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1934861 No.1934861 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Gura clips being uploaded to Chinese Youtube? I thought they had a massive Holo genocide there.

>> No.1934906 [DELETED] 

The average chinese doesn't give a shit about hololive one way or the other and mainland fans still exist. The retard zhang spammers are louder than anyone else, but they're just a hive of schizos

>> No.1934929

Contrary to popular belief, most of China does not give a shit about the taiwan thing and just want to grill and enjoy anime girls. It's just a small group of autists who can't let it go.
Also most chinese are cunnysiers too

>> No.1934971

I don't fucking care about any of this just give me the anime girls
t. Zhang

>> No.1935065

Only NGA goons hate them, V8 subreddit have tons of her fanarts uploaded in there.

>> No.1935081

why do u come one this board just to see people shit on u every day

>> No.1935146


>> No.1935227

Then you're ignorant.
It's a loud minority who is fighting against Hololive.
Most people try to ignore all this bullshit, they just can't speak openly against China policy.

>> No.1935242

Not him but Chinese have only Reddit and their firewall websites as an option to discuss vtubers. If I can get pass to post in 4chan I'll take it even if I saw the Zhang stuff.

>> No.1935247

They're Chinese. They steal shit.

>> No.1935370
File: 224 KB, 1019x237, Screenshot 2021-03-27 at 06.34.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have Coco too

>> No.1935371

Why wouldn't the Chinese love shark? They eat shark fin soup like it's normal.

>> No.1935410
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x900, commiescum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stealing other people's work is what insects do best.

>> No.1935536


HL wouldn't be nearly as big as it is now without China and they still have a lot of fans there. Do you only watch media that your nationalists approve of?

>> No.1935565

Cunny is universal.

>> No.1935602
File: 36 KB, 456x339, 112542457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up Zhang and enjoy the music

>> No.1935674

the spammer group are only has like 20-30 member left including NGA admin that sold them google account.

It's not about pure hate but a profit from manufacturing hate so the admin keep pushing the issue just for money alone.

>> No.1937084

a lot of Zhangs are cunnyseurs

>> No.1937108

and they keep buying those accounts? fucking sad m8

>> No.1938171

Having 40 million more men than women and viscous competition far worse than the west for the women that exist means a lot of dudes are thirsty men of culture at this point.

>> No.1938245

How bad is the spam/dislikes in the comments?

>> No.1938333

Not much anymore , but it did happened from time to time but members-only chat can screen them all completly.

Coco used to let her high rank donor take the mod role and they doing the work godly but because coco doesn't want anyone to work for her for free so she decide to turn down the community mods idea and back to members-only chat

Coco's stream dislike now drop to only 200-400 not much comparing to her old 1k-2k dislike when the incident recently happened.

>> No.1938369 [DELETED] 

A lot of antis on NGA have actually been bitching about this recently. I do actually think the majority of Chinese Hololive fans were turned off from it after the Coco incident, but people have short memories and new fans who don't know about the old drama of course come in. They were seething that people were starting to give views to Hololive videos again.

>> No.1938449

They're not claiming it as their own or profiting off this shit they're just reuploading for the normal people to enjoy.

>> No.1938489

The same answer to why Chinese watch anime and JAV despite having 150+ TV channels with anti-Japan propaganda.

>> No.1938622

Most of the people who threw a fit about it weren't even hololive fans in the first place, they heard about it from Aqua's takeover cover trending and got told that hololive insulted China or something. Obviously most of them didn't stick around.

>> No.1938703 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 1312x1306, bilibili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened to the erio girl that the chinks simped before? why is she losing subs?

>> No.1938738
File: 193 KB, 1300x1338, bilibili fixed img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf happened to the erio girl that the chinks simped before? why is she losing subs?

>> No.1938791

She got pumped and dumped

>> No.1939603

>having 150+
can't be true otherwise they are just insane?

>> No.1939896

Do you think they have right mind?

>> No.1939920

Chinese have lot of population, you cant expect all of them have the same mind as antis. Thats pretty retarded desu.

>> No.1939931

Also its not just gura even hololive id have lot of fans from chinese, you can find them clips chinese translation with huge views on youtube though.

>> No.1939976

Yeah, Coco and management realized this a while back and is part of the reason why she switched back to members only so the account sellers can't profit from this anymore.

>> No.1940107


>> No.1940169

>For Coco
Is that bug friend okay? or did the CCP get him?

>> No.1940176

This isn't even exclusive to 4chan. Reddit, 5ch, and other internet communities around the world are united in shitting on the Chinese. Pretty much everyone in the world has a negative opinion of them

>> No.1940302


>So even those bug make her cry, she still think about those bug so they would not get swindle by their own countrymen.

Chinks fagger , look at how Coco treat you now and ask yourself that you still want to keep your stupid act like that to a girls that try to safe you even when she got shit on by you?

>> No.1940333

Just anti-Japan? I expect them to be anti-west, SEA,muslim,christian and pretty much everything non-commie. Hell they are probably the anti-life equation Darkseid is looking for.

>> No.1940354

Yeah okay now that the Zhangs are BTFO they are like "it wasn't me it was only a handful of schizos!!"

The entire Bilibili community was up in arms about "Hololive betraying the community that fed them", everyone claiming "Coco has hurt the feelings of the Chinese people", then the situation later got picked up by wolf warriors, overseas Chinese such as those managing the Hololive Moments channel, and even Artia herself. Far too many people got involved on this, I don't know about you but the average chinese WAS supporting Coco graduation. Don't try to pretend it wasn't.

>> No.1940360


He is harrassed from Andy buy still Ok

>> No.1940377


I saw Bilibill in that day too

>> No.1940388

All channels are pretty much anti-Japan by default.

>> No.1940432

Didn't help that bili staff was in on it and were deleting any dissenting opinions and any uploads of what Coco actually said

>> No.1940511

It's bilibili "hostile takeover" campaign to removed hololive and take all IP (v-avatar&name) but thanks god it end in fail.

>> No.1940544

Don't forget how official artists were sneaking in hate messages to coco in their artwork

>> No.1940547

Anti-Japan based on wartime events. For everything else, they're anti to them on the basis of believing they are superior to them or the propaganda that they make anti-chinese propaganda and giving them a reason to play the victim card.

>> No.1940603

No that was a fan artist, and he got lambasted for it on both ends

>> No.1940706

>5ch found he live in japan
>got doxx
>got brick thrown at the window

>> No.1940734

Do you people really not understand the concept of silent majority?

>> No.1940770

Cancel culture still works in the west, so no. Also, it's difficult to understand how the chinese think when they're behind a firewall and 7 layers of propaganda.

>> No.1940781
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>> No.1940800

>he has a nose now

>> No.1940806

>cancel culture still works in the west
That's literally a perfect example of silent majority. The average person doesn't give a shit about who got "cancelled" by a brain dead army of white girls on twitter.

>> No.1940817

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh
You fucking faggot. Fuck bugmen

>> No.1940826

You forget that while individual creators and personalities can choose to deal with it by not acknowledging the haters, corporations may act poorly in the face of a loud and obnoxious hate campaign.

>> No.1940849

No anon I think his english is just bad. If I squint hard enough, I think he's trying to say
"Chink fags, look at how Coco treats you and ask yourself why you keep on h arassing her even when she's saving you (from buying spam accounts from chink opportunists)"

>> No.1940860

SILENT majority
not making or accompanied by any sound.

>> No.1940876

Fucking based. I'm not a fan of that reddit whore but get a fucking life you chinks! I'm not sure if I've ever seen an international incident that costed a buisness thousands and possibly millions of dollars because some fucking cosplay thot pretending to be a big tittied anime girl online uttered the name of a single country and that's it. No slurs or derogatory remarks were even involved.

>> No.1940887

Chink insects steal everything

>> No.1940893

Most Chinese WERE silently in support of it, that's the whole point. You didn't hear shit about any Chinese of substantial numbers saying otherwise, they went with the flow since it directly benefitted them.

Now that the ship is sinking they are trying to bail.

>> No.1940934

>silently supporting it.
Anon, are you retarded? The whole Chinese internet was on fire about it

>> No.1940950

sorry for being SEAnigger , my english is not the first language.

>> No.1940972

>HL wouldn't be nearly as big as it is now without China

yes without China corona you mean?
what entitled ching.

>> No.1940980

Yeah that's more correct. Sick of this new "Coco antis were a vocal schizo minority" bullshit rrat they're trying to spin now either way

>> No.1942328

>all this chang apologia itt

>> No.1943591

they have a huge white hair fetish

>> No.1943623

Are they just tsundere for Coco?

>> No.1943877

Only Americans and Indians hate the Chinese.
Most central euros do not give a fuck.
Slavs seem to be split on the issue, I see a lot of slav pro China tankies but also a lot of strong anti China stuff on the web.

But Americans make up the majority of the English speaking userbase on the web.

>> No.1943973

Hololive fanbase in China pretty much still lives. Zhangs that are antiposting Hololive are mainly political nutcases.

>> No.1944174

You know places like shenzhen are full of expats right? you're probably looking at them in this screenshot.

>> No.1944368

everyone hates chinks in west europe and in japan too

>> No.1944377

>I see a lot of slav pro China tankies but also a lot of strong anti China stuff on the web.
That's because our government started copying China in some aspects, like heavily regulating the web. Of course, people would hate it.

>> No.1944504

Don't forget SEA and all other asian countries surrounding China. Maybe african countries since china basically own them.

>> No.1944660

Is that counting unregistered women? Chinks during the one child policy era either got rid of or didn’t register girls, as they wouldn’t bring in as much as boys

>> No.1944671

SEA hate China. I remember reading about Chinese genocide in Indonesia.

>> No.1944894

All types of gooks hate one another, and it’s usually justifiable. They’re more racist towards one another than they are to other races

>> No.1945854

Based Kiryui-kai. Chinks must have thought they were just larping as Yakuza

>> No.1945987

I guess I understand doing that if you live in China, but why do it when you live in Japan?
Anyone close to the scene would know how crazy gachis can be.

>> No.1946297

>Only Americans and Indians hate the Chinese
You mean after they released a global virus on everyone?

>> No.1951065

They aren't well known for their intelligence

>> No.1952897

Pretty much everyone in Canada hates chinks too

>> No.1953034

The first rule of China is delete the truth

>> No.1953076

The average mainlander is so brainwashed by state propaganda machine that by western standards the majority would be considered political nutcases

>> No.1953163

Name one chinese ally they didn't buy.
You can't.

>> No.1953407

Covid made the entire planet despise China.
