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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27881004 No.27881004 [Reply] [Original]

I was wondering how the rest of you feel about women in general, I can tolerate most chuubas and even like some of them alot, and voice jerked off to thrm before, but what is it that makes then slightly more trustworthy than the average woman ? Is it because they want to be here , or are they just purely playing a roll so they can drown in our money and semen ?

>> No.27881250

Can't stand them, for all I care they can fuck off into the deepest parts of Dubai and stay there.

>> No.27881258

>w-wwomen bad b-because 4chan said so

>> No.27881383

Its more along the lines of hearing of the shit women can pull on men, than and a lack of interactions with them. Point is I would trust an ano more no matter how schizo he is because I know what expect from them

>> No.27881565

Men can pull the exact same shit. We are just as capable. Nobody is superior no matter how much someone on 4chan says so. Maybe if you stopped coming here for a while you'd see how fucking stupid this perspective on women is.

>> No.27881746

This is a bait thread, but I'll bite. I'm just here looking for wholesome parasocial kino content, while suppressing the knowledge that they're just self interested people who don't give a rat's ass about mine. Realistically, if I could screw around and talk about chubas here without ever bumping into one, I'd be happy.

Aftrr all, their interests conflict with my own, they supposedly have jannie powers at their disposal, and they're the subject of discussion which creates a fuckhuge conflict of interest. Because of that, chubas not on my screen are a threat to the enjoyment of chubas I derive from posting about them here, and I don't trust them for even a second. There's just nothing I can do to avoid them in spaces where people talk about vtubers, so all I can do is pray they don't decide to fuck with me.

tldr I just come here in hopes of finding other actual nobodies to shoot the shit with about chubas, because the real parasocial relationships are the bros you enjoy your anime waifus with.

>> No.27881860

women are bad and so are men desu senpai

>> No.27883119

Cover selects for good women mostly. Mori was a gaffe but besides her, all of holoEN are value

>> No.27883357

if you don't watch them for entertainment you need meds

>> No.27886800

This, I enjoy some of the shitposts here and there but I generally avoid negative threads to be able to enjoy good discussions with the right anons.

I'm genuinely curious what it takes to get to this level on incel. It's really not that hard to talk to women. I'm not a handsome guy myself but I managed to marry a fuckin normie woman 8/10 by just being myself. (We divorced in good terms because she has depression) And now I have another relationship with a 10/10 spic who's a bigger weaboo than me. Luck? Maybe, but I really don't think it's hard to get a someone who'll love you just the way you are as long as you're not so bad yourself.

Maybe try not being a fucking weirdo first who hates everyone?

>> No.27887234

What is women?

>> No.27887292

baby don't hurt me

>> No.27889670

I just like chuubas for the entertainment and hangout vibes. I wouldn't date any because I can't think of any that aren't crazy on some level and trying to date an internet celebrity is desperate, cringe and creepy anyway. Most women in general though? They are whores with no sense of loyalty or integrity. It's disappointing, but what can you do? I can't force them to be good people.

>> No.27895996

fucking chads never realize they're chads. "just be yourself" "just talk to girls"
fuck off

>> No.27896094

I'm old enough to confidently say that for every woman that did something bad to me, there are literally 10 men that did much worse in comparison. People are just pieces of garbage in general its not just men or women.

>> No.27896181

Vtubers are the type of women you should hate the most

>> No.27896253

turn off the chins
touch grass

>> No.27896270
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>Holo EN are value
They have four of the most whorish women in the company.

>> No.27896342

As a corollary, someone who screams that they're totally a chad is not a chad at all.
Chad is an inherent trait that can't be emulated, so that at least is reassuring in a way because there is no magical door to chadness, there was no past point in which you could have rose from virgin to chad that you were denied by society, you just weren't born with it. Ironically, realizing this has made me stop hating women and sexhavers and become more comfortable with myself and my life choices. I don't HAVE to be a chad, I wasn't cheated of it and neither were you.

>> No.27896419

This. If you aren't devoting your life to their destruction, you don't belong in /vt/.

>> No.27896547

Many of these girls don't exactly fit in either, and some of them are as desperate for social interaction as I am. It's much easier to initiate conversation with a streamer in chat than it is to approach a woman irl

>> No.27896717

I don't dislike women at all, though I greatly dislike watching women "content creators". I only like watching men streamers.
On the other end of that spectrum, I only like watching women vtubers. And I hate watching guy vtubers. I dunno what this means psychologically, but I accept it as the natural order of things, and anything else makes you a faggot.

>> No.27897441

I’ve had more bad experiences with women then men but there’s no reason for me to hate them as a whole, vtubing is just an outlet for me to entertain myself nothing else.

>> No.27901492

You like them because they just play videogames, laugh and play cute, if you actually had to deal with their bullshit irl you would probably hate it
Also some of them are the good ones but you wouldn't find her in public due to not leaving their homes

>> No.27901666

If you want a relationship you can't be critical, judgemental or have standards

>> No.27901846

I used to hate women. I even said they should be bought and sold like cattle. But as I grew up and went to therapy and had a gf I stopped. I still have moments of relapse but I do my best to check, myself

>> No.27902127

That literally makes it worse retard. I am the best person in the world because I am me. The fact that the world failed to realize that makes it gay and wrong and evil

>> No.27902215

Men have to keep it real. That's just how it is.
Women? Apart from the few who are actually cool and interesting... stop being fake whores. Or play the role to cater to people's fantasies (e.g. VTubers).

>> No.27902542

Idk I like finding about their real lives. I enjoy most stories they tell about themselves. Like everything Fauna tells us about herself makes me fall deeper and deeper in love with her. I think she is probably the most perfect woman on planet earth.

>> No.27902728

People don’t understand what’s it’s like to develop a hatred of women after years of bullying and mistreatment. People will have no sympathy for you as might as well embrace it

>> No.27903796

She a leaf doe

>> No.27904156

No she's not, do your reps

>> No.27905167

Kys incel

>> No.27905272

>Men can pull the exact same shit. We are just as capable.
Yeah I mean, just look at Vox. I mean just look at him.

>> No.27905348

>whorish women
You forgot the JP and ID ones anon-chama.

>> No.27909382

The only reason you like chubbers is because the worst parts of women are banned by their managers.

>> No.27911302

I watch chuubas because my fiance cheated on me and left me, and I haven't been able to trust real women since.

>> No.27911862

mine cheated on me with another man while they both pretended to be girls so i only like cute girls now

>> No.27912343

these are words to live by

>> No.27913225

Was your fiance like a dude who trooned out or something?

>> No.27913642

not immediately enough for me to know cause i left, probably not, but i think the other one did

>> No.27914540

I don't hate women, necessarily, I just hate being in a relationship. Chuubas gave me a way to get something resembling companionship without having to deal with all the parts of dealing with women that I hate.

>> No.27916263

There's something really funny about this comment. At no point do you mention your own culpability. At first you absolve yourself of personal failure by saying that being a chad is an inherent trait. But even past that, you also say that the hypothetical transition from "virgin to chad" isn't even your personal responsibility, but instead something that is denied to you by society. You unironically engage in all sorts of mental gymnastics just to fool yourself into believing that it's not your own fault that you're a loser. Such flagrant copium is absurd. It nears offense. You have 0 self-efficacy. You don't deserve to be respected. No wonder women hate you, they can smell your pussy from a mile away.

>> No.27918171

I hate humans, including myself.

>> No.27918252

Aren't you proving him right, that he never/doesn't have the capability of becoming chadly?

>> No.27919248

only because he himself doesnt want to work for it, anyone who's willing can
practice speaking with people, work out, take regular baths and control what you eat, it's not easy by any means but anyone willing to do it deserves it

>> No.27922046

I used to hate women and a bunch of other things unconditionally before I realised that the internet deliberately circulates the worst aspects of anything you can imagine.

Basically you need to grow up, think and observe for yourself instead of taking second hand accounts as gospel truth.

>> No.27922155

Best girl is genderbended boy

>> No.27922279

There is no difference between chuubas and IRL women as far as personality and acting ability. The difference lies in how interacting as a faceless fan in a sea of many removes the very real threat that interacting with them IRL poses, such as false rape accusations and other generally life ruining things they can and will do to you for fun. This makes it easy to relax around them, or as you say "trust" them, because even if they had I'll intentions against you they wouldn't be able to do anything with them except maybe insult your screen name over the internet.

>> No.27922355

Why is this always the response when people say women pose a serious legal threat to men even if they did nothing? I don't hate tigers, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna jump in their cage at the zoo. There's a solid difference between hatred and self preservation.

>> No.27922528

You were close to the truth and lost it through brainwashing.
