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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4383648 No.4383648 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight, the "bad people" on this board are usually the doxxposters, antis, discordfags, trannies, SEAniggers, falseflaggers, rrat makers, and newfag redditors right? So who are the ones that are considered to be the "good guys"? Are they the Unityposters, The jannies, Goslingposters, and ritualposters?

>> No.4383685

KFP are the bad guys, everyone else are the good guys

>> No.4383720


>> No.4383749

That dude that summarizes Okayu's streams

>> No.4383788

Unironically the trannies.

>> No.4383789 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4383798

Concernfags, Saviorfags and that guy that links all the chubbas that are live

>> No.4383873

There are no good guys on 4chan

>> No.4383883 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4383898

The only good people are the ones that just lurk and never post.

>> No.4383934


>> No.4383972 [DELETED] 
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OP here, I forgot to mention why I asked this question. The reason is because im bored af rn and Im doing this little stupid vocaroo project where I read some of joker's lines in tdk. But i changed some of the lines and words and replace them with /vt/ related shit. I've already finished a couple of scripts.

>> No.4383974

>bad guys
You need to be over 18 to post on this board kids, go suck yo mama tits and comeback later

>> No.4383980

The only remotely good people are the saviorfags, Vsingers, and JP indie posters. But they are so few and far in between they might as well not exist.

>> No.4383995

Thanks for your blog! Very cool!

>> No.4384017


>> No.4384020

>saviorfag is good

Look at the state of thread they made, LOOK AT ANYA THREADS

>> No.4384125

Depends on who you ask but I think that Unity posters are the least hated overall so they would make up for a good candidate

>> No.4384211
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People that create Shartemis threads and then bump them with no discussion about the streams. They're the scum of the earth.

>> No.4384266

Takobro, Ayamefriend, HFZOP, that one Towaposter, anyone who makes good OC or is funny or entertaining in some other ultimately harmless way

If you are looking for a 'faction', then unityposters would be the closest I think

>> No.4384290 [DELETED] 
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check em

>> No.4384331

Unity posters and Nekkos are the closest this board comes to "good" factions.

>> No.4384354
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Don't worry anon I'll redeem you by getting these doubles

>> No.4384418

vshojo simps are bad guys. vshojo antis are good.

>> No.4384454

No me

>> No.4384468

Kek, good joke.

>> No.4384486

Anyone who just wants to have fun and share the experience with other anons without taking things too seriously

>> No.4384729

I just try to be positive about the tubers I like, generally ignore the ones I don't care about and spend too much time arguing with people over the worrying amount of shitty attitudes. I guess I white knight a little but It just irks me when people are being assholes.

>> No.4384817

>bad people
The ones that disagree with me
>good people
The ones that agree with me
Now go back

>> No.4384856

>good people
>bad people
Everyone that got into vtubers after /vt/ was made

>> No.4384978

OC makers and artists
/wvt/ /here/
independent and small startups supporters and fans
speculation threads

Basically anyone supporting or helping small content creators and beginners

>> No.4385005

>So who are the ones that are considered to be the "good guys"?
Anyone that truly loves their oshi.

>> No.4385037

There are no "good" people on 4chan, everyone is faggot to some degree

>> No.4385062

bad - the drama and complainers (about teenage girls doing their best to entertain people on the internet)

good - people who enjoy their oshi and just have fun

>> No.4385139


>> No.4385183

the lurkers

>> No.4385247

>anyone who enjoys Artemis
Fixed it for you, bucko.

>> No.4385264
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Brosnanposters are the good guys

>> No.4385303

Unironically unityposters, no one has anything negative to say about them since they love all girls

>> No.4385321

>Who are the good guys?
Unironically the trolls and shit stirrers that drive schizos crazy for my entertainment.

Fuck you. Watamelon is the true evil that lurks on this board.

>> No.4385334

These! But also Risu

>> No.4385366

split thread plebs ?

>> No.4385389

Good people are those who just enjoy their oshi and don't care about anything else

>> No.4385490

Pretty simple actually
>annoying orange posting tourists
>wojak and pepe posters
>thread derailers
>people who shitpost in threads for vtubers they don't like
>meta events and OC are generally done in good faith
>people who are just entertained by their favourites
>anyone else
It's harder to name the "good" since it's a lot easier to be a net-detriment to the board than a contributor. "Neutral" is fine though.

>> No.4385667
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I am the good guy. its all me
everyone else is the bad guys

>> No.4385816


>> No.4386025


>> No.4386092

The good guys are the straight males who take their meds
The bad guys are everyone else, especially the lgbt freaks

>> No.4386182
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Me. I support vtubers regardless of what company they work for, I don't shitpost, I do my reps, I'm not schizophrenic, I don't doxxpost, I don't care about numbers, and most importantly - if I see something I don't like, I ignore it and move on with my life.
Be like me, fagit.

>> No.4386193

I am over 18 but I'd like to suck your mama's tits is that allowed?

>> No.4386210

>I support vtubers
>I'm not schizophrenic

>> No.4386441

Chumbatman, the band of Orcs, and the Doxxposter-doxxposters are the food guys.

>> No.4386626

Fuck off chumbat

>> No.4386650

Sorry, but I could only wish to be that based.

>> No.4386664


>> No.4386685
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rrat chads are the anti-heroes of the board. Sometimes they play the villain, sometimes they play the hero. Their motivations are beyond your understanding.

>> No.4386690

>being an actual psychopath stalker is based
You seem to be lost. Lolcow is that way.

>> No.4386697

All me, naturally.

>> No.4386732

I kneel, Rrat-sama...

>> No.4386775


>> No.4386827

Only a schizo who has anything to be afraid of would respond like this. He is our silent protector. Not the hero Gura needs, but the one she deserves.
assuming he's still around.

>> No.4386837

truth is we're all bad people
just by different degrees anon

>> No.4386885


>> No.4386894

You're fucking retarded. He's a literal gurame schizo cuck who wants the roommates to get together. He stalks Gura.

>> No.4386924

>bad guys
everyone who shitposts here without contributing anything of value, like you and me

>> No.4387273

The good guys are all in the pekora global thread

>> No.4387449

Literally everyone who frequents this board is an annoying containment breaching faggot

>> No.4388242
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>containment breaching
I dont even sub to any vtuber, never commented, chatted or donated. sorry but I dont even have a youtube account. I am secured

>> No.4388400

Holofightz OP is peak great poster he just wants to watch some scuffed AI wrassling with the board and listen to some jammers doing it.

>> No.4388425

pochi poster. I will masturbate to her art

>> No.4388583

cute feet posters

>> No.4388703

The only good guys are the numberchads. They realize that the entire point of streaming is to get viewers and if you aren't getting viewers you are worthless.

>> No.4388859

Me, I'm the only good guy in this entire board. Once I'm gone the entire board will explode into endless shitposting and the final yab will commence.

>> No.4394678

This but with deadbeats instead
t. deadbeat

>> No.4394711

Aki would of quit Hololive without them. So yes, when turned into loyal fans, they are good.

>> No.4395332

while there is a lot of toxicity here, thats only on the surface and a vocal minority, most threads are comfy

>> No.4395401

DO not believe this. Every thread here is disgusting.

>> No.4395522

The good people are too busy actually watching streams of their oshis to post a lot here.

>> No.4395648

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/4454804
