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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19222435 No.19222435 [Reply] [Original]

>Gura confirms today she had Covid
>No official notice from Cover about it at any point
Why do Cover not care at all about hololive English?

>> No.19222531
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>> No.19222536

>Gura confirms today she had Covid

>> No.19222610

Gura doesn't want to worry people or bait supers.

>> No.19222652

I think she just said so on stream.

>> No.19222671


>> No.19222735

I don't think Cover will do that if the holo doesn't want to. Knowing Gura, that was probably the case

>> No.19223166

It’s almost like the other Covid announcement was being used by cover for some ulterior purpose…

>> No.19223437

Hmm, usually the holo itself said about it first then COVER announces it later+they need permission to do it. At least that's how it works on lofi's case

>> No.19223905

>>No official notice from Cover about it at any point
It's a mild virus with a 99.8% survival rate and easily recoverable for the vast majority of age demographics, OP. Why would they make a big deal out of it?

>> No.19223950

You’re right. Everyone should have taken the day off…again
Get real. She’s nothing but a money printing machine to Cover. Until she fucks up, that’s all she’s going to be used for.

>> No.19224030

His point is EN not as important as JP
Japan made a big deal out of it

>> No.19224042

Omg the bitch caught covid, she was probably out partying like some whore.

>> No.19224074


An announcement was made for Iofi as well

>> No.19224122

Imagine being inferior to Iofi in Cover's eyes lmao

>> No.19224176

Because only idiots die from covid now.

>> No.19224215

Japan as a country drank the kool-aid on the wu flu. Gura just doesn't give a shit because she knows she's guaranteed to live through it.

>> No.19224241

Didn't Lofi have to take a huge break after getting COVID? Are Indog genes just weaker to it or something?

>> No.19224261

You know HIPPA is a thing in the US right? It's illegal to shear a person's health information without their consent.

>> No.19224317


>> No.19224405

I don't think Gura would even care enough, she got a bit sick, got tested out of curiosity because her recluse ass wouldn't infect nobody anyway and then got better.

>> No.19224419
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>Still a 9/11 worth of people dying each day in their country
>its just a cold bro

kek the only good thing about American stupidity is you're so fucking stupid you're eliminating yourselves from the gene pool

>> No.19224551
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>believing propaganda
I've not had a single person I know die from a disease that's so bad that you need to be tested to know if you've got it.

>> No.19224603

The current covid strain is just the sniffles
There's war now, covid isn't needed anymore

>> No.19224648

>I've not had a single person I know die from a disease that's so bad that you need to be tested to know if you've got it.

More Amerishart retardation. I guess all those routine mammograms and colonoscopies hospitals do every year are for benign diseases.

>> No.19224689

Covid's situation is really different right now. Most countries no longer give a shit and start lifting restrictions except for Japan

>> No.19224722

>Gura had COVID
>Cover never announced it like they did with everyone
I'm confused

>> No.19224825

Lofi specifically is made out of tissue paper. It's nothing to do with her countrymen.

>> No.19224979 [DELETED] 
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>comparing flu to cancer
Lmoa look at all those flu cases dissapear right as the super deadly virus that you totally have to wear 20 masks and get seven clot shots for shows up.

I've really loved spending the last 2 years living my life as a normal human being as you retarded sheep fucking bend over backwards to lick the boots of your Big Brother governments.

>> No.19224988

>Lazy and uncreative
>the creative one is a walking Yab
>the other one sucks chink dick through commissions
>the only productive one is a literal who

>> No.19225086

didn't moona tested positive that one time she was living in her car? they didn't announce it either.

>> No.19225131

>diagnosing vehicular deaths as covid is okay
>diagnosing old age deaths as covid is okay
>diagnosing things as covid deaths even if it's just that they died WITH it, not OF it
>he isn't suspicious of hospitals being literally paid to diagnose any and all deaths as covid
european, huh?

>> No.19225172

and yet, they're still the best generation of Hololive...

>> No.19226210

I've noticed that flu and stuff literally lays out japs, which is why when they get flu or colds in anime they are bedridden. But in America we just pop some meds and carry on our day.

>> No.19226824 [DELETED] 

>>diagnosing things as covid deaths even if it's just that they died WITH it, not OF it
>Get brain cancer
>The tumor grows and causes a stroke
>It's not brain cancer that killed him, it's a stroke

>Get leukemia
>Your immune system can't work and you die from pneumonia
>It's not the cancer that killed you, it's pneumonia

>Get skin cancer
>It spreads to your liver and kidneys and shuts them down
>It's not the cancer that killed you, it's liver failure

You're an actually 100% retarded product of a failed education system and low IQ genes

>> No.19226977

I'm just using covid as an excuse to not go out when people invite me. I haven't left the house in 2 years thanks to the coof.

>> No.19227030


>> No.19227036

It was the other way around, someone in her family had it, she had to confine in their car.

>> No.19227163

>creativity = entertaining
when will this meme die

>> No.19227430

>No official notice from Cover about it at any point
Why would Cover announce that Gura had what amounts to a cold? It didn't even stop her from streaming.

>> No.19227722

I'm guessing you haven't even looked at her channel because there's a 10 day gap of no streams that started just after she first mentioned getting sick

>> No.19227786

>>diagnosing things as covid deaths even if it's just that they died WITH it, not OF it
>immune system so overwhelmed by covid that it can't fight off other illnesses like pneumonia
>definitely not covid related tho
hope you catch it bro

>> No.19227887

Being children of the Black Plague has its merits.

>> No.19227967

Have you never been bedridden from a flu? Just like with covid strains different flus are completely different.

>> No.19227996

huh ? she and her family members never got covid.

>> No.19228065

Gura knows her fanbase if she had announced it while being sick people would've panicked even if she confirmed it wasn't a case of "death", you can even look right now at any hololive related place and the news are already spreading like wildfire

>> No.19228082

>Still a 9/11 worth of people dying each day in their country
The death rates are fucking minuscule, you liar. Why lie on the internet about this stuff when people can look up their country's/state's rate of covid hospitalizations and deaths weekly, monthly, and daily?

>> No.19228126
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Is there anyone in Hololive more frail than Gura? How hard is it to eat an orange and some broccoli regularly?

>> No.19228129

Nah, some people are built differently. Shovelling horseshit and breaking her back must've boosted Gura's immune system or something.

>> No.19228250

Gura could have told Cover not to bring it up and just have it be "Oh you guys know how my schedule's so irregular haha" or "Tummy Hort" Since well she's part of EN after all

>> No.19228695

>It's illegal to shear a person's health information without their consent.
>republicans actually think this
also >shear

>> No.19228790

That's not 3rd ge... oh. I meant HoloX!

>> No.19228839

NTA but personally never, A hot shower and a gallon of water through the day is enough for me.

>> No.19229023

Gura didn’t want to make a spectacle about it.

>> No.19229170

Dying with covid =/= from covid.

>> No.19229202

according to /vt/ Gura has covid every week since the debut

>> No.19229496

Gura is not whiny

>> No.19229825

Why is Cover like this?

>> No.19230592

>Streamed way fewer hours than... well, most of the JP gens except perhaps 2
>Made less money from SC and merch (although to be fair, in merch's case, it's a matter of them having way fewer merchs than JP side)
>Received less sponsorships too
>CCV aren't anything special either. Gura was the only one with high CCV, and yet she isn't winning against big names like Pekora in term of average / median anytime soon. The rest are all just mid / low-tier Holo
>Gura and Mori bring good VOD views, but then Suisei, Aqua, Pekora all pull similar numbers
>The only thing they are the best among Holo gens is their sub count, which is vanity af metric
>tummyhort and Connor shit
Best Generation of Hololive for sure...

>> No.19230683

Teacunts were going to town to witch-hunt this poor girl yesterday, let that sink in for a moment why they are the worst fanbase and it's not even close.

>> No.19230697

wtf bros i can't believe gura died from the coof but got resurrected again with Rushia's termination.

>> No.19230708

kek, american education

>> No.19230739

Do you know any old people? Because the VAST majority of covid deaths are from old people.

>> No.19230858

She didn't want to give daily updates to her fans like Kanata. I wouldn't want to either.

>> No.19230925
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>Gura makes up -three- excuses for not going to the offline collab
You only need one Gura
You weren't invited

>> No.19230946

Has it occurred to you that maybe en LIKES not having the Jap corpos meddling in their shit?

>> No.19231058

>Suppress health related information that could impair their talent's schedule or work abilities
>Suppressing it to a JAPANESE company
Tell me you're a NEET with no real world experience without telling me you're a NEET with no real world experience

>> No.19231236

Does Gura actually got Covid or using it as excuse because not want anyone to see her in person?

They all will know what each other looks like

>> No.19231324

She wasn't even streaming at that time anyway.

>> No.19231782

What the actual fuck are you talking about timmy?

>> No.19231873

>dirty piss flaps
>moldy kitchen sink
yeah, naw.

>> No.19231960

What would announcing that she had Covid do besides cause a panic about her well being over a flu?

>> No.19232065

My employer doesn't release a press statement about me getting the flu either, what were you expecting?

>> No.19232813

I'm pretty sure that most people who say they've had the flu really just had a cold. I caught the flu a few years ago after claiming the exact same thing for most of my life and man, it laid me the fuck out. Like I was hallucinating and couldn't even stand on my own it was so bad. Wound up breaking my ribs by fainting across the bathtub ledge while trying to get some water. Jesus but it was awful.

>> No.19233107

The way Gura said that she's so miserable because of the sickness in one member stream would make you instantly believe, also she doesn't have a manipulative personality.

>> No.19234383

>I have Covid, I might miss this week
>My dog died, I need a month off
Ok Santa

>> No.19234975

Lofi got original coof and wasn't vaxxed yet. Gura got Omicron and is vaxxed. It's. Or that hard.

>> No.19235024

So what's the point of the vaccine?

>> No.19235436

It's a filter

>> No.19235539

I'd argue that for the initial COVID-19 and Delta variants, having the shots would be VERY helpful since they were really bad, especially for 50+ people. With omicron, if you're 30 or under imo it'll be a bad flu and you can tank it without too much of a problem, but If you're in that 50-60+ range I'd still say get it because it's still pretty bad if you have other health issues.

>> No.19235637
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>> No.19236781

A vaccine provides your body with the biological information required to fight off the real virus. This is why she wasn't wiped the fuck out when she got it. This is literally elementary school stuff.

>> No.19236915

Oh no, not a meme disease!

>> No.19236964

They overwork themselves and have shit immune systems because of it.

>> No.19237273

shhh, /vt/ can't handle the truth

>> No.19237508

HoloEN probably just wants to avoid political shitflinging from making that announcement. There’s a decent chance Mumei’s illness at the start of the year was also covid, and she implied that some of her relatives had it, but she avoided naming the disease. If it’s not life-threatening, they don’t feel forced to make that announcement.

>> No.19238175

Reminder that Lofi was dying from the vax

>> No.19238288

She was moving from HoloID house and her family asks her to do quarantine in the car.

>> No.19238376

she is a lying whore

>> No.19239080

what the fuck do you expect them to do?

>> No.19242172

Vaccines are supposed to reduce:
a) contracting infection risk
b) spreading infection risk
c) symptom severity (and thus speed up recovery)

IIRC, against omicron, the current vaccines are only somewhat effective at (a), minimally effective at (b) (although reduced infection period helps), and largely effective at (c)

For anyone that wants to get back to work ASAP, getting the jabs is a no-brainer. And for any international travel, e.g. to JP, vaccination is practically mandatory.

And that's just from a purely selfish perspective. At each wave's peak, hospitals were overloaded, doctors and nurses get ever more burned out, elective surgeries delayed yet again, etc.

>> No.19242224

Fuck off kike

>> No.19242602


>> No.19244120

Ok, I'll bite. What's your rrat?
>the last part
That is the true dangers of the rona.
Even if it's the hardest hitting variant, the kill rate on average is still lower than other conditions and diseases, and some people is just immune to it.
But the fact that it spreads like a wildfire on Fauna's pubes means collapse on any health establishment, therefore:
>people with covid who need treatment but couldn't get in die
>people with other conditions that need urgent care who couldn't get in die
>people with covid who got in are not guaranteed to survive due to lack of medical supplies, staff and other medical assets like beds or respirators
>people without covid might die because of covid contracted inside the hospital
Back to the original topic, I'm assuming the reason why Iofi's covid was announced was to prepare people in case she died. In Gura's case, or other talents we don't know about, since they contracted it, had no contact with their coworkers and it wasn't deadly for them, just let them announce it willingly instead of a public notice.

>> No.19244429

This, almost half of the European population died because of it, that pest must have meant something

>> No.19248596

>Mumei's Flea Collection did the world good

>> No.19248678

>what's the point of seatbelts? you can still crash your car

>> No.19248697

Except the Black Plague originated in China and regularly flared up there for thousands of years.

For that matter, it hit Byzantium pretty hard via the Silk Road and torpedoed Justinian's attempt to unify East and West.

>> No.19248759

I live in Japan and everything to do with covid is super serious all the time. I had friends and coworkers cancel simple meetups at a cafe in February because of the "Not-Emergency State" for Omicron.

>> No.19248870

iofi and JP were annouced because they interact with talents and staff IRL, so it wouldnt be weird if they suddenly start avoiding contact, Gura doesnt interact with anyone, so theres no reason to make it a big deal.

>> No.19248904

>a disease that's so bad that you need to be tested to know if you've got it.
Yeah, stuff like colera, hepatitis or aids is super tame since you get a test to know if you have it. Unlike those sickenesses that your brain identifies by itself.
