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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47118170 No.47118170 [Reply] [Original]

The one with the green-haired devil

Here we discuss 4 talents: 2 of them already had their debuts in the past, but some of them are only about to start their journey. Come join us, let's have a good comfy time.


Elia Stellaria

Airi Viridis


Previously on /sage/:

>> No.47118191

GezuGezu - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCJGTtJdw1gtJKyMm0Fq2eng

Elia Stellaria - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC0lSxKAt9osiA29vnk1R4sg

kirispica - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC58Ng5nTN3aiVveus4DEEDg

Airi Viridis - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCFcdX8we6-tSndu6w4bwnag

>> No.47118459


>> No.47118465

I think gezu is cool

>> No.47118558

>general called /sage/
>people keep bumping it

>> No.47118575

#Artchemy and #Alcoomy, NOW!
she needs this, anon

>> No.47118684

Why not just put these in the OP?

>> No.47118874

Oh the irony...

I don't wanna make the OP too bloated, and I also think that the content from girls' PL should be kept separately if that makes sense

>> No.47118933

>I also think that the content from girls' PL should be kept separately if that makes sense
I was going to post the same so at least it makes sense to one anon ig

>> No.47119142

Sava is going to be the new Hylo. laughing stock of the indies.

>> No.47119218

She needs to get fat then

>> No.47120642

she has more indie friends than everyone in kawaii combines

>> No.47120825

This. /pkg/ really doesn't know who she is.

>> No.47121017

Calm down, Pierce

>> No.47121019

Who the hell is Sava

>> No.47121022

Gezu's having a nap. Looks like the soap stream has been delayed by one hour

>> No.47121030
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>stream once a week
>graduates because of burnout

>> No.47121141

They know, it's just that to them all indie EN vtubers are whores so being hated by them it's probably a badge of honor.

>> No.47121441

>Airi chibi has a chest big enough for cleavage
Character development

>> No.47121440

Are they wrong?

>> No.47121686

Yes. Talent freedom fags are retarded but company fags that think roommates are a mirror image of the clean company approved vtuber are equally retarded
Why do you think there's so much cloudtomo seethe when costhots are brought up?

>> No.47121901

>Not a whore
>Gets a company to pimp them for more efficient whoring

>> No.47122381

There's pros and cons to both, I feel. Being corpo means steady pay and management, but it sometimes gets depressing to see the streamer have to constantly watch what they do or say and only get to play games from a green list (with no mods).

>> No.47123027

what are the odds gezu actually wakes up and starts the stream in the next 10 minutes?

>> No.47123049

gezu in prechat, get in

>> No.47123078

>>47123027 (Me)
100% I guess

>> No.47123882


>> No.47124024

>Gezu's family noticed she's been absent
See, anon. That's why she wasn't streaming so much as Sava.

>> No.47124154

kill yourself gezu

>> No.47124196

sorry, I keep her at bed all day long so she doesn't have much time to catch up with family or stream

>> No.47124216

i wrote this

>> No.47124466
File: 33 KB, 413x413, PK Hate General.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok wtf was that about

>> No.47124605


>> No.47124661

>Steady pay (50% cut after youtube cut before tax cut) (pay for all your own stuff) (bumped to the bottom for VR)

>> No.47124948 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x1280, 1658744659678176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind big fucking cat tats but I prefer if she went with a flatter model too.

>> No.47125135

made for babymaking

>> No.47125240

Even indies have to be careful with what they play or what they say, there has been many cases where Nintendo goes full autistic on some small/medium sized Youtubers, it doesn't happen often on Twitch because their vod archive is dogshit, but that doesn't mean fair use is going to save your ass every time.

>> No.47125377

Good Lord...

Man, this stream feels so nostalgic and unhinged at the same time, it's like I'm back home again. It's also nice to see Airi and Elia in her chat

>> No.47125659

Anyone else eating soap?

>> No.47125680

Fat in all the right places humu hmu

>> No.47125772

nah, only crayons.

>> No.47125805

And some wrong places too!

>> No.47125824

We are back home. It's great.

>> No.47125866

She can have 2 modes. Or a fucking tit inflation toggle if she really wants. Rosedoodle does something similar on her tits and thighs lol.

>> No.47125903

lmao, "oh should I not eat this?" and actually skipping it on being told that there's acid in this particular soap.

>> No.47126025

I want to drink the contents of her spit cup.

>> No.47126595

And in the end she actually loved it

>> No.47126672

When she mentioned losing weight I noticed an architect activate in chat.

>> No.47127056

nene amano is a backstabbing whore

>> No.47127097

wrong thread

>> No.47127125 [DELETED] 

kill yourself menace

>> No.47127180

And the stream is over. Gezu has some good news that she's gonna reveal soon, and she also promised collabs with other girls.
How do you rate this soap opera anons?

>> No.47127215
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I'll never not love gezu

>> No.47127277

Gezu love!

>> No.47127337

kill yourself kiki

>> No.47127367

love yourself anon

>> No.47127447

While she was streaming I forgot about all the other bullshit. She's pretty good at this

>> No.47127472

Xtra/10, we're so back lads.

>> No.47127487

Love Gezu! If you're here, don't let anyone bring you down.

>> No.47127591

10/10, it was a happy return to form. She's the same person, and she knows we will be there to back her all the way. Also, higher CCV than she often got in PK. Total Gezu victory.

>> No.47127619

imagine menace and kiki hatefucking and after cumming really hard they realize they were both being tsuns and cuddle

>> No.47127729
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sadly I'm too retarded to realize this would be needed before the stream but tierlists and karaokes are the perfect example of why tagfags are needed

>> No.47127902

I had a lot of fun! Gezu was extra cute and bubbly today

>> No.47127961

Gezu sounded really fucking cute today, like more than I have heard from her in a while. I was smiling the whole time.

>> No.47127982


>> No.47127983
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I hope her mouth doesn't melt this time. Gezu's family already seems concerned enough, without her going to a doctor suddenly.

>> No.47128124

imagine the Norwegian doctor's confusion when her american patient says she gave herself chemical burns because she was eating soap

>> No.47128157

I think Lumi should kill herself instead

>> No.47128386

This doesn't work if you have to buffer or pause and shit.

I am considering hacking something together with the YT iframe API so I can hit a button to record time markers, because I want to try clipping and I don't really want to watch twice.

>> No.47128615

Actually a good advice.

I'm glad that Gezu is back to normal again, this stream seemed extra happy, and I think that she might have read some positive messages that anons have sent in her maros. Everything is gonna be great from now on, I really believe so

>> No.47128664

Airi's waiting room is up, go request some bangers anons


>> No.47128817

Holy spergs. Why work on something that already exists?

>> No.47128902

I was thinking of having an offset to handle pauses
something like inputting `-pause` to save the current timestamp, then `-resume` to calculate the offset that needs to be added to all new stamps
small adjustments to individual stamps can be done the same way people did in the discord (`-adjust {seconds}`)
the only thing I don't know how I'd handle is when I increase the playback speed to catch up with the stream
because I didn't know that exists, obviously thanks btw

>> No.47128943

Gezu gaslighting arc. "What, you guys *don't* eat three servings of soap a day?"

>> No.47131730

Interesting a bit confusing though, I've been using an extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/timetags-for-youtube/hpbmedimnlknflpbgfbllklgelbnelef

>> No.47131744


>> No.47131846

explain this jannies

>> No.47131890

Jannies agree that Kiki should kill herself

>> No.47132139

champyons don't venture outside their general so nobody reported the second post

>> No.47132241

>champyons don't venture outside their general
lmao even

>> No.47132372

champyons want kiki dead too

>> No.47133589

So what are your expectations from tomorrow's karaoke anons? And what will Gezu draw?

>> No.47133710

I didn't know they sell products with finnish text in norway.

>> No.47134004

I'm hoping we'll get to witness the birthing process of Gezu's new model, though she might want to keep that a surprise for now. Otherwise probably some other kind of asset

>> No.47134074

nor norwegian but where I live almost all products have the name in the language of neighbor countries
not that I care if she was in nordic_country_y instead of nordic_country_z, I just like to think she's not retarded enough to get doxxed by something that stupid

>> No.47134085

Man if Sava brought this kind of /wvt/ delusion to Kawaii it's no wonder she imploded.

>> No.47134164

I am just surprised it had shower gel in finnish instead of norwegian that's just weird to me.

>> No.47134197

she is the queen of vtweeters and 1 views, /pkg/ are shaking in their boots

>> No.47134392

Stop acting like women

>> No.47134441

I've noticed a lot of pkg autists using vtweeter on these girls even though they stream, do they just repeat words without knowing what they mean?

>> No.47134475

I'm sorry gezu, masturbating too much to your spitting noises got my t levels down

>> No.47134502

>containment thread for seething indie women to shit on black company
>stop acting like women

>> No.47134566

86.3% chance this is a cloudtomo who loves to post about how much he busts to nene

>> No.47134572

Oh, didn't even notice.
Yeah, made me check which country did Xtra originate from and wikipedia says that it started in Norway so I guess it's just because shower gel is close enough to be understandable in other Nordic languages.

>> No.47134583

It's because Sava decided not to stream for weeks. Being associated with someone like Menace doesn't help either

>> No.47134932

Vtweeter has degraded and just become another word for "person I don't like"

>> No.47135185

Sava straight up didn't even tweet for the whole week

>> No.47135200

kill yourself kiki

>> No.47135246
File: 375 KB, 1142x487, 1667056166051709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the crying about pkg? Talk about the girls, not the company they left. Or is it that you retards don't even care about the girls but the "drama" that came with them?
Is this general gonna end up being just another "rent free" shitpost thread?

>> No.47135296

kill yourself menace

>> No.47135434

The sad part is Gezu couldn't handle even the massive milktoast carebears of Kawaii, she absolutely has no future in anything that requires cooperation, I hope she doesn't become an hero.

>> No.47135515

It's very weird behavior to completely memory hole where they've all come from, especially when it's only been a few days.

>> No.47135727

Well, we were talking about the stream, and it was a wholesome and productive discussion. I don't know who other strange people are.

>> No.47135946

I will protect her

>> No.47136401

Don't forget:
Airi's debut in 22 hours
Gezu's drawing stream in 18 hours (no waiting room yet)
Have a good day/night everyone

>> No.47136424 [DELETED] 

Are we supposed to believe this whole general didn't branch off entirely from /pkg/? I mean, it's either that or you're discord niggers.

>> No.47136715

Some streamers are just loners, and that's fine. It also certainly doesn't help that corpo 'generations' are just a random mix of people that have to get along.

>> No.47136880

You think menace comes around here still? She barely tweets and doesn’t stream anymore

>> No.47136942

She streamed the other day, and even if she doesn't browse, her friend Gezu does

>> No.47137002

For an hour and it’s very rare. I’d expect gezu to be hanging in these threads way more than menace

>> No.47137059

It's like 50/50 /wvt/ and /pkg/

>> No.47137127

the /wvt/ part should honestly go back

>> No.47137223

posts with reaction images like this >>47135246 are definitely from /wvt/, only women and troons use those nowadays

>> No.47137232

It's too late, it's going to be more and more /wvt/ later on. I'm only here coping about miryu but eventually, I have to let go as well, as some other /pkg/. Some probably will accept the change to stick around of course.

>> No.47138005

more like 30% /pkg/ and 70% shitflingers (including shitflingers that used to fling shit in /pkg/ instead of here)
this general was extremely comfy for like 2 threads until the shitflingers realized they didn't need to limit themselves to /pkg/ anymore

>> No.47138571

/pkg/schizo are talking about tracking down and killing the girls kek

>> No.47138644

why don't you just stay there, anon?

>> No.47138875

You're delusional if you thought Aletta's antis would let you have your 4chins safe space

>> No.47139019

Because he's likely the falseflagger who posted that shit in that thread.

>> No.47139272
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it's 8am in indonesia and the ip counter says 46
I'm going to bed now, please behave (better) while I'm not here

>> No.47139315

Goodnight anon

>> No.47139338

kill yourself yuko

>> No.47140207

Why do they even hate her other than a Niji male showing up to her chat? I never understood

>> No.47140507

General fakeness

>> No.47142258
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The truth is I love Gezu

>> No.47142524

I'm still a little sad she's losing the imp.
Fuck what the /pkg/ tourists say about the design.

>> No.47142605

as a /pkg/ tourist I say the imp design is sex
I understand why people don't like it tho

>> No.47143373
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>> No.47144877

While Omori Gezu and blonde Gezu are cute, I did hope she would stream some as the imp, especially since her banner and upcoming thumbnails are still that design...

>> No.47145502

i want to draw elia, but right now she is just a banana

>> No.47150276

she doesnt even have the files retard

>> No.47150511


>> No.47155955

I'm ready for comfy drawing

>> No.47156792

That's the joke, anon. They had many other name choices.

>> No.47157804

>They had many other name choices
yeah, /sage/, /sega/... and the list goes on

>> No.47157857
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She thought she could escape rapeposters if she switched characters
She can't

>> No.47158614

So when is Gezu returning from Norway?

>> No.47158961

I think in 2 months. She said that her trip will be for 3 months total

>> No.47158981

June I think, she's there for three months.

>> No.47161936

I love Gezu!

>> No.47163697

Thank you, anon. I appreciate you.
I hope you, and everyone else, will enjoy both streams.

>> No.47164744



>> No.47166085

My oshi returns tomorrow with her limiters off. Full yandere power. Only yandere asmr. No management to stop her. Aiti hacking into your youtube account to see your subscriptions. Airi installing cameras in your home. Airi handcuffing you to the radiator until you have stockholm syndrome

>> No.47166757


>> No.47167974

One of wvt indies here, I don't like how you sageniggers try to make it look like we support any of this. If anything I follow Gezu because she raided me on Twitch and it was a polite thing to do. Unfollowing her now would look like taking sides and I can't be fucked to do that. So keeping the following = maintaining status quo.As far as I can tell nobody in my friends circle made any official statement on the drama and sided with anyone.
TLDR: stop dragging us into this and using Twtitter following etc as a sign of support, that's literal schizo behavior.

>> No.47168355
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>> No.47168561

>wvt indie here...
post tits and maybe I will read this

>> No.47168584

hilarious jokes discordgroomers
either way don't drag normal vtubers into your shithole

>> No.47168618

>normal vtubers
so not you? gotcha
where are the tits btw

>> No.47168716

Kinda cringe, bro

>> No.47168955

>where are the tits btw
look down sagecuck

>> No.47169052

Well, what was it anon?

>> No.47169471

legal threats

>> No.47169480

I sent her cock pic.

>> No.47169570

yeah mine

>> No.47169628

Why did he have a picture of your cock?

>> No.47169676

>he isn't exchanging cock pics with anons

>> No.47169722

She wants people to watch her, not close the tab in disgust at the sight of her.

>> No.47169971

Homosexual hands typed this.

>> No.47171374

I'm a good Christian boy, I need Airi to corrupt me with her devilish sexiness.
Also, if a certain coal bitch stagnates and come crawling back, I hope they reject her.

>> No.47171577

Hopefully you already got your invite to be a real fan.

>> No.47172889


>> No.47172913
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, jail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gezu got arrested oh no!

>> No.47173070

kill yourself menace

>> No.47173085

Her soap-eating antics have gone too far...

Morning, love Gezu every day!

Careful with your wishes anon...

>> No.47173143

>Akane already trying to bring back Kawaii rules
this guy was a mistake

>> No.47173298

Where and what rules exactly?

>> No.47173764

That guy is literally the only chance of any kind of fiscal security blanket that she has.

>> No.47174028

Funny, but if you look at Airi's Streamelements, he's not there (although maybe he's waiting for the debut to dump a couple grand, who knows)

>> No.47174077

kidney is schizoing out again...

>> No.47174163

Are you discussing what's going on in fancord or something?

>> No.47174570

Sava and Miryu I understand, but are Aletta and Peony really going to maintain the characters Kawaii gave them after ditching them?
Like Peony calling people dumbo and Letti with the borgers jokes.

>> No.47174736

they are keeping all their character traits it seems, I think Airi called people dumbo in her twitch stream and Elia is keeping most of her gimmicks like banana, daisuki dayo etc

>> No.47174748

>the characters Kawaii gave them
kawaii doesnt do that

>> No.47174747

Judging from Airi's pre-debut collab, she's not gonna change her character, she was quite literally Peony under a new name and with new model. Elia, if you look at her tweets, is also being her usual self.

>> No.47174771

>Letti with the borgers jokes
She already does those on twitter

>> No.47174969

/ages/, /geas/, /seag/ (like SEA general)

>> No.47175022

Sava is already postponing/delaying streams so she's maintaining her character as well

>> No.47175235

Also /FPKTG/ and /TAFKAF/. Honestly, /sage/ was a good choice, especially because of the added irony.

>> No.47175240

how old is he?

>> No.47175322

Do i need to join the fucking discord?

>> No.47176239

>the characters Kawaii gave them
What characters? You mean the personality type? Kawaii didn't tell Aletta to play the ayaya awawa chikin boiga shtick, that's something she came up with herself, for better or worse, and she's sticking with it because it obviously "works" (as in, brought her a big audience and money previously) so she doesn't see a need to change and just continues to double down on it. Same with Peony, the uwu demure moeblob girl act wasn't forced on her by the corp, that's just how she behaves (not saying that's "how she really is" privately, she could be a huge bitch for all I care, just saying that's at least how she chooses to present herself online at least).

Sure, one could then argue about "why leave Kawaii at all if you basically just continue to play the same character afterwards?", as it would be easy to understand if they left because they were pushed into roles they weren't happy with (but apparently that's not the case and they are happy to continue playing these roles by themselves), but that just circles around the big timeloop elephant in the room, we don't really know why they left, just that obviously "character roles" aren't the reason.

>> No.47176437

in a few days probably

>> No.47176603

would you?
I'd just drop them without a second thought if they get involved with discord bullshit

>> No.47176697

I think they are already there lurking, at least two of them. Like when they lurked in the Kawaii fancord.

>> No.47178993


I hope *you* won't forget about her birthday anons.

>> No.47179774

I'd join but wouldn't like it. Unless they themselves make and mod the discords it's gonna be groomer central

>> No.47180370

> Unless they themselves make and mod the discords it's gonna be groomer central
Anon, you don't understand. When that happens, it's actually the signal for the start of open season grooming in discord. Do you think those a bunch of girls in their early 20's (or most girls at all) will resist showing favoritism to the guys throwing the most money at them and pampering them?

>> No.47180388

Grooming aside, my biggest problem with these kinds of discord groups is that the most vocal people there will be the same outspoken retards from stream chats, made worse by how non-ephemeral the messages are and all of the faggot emotes they use constantly. Kekw kekw omegalul kappa haha so funny yeah can I just never see your messages ever again?

I want to go back to IRC.

>> No.47180808
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And there we go.

>> No.47180823

all discords are groomer central, even if they make and mod it themselves
I've seen it happen so many times. I said "I won't join the discord but it shouldn't ruin the streams" and gave them a chance. It never ends well and even if they don't get groomed it completely changes the streams

>> No.47180834

Hi Igor.

>> No.47181494

It does. You’ll miss all he inside jokes. It’s easier to the rip the bandage off and move on sometimes.

>> No.47181714

I mean even without a groomercord doesn't the same thing still happen to a certain extent if you also refuse to use Twitter?

>> No.47184061

nta but people barely interact if at all in twitter other than replying to the girl and (to a lesser extend) fanart posts

>> No.47184466

Did you try this?

Yes. i know i know leddit but


>> No.47184653

the post made by an anon on a previous thread resonated with me. it's either some other groomer or me. i might as well give it a shot too, so i joined.
t. thunderling

i was trying to find who the discord thought was Eli but i am pretty sure i found one of the 4 girls' account, simply judging by the very not subtle name and some other stuff. that's 1 out of 4. the discord's convinced Eli is there lurking already too but i'm not close enough with the regulars to ask who they think it is without looking like a bitch. one thing that pissed me off as a thunderling is people showing screenshots of them messaging hani to join the server just because she was in kawaiicord before. i am both envious and cringing at how shameless some people are.
sorry for the rant. tldr for me joining groomercord is pretty much forced if i want to be close to the girls which is pretty much a given since i ditched kawaii to follow the girls instead. sorry not sorry.

>> No.47184710

Twitter is mostly stream announcements and schedule posts. Discord is lengthy conversations, sometimes even including voice chat and group events. If you aren’t in the groomercord you aren’t in the community

>> No.47184769

>so i joined
do I really need to message one of the usual suspects to get in? where can I even contact them?

>> No.47184851

>sometimes even including voice chat and group events
I know you lurk here, if you do this I'll fly to norway and surgically remove your uterus

>> No.47184899

I know who to contact but no idea where i have never used discord before.
I am about to DM Gezu kek.

>> No.47184957

haha lol imagine missing an unannounced 4 hr vc lol lamo ahaha lol

>> No.47185051

i was already friends with some other dudes so i was invited easily, i just didnt accept immediately. but for someone not already involved it's much easier to just dm an Aletta regular and ask for an invite. easiest way to go about this is to join the public kawaii fancord and then go to Aletta's channel. from there dm a regular, ask for an invite to the gen 3 girls server. i think if you lurked /pkg/ enough even if you never went to the discord you would know who's a regular there.
let me know if you succesfully joined. compare the name of this general to the name of the server. this general was first btw, lmao

>> No.47185389

baby needs gezu waiting room

>> No.47185854
File: 29 KB, 665x153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all form of unanonymous interaction

>> No.47186139

i cant even find the kawaii discord i might be retarded...

>> No.47186351

Guys I thought we were supposed to drop them if there was a discord

>> No.47186398

I will, there are discordfags in this thread

>> No.47186538

Why would anyone here drop them? They left to become egirlfriends that farm supas all day, having a discord and acting close to the marks is par for the course. Were you so naive that the AWAWAWA AYAYAYA CHIKKIN BOIGAR girl and the /meat/ /vrt/ chuuba were going to go indie idol group?

>> No.47186574

good to know at least I'm not this retarded
how would I know when to drop her if I don't get in groomer central I'll try not to drop her anyways, the break made me realize I no longer enjoy any other vtuber

>> No.47186598

>chuuba goes indie, starts their own discord to bring their old community with them
>hangs out with her members chatting all day long
>stream chat consists of mostly her regulars, share inside jokes and memes from discord
>streams less because it's easier to hop into discord and join vc
>new people get intimidated with tight knit community, stream chat starts to stagnate
>regulars would chat in discord rather than join stream chat, numbers don't go up
>chuuba starts to get annoyed by some of her regulars, doesn't attend discord as often and streams less
>quits vtubing or re-debuts as a new chuuba to get rid of her old community

I hope it doesn't go this way but have seen it happen too many times. Remember to enjoy fun things while they last.

>> No.47186741

she's late to the stream because she's talking in the discord voice chat btw

>> No.47186817

Well the groomers will move in and everyone else should drop them

>> No.47186833

>already secret club
Dead on arrival

>> No.47186836

Probably asleep, it seems that she'll start an hour later like yesterday.

>> No.47186942

I have seen this far far too many times. Please don't be true this time.

>> No.47186946

>indie idol group
I know the troon above is trolling but if you actually believed they would do that you are retarded

>> No.47186973

Unless she does like Menace and locks down the discord entirely to just announcements and links and maybe a Twitter feed, this is basically inevitable.

>> No.47187071

even if Gezu changed her mind about discord and stopped being a huge discordfag for some reason, Elia pandered to discordfags really hard in kawaii even though the management discourages it. There's no way they're not going to make a discord

>> No.47187087

Gezu does it like that too.

>> No.47187173

Gezu was in VC for hours everyday

>> No.47187246

Elia can make a discord and take all those fags with her. No need for the other girls to switch from vtubers to discord egirls

>> No.47187424

If the girls are really in the groomercord I'd be disappointed but not surprised given the circumstances of their rebranding.
At the very least it'll be fun to watch all the drama and tribalism this will inevitably bring in the future.

>> No.47187564

Yes yes very cool discussion, but more importantly I want to watch Gezu draw her heart out but I can't find the stream anywhere

>> No.47187599


>> No.47187598

dropping them would give victory to the groomers. i'll fight till the bitter end.

>> No.47187601

You're not in the discord? She's streaming in there

>> No.47187634

Did you not get the invite?

>> No.47187688

Anon there is nothing you can do. Unless you plan to outgroom them and have the skills to do so, you have already lost.

>> No.47187695

she is streaming in the discord lmao

>> No.47187730

This discord meme has to be a fucking joke right?

>> No.47187758

which part

>> No.47187790

There's some PK bootlicker right now like this guy >>47186351 trying to make you leave the girls behind. Don't. You don't have to join, but joining wouldn't be all that bad. It's just another form of interaction with them. You are being paranoid because of the dramafags spamming PrussianBVLL or whatever but the people in the discord are at the very least actual fans from before who simply migrated to a new server to chat because they aren't welcome in the kawaiicord anymore, it's not full of ill-intentioned groomers like you people are bitching about

>> No.47187791

Everything. It doesn't even exist, right?

>> No.47187837

It exists but she doesnt stream there right this second

>> No.47187843

>he did not get the invite

>> No.47187844

Best case scenario >>47186973
Worst case scenario >>47186598
Hate discord but if it's inevitable making it public servers seperate for each girl is better than a single private banana republic cluster fuck drama mine

>> No.47187864

i does exist but it's managed by the other known autist
it is invite only but why would you want to be invited anyways?
and despite what the retarded shitstirrer will tell you, none of the girls are there

>> No.47187874

It's just a fancord with the girls supposedly lurking. It's not like what shitposters are implying where they get exclusive interaction. No.

>> No.47187947

worst case scenario : /eien/

>> No.47187984

this is the shitstirrer I was talking about btw
don't fall for his demoralization campaign

>> No.47188038

Are you not talking about this guy >>47186351 WHO IS LITERALLY ASKING YOU TO DROP THE GIRLS?

>> No.47188049

90% of aletta's fans were discordfags, they made a new server. If the girls are in it they're using different names and just lurking
or cyberlive, or yah

>> No.47188097

no, I'm talking about the one that's saying
>c'mon guys, discord is not that bad, I'm sure you'll love to interact with the girls there when they join

>> No.47188114

if you aren't extremely anti-discord you shouldnt be on this site

>> No.47188422

That was me. Feel free to shit on me. In my mind, the discord already exists so I won't shit on the girls for its existence because they don't have control over it. It was fan-made. The speculation about the girls joining is just that, speculation. However, the issue is that people are using its existence to anti the girls so I had to be a fag about it and explain how it's not this fucking extreme thing that you would need to go schizo over even if some of the girls could be there. I am certain at least that IF it comes down to the girls interacting there, the server would be public instead of invite-only because it would be retarded for the girls to gatekeep that sort of thing. It would just hamper their growths.

I am not that retarded to be staunchly principled in this fucking hobby. I rather point out stupid shit when it's happening. There is a discussion about discord out of nowhere and wow, suddenly a post talking "uh f-fellow anons aren't we supposed to drop the girls?" pops up. Sure is fucking organic and not totally meant to make you discard your fandom.

I will definitely complain if the girls themselves create one because it's more likely going to be an /eien/ situation.

>> No.47188708

>oh you want the files? they're in my discord server
Discord ruined game moding
>oh you want multiplayer matches? just join my discord server
Discord ruined multiplayer games
>want to talk to vtubers? Just join the discord. They're in vc 24/7 instead of streaming
And it ruins vtubers. It ruins everything it touches. That's not even mentioning the trannies that always manage to worm their way into a moderator position and unrelated servers into discussion about their mental illness

>> No.47188793

I want to join the discord because you people are fucking insufferable.

>> No.47188834

yeah, what you say makes sense, I just assumed you were the retard that every single thread posts "UHMMM GUYS ONE OF THE GIRLS IS LURKING IN THE DISCORD FRFR"
>oh you want the files? they're in my discord server
I'll never understand why retards do this, discord is terrible as a forum, that's not what it was designed to be and pinning a message is not enough to turn it into one

>> No.47188836

holy shit this. I was trying to mod New Vegas this week and it drove me insane. These faggots don't upload the new version of their mods on modding sites, they're all on separate discord servers

>> No.47188999

How did they get an invite if it's private? Cucks

>> No.47189076

I bet they sent Sava a DM.

>> No.47189099

you should be smart enough you dumb faggot. it means they aren't there and the faggots in the server are just jerking themselves off over nothing.

>> No.47189113

I DID because she was feeling DOWN and I wanted to show her my LOVE

>> No.47189197

So is Discord the new Leddit, where people spaz out at the mere mention of it and act like it's anything more than a platform?

>> No.47189299

you really think Nick is not in contact with Elia now that Kawaii rules mean nothing? Come on bro, it's 20k and he is definitelly getting a refund and giving them back to her.

>> No.47189368

Well is she actually there?

>> No.47190548

No, the worst case scenario is she pulls a Vera and fucks multiple regulars behind eachother's back and implodes promptly.

>> No.47190605

Not in her own server she wasn't.

>> No.47190690

Menace has already learned this lesson the hard way. Gezu, I hope, is smarter than that.

>> No.47190817

She eats soap

>> No.47190847

Her taste buds aren't like yours or mine, she is built different.

>> No.47190854
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>> No.47190899

If it isn't the consequences of her actions

>> No.47191079

Imagine the smell

>> No.47191203

>braphog gezu
the new Mel...

>> No.47191471

I'll start watching her if she starts brushing her teeth on stream but not a second before that

>> No.47191610

You are welcome

>> No.47191721

That’s a one way ticket to diarrheaville, maybe she needed the cleanse

>> No.47192430

Don't shatter the porcelain throne Gezu, it wasn't designed with american sizes in mind...

>> No.47192453


>> No.47193223


>> No.47193275

Gezu's Norwegian Adventure: the quest for a plunger

>> No.47193612

>Prospect Theorist mod

>> No.47193740

I wanna smell Gezu's tummy alchemy

>> No.47193831

bowel movements asmr after drinking raw eggs
just a happy thought

>> No.47193978

More samples for her stomach instrumentals

>> No.47194052

Is the coffee that bad?

>> No.47194172

Gezu LOVE.

>> No.47194222

What's wrong with eien? I don't watch them

>> No.47194243

They were warned and did not listen

>> No.47194249

their discord legitimizes all fears of discord anons have here

>> No.47194343

Not worth it.

>> No.47194395


>> No.47194538

based, fuck these useless tribalfags

>> No.47194745

>They're in vc 24/7 instead of streaming
They don't grow if they do this. You underestimate the numberfag in both Gezu and Elia.

>> No.47195283

>numberfag in both Gezu
Then why is she choosing the least popular niches in vtubing?

>> No.47195328

don't try to use logic with antis

>> No.47195335

>numberfag quits her main source of getting numbers
You're overestimating the numberfag in Elia

>> No.47195990

What does that even mean? They're a corpo at least so they are tardwrangled by managers. Do the managers just let it go wild?

>> No.47196140

I take you haven't seen their streams

>> No.47196817

If you're a midget doing porn, you can only do midget porn. You may want to do something else, put you can't. Same thing with Gezu.

>> No.47197003

but she COULD spam asmr
and as far as I know nothing stops her from playing fotm (other than her current setup not being able to run them)

>> No.47197044

Probably didn’t bring her mic to norway.

>> No.47197180

pretty sure she said she did, might be wrong tho
but she can do asmr with her other mic too, and she also didn't spam asmr when she was in america, same way she chose to play retro games when her computer was able to run anything else

>> No.47197214

>They're corpo at least
Anon, fucking Nijisanji EN isn't able to be tardwrangled by managers for the shit that goes on in discord. The only way to stop that shit is to fucking ban any interaction between talents and fans on discord like Hololive, Kawaii, and a few others do AND to punish anyone who tries to set up private discords for their paypigs like Neena/Oceane had.
If a corpo allows talents and fans to intermingle on discord then that just means the management is 'hands off' with whatever happens to go down there and will just turn a blind eye because otherwise they'll open themselves up to liability shit.

>> No.47197684

She could, sure, but she chose not to, she said it took a lot of preparation for every ASMR, and she also wanted to make them all special. As for her games: she likes retro games (and Roblox), and she wants to play what she actually enjoys.

>> No.47197707

She said on stream that she did, but the computer she's using refuses to accept it.

>> No.47197917

Those are bulky so if she went through the trouble of packing it she probably intends to use it at some point

>> No.47198426

Intent isn't the problem.

>> No.47199013

that's my point, if she actually was a numberfag she'd just do what gives her numbers
gezu is not a numberfag, she's just open about her interest in numbers going up (as all and any content creator, if they didn't like big numba go up they wouldn't stream at all)
>inb4 but what abou-ack
it was a woman moment that lasted 5 minutes before she realized she was being retarded and it proved that she knows what she should do for numbers to go up

>> No.47199059
File: 176 KB, 1920x1080, FtdEnJLXoAA2a26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gather up boys, we're singing tonight.

>> No.47199127

It's starting

>> No.47199175
File: 67 KB, 259x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refresh Youtube
> See " SING WITH ME! "
> Started 74 seconds ago

>> No.47199397

the kana special

>> No.47199402

>150+ ccv
I am so so happy for her. I hope they feel vindicated with their decision.

>> No.47199463

They're still under the drama buff, we'll have to see where they're at in a month from now

>> No.47199499

she gave consent, rapeposting is no longer an option

>> No.47199524

Honestly, me too. Sure, for now it's a temporary buff, but I hope they'll be able to keep the momentum.

>> No.47199592

>Airi has 197 people watching her.
>Reina has 97.
Oh boy.

>> No.47199617

go back

>> No.47199650

re they going to official band together and make a new corpo or just be a merry band of indies who have frens?
Green girl cute!

>> No.47199663

Hope its not unarchived, I really want to watch it, but I'm gonna wait a month before I just back on, so they can marinate on the decision they made.

>> No.47199686

>4k bucks again for a model
are they commissioning the same designer/rigger

>> No.47199696


>> No.47199733

>merry band of indies who have frens
probably this one

>> No.47199740

Yeah I'm thinking we're BACK.

>> No.47199832

feels good to see

>> No.47199903

>debut buff + drama buff
Still a nice number, she always did deserve more views

>> No.47199905

Could very well be, they might want to have the same stylistic and all.

>> No.47200021

it's a pretty fair estimate for what models cost nowadays. 2k for art, 2k for a good rig.

>> No.47200025

so much for the doomposting about being stuck in 2view hell. BELIEVE.

>> No.47200041

hopefully she doesn't come to expect 200 regularly and has a mental breakdown when it reclines a bit

>> No.47200082

Get your ass to Mars!

>> No.47200087
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I believe this is her previous karaoke.

>> No.47200097

Already $400

>> No.47200227 [SPOILER] 
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Why did she have to pick Airi as her name? Now I'm always gonna be confused with my wife

>> No.47200426

Now you have two wives, dumbo
You aren't allowed to leave

>> No.47200487

She had high numbers during her previous debut as well, retard-chama, the problem is if she expects to keep these numbers

>> No.47200715

She may have had his character in her back pocket since before kawaii

>> No.47200908


>> No.47201012

Non-consensual sex with NotPeony?

>> No.47201129

Yeah, retention of viewers will be key.

>> No.47201993

it works

>> No.47202281

no it doesn't

>> No.47203195
File: 184 KB, 2120x351, glG3sPSFFNozppoi2XfJhtpd3yn1LpjBjdtUt7Rdzv3gC6Ms9SKkteL32HTdoiPkApH7Qgx0=w2120-fcrop64=1,00005a57ffffa5a8-k-c0xffffffff-no-nd-rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's this one too from Project Kavvaii (kek)
