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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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43694631 No.43694631 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone seen my wife pikamee?

>> No.43697114
File: 223 KB, 515x316, Pikameeonthejob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've just seen her on her new job!

>> No.43699554
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there she is

>> No.43699664

She’s just playing hogwarts anon

>> No.43699729

I can't believe she became a Genshin character.

>> No.43699741

Her friends say she's fine. I think her dad came to visit from the states

>> No.43699755


>> No.43699850
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>> No.43699880

seems like a nice girl
shame about what happened
hope she comes back soon

>> No.43699987

>goes around molesting all the lolis
That I can believe.

>> No.43700019

The Vwhorejos killed her.

>> No.43700059

Imagine being weak enough to get bullied by the rainbow brigade. Hope she comes back with a thicker skin.

>> No.43700091

She joined TERFSIS
They're training somewhere on Fujisan

>> No.43700667
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>pika's last stream was about her visiting fujiQ with her girlfriend

>> No.43700735
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>> No.43701071

The troons killed her.

>> No.43701160

She's going JP only after EN twitter attacked her.

>> No.43701163

Husband now after the trannies finish the forced surgery on her

>> No.43701184

Wait? What happened to the funny kettle?

>> No.43701229

Streamed hogwarts wizard game. Twitter had a meltdown and attacked her. She hasn't been seen since, almost 2 weeks now.

>> No.43701841

Bitch got what she deserved

>> No.43702046

I saw her at the baskin robins, ordering the usual.

>> No.43702200

No, remember, Pika is on the diet and doing the exercising, sou.

>> No.43702263

Hang yourself.

>> No.43702480

don't post it

>> No.43702524

And why streaming HP game was a big issue? I'mnot into twitter drama and just come to /vt/ to get porn, but I really like pika and saw this thread.

>> No.43702624

Troons attacked her because she played the wizard game.

>> No.43702664

Creator of the HP franchise said some controversial things. The usual suspects ran with the logic of "if you support the game in any way, you support their views." Pika does not comprehend the retardation of the West so she probably took the outrage seriously and went into hiding. This is also right after coming back from a break from being depressed.

>> No.43702680

Hopefully Pika pulls a Silvervale and let the trannies fuck themselves over.

>> No.43702820

Did she even play it? I thought that she got harassed before she got the chance to.

>> No.43702846

She'll be alright, she'll be back soon when she thinks the troons have fucked off and tell her viewers that shes been playing hogwarts off stream
her thinking is probably along the lines of;
>if I keep my head down for a bit the danger will pass
and it will because internet troons have the memory of goldfish

>> No.43703540


>> No.43703720
File: 2.26 MB, 2500x1536, 191877D1-4EF7-40F1-95DA-7BD5F08F0923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

>All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

>Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

>You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

>Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

>This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.43704780

she always had a big, juicy, thick futa cock

>> No.43706158

Pika's massive pp...

>> No.43706287

Lmao, all the seething Chuds
Pikamee will never play the game and deservedly. All of you tourist just want to own the group
Go fucking watch big titty fox girl

>> No.43706360

Nigga no one cares about that game anymore. >we just want Pika back.

>> No.43706473

She's waiting for (You) to stop and just use silvervale for your culture war

>> No.43706630

She's been back, not steadily tho
Now shut up tourist

>> No.43706857
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Damn anon becareful you might cause the 41% to become 45% reading this.
But funny enough most of this is very very true, normies don't like tranny's at all and just "tolerate" them because they have to.

>> No.43706931
File: 322 KB, 1500x1500, 20230222_225306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us your money, zako tranny

>> No.43707031

different anon, but why are you lying? she's been radio silent ever since the trannies got her

>> No.43707299

Do your reps tourist

>> No.43707421

Saying that perverted men who dress like women arent women is in no way controversial. Twitter troons are insane

>> No.43707553

ah, so you're mentally disabled, gotcha

>> No.43707917

You lost chud
Pikamee has real trans friends and she's a real kind hearted person unlike you

>> No.43707918

Well yeah, but try explaining that to them.

>> No.43707955

under my desk, why

>> No.43708594

The trannies are trying to downplay their harassement campaign now that it’s clear that they’ve not only lost in the attempted boycott of HWL but also lost the support of a bunch of normies in the process.

>> No.43708677

yeah, in suicide forest. Expect her in the next logan paul video.

>> No.43708693


>> No.43708770

they opened pandora's box to allow so many people to rag on future releases and products because everything has a controversial tie to it.
come back tea kettle

>> No.43708902

> Pikamee has real trans friends and she's a real kind hearted person unlike you

I’m sure she’s very supportive of the people who bullied her into hiding for the crime of playing a video game.

>> No.43708942

I know this will do nothing but those trannies aren't the ones that spammed her on twitter

>> No.43709017

I miss her

>> No.43709113

This is why if you're Japanese you don't foster a tranny Amerimutt fanbase.

>> No.43709542
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>> No.43709707

Still seething eh.

>> No.43709844 [DELETED] 


>> No.43710053

Nice bait kiddo, got me for a second.

>> No.43710151

Based, lovely shy fit hafu kettle will be real.

>> No.43710229

We should make a term to refer to harmful trannies, just like Incel and TERF but for people who WNBAW.

>> No.43710354

Age 10 should read "groomed by tranny" or something like that

>> No.43710449

Or emotionally disturbed/traumatized, a good portion of em had a life changing event that pushed them that way, sometime it is just some dude telling them "You x like a girl" or an actual serious situation got to them, so many variables for such disorders...

>> No.43710732

More commonly nowadays it's being pushed by some authority figure, either a parent wanting the current year version of a purse dog, or a principal/shrink in a public school.

>> No.43710991

What happened to her?

>> No.43711143

>normies don't like tranny's at all and just "tolerate" them
True. Especially given that literally everyone knows by now that playing the wizard game means that you don't give a shit about trannies at all and the run away success of the game despite this and being released on relatively limited platforms like PS5 and Xbox Series X/S indicates to me that what you say is undoubtedly true.

What's even funnier is that the backlash to this game is reminding everyone why they can't stand all these mentally ill manchildren.

>> No.43711545

ayooooooo is that streetwalker pikamee?!?!??

>> No.43711711

bullied off the internet by twitter freaks

>> No.43711718

>emotionally disturbed/traumatized
If that was true, everyone would have been transgender during WW2. The most common case of this mental illness are parents or other figures of authority grooming them.

>> No.43711813
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>have paranoia
>get told that you're right and everyone is in fact out to get you
>have depression
>get told to kill yourself
>think you're a woman
>they tell you to lop your fucking dick off and go on hormones
Only one of these things happens in real life.

>> No.43711907

Actually depressed people with enough disabilities might be told euthanasia is an option

>> No.43712189


>> No.43713862

Just be Canadian, you don't even need the depression or disabilities.

>> No.43714710

what if pika stays away so long that she realizes that being a functional member of society is more fun than vtubing...

>> No.43714775

>being a functional member of society

>> No.43714944
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>functioning member of society

>> No.43718988
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She been busy working out with her gf Agomee

>> No.43719861

Social media training arc with her sensei Kson
what could go wrong?

>> No.43723984

>pika comes back with giant tits and completely unfiltered

>> No.43724171

She is STILL missing?

>> No.43724334

Nah, it's just the current hip thing teenagers do for attention. It is, unironically, just a phase. Though HRT and surgeries are actually harmful compared to dressing all black and listening to death metal.

>> No.43724469

Yeah having a large population of zoomer eunuchs is going to be interesting in 10 years.

>> No.43724739

>If you don't like it then frick you and don't come back dayo

>> No.43725645


>> No.43727941

She didn't even stream the game, she said she was going to play it

>> No.43728000
File: 104 KB, 220x222, peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is just a bunch of people being toxic
>oh no our smol bean uwu someone said slightly mean thing to her!!
never change /v/

>> No.43728989

Not really that interesting DESU, more than half will be dead by their own hand at this point, half of wha is left will be dead because of complications of the traitment (not for nothing sportmans who take homones have far shorter lifespan) and the rest will be just the minority of a minority, also running full speed to the end of a short lifespan. What will be interesting is the people who have supported/contribued to the hecatomb, will they be judged for their crimes or will it be a perfect crime?

>> No.43729370

Damn, troons really nuked her will

>> No.43729926

she gone

>> No.43730328

The troon deathsquad got her.

>> No.43730886

Lol that last pic.
Holy KEK haha xD

>> No.43731263
File: 640 KB, 564x840, 1660400915037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that's good.

>> No.43731269


>> No.43731464

You're just upset that virtual women are more cute and valid than fake women.

>> No.43731476

The key thing to remember is that all of these trannies are MEN. Women don't transition. There's no social power in being a MALE so they faff about with non-binary bullshit or games with pronouns. Zoomers will have the opposite of China's problem- too many women, not enough men. That's really going to lead to some interesting times.

>> No.43733481

>The key thing to remember is that all of these trannies are MEN.
Historically this is true, but there are a tragic number of young girls right now getting their tits hacked off because girls are vastly more vulnerable to social pressure than boys are.

I basically think of it as two groups. The adult perverts and the twitter freaks are almost entirely men larping as women, but a very large percentage of little kids currently getting groomed into transworld are girls. They're not as visible a group right now because they're mostly still minors and not as obnoxiously loud, but it's very real.

>> No.43733672

I hope she's playing Howarts and having a great time

>> No.43735237

being a canadian is a disability
