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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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45007664 No.45007664 [Reply] [Original]

Watch your angel wife play wizard game.

>> No.45008519 [DELETED] 

might as well just speedrun this thread
heres Nene's roommate

>> No.45008587

The game is mid as fuck
Harry Potter is for children and libtards

>> No.45008825


>> No.45008852

Zoomer hands typed this post.

>> No.45008925 [DELETED] 

She's japanese? she speaks good english

>> No.45008987


>> No.45009155 [DELETED] 

She pulled an Ariana granday

>> No.45009349

She licked donuts in a donut shop? If so I wish I was there to buy them all.

>> No.45009720 [DELETED] 

Fuck is wrong with her eyelids?

>> No.45009955 [DELETED] 

nice ass

>> No.45009965
File: 3.92 MB, 603x548, 1643421574441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched her on twitch a couple times because Yuu Asakawa raided her. Damn I should've figured this roommate out years ago from the voice.

>> No.45010234

None of you actually like Harry Potter. You just pretend to to own the troons. Before JK went full TERF, you all hated it for being childish and being beloved amongst feminists and liberal women.

>> No.45010507

Many millenials who are around 30 now were young when Harry Potter came out. It was very popular for kids in its time. There's a lot of people who have fond memories of it, grew out of it, and now have nostalgia for it.

>> No.45010789

I read the first book when it came out, my mom gave it to me.

>> No.45010835

How young are you? Harry potter was the star wars trilogy for most millennials.

>> No.45010891

And then you grew up and realized it was fucking garbage

>> No.45011033

Whatever you say tranny

>> No.45011249

That's being a teenager, when you actually grow up you go back to appreciating fiction aimed at children for what they are, now that you're out of your formative years and most fiction purporting as deep is just a different shade of "good things good, bad things bad", especially in the current age of extreme partisan moralism.
So you revisit a work trying to evoke childlike wonder, and the nostalgia hits full force, because it's not nostalgia for the fiction, it's nostalgia for a time, a snapshot of culture that you see as better. That's how nostalgia works.
It's not just "I clapped when I see childhood thing". People with rough childhoods can still feel nostalgia because they're able to see the bigger picture beyond their own personal family experience.

>> No.45011362

Just delete the entire thread.

>> No.45011516

You failed already Nene Schizo. Just give up.

>> No.45012045

Wow she's actually good looking, you just made Nene better for me.
Always fear these GFE chuubas end up being ugos.

>> No.45012125

Not tranny. Just hate garbage literature.

>> No.45012788
File: 251 KB, 512x512, 1662405022424546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rowling is no Tolkien but she's very good. HP will still be read 200 years from now. I never watched the movies or played any video games, but I did reread HP as an adult a few years ago. I don't consider myself a fan.

>> No.45013017

I like Harry potter, but this is a distinction without a difference.

>> No.45013241

Well, I don't like it that much myself. But thinking fiction aimed at children is "garbage" is absolutely teenager behavior.
It's not normal to feel this strongly for it, it's either good for what it is, bad even for what it is, or something you don't think about at all. "Fucking garbage" is a charged statement by either someone who hasn't fully developed their emotional and intellectual maturity, or someone who has a stake on this culture war they're hiding to not have their opinion discarded.

>> No.45013717

I was talking about nostalgia. It almost always evokes some kind of connection to an idealized time. Even when you're clapping at the millennium falcon because you saw star wars as a kid.

>> No.45013931

Right, but that's what I said, it's nostalgia for a better time, it's not just fiction itself. It's why it's so powerful in the first place, and why people use phrases like "rose tinted glasses". We're no longer judging the fiction by itself, in isolation.
But I'd argue that for something to evoke that, it has to meet a baseline of quality. There's no shortage of crap that came out that same time that won't be people's vehicle to experience nostalgia of the period. I don't subscribe to the notion that nostalgia is bad and must be isolated from our experiences as much as possible. I think it's great.
It's not "objective quality", but what is?

>> No.45014585

Crap can evoke nostalgia. Not just in entertainment. I knew a poor guy who loved awful canned food like Vienna sausages because it reminded him of his childhood.

>> No.45014944

But try it yourself. Watch a movie that evokes like, new Hollywood like Zardoz without actually being good. Or a bad Eddie Murphy movie. Whatever you like. See if it doesn't evoke nostalgia too.

>> No.45018944

Go damn it when you said angel i thought you meant Nazuna.

>> No.45019072

>GFE whore is now belatedly trying to get a piece of the pickme crowd
Many such cases

>> No.45019641


>> No.45020023

Harry Potter was enjoyed by normal people long before the author decided "Ackchyually Dumbledore was gay and I never said Hermione *wasn't* black".

>> No.45020639


>> No.45020771

I identify as super-straight. Try again you brainrotted vthot enabler.

>> No.45027607

>You just pretend to to own the troons.
theyre pretty terrible and in need of owning

>> No.45028820

Nice job retard, dont shill her here. Unless if was your intention to get her doxxed, if thats the case fuck you

>> No.45028966

Really you're trying again? You aren't getting the thread deleted just let it go troon.

>> No.45029287

>None of you actually like Harry Potter. You just pretend to to own the troons.
Yes. And?

>> No.45029442

holy based.
fuck twitter, fuck retards, and fuck harry potter.
being on any side of this bullshit is a god damn mistake.

>> No.45029977

I enjoy Harry Potter because it's a book I read as a kid but I'm not such a huge fan that I need to play the game myself. However, I support my oshi's choice to stream the game because she's a big fan of the series and will shit on twitter troon for trying to stop her due to the author or w/e. Imo, J.K rowling slightly lower the quality the series, especially toward the end, with her liberal view and pettiness/self unsert but that didn't even make me hate the series. I like Animorph more than HP despite the author being a troon supporters and allows one of her kid to become a troon.

>> No.45031251

No, it was cool, there was lots of weird magical shit. The only thing I dislike was Harry Potter being some kind of chosen one character, would've been better if he had adventures without that.

>> No.45033277

That's not Nazutan

>> No.45035194

You got it the wrong away around retard. The audience has changed.

>> No.45035255

Harry Potter is just bargain earthsea m8

>> No.45035362

>None of you actually like one of the most popular franchises of all time. You're just being contraian fucks to own le trannies

>> No.45035393

where is this whore you speak of?
you mean veibae?

>> No.45035462

Ah yes, most watched game on twitch to own the troons.
Also why the fuck are they only going after woman? Havn't seen them haras men yet. Are they incels or what?

>> No.45036808

