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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 568 KB, 732x1170, Cure Dolly 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18306286 No.18306286 [Reply] [Original]

Stop talking about this Rushia girl and go back to practicing your Japanese skills! Seriously, anon, how are you going to learn Nihongo if you keep slacking like this?

>> No.18306522

Why the fuck would I ever want to understand the Japanese after this? They're the most pathetic cucks to ever walk the face of the earth.

>> No.18306533

Why would I learn a dying language just to be able to understand menheras while they try to leech money out of me?

>> No.18306542

I'm learning Rushian.

>> No.18306543

lol dead tranny

>> No.18306621

Why would I want to learn Japanese? These cucks should learn English.

>> No.18306706

How do I practice vocab?
I don't want to end up like /djt/ and only anki drone

>> No.18306726

Japan is, technically (in terms of official, standing governments), one of the oldest nations on Earth, if not the oldest.
Every other country has had some sort of change in government (which technically ends the existence of one country and begins another) whereas Japan has not.

>> No.18306738

she made videos on this

>> No.18306765

This incident made me stop learning Japanese.

>> No.18306813

I’d rather learn russian or chinese instead

>> No.18306964

she dead, yo

>> No.18307070

not yet Dolly, I'm not in a position where I can relax, not until I've saved up enough money to live a comfy NEET life for a few decades

>> No.18307195

Pick a Japanese 2view and inflict your Japanese onto her. That 2view will be delighted to have some chat interaction.
I'd link you to the japanese independent thread, but it died again.

>> No.18307523

isn't there another japanese teaching vtuber other than dolly
also I'm only interested in learning jap to ask for directions, not talk feminine like anime characters

>> No.18307911

'What the English call “comfortable” is something endless and inexhaustible. Every condition of comfort reveals in turn its discomfort, and these discoveries go on for ever. Hence the new want is not so much a want of those who have it directly, but is created by those who hope to make profit from it'.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 'Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (1820)'

>> No.18307957

There, saved you some time.

>> No.18308114


>> No.18308163

>'What the English call “comfortable” is something endless and inexhaustible. Every condition of comfort reveals in turn its discomfort, and these discoveries go on for ever. Hence the new want is not so much a want of those who have it directly, but is created by those who hope to make profit from it'.
Old philosophers talked like retards

>> No.18308604

Sayeth the retard.

>> No.18308618

I am actually thinking of doing my nihongo reps by grifting an indie. Hopefully not a menhera who either cucks me for an alien or kills me because she is actually a fujo.

>> No.18308709

ok nigger, that doesn't make my situation any better, unless I come across some immense luck

>> No.18308790
File: 337 KB, 1280x516, 1619527931877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18308917

>whereas Japan has not

>> No.18308988

Honestly it's a good way to practice, it gives you a reason to write. Some also do participation type games where viewers can join, like Apex.
Just make sure you can say more than 元気ですか and 私は日本語に勉強します, I hate those faggots, no one cares about your nationality Pedro.
It's a bit like planting a tree, you get to watch your indie grow.

>> No.18309016

I want to cum on cure dolly's weird, uncanny, indian dude from captain planet's looking face

>> No.18309036

Because, when the west collapses, I want to be able to flee to Japan and ride out the transition, since it's probably going to be the eastern country that would suit me best: it's first world and isn't China, which is on it's own track to collapsing as well. It honestly has nothing to do with vtubers, that's just a convenient excuse to learn the language in the meantime.

>> No.18309177

毎日先生. I promise.

>> No.18309362

congrats on the transition

>> No.18309525

It hasn't.
The government of the Heian era is literally the same as the current government and that isn't even the oldest it gets.
And yes, searching it up, Japan is LITERALLY the OLDEST CONTINUING MONARCH in the world.

'China', as in the PRC, has only existed, as a country, since 1949.

>> No.18309630

I am closing in on N4, not enough to consume most media but at least enough to communicate via text and understand spoken Japanese.
Might be a good idea to get something similar to Tandem, but knowing that the person has at least similar interests.

>> No.18310481

You're an NPC then.

'Philosophy is by its nature something esoteric, neither made for NPCs nor capable of being prepared for NPCs'.
- Hegel

>> No.18312264

Philosophy is for complete retards who either enjoy poverty or have a trust fund.

>> No.18312426

Sayeth the slave.

>> No.18312592

Hope you like being umemployed the rest of your life.

>> No.18313077

Don't do need a king for it to be a monarchy? Wouldn't it be a empire?

>> No.18313187

> Deems it therefore bad and gay.

>> No.18314006

>he thinks China isn't going to take over Japan when the West collapses
Lol lmao

>> No.18316933

Don't you guys get tired of spouting the same coping shit every time japanese is mentioned?
Those are all excuses to never get off your ass and actually do something in your life. Obviously you wouldn't be in this board if you didn't have any interest in weeb shit.

>> No.18320078

What is there to understand about the vast majority of philosophy?
It's mostly just shitty thought experiments performed by people too stupid to comprehend a real science.

>> No.18320146

I kinda wanna stop anki droning but I'm afraid the vocab won't stick to my brain if I do.
What's a solution to this?

>> No.18320365

The kind of practice I need is speaking practice, but I can't talk to strangers.

>> No.18320442

can someone give me a roadmap on what to do next?
already memorized both hiragana and katakana, and browsing /djt/ is a fucking nightmare

>> No.18320532

Don't shitpost with CureDolly like this, she deserves her memory to be preserved positively

>> No.18320588

Get a core anki deck
Do that for a while
Consume media in japanese and mine words
Profit maybe

>> No.18320651

I go with a textbook. Mine is called Genki, but I am sure there are other good ones.

>> No.18321327

Also the djt op has a link to a bunch of resources
Just grab those and never interact with the lunatics actually posting

>> No.18322024

thanks for the suggestions, frens

>> No.18322862

i learned enough for most streams and enough to read twitter but fuck grinding anki for the rest of my life

>> No.18323794

Just get a Japanese gf. Then, learn from her. I knew a guy who did this and people made fun of him for talking like a girl (in Japanese).

>> No.18323918

Don't mass reply to me tardass. If I wanted to learn a cuckold language I would go for #1 and learn swedish.

>> No.18324565


>> No.18329849

dying language

>> No.18330986

emperor, tsar, king, pharaoh, all are considered monarchs
