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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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17691354 No.17691354 [Reply] [Original]

>Next stream - Ace Attorney

>Who is Beatani?

>Beatani's call log



>Streamlabs, because superchats are for low IQ dads who like giving Youtube 30% of the cut:

>Lore Summarized:

>Last thread

>> No.17691509

>Next stream - Ace Attorney (fixed link)

>> No.17691710
File: 707 KB, 633x859, 1643058177135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're facing the death penalty. Bea is your attorney. Are you deeply goncerned? She's already 30 minutes late.

>> No.17691970
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I love fucking this bear!

>> No.17692470
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>> No.17692520
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And her too!

>> No.17692608
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I love this fucking bear

>> No.17693112
File: 562 KB, 1500x999, 1643754984447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.17693148

Watch out for that Fuwafuwa bitch in the corner

>> No.17693834

Bea would have had to unfollow dads eventually when she hit the cap. Remote Kid got screwed by the cap, ask him how much it sucks trying to sort that out. Following everyone was unsustainable and would have created timeloops anyway when she couldn't keep up with the refollows. And what's the benefit of refollows? You get to have a vtuber following you? Well when she follows several hundred people it means nothing because there are so many people in her feed. At that point it is little more than a trophy on your profile. Meaningless. Bea should be free to use her follows to highlight accounts she thinks are cute and funny and that dads should follow too.

What Bea writes on Discord is the same shit she writes on Twitter. Wow food pictures, audio equipment autism, and bullshitting about some manga your dekinai ass is never going to read! How enthralling! Not. Look, you can complain that she's been too chummy with the Discord regulars at times when she's using Discord. Many dads don't even have a chance to be part of that group because of different schedules and time zones. But the same is true about Twitter and streams. Life isn't fair. Deal with it, because the alternative is that she cuts herself off from dads completely and nobody wants that.

>> No.17693959

Didn't read but it's a shame she unfollowed people because of that shitty excel sheet! I would feel terrible it was the person who made that...

>> No.17694389

ESL chama please

>> No.17694629

She had stopped following back every dad that followed her for months at that point, some of today's regulars never even got one. Still it was a nice thing to have and a little token of helping her in the beginning. It always made me happy to see but I can understand that it caused issues. It's really sad all the way around.

>> No.17694822

I would never have complained if everything was entirely her idea but this is not the case the existence of the several things was not planned by her it was the idea of some "dads"

>> No.17694935

many early dads never had the opportunity to be followed by her and no one else will ever have it, the same for the DMs.

>> No.17695023
File: 1.77 MB, 1099x930, 1612726008682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey hey hey, bea is already busy over here, take your turn

>> No.17695538

>Risuna Valentine's Day Album
Organizer here. Please read carefully.

Less than a week left! Your submissions are due by 07:00 JST February 7th and I will do my best to get it put together by the 12th. I'm putting the deadline pretty close to Valentine's Day so I won't be able to do much extension, so please keep that in mind. The earlier I get submissions the earlier I can start but I understand how it is. Also note this is separate from the potential /yah/ sings project done by the mixer.

[Risuna Valentine's Day Album] (this is so I can search the archives easier)
Title: Valentine's Day Song
Language: English
Tranlated Title: N/A
Audio: catbox link
Lyrics: catbox link
Trivia: one or two lines, optional

Please post your submissions in the thread or spreadsheet. If you include the bracketed header it will be much easier for me to find them. The bracketed tag is also good for questions. Each submission should be capable of standing on its own with no further mixing or adjustment. If you have audio difficulties ask around. I'm sure there are several Risunas who would be glad to help you out.
Whatever you like. Please provide lyrics. If you are not submitting in English please also provide a translation.
>Max length
As of now, there is no max length for submissions but please use your discretion.
>Multiple submissions
As many as you like.
>Risuna Collabs
Fine also, but organizing them is entirely up to the Risunas in question.
The general consensus is the theme is love songs, so please stick to that. Thankfully that's a pretty wide range.
If you have questions put them in the thread, because others may have the same ones. That said, if you need to reach me here's an email address. I didn't make a new one because mendokusai.
risunachristmas *at* gmail.com

>> No.17695557

The biggest shit stirrers.

>> No.17696835

Everyone has a chance to participate in Twitter even if it's later there's still a point to it. But in discord if you're not there then you're not there.
Also Twitter engagement gets numbers and exposure, while discord is hidden away and locked behind a loginwall. If it's the same content she should post it where it counts.

>> No.17696878
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>> No.17697293

Bea isn't a mind reader. You should give specific examples of your grievances if you want to have any hope of Bea reading them, and don't expect her to read this thread. If /yah/craft bothers you, leave a comment on the next stream. If Discord bothers you, make an account and @ her. Express your thoughts and concerns but don't be abusive towards Beatani or anyone else. If dads are being sassy, and you better bet they will be, ignore it. Beatani's judgement is all that matters.

>> No.17697295

>the cap
what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17697427

>Every Twitter account can follow up to 5,000 accounts. Once you reach that number, you may need to wait until your account has more followers before you can follow additional accounts.
>This number is different for each account and is automatically calculated based on your unique ratio of followers to following.

>> No.17697451

>If /yah/craft bothers you, leave a comment on the next stream.
She ignores comments she doesn't like
>If Discord bothers you, make an account and @ her
Joining Discord to complain about it would make you a hypocrite

>> No.17697659

You think I didn't do it? shes told me to fuck off and said I had no right to be jealous, she always puts it all down to jealousy if she doesn't like you it's useless she won't listen to you

>> No.17697821

You didn’t. I've never seen anyone really did that.

>> No.17697849

If you're unwilling to express your opinions or have been rejected then I got bad news: this community isn't for you anymore.

>> No.17697874

NTA but Yukari got smacked when he spoke up

>> No.17697927

Says you

>> No.17697965

>Bea should be free to use her follows to highlight accounts she thinks are cute and funny and that dads should follow too.
the fact some of you faggots actually check who she's following semi-regularly is off putting, more so than AR's attempts at MS attention whoring

>> No.17698040

His opinion was creepy

>> No.17698243

If you're incapable of realizing something yourself, someone else has to come by an tell you.
Being dissatisfied with major elements of the community means you either have to conform or speak up, if you've been rejected already then either shut up or leave.

>> No.17698288

Bea wants make dads happy. I'm sure she would be sorry if she knew she made you feel really lousy by something she did. But remember that every decision she makes has the potential to affect a lot of people. She must weigh the options carefully and choose what she thinks is best.

>> No.17698575
File: 37 KB, 310x962, 1636228044212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this?

>> No.17698820

Why do you think this community should be made for you? If you want a community for yourself so badly, why don't you go somewhere where you can make all the decisions for yourself?

>> No.17698854

One person shouldn't be deciding everything for any community.

>> No.17699244

not really this is looks like schizoposting material that exists primarily to stir up the thread
tends to happen when one person is in complete control of these things, if you don't like it either keep voicing your opinion and hope for the best or leave if you don't think you can change her mind.

>> No.17700649

Devil's advocate, you can't tell me with a straight face this isn't a very jealous community at times. Maybe it's shitty to write off any grievance as "you're just jealous" but there's a kernel of truth to it. I remember that whole drama about jannies on the old discord and even the guy complaining outright said he didn't like how he didn't feel special for not having the role.

>> No.17700816

The way she assigned jannies was retarded, and architects assigning roles arbitrarily for laughs was not good. The new server has basically no drama because 95% of the stupid bullshit was eliminated.

>> No.17701260

not really surprising she'd be quick to dismiss people for being jealous considering the inner circle time loop dragged of for nearly half a year
but the old drama was practically only in the threads and it was just discord antis screeching along with some dads using said screeching to shitpost and bait

>> No.17701360

>but the old drama was practically only in the threads and it was just discord antis screeching along with some dads using said screeching to shitpost and bait
Only one dad had the balls to say what was on his mind and he's still being mocked. Just because you don't hear an opinion publicly with names doesn't mean others don't share it.

>> No.17701743

Because he showed how unreasonable having that take is

>> No.17701807

It's not unreasonable and more dads than you think probably have it.

>> No.17701944

There’s always something to complain about or to act upset about.
Twitter was generally harmless.

>> No.17701990

>Only one dad had the balls to say what was on his mind
other dads should stop being limp dicked faggots and follow his lead, even if they unironically believe that you need to be in the inner circle I'm confident enough dads voicing their opinions will get bea to at least consider that the complaints might be serious
>he's still being mocked
that's because he was jealous that dads got special colored names by bea's decree and he wasn't one of them

>> No.17702066

He's never been an attention whore like the others so I'll take his word at face value.

>> No.17702105


>> No.17702291 [DELETED] 

While you were sitting here jerking off over your bear, Pippa Pipkin got a shoutout and two, two mind you, superchats from Mister Metokur and got insulted and blocked by Ethan “Gunt” Ralph.

>> No.17702389

I read the words but they don't mean anything to me.

>> No.17702426

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I don't care.

>> No.17702431

She's always been a huge fan of Jim

>> No.17702479

Right wing schizos aren’t personalities I would want to mix in with.

>> No.17702500

iirc he did use the initial complaints of the roles being gay and tacky, it's true, and acted as the voice of the thread while hiding his own opinion but in the end the point still stands. if dads want change they can't really just cry in the thread all day, bea has made it exceedingly clear that she doesn't view this as a place for serious discussion due to no way to know if it's genuine or just shitposting.
yeah it was incredibly based but also go back to /pcg/ faggot

>> No.17702545

Banged out Machine Gun Kiss in about 1.5 hours, it's on the sheet

>> No.17702744
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>> No.17702832


>> No.17703758

fuck off faggot

>> No.17703830

still not a fan of the new server existing but you're right it's better than the old one

>> No.17703972

Now that it's all over was the roles anti right?

>> No.17704440

I don't believe the roles/colors changes were actually impactful. I think the reason why the new server is much better than the old one is because coomershit is completely banned and holotards and non-bea vtuber discussion was quarantined into a separate channel.

>> No.17704614
File: 138 KB, 434x511, ImtellingyouIdont.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you can still see Yukari's shadow in the anti threads at night... mumbling about how Beatani isn't so special and how he still checks the occasional stream... only to notice how EOPS continue to ruin her, and how her beautiful and superior Japanese accent seems to fade away...
It is said only becoming Japanese would put his soul to rest.
He may very well be stuck here for all eternity....

>> No.17704761

I guess the worst part for me is Bea and the dads wouldn't even notice if I died

>> No.17704779

Well I won't follow his lead because like most, I don't have such complaints! So that would make no sense.

>> No.17704883


>> No.17704921

the fuck any of this even mean dude
How am I supposed to take a bait if half of it isn't understandable.

>> No.17704982

All the little things add up to make it gay. Discord isn't that bad if you just use it like irc. But after adding all the colors and sparkles and icons and roles and boosts and a zillion channels it becomes gay.
Beatan and gyro don't fucking add more channels.

>> No.17705128

I love how gyro was an obscure autist until he convinced Bea to make a Minecraft server then groomed her into Discord friends and running everything for her.

>> No.17705259

well discord being gay is pretty fitting considering what this community is like
>Beatan and gyro don't fucking add more channels.
throw a ping or two at them asking for a new channel and pray
he was at the right place and time with the right skills. in an alternate timeline AR would've been her lapdog

>> No.17705515
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So if you feel it's useless to express clearly your issues cause she'd ignore it, what then? Just stay here forever to scream in the void?
She's stubborn yes which is probably good when you have a dedicated thread, but she has changed her opinion in the past and taken some remarks.

The thing is, you can't make everyone happy, so if as a result every time someone get unhappy
like you they decide they'll complain about it over and over until they're obeyed, with time the thread becomes literally only this and insufferable to read, and thus others start to stop coming, which make unhappy have an echo chamber completely detached from reality.
Is your goal just to annoy others because you couldn't get what you wanted? Can't you move on to something else instead of staying here without purpose? What's the end game?

>> No.17705622

thanks god for a bit of logic, opening again the threads (since there are streams at the moment) after a while without feels like an alien world

>> No.17705661
File: 112 KB, 660x670, 1623711175720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of complaining you should be doing your reps, what kind of reps are you doing?

>> No.17705775

Singing and chocolate. I pray that she delays the chocolate part until White Day.

>> No.17705852

If only it was ar

>> No.17705907

We're homosexuals here not faggots

>> No.17705911

I was starting my audio editing reps, but I'll have to get drunk again to bear the cringe. Also got some good ideas for poem reps.

>> No.17706015

I recorded my song but it sounds so cringe I haven't uploaded it
Anyone got tips on EQ and other settings?

>> No.17706137

I just threw on a compressor and some reverb

>> No.17706144

about to start on my art reps and try to come up with a good idea for valentines
honestly if he wasn't such a blatant attention whore it probably wouldn't be so bad to have him as king janny. though maybe I'm just being too optimistic

>> No.17706499


>> No.17706760

Fuck off faggot

>> No.17707030
File: 3.46 MB, 498x280, 1613405825943.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away, Z*!$@#!. No one likes you or your whore of an oshi who literally sold every single thing she proclaimed to believe in down the river.

>> No.17707035

>wouldn't be so bad
Fuck that whore ar

>> No.17707238

someone please….I need a beatani cosplay …onegaiiiiiiii…..

>> No.17707443
File: 38 KB, 729x171, 1627734521030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading your complaints makes me remember that I have this image, I don't remember what it is from a tweet or something, does anyone know what it is from?

>> No.17707519

Ask Zhnigo, modomon, or Allah help me, Foxxy.

>> No.17707597

>it probably wouldn't be so bad to have him as king janny.
Having the most malicious and creepy person in her fanbase in charge. What could go wrong?

>> No.17707617

NY commented on an OB post with his concerns about the changes going on and this was her reply

>> No.17707705

thanks, I have a lot of files that I can't remember what they are about and this is one of them

>> No.17707822

a public post, not OB

>> No.17707827

I have no clue what he's actually like because I've only seen him desperately fishing for (you)s and attention from bea so please understand

>> No.17708029

join arcord to hang with ar no bears allowd

>> No.17708132

isn't he just jerking off to cunny with gyro and a handful of other dads in there...?

>> No.17708177

Yahmatrix is different than AR matrix REEEE

>> No.17708187

You'r confusing gyro's containment channel with arcord. He mostly talks to angela and gyro there I think

>> No.17708274

is it really though? I wish it was...
it was just a coomer den when it was made though... maybe I'll check it out sometime if it's really changed

>> No.17708297

I really respect her a lot less for writing this ngl

>> No.17708402

exactly everything they said was going to happen happened but she is so stubborn that she only listened to the opinions of those who gave her the idea in the first place

>> No.17708404


>> No.17708433

fr fr ngl no cap I hate when beacho did this ahahaha

>> No.17708480


>> No.17708529

shut the fuck up, there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.17708532

block janny isn't so bad he reminds me of myself when i was younger. i didn't like being at the center of attention but my confidence came from being useful to others and i found myself in a similar position to him after i offered up my skills

>> No.17708537

Fuck off faggot
Why do you keep doing this

>> No.17708637


>> No.17708724

Definitely remember this, can't say she didn't tell it how it would be.
Thanksfor the reminder.

>> No.17708921

With her overconfidence she refuses to listen to hypotheticals and she dismisses them. But when they come true she just acts as if it was the plan all along.

>> No.17709004

Well that's a very good reply honnestly.

>> No.17709021

what’s the game plan resistance chads?

>> No.17709071


>> No.17709276

Why are you like this

>> No.17709382

>obscure autist
He was already known for being a redditard.

>> No.17709422

the opposite of what she used to say about wanting her perfect nukumolity but this is old news, she may have changed her mind over time.

>> No.17709528

She got proven so wrong about everything she posted here.

>> No.17709897

a mere measly approach will not stop the resistance chads from achieving there goals.

>> No.17710076

She said she's letting the community run itself because she's lazy. Since there is little or no leadership from Beatani you should expect the community to evolve rapidly according to the whims of dads. She doesn't rule out a more hands-on approach, but don't expect it to happen any time soon because her priorities would have to change significantly before that happens.

>> No.17710304

She made a bunch of unilateral changes for example adding the VC

>> No.17710681

desu no one uses it its just for lonely dads and gameplay amongst themselves

>> No.17711207

more like as an indie she wanna does her thing and most complaints are a waste of time and given much more importance than they have because anons are timelooping endlessly in a 24/7 thread with nothing else to talk about

>> No.17711241


>> No.17711355

jannies need to do their jobs

>> No.17711379

paws or esl?

>> No.17711409

What's the difference?

>> No.17711453

There's no coom in arcord. ARcord is the thing literally called arcord it has nothing to do with yah or the coomer channel.
The invite is on his twitter or something.

>> No.17711464

a jannies job isn’t to stifle on topic resistance dads trying to forms coalition against beatani so she can finally do what THEY want

>> No.17711702


>> No.17711796

Either no message or this whole thread would disappear

>> No.17711861

For me it's knowing that almost certainly the day she graduates we won't hear from her anymore, except for few people, because to be honest I don't think she'll stop talking to everyone when that happens.

>> No.17711954

Fuck off AR noone wants to join your shitty discord

>> No.17712935

When are we turning Beatani into /lig/ material?

>> No.17712938

Listen to some other yah sings project or the few recordings already in spreadsheet. You won't be that much more cringe, just fucking do it.
For settings, you can fix it sound by sound if you are feeling autistic but for a basic fix: Use compressor + reverb like the other anon said. Fix your timing if it isn't on beat. Also you can use a low pass filter for quick de essing.

>> No.17713020
File: 294 KB, 618x596, 1642590045181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else get the feeling that some of the Vtubers that Bea has collabed with/associated with recently have started to attracts some really faggy baggage?

>> No.17713058

I want to kiss Bea's ear.

>> No.17713192
File: 210 KB, 304x478, 1621723085152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea, because I only watch Bea.

>> No.17713206


>> No.17713260

It's those puppy eyes that got lost.

>> No.17713321
File: 1.14 MB, 1107x621, 1629097293093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, you're glad if you don't know.

I just worry that some of this dumb shit blows back on my daughter, fellow dad.

>> No.17713415

Yeah, the bunny is going down a dangerous path, it's all fun and games until you are unironically part of some shady groups that actually believe the bullshit you say

>> No.17713454

>paws in Japanese learning group

>> No.17713456

Nop. Just you trying to start shit!

>> No.17713494

>Vtubers that Bea has collabed with/associated with recently
A big whole no one! Wow!

>> No.17713554

eira and the shit bunny are recent you nigger

>> No.17713581
File: 62 KB, 362x512, 1636005832351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need more material, even that troll Ath*na wasn't acknowledge and left the server without results.

>> No.17713729

She left? Imma miss her but she probably groomed a few guys in dmsex and got what she came for.

>> No.17713775
File: 363 KB, 421x462, 1633486633067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea associates with eira??
Does bea realize that eira is a known fat-shamer and always mock manlets?
Is this the public image Beatani wants?

>> No.17713804

So this is why we've been having so many manlet-haters and anti-American recently... she brought them all... I knew something was up!

>> No.17713859

wtf based

>> No.17713906

Wtf I love eira now

>> No.17713956

eira only likes manlets that are femboys

>> No.17713977

she lusts for shotas

>> No.17714012

That's wrong though, she likes asanagi

>> No.17714093

Man the bunny fags are out in full forces uh

>> No.17714225
File: 340 KB, 618x596, 1642590045181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually I WILL nade nade this bear!

>> No.17714240


>> No.17714326

Neck yourseld

>> No.17714444
File: 1.43 MB, 4093x2894, E9PDG77UYAI3M74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think bea will make more outfits or will she focus entirely on her 3d model?

>> No.17714458

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17714495

This place really needs flags lol.

>> No.17714524

Go fuck yourself

>> No.17714539

Bea needs to stop drawing flat bitches

>> No.17714621

Stop being a nigger

>> No.17714637

I really need OL bea

>> No.17714677
File: 45 KB, 320x320, E07i6a7VkAkilLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfathomably based quads

>> No.17714694

she will definitely make more outfits
Bea isn't flat

>> No.17714769


>> No.17714852

Would definitely avoid a lot of timeloops burgers tend to start! especially the /pol/ ones

>> No.17714978

>Bea isn't flat
Nigga what? bea IS flat

>> No.17715163

they are just small

>> No.17715206

Wow you guys said a lot of nothing

>> No.17715249
File: 611 KB, 1100x2760, 89572903_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say that she isn't flat, but... boy, she barely has any breasts to speak of. I used to compare her to Hatsune Miku, but Bea's breasts are even smaller.

>> No.17715550

She didn't leave she's just sucking my cock

>> No.17715697

I couldn't stop thinking about nibbling her human ear lobes after she talked about getting them pierced last stream

>> No.17715794

Eira is probably short and fat in RL

>> No.17715847

Yes, but of course that's only a problem for men!

>> No.17715893

Because coomers will want to fuck anything that moves, so women don't have to worry.

>> No.17715962

Can you imagine pulling those panties down and peroperoing that cunny? Oishii!

>> No.17716051
File: 485 KB, 1100x2760, canon bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17716130

ehh i agree for fat, but for short it's just usually a quality, I'm really not attracted to tall women

>> No.17716189

Post the full version

>> No.17716200

there was never a full version

>> No.17716221

Why is my oshi so fuckable aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.17716386


>> No.17717414

She looks like a fridge.

>> No.17717422
File: 106 KB, 280x323, 1643561824299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate beans

>> No.17717454

And like a fridge I want to put my meat in there

>> No.17717587


>> No.17717599

I just want to giver her a warm loving hug and then mercilessly peropero her ears while she's trapped

>> No.17718270
File: 51 KB, 722x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17718423

what the fuck

did her sperg act go too far to the point that she started coming across as an ESL?

>> No.17718441

Error 500 :(

>> No.17718477

remove the stuff after .com

>> No.17718533

Ath*na if you're here, you're a bitch and you should neck yourself.
We dads are proudly the GAYEST community on /vt/ and your homophobia is NOT welcome here.

>> No.17718587

She was talking about a cat retard she wouldn't say that stuff about actual people I care about my public image

>> No.17718691
File: 32 KB, 649x369, Capture29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ain't this some gayass horseshit

>> No.17718743
File: 33 KB, 634x377, Capture30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck I'm totally fucking in bros

>> No.17718862
File: 62 KB, 1268x566, Screenshot 2022-02-04 125922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty good

>> No.17718938

Chihiro had always been a curious girl. She loved to ask questions and explore everything she could. So when her parents took her to Japan to open an new restaurant, she was excited to learn about the culture and the food. She was even more excited to meet her new friend, Beatani.
Chinese rrat confirmation

>> No.17719103

Beatani was feeling down, and she wasn't sure why. She had been feeling this way for a while now, and she was starting to think it was just a phase. She had always been a bit of a loner, but lately it seemed like everyone was avoiding her. She didn't know what to do, and she didn't know who to talk to. That is, until she stumbled upon a website called "Cuckposting." She had never heard of it before, but she decided to check it out. It was a website where people posted pictures of themselves with captions that made fun of them. Beatani thought it was funny, and she started to post pictures of herself too. She was happy to find that she was still liked and accepted, even though she was posting pictures of herself making fun of herself. It was like she finally found a place where she felt comfortable and safe.

>> No.17719168

>A few dads visit the website
>Server is overloaded

>> No.17719197

Beatani had just migrated to the United States, and was looking for a place to call home. She found an apartment, and met a guy named Jack. They started dating, and Beatani was excited to start her new life in America. But, Jack seemed to be a bit of a cuckold. He would post pictures of Beatani on social media, with other guys around her, and she would know he was watching. Beatani felt dirty and humiliated, and she started to wonder if she was making a mistake moving to America.

>> No.17719240


>> No.17719310

Write more dadfics already thanks

>> No.17719367
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>> No.17719789

I love chinese bear

>> No.17719834

"tight" is another R-rated trigger, you gotta be fuckin kidding me

>> No.17719906

Kaniko looked down at her plate, feeling slightly sick to her stomach. It had been a long day at work and she was starving. She had been eyeing the sushi bar all day, but she knew that she couldn't afford it. She had been saving up for a month to buy herself a new dress, and she couldn't afford to blow her savings on sushi. Suddenly, she heard a voice behind her. "Hey, are you looking for a light meal?" Kaniko turned around and saw a friendly looking man. He had a big smile on his face and he looked like he was having a lot of fun. Kaniko felt herself start to relax. Maybe this guy was just being friendly, but she decided to take the risk. "Sure, I'd love a meal." Kaniko said. The man's smile grew even bigger and he handed her a menu. Kaniko ordered a sushi roll and a coke, and the man said that he would have the same. They started to eat their sushi and chat. Kaniko was amazed at how friendly the man was. He had been so kind to her, and she felt like she had known him for years. He was funny, and

>> No.17719945

yab no kaniko no

>> No.17719997

Kumagai Chisato loved her babies more than anything in the world, and she loved spoiling them rotten. She would buy them the best clothes, the best food, and the best toys. But the best thing she could do for them was to keep them safe and loved.

>> No.17720473

Chihiro was feeling down after her parents left for their trip and she was left all alone in the restaurant. She started to feel lonely and a little bit depressed, until she met a strange little boy named Haku. Haku showed Chihiro some of the secrets of the restaurant and soon she was feeling much better.

>> No.17720970

Beatani was born into a family of resistance dads. Her father was a freedom fighter and her mother was a nurse who helped him to stay alive during the long years of struggle. Beatani was born into a family of resistance dads. Her father was a freedom fighter and her mother was a nurse who helped him to stay alive during the long years of struggle. Beatani grew up learning about the importance of freedom, democracy, and justice. She was taught to stand up for what she believed in, and to never let anyone tell her what to do. Even though Beatani's family was a little bit unusual, she loved them very much. They were always there for her, no matter what. And they never stopped teaching her about the importance of resistance.

>> No.17721386

slightly on a tangent is nade dead?

>> No.17721447

she's literally streaming right now based retard

>> No.17721446

you could probably just search nade in archives

>> No.17721488

Beatani had always loved Hokkaido. The snow-capped mountains, the clear, azure sky, and the warm, hospitable people had always pulled at her heartstrings. When she was younger, she would often dream of visiting the island, and eventually she did. Now, she resided there with her husband and two young children. The only thing that seemed to bring her any joy was the fact that she could see her home country from where she lived.

>> No.17721570

She still streams but seems like her threads get like 5 comments before dying.
I'd check her vods but because fuck twitch I can't see anything but a few.

>> No.17721606

probably because she's turned her back on her original fanbase

>> No.17721636

it's sad not even getting close to bump limit

>> No.17721690

The groomers got tired so the fanbase crumbled, essentially everyone gone, with no new flavor of the month to hop to

>> No.17721776

Beatani stood in the airport terminal, clutching her suitcase and looking around. She had never been so far away from home before and she was feeling a little apprehensive. She had been told that the overseas trip would be worth it, but she wasn't sure if she believed that. She was about to board her flight when she saw someone she recognized. It was her old friend, O.

>> No.17723892
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>> No.17724084

VC was added after someone wanted to stream titty anime ripped off vhs tapes

>> No.17724393


>> No.17724481

The way she talks to babytani... I watched this dozens of times already bros I need to breed Bea and give her a child so bad fuck
You can see her motherly instincts kicking in it's so adorable

>> No.17724752
File: 54 KB, 477x594, 1626215048986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you ever watched her much if at all on YouTube.
Nade never had a big audience, didn't network or collab, some YouTube streams event showed less than 10, she tested both plate forms and had a personal preference for twitch for different reasons including the simplicity of starting a stream and overall chat and feeling less isolated.
I guess it's easier to just make it some narrative like "BETRAYED HER FANBASE!!1!" than doing archive reps.

More or less, a few holobronies who wanted to groom her into their puppet indie-hololive ended up giving up after even schizoposting for a while didn't work, she wasn't influencable no matter how hard they insisted. Spending their time on this hololive board they were the ones posting all the time, while the other fans more occasionally.
So now Nade threads are simply made around streams, anons post about it and a while after stream end they're gone, they could bump it and keep 24/7 but what's the point? Threads like this /yah/? Not an achievement, for sure.

>> No.17724846

our threads have been pretty far from how bad they used to be but I’d still rather have them than have a dead thread even during streams

>> No.17724866

The few groomers who gave up and live in the board take any occasion to write stuff like "betrayed her fans..." like what does that even mean, where is the contract?

Posting here doesn't mean you have now to eboy every little demand of schizo anon.
Indies figure out what they wanna do with time. As soon as you do one or two decisions the actives one don't like it's like their life is ending.

>> No.17724879

her general used to be fast and fun and now it's fucking dead

>Threads like this /yah/? Not an achievement, for sure.
besides 2 guys purposefully trying to shit up the thread there was alot of good content in this /yah/ worth reading

>> No.17724974

nade thread never had that much IPs to begin with aside from the very firsts. She spent months on youtube stagnating with no views and few thread IPs.
Compared to /yah/, if your remove literally waste of space like complete off topic, the same timeloopes and argument written 20 times already, it'd be almost as active as their
faster doesn't mean better, really

>> No.17725000

so you either do a nade or do a pyon
theirs a good middle but I guess no one likes dealing with non absolutes

>> No.17725049

Threads are dead in the morning and my schizoing is more of a thread critique than anything

>> No.17725115

All the messages from this one >>17693834 and this one >>17707443 are even worse than no message at all, it's just again and again and again the same shit written countless time and answered countless time.
Just making the thread an awful timeloop to read because 2 anons will never ever accept Beatani doesn't think like them.

>> No.17725462

a small fraction of the whole thread and there are good posts in there like valentines album organization

>> No.17725593

>So now Nade threads are simply made around streams, anons post about it and a while after stream end they're gone, they could bump it and keep 24/7 but what's the point?
sounds like heaven compared to this dump

>> No.17725741

I’d rather live in hell than a dead “heaven” with no one to share it with

>> No.17725749

>small fraction
Dude those 2 timeloops make half the thread and the rest was off topic about pippa nade and another bait in reaction to Pippa
There's like 10% of the thread that has any kind of relevance/interest at all.

>> No.17725778


>> No.17725804

I'm not sure you realize what you write here. It's like you're stuck in this thread the whole day with nothing else to do and NEED it to have any kind of content, off topic or time-loop it doesn't matter.
Most of that you can do in others threads.

>> No.17725836

>Look I posted it again!

>> No.17725898


>> No.17725935

there will always be a schizo to make threads.
It’s either them posting alone or you posting

>> No.17726233
File: 186 KB, 494x336, 1618099157845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want a literal "fill the void with trash" thread sure, but don't pretend it's anything but that. Remove time-loops done hundreds times, obvious baits and literal off-topic you're barely left with 10-15% of the thread.
Being generous there were like 3 topics started worst glancing at. And none that had any need to be posted now either.

Here's t he full list since apparently I've nothing better to do.

>2 guys purposefully trying to shit up
Please. Whatr's even the content of this thread?
harmless, just artificially boost the message number
>TimeLoop n1 >>17693834
Among the worst rehashed shit of yah. Literally discussed for months in so countless threads, no one has had anything to add in forever, just the same complaints and answers as before. That's a negative compared to just not posting anything.
>Obvious bait and Off topic >>17702291
Trying to stir shit up about Pippa in the obvious way possible but people with nothing to do will take the bait an generate off topic talks.
basically just here because of timeLoop 1, at least it's a new style, but it's only here because the retards before fed the timeloop
>General question about reps >>17705661
sure, it's basic but can make people talk about bea related projects they're working on
usually the filler content you find in generals
> TimeLoop 2 >>17707443
Because one was not enough, start another in reply to the first, just waste of time and stuff aid a billion times
>Parallel talk about a viewer's website and namesdrops
the kind of shit jannies would delete if they cared
> basic bait >>17713020 in reply to the previous off topic bait
Textbook loaded question trying to bait more people about the Pippa off topic
One (1) anon manages to salvages it with a fake outrage clip,
> One normal generic question >>17714444
nice quads and the kind of question that it's fine to discuss every now and then, no urgency
> level 0 of thread filler>>17718270
just random shit generator like many others, it's not negative but just spam the thread with nonsensical messages just like bots can do
> Off topic possibly bait >>17721386
another off topic, adjacent vtubers isn't the worst off topic it's only brought up to stir shit up and it works, with people just making up stuff on the fly

Just a bit unfortunate it's what people checking "yah" have to see.

>> No.17726267

> worst glancing at

>> No.17726276


>> No.17726358

Honestly renaming the thread in off hours to something like Risunas general, would not be wrong, people who come here to check yah and see this dumpster and conclude this is yah (and not the few neet sitting all day in /vt/)
And stream threads being more exceptional drag also more attention from outside.

>> No.17726398

Since some Risunas streams, naming off stream threads after Risunas would be rigth and keep /yah/ for actual things happening like streams.

>> No.17726419

That'd be nice, but I guess those every people will prefer putting yah for the advertisement of their channel then...

>> No.17726467

It’s best to do these things after the anniversary as people might miss anything that comes up or projects and such for the anniversary stream if the change is made now….

>> No.17726609

There will be no change made. Not everyone thinks threads need a stream.

>> No.17726673

At this point I'm certain most posts in /yah/ threads are done by people who don't even watch the streams

>> No.17726709

Inertia is too strong usually yeah, though it's not really about "think" here but just looking at the facts.
Get the "yah" is whatever shchizos not watching streams want it to be

>> No.17726743

during the streams there are more people in the threads what happened at the beginning of this thread is the ussul thing that has been going on for months now

>> No.17726793

It's like people make those forever in advance just so they can flood it with their bile.

>> No.17726859

or just genuine autistic poeple you know there are a few among dads they'll continue even years after she stops

>> No.17726936

32 IPs
which likely means 20-25 people if we count phoneposting

>> No.17727086

What kind of construction sounds do you think we'll hear today? Or will it be quiet since it's Saturday in Japan. It would be cool to hear a conversation the workers are having, maybe it's a good interview opportunity. It sounded like they were using a reciprocating saw and working with electrical conduit but you can't be sure.

>> No.17727169

Many dads like me (well until this post) just lurk every now and then in case something worth posting happens. There really has not been anything worth a post today.
Doubt there will be at this hour a Saturday, or near the end.

>> No.17727182
File: 676 KB, 678x805, 1643780423935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuurrreeeedo MEEEIKAAAA

>> No.17727242

Hmm, it's been quite awhile /yah/. I have not stepped foot in here since July of last year. Bea still saying stupid shit? Has the schizo discord fags fucked off?

>> No.17727268

observation anon add rhetorical question timeloop larp

>> No.17727305

it’s less than before but still the same essentially a lot has happened mostly positive.

>> No.17727352

There's been less bear and Risuna is trying to make up for it. It kinda works, sometimes, depending on what 'works' means, tabun maybe.

>> No.17727493

It's been nice, people who matter are still here. Bea seems happier than before. If you have other things in your life, it's very good.

>> No.17727516

she shifted focus to pander to her cuck audience

>> No.17727535
File: 1.41 MB, 1014x1500, 1637637506300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lot of great things happened I'm not sure where to start, Beach Event stood out especially, projekt Momo, nice covers, christmas and new year were amazing.
A few retards disappeared.
Dad artists have progressed nicely.

>> No.17727561

bea chan please collab with krimbo!

>> No.17727602
File: 1.77 MB, 1500x844, 1623466356545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a good entertainer and creative, she made a cover + MV of the streamer simulator game recently, worth checking out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsDq1aJddXA

>> No.17727643

>Has the schizo discord fags fucked off?
There's an actual discord now.

>> No.17727709

I see, I see
You dumb bastards did the ONE thing we all agreed to NEVER do? AHAHAHA.

>> No.17727743
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Can recommend >>17727602
As long as you're not some gosling or whatnot it's still pretty nice.
>Dad artists have progressed nicely.
Especially E**

>> No.17727750

>You dumb bastards did the ONE thing we all agreed to NEVER do?
No, Bea did it herself.

>> No.17727754

Yah there's clout and porn to be had and the Southside is nice!

>> No.17727780
File: 1.32 MB, 1024x758, 1613812888553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the fast ones are full of soul

>> No.17727798

After prodding by the block autist who's wanted one from the beginning. Now she loves Discord and never plays Minecraft.

>> No.17727810

You left because of link spam it was the only way to stop it

>> No.17727854
File: 1.08 MB, 1300x919, 1633878707470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The halloween even was solid too

>> No.17727863

Bea is the only good /here/ tuber without having to be /here/ all the time btw.

>> No.17727906

I still want to see Egypt Risuna getting fucked with her panties pulled to the side!

>> No.17727913
File: 558 KB, 491x657, 1616290949443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magazine made by the community
100% worth checking

>> No.17727934

Chihirisuna does things to my heart...

>> No.17727999

oh right, so obvious I almost forgot to mention
The one real Sex blessed Beatani by checking a few of her streams. Ever since, her mood improved.

>> No.17728037

Yes, I'm accepting my death.

>> No.17728056

Fuck, I still didn't remember to buy one...

>> No.17728073

is there a term used to describe cool but also a little retarded people like bea?

>> No.17728084

Eko is my oshi

>> No.17728093

Clover Club finally got released
Some dads made a Christmas album

>> No.17728146

FUCK I had managed to forget that I didn't make it to the deadline... AHHHHHHHahhhhhh

>> No.17728171

fuck off faggot

>> No.17728217

There's still time for Valentine's dad

>> No.17728561

yeah the life went out of me after that. Now I spend my time trying to my wrath to raise the spirit of vengeance from the depths of hell to seek out the motherfuckers who caused this and disembowel them with a giant flaming spear.

>> No.17728606
File: 594 KB, 1280x720, 1636925521495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been doing man neat thumbnail recently

>> No.17728647

lets fight the good fight resistance dad!
we will get them one day!
only true dads will stay!

>> No.17728652

based if true, be careful with otherworldly forces though

>> No.17728664
File: 2.20 MB, 1500x1061, 1638478905308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, even quickly doddle ones like give a nice touch.

>> No.17728746

All the talk about armpits recently and seeing this thumbnail makes the impractical nature of her hoodie really stand out. There's no explanation for the exposed armpits other than she's got a fetish. That design would let out a ton of heat.

>> No.17728756

If the link ever goes down and you need me to renew it on Blurb just let me know, but it seems that it still works just fine.

>> No.17728833

I'm a phoneposter, any thoughts?

>> No.17728952


>> No.17728996

I'm trying to guess how many beans would fit in Babytani's cunny. It's a more difficult problem than you might think and you have to make a lot of assumptions. Maybe there is no satisfying answer.

>> No.17729096

Resistance poster is fucking annoying
t. Discord chad

>> No.17729135

I think 10 can fit, a loli's cunny isn't that big

>> No.17729138
File: 1.95 MB, 651x758, 1627499532590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's "armpits", and there's armpits.

>> No.17729264

That's getting into armpussy territory

>> No.17729368

fuck off faggot

>> No.17729419

God damn this game is amazing I cannot wait though she will struggle in English...

>> No.17729432

Yes but are the beans fresh, dried, soaked or cooked? Aroused or not? If the beans are dried certain liquids would cause them to swell, but the arousal would increase available volume. Does "fit" mean comfortably fit or fit until things start tearing? Can the beans be mashed first, and where does the line between cunny and external genitalia lay? These questions haunt me.

>> No.17729474

Yeah, no one found a way to alternate Japanese and English easily...

>> No.17729512

B*******'s C**** changed her name again
who and why

>> No.17729570

I linked a site with jp text from the games in her phoenix tweet but i don't know if she saw it or if the site is even useful. It was all in jp

>> No.17729585

I've done some reading and I see that you're supposed to eat your age in beans plus one for the coming year, so Bea should have eaten 26. Combined with her shameful ehoumaki display this year will be terrible.

>> No.17729593

Messing around in other places.

>> No.17729623

why won't she accept my friend request

>> No.17729630

Literally no one cares and pushing it even more confirms it
the more you push this rrat the more I’m inclined to believe the rrat it’s trying to disprove because no one would try so hard to deflect unless it was true

>> No.17729639

You are not a vtuber or her friend

>> No.17729696

The extra bean depends on your region.

>> No.17729772

literally an angry tranny who got the server banned

>> No.17729800

Who the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17729815

Absolutely based, holy shit.

>> No.17729877

Keep trying but no one will believe it.

>> No.17729896

I know right. Beware of the redditards wanting robot instead.

>> No.17729911

it’s just annie or kiki trying to rewrite history in there favor since these types of propaganda marketing techniques work well on threads of newfag goslings that believe anything

>> No.17729931

OL is nothing special and wetting your pants over it is peak redditard.

>> No.17729940

>suddendly 10 messages literally who with no explanation as to why it's even relevant
ok cool then

>> No.17729961

I'm not the one pushing the rrat that she's ****

big if true. she should join the new server too. I can't help but think she's changing names to falseflag in other servers as well

>> No.17729964

I think they mean this >>16060595

>> No.17729989

I'm not trying to rewrite anything, retard, I'm asking who because I forgot

>> No.17730021
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>> No.17730095

>mirror mirror
Fuck off. Office ladies have been goat since forever only second to nurses.

>> No.17730133

If only I could know who I can tell... But even then I would need to keep plausible deniability... It's hard.

>> No.17730141

Hey beatani did you know that sex?

>> No.17730147

I do not coom at the sight of a normally dressed female, so I want Bea to get an outfit that is actually worth it and interesting.

>> No.17730191

It's been bugging me a bit, but when the bea being a virgin topic came up on stream and bea said that we should stop, did she also say that she had sex only once? Or i heard wrong?

>> No.17730214

No she didn't say that.

>> No.17730221

Which is?

>> No.17730240

no, she was trying to read the poll

>> No.17730279

I don't think she said anything like that... but even if she did it's about to go in the hundreds this year!

>> No.17730282 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 637x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga, you retarded, I literally got banned for calling him a tranny

>> No.17730283

Not him but a swimsuit would be nice.

>> No.17730289

no but she said that how many times she had sex was none of our business which implies shes not a virgin
which is completely okay since Im not a menhera loser that donates money in an attempt to get attention and delude myself into thinking a streamer is my lover

>> No.17730322

Interesting seaweed coloration
Based, glad to see other like this.

>> No.17730325

why did you fall for it

>> No.17730341
File: 416 KB, 518x566, 1643624684723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since Im not a menhera loser that donates money in an attempt to get attention and delude myself into thinking a streamer is my lover
I feel called out by this post

>> No.17730347

anyone could report you and I'm sure the person was not in the server anymore

>> No.17730349
File: 237 KB, 440x557, 1624626865929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK my fucking sides

>> No.17730386

Try to work on that fast. That's only thing I can tell you.

>> No.17730400

Don't support people who hate you and want you dead. The Discord trannyjannies hate you and want you dead.

>> No.17730430

Look at how quickly we got back to cuckposting. Nothing was implied.

>> No.17730482

the only cuck here is you, stop acting like a genuine fucking manchild loser and grow up

>> No.17730491

how is that "cuck" if she's not my gf/wife
are you constantly cucked by all couples forming around you?

>> No.17730520

Doesn't matter. Fact : discord a shit
It's functionally similar to reddit in how bad it is in all regards.

>> No.17730532

You're a cuck

>> No.17730575

all you do is post and fantasize about a girl fucking someone for the sake of writting cuck fiction
if it's not important then you don't have to mention it. i never do because i don't care, but you get off to it

>> No.17730629
File: 2 KB, 125x124, 1630022075356s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mah gawd, I've started the cuck timeloop

>> No.17730646

??? I don't post about that what you are on

if you mean >>17730289 which I didn't even post it's about past experiences? What the fuck?

>> No.17730651 [SPOILER] 

>wow beatani how is your boyfriend
>how many times have you had sex haha
might not be you specifically but these posts are always in the chat/thread
I am getting sick of them and I blame Bea for enabling it this far

>> No.17730695

She needs to have sex and show us the video to put this to rest.

>> No.17730715

There is one dude always in the thread who seems to think even mentioning the existence of past experience is being a cuck!
I think Bea always made clear since t he start that people who find jokes like this painful should leave for their own good.

>> No.17730732

Rye was right about the Teddy thing but for the wrong reasons

>> No.17730757

>should leave for their own good.
Yeah, as retarded as it was, Rye was filtered as intended.

>> No.17730883


>> No.17730916

That sounds pretty sad but it's better like this, it would have hurt you more if later.

>> No.17730985

Imagine if she read that you didn't love her anymore, that would be heartbreaking.

>> No.17731055

lover anon…
lets hope it’s a larp

>> No.17731087

How do you even bring it up? A tweet? Seems too much and a bit unrelated. To just a few people you trust?T here'll always be one to leak and then it's worse. Maybe a recording? Too tongue in cheek. A narrative with plausible deniability? It would hurt just as much and doesn't full met the goal.

>> No.17731152

Pretending it was an accident is ideal.

>> No.17731193
File: 152 KB, 242x371, 1642865423484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring what up?

>> No.17731264

Based on archive reps seemsreal

>> No.17731295

If what you want to do is for their benefit, keep in mind that hurting them a bit can be better than letting them live in delusion.
It's underhanded and if you're trying to clear the air about something it's not good. But it depends what you're trying to do.

>> No.17731355

Don't be an idiot, it's annoying and repetitive, not painful.

>> No.17731439

And sorry, what I mean by this is that maybe you should just directly bring it up wherever you'd normally bring up things directly.

>> No.17731606
File: 66 KB, 526x507, 1619967405106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugoi daddochamas, this was the worst thread in a long time

>> No.17731812

Things will get better. I can feel it

>> No.17731840

It’s not a stream thread so there is a high chance it’s not real

>> No.17731876
File: 1.10 MB, 788x742, unknown (34).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bea has a cute smile

>> No.17731918

Oh, and good luck. If you're >>17654256 it sounds like you've been thinking about this a while so you'll make a good choice

>> No.17732081
File: 166 KB, 589x434, 1630669127567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17732082

I hope you arent thinking about sudoku

>> No.17732145
File: 180 KB, 341x341, 1629407557938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17732268

He was in every thread stream or not. I'm inclined to think it's real.

>> No.17732295
File: 168 KB, 355x361, 1643577957619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17732333

Cute + funny = cunny
