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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50981158 No.50981158 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get the appeal of watching someone who barely puts 2 streams a month.
I can't imagine myself following someone who is this disinterested in her own content

>> No.50981191
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>> No.50981266

Holodrones are unthinking consumers, Cumbuds are the most sycophantic of their ranks.

>> No.50981282 [DELETED] 

careful anon some so*theast asian is about to come in here and call you a nijinigger for criticizing the lazy shark

>> No.50981360

Gura's in the process of making her community smaller

>> No.50981384
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>> No.50981409

>catalog full of gura seethe
did nijisanji have another yab or something?

>> No.50981557

Skill issue

>> No.50981624

I'm genuinely curious, do we know why she's been so absent for a while? I haven't been watching holo (or most vtubers in general) since mid 2021, so I am very out of the loop. Is she pursuing other projects/careers, or is she just burnt out?

>> No.50981674

child, you have so much to learn

>> No.50981681

I feel sorry for the sad fucks who followed for years and have make up excuses every time she wouldn't even drop a tweet.
I don't understand what kind of mentality you needed to be one of her fans even after the blatant lies about projects and "bad internet" excuses

>> No.50981707

u-uh oh?

>> No.50981735

She hasn't addressed it at all. It's safe to say she's just lazy. If it was a health issue Cover would've come out with a statement like they did when Miko went on hiatus.

>> No.50981793
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>leaves on official hiatus
>comes back to shill merch for 2 weeks
>leaves on an even bigger hiatus, doesn't say anything

>> No.50981808

any reason she hasn't just graduated then?

>> No.50981812

Idk there was one guy spamming vox threads yesterday so I guess now it's one guy spamming gura threads

>> No.50981856

Cover probably begged her not to graduate because they wouldn't be able to sell her merch anymore. Even if she doesn't stream normalfags make every piece of Gura merch sell out. She's just a mascot at this point and everyone knows it.

>> No.50981879

I think they shitpost in waves. Somebody makes an anti thread, and it inspires other antis of that streamer to make their own threads. Add in jannies and 3-day bans to the mix (the only thing they ever give out on this board) and after a while all the antis become synced up on a 3-day schedule, much like women on their period.

>> No.50981886

It's the shitpost cycle, we had a bunch of homoseethe earlier so now we're getting gura seethe. Give it a day or two and we'll get something new, my monies on either mori seethe or jewba seethe

>> No.50981887
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Can't discount phasecucks. They make threads just to get screenshots for twitter.

>> No.50981913

>stream for an hour a month
>rake in thousands of dollars from simps and harder working talents
Hmmm... why hasn't she graduated yet?

>> No.50981944


>> No.50981961

vtmemes is worse than just phasecucks
they're homobeggars

>> No.50982072

Hololive free passive income?
Why would she graduate when retards even pay memberships for nothing

>> No.50982184

Pedos are easy money, simple as

>> No.50982326

So Gura is fleecing pedos. Uh... based actually?

>> No.50982340

lmao, I'll admit that was funny, but do you really think she's that malicious? I try to avoid thinking the worst of people.

>> No.50982509

>but do you really think she's that malicious?
Is there any other reason for her behavior?
Make an announcement
Make an announcement
>Don't want to work
Come up with some excuse and make an announcement
>Don't wanna post at all
Get your manager to do it

Instead we've gotten a "I'm going what I can when I can" pinned in the chat of a random stream followed by absolutely nothing. I don't know, it doesn't really make sense from the optic of scamming chumbuds because you would at least do the bare minimum to keep them in. Maybe it is mentall illness, maybe she really is that retarded.

>> No.50982610

>wouldn't be able to sell merch
Can they not sell merch once she's graduated? People buy the merch now and she doesn't stream, so why would it be different when she graduates? Or is it legally they can't for some reason?

>> No.50982639

>I don't get the appeal of watching someone who barely puts 2 streams a month
Because they're stuck pretending that she's entertaining whenever she does stream, simply because she's the first vtuber they ever watched.

>> No.50982647

They retire the character when the person playing it graduates.

>> No.50982744

We do a lot of things that no longer bring us joy, for example posting on this website.

>> No.50982765

That's weird on their part, it seems like the best solution is to let her graduate but keep selling the character as a mascot. Since her fans would buy it regardless of streaming. Hell, there are some graduated streamers I'd still buy merch of.

>> No.50982798

That's why I stopped following Ayame

>> No.50982843

>the best solution
Ah, but, you see, Cover is a Japanese company.
I would buy Sana merch

>> No.50982857
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Officially? No. Unofficially though, she's had health problems for a while (even more or less confirmed on roommate) and her birthday is coming up so she's probably taking care of that. And no, she's not going to make a tweet about it or whatever because she made a huge deal about her "return" like twice now and they've been pretty short lived which probably just made the current seething even worse. It's whatever, she's just officially Shion/Aqua/Ayame tier now, people she idolizes btw.

>> No.50982924
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>see gura baithread
>go in
>called a faggot nijinig
>seething profit

>> No.50982937

>I don't get the appeal of watching someone who barely puts 2 streams a month.
How about the fact it's only a couple hours of my time every month? I'll just do other shit in the downtime.

>> No.50982938

Definitely both. Knowing they can never measure up to 1/10 of her popularity makes them seethe everyday.

>> No.50983128

She made a statement in her members saying she has a tiny battery and background work makes it hard for her to stream because it's depleted by the time she's done. To say she "didn't say anything" is dumb. Her only mistake was making false promises.

>> No.50983129

It would be perfectly reasonable if she acknowledged the situation.
Most people here would be mad and call her a whore regardless, but at least they would no longer have moral grounds to do so.

>> No.50983164

>background work
what background work lol

>> No.50983215

You realize they have a concert in a month right

>> No.50983271

The Matt Damon of vtubers. She had very big dreams: to become a voice actor (was a big fan of Kana Hanazawa), a singer (the story she told chumbuds in one of her karaoke) and an idol (the reason she joined hololive)
then it's like a dream come true for her with all the Holofes idol things being the latest achievement, and now all that's left is the silence and void.


>> No.50983283

working so hard she's the only holo who can neither stream nor update her fans?

>> No.50983333

As said, she already gave two messages
1. She doesn't know what the new normal for her is. She's going to do what she can when she can.
2. She has a tiny battery that gets depleted by background work

Again, her ONLY mistake was being enthusiastic about Movie May and not delivering.

>> No.50983553

whatever you say, hope your $200 bag brings you lots of joy and you don't cry yourself to sleep too hard while hugging your $300 bodypillow

>> No.50983722

if you weren't autistic you'd see that tiny battery, background work and not doing anything visible at all are code for 'doesn't give a fuck anymore'

>> No.50983763

>It would be perfectly reasonable if she acknowledged the situation.
Possibly, but as you say antis will take it as an excuse to reee no matter what unless she has some slamdunk answer like "undergoing cancer treatment." I think ignoring altogether was the right choice; in fact, if anything I agree with >>50983128 that she probably should've said even less until she's ready to give the audience something tangible.

>> No.50983773

if only she would communicate, but nope
It can happen to every content creator to have "hey guys, LIFE FUCKING SUCKS and can't do shit now" but atleast they explain as much as possible what the fuck is going on
Gura? nah

>> No.50984038
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Guys stop being so cruel to Gura! How can you expect her to stream when she could die at any moment?

>> No.50984096

>should've said even less
She doesn't owe any explanation of what goes on in her PERSONAL LIFE.
She owes an explanation of what's going on with her STREAMS.

>> No.50984893
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>> No.50984940

>anti-gura message
>pro-gura message
>both called nijiniggers

>> No.50985001
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>> No.50985100

Are you a bot?

>> No.50985270
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>> No.50985419

Not really malicious but same with aqua, her fans deserve better. My rrat is that she's dead tired of being the biggest by far because with the success also comes a huge target at your back and truckloads of expectations so she wants to knock herself down a bunch or let others catch up first.
That other anon seems full of shit though.

>> No.50985679

Are you a bot?

>> No.50986092
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Rather have 2 streams from Gura than anything from cucksanji.

>> No.50986168

>Holo thread
>B-But Niji
Rent free

>> No.50986215

I was wondering if there're really delusional people still believing the background work bullshit
It's not 2021 anymore, after years of waiting we have fucking nothing. She has done fucking nothing
Stop copping dude

>> No.50986596
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It takes months of planning to do a minecraft server tour stream, you wouldn't understand OP!

>> No.50987007
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>> No.50987060

>Stop copping dude
im gonna feel a cop of those tits

>> No.50987141

I saw a clip where she 'addressed' her absence by saying she has personal issues she won't delve into. So yes, laziness.

>> No.50987946

>I'm genuinely curious, do we know why she's been so absent for a while?
Nothing official but if the problem relates to management that would explain the problems in holoEN. If Gura can't say anything directly since that would break her contract than she would have to make up vague excuses. Just seems odd that Sana, Ina, and Gura all needed 2 to 3 month radio silent "health" breaks.

>> No.50988002

I can't imagine someone that hates a vtuber so much they go through great lengths to micro-analyze everything they do and post daily threads about them, basically keeping said vtuber relevant with indirect shilling. You sure you're not secretly a fan?

>> No.50988029

>pinned in the chat of a random stream

>> No.50988085

Apparently she is sick, Cover has backed her up BUT no one believes her. Why? Because she doesn’t pity bait enough and doesn’t go into it.

>> No.50988151

There are three kinds of chumbuds
1. The casual ones that watch her because they find her entertaining and can handle her being gone
2. The ultra causal that sees big numbers
3. The ultra insane gachikoi that is 1000000000% in love with the girl behind the avatar (see /ggg/)
She's not going to fade away since hololive itself props her up, and if she went solo, she has enough gachikoi to also be successful on her own

>> No.50988250

uh, is that supposed to be a male hand ?
Even this niggas hands look gay

>> No.50988269


>> No.50989619

Lol aloucucks

>> No.50989823

false flagging niji bag holder

>> No.50989959
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Understandable. The appeal is going to her latest member stream VOD, going to the comments, and sorting by New:

>> No.50990066
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It's good stuff

>> No.50993446


>> No.50993520

lol, Gura doesn't even stream and she still gets faggots who are jealous of her success and popularity because they wish it their oshi had that

>> No.50993882

Because the majority of people don't spend all their time waiting around for a streamer to finally stream
You ever seen youtubers that only upload one high quality video every few months or a year?

>> No.50994212

>why she's been so absent for a while?
she got mad at omega/managers and decided to just fuck it and grab her check by doing the bare minimum allowed by her contract.

>> No.50994481
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there's plenty of positive comments too

>> No.50994538


The lack of transparency from her and cover isn’t great but her fans are also fucking insane so I can maybe understand if she has anxiety from solo streaming

>> No.50994852

Yeah, 2view and 3view roasties keeping seething everyday, hoping anti threads will get them more viewers.

>> No.50994932

>kai de novus
>pierce arner
>kuwo herlin
these people are why gura can do whatever she wants. they'll shower her in superchats, buy all her merch and never criticize her.

>> No.50995000

I can.
If you are a casual among casuals and just see vtubers as a nice distraction every once in a while, then I suppose this output isn't the worst in the world. Many YouTubers manage to be successful even if they publish a single video every few months.
Of course, people like that don't generally participate in the community, so you are not likely to find them, /here/ or everywhere else.

>> No.50995089

That's true, but a lot of those big youtubers have transitioned to short videos so they don't lose viewers

>> No.50995867

I think that's more to avoid being fucked by the YouTube algorithm, since it rewards frequent and consistent uploads and punishes channels that have a more sparse or inconsistent schedule (which is part of the reason why animators hate YouTube so much)

>> No.50997395

She had the same excuses last concert and during the actual performance she moved like an autistic child and got mogged by Bae. What is she actually practicing? It's clearly not dancing.

>> No.50997629

>muh phasecucks

>> No.50999045

you can criticize gura but not by overpraising this tempus whore, and clearly nobody cares about her (20k vs 2k)

>> No.50999147

>nobody cares
you need some perspective. I think you should start streaming on twitch and get back to me on this after you hit 2K CCV

>> No.51001748

They can still sell merch if they want, I were still getting Sana merch as recently as February/ March and you can STILL buy Sana's Omocat merch that debuted after she graduated

>> No.51003631

