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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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484986 No.484986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s next for her

>> No.485056

Graduation hopefully

>> No.485111

Oh she’s in college?

>> No.485117 [DELETED] 

OnlyFans account

>> No.485127 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.485137 [DELETED] 

Revived wrestling career.

>> No.485160

Shipped off back to her home country and being raped to death by browns because she couldn't keep her mouth shut and got uppity.

>> No.485196

Reveal her 300 IQ plays and get away with it

>> No.485280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.485320

Isn't it obvious? She is gonna live rent free.

>> No.485347 [DELETED] 

may I know whats this only fans account of her? and this roomate thing?

>> No.485402

graduation or mental breakdown

>> No.485410

Count me in, i dunno a thing about her roomate

>> No.485440 [DELETED] 

She doesn't actually have an onlyfans, the link she posted on her roommate's account was just a rickroll.

>> No.485443

Be honest with me, OP. What were your intentions when you made this thread?

>> No.485467

hows she gonna fuck it up

>> No.485471

Push KFP to its boiling point, i guess?
They just have fun at this point

>> No.485472 [DELETED] 

yeah she only has JAV tapes which is much worse

>> No.485478

Probably involve KFP's in some crazy pyramid scheme.

>> No.485522

make it 40k this time

>> No.485560 [DELETED] 

After seeing one of the other threads about Kiara, I have to ask for proof. And if you can't post a link or a link to a link, at least tell me what kind of video she starred in (category, general theme, y'know).

Also, if she did do JAVs, what do we care. That's in the past now, isn't it? I mean, another very popular vtuber is literally a camwhore and nobody bats an eye.

>> No.485603

1 million

>> No.485614 [DELETED] 

some guy sucking her feet through a window, been ages since i saw it though

>> No.485640 [DELETED] 

then, what about this roomate thing? can you link that account

>> No.485652

Say something retarded to another senpai and have yet another JP senpai's fanbase hate her

>> No.485662 [DELETED] 
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Uh huh..

>> No.485674

Getting banned from Youtube.

>> No.485693 [DELETED] 

No one bought her JAV or gravure sets, nips thought she wasn't pretty enough, now everyone wants to buy them and they never had a digital release

>> No.485732 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty sure that's against the board rules. Or can you link a twitter account?

>> No.485740 [DELETED] 

didn't she had some hardcore nipp antis for some reason during her JAV days? I wonder why

>> No.485764 [DELETED] 

>No one bought her JAV or gravure sets, nips thought she wasn't pretty enough
And they're right.
Her roommate has a nice ass, tho.

>> No.485778 [DELETED] 

>nips thought she wasn't pretty enough
I may have western standards but holy shit most jav actresses sure as hell can't compete against her from what I've seen on twitter

>> No.485782 [DELETED] 


>> No.486062

Why are you guys falling to stupid baits?

>> No.486087

Because it's fun?

>> No.486210 [DELETED] 
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>chicken is ex JAV actress

>> No.486271 [DELETED] 

It's not bait, we get banned every time we post the pictures of the gravure set or the JAV title poster, they weren't in digital though so some anons have been trying to track down the physical sales

>> No.486307 [DELETED] 

To be fair, it's one fucking video when she needed the money for when her and her boyfriend had broken up and she needed to pay rent for a couple months

>> No.486359 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.486519

Being the only one at EN that puts in a modicum of work and effort.
