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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49796507 No.49796507 [Reply] [Original]

What went right?

>> No.49796586

Joshu kun bestiality doujin

>> No.49796709

Hard Work and Guts

>> No.49796744

Hiring hags who actually realize how good they have it playing video games for a living.

>> No.49798481

She streams

>> No.49800156

nothing, bitch is boring as fuck

>> No.49800239

Not pandering to EOP.

>> No.49800335

t. EOP subhuman retard that doesn't understand how entertaining Koyori really is.
Stay on twitch you fucking mongoloid subhuman. Watch Lucy Pyre or whatever dogshit roastie.

>> No.49800357

massive cope, i am japanese

>> No.49800375

not joining Nijisanji.

>> No.49800386

She's such a good girl.

>> No.49801499

fat coyote tits

>> No.49802353

Sex with me, her manager

>> No.49802461

she successfully leeched off of pekora and miko, plus the company won't stop shilling her gen. expect a meltdown when JP7 drops and the top JPs + the company move on to the new and shiny thing.

>> No.49803272


>> No.49803574

Go back to /hlgg/ hooshart

>> No.49804764
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I started appreaciating her after I've seen her "i'm your Treasure Box" karaoke, while most holos where not even trying to sing it correctly.
I don't know, it's fun to see how much enthusiasm she puts on the things she doo, also I'm a sucker for chuubas who wholeheatedly like to please their fanbase and do not treat it as just work.


>> No.49804849
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>> No.49804867

>Eroha is friends with Sora
>Lui is friends with all the hags
>Sakamata seems okay in her zone
>Koyori is friends with everyone
The only one who might be fucked is La+.

>> No.49805121

>The only one who might be fucked is La+.

Yeah, quite reqularly at offpakos, I hear.

>> No.49805236
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I don't like cunny...
I don't like cunny...
I don't like cunny...
La+ in a summer outfit was pure unaltered sex, holy shit.

>> No.49805301
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>> No.49805562

She saw her opportunities and took them.
Do you not see her going out of her way to provide translations in Asakoyo?
Why would you assume the HoloXschizo is a Hooman? Mumei sees Koyori as an ideal to aspire to.

>> No.49805868

Every single holoXschizo is salty over Council's "failure" and are likely to be Council fans.

>> No.49806044

>actually knows how hard the world is outside and she's giving her all with the opportunity she got
>loves her fans
>love games
>loves otaku culture
>loves yurishit
>loves idolshit
>shit at games and at singing but endearing just because of the amount of effort she puts into
>actually tries to be entertaining and accomplish it.
>good voice (I don't think is amazing but it really grows on you).
>actually loves hololive and her senpais
>always trying to improve/has aspirations
>wants to give back the love she receives
>menhera but in the good sense (wants attention, feels lonely without her fans, etc).
She's honestly too perfect and I'm not even josh-kun. I really hope she has some friends like her and that they get into hololive later on. She is by far the best thing that happened in hololive in the recent years. She's so good she overcomes how shitty laplus ended up being.

>> No.49806196
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>That cute plump butt
>That firmly A to B cups.
>That child bearing hips.
>That sexy slim neck with a chocker
>That lascivious hair outlinig her whole figure.
Loli my ass.

>> No.49806378

Everyone knows you’re trying to falseflag a fanbase war, shut the fuck up.

>> No.49806534

>>menhera but in the good sense (wants attention, feels lonely without her fans, etc).

Needs impregnation soon, desu.

>> No.49806543

Who am I falseflagging as? Global always has several people seething over "shilloX" every time they come up in any form.
How the fuck do you believe that not a single ENfaggot hates them?

>> No.49806607

It’s literally just one guy spamming. You’re not exactly subtle.

>> No.49806675
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I'm gonna have sex with Koyori, later nerds!

>> No.49806833

Subtle about what? I'm literally only talking about what I see, but sure you can keep lying to yourself and believe that literally only one person ever in the entire world has shitposted about holoX.
Your fellow "bros" in those EN threads hate holoX.

>> No.49806925

Sometimes you hire the right person for the job.

>> No.49807351

A Horse runs, A fish swims, An eagle flies.
A duck does all that but not as good as any of them.
Koyori really lacks something to define her. >>49800156

But here's my take, she is ambitious unlike Flare and Aki, bold unlike Mel and Aqua and intelligent enough to capitalize on it.
Entertaining is not only natural talent, it's also a skill and she is picking up on it, if she has more time and more opportunities come her way she will incline.

I would compare her work ethic and vision to Marine's she just don't have all the natural talent and charisma.
I'd hold on Koyoricoin for now.

>> No.49807442

The answer is literally HAGS. HIRE MORE HAGS COVER!!!!!

>> No.49807667

The job of being a cute hag coyote that needs to be impregnated by a younger white guy?

>> No.49807678

Just because you keep lying about what you’re doing doesn’t mean people will start believing you. Just because you switch it up by using HoloX to shit on Council doesn’t mean people don’t recognize you.

>> No.49807682

and im Donald Trump

>> No.49807795

What am I lying about? There's 6 months of "shillox" spam and a year and half of seething over holoX from council fans, but I'm supposed to believe that it was all posted by myself, the grandmaster god of falseflagging.
>using HoloX to shit on Council
When the FUCK did I do THAT?

>> No.49807981

Hire former office ladies, women who lost something, or punished idols and they will just be happy you gave them a shot.

>> No.49807987

Marine is her oshi and she wants to emulate her in many ways, you're right that she isnt fully there yet but even getting a lot of the way there makes her very high tier. Marine is one of the absolute greatest talents

>> No.49808026

>to provide translations in Asakoyo?
This isn't pandering, do you even know what the word means? You can see a marked difference between someone pandering to a fanbase vs just being considerate. Korone doesn't pander to EOP but she still interacts.

>> No.49808121

They hired someone who gave an actual fuck about the job.

>> No.49808214

heart pupils really do need regulation

>> No.49808250

If it was such a common opinion, there wouldn’t be so many mass deletions when meidos finally get off their asses.
>When the FUCK did I do THAT?
When you reply to your own posts using Council to shit on HoloX. Also here >>49805868 where you’re talking about Council’s “failure” as the supposed reason why so many “people” (the voices in your head) hate HoloX. If it hadn’t been going on for so long, I’d assume it was a bot.

>> No.49808277

Her natural talent is to never give up, to care, to want to achieve. It's nothing shinny, but see where girls like shion, ayame and aqua are, girls with said "natural talent" but who don't give a shit. Absolute shadows of what they could've been if they cared.
Despite all of Koyori's lacking points she still holds on to the thing that she knows she's good at, and despite her "lack of natural talent" she has grow up an insane lot compared to when she started. She's a true idol: idols aren't the best dancer, singers, etc, but you still like them and support them. You want to see them achieve something, you want them to improve, and koyori gives a lot of that.
Her natural talent is something that looks simplistic and unspecial on the surface but as you grow old you realize it is the most amazing trait someone can have. There's nothing more valuable than seeing someone you care about being happy doing something they love.

>> No.49808318

How am I shitting on Council there, you fucking retard?

>> No.49808475

I guess we can agree to disagree on what constitutes pandering.

>> No.49808710

nta but he's right. being considerate is not pandering
most jps right now don't pander to eops. at best they are considerate to them and translate stuff. the only one who might fall into that category is nene because she does special machine translation streams but that's it. If you want to see what real pandering is go watch holoX when they debuted. Now that's hardcore eop pandering.

>> No.49808836

Fair enough. Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.49808991

It's really only Chloe who pandered from what I remember.

>> No.49809142
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>pink (appearance & brain)
>condoms instead of sample tubes
What didn't go right?

>> No.49809152

That pantyhose on her is a genius idea and niggas on Iwara know that fact.

>> No.49809214

not quite. iroha also did it a lot. koyo's 草 emote also has a mini "lol" attached too. Lui also got to collab with EN on english speaking streams. She talked in english back then. Sakamata too.
4/5 holox pandered hard to eop in the beginning and stopped once they settled down. I don't remember laplus doing it though. She did pander to gachikoi until she was found out whoring around though kek

>> No.49809348

Laplus has the worst English skills in HoloX despite being a westaboo. She didn’t have as many options to pander to EOP audiences.

>> No.49809800

You seem to have mistaken what I said for contempt or as if I was looking down on her.
I'm not.
I've grown quite fond of the Coyote since last summer.

I agree that she's hardworking and can elipse many other lazy chuubas who have the "Natural Charisma" wich is hard to explain exactly what it is but we know that it is that "thing" that makes then entertaining to watch in a broader scale, making them more "unique" wich my point still stands that whatever that is Koyori didn't have it at first, but is trying to attain it by effort and experience.

>> No.49810578

>You seem to have mistaken what I said for contempt
I didn't at all honestly. I was just trying to further add more to your point. I agree with you.
What's funny is that, you look at her and she's not special, she's not pekora, marine, miko, suisei, subaru, aqua, kanata, etc, yet at some point she kind of just became special. She's special at not being special, if that makes sense.
Again, I'm not a josh-kun but I'm deeply thankful she made it into hololive. Given how Cover gave the most important role of her gen to a shitter like laplus and how they endlessly shill her and cover up for her missbehavior it's clear to me they reallly don't deserve koyo. Holox is being carried by koyo and sakamata alone (rui is just not popular and iroha is good but not a gen carrier).

>> No.49812261
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>> No.49812516

Hags who cope from having no children by throwing themselves into a singular thing 24/7 so they don't have the time to be alone and feel the emptiness.

>> No.49812648


>> No.49812710

Hag pussy>JK pussy

>> No.49814840


>> No.49815904
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Well, this guy who's a joshukun but doesn't know it yet himself said it >>49806044

She's just the ultimate holo and loves what she does so much. You have no idea how happy she is to be given this chance in life, she fought hard for it.
She earnestly loves her fans too and does so much for them, she thinks of them every day and every night.

>> No.49817325
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>> No.49817407

Nah, I'm not really a josh-kun. Koyo's oshi is my oshi so of course there is some overlap. I do still appreciate Koyo a lot and wish her and her fans the best. She deserves nothing but the best.

>> No.49817449

Hag Supremacy

>> No.49817668

Animal girls are the best

>> No.49819002

is there a description for the feeling of wanting to be the single string of fabric that separates her nipple between the outside? i have that

>> No.49819883
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If only


>> No.49820080

The random ruins it.
also he has small peepee

>> No.49821515
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God, why does she have so much ASS?
Not even buffed Kiara has so that much cake proportionally.

Is HoloX the SEX generation? Have I just not noticed it?

>> No.49821988

holy SEX

>> No.49822321

her voice annoys me

>> No.49822784

it's ok to be gay, anon

>> No.49822789

But I like watching her even though I only understand like 15% of Japanese, and I never chat so I don't disturb anyone other than saying KHN on the right times, I am unwanted? Why do you hate me anon?

>> No.49825559

It's not even squeaky, too high or too forced,
It's just very feminine.
Anon really is gay.

>> No.49825611


>> No.49826019

I mean it doesn't bother me at all, but she got a lot of hate from 5chan early on due to her voice, so it clearly bothers some people. Hell, that's why Polka became such a super joshu, because she went through the same thing when she debuted and didn't want it to get to Koyo

>> No.49826121

being pink

>> No.49826319

Will she be the exception to pink woman bad?

>> No.49826357

The fuck? What's their problem with her voice?
We can only hope.

>> No.49826762

I need to breed this pink coyote

>> No.49827054

the same place who decided to hate iroha only because back then there was nothing to hate about any member of holox and they needed to hate someone.
5ch is like here but with less retarded deflection because they do watch streams (both fans and antis) and since they speak jap they can't just deny the stuff out of their subhumanity like eops here and the larping cucks of /jp/.

>> No.49830644
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>> No.49830677

Only pink ENs are bad

>> No.49831295

What did she do? There's like three or four threads with Koyori on PC

>> No.49831419

>What's their problem with her voice?
She is loud and energetic, much the way Koyori can get. And of course the comments bothered her enough that still feels bad in collabs at times, like:
So when she saw the same comments popping up aimed at Koyori, she started doing twitter-space watch longs of Asakoyo and several collabs and such, to help make sure the same thing didn't happen to her.
You aren't wrong, but the biggest thing is that they speak the same language, which means the girls can, and often will, read them. At that point it doesn't matter how true or not it is, it's still going to suck to read

>> No.49832308

>She is loud and energetic, much the way Koyori can get. And of course the comments bothered her enough that still feels bad in collabs at times
>So when she saw the same comments popping up aimed at Koyori, she started doing twitter-space watch longs of Asakoyo and several collabs and such, to help make sure the same thing didn't happen to her
Bless that clown Fox...

>> No.49833114

I thought she was a cat

>> No.49840651

