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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47604779 No.47604779 [Reply] [Original]

The one with the hedgehog.

Here we discuss 4 talents who went on a journey to bring happiness to the world. Come join us, let's have a good comfy time.


Elia Stellaria

Airi Viridis

Mozumi Pichi

Previously on /same/:

>> No.47604799

Mozumi Pichi - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCJGTtJdw1gtJKyMm0Fq2eng

Elia Stellaria - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC0lSxKAt9osiA29vnk1R4sg

kirispica - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC58Ng5nTN3aiVveus4DEEDg

Airi Viridis - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCFcdX8we6-tSndu6w4bwnag

>> No.47604892
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Airi has posted her schedule

>> No.47604935

No Green Woman, don't bring /vst/ here, you don't know what you're doing, you don't knoooooooooooooooooooooow

>> No.47605089

>mystery ASMR
>(whispers) Ano ano, now I will solve this locked room murder

>> No.47605441

Meanwhile Spica is still GAMING HARD

>> No.47605655

The poop man dm'd this to her btw. Talent freedom bros how we doing?

>> No.47605797

Schedules! god I hate timezones

>> No.47605832

proof next thread?

>> No.47605842

Kawaii girls get assets by DM too. Why are you trying to start shit?

>> No.47606028

Is proof this thread fine?

>> No.47606167

Thank you anon!

>> No.47606209

based poopman grooming already

>> No.47606333

I'd love to hear that, ngl

>> No.47606443

Why not use a spreadsheet to keep track of the timezones? Even google sheets works if you use basic arithmetic since most of the girls will keep the timezones consistent.

>> No.47606589

cuckbros we keep winning!

>> No.47606650

Spica is unexpectedly persistent!

>> No.47607210

This is her gamer ark after all

>> No.47607522
File: 821 KB, 577x569, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the girls will keep the timezones consistent
I present to you: Schrödinger's timezone
did mozzu forget to change to DST or is she using standard time?
also it's just easier to change the calendar to their timezones and copying straight from the schedules, and once they are in the calendar I can see it in my time whenever I want, even get notifications before the stream starts

>> No.47607721

>did mozzu forget to change to DST or is she using standard time?
Does it really matter if she's gonna delay streams by 5 hours anyway?

>> No.47607783

Spica beat the game and now is preparing to sing

>> No.47607978


>> No.47608097

I wrote this

>> No.47608234

Spica is singing about our newborn child
She is lovely

>> No.47608265

Are you me?

>> No.47608324

I don't care if Shang Tsung does stuff that's actually helpful. If he starts sending coprophagic superchats, then I will be angry.

>> No.47608378
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aother /same/ friend

>> No.47608523
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>> No.47608527

I remember someone from FlaVR also showing up in some girls' chats

>> No.47609107

Will we start adding /same/ friends to the OP?

>> No.47609340

▼Same Friends
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Small Corpos >>>/vt//corpo/
Idol >>>/vt//jidf/
Retro >>>/vt//vrt/
Eien >>>/vt//eien/

>> No.47609434

you could make an argument for the rest but phase gave you away

>> No.47609442

someone from Tsunderia and Prism visited?

>> No.47609490

yeah me

>> No.47609497
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Hime did visit to be fair

>> No.47609633
File: 977 KB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-WHODIDITmurdermysteryinterrogationssingingVTuber-244’57”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47609893

Spica raided /same/ friend Onolumi
by extension this means we're friends with Amiya from Tsunderia too

>> No.47609923

And the stream is over. She finished the game Sonic was alive all along and then sang some songs. How did you like it anons?

>> No.47610036

Happy to see gamer Spica

>> No.47610276

Ami is friends with Mozzu

>> No.47611034

Seems good to me.
And your crying about phase while ignoring the EIEN hostesses gave you away as a shitstirrer. Didn't your kind dislike them for being "whores"? As if you're just a tranny who hates Pippa and other girls for being based!

>> No.47611198

I hate Phase but logically speaking it does make sense, /pkg/ removed /pcg/ so they are enemies now. Thus makes sense that /same/ and /pcg/ would then be friends.
That said I think it would be better for "friends" to be individual streamers that are heavily connected to the /same/ girls, preferably indies, instead of a bunch of corpo generals.
Also I don't know why but I always hear that everyone in /pcg/ hates this Rie person, I assumed that means she's good and subbed to her.

>> No.47611201

To be fair I never understood the appeal of friends in threads.

>> No.47611298

you're dramafagging too hard

>> No.47611308

I think the original intention was because the generals had a hard time staying alive, so they accepted discussion of other people in the hopes of keeping the thread bumped during dead hours. Over time, it morphed into something else.

>> No.47612446

Stream starting soon (Mozu fixes the game currently)

>> No.47612850

Desu Ex starts!

>> No.47612983

Mozu is black???

>> No.47613037
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>> No.47613418

why is she blackfacing????

>> No.47613627

I love hearing how introverted girls still have more social interaction than some of us will in our entire lives.

I'm a fucking schizo what is wrong with me

>> No.47613715

social interaction with family doesn't count

>> No.47613824

No reason, it's some glitch with her model that turns everything but the eyes one color.

>> No.47613893

Well, turns out, It wasn't pee, just some juice

>> No.47613945

She knew what she was doing.

>> No.47613952

t. roasty
nta and I'm just kidding but even counting family I have near-to-zero social interactions per week

>> No.47613955

she's racist

>> No.47613963


>> No.47614027

I'm angry now, she really was a snake oil salesman all along

>> No.47614035

yeah but one would think she learned her lesson by now

>> No.47614093

she did, that's why she's racist

>> No.47614100

Picked up

>> No.47614312

Damn, she brought up DSP now, truly an honorary millenial

>> No.47614478

Mozu's thumbnail... there's not trying to hide it and then there's just straight cloning.

>> No.47614583

if you're going to talk about that mention her design. Why would she change the way she does thumbnails, that's like asking her to change her artstyle

>> No.47614714

bgm and models, even game choices, I'd understand
but complaining about thumbnails is plain stupid
is she supposed to change her thumbnail design because she also happen to use it while she worked there?

>> No.47615836

So memberships are quite close now, yay!

>> No.47615883

How can you 'clone' your own work?

>> No.47618658

>go to the bathroom 1 (ONE) minute
>mozzu starts talking about her health and ends the stream
what the fuck did I miss?

>> No.47618709

>I'm sorry for being sick

>> No.47618786

lol that's the whole context of it, she got into Smugglers, looked around a bit and said it was enough. She'd said early on though that she didn't know how long she'd go.

>> No.47618807

Her cousin and his girlfriend got her quite drunk and she's still feeling sick from that.

>> No.47618889

And Mozzu’s stream is over, it was a bit short because she still hasn’t recovered fully. How did you like Deus Exing anons?

>> No.47618968

>drunk sex with a nordCHAD and a cute norwegian girl
mozzu is so lucky

>> No.47618977

foxiest of the hounds/10. legit good gameplay (espcially by vtuber standards) and a pretty decent zatsu.

>> No.47619020

Is it really that bad? I thought most people here on /same/ have at least some friends irl and a girlfriend.

>> No.47619071

the girls are the /same/, the schizos are the /same/

>> No.47619144

Her having been naked for a whole day was an interesting tidbit. Other than that Deus Ex is cool and her discovering and exploring different ways to do stuff was neat.

>> No.47619238
File: 27 KB, 500x500, FsAjid4WYBw6760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pcg/ hates rie? What is it cause she's australian? Pic unrelated

>> No.47619287

Pippa literally tweeted at Isla as a sign of support. Nobody cares about Hime, a fucking tranny that called J.K. Rowling a "disgusting transphobe".

>> No.47619345

Rie and Lia are tranny lovers. And not the good kind either. The "everything is racist, sexist and transphobic" kind. Lia thinks that Futakuchi Mana is someone that "makes sense" with her dogshit community rules.

>> No.47619725

Interesting, so not everything is peaceful in the land of phase either

>> No.47620157

the zatsu was as fun as always (I wish we had some longer ones again) and she delivered some great gameplay as well

>> No.47620390

Well, 1 hour is already pretty good, I think it's a perfect length for a pre-game zatsu: not too long, but long enough (and yes, I love listening to Mozu, I wasn't the one who complained about long zatsus)

>> No.47620404

some people wanted a separate general for pippa because of /flavr/ whores. there are factions in every company and sometimes even factions among fans of one girl. see Fauna and at least 2 groups of saplings that shit on each other based on who gets more or less attention from her. they were mass reporting each other in hopes to get some people shadow banned just for getting Faunas attention.

>> No.47620416

i dont get it, was working in PK really that bad that they all had to leave and literally clone the models that the company gave them because they're not confident in their own abilities to make their own unique OC? If they really didnt like working at PK then they would have just gone back to their own original OC, but since all of them are changing their OC to look like the models that the company gave them really further pushes the narrative that they just wanted to leech off the company so their indie careers would actually take off & they can get a higher cut of their profit. No wonder why the PK girls literally shat on them. Gen 3 used them all and played them like a fool and they fell for it.

>> No.47620495

Send your prompts anons!

>> No.47620900

the only one that changed her model to look more similar to her kawaii model was sava and that's because her older model was a hard filter for many people and everyone (including her) agreed that kawaii's model perfectly matched her personality
in case you are curious (and because I know you need to be spoonfed) myriu's older model was already similar to her kawaii model but now she's changing it for a completely different model (different to both her older model and kawaii's model), and the other two didn't have any model at all
now fuck off and go back to your general

>> No.47621004

Interesting Fauna lore. I don't really watch holo anymore so I didn't know that. What are the 2 groups fighting over?

>> No.47621018

Yeah you're right, one hour is a good length for the pre-game zatsu. I meant like a dedicated zatsu stream. Although I guess we'll have one of those in form of the drawing stream on Thursday, that's going to be fun

>> No.47621108

the concepts are already out for Airi and Elia though

>> No.47621150

I said they didn't have models, as in before kawaii

>> No.47621423

I think Elia had at least a concept art during her lunalia days

>> No.47621724

it feels like some videos are missing from all of their channels. i know the members content isn't going to be uploaded, but elia's comfort series had 39 videos and ragtag has only 27 of them, theyre all still on the original playlist

>> No.47621803

What the shit is a wispicals?

>> No.47621952

I guess they haven't finished archiving them yet, so maybe we need to save the rest just in case while we still have time

>> No.47622028

Wisp: a small, thin line of cloud/smoke/steam
+ Spica: her name
+ Lupical: another word for family (she got it from Genshin)

>> No.47622455

Wait, really? I thought it came from "whimsical", like whimsical wisps or something

>> No.47623653


$ du -h
712G ./sava
295G ./peony
415G ./miryu
797G ./aletta
2.2T .

$ for d in sava peony miryu aletta ; do echo -n "$d: " ; find $d | grep -P '\.(mkv|webm|mp4)$' | wc -l ; done
sava: 327
peony: 220
miryu: 245
aletta: 671

>> No.47623718

Wait, is she sick because of the soap tasting?

>> No.47623787

because she had too much to drink and all her organs are fucked up in some way or another

>> No.47624074

2/4 are direct rips of their kawaii models and girl whore is still a green whore, what he said is correct fucking kill yourself

>> No.47624143

>kawaii invented green

>> No.47624640

My man out here with a zpool of ex-kawaii talents holy moly

>> No.47625566

By the way, from the next thread on the OP, the subject and the first post will be slightly changed since Kirispica now goes by just Spica

>> No.47625620

>1 letter away from spic
does she know?

>> No.47625668

>What are the 2 groups fighting over
Some discord faggots were mad that some other saplings got attention from Fauna. That is literally it. Some people got noticed more than others.

>> No.47625748

Probably doesn't judging by her yesterday's reaction to the game not letting her go by her usual name.

>> No.47627505

Waiting for the next stream...

>> No.47628768

anon next stream is in 12 hours...

>> No.47629230

I know, I know
I just wanted to bump the thread

>> No.47629290

Meant to answer to >>47628768

>> No.47629386

We really need our own ignore schizos and shitposters image to regularly remind the retards who take the bait.

>> No.47629666

To be fair we should since sometimes just telling that in text isn't enough

>> No.47631236


>> No.47631302

This don't look good for you gaokuks, and for your oshi included

>> No.47631701

i watch coqui when she plays vidya (she is pretty heavy on zatsudan and reaction content) and can confirm she talked about those issues during Resident Evil 0 and Deadly Premonition streams. Always avoided calling out the person and said it's "being resolved". To think it's this whore disappointing yet again is too much for me, one dropping out of kawaii is one thing, causing issues to people i look up to is another thing. Called my bank about chargebacks on all my donations to her over the last 3 months, get fucked bitch.

>> No.47631760

>bringing up coqui shit
anon. it's time to let go
I only know about this shit because I did a deep digging when I started watching her, I guess is the same for you except you are anting her instead

>> No.47631781


>> No.47631992

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti. It's just a warning to gaocuks about their "oshi". Def must be an extremely desperate scam artist if she is willing to spread her legs for money desu

>> No.47632075

>Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti
you sound like a sane person and I truly believe you
please keep spending your youth like this

>> No.47632241

Idk, you must sound sane to be following a scam artist giving her free money just to be scammed for $4k just so she can buy a model and probably graduate in 2 months to rebrand, again.

>> No.47632303

That conclusion is entirely speculative. Many people give refunds because they genuinely feel bad for not being able to make their commitments and want to do good by the customer. Hell, the reason for not being able to make it in the first place is also only speculative. I'm not saying I know what the real reason is, I'm saying nobody does but the one who's reason it is. Speculating is just blatant shit-stirring.

>> No.47632547

>/pkg/fags in such denial about their black company, that they're making up conspicies to blame random indies now.

>> No.47632701

Alright, I’m going to sleep, next stream is chess with Elia in 9 hours. Have a good day/night anons and ignore the shit-stirrer, he posted that crap in several threads already

>> No.47632950

hey sava thanks for leaving kawaii before the info of you being a scammer was made public. people will forget about 4 whores leaving but they would not forget about 1 idiot being joke of a rigger having to use donothon money to cover their fuckups

>> No.47633798

>Don't get me wrong, I'm not an anti. It's just *a bunch of anti shit*


>> No.47633852


>> No.47633912

anon there is a grand total of 1 (one) anons itt that care about that and he (aka you) is only pretending to start non-existent drama

>> No.47634459

Everyone knew Gezu was scamming Coqui and is an amateur rigger, that's why they are not letting her do the models for everyone in the group but decided to outsource to actually competent people.
If you don't do your PL reps, it's your fault. Who cares about this /wvt/ drama shit, calle when it's Menace hanging from the ceiling.

>> No.47634848

Honest inquire, why do you hate Menace?

>> No.47634988

>Who cares about this /wvt/ drama shit
My thoughts exactly. Now fuck of

>> No.47635495

And it's obviously somebody trying to 'one guy' whole threads. Some are falling for it too.

>> No.47635829

Unsuccessfully so I’d say. Just ignore/report, it’s nothing new.

>> No.47635835

Why do YOU not hate Menace?
She hates you, that's for sure.

>> No.47635952

Why would she hate me and why would I care about her?

>> No.47636345
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Oh shit!

>> No.47636661

I am convinced that people only hate Menace because her name is too cool. It'd be like having a VTuber named Wolf Blitzer. They wouldn't be able to handle such a cool name and would have to besmirch her reputation.

>> No.47636877

ngl I don't know who Menace is and at this point I'm semi-convinced it's like a drop-bear style psyop

>> No.47636958

Remember that one time Aletta raised 70K then dipped out of Kawaiii right before Shee's birthday haha.

>> No.47636992

Yeah she's pretty based, fuck PK.

>> No.47637075

Because I want to fix her then hold hands with her

>> No.47637414
File: 3.69 MB, 240x427, NEW DRAMA[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpuwgc6.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47637420

I will always find this funny as so many people here/discord/twitter protected Sava during her soap eating arc like "She is just autistic, but we love her so stfu" and then she gets exposed as a scam artist and everything and now everyone hates her.

>> No.47637629

>and now everyone hates her [citation needed]
you know I can read the other threads too, right?
I have seen how people reacted to your shitty bait, anon

>> No.47637790

Self harm Vs harming other people
It's really not that difficult to wrap your head around

>> No.47637874
File: 474 KB, 581x867, Mozu_poweraid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drama niggers stfu and go back to /pkg/. I'm interested in the real mozumi controversy

>> No.47637876

Oh god, the shorts have begun!

>> No.47637937

>and go back to /pkg/
they laughed at him there too

>> No.47637964

It’s like he’s trying to provoke some reaction but instead is forced to reply to his own posts or something…

You mean Elia’s?

>> No.47638140

Short, community poll and community post
It won't be long before she's 100k again

>> No.47638263

Even though I wasn’t her fan during her PL I’m actually cheering for her now (and for the rest of the girls too of course). I really want them to succeed

>> No.47638302
File: 189 KB, 1125x686, haramtotroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious if true

>> No.47638346

For some reason, seeing this makes me thirsty. No idea why.

>> No.47638350

Assuming it's bait means you baited yourself lmao

>> No.47638424
File: 245 KB, 720x854, Screenshot_20230418_204946_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laughing at me is such a weird way to say admitting something.

>> No.47638458

The magic of a cold bottle directly from the fridge perhaps?

>> No.47638497

Same. For these girls to thrive, Elia is crucial.

>> No.47638524

isin the nature of any healthy man to thirst for the urine of a nubile woman

>> No.47639262

Strange, gaocuks here get quiet once I show how much people agree they were betrayed after complaining I was bring a drama fag after I stated it's funny Sava/Gezu pulled a hypocrite move. You guys must not really want to go against real ex-gaos.

>> No.47639306
File: 187 KB, 1280x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47639363

Stop making me hornier than I already am…

>> No.47639369

you are that aspie in chat that is physically unable to write short comments, aren't you?
are you butthurt she banned you after you tried to stir shit in prechat?

>> No.47639514

Who the fuck? Lmao I don't even know who tf your talking about because I never watched Sava besides her debut stream, I immediately knew who she was from that.

>> No.47639688

Are you drunk?

>> No.47639718

God, I wish I was a janny now, look what you’ve done to me. MODS

>> No.47639786

I can guess who this is and who types like this. This person is most likely a Neme-conniseur/friend or Neme themselves since they specifically bring up old threads/etc of X person and try to act like a hot shot even tho it's only 4chan and you get internet brownie points.

>> No.47639997

Would you be opposed for the girls, especially Elia to start streaming on twitch every now and then to build more audience whilst also having extra sub money from it? Some indies does this and they seem quite successful with it

>> No.47640049

I hate Twitch but I'll watch her wherever she streams.

>> No.47640073

twitch is absolute dogshit, I will never watch anyone that uses it

>> No.47640159

i have no idea what this thread is but cute hedgie

>> No.47640162

Hi Elia, I don't really watch your streams so I wouldn't mind either way, but I prefer to have everything (streams, videos, shorts, community posts) in the same page
also I just like youtube more, and it has better performance in both my shitty laptop and my shitty phone

>> No.47640171

I'd be okay with that, but I have no idea how to live archive it. My Airi recording was filled with ad break spinners.

>> No.47640909

Of course I would. twitch is a disgrace

>> No.47641236

I've never really seen an audience split over multiple platforms work out well for anyone.
To answer the question: I'd rather they didn't, it's a hassle to keep track of two platforms and twitch is clearly the worse one

>> No.47642334

No, it would be a fucking chore and twitch as a platform has fallen so fucking hard that you can't not come off looking seedy for dipping into it. It it would be more dignified to just have a begging stream.

>> No.47642520

>I don’t even watch her
>cares this much about spamming about how much you hate her
You love her. You’re just tsundere. It’s cute.

>> No.47642539

Not opposed on any principled reason but I fucking hate using twitch, idk if it's against terms of service but you could see if you could livestream to both platforms at once? Idk

>> No.47642697

I've seen people do it. The PlayAsia vtubers, Shabel Tonya, Roa Fen to name a few

>> No.47642828

>claims spamming about hating her
>drama fags here thought I was hating by linking a comment thread
>intellectual 100
You guys are the real dramafags, cope especially when you get called out, and then try to pass the blame onto the nornalfag here because you guys can't cope properly.

>> No.47642954

>He's still going on

>> No.47645019

You love her you love her you love her you kiss pictures of her on your computer screen you love her so much!

>> No.47645180
File: 197 KB, 700x781, 1w7nfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This some weird cope..

>> No.47646767

This post makes me want to put Mozu on a nice rounded CRT and kiss the smooth glass screen over and over. Am I okay?

>> No.47647627


>> No.47648948
File: 3.35 MB, 1440x1440, mozzu-face-230418-230700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pucker up, mozzumite

>> No.47649017

do NOT kiss CRT screens

>> No.47649724

Spica wants YOUR opinions, go vote in prechat

>> No.47650677

>Mozu schizo going out of his way to look for reasons to justify his seething
So tsundere
The platform is all around worse and Airi doesn't need the average twitch viewer in her audience

>> No.47651699

I voted something else. I want a graduation stream.

>> No.47653295


>> No.47653936

I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture.

>> No.47654687

So it’s gonna be music it seems

>> No.47654924


>> No.47655019

I genuinely don't understand what Mozu supposedly did wrong. She paid the money back and she's supposed to be the villain here? In what universe does "She pays off her debts" make her sound like a bad person?

>> No.47655065

Refunding is fine and all but the better outcome would have been not to ghost your client for months and actually finish what you were commissioned within a reasonable time.

>> No.47655104

It’s just a shit-stirrer trying to start a drama out of nothing

>> No.47655425

she did it after ghosting her for a while
I'd blame that on her autism, it's not really a big deal

>> No.47655588

>ITT: anons not understanding moral obligations and responsibilities

>> No.47655625

artists being menhera and ghosting their clients is a part of the deal, if you don't like that just make your own model

>> No.47655836

If I was convinced cutting Mozu out of this general would stop the anti retards from coming to raid, I would gladly do it. She will always attract the most drama.
But I know better than that, angry retards are just angry at the world and will not be satisfied with that. They want Gen 3 as a blood sacrifice and nothing less.

>> No.47656414

they are too young to have a job

>> No.47656700

COQUI is streaming now btw, her model and rigging look so good now that someone competent handled it. Well worth the money Sava tried to scam out of her.

>> No.47657281

and you are too old to still be alive, kill yourself menace

>> No.47657356

No Sava should be cut loose already, sick of hearing about her bullshit all the time.

>> No.47657481

we should cut mozu out to avoid drama and cut elia out to avoid discordfags

>> No.47657523

Stream now btw

>> No.47657647

>cut elia out to avoid discordfags
Too late for that, poop man is already dming Airi, talent freedom CHADS won

>> No.47657718

without Elia the other girls would be 50ccv seething 2views, she is the one carrying this group

>> No.47658357

Fuck, it's so chill

>> No.47658809

Ah, yes, the new general... /sa/. Can we call ourselves goons, too?

>> No.47659295

so are we just ignoring that poopman is in the DMs?

>> No.47659397

I'm new and dunno shit about shitguy.

>> No.47659464

one of the discord groomers, is into scat and cuckoldry
if he's in the DMs other are probably in too

>> No.47659467

>unaware of a slur

>> No.47659539

Sounds shitty.

>> No.47659561

To be fair, this is an American slur, so there's a high chance she's never heard of it before

>> No.47659717

Only Elia and Airi have groomer problems, the rest are fine

>> No.47659745

No one is safe from PrussianBVLL

>> No.47659856

I haven't seen him around much lately but if he manages to somehow get Spica I will physically kneel

>> No.47659945

he watches mozzu

>> No.47660176

Literal nothingburger

>> No.47660182
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>He's pretending a brown southeast asian brit will be able to rizz anyone
>This was the best drama /pkg/ schizo raider could fabricate for Airi
At least you tried with Mozu. This is literally just a schedule template kek

>> No.47660222

No one outside of the US cares much about slurs.

>> No.47660329

she is already owned by Akane and maybe Red Dragon will try something with her, since Elia is already owned by 2-3 paypigs with very deep pockets

>> No.47660367

>2 hours til Spica
>she's not in the pre-chat at the moment
I'm missing her so much already

>> No.47660433

Her Australian accent is very cute when it slips out, don't see why she tries to hide it at all.

>> No.47660462

yeah by me

>> No.47660491

Hi Nick, how's the discord going

>> No.47661080

I wonder if Kawaii forces people to hide their Australian accents because they don't sound "anime" enough and she's just continuing with it because it's the voice people know. Apparently Nami is Australian too, and she's not secretive about it either but she still puts on a fake American accent even though everyone knows she's Australian.

>> No.47661124

To be fair, they probably think that their accent might filter others, so they try to sound more neutral, which is a shame honestly. I really wanna hear more regional accents, they're quite cute.

>> No.47661280

Yeah, I kind of get the concern about people being filtered by accents, but for me personally it only increases the appeal. VTubers have given me a chance to hear a lot of different cute accents that I normally wouldn't, and hearing them come out of an anime girl is even better.

>> No.47661470
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Elia raided Spica's waiting room

>> No.47661751
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>> No.47661820

>I wonder if Kawaii forces people to hide their Australian accents because they don't sound "anime" enough
Neena hid hers for her debut before she eventually stopped bothering to hide it, and that seemed to be more a case of her not wanting people to know where she was from. So no, they aren't "forcing" anyone, you mongoloid.

>> No.47662529

30 minutes to go...

>> No.47663552


>> No.47663785

The way she swings left and right is so cute...

>> No.47663914
File: 947 KB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-drawingmyfanmascotinMSPaintandchattingVTUBERZATSUDANyouarenowmywispicals-11’22”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she retconned it now

>> No.47664027

vote blue
green wind is asking for brap memes

>> No.47664063

Pink is winning it seems

>> No.47664158

oh she had to redo the model because it got corrupted
but now it has shadings

>> No.47664317

for reals

>> No.47664380

Spica looked at #Pichipits

>> No.47664431

I also looked at #pichipits, WE ARE passively consuming lewd content online

>> No.47664504

As if that was something bad...

>> No.47664550

"Second lahhhhst"
The accent peeking through is v. cute

>> No.47664896

We are the wind that moves her forward guys...

>> No.47665702
File: 303 KB, 798x638, 2023-04-19 160857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're starting to look cute

>> No.47665923

vote normal wings so we match with Spica

>> No.47666418


>> No.47666673

>Spica doesn't know who Rayman is
She might be a gamer now, but she's still a newbie

>> No.47667220

this is cuter than my dragon form

>> No.47667365
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>> No.47667533
File: 29 KB, 237x304, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this just yuri's mascot (the one from phase)?

>> No.47667630
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, vtScreen--YouTube-drawingmyfanmascotinMSPaintandchattingVTUBERZATSUDANyouarenowmywispicals-111’22”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we done

>> No.47667912

>eating is so fun

>> No.47668118

Guess we're Spica's little kittens now

>> No.47668181

I think I understand why Spica attracts lesbians like crazy.

>> No.47668190

she's grooming us

>> No.47668258

This is literally the best timeline

>> No.47668650

Spica finished drawing and deciding names and is now singing

>> No.47668742
File: 320 KB, 1600x2000, inoinogoodart-20230419-141422-1648691513914802178-FuFT9mjXoAMNi6H-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first Wispical art

>> No.47669027

that being said >>47655019
she did ghost the girl and an artist cancelling a work months after it started is never good
but then again, I don't care about this coqui person, if you told me mozzu called her, lets say, a slanted eye coalburner I wouldn't care one way or another
and it's not that mozzu gets the benefit of the doubt from me, but simply that I don't care as long as it doesn't hurt me or the content I watch

>> No.47669402

Mozu please allow raids. Spica can't raid you yesterday and today as well.

>> No.47669517

cute little guy

>> No.47669552

Weekly collabs? Alright!

>> No.47669577

Is she /here/?

>> No.47669584

some are private between the girls

>> No.47669645

Raiding Onolumi again

>> No.47669690

menace is /here/ but she should kill herself

>> No.47669695

this que guy...

>> No.47669778

Quite the cheeky troll. Spica needs to NOT just read every message out loud without reading it to herself first.

>> No.47669810

I heard this was the good lumi.

>> No.47670001

she is

>> No.47670140

the suomi one is better, retro is for trannies

>> No.47670172

Well, the stream is over, we got a cute mascot and some songs as usual. How did you like it kittens?

>> No.47670282
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>> No.47670318

>she said spica is her oshi

>> No.47670357

she knows what's good

>> No.47670393 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 950x960, 2gytch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47670610
File: 106 KB, 1058x751, FuFg6ViaQAIYe2i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47670954

>there is a waiting room for morrowing which is in 2 days
>yet no waiting room for minecraft which is in 2 hours
mozzukeks, explain

>> No.47671145

she's still sick

>> No.47671837


>> No.47671879

with me

>> No.47672670

We're cute and I'm happy to be her chat kitten

>> No.47673320

So that confirms the theory that Mozu was fucking with it somehow, right? Apparently she's really bad at rigging.

>> No.47673559

>mozu scammed her friends too
>trust me lets leave kawaii, i am a rigger so i can rig our models on the cheap

>> No.47673608

I knew she fucked with the rig as soon as I saw Spica flailing around like a muppet/inflatable tube man hybrid

>> No.47673975

I'm looking forward to Elia's thoughts on LN2 and my first Elia stream

>> No.47674152

they split a pippa general off before (like way before, probably more than a year now), merged it back in and now trying again. I don't think /fvr/ has anything to do with it, it's just people who say they're sick of pippa spam and want to discuss the other girls vs. people who say success breeds jealousy.

>> No.47674225

How do they know who's in which group?

>> No.47674308

I like how you can tell which one is the endurance streamer.

>> No.47674354

/make/bros, I don't feel so good....

>> No.47674791

Mozzu cancellation.

>> No.47674811

not to forget all the chaos junkies who play both sides

>> No.47674877

MOZZU PREGNANCY NEWS: our child grows faster by the day, what once seemed like a miracle now is revealing to be a curse

>> No.47674943

Been so busy lately it only just clicked that they're all now free(er) to collab with old friends, aren't they? That's pretty sweet.

>> No.47675066

>day after inventing new flavor
Did she give herself an infection or something while getting all unruly? Didn't mention any pain though which I would expect if it was some kind of stomach/intestinal problem.

>> No.47675106

Sad, but it was to be expected seeing how her stomach still can’t calm down, really not the best day for facesitting

>> No.47675133


>> No.47675291

Nah, from her words it was just normal tropical juice, nothing weird.

>> No.47676422

Well, since there won’t be any blocky facesitting today, next stream is in 3 hours

>> No.47676729

Mozu canceling stream... home...

>> No.47677909

I didn't expect even her to be that literal. But I don't put it past her to push things in odd places while in a certain state of mind. She's very flexible, supposedly.

>> No.47678078

looking forward to that though it's not quite as good as 1 over all
I hope she checks that out sometime

>> No.47678408

Perhaps I will give ASMR the time of day today

>> No.47678572

Okay, since I'm not autistic and know nothing about this can someone give me an obviously biased explanation or a thread to said information about Sava drama etc?

>> No.47678608

YouTube really thinks that Airi is for kids, and Airi really doesn't want to swear on streams...

>> No.47678640

damn if only she had a company or something behind her that could contact youtube on her behalf

>> No.47678921

this happened to her and Miryu in kawaii too no news here

>> No.47678922

Maybe youtube thinks she's a kid because of her mic. No adults should have audio setting this bad.

>> No.47679044

Sava also got comments disabled on her shorts several times I remember.

>> No.47679409
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>> No.47679885

You have 30 seconds to comply

>> No.47679950

Repeating swearwords ASMR when?
That would actually be kinda funny for a one-off stream
