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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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38127410 No.38127410 [Reply] [Original]

You're a good viewer, right /vt/?

>> No.38127473

do ensharts really?

>> No.38127488


>> No.38127578

>We aren't allowed to have any standards whatsoever
Imagine having this little self respect. Truly pathetic.

>> No.38127619

Most retarded thing I've seen this week

>> No.38127667

The absolute fucking state my God

>> No.38127673

>One side is retarded for thinking they're "owed" streams when it's free content
>The other side is retarded for thinking these girls just stream for fun and don't care if anyone watches
You can't win in this fanbase

>> No.38127689

I think I just lost all my remaining brain cells

>> No.38127700

>i didn't find anything on tweeter so I'm gonna check reddit, that way I'll have something to post here!
Who are you? No, what are you? Because at this point I refuse to believe you are a human being

>> No.38127723

he's a SEA phoneposter. what did you expect?

>> No.38127748
File: 149 KB, 236x260, stoning the fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread btw

>> No.38127795

You know I’ve always thought EN was the mistake, but the biggest issue is all the ESL seething in their mud huts about inconsequential bullshit.

>> No.38127844

>not having standarts
i though was a joke but really don't have any

>> No.38127877

they must be joking

>> No.38128005

>I had the local plumber working on my sink.
>Did he fix it for you?
>For me? No no no, he did it for himself.
Just imagine this mentality outside of chuubing and it becomes a complete farce.

>> No.38128023 [DELETED] 


>> No.38128050 [DELETED] 

That guy has a point though. Viewers should be their priority. Without viewers they'd be literally nothing in the first place. They should know their place as an entertainer and public figure.

>> No.38128217

but....attracting views IS the career

>> No.38128271

Damn... Why Hololive reddit become so shit and degenerate after Coco gone?

>> No.38128272

>I had the local plumber working on my sink.
>It's my sink so I get to say what is supposed to come out of it.
>There is still no piss and girlcum coming out of it when I use it.
>I told his other customers to ask for their money back because I am unhappy with my sink.
The farce is making an analogy that doesn't work to make the people you talk about sound retarded.

>> No.38128345

Wtf even is that? Are you insane? Like actually on meds?

>> No.38128348

>Fllp burgers for money, not so people can eat. Demanding your food is obsessive and entitled
>Give opiates to patients for money, not so people feel better. Demanding to be cured is obsessive and entitled
he's not wrong

>> No.38128399

>they're streaming for their careers
>careers that only exist because of viewers
>the people that literally allow your job to exist and in some cases directly pay your wages are not owed anything

>> No.38128430

He's clearly not on meds but really should be

>> No.38128465

This has been one of the most retarded things I have ever seen.

>> No.38128488

for me its driving a plane into the wtc in microsoft flight simulator

>> No.38128522

There is this faction of EN fans that are so cucked beyond belief, it’s actually sickening
Is the demanding of regular quality streams the bubble mori wanted to bust?

>> No.38128573
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what did you expect?

>> No.38128754

If you don't pay a single cent and treat YouTube as completely free it's easy to just assume its an overflowing fountain of money, or why would they keep producing stuff for free? 50k or 500k views per video, what's the difference, one zero? They're all rich, right?

>> No.38128836

those sniveling worms would swallow shit and ask for seconds cause god forbid you hold anybody to some sort of standard. people here go too far the other way sometimes but that is far preferable to this inanity

>> No.38128991

Actual bootlicker mentality. Probably SEA or american.

>> No.38129279

>Sorry, this post was removed by Reddit's spam filters.

>> No.38129328

I hope these people never reproduce.

>> No.38129740

These type of people come up with a billion excuses why they don't want you just to share your opinion

>> No.38129878

>the people that literally allow your job to exist and in some cases directly pay your wages are not owed anything
pretty much, but at the same time they aren't owed anything either - not your time, money or interest. the relationship is 100% voluntary both ways, they choose to stream and you choose to support them. if you stick around and throw money at a product you're unhappy with then the problem is you and you alone

>> No.38129937

If the viewer is just there to "tag along", lets see how successful can they become after streaming a whole year for less than 10 viewers.

>> No.38130014

reddit should not be considered real fans, representative, or even human

>> No.38130230

Im the best viewer

>> No.38130293

>13 updoots
Do they really? This is the type of people en listens to? Do they even watch streams

>> No.38130347

Reddit is very open about the fact that they only watch clips.

>> No.38130515

viewers not needed. just superchat and buy merch and shut up.

>> No.38130621

Damn watching ENs sounds awful

JPs understand that both the fans and the streamers have obligations for each other so the relationship isn't this kind of fucked up mutual contempt for each other

>> No.38130742

>mutual relationship that is not ironic hatred is toxic
EN zoomer culture, everyone

>> No.38130813
File: 180 KB, 1079x1260, blindly support your vtuber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38130872

I guess the real question is if they weren't getting paid would they even be streaming? If it's no then this is just a transactional relationship. If it's yes then I guess just stfu and enjoy the ride

>> No.38131376

Where's the lie

>> No.38131485

>just pay them and shut up

>> No.38131538

Some people seem to treat chuubas with more forgiveness/compassion/"understanding" than they would their real friends or family members. Hence people who unironically dump their wallets onto Ayame when she comes back every 1-3 months. That isn't rational thought talking anymore, it's infatuation, arguably parasocial as all fucking hell. You see a bit of this too with people going "it's fine if ENs ghost us for weeks you're entitled!" leading to "it's fine if they totally change their content, you're entitled for speaking up about it!" etc.

>> No.38131628

They don't financially support the vtubers they watch, so they don't expect anything from them.

>> No.38131643

She can say that, but she's dumb as all fucking hell if she wants people to give her money while thinking in such a way. Some do but it's a concept pretty alien to me. These people aren't important medical researchers or inventors or social workers going through tough shit. They're random girls (often petty ethots) with anime masks on. Why do they deserve a single fucking cent of strangers' money? For using the assets Cover designed? Really?

>> No.38131662

Yes moona I support your relationship irl, that's why I won't watch you anymore to give you and your boyfriend some privacy.

>> No.38131679

>stop watching vtuber because you're displeased with their content
>deranged american journalists write hitpieces about the fans
>Shitty dramatubers create videos titled "Her fans are trying to hate her to death!"
>If you dare openly express your displeasure twitter trannies will try to get you fired from your job
There are definitely attempts to coerce you, don't bullshit

>> No.38131684

Once you realize that 80% of their audience is Indonesian males, comments like this make a lot more sense. It shouldn't come as a surprise that's always ID that is entitled and talks down to their viewers. Like millie saying she'll only marry a white guy and wants hapa kids or enna saying she likes Latinos and white guys. Let's not forget ollie thirsting over white guys. Those that dont thirst over jap guys. It's literally just sexual resentment for their own men. Some real freudian shit.

>> No.38131687

This is why ENtubers outside holo and niji would ever be relevant

>> No.38131691

What does having a bf behind the scenea have anything to do with what you said though

>> No.38131707

Because when it's there the primary instinct to want to talk to a cute girl vanishes if you know she's taken.

I really, REALLY do not get why this isn't incredibly obvious to both streamers and many EN fans. It's like they've never actually talked to women IRL or something. Wait a minute.

>> No.38131748

Also to elaborate, she'd not only taken, but it's in a way you have ZERO control or influence or chance over. It's not like getting ballsy with a girl at work and proving you're good enough for her or something and hoping she cheats or ditches the other dude. You're just text on the internet. What are you gonna do about someone thousands of miles away who is in physical proximity. Nothing.

>> No.38131832

>what happens in my personal life doesn't matter
>I want to talk about my bf on stream and I want you to still support me
ogey. reminds me how back in jp even homobeggars thought talking about significant others was bad.

>> No.38131859

the "ID" in HoloID doesn't actually stand for "Indonesia", it's short for "Immense Disappointment" and applies to every single one of them. Except Kaela right now basically.. but given how Moona eventually fucked up, Kaela will too eventually. She's an ID. It's how they are.

>> No.38131945

Genuine question. Are these kinds of people women or turbo-simps? Both?

>> No.38132049

Considering how the EN fandom has gone over time I think a lot of the casual (and/or more level-headed people) have thinned out and what we're left with are more hardcore fans. One camp (/here/) addresses shit like it is and the other (reddit/twitter/discord) pretends shit doesn't stink and the sky isn't blue.

>> No.38132052

Brain rot.

>> No.38132267

Because they allowed Tempus on.
Unironically, the petty fucking shits that joined with the Tempus raid AND the fact that the subreddit is extremely anti-criticism has turned it into the softest piece of shit place. It's why so many people suddenly went to /vt/ instead, where the only asshole who can hide your opinion is a Janitor with no sense of right or wrong.It's been like this for a while now. Opinions that the holo reddit parrots:
- Stars and Live should stream together to normalize it because fuck the unicorns and the people who like girls-only stuff
- Chinese people deserve a nuke because of antis
- Every idol is a meme and the only memorable thing they stand for is the meme that made them interesting the first time (Kronii + Subway, Watame + Eating Sheep, Suisei + Murdering people over pettan jokes, Haha funny Rushia ended my post early because I said pettan jokes, etc.)
- Criticism of any girl's content or personality means you want the death of hololive and you don't want the talent to improve, you just want them to feel bad and get them to graduate

The subreddit moderator is also an insane piece of shit that fabricates total lies about the subreddit, like claiming that it was created for both Stars and Live (which is factually wrong and also why it was always called r/hololive BEFORE the retarded management took over) and claiming that people have always spammed Stars content before Tempus debuted, which is also wrong. When asked if the moderation could allow users to filter content by Stars / Live via flairs, they get defensive and start moaning, shitting and pissing about how both deserve to exist.

>> No.38132341
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Indobros here. I think Moona and almost the entire HoloID roster are Westernized, just like EN VTuber. It's prevalent that they put their feelings above the audience's voice (except the hardcore ones, even though they're most likely the "yes-men"). Hence, you can see they filtered the fanbase early when they roasted misbehaved fans on stream. That's why you don't see the "unicorn problem" that Kronii faced in the past on HoloID. Any direct criticism is seen as an attempt to control the talents, whether it's genuine or just schizo rambling.

I think it's a good thread that explains the differences between EN (and ID to the extent) and JP on the talent-fans dynamic. You can start reading from there: >>32823068

>> No.38132432

Yeah it seems something about their culture or overall internet exposure makes them sort of like Westerners, only they also lack a sense of pushback against woke or at least knowing there's a time and place for it - and that place is not for Japanese idol business, like at all.

>> No.38132575

>lack a sense of pushback against woke or at least knowing there's a time and place for it
example like?

>> No.38132678

This shit they're trying to pull merging in Stars and pretending it was there all along really rubs me the wrong way, I think more like they're trying hard to convince themselves just as much as they are the audience and get aggravated when pointed to simple facts.

You see this a bit in Holo Global as well - starsJP were mostly tolerated yes. You know why? Much of the time, you'd get like 2 posts about them a day there (if that) ... out of like 20-40,000 posts. That's as low as 0.00005% of Global's focus, aka 10-20,000% less organic interest. They'd maybe pop up as an actual thing if there was an event like new costumes, a new gen (like uproar) or some special event like a 3d. Every other day? not much there. not much at all. So to point to the thread being literally ten thousand time more interested in the girls and going "but people technically mentioned stars here sometimes, so that means we want to take up like a third of your thread permanently now" doesn't measure up. Like at all.

If /mans/ gets a couple thousand posts a day (I dunno, ballpark like 1-3k these days) that's what, 1000x the level of discussion StarsJP ever got out of Global? That'd leave a mark and cause friction, thus friendmeido nicely stressed that we can in fact choose to split up focuses, and aside from a couple shitposters trying to rub StarsEN's existence in Hololive fans' faces this worked out so much better, I think both camps are much happier as a result. The way the subreddit is managed is as if their friendmeido/sharkmeido did the complete opposite approach of the staff here.

>> No.38132751

It's hard to describe accurately but it's like, if you're into some media format that has nothing to do with social justice stuff then you can sense some people into that subject are gonna get really annoyed if you bring it up. Some people choose to do so anyway but some try to depoliticize stuff.

In this case trying to go "it's fine for idols to have BFs in fact you should accept it" is like trying to rewrite the way the scene actually-is in Japan, which is, even if they exist it's something you really don't fucking talk about ever and try to assume isn't a thing. Not to mention Japan and their setup of this isn't the West at all - the West's opinions of it shouldn't matter.

>> No.38133009

i dont think you understand what woke means and i dont think you have seen the actual context of that clips

>> No.38133120

the line of thinking is literally "even if the woman breaks the unwritten rules it's fine and you should accept it" which comes across as like third wave feminist thinking. aka equality isn't good enough and girls should actually be owed extra leeway and favors on everything.

>> No.38133300

Woke fags want to turn everything in a given category or genre to the same Woke faggotry they "like" or think is the way things should be then abandon it and never watch the thing again because they're only here to ruin things not enjoy them.

>> No.38133413

They instantly failed in understanding the most basic thing about Hololive, an "entertainment" company.

>They are streaming for their career
>The viewers gets to tag along
That's some amazing logical fallacy right there

>> No.38133543

basically their argument is like "you should savor the privilege of watching hollywood actors and continue to be their fans and pay them millions even if they're not doing any roles in movies anymore and even if their acting is getting awful."

it's total bollocks to someone who spends even like 5 minutes comparing this to other entertainment media and showbiz. idol business is not an excuse to check out your brain at the door.

>> No.38133614

Anon, we have reached the last point of the hobby. The point where the hobby starts to become so normie the last "standards" original fans and people used to have vanish into the masses. The original fans of vtubing won't be listened to now that the spectrum of fans has grown so large, that's why they can say shit like this and get away with it.
No matter how fucking gross the vtuber will get, people will still throw money at them just because - mori and nina are great examples. Maybe in spite to original fans who were angered by X action, or maybe as "blind support".
