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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 319 KB, 585x627, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38872667 No.38872667 [Reply] [Original]

>"Looks like I’m called a whore for just moving a box. "
>literally nobody in the replies called her whore
Why is she baiting for attention so much?


>> No.38872802

She got a your attention and you're bitching about it with us on 4chan, that's something anon.

>> No.38872827

The voices in her head called her a whore.

>> No.38872859

Chinks on a roll today

>> No.38872934

>bends her ass to the camera knowing full well her coomer audience is watching
Whores just love insulting our intelligence.

>> No.38872986

just stop ffs..

>> No.38872991

no one cares

>> No.38872996

i literally called her a whore
therefore she is not baiting
she is still a whore though

>> No.38873006

>Why is she baiting for attention so much?
why are you?

>> No.38873057
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, 20221012_225748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I sick of you niggers misrepresent the real whore in the fucking vtuber industry. Stop comparing them with actual AVtubers.

>> No.38873061

She can be my whore anytime if you get what I'm saying.

>> No.38873064

>literally nobody in the replies called her whore
yet here you are sperging out at her over it.

>> No.38873107

>literally nobody in the replies called her whore
i looked for 1 minute and found 2, i'm sure if you check the other 400 comments you can find more

>> No.38873260

Well that's the problem.

>> No.38873267

I remember seeing someone call her a whore or something along that line in the quote tweets. Anyways pretty sure it's a fetish, didn't we established this back when she was still a dragon? Get with the times op.

>> No.38873361
File: 70 KB, 1080x603, 317615081_1158856111670241_1566909025077292307_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone here is retarded enough to actually believe this laughable attempt at gas lighting/attention bait, this was her a week ago. She knows what she's doing.

>> No.38873384

She is a whore!
happy now?

>> No.38873398

God damn I wanna put a baby in Kson

>> No.38873401

Why you type like a fucking tranny.

>> No.38873405

>act like a whore
>surprised when antis call her whore
It would've been easier for her to just ignore antis.

>> No.38873459

>>literally nobody in the replies called her whore
Incorrect. Do better, bug

>> No.38873472

why you type like an ESL seanigger

>> No.38873501

>a week ago

>> No.38873547

I don’t care, I want to touch her butt.

>> No.38873584 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 226x406, 1629630078767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally an accident!

>> No.38873589

Sir this is a SEAboard.

>> No.38873598


>> No.38873609


>> No.38873662

Anon didn't play Nier...

>> No.38873760

>showing your asshole isn't showing your asshole if someone else did it first, that makes it just cosplay, it's a homage!

>> No.38873804


>> No.38873809

That's some gay take anon.

>> No.38873817

>nooo don't cosplay an iconic video game character she shows too much skin!
go back to tumblr(?) or wherever you people go now that twitter is fucked

>> No.38873852

BASED, disgusting tranny burgers cna have playtime while I dig for my lunch in the garbage

>> No.38873855

really sinking this low to self post?
move on, accept you're old and past your prime.

>> No.38873879

Here you go anon

>> No.38873911

Fleshstreamers should kill themselves.

>> No.38873926


>> No.38873929 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.38873944

>Sees a girl with a nice ass
And incels wonder why they can't get chicks...

>> No.38873949

Did she take down this stream?

>> No.38874013

No, she just be funny and decide to put a lot of ads around that timestamp.

>> No.38874017

>showing her asshole

I wish

>> No.38874018

It's human, particularly for women, to focus on the few negative comments.
That's for sure cock teasing though.

>> No.38874041

Stop misrepresenting real whores. This is what's real whore are >>38873879

>> No.38874330

So... where's the underwear?

>> No.38874378

She likes playing the victim a lot recently.

>> No.38874392

Explain this term. I've exclusively seen pedos on twitter use this as a derogatory for "anti pedos".

>> No.38874418

Why are constantly checking her tweets anon?

>> No.38874429

Google "thong"
lurk for 5 minutes

>> No.38874446
File: 34 KB, 141x117, 1670071953911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont see anything about it

>> No.38874677


>> No.38875266

Join Vshojo, you're automatically a whore. Simple as that.

>> No.38875669

hey, I follow that whore!
nice to see her getting 4chan publicity

>> No.38875713

99% of the responses are people lusting over her ass.
She has an uncanny ability to spot the one guy saying something critical and amplify him for no reason.

>> No.38875737

that's called being a woman, anon.

>> No.38875982

KSON should be a banned topic on /vt/ since she's trying to turn vtubing into fleshtubing. If we can't talk about girls RMs, then it only makes sense we can't talk about the girls who decide to turn vtubing into streaming their face, ass, tits, etc.

However much people hate Mori, Kson is easily the worst person in vtubing. I really hate the push to drop anime avatars coming from some of the vshojo crowd, ironic that the literal camgirl shows less skin.

>> No.38876036

I would berry my dick so far in her ass whoever pulled it out would be King Arthur

>> No.38876683

What low views do to a mf

>> No.38876743
File: 4 KB, 97x32, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low views

>> No.38876804

You have to understand the mind of the faggot baiter or anti, anon. They'll use whatever rationale or numberfaggotry that is convenient for their argument at the time and ignore everything else.

>> No.38876947

>Twitter video views
Fucking lmao

>> No.38876973

>and ignore everything else
Like clockwork.

>> No.38876991

That's a fine ass

>> No.38877013

Why is this thread up? It's a fleshtuber.

>> No.38877283

How the might have fallen

>> No.38877308 [DELETED] 

Only thing that fell, is your English my dear SEAbro

>> No.38877393

That doesn't look like a good pose to move a box. Is her back going to be ok?

>> No.38877419

AVtubers are sluts not whores. Sluts are honest about who they are and what they are selling. Whores act like sluts, and then turn around and act all innocent about it.

>> No.38877443

>calls an honest to god prostitute a whore
Get your terminology straight.

>> No.38877480

Back to English class with you.

>> No.38877502

who the fuck moves boxes like that

>> No.38877548

It's a meme older than you, zoomer-kun

>> No.38877566

>turn Vtubers into some twitch thottery.

>> No.38877567

>twitter video views of coomerbait
Jesus Christ, I didn't think tatsukeks could get any more retarded. Yet here we are. What's next? Tik tok views?

>> No.38877574

Holy fucking newfag. How old are you?

>> No.38877606

Not a zoomer, I just don’t speak in shitty meme talk.

>> No.38877620

She's very flexible

>> No.38877634

>Tatsukeks: "no that's totally the correct posture to lift things up bro, she not coomerbaiting, you're a fucking anti"
At least if she keeps doing stupid shit like that she'll have serious back problems in no time.

>> No.38877636

people who care abou their back and have some ass. Kiara looks like that standing.

>> No.38877639
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, go back[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9vrnqj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38877665
File: 987 KB, 1918x1080, Why Are There So Many SEA People Here [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9l8puj.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38877675

People that care about their back use their arms, retard. Which is how any sane person would do it intuitively. Get fucking mental help.

>> No.38877738

So many gays itt....

>> No.38877753

Look no one is going to know every meme out there, and when you’re on a board infested with ESLs you sometimes just default to think they write something like an hero with knowing the meaning behind it.

>> No.38878175

>Numberkeks:"I'm a fag"
Wow didn't think numberkeks could get that low lmao epic keks all around

>> No.38878312

t. whore

>> No.38878327 [DELETED] 
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 2353462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this was a better ss

>> No.38878334

Smart whore

>> No.38878367

Well, damn...

>> No.38878383

Better to be a whore than to be fat.

>> No.38879738

uooooh sexxu

>> No.38879824

All I saw here was people calling her a whore

>> No.38880110


>> No.38880170

I like Taiwan. I like butts. I like KSON.

>> No.38880199
File: 181 KB, 358x181, 1670157122847362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tranny mad he has no ass

>> No.38880227

This whore should try being more self aware

>> No.38880270

Bros you're telling me you don't move boxes like that normally?

>> No.38880379
File: 30 KB, 125x127, 2B Gasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2B cosplay ass shot flashbacks

>> No.38880385

I thought everyone arched their back and lifted their ass in the air to move things

>> No.38880399


I think it's time we all started to ask ourselves the hard questions here. Why is the Numberkeks thread such a bastion of faggotry? How is it that not a single person there is Hetero? Does posting there turn a man Homo, or is there something more sinister at work?

>> No.38880435

I've got no clue what these guys are on about, I've always been moving things like this.

>> No.38880469

>is there something more sinister
Yes. Freemasons and the Temple of Solomon havs infiltrated /vt/

>> No.38880470

>kson antis are just 2view femcels jealous that she's both hotter and more successful than them

>> No.38880524

Don't matter how you beautify the word, a whore is still a whore.

>> No.38880531

She was trying to be a little extra, doesn't make her a whore just because she is a woman and you are not.

>> No.38880586

Arching the back with the perfect angle for the camera? She was doing it on purpose. So much for talent freedom

>> No.38880615
File: 23 KB, 532x532, 8681832bd21e922a2635d9565f2f1ee98b56441b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't make me lust for anons again

>> No.38880707
File: 592 KB, 1657x2048, hakosbaels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So much for talent freedom
the talent is free to be dummy thicc

>> No.38880794
File: 687 KB, 1210x1349, 9917F7AF-D868-4EE1-A622-C6A80BD8624F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many 3DPD lovers in this thread

>> No.38880801

If you compare her to the average asian skeleton then yes

>> No.38880893

olympian tier mental gymnastics

>> No.38880937

Is Miguel el gato passing her screenshots of this board or what??

>> No.38880975

>Oopsie, just little ol' me moving a box *wiggles butt* gotta make sure I get it all the way *arches butt towards the camera* teehee

>> No.38880978
File: 812 KB, 4810x3206, 9k=(20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's popular, has 10/10 vtuber models, and her fans love her, yet she still feels the need to stick her ass out on a flesh stream

>> No.38881036

Man I miss Coco...
Ever since she got her talent freedom it feels like she's getting more and more mentally insecure.

>> No.38881113

stfu and post more ASS

>> No.38881142

This is the end-game of most women en vtubers. They cannot stand the fact that a character they play is what people love and not their 3dpd selves, and so will take any attempt to tear down the character and insert their irl selves into the content. Obviously this doesn't work all that well, so the mental illness inevitably ends up manifesting as coomerbait in desperation

>> No.38881351

I'm not saying she can't do it, it's her stream. But she is playing dumb about it to get positive affirmation from simps

>> No.38881359

Do you think reaper is moving that way?

>> No.38881577

She's a bit different in the sense that from the very beginning this was very clearly the goal. It's not due to some internal dissonance over the perception of the character vs their real self. It was always just a point of leverage in signal boosting to her - much more calculated.

>> No.38881662
File: 3.11 MB, 320x180, 1670827537603607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why a bit of fanservice is whoreish behaviour? She knows she's sexy and she's confident about it. If that is whore behaviour, then sure, I love whores. Doesnt mean people should be microanalysing her like this and complaining how "low she has fallen", etc. Just sounds like someone who never watched her before, a tranner or a crystal cafe escapee. That being said

シンプル AS

>> No.38881794

If you want to sell your body that’s fine, just own it. Don’t act all surprised when people call you a whore for acting like a whore.

>> No.38882423
File: 602 KB, 819x865, 1641264645836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder kson has been bitching about lost subscribers because she sold out to vshojo:


>> No.38882738

she's not selling her body, just like cleavage in a shonen anime isnt porn, but fanservice

>> No.38882749

>I don't know why they hate vsharts
Explains why she joined any corpo at all

>> No.38882834

>/#/ is full of bea and pippa fans
this explains a lot

>> No.38882899

>Paying attention to that whore
Are you retarded?

>> No.38882901

I don't use the numbers thread. I did unsub to her because of vshitshow though because fuck that company.

>> No.38883070


># is super gay
Yeah we all know that already

>> No.38883092

cool story

>> No.38883145

Whores are paid. Sluts do it for free.

>> No.38883235

I feel like big EN vtubers are insecure about not being "real streamers"

>> No.38883254

>fatsonkeks act like the chinks now

>> No.38883333


Kson has literally always streamed as herself and her behavior has never changed. The one suffering from mental illness is you, take your meds.

>> No.38883495

Wrong. The differences between a whore and slut are. One fucks for money the other does it for free. Kson did neither of those things in that video. And is funny all of you fags mentions whores and sluts since neither of you cunts would know a whore even if she sat on your face.

>> No.38883542

I think this is barking up the wrong tree. It's not being real/not being real, but rather the disconnect between the popularity of the kayfabe and the popularity of their "real self" whatever the fuck that means. Some talents actually *like* this disconnect (more common in JP) and it's a major reason as to why they even chose vtubing. It's not typical to be able to cope with it though, as is demonstrated historically with IRL celebs having breakdowns etc. for very similar reasons

>> No.38883572

if you have to fall on dictionary definitions to defend trashy behavior then you have already lost

>> No.38883753

What your doing on the internet badmouthing women who will never give you the time of the day is the only trashy behavior here. Now carry on with your day the world does not revolve around this basket weaving website and your hatred for women simply because you choose to act like a fucking retard then be surprised when other treat you as such you fucking hermit.

>> No.38883908

>AVtubers are sluts not whores
Literally wrong. They are are performing sexual acts for money, they are whoring themselves.
Your weird connotations has no reflection in the reality of either word's definition.

>> No.38883961

don't care it's a nice ass

>> No.38884031

heckin based I also let 4chan brainworms guide all my actions

>> No.38884056
File: 176 KB, 550x436, 1670939967066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What your doing on the internet badmouthing women who will never give you the time of the day

>> No.38884141

>muh 4chin
vshitjoke is hated everywhere

>> No.38884211

Is that why they still get 5x the CCV as your shitty here tuber?

>> No.38884268

I don't speak nigger language sorry

>> No.38884345

Is this the best you can do? Grow up child.

>> No.38884370

Glad you admit you have no argument. I'm sorry your oshi was so shitty she couldn't even make rent sucking chan dick.

>> No.38884397
File: 476 KB, 608x597, 1649335271515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legitimately don't get this. Why do girls try to hide the fact that they want attention and to be seen as attractive so much?
It's like those e-girls that wear slutty clothing but then say please stop sexualising me.
Are they just ashamed because deep down they know that's the only thing they're good for?

>> No.38884414
File: 886 KB, 1500x1390, ethan ralph killstream gunt 2020 profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kson is the ethan ralph of vtubing.
if you still support her after all the retarded snaking she did, you are a gullible sychophant.

>> No.38884491

Woman are STUNNING and BRAVE and we are all equal

Also please take it easy on them

>> No.38884624

If you don't support her you are a bug. Simple as.

>> No.38884694

nobody knows who that is except you mongoloid pippa fans

>> No.38884723

Jesus anon maybe you should take a break from this website if you're gonna let a little sexism spike your blood pressure like this

>> No.38884733

based fatsonshitfartkekfag

>> No.38884759

>Why is she baiting for attention so much?
Why is a woman baiting attention?

>> No.38884768
File: 490 KB, 553x875, 1670941118345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, little pal. Im sure you'll get rewarded with pussy one day. Any time now.

>> No.38884780

I think she is just becoming more confident. She seemed content living behind an avatar even before holo.

>> No.38884804

I don't see how it's sexist. If a guy did what Kson does I would also call that trashy. Women simply can't go a day without pretending that trashy behavior is trashy behavior, simple as

>> No.38884828
File: 17 KB, 398x356, 1668868415981845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she'll break down on stream again if people actually started flooding her chat with messages calling her a whore? That'd be funny to see. I'd like to see her post more condescending "don't like don't watch" stuff first though for maximum irony and this time there's no kanata to hug her so we get the full experience

>> No.38884869

don't use friend for these posts dramafag
she hates you and your kind more than anything on this earth

>> No.38884910

Tatsunokos should be giving her enough support for the shit she does so that she doesn't give a shit about the antis.
What the fuck are you guys doing?

>> No.38884953

>What the fuck are you guys doing?

>> No.38885067

Do people not know she was a cosplay streamer first? Would they be surprised if started showing cleavage on Nico?

>> No.38885169

She spent 20 HOURS opening gifts from us. Also she's laughing at antis just like we are.

>> No.38885184

She didn’t take the shock collar she had before. She’s letting her intrusive thoughts take control.

>> No.38885261

>gay tranny screeching because they can't tolerate seeing a real woman

>> No.38885513

I loved coco but this is just getting out of hand...
Why is she acting like this bros?
She's turning into kanye...

>> No.38885622

>She's turning into kanye...
I wonder what she thinks about hitler...

>> No.38885674

>yeh own thoseee antisss slayyy them kweennn
the absolute state you faggots deserve every bad things happen to you lol
no wonder she's like that

>> No.38885987

Laughing at antis is still acknowledging them. She honestly shouldn't do anything with them at all she, or you guys, really care about her mental wellbeing.

>> No.38886454

You clearly weren't here when Bae had her off mic yab about a year ago.

>> No.38886674

Even if you think that's a trend, I don't think it applies specifically here because Kson was a regular streamer before she became a vtuber, so going back to regular streaming was normal for her. It's why we know her as Kson to begin with, she was the cosplay lady before she was Coco.

>> No.38886766

.>If they are shitting on you, you should shut up and keep your head down.
No wonder this place is full of betas who think they are cool for typing buzzwords like kek or shart

>> No.38886797

I don't think she really hides it. I think it's more of a
>girl uses body to attract people
>hopes they'll see her for more than just her body
>gets upset when that never happens

>> No.38886847

For the sake of clarification I mean that the girl hopes people will see her for more than her body after actually spending time with her and getting to know her, not right away.

>> No.38887796

Who's they? 5 Random twitter users? What exactly does acknowledging those irrelevant twitter users accomplish?

>> No.38888411

whores get in the right position without thinking, please understand

>> No.38888497

OK but what would anal sex with Kson be like?

>> No.38888649


This shit should be deleted in seconds

>> No.38888878

What is with her inability to just ignore what others are saying about her? She sperged and overreacted about being called fat and now this. Was she always this sensitive?

>> No.38888936

the fat stuff was a joke you autist

>> No.38888971

>You have to make a fuss and play victim everytime some strangers throw meaningless insults at you.
Woman moment.

>> No.38889000

sure it was

>> No.38889120

*money counting machine whirring in the background*

>> No.38889165

Painful, she has a huge dick

>> No.38889169

she doesn't swear when she's actually upset
you would understand jokes were if you weren't so indonesian and autistic

>> No.38889178

Her being a regular cosplay streamer beforehand is actually a big reason why I think this trend applies so much in her case. Imagine how it feels that the thing that made you famous was when you weren't even acting as yourself anymore despite all the grinding and sexual appeal you leveraged

>> No.38889202

>someone called her fat
>tweets about it several times and uploads pictures just to prove she isn't fat
>just a joke
Weird cope. It clearly bothered her for her to go that far.

>> No.38889295

she's so upset that she made the fatson picture into a twitch emote and weighed herself live on stream yesterday

>> No.38889297

That's not what Yagoo said

>> No.38889302

She took the joke really seriously considering she started going to the gym right afterward

>> No.38889336

"right afterward" = 3 months later

>> No.38889358

It's also her 2 years member badge on youtube lol

>> No.38889739

I mean, if she was still upset about it today then she'd have real issues. She was clearly upset at the time the comments were made though, as evidenced by how she couldn't stop talking about it and even had to post pictures of herself. I don't understand why you're trying this hard to deny reality. She took it in stride and made it into an emote yes, but that wasn't her initial reaction to it. It's a fact that she has a hard time ignoring antis and shitposters. Her simply addressing these kind of things proves that it gets to her on some level. If it truly didn't bother her she'd just ignore it.

>> No.38889905

If she don't show her face, she ain't a whore, simple as

>> No.38889931

if she was upset she wouldn't have said "who u callin fat mfs"
it would have been way more verbose in a members post like the times when she's actually upset
you clearly don't know anything about her except for whatever /#/ tries to paint her as

>> No.38890050

>she isn't upset because she didn't act this specific way that she sometimes does
>what do you mean people aren't robots programmed to react the same way every time?
Anon you might be autistic

>> No.38890181

>Vtubers out of context
>A clip of her without her model

>> No.38890196

>the person joking around is clearly having a mental breakdown
>how do i know this? the people in my favorite anime girl number counting thread told me so!
>you don't agree with me??? autist!!!!!!

>> No.38890337

Were you not here for the Mori lean saga?

>> No.38890989

>upset=mental breakdown

>> No.38891047

>is clearly having a mental breakdown
Noone said this. Being bothered by something=/=having a mental breakdown. The fact this is the only way you interpreted this only proves that anon's theory right; you're autistic.

>> No.38891203

i'm sorry i actually watch her instead of reading indonesian fanfics about her

>> No.38891746

If I dont get to fuck her after paying, she ain't a whore. She's at worst a stripper

>> No.38892223

Lotta projection here. I have 2 kids btw.

>> No.38892294

If you support her, you’re a bug. Simple as.

>> No.38892371

She let your simpgift sit there unopened so she could go on twatter to seethe about being called a whore by one rando, and she went to sleep that night seething over it, and woke up and tweeted about it some more lol

>> No.38892441

She has gotten more sensitive for sure, but it’s understandable. She btfo a whole continent after all and has been hassled for over a year by thousands now. She’s a bit on edge.

>> No.38892563

She doesn't go to the gym

>> No.38892978
File: 2.86 MB, 640x800, ducky.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi everyone im back from prison

>> No.38893175

My god, this is disgusting.
What is the timing so I can be more disgusted?

>> No.38894091

Here's the exact moment you're going to want to avoid

>> No.38895067

Please just ignore the bullies.
And please ksontards, stop encouraging her to engage with bullies.

>> No.38895294

I noticed that too OP and i assume she sed it because she will get the attention she wants regardless of the truth i truly miss old Kson the one that flashed her ass in a 2B cosplay and didn't have a fucking breakdown about it on twitter.

>> No.38895310

>Totally by accident guys, I swear

She even looks at the camera to see if she had a good angle and moves to the left a little bit so we can watch her ass and feet better, what a whore. She should drop her stupid model and just be a normal hot tuber already, I am sure she will have better earnings with that.

>> No.38895363

God she really fell from grace, didn't she

>> No.38895410

>Kson is mostly beloved aside from an occasional chinese troll
>She talks shit about nijisanji
>Suddenly there's bait threads being made every hour
as expected from anychina

>> No.38895699

She tweeted about that and made a stream talking about it, but that was before numbernonkeys called everything she does a breakdown so it was different apparently.

>> No.38896449
File: 25 KB, 387x251, 1670958749768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kson is mostly beloved aside from an occasional chinese troll
>she's mostly beloved aside from the people that don't like her

>> No.38896659

She wasn't trying to gaslight people with lies when she tweeted about it before she was laughing at it with the fans taking it in stride there is a big difference.

>> No.38896774

Dont read
Look that perfect ass

>> No.38896847

It is a nice ass one cant deny that

>> No.38896946

I wish I had the money and space for a HG Neo Zeong.

>> No.38897061


>> No.38897135

>small ass
Why is this even a discourse?

>> No.38897195

Why are we hyping up Asian women with barely any ass at all?

>> No.38897252
File: 1.09 MB, 1169x855, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38897348


>> No.38897471
File: 185 KB, 415x342, 1616338563830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to snort the farts right out of that ass. Kanata used to complain about her rancid farts. Yes please.

>> No.38897588


>> No.38897602


>> No.38897947

I mean honestly it can also be a way to just lazily push a box if you're already sitting like that, you don't have to adjust your legs

the biggest nothing burger as usual regardless of intent though, if you're a vtuber expect the worst because the job inherently attracts the sad and lonely audience

>> No.38898047

Don't use my deceased daughter to shitpost

>> No.38898315

crush rotten eggs teriyaki barbecue sauce mixed hamburger and dump a whole thing of Nakamura meat magic of spices maximum powder and mix it together and let it set in the sunlight for a day i bet its pretty close maybe also add some dominos pizza in for good measure.

>> No.38898665
File: 2.66 MB, 1112x1249, 1642798186840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was exactly the same, anon, you just have a selective memory. You didn't mind back then because you weren't a tribalist sperg yet. Or maybe you just didn't know about it at all since she didn't tweet about it in English.

>> No.38898797


>> No.38898848

literally just another twitchthot at this point
>teehee don't look at my butt you silly boys *sticks her butt in your face*

>> No.38898971
File: 2.89 MB, 960x540, robutt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38899063
File: 1.33 MB, 960x1080, 1669298777048914.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teehee don't look at my butt you silly boys *sticks her butt in your face*

>> No.38899186

Literally who

>> No.38899198

holy shit I hate women

>> No.38899427

I unironically enjoy it when whores do this

>> No.38899438 [DELETED] 

LMFAO not like this anon not the clip nigger defence gaslighting just like she is i speak better nip than you could dream of you faggot 外国ゴミ !

>> No.38899451
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Oneesans_Butts.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She knows what she's doing.
Sadly she doesn't know
I watched both streams while working because I had nothing else to watch and it was a comfy time watching a cute girl moving around
I didn't think bad of her even though I wanted to fuck her the whole time
She is a nice person and I hope she can handle your chinkout

God bless cute butts.

>> No.38899575

your post made this appear on my incognito mode youtube tab
>Elon Musk Booed in Front of Thousands, Blames Woke Mind Virus?!

>> No.38899770


>> No.38899774

>can't understand what she's saying
what's the point?

>> No.38899932

kanata's aunt

>> No.38900325

>Oh no I lost 3k. Quick let's say it's because the internet thinks I'm a whore. That will boost the numbers!

>> No.38900415 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2022-12-13-20h48m46s610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38900482

I thought she got called a whore for showing her anus?

>> No.38900584


>> No.38901081

Hooly shit dude... I need to archive this stream for future generations.

>> No.38901128

Kson is the Mussolini of vtubers.

>> No.38901157

>I was just moving a box
At least she knows how stupid he audience is

>> No.38901219
File: 116 KB, 1065x1126, FXywew_acAAcoaV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see flesh/vtuber hybrid done right, watch Unou

>> No.38901463

i will now watch your oshi

>> No.38901612
File: 1.17 MB, 220x173, hololive-twerk (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A skill she learned in a past life

>> No.38901705

There’s no way you guys find this hot.

>> No.38901817

Is there roastbeef under there? Looking silky smooth otherwise.

>> No.38902207

This whole time I thought she was just doing that shit for vtubing, you mean to tell me she acts like that irl??

>> No.38902251

Imagine the smell

>> No.38902353


>> No.38902577

>not a vtuber
>still up after 14 hours

>> No.38902624

>he doesn't know what website he's on

>> No.38902689

Are you retarded?

>> No.38902758

a lot of the mods are SEA and therefore hate kson
i got banned for posting a picture of her cosplaying as her avatar
i also got banned for posting a picture of south east asian children in an internet cafe with no text whatsoever

>> No.38902838

IRL Kson is not a vtuber, nor is Norio, nor is Unou's roommate. This is the vtuber board not the roommate board.

>> No.38902891

Are you?

>> No.38903189

>stream getting mass reported
Where's the stream bros????
I need to archive it to mega fast

>> No.38904540

>dd thread gets deleted in under a minute
really makes you thunk

>> No.38905154

they're right

>> No.38905835
File: 1.23 MB, 1341x753, 1668053361143697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K-son and various other e-thots are giving me a clear picture as to why old whores like cher, stevie nicks and madonna still exist. Some women just never forget that time when they were young and hot and keep trying to relive the magic, even when they are 90% plastic.

>> No.38906212


>> No.38906696

All of you faggots need to eat glass. I mean that in the nicest way possible. Eat shards of glass.

>> No.38906817

like niggers no one cares about chinks. the world would genuinely be a better place if a billion chinese fucking died.

>> No.38907220

why are you gay? eat glass faggot
