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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46056624 No.46056624 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>45910560

>> No.46056723

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46056816

meh I don't watch choripaneras

>> No.46056918

i love himea and i only watch choripaneras

>> No.46056922

Ah, finally the good thread

>> No.46056986

Don't associate Himea with that word.

>> No.46057001 [DELETED] 
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>> No.46057063

but choripanes are nice...

>> No.46057169
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>> No.46057192

Yes, but choripaneros/as are not.

>> No.46057216
File: 40 KB, 720x720, 1679937417605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI Anon, a Himea like this please

>> No.46057284

This never happened.

>> No.46057517

it did, but whatever you want to believe

>> No.46057633

and that's why Sezia is the only Wactor girl worth watching.

>> No.46057706

Himea never said anything about a "male friend", she was always careful about that kind of stuff.
Maybe you are refereeing when she used to interact with Nara?

>> No.46057708

Doesn't matter, og marshmallow bros knew her coomer behavior very well and were aware of her interactions with male vtubers.
This is why it was ridiculous to lose our minds over a possible ex, or how she acted on a year long space.
The past doesn't matter, /we/ OG marshmallow bros accepted it, the present does.

>> No.46057777

>*collabs and gets obsessed with Ayato*

>> No.46058052

Agreed, just pointing out that she knows what she wants as her content now. Proof is the last collab being careful asf when talking
it wasnt an interaction, just a dumb joke

>> No.46058067

I have somewhere around a screenshot of a tweet from hers somewhere between May or June 2022.
She already wanted her fans to treat her as their wife. And guessing on how she called her PL fans "Darlings"
I suspect she always wanted to go for the GFE route.
Her early coomer behavior was probably she just following the example what she saw as successful
LATAM vtubers. As you know she didn't like the kind of people that was attracting so she just went back to being herself.

>> No.46058146

kek you are delusional

>> No.46058367

she barely interacts with him anymore

>> No.46058412

Don't respond to shitters and enjoy cute girls

>> No.46058530 [DELETED] 


>> No.46058630

fuck off kid, go back to play Fortnite.

>> No.46058687

I will ignore all the garbage in your post except this
>Her early coomer behavior was probably she just following the example what she saw as successful
She used to follow a lot of coomerbait twitch thots after her debut, so it's very likely she used them as role model for the "hot big titty vampire lady" character.

>> No.46058920

She should be ovulating any of these days btw

>> No.46059258
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I wonder where is this anon now.

>> No.46059512
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I can't remove this from my head, did we do something wrong? Maybe some fags were bothering her on marshmallow again?

>> No.46059649

Send her love then if you are so concerned.

>> No.46059973

I have been for the past days, but I can only say some things before sounding repetitive.

>> No.46060034
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Anons might be assholes, but in the end they always deliver.

>> No.46060138


>> No.46060643

On the contrary false flaggers made her believe /here/ betrayed her.

>> No.46060748

I understand your concern. She must not feel comfortable browsing this place with the amount of shitposters and false flagging groomers from la guardia trying to ruin our image.
I guess desperate times call for desperate measures, so I will try to save our relationship with her, but I will need the help of someone, and I hope he's willing to listen.

>> No.46061550 [SPOILER] 
File: 420 KB, 414x532, 16222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you know what this fat cunt is trying to do.

>> No.46061649

If I assume malice, she's trying to turn gachis into schizos.

>> No.46061772

Well, this sack of lard is not as smart as she think she is.

>> No.46061939

She is making it, in the end I feel bad for missing her, if she was always with the royal guard.

>> No.46062012

>if she was always with the royal guard.
Thing is she never was with them irl. They're just trying to mess with your mind, and you let them.

>> No.46062099

All the members of la caca real are following her now.
I wonder if they are as shameless enough to try to groom her trough DMs.

>> No.46062151

Well, her IG is not private anymore. Everyone can follow now.

>> No.46062284

It feels very narcissistic to think it this way but I believe that was directed at us.

>> No.46062353

I will continue to love her, I would just like a confirmation, so as not to hurt myself in the future. To know that she hardly ever told the truth.

>> No.46062373

mostly giving shitters that don't even watch himea ammo

>> No.46062394

Yeah, but what those shameless fucks don't understand is that Himea wants to keep her vtuber job completely separated from her other activities.
She's not like Meica, Nisha, and Eru, because in her case she never gave any way of connection with her vtuber activities anywhere.

>> No.46062602

You need to take out the emotional glasses for a bit a d look at those things with an analytical eye. You'll notice their attempts and rrats fall apart quickly under scrutiny.

>> No.46062634

So the same want Eru and Nisha, they did those IGs to prevent future doxx damage from the midget

>> No.46062664

This is what people like them don't understand.
The same happened with Hina back then, and even them knew how to prevent things that could fire up unnecessary controversy.

>> No.46063042

Discord groomer groups always bring up trouble.
It happened with sopa, it happened with Luna, and it will happen with Himea if she's not careful.
They wreck chaos among the fans, they want to monopolize the attention of the chuuba for themselves for selfish and vain motives, they don't care about ruining the vtuber's career in the process, or ruining the enjoyment for the rest of the fans.

>> No.46063289

If I was her I would feel very uncomfortable if I saw one of my regulars following an account that they are not supposed to know about.
They outed themselves as creeps.

>> No.46064921
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Tell me about that Batman game.

>> No.46065316

why do you continue with this? she doesn't want anything to do with you anymore, you're so pathetic

>> No.46065661

The worst of the saga

>> No.46067179

The best of the saga

>> No.46067268

Yeah yeah whatever kazze, now go back to twitter to moan like the autistic schizo you are.

>> No.46067954

>First they said our love was fake
>Then that our love was toxic
>Now they say our love is unwanted
Why do they hate so much the fact that we love her?

>> No.46068236

They don't hate the fact that we love her, they hate the fact that she love us more than them

>> No.46068359

Am I really that pathetic to be around her?

>> No.46069426
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How sad, she knows that you are being attacked by shitters and la guardia and not only does she not care, she looks at you with disdain

I'm not surprised, she loves authority figures and now that you guys showed weakness all the love turned to hate
Now she doesn't need to pretend for you because she knows how pathetic you are and you're still going to follow her
how sad

>> No.46069806

Trust me, she doesn't want me to go to my old schizo ways.

>> No.46069817

ogey kazzette
keep seething because she love us more

>> No.46070104

drop her, she's not worth it


I'm not kazzette, stop lying to yourself and open your eyes, she doesn't love you, she lost respect for you with all this act of weakness

>> No.46070185

sure kazzette sure

>> No.46070223

kys retard, today she literally used the ritual post from /here/

>> No.46070564

first stage of grief

>> No.46070946

She didn't give any reason to believe she doesn't love us.
Everything were delusions fueled by poor research and an attempt to stop discussion.
Saying that, I don't tolerate being treated like shit, so if she were to do that be sure I'm not staying.
But until now she has been a cute, lovely and faithful wife so she deserves all my love and dedicated attention.

>> No.46071386

She said she loves authority figures that represent protection.
Anons failed to protect her, so it makes sense.
What are you going to do now dracucklons?

>> No.46071521

I fall asleep, in a haze of dreams
Where there she appears and forgive the obvious
The woman of my dreams
Never undressed, mind nor body

Here, in my delusion I beg for her heart
Tears roll down upon her chest
I whisper softly, tell me, tell me
You are my twin, in coldness and the dark

Entwined, we breathe slowly in silence
Words have flowed like the tears of the past
I hold on, in love, in desperation, in ecstasy
I caress her hair, and whisper be mine


Then I awoke, another sad day

>> No.46072473

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.
>En las buenas y en las malas.

>> No.46073781

So this schizo just keeps reposing the same shit over and over in both threads expecting a different reaction?

>> No.46075238

I'm starting to believe that Himea doesn't read this general, only the Wactor one, because most of her reactions to /here/ are from there.

>> No.46076319

Literally no one cares about this general and I say this as a draculon, I don't care about most things posted in /Himea/
If I wanted to read boring yes men posts I will just go to Twitter

>> No.46076750

>nonshitter post are yesmen posts
You can see our resident schizo tries very hard to find any excuse to shit on her and provoke draculanons.

>> No.46078825
File: 39 KB, 836x310, 162021542154125141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry my love, all moments I expend with you are happy moments.
Nothing will make me happier than being able to comfort you when you don't feel well, the same way you where my comfort in my saddest nights.

>> No.46081237
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Wife is abut to start

>> No.46081802

Perrito Malvado banging Himea while Kazzette watches

>> No.46083518

didn't expect her to answer but glad she did.

>> No.46083828

Do any of you know what medication could have those side effects as acceptable? Thing must be strong for that doctor to say her to not worry.

>> No.46083987
File: 39 KB, 447x468, 1678920721895256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Qrd on who this is? Don't think I've ever seen her even in /wvt/ and /lig/

>> No.46084005

thats not of our business anon

>> No.46084097

i think she is just anxios

>> No.46084105

My wife's health IS my business, anon.

>> No.46084193

Tachycardia is no joke.

>> No.46084252

if she want to share it is up to her, don't be an ass

>> No.46084305


My wife

>> No.46084450


>> No.46084570

You're saying it as if I'm forcing her or some shit.

>> No.46085181

So she has to take them all her life...

>> No.46085398

The best we can do is to help her relax and reduce stressful situations.

>> No.46085820

She said she has to do treatment all her life.

>> No.46087614

I want to protect her

>> No.46088007

>Himea wants to be a kindergarten teacher too

>> No.46088335


>> No.46091295
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>> No.46091358

hehehehehehheh hiihihihi

>> No.46092568

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46092937

I watching Yumi's archive, her voice is giving me a erection

>> No.46094269
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>> No.46094556

Wait, Sonic canonically had sex with Ami?

>> No.46095802

I love Yumi

>> No.46096997
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Good night my princess.

>> No.46098078
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>> No.46099076
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>> No.46100648
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>> No.46101417

I love her so much...

>> No.46102789
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>> No.46102797

6am bump

>> No.46104908


>> No.46105854

Yumi Love bump

>> No.46108757

cute girl

>> No.46110784

Himea Bumpo

>> No.46112493

Panic bump

>> No.46113190

Good morning, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46113411

I love Yumi and I regret that she changed her stream times

>> No.46113477

She doesn't stream at our mornings anymore?

>> No.46113720

Yesterday stream she said she is changing it to our afternoon

>> No.46113876


>> No.46114008

Yumi actually thinks Himea is crazy

>> No.46114033

Did she give a reason?
That's super late for her, I hope it's not because Akira's pressure.

>> No.46114264
File: 161 KB, 1200x900, FsTvBoqaUAAn692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she's back?

>> No.46114345


>> No.46114427

>Gamer girl
Is she supposed to be Paru?

>> No.46114675
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>> No.46114684

Good morning, I love my wife very much.

>> No.46115377

She didn't give it straight, she said her country is changing to summer time but looks like manlet pressure

>> No.46115427 [DELETED] 


>> No.46115692


>> No.46117509

I want to fuck Yumi

>> No.46118292
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>She didn't give any reason to believe she doesn't love us.
Let me remind to you
>el anonimo le falto el respeto a eso
>eres realmente XXX ¿No?

>> No.46118563 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1080x526, Screenshot_20230328-120914_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nonono DRACUBROS? How we cope now?

>> No.46118680

She's going through a lot, give her space

>> No.46120418


>> No.46120486
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>> No.46120771

That was a long time ago, shitter-kun. Now go back to wherever you come from.

>> No.46120937

>a long time ago
not even two months fag
and you even tried to blame his more loyal fan, kazzette
do you really believe she loves you after being such a prick?

>> No.46120972

That's after the incident, and she thought we hated her, she herself said it in the deleted stream.
Not to mention it was near two months ago.

>> No.46120998

what a shameless fag

>> No.46121074

>His more loyal fan
>The guy who can't stop sharing art of other women on his twitter.
Hi Casete, or guardia fag. I don't have the interest to fight you, so I kindly ask you to leave.

>> No.46121144

So what, I'm in there too.

>> No.46121162

she didn't thought we hated her, she was angry because the fags here doxed her and spread rumours about she being with kaito
she never said anything about we hating her not even in the deleted stream
actually in that stream when the anon sent her the aka supa she felt unconfortable and got nerveous

>> No.46121221

Oh hi perrito malvado

>> No.46121264

there is no member of la guardia here fag, stop fooling yourself trying to blame others for anons shitty behaviour.

>> No.46121306

>the fags here doxed her
No one here was the culprit.
>and spread rumours about she being with kaito
Those were lolnada fags, and we have proof of it.
Nice attempt at rewriting history.

>> No.46121387

Lolnada fags came late to the party
i was in the thread that day, i save all the tiktoks even before she put her account privately
the kaito thing started here

>> No.46121397

>SC: No has hecho nada más que darnos felicidad
>Himea: Entonces aquí hay algo que no estoy entendiendo.
She thought we were mad at her.

>> No.46121449

lolnadafags were already monitoring the thread because they came for the Misora shit.

>> No.46121473

imagine this board with uniques ids

>> No.46121508

A dream.

>> No.46121530
File: 6 KB, 353x68, stop spreading misinformation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you even talking about? that never happened
you're taking out of context the thing she said.

>> No.46121728

That's not Akun SC, but it's another SC from that same stream.

>> No.46121870

So you're the fag that is spreading that txt.
You're dishonest piece of shit.
Go back to your anti thread.

>> No.46121899

what txt?

>> No.46122043

So what it is.
Weren't 90% of draculones here guardia members?
Decide already you stupid shitter, can't even keep a consistent narrative.

>> No.46122132

i'm not the one saying that la guardia is here, thats are draculones coping because now no one here is a piece of shit who only cares about hurting himea, now everything is la guardia fault isn't it?

>> No.46122175

So you're a dumb tourist who doesn't know shit.
Fuck off.

>> No.46122187

how do you think himea will felt now that kazze follows her? is she gonna stop giving him attention? are she mad or she will accept him?

>> No.46122236

calling someone a tourist doesn't gonna make you one of us

>> No.46122293

Fuck off drama starved tribalniggers.

>> No.46122421

friendly reminder whos want to travel to the silver

>> No.46122439
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>> No.46122476

too white

>> No.46122530

Guess the /WACTOR/ thread is too boring.

>> No.46122709 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 1080x1080, 1679883370119481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, I don't watch choripaNEGRAs

>> No.46123292

Ignore shitters, they get bored

>> No.46123403 [DELETED] 

KEK oh my gosh i didn't see the oldman kaito behind lmao how pathetic are the people who goes to that kind of meetings

>> No.46123838

you all are going to have a big surprise soon heh

>> No.46124184

I don't care about the past.

>> No.46124850

no, no, it's not about the past, you will see soon

>> No.46124975

Whatever go take your chocolatada.

>> No.46125140

then about what?

>> No.46125429

Most likely some bullshit about la guardia.
Notice how his earlier attempt at shitting failed and now he's changing strategy.

>> No.46125613

I talked with her about /here/
Thats all i'm going to say

>> No.46125632 [DELETED] 

wait a bit untill you see her blowjob vid kek, it will be funny.

>> No.46125642

don't hurt my wife

>> No.46125700

Then why Soon™ and not right now?
Because you have nothing.

>> No.46125787

Do you see?
He failed with the old stuff, and now he's trying to trigger insecurities.

>> No.46125968

Nice, you're doing me a favour killing here faggots, I can groom more easily that way. :^)

>> No.46126098

>These retards really think their shitty attempts are gonna affect me in the slightest.

>> No.46126138

i already make my move, and it depends on me now, depends on her

>> No.46126184

and it doesn't*

>> No.46126337

Oh, so you fed her lies.
She knows about this place way more than you. She won't buy your bullshit.

>> No.46126456

kek she's a hugue normie she doesn't know anything

>> No.46126518

what did she said? she.. hate us?

>> No.46126546
File: 1.25 MB, 320x220, oh-wait-youre-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46126604

Don't fall for his tricks young anon.

>> No.46126871

yeah she hates especially you kys fag

>> No.46126930

If he would have done anything, it would be against his interests to announce it here. Because it would sabotage his own plan.
He did announce it because he doesn't has anything or didn't do anything.
He counts on the insecure anons to take it and begin his work with it.
To listen to his words is to play his game.
He wants (You) to show weakness.
Be smarter than him, don't fall for his tricks.

>> No.46127042

i just want her to stop the shitters. the harassment to the royal guard members reaches too far, it needs to stop

>> No.46127478

You mean shitters saying Kazzette doxxed her?
I'll tell you about that.
Originally it was thought because he was known to come here to accuse anons of having a fake and toxic love for her.
He admitted to it on his Twitter.
Then that same day he did tweet suggesting there's nothing we can do after the fact and that we should call the police.
I believe that was just shitposting.
The first idea was that he or someone from that place did it for that "irse con el anon shit" I now believe for that to not be the case, and I already had this position a few days after the incident. When it was revealed externals were raiding the thread.
Also there was no reason someone from here to doxx her.
The only anon who really knew her accounts and constantly threatened her with them didn't had a reason to do it.
I still don't know who was the culprit, but I'm 100% sure it was not some of the regulars.
I also don't believe it was someone from la Guardia.

>> No.46127703

If you mean the Yuricom, Red eyes, perrito and such stuff.
You should know the ones who keep posting that shit are shitters than don't really care for her, they just want to trigger her gachis "for fun"
Now La Guardia isn't free from guilt, they keep subtilty baiting giving ammo to those shitters.
You seriously think Kazzette, having admitted to come here and bait didn't took some of them with him for his games?

>> No.46127943

People who benefit or have interests on hurting Himea.
>Akipt and Ozuni gang
In their crusade against Akira they want people to stop donating to the girls and watching them. Making her gachis to leave or turn them into antis plays to their interests.
>Jealous 2views
It's not unheard of vultures spreading rumors of other girls to afterwards try to poach the disheartened gachis or unicorns.

>> No.46128062

wait I have seen ozuni in himea streams

>> No.46128149

Even so, he keeps seething when she gets a lot of donations. Or he was doing it the last time I checked on him.

>> No.46128277

That's something Akipt would device.
Remember he believes himself to be some master strategist.

>> No.46129761

seethe draculon
you will never be kazzette
she will never love you as much as she loves him

>> No.46129853

I haven't seen Kazzete in himea's chat, for a long time, is he banned?

>> No.46129861


>> No.46129996

He's just busy.

>> No.46130225

yeah mating pressing himea and leaving his seed on her matrix

>> No.46130272

He's wage slaving.

>> No.46131816

Good afternoon, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46131886

Friendly reminder
>Himea LOVE is TRUE
>Himea LOVE is SWEET
Himea LOVE 4ever and ever!

>> No.46133102

nngh~ creep...

>> No.46136063


>> No.46136140


>> No.46137640
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>> No.46139622

Good times...

>> No.46140673

She isn't coming back, neither the good times

>> No.46141596

Good evening, today my wife will give her best in Half life.

>> No.46141635

i love my wife
and i secretly love gordon freeman

>> No.46143220

Himea cute

>> No.46145012

Need more Yumi

>> No.46146979
File: 3.53 MB, 2160x3840, 1680051815838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46147116

Get in.

>> No.46148283

She's really happy today. <3

>> No.46149312

She wanted to use her new controller :(

>> No.46150014

not the game for that, the situation was cute..

>> No.46150780

Good night, I don't watch choripaneras

>> No.46151209

Himea is pretty funny.

>> No.46152958

no one mentioned Mai Noboshi

>> No.46153904

Every day went to shit when la caca real as founded.

>> No.46154295

>Shitty English
false flagger

>> No.46154529

It's true tho, that retarded groomer group was completely unnecessary.

>> No.46154686

The main problem is that the founder is a literal schizo, and he let other deranged degenerates be part of the group, like that fat, malicious kpoper dyke.

>> No.46154801

It's a fancord, it's inevitable. And stop giving them attention, that's what they want.
Himea doesn't even address the group by name.

>> No.46154876

Silence, I'm watching the stream.

>> No.46154980

Is the AI fag still around?

>> No.46155087


>> No.46155180

Are you more active at this time or what?

>> No.46155270

I don't understand you.

>> No.46155445

>Himea actually notices shit and ducks around
This is top entertainment

>> No.46155449

Are you around at this time often? to know what time is good to make requests

>> No.46155483

Need Himea and tentacles

>> No.46155540

Yeah, if she's streaming most likely I'll be around.

>> No.46155654 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.46155760


>> No.46155823

I still want to see her play Castlevania to take revenge on that mf.

>> No.46155859

she picked easy right?

>> No.46155888

Me on the right

>> No.46156951

I'm happy seeing that she can distract herself playing games.

>> No.46157148

she's been stressed the whole game

>> No.46157251

she is being too obsessed with life and bullets...

>> No.46157362

She ratter get frustrated with the game than with other issues.

>> No.46158713

Fuck Sedai

>> No.46159102

Still seething Nico?

>> No.46160650

She really likes guys in military uniforms huh

>> No.46162069
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>> No.46162743

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46164162

I am in love with Yumi

>> No.46164931

Are you joining the military, anon?

>> No.46165744

I'll just buy an SS uniform from amazon.

>> No.46167012

I hope you can rest well my dear.

>> No.46167327
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>> No.46168818


>> No.46171375


>> No.46172623
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>> No.46175127

Good morning, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46175918
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>> No.46175945
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>> No.46176976 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 562x546, Himea D&#039;imaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

accurate himea

>> No.46177182

Good morning, I love my wife very much.

>> No.46177881

Board is moving very fast, what's going on?

>> No.46178195

>exRushia hard sided with her unicorns
>Pekora was in a event with males, joined VC
>Kanata was in the same event, went schizo didn't join VC and ranted about never interacting with males

>> No.46179308


>> No.46180853

She played that game well enough, I haven't seen that many chuubas playing it but she was the one who played it best.

>> No.46180863

What Kson do?

>> No.46180904

Ranted about unicorns inclining

>> No.46181078


>> No.46181454


>> No.46182288

fuck scammers

>> No.46182493

So a cosplay is enough? kek

>> No.46184016

Yeah, even dressing like one of those umbrella corp soldiers will be enough.

>> No.46184797

>Pika, Pikachu, Nigga
Mahiru Kumaboshi

>> No.46186942
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>> No.46188698

Need to fuck Himea so bad...

>> No.46190315
File: 312 KB, 2048x1152, 1680112640353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO of sex

>> No.46190624

Once she leaves, who'll take her place?

>> No.46190748

Nobody, company is dead
We all know it
I hope she redebuts and goes full Mesugaki

>> No.46192743


>> No.46194596


>> No.46196573


>> No.46197963

Batman Himea

>> No.46199664
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>> No.46199762

>cuando haces lo mejor que puedas y escuchas que hablan mal de ti


>> No.46199900

Who's talking bad about her and where did you get that from?

>> No.46199968

With GPT-4 or even GPT-3 existing, I wonder why no one has yet deployed a marshmallow clone that actually works on other languages than Japanese.

>> No.46200725
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Things will heal, my love.

>> No.46202298


>> No.46202729

poor himea, imagine going to your stream see all those supportive messages, finish twitter and see more love and then this place full of slander about her, worse still one of her so-called most "loyal fans" is here constantly trying to get her fans they attack her
and she streams again and sees her most "loyal fans" declaring their unconditional love
and the cycle repeats

>> No.46203851

I don't know what you're talking about. Who was slandering her yesterday?

>> No.46203924

Just fuck off you falseflagger groomer. Go back to twitter and keep adding more fuel to the fire like that's something that benefits her in any way.

>> No.46204170

eh But I thought we had a nice time with her yesterday.

>> No.46205209

Good evening, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.46205679

I was referring to la guardia in the last days of course

a very aggressive reaction, did you do something that you regret?

>> No.46205689

Kinda shitty that back then she had a lot headaches with the technical issues and stuff, but probably not many shitters harassing her online.
Nowadays she has all the hardware, and a well defined streaming style, but retarded dopamine addicts are targeting her now to try to trigger another shitfests.

>> No.46205937

She wants the fighting to stop, didn't you get the memo yesterday?

>> No.46206186
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>did you do something that you regret?
Yes. And even tough I failed her and did stuff that indirectly hurt her, and thought she would never forgive me for it, she keeps accepting me and keeps showing me her kindness.
She's too good for a bastard like me, and I will do my best to protect her smile.

>> No.46206345

Are you the impulsive anon?

>> No.46206734

They called me obsessive, impulsive and so.

>> No.46207291

We're all obsessed with her.
If you're "that" anon, I must say your impulsiveness made you commit some big mistakes though lately you are keeping it under control, I haven't seen more fuck ups coming from you.
Are those things from the past still haunting you?

>> No.46207288

are you from the guard? I hope you learned your lesson all you do is make Himea more paranoid

I'm glad you regret it, try not to fall for more baits

>> No.46207513

I'm not. I'm just suggesting that any tribal fight shouldn't start from /here/ regulars anymore.
>inb4 we're mostly provoked
Whatever the case, we must be better than any shitter that comes this way.

>> No.46208835

I never fell for any baits. All my mistakes where caused because I'm a jealous fuck with trust issues that can't help but make stupid assumptions.

>> No.46208948

>Are those things from the past still haunting you?
The fact that my actions made her sad will haunt me forever, but I hope some day I get a chance to redeem myself.

>> No.46209143

did this >>46078825 and the stream after
give you some peace anon ?

>> No.46209357

I'm the one that posted that, and the fact she have to hide her pain and suffer in silence because she doesn't want to "ruin" the mood of the stream makes me feel like shit.

>> No.46210341


>inb4 we're mostly provoked

no, all parties present are guilty in this shitfest

-Himea I know what you're reading, your passive-aggressive "likes" gave the shitter enough ammunition to use against you, think before you post dumbass

Anon, your self-pity and weakness are no excuses for your behavior, try to think about Himea's feelings before your autism attacks.

La guardia, shitpost group, the only thing they did was make life more difficult for himea, think about why your group was created and stop doing nonsense

I hope that everyone involved knows what they did wrong and not repeat it again.

>> No.46210992

I don't know if telling Himea to hide her feelings even more is a good idea. This is just my intuition
The other two parties tho, you're right about it.

>> No.46212496

She doesn't need to give any attention to antis, because they will attack her even harder knowing that what they do affects her, but she doesn't need to hide her feeling to her fans, we can help and comfort her better if she's clear about what issue is bothering her, and it won't give any room for assumptions.

>> No.46212807

only if those things that bother her concern us

>> No.46213454

Something must really making her anxious and causing her the tachycardia and jitters.
Also why did she put her account on public? She's been acting really weird in stream after that.

>> No.46213658

you don't learn

>> No.46213661
File: 444 KB, 1080x1606, IMG_20230319_223638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is nothing wrong with letting us know that she is angry but stuff like this pic is going too far
she has to learn to express her anger in another way

>> No.46213826

>tachycardia and jitters.
She said those are the effects of that medication she takes for her allergies, she also said she tries to avoid taking it for that reason, but this time she needed to take it.
This is pure speculation, I read more into that kind of medicines and some of them have those side effects when taken in a higher quantity than prescribed, I don't want to believe she's recklessly taking it more so it has a stronger effect against the allergy. But I dunno... She could also be specially sensible to that medication. She should talk about it with her doctor and ask her to reduce the dosage.

>> No.46214167

Let this be the last time we talk about it
>why did she put her account on public?
I believe it's because there were a lot of anons complaining why she wasn't letting them in, and shit. It coincided with those days anons were full of self-pity and insecure

>> No.46214232


>> No.46214632

if that's the reason, then I will be more careful about what I post because that did more bad than good knowing that la guardia now follows her

>> No.46215496

Good job retard

>> No.46215826

I want to believe that's not true, even thought that means she really cares about /us/ and will comply to even our stupidest demands, so anons should use that knowledge with a lot of responsibility

>> No.46216107

So bump limit.
Do you want a thread when we reach page 10? Or let it sleep for today.

>> No.46216231

It reached bump limit right before the stream, but I don't know if the thread will survive the night if you make it now.

>> No.46216241

let the thread mimir

>> No.46216765

Himea I love you so much.
Even if I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot in love.

>> No.46217386


>> No.46218519

What happened with the batman stream?

>> No.46218704

something with obs

>> No.46220169

See you tomorrow anons.
