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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30108877 No.30108877 [Reply] [Original]

>On 1 August, Marine reached 2,000,000 YouTube subscribers. This makes her the third hololive member to reach this milestone and the first of the Japanese branch to do so.

Wait, really? Marine of all people is the most popular JP? For some reason I thought it was Pekora or maybe Korone. I guess they're not as popular as I thought.

>> No.30108954

I miss her gaming streams. Her Portal and Subnautica playthroughs were pure kino

>> No.30108968
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>> No.30109059

She keeps releasing bangers. That helps.

>> No.30109250

She's not actually popular.

>> No.30109331

She got it all off lewd youtube shorts

>> No.30109638

Shitty bait

>> No.30110812

>Benefits of Marine
Big butt
Godly ASMR
Pure Love
Quality music videos
Actually funny

>Benefits of Pekora
Fake laugh
-Peko at the end of every word, I guess
Cold Chicken
Numbers by latching her streams about when her mates finish their streams

Answer is obvious

>> No.30112695


>> No.30113441

Does Miko even know what she's talking about?

>> No.30115049


>> No.30115146

this, the music vids probably get her a couple hundred extra K subs along with Mori.

However, Marine also dominates hard in CCV when she streams too, very unlike Mori, so I do think of her as legitimately more popular period.

>> No.30115230

Same. I also miss her interactions with English viewers.

>> No.30115590

Hololive kinda gave up on pandering to English viewers when it became clear that they were getting bored of Hololive because you see the EN viewers start to dwindle while the JP ones just get bigger and bigger. You can tell most of the EN viewers were just bored looking for something to do during the lockdown and now that it's over they've moved on. At this point I kind of doubt they'll even make another EN gen, back to focusing on JP from here on out.

>> No.30115768

The thing with Marine is that she puts in a lot of work she really doesn't have to. It's perfectly fine for holos to meet their quotas and let management handle events but she's dumping money back into the job. Her efforts have the good fortune of bringing back results.

>> No.30115784
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>> No.30115938

>At this point I kind of doubt they'll even make another EN gen, back to focusing on JP from here on out.
I will hope for this, but don't believe in it

>> No.30117036


>> No.30117224

EN viewership's going down because many of the most-key ENs don't stream much while their competition works literally twice as hard+, use it or lose it basically. Some of them like Ina and Kiara have held pretty steady actually despite it being about two years, but Ame and Mori dropped off fucking hard - there's a good reason for that really, you sometimes can outright sense when a streamer is phoning things in or feels like they're just acting for you and don't give a shit at all and it comes through for those. Mori outright said (and tried to retract) that streaming is just a gig for her, a day job etc and considering her working on music all the time that makes sense that her CCV isn't stellar because maybe people like her for reasons other than the streams.

Ame though, has nothing at all to her besides streaming so basically has to just lie about burnout with the constant excuses of her computer dying or tummy horting for the 200th time. Ame actually does have an ability to be passionate and cute with stuff like the animal reviews, aquarium talk etc but seems to only very rarely actually feel personal with the viewers like that and instead it's just "phone in elden ring stream #881 / superchat catchup" as her routine.

All that "muh projects", covers/little stupid music videos shit etc even if it is NOT in fact mostly bullshitting from Gura or whoever else is "so busy you guys" outside streaming? Even if that's for real, it's generally fucking wasted on the EN audience. The Western audience comes from Twitch where people will stream 12 hours a day EVERY FUCKING DAY for YEARS. This 1-2 hour stream once a week shit is not gonna cut it if the payoff is a 3-minute cover once every 4 months. People would rather have the streams, unless -maybe- it's a Marine tier music video they shouldn't fucking bother IMO - and Marine pours tens of thousands of her own funds into those, they are her legit passion projects, instead of bitch about Cover not doing enough she just forces them into existence.

>> No.30117522

>A discord message from Marine comes:
>Pekora: Ah, a discord message came from Marine.
>"I was watching your stream. Honestly, it was by chance that I did."
>Pekora: There's no way it was by chance!
>"By chance, I had gotten to 2Million first but..."
>Pekora: You're mistaken. It's because you put in a lot of work and effort every single time, like in your MV (referring to treasure box).
>"Truly, I think you're the one that should become the face of Hololive, and it's top talent.*
>Pekora; No, it's you, you 're the one doing your best. You're the one (that can be the face of hololive).
>"Marine doesn't neither belongs in hololive or youtube because she's filth." (Yes, Marine is clearly joking here.)
>Pekora: There's no way that's true www. Ah-- I read it out loud www
>"From here on in, let's run keep going forward together!"
>Pekora: Sorry, I read that out loud www moreover I know you're listening. Marine, let's keep going forward together! We're, Nodule sisters, Verbal slip sisters, sisters in many things. Let's go gen 3!

Schizos obliterated beyond recovery.

>> No.30117776

>EN viewership's going down because many of the most-key ENs don't stream much while their competition works literally twice as hard+, use it or lose it basically.
Why doesnt the same apply to JP when they're doing literally the exact same thing? Don't tell me they don't have competition.

>> No.30118417

Isn't Miko the founder of the annual sportsfest? That thing is a nightmare to organize, so she probably knows her shit

>> No.30118474

Pekobros... we lost.

>> No.30118589

EN doesn't have a Koyori or a Miko, it doesn't even have someone like an Aqua or Korone who once were legendary for doing 10 hour streams daily but unsurprisingly burnt themselves out from years of that. EN does not have someone who streams because they actually-like streaming. JP does.

JP also has its Mels and Akis who were always casual, and Ayames and Shions who are buckets of excuses etc but because there are so many JPs, it's balanced out when you have ones who remain consistent for years and years. Fubuki still runs like a clock and she's been there like what, 4 years? You can say out of 10 girls, if you treat streamers like a gacha where once put in the Hololive vehicle you can't quite predict how they'll like it and turn out, that the odds of pulling a Fubuki are not high. However its lack of a cohesive constant passionate one is definitely killing it, there HAS to be someone who really-really-really gives a shit. Maybe Kiara or Bae would be close but Kiar has shit streaming hours and also like Bae has a kind of polarizing personality/voice.

You also can't just go "well western girls just aren't like that" when you see the schedules of NijiENs in contrast to Holo's. I don't even like NijiEN at fucking all but their girls literally stream like fucking double+ HoloEN's and so they're definitely worth the audience they do have.

>> No.30118621

Miko is probably referring to Marine's ability to manage outside work collaborations. While yes the big events like the sportsfest is a massive undertaking, she is still dealing with her co-workers to organize it.

>> No.30118659

>Benefits of Pekora
>Cold chicken


>> No.30118847

>EN doesn't have a Koyori or a Miko
Their existence doesn't explain why other members can stop streaming and come back with next to no losses.

>> No.30119076
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You do realize how few many of the top JP talents stream as well?
Like yeah, you have Peko and Miko but everyone else isn't exactly that great...
