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in front of 50K audience
Can your oshi do the same FPS lads?

>> No.17716246

Yeah, but she's more practiced with pre-aiming at the right spots from valo. Her tracking isn't great.

>> No.17716274

And people wonder why Holofags are scorned in every non Holo thread

>> No.17716325

Oh nononono your oshi stuck on D2?

>> No.17716333

Fun is over, you can go back to /#/ thread now

>> No.17716334
File: 146 KB, 463x453, 1643975386922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogged at tournaments by Towa
>mogged at solo rank by Aqua
>mogged at valorant by Nijis
whats the point of Vspo existence?

>> No.17716352
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>> No.17716359

>Her tracking isn't great.
That would be an issue then.

>> No.17716378

How many Holo preds are there?

>> No.17716383

Noah did this back when solo master was hard. Your Apex rep, anon..

>> No.17716402
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VSPO kimitachi, kneel pls

>> No.17716403

Oh nonono sister

>> No.17716475

Some of them can't even get champions on every CR cup like tower anon, give them a break...

>> No.17716492

>VSaikyo kill leader/winner
>An actual predator for 2 splits straight( no, rpreducer doesn't count )
> Lower than Qpi, Noah and Aqua

>> No.17716493
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seethe nijibug

>> No.17716512
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What the fuck happened to these threads?
I was out of Vtubing and jap streaming for just a bit...

>> No.17716551

Nose occasionally covers her nose.

>> No.17716560

clearly something isnt right for vspo considering they are subpar to other V in every fps. maybe they should stick to ark and minecraft and cement themselves as budget hololive.

>> No.17716588

Vspo girls aren't that bad, just Aqua is in a own league

>> No.17716591

weird bait

>> No.17716597

Holofags are mad at Nijifags but Nijifag threads are too dead and won't bite as hard as this thread.

>> No.17716607

Idol vtuber actually better than Esport vtuber on playing games... Especially their pride and joy Apex

>> No.17716619

Tribalfags unironically need to kill themselves.

>> No.17716645
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God onyon, stop mogging these FPS VTUBER

>> No.17716667

Would towa, noah and aqua work in cr cup?

>> No.17716677

But they are playing Valo now and Apex is a dead game.

>> No.17716694

God i wish. But knowing how autistic this meido around other people is, the posibilitty is very low

>> No.17716722

How can it be a dead game when aqua could constantly pull 30k+ on each of her stream?

>> No.17716737

I'll move her up. Only reason I never did is because she hasn't popped off as hard in as Qpi or Noah in tournaments lately. Moving Aqua back down to B.

S: Shibuya Hal, VGorilla, Pakael
A: Bora, Noah, Qpi, Astel, Kamito, Lauren, Qu
B: Naraka, Kanae, Kuzuha, Chihiro, Met, Reid, Leona, Uge, Selen, Bobon, Ichinose, Sumire, Hinano, Izuru, Runa, Aqua
C: Ibrahim, Ratna Petit, Nazuna, Matsuri, Towa, Hoshikawa, Seto Miyako, Ema, Sena, Fuwa, Lisa, Elu, Miru, Kohaku
D: Beni, Ren, Ex Albio, Ran, Akina, Deron, Kanda, Roboco
E: Kanon, Aruran, Ars, Ichika, Kuku, Iori, Shiina, Chigusa

>> No.17716770
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not going quite well for them i see.
well maybe they will manage to get themselves in a good team for cr valo for another boosted win

>> No.17716828

They'll go away, they can't even understand her streams so numberfagging and images are the only thing they know how to brag about.

>> No.17716869

Well hopefully some of the anons here will learn from this to just ignore and report

>> No.17716965
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>> No.17716985

Maybe she can improve.
I mean not spending time hiding in grass all the time is already an improvement.
Idols are about growth and all that. But yeah, I don't expect anything either.

Well, how many are watching Apex itself instead of Aqua Apex?
But it's a shitpost, remember that time barely a month or so back right in this thread?

>> No.17717010
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Sex with Met.

>> No.17717048

pretty sure most regulars already have. it's just retards baiting each other

>> No.17717080

More vtubers need pj outfits

>> No.17717113
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>> No.17717197

>Apex is a dead game
Because they can't get solo master on apex...

>> No.17717228

is that at hinano's new place?

>> No.17717245
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captain will save the day

>> No.17717263
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>same tier as AAqua

>> No.17717289
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I like Nazuna's PJ outfit but the official seems to be lost to time(have yet to check wiki).
She'll never come back to it because it has some weird eye winking issue due to tracking.

>> No.17717311

Imagine putting kohaku at c tier when she's the one that been training qu since when qu was diamond lel.

>> No.17717320

>Get's masters
>Continue playing
>Champion first game
Peel the onion.

>> No.17717380

Chirst she is impressive.

>> No.17717407

So this is what it feels to watch your oshi carry a hard stuck diamond together with a fellow master player instead of the other way around...

>> No.17717440
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Aqua stop.. You're making them looks pathetic now

>> No.17717464

naraka new outfit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poFfvOlxy3s

>> No.17717468
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konyarara is too cute

>> No.17717542


>> No.17717594


>> No.17717614


>> No.17717647

Nose took a bath...

>> No.17717658

I love Ugayyan, but she sucks. She reached master during the first seasons, when it was much easier to do so.

>> No.17717662
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reminder that daruma gets to have all of THIS every night

>> No.17717664

God lord those fishnets are doing things to my dick.

>> No.17717727

what about arisaka?

>> No.17717762

You just know they take turns.

>> No.17717766

>A and Un match colors with Darusaka

>> No.17717777

Towa wouldn't invite Aqua and I doubt Aqua would want to participate anyway.

>> No.17717788
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or shishi

>> No.17717888

More like
>Towa invites Aqua
>Aqua frets about it for 2 weeks, doesn’t reply
>Towa has to find another team member one day before the deadline

>> No.17717893

A even has his tongue out like Daruma, and Un is crying like a bitch like Arisaka

>> No.17717899

I want to fuck the Kaga sisters so much.

>> No.17717952

they say Yashikizu was never the same after…

>> No.17717962
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Who is freakier? My money is on Nazuna.

>> No.17718107

Hi, welcome numberfags. Please, this is not the Towa thread. Direct your questions related to her to that thread instead.

>> No.17718123

aquas gonna stomp next vsaikyo

>> No.17718130


>> No.17718219

he has met.

>> No.17718246

>aquas gonna stomp next vsaikyo
Whos gonna tell him

>> No.17718253

And Nijithread for any Nijisanji complaints.

>> No.17718263
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Met is mine after how hard I shilled her live to you fucks.

>> No.17718290


>> No.17718308

hmm so aqua and towa are somehow prohibited and make schizos riled up but discussing naraka is fine? sisters, explain.

>> No.17718368

Is vs monsters today? Or it's just scrims or what? I see Alpha has a stream with that as thumb.

>> No.17718376

奈羅花 can’t speak English

>> No.17718378

You can talk about Towa and Aqua as long as you're not being a numbernigger oe a dramafaggot. Aqua's gameplay was discussed just fine here amidst shitposting, but since you're both ESL and unable to understand fps aside from memorizing rank badges, you were unable to participate.

>> No.17718414

what about reid?

>> No.17718459

Reid will never score

>> No.17718482

sure thing hypocrite nijibug

>> No.17718499

Busy getting dicked down by Ojiji every night

>> No.17718547

Stop replying to him.

>> No.17718557


>> No.17718583

Fuck off nigger. Nobody talking about Nijis here and yet you keep talking about them. Now fuck off to your noomber thread and kill yourself.

>> No.17718618

Why did sumire lose aqua

>> No.17718620

tomorrow i think. kinda weird they have a break of a couple days without scrims though

>> No.17718680


>> No.17718747

>Nobody talking about Nijis here

>> No.17718758
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He's scored the most important gig of them all. Base Bread sponsorship.. See how lifeless his movements are when answering Nose or Met. Sex no longer satisfies what Base Bread brings to his senses.

>> No.17718766

why is kohaku, a pred, in c tier???

>> No.17718802

yup this one goes straight into my nijiseethe collection
perhaps you have something else to say for nijicope one as well?

>> No.17718815

You know Kamito is a solo predator, right.

>> No.17718831

>Noah and Qpi above Aqua

>> No.17718846

Base Bread does enhance your gaming sense, after all.

>> No.17718855

I see. Also I just remembered, that's the Rig cup right?

I always thought she was an indie.

>> No.17718907

Just make this a buispo/KNR/CR/774/indie only thread. The worst posters of this threads have always been Selenfags and Towafags.

>> No.17718916
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kamito's inability to keep his promises is starting to piss me off
i was so excited to buy his merch no matter how insane the overseas shipping cost would be while listening to his first cover song
all we got for his overhyped birthday stream was just a new costume live2d which he never uses 99% of the time
seeing as he's not addressing any of these means he just hopes everyone forgets as he procrastinates his way to another milestone again

>> No.17718946


>> No.17718984

[sad news] having to break out the old /hlg/ filters

>> No.17718988

Add Aquazhang as well. Selen and Aqua should be banned. Towafag at least somewhat decent.

>> No.17719004

heres a good whataboutism fallacy (oxymoron). nobodys posting about hoshikawa's diamond achievement. but everyones spamming the a word here. It's nothing about holovsniji tribalshit it's that tribalistic holofags are annoying and unwelcomed

>> No.17719025

It's Kamito what do you expect.

>> No.17719027
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>> No.17719043

I just want to fuck cute fps girls, I don't care about the brand.

>> No.17719075

If you idiots just stopped biting on the fucking obvious tribal faggotry bait this shit wouldn't happen. It's not that fucking hard.

>> No.17719133

the problem is that people here keep taking obvious baits
just don't fucking reply them, it's the best thing you can do here.

>> No.17719205

HSKW also did it! Blessed day with Aqua reaching solo Master and HSKW reaching solo Diamond.

>> No.17719232

Please understand, Hinano fucks his brains out at every opportunity so there is going to be an obvious mental decline as he subconsciously pushes aside other thoughts and responsibilities for Apollo milkies.

>> No.17719242

thats cool and all but please go back to your containment thread

>> No.17719327

nice bait

>> No.17719361

nose getting old an out of touch

>> No.17719363
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>> No.17719385

I started watching Apex because of Noah remind me of my favorite Pripara but now I like Sumire more than Noah. Especially after new costumes.

>> No.17719403

What promises?

>> No.17719412

The fuck? I didn't even underplay any other streamers in that reply, just pretty glad for the 2 girls for achieving their goal. Next time fucking put ONLY Vspo/774/indies in the OP if you don't want other tourists to come.

>> No.17719424


>> No.17719425

She's always old in the mind, but I'm glad she is doing normal girl things more.

>> No.17719456

Popu Stepu Getchu!

>> No.17719496

Su-chan...don't look Aqua...

>> No.17719559

He legit doesn't care about improvement since he's too comfortable with where he's at.
Whether it be gameplay, his streaming career or his lifestyle.
I feel like he's starting to take his fans for granted.

>> No.17719560

Imagine the celebratory sex with ShibuHal tonight…

>> No.17719636
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I kind of want Yorumi Rena to go back to streaming APEX. She had a good showing in a previous custom where she sneak-respawned her team. I like her support-oriented style and she is very sex.

Pute unrelated.

>> No.17719663


>> No.17719740


>> No.17719760

If he wasn't 2D, he'd fit right in with all the other guys they play with who press live and don't have to worry about anything else. I don't really get why he has 2 live2D despite never using it even now when his PC can handle it. While I'm at it and the thread is in shambles, I don't get this shop/merch shilling for KNR, they never felt like that kind of group to me. Hal was so excited while everyone else went 'meh'

>> No.17719780

Nice try kenzokeks

>> No.17719816

he promised a song cover at 10k subs (we're at 240k btw)
in his zatsudans he said he'll be releasing merch (shit like Reid's) and also the long overdue song cover.
also promising to cover turing love with hinano, with the condition that it's after he releases his first cover.

>> No.17719891

High school bora was peak perfection.
This happened before, but Aqua was off-stream and Reid never acknowledged it during the stream, only wayyy after in a member stream (despite chat pointing it out immediately)

>> No.17719912

Maybe he needs an org or manager to help him with all of these.

>> No.17719939
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> with the condition that it's after he releases his first cover

I see the problem. Either way he should address this in a zatsudan, if he even does those. Maybe during pre-game warm up on stream. That sort of shit eventually bites back and can cause problems for Hinano too.

>> No.17719940

That Vsaikyou 2 team was a good time for sure.
I can’t imagine Vsaikyou ever going back to the quality of players/teams we had in 1 or 2, (which is to say not that good), even though I think it makes for better entertainment value. Maybe shibuhal can change max team pts to 15 or something like that, but that would probably just kick a large part of the Apextubers out

>> No.17719959

Shibuhal likes to power trip so his dick gets really hard playing the role of KNR's leader.

>> No.17719966

>also promising to cover turing love with hinano
That's clearly him taking the piss, no way they're going to sing that.

>> No.17719978

She's got an old body for her age too. Keeps reporting about weird pains all over her body on her zatsudans. It's like there's a new medical condition every single time.

>> No.17719986
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>> No.17720007

kek, make it next thread op

>> No.17720010

>Aqua was off-stream
what, like a year ago or an alt-account?

>> No.17720041

I’ll fuck her too

>> No.17720159

Such is the life of a person who stops being sedentary 24/7. Her gym reps will pay off and the aches will go away unless there's something else, I admit I haven't watched a zatsu from her in a week or two.

>> No.17720164

this thread always explodes when we're near post limit

>> No.17720178

On Reid's solo masters at KC. It was a Bangalore game and they got champ, I think.

>> No.17720183
File: 45 KB, 911x721, FKwUkxnaQAMFZZT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you fit all of these chuubas into a team of 18 points. You aren't going to get as many interesting combinations as s2 or s3

>> No.17720328

Feel like Hal should increase the cap a bit like to 20 or 22. There are quite a lot people that got to Master this season and definitely more that got to Diamond. Unless the leaders started inviting absolute newb making a coherent team will be hell.

>> No.17720424

nnot the first one that has proposed this to him on his planning stream. His constant argument against this proposal is that it makes the tourney a lot more tryhard and scares off a lot of casual newbies

>> No.17720466

Agreed with him on this, I definitely think VSaikyo should be one (large) step down from CR Cup

>> No.17720481

Then vsaikyou going to be another cr cup with 2master with one shitter format, reducing the pt like that anon said is a god move i think, then you increase the point of those that perform great but didn't bother to grind rank.

>> No.17720482

At least HSKW is apparently diamond now and would be properly rated.
But anyway, what needs to be done imo is not just going off rank, which is retarded anyway and instead take into account ranked ADR and KDA ratio.
Like to make it simple I'll keep the simple ranked points, then +/- depending on their other stats. Like -1/2 if your KDA is sub 1.0. Though I'm uncertain whether to focus on pure KD or take into account assists. I mean RP takes assists into account so I don't see why not.

>> No.17720493

>casual newbies
no such thing really

>> No.17720554

but my counter argument to his argument is that most of your apex viewers arent new to the game anymore. The game is freaking old in japan all things considered. Nor are your livers, most livers are diamond+ and are decent at the game. The bad newbie ones don't stream or quit apex already

>> No.17720596

No, that is a shitty idea, making teams too strong sucks, one master per team is ideal because you can still have some balance. To this day the only predator here is Gorilla.

>> No.17720599
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>> No.17720614

huh, didn't know that. apparently he matched with obly once too, 19 kills 7000 dmg kek

>> No.17720712

Well we did get choco and hskw last time

>> No.17720719

He simply should hire Ojiji's council and fudge the numbers. Going by rank explicitly is dumb now.

>> No.17720726

>Actual discussion only happens after bump limit

>> No.17720767

Reminder that Otaku Killers ending up 7th after everything was really the catalyst for hskw’s whole apex arc

>> No.17720780

Jesus christ. I know pros dominate in dia but not that hard.

Found it because a viewer timestamped it.

>> No.17720789

lol, its miles better to go with rank than the current cr system, i still think that shit is purely rigged.

>> No.17720825

And I'll probably trial with taking ranked WR into account too.
If you have like a 15% WR you're probably doing something right.

>> No.17720842

I tried with many topics but people only replied now, gomen
If the thread gets shitty just post random news or wishes or thoughts on fps and chuuba.

>> No.17720886

1v2 sex with Hal and Aim

>> No.17720891

they are not newbies nor casual just dogshit

>> No.17720925

Ojiji did increase point of some chuuba that perform well like alpha bora noah and pute but he's still a numbernigger so many of them still got his favor in the end.

>> No.17720935

Next time try more technical things.
Like the one now.

>> No.17720947

I mean, sure making teams too strong sucks, but watching absolute noobs having no idea wtf are they doing in the game also sucks. Assuming the Master is 8pt and they gonna invite a Dia4 that already brings the total to 14 pt. They got no choice but to invite a Plat that way. Sure it worked out well the last time, but this time the overall rank has increased by a lot. There aren't even many Plat chuubas now, most have at least touched Diamond at some time.
Currently the 18pt cap is setting it up so 3 Dia4 players in a team is possible, but I feel that the current level for chuubas who frequent VSaikyou have already passed that point.

>> No.17720985

Aqua grew so much

>> No.17720988

people just leave the thread when it's getting raided. i think you're usally better off waiting until whatever it is blows over to get quality replies

>> No.17721062

There are no newbies in this game anymore, it's a matter of how much people practice or not.

>> No.17721071

Dia4 can mean anything though, someone who grinded to it, or a Master who doesn't give a shit

>> No.17721123

They should do the epematsuri but cutting off the 3d and pro, only chuuba are allow.

>> No.17721133

>or a Master who doesn't give a shit
Then they must have some other accomplishment which can be used as a basis for that.

>> No.17721145

Personally, I just ignore all the bait posts and wait until the shitters get tired. It gets annoying though because lately there's been some fucker from the number thread that somehow latched onto this thread.

>> No.17721185

why don't nips ever FF in valo

>> No.17721203

I never reply to point discussion, as a general rule.

>> No.17721215
File: 189 KB, 850x1137, __hoshikawa_sara_nijisanji_drawn_by_rinfamm__sample-47603dfe1e331f3125d16c5927d1ac09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wins these

>> No.17721253

every match is winnable, 12 rounds gap is nothing really.

>> No.17721259
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I'd probably still place someone who routinely makes newbie mistakes in looting, shooting, no idea what to do etc as a newbie as long as no other factors offset it such as having crack aim, game sense/positioning.
I get what you mean though, someone like Choco is a routine grinder but she doesn't really improve much despite hours spent on a game.

>> No.17721284

Finally time for the solomas chuubas to shine.
And Aqua doesn't need friends either.
Honestly though, it is an interesting idea. But wouldn't you just get gorilla dominating everyone? Well, I guess there is Reid too. And we'll finally see if Astel can handle himself when it's just him without any distractions.

>> No.17721315


>> No.17721344

i see my two duelists bottom frag and we started in the attack side, i see no hope.

>> No.17721369

donmai donmai naifai naifai

>> No.17721379

But anon, donmai naifai

>> No.17721388

Doesn't have to be points.
I'll love to discuss how Gibby is getting fucked next season. Especially now that we have confirmation more or less on how the new auto drone works.
Maggie's Q is too new to make any certain discussion about it though.

>Routine grinder
What? I know she had that time when she grinded it but it's more like an event than as a matter of routine.

>> No.17721395

Do you think rion will end up in the same team with benis in this cr?

>> No.17721476

Rion does not seem keen to enter tourneys with vspo right now. Also fuck apex (his words) maybe ojiji will bribe him like he does with Selly.

>> No.17721513


>> No.17721532

I will personally row a boat to Japan and torch Ojiji's house if that happens.

>> No.17721552

then enemy gets cocky and you win few rounds on some lucky pop off entries, then another few on good usage on ults, then you win some clutches, enemy tilts hard, boom an ez win

>> No.17721566

Gibby is fucked, but I was thinking about it for a bit and realized that a team in these tourneys would want to replace their dome slave with Maggie, but it isn't like her role replaces Gibby.

>> No.17721584

Pro valo players can't join this time. I don't know if rion doesn't count because he is in the streamer side

>> No.17721633
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>> No.17721691
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More for her main game DBD which I didn't draw attention to because she throws some DBD games pretty hard.. Point being that she doesn't have a focus on improvement and plays games for long periods of time because she enjoys the journey and getting carried but doesn't want to take the plunge and get good outside of basics.

>> No.17721701

But why? Wouldn't Maggie be more of a fragger?
I can see Caustic instead, depending on how the new destructible traps work. Then again they already run Caustic.
I'll say Wattson, but looking at pro fence laying I don't think it'll work anytime soon.

But honestly though, I doubt it'll really change much, you probably won't get teams that can coordinate enough to make Gibby literally obsolete.
But if you could though, you'll probably see a little less 1v3 clutches when your bubble is highly likely to be popped and you have no other cover to play PeeKaboo.

>> No.17721713

since caustic is now fucked too i can see some people unironically play wattson

>> No.17721787

More popular replacements would be:
1. Bloodhound
2. Caustic
3. Valk
4. Loba

These are minimal effort characters and I reckon Caustic would be top pick for former Gib slaves as long as the former Gib slave is capable of not peeking outside of windows and cover for more than a few minutes.

>> No.17721903

I'm tired of fence spam... worse to watch than to play with

>> No.17721952

I also don't post about APEX or Valo unless it has something directly to do with my chuubas.

>> No.17721968

Fence spam > Gas spam
At least I can see shit.

>> No.17722020

soon you'll be able to shoot the gascans though

>> No.17722033

True kek

>> No.17722132

What Ash is for?

>> No.17722206

I really want to fuck that robot.

>> No.17722230

better octane

>> No.17722233

The problem is that Wattson players take a little too long doing fences. One of the 2views I watch swapped to Wattson on her push for Masters and it gets annoying sometimes watching fence place/removal because the autism kicks in and she wants to ensure that the fences aren't easy to shoot out when what usually happens is the pylon does NOT cover an area and a grenade will knock out all the nodes in that spot.

Started APEX as a Watt main and if I ever tinker with her I just abuse her better shield economy, plop 2 nodes per door + 1 outside if planning to do the door break strat/ Only place more nodes if the team wants to hold an area for an extended period with no need to shoot.

>> No.17722307

Fences aside, the ult does really let you hold some dumbshit positions though. It lasts forever now too, so you can just setup when you get there

>> No.17722564

Pylon is great, love me pylon. It's not the pylon's fault that minor LOS break like a box suddenly removes its grenade-nullification ability. Or other minor glitches and bugs that let nades through.
Besides holding it's also crazy strong at deciding fights letting a Wattson team swing when both teams would normally need to heal up, end up catching the other team in the middle of popping batteries.

>> No.17723097

Depends on whether it's a weak spot or just the whole thing like Rampart's walls.
The former means at these levels it'll be mostly irrelevant. The latter means bye bye Caustic.

Pro Wattsons just basically throw them down into a whole mess from what I've seen. It's really impressive how quickly you can setup a defensive position.
For me though it's basically 2 nodes per door too and then the rest into a mess. I'll tweak it if it's stupid exposed that some guy on the other side of the map can shoot it, otherwise I don't bother.
Shooting my fence > Shooting my team after all.
Though the pylon coverage definitely is a problem. And Crypto just EMPing all your shit without the Caustic counterplay.
Well, we'll see with the coming nerf. Never thought of that before this actually, if EMP can also remove active traps.
And lucky grenade shots. Like wow, Caustic is probably getting even more fucked than Gibby. Just realised that.

Which is also why I don't think we'll see more Wattsons in VSaikyou or something.
I doubt any of them run Wattson enough to have that fence setup instinct.

>> No.17723516
File: 1.05 MB, 3541x2508, EselA9aUUAAdPeP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros throw a whole mess as fast as they can when they can or have the Pylon up. The trap for players learning Wattson is trying to hide the node. The trick is learning areas/structures, which platforms and spots you can place them in so whenever you enter that structure you already know which spots offer best concealment and don't have to fiddle with the fence setup.
I think she is really strong at peeking, always feels like her hitbox is smaller and passive shield regen makes her a good skirmisher.

I doubt that we'll see a Wattson meta in JP tournaments unless a strong player swaps to her and can get their whole team around a new gameplan or they get a Fuse+Loba grenade heavy meta.

Friendly reminder to always run towards wherever your Loba is running to:

>> No.17723574

gorilla the voice of reason

>> No.17723653

CR Valo teams open tomorrow at 1900 jst. Does not guarantee everyone is announced at the same time.

>> No.17723707

>always feels like her hitbox is smaller
It actually is.
And apparently her hitbox is really weird when evading. Iirc she's one of the strongest 1v1 legends based on hitbox alone.

As for Wattson meta, we'll see if APACN has any changes next playoffs, if yes then that's that. If no, we might see it filtering down to the lower levels, especially with Caustic nerfs.
But ultimately it's comfort really. Crypto/Wattson aren't the heavy crutches like BH or something. And their plays aren't fancy like Wraith/Octane/Valk.

>> No.17723759

i just want to see elu have sex with sena more

>> No.17723804


>> No.17723930

sex with female selly

>> No.17724008
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My dream team Sena-Elu-Morinka(forma de loli) preferably as Chii-chan watches while clutching her Master rank badge.

>> No.17724642
File: 208 KB, 1200x850, Danbooru_97019ec88c84a91986bc24eb49b428f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're talking about elu friends you can't not talk about mahimahi love!

>> No.17724687

Last for nose sex

>> No.17724730
File: 1.68 MB, 1280x960, 94676269_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Met.

>> No.17724756

>400 replies & it isn't tourney season
what the

>> No.17724777

numbernigger raid

>> No.17724791

Exact thing that was always going to happen when Aqua hit master.

>> No.17724822
File: 92 KB, 460x720, 1641415470068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, last for Nose sex but for real now.
Elu sex is also nice

>> No.17724833

i'm retarded and didn't scroll up enough and just saw point discussion, forgive me

>> No.17724878

threads getting pruned we can't die

>> No.17724915

Maybe I need to learn Valorant so I can also make Met laugh and have her call me cute.

>> No.17725124
File: 103 KB, 794x970, EtkFZy3UUAIWiAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you can vie for her attention via chat. You just need to be wittier and faster than the several 10s of hundreds of listeners.

>> No.17725149

hendy master, is that the first time?

>> No.17725195


Hendy finally reached master for the first time

and yeah, the highest he got last split was D2

>> No.17725212

First time.

>> No.17725276

Gori knows that a lot of people could if they had the time to grind it out.

>> No.17725402

Meanwhile Sena and her hardstuck plat streams

>> No.17725507

glad noah/runa/qpi didn't try this

>> No.17725541

lol killed by templex + other thai pro who subbed in for obly in rig scrims

>> No.17725570

They are scrimming?

>> No.17725610

no, team that killed hinano in rank now. i just recognized nutsarama or whatever his name is from rig scrims

>> No.17725743

>Go see Aqua masters thread
>See Apex is dead poster
Huh, I always thought that guy was from here.
