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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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24943090 No.24943090 [Reply] [Original]

The idea of clippers is fine on paper. A short highlight real of the best moments in a stream.
But thats no what happens, not at all.

Instead you got shitty out of context bait that make people think they like a vt without actually watching a single stream. I can understand clipping for translation purposes or for highlighting something important in a stream- or even to get those multiple-perspective videos in a game like amongus; but Ill never get why someone will watching clip after clip of some shitty clickbait instead of watching a vod.

thanks for reading the post and if you have a different option, youre an idiot.

>> No.24943645
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>this post

>> No.24944391

Pokemon SM was more fun than I expected it to be

>> No.24944652

Clipperfag go from promoting their oshi to making a quick buck, just watch smaller chuuba clipper if you want or just watch the actual stream

>> No.24944703

LUL Clip 'em Fors!

>> No.24944878

Clippers have mori clips that make her out to not be an alcoholic that hates her job.
Then you watch her streams...

>> No.24945085

>I can understand clipping for translation purposes or for highlighting something important in a stream- or even to get those multiple-perspective videos in a game like amongus
so clippers are not parasites?

>> No.24945195

Not parasitic when theres utility to what theyre uploading. "haha funny vtuber said pen*s" for clicks however is parasitic

>> No.24945196

No one cares. In fact chuubas love clippers because they give free marketing to the main channels.

>> No.24945605

its not marketing if the clip watchers never actually give viewage to the streamer.

>> No.24945632

Clippers are parasites if they monetize their stuff. They're like React content.

>> No.24945695

Clippers are the reason Vtubers got big in the first place. Almost nobody watches 2h+ VODs to see if x youtuber is good, most people watch highlights and then decide if they want to watch. Don't blame clippers, blame Vtubers for being retarded and not learning to clip themselves.

>> No.24945766

the sudden explosion of clips is a newer thing; you only got into vtubers via clips if you just recently got into them, as in the last 2-3 years

>> No.24945910

My oshi's clippers are some of her most frequent donators, though, so the money they make off of her clips goes right back to her.

>> No.24945972

I approve of this.
But most arent that selfaware

>> No.24946671

a clipper is a benefactor of vtubers, but a good clipper survives by making people interested and wanting to retain views. a poor clipper ends up harming their audience but removing them. it's why i hate sushi and otakmori: just poor subs that end up misconstruing what is important.

>> No.24946711

Why is Mao so god damn hot

>> No.24946894

What the fuck is this post? Vtubers didn't exist before 2020. Get the fuck out of here with whatever garbage quality shit kizuna ai was doing or whatever pretentious shit you're about to retort. Nobody gives two flying shits if you were watching an extremely niche genre that like 50 people knew existed. You're not special for liking fringe shit. Fuck you.
Back to op of course clipper are good you dense piece of garbage. Yes some are low effort sitters but their effect on the ecosystem is good as it promotes the content in a transformative way. Translations are an obvious example but a 5h stream and a 3min videos are different thing. So the clipping transforms the content in a way that is obviously beneficial to the original creators because it's free advertisement. I wonder where the fuck I heard that one before. I guess you don't like you tubers playing video games either, right? Fucking parasites just suckling the blood of what others have previously made (unlike (you) uberchad who lives from self 100% autonomous and self generated produce, milks their own internet, etc). If I wasn't clear enoguh: I think you are stupid op and your way of thinking is proof that you should not ever engage in any kind of intelectual endeavor and instead only limit your existance to see your physical body for labor.

>> No.24947334

exquisite SEApost

>> No.24948118

also, vtuber didnt exist before 2020? are you just pretending to be a retard or are you fresh off of reddit?
All of hololive get 1-3 were out before 2020.
Nijisanji already had several gens out.

Even if you only look at English vts iron mouse, Melody and Silvervale all were established before 2020.

Just cause youre a casual normie doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.24948402

>says they like the streamers
>doesnt like watching streams

>> No.24948710

Chuuba specific clippers that clip for the purpose of translating one language to another, whatever they those languages are, seem to be much better overall than the general variety clippers especially the clippers that clip a chuuba for an audience that doesn't require a translation, eg. Holo/NiiEN clippers who add nothing of value and spread out of context BS and litter vids with shitty zoomer soundeffects and camera trick memes like shitty American TV.

The translating one-chuuba clipper does what they do from a place of love for their oshi and want to help others understand and love their oshi as much as they do.
These are few and far between, but they do exist.

>> No.24948814


Like >>24945910 said, I really like people who truly clip to spread love for their oshi. But "X reacts to YLYL" is always SUUUCH a shitty video.

>> No.24949964

>watch jp to en translated clips
>watch en to jp translated clips
>completely avoid any and all en clips that arent clipped for the purpose of translation
>avoid 99% of garbage clips
that was easy

>> No.24950005

youtube can put ads on videos even if you don't monetize
you must really love the kikes over at google if you think they should get that money over people translating and editing (assuming they actually put in effort here)
just block the ads

>> No.24953634

if it wasn't clippers, it would be video essayists
if it wasn't video essayists it would be other streamers talking shit
if it wasn't shit talkers, it would be external comments
if it wasn't external comments, it would be discussion around a coffee table

Bad actors don't go away just by transporting them to another medium. Right now, you're actually doing to clippers what they do to your oshi. You are being a bad actor, anon. You are what you hate.

>> No.24953691

If any of the clip watchers watch the main channel, it's a net positive. People arguing that clippers are just parasites have no idea how much work is involved.

>> No.24953778

i like dedicated 1-chuuba clippers

t. dedicated 1-chuuba clipper

>> No.24953914

Clippers are just like react content vtubers, they both make money off of other peoples content.

>> No.24953927

just ask corpo for a dedicated clip channel, like come on its been what 6 years already.

>> No.24953942

Do you live in our reality? If someone watches clips from a single vtuber, do you think they'll never wonder who the person is?
Does this sound like a reasonable sequence of events?
>watch clips from clip channel
>hehe funny talking furry
>watch all videos featuring talking furry
>notice furry is streaming
>wonder literally who that is and why you should care

Now consider that clippers depend on people noticing the name of the streamers. That might be parasitic, but it sure as fuck is advertisement. It might not be completely "free" advertisement, but it requires 0 investment from the streamer. Streamers wouldn't exist in their current form in the first place if companies didn't realize that this is a valid way of advertising their product. Especially in the case of gaming companies.

Or do you think a (smart) movie production studio would be buttmad if you shared their trailer? Because they might just get some highlights from the trailer and not watch the movie?

>> No.24954232

A highlight reel is a utility.
>but you can just watch the VOD!
You can just learn Japanese, ergo translations are not a utility. You can watch all amogus povs independently and layer them over each other, ergo amogus povs are not a utility. Your argument isn't about utility or usefulness, it's an infantile No True Scotsman.

>> No.24956630

There's a reason why Cover never fully shut down Otakmori even though they have enough reasons to and the fans would understand why. His clipping still helps them a lot in spreading awareness of Hololive to others that haven't heard yet.

>> No.24958920

We live in a reality where clippers were the main reason vtubers took off as big as they did, freaking hololive wouldnt be as big as they are without it, even Ironmouse would still be streaming to less than 1k viewers if not for that facebook clip taking off. You are objectively wrong.

>> No.24961060
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>nooo they are stealing views from my oshi! they aren't giving a proper/accurate look of her
Do you also think studios lose money and dissuade people from watching their movies due to movie clips and trailers?

>> No.24964493

Easily the best Pokemon season of the bunch, and a nice refresh and stress reliever season after the bullshit that transpired at the end of the previous league in XYZ.

I'm yet to watch the 2019 season because it seems to just go on random places and the occasional world series match (which is another bullshit), I don't think I'm missing much other than the fact this could be the last time Ash is going to be the protag.

>> No.24970703

Some people are genuinely mentally incapable of learning other languages.
That's Mallow. Who the fuck is Mao?

>> No.24971219

Clips are good, and deep down you all know it.

>> No.24972212

It's good in the sense of having a starting point to know about the Chuuba culture but if you're depending on clips for more than 2 months to keep up with a particular chuuba instead of watching lives or VODs then you're an blittering idiot.

>> No.24972593

you're just watching the wrong clippers. there's dedicated clippers who upload highlights of long vods they just always get lower viewers than baiters

>> No.24973167

what are some good mao/mallow vtubers

>> No.24973279

kill yourself dubnigger

>> No.24973435

More like
>watch clips from clip channel
>haha funny anime girl
>watch all videos featuring anime girl
>get recommended doxx videos
>watch doxx videos
>push doxx videos to other clip watchers
>try to push doxx into the fandom

>> No.24973538

Niji did that and that's why they're less popular in the west than Hololive.

>> No.24973627

Yeah that's why, sure, lol

>> No.24973833

>watching the Pokemon anime after 2001
I don't hate myself that much, I just play the games. In Pokemon Sun, her name was Mallow.
