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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3206730 No.3206730 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, sad
>depressed because of mental and physical shortcomings from years of abuse and sickness
>look at idol chuuba
>idol chuuba tells me to do my best today
>not sad anymore
thank you idol chuuba

>> No.3206802

All Haachama does is retarded schizo shit so I know you're not referring to her

>> No.3206817

Ain’t that what idols are for hey?

>> No.3206818
File: 778 KB, 660x640, 3681441300261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, happy
>cheerful because everything going right in life
>look at idol chuuba
>idol chuuba tells me to do my best today
>now sad for taking up all my productive time
t-thank you idol chuuba

>> No.3206870

A w*man shouldnt be your source of happiness you can do it on your own

>> No.3206894


Go back you retarded faggot

>> No.3206914

>Hating w*men is bad
The Reddit refugees are getting uppity again I see.

>> No.3206990

>Censoring the word woman
Holy shit youre an actual child

>> No.3207046

>not sad anymore

you are escaping again, your depression would never gone and it will back stronger to take your enjoyment, leaving you empty wanting to die once more

>> No.3207062

You must be over 18 to visit this board

>> No.3207846

Forever alone types are obsessed with women to the point of actually thinking their should be state mandated girlfriends. This argument won't work here.

>> No.3207865

nice blog. Where can I subscribe?

>> No.3207903

This is true aswell

>> No.3207918

Imagine being this much of a retarded fag , you need to go back to l3ddit faggots

>> No.3208711

>Forever alone types are obsessed with women to the point of actually thinking their should be state mandated girlfriends
do you get your opinion on 4chan from cnn and plebbit?

>> No.3208776

Today OP wasn’t a faggot. Can’t say the same about the rest of the thread.

>> No.3210738

my oshi is cute and she makes me happy
Thank you oshi!

>> No.3210813

MGTOW cope

>> No.3211083

Imagine being such a complete outsider to this website that you don't even know the simplest of jokes and also use that shitty spacing while telling others to go back.

>> No.3211385
File: 314 KB, 2114x2114, 1605300688085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back to l3ddit faggot, MGTOW is based and redpilled, fuck w*men, fuck niggers, I'm based as fuck and could snap you in half like a twig you little faggot cocksucker.
No self respecting man needs a w*man to be happy, just hit the gym and pray to god.
Man I remember when 4chan was still good, when all we did was hate on w*men, vote for Trump and talk about (((them))) subverting the white race, heh good times, only oldfags will remember.
Too bad l3ddit ruined that with their shitty spacing and brough these faggot vtubers over here.

>> No.3211498

...So he says on a board dedicated to obsessing over women.

>> No.3211975

keep lurking newfag

>> No.3212493

Nice blog, fag

>> No.3212554
File: 1.46 MB, 1600x1200, 六片葉.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife wants the best for me!!! So I am doing the est I can

>> No.3212608

>thinly veiled censoring again
Why are you still here? Just write like a normal human or fuck off.

>> No.3214334

cute anon

>> No.3217874

thats a nigger wallet

>> No.3218516

>Suisei says "Have a nice day"
>actually do

>> No.3224859


>> No.3225119

Are you a newfag larping as an oldfag? It sure seems like it

>> No.3230152
File: 145 KB, 888x1257, 1619712532680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>normal dude
>see Risu
>Risu announces NNN
>need to give her my nuts
>she asks for more
>can't go any longer
>yet she asks for more
>drink eat wank
>it's not enough for her
>constant 150bpm wanking
>Risu needs more
>last day off NNN
>final wank
>my dick is all red and chaffed, lost 60 pounds
thanks Risu

>> No.3230780
File: 85 KB, 1920x1080, nicejob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based. redditors seething

>> No.3230968

>Wasting your time and energy on hating people

>> No.3231018

An oldfag larping as a newfag larping as an oldfag to bait (You)s, very impressive

>> No.3231163

Women are pretty horrible

>> No.3232596
File: 78 KB, 669x696, 1509942940443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking based. Neck redditors and their ilk. They deserve some beating

>> No.3232707

this, holoEN unironically ruined my life for the past half-year

>> No.3232744

That's a really fucking good parody of a /pol/ tourist. Well done.

>> No.3232834

>I'm based as fuck
Had not been for this part, I would have truly fallen for the larp.

>> No.3233947

You didn't watch her asmr stream the other day
